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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 3

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The report shows thai the amount due ffi? Tuvin on the tai lift for 1851, and from other ourecs. after deducting Collector' commiiwion, wii 384 85 Amount collected and paid Treasurer, 343 20 1 I Amount due on tai list for 1851, (41 65 The Treasurer had on baud, in Juno 1 85 1 tbe ofpoin Shy' departure from tLe prewnf policy sections tf country fur our Jiow of neutrality of the United State. citizen, William A. (jrahax, as-the A of consiJeraMe length occurred on a Vlii Canilidate for Vice Presiilent. motion to enable Senator to vUit the Steamer As kut due the South that one Baltic.

The motion prevailed by a vote of tl to vf 'icr citi.ens ehould placed on 19. i this ticket, we' believe no purer The Iowa land bill waV then taken and man' lceJ Mr. D.woaaddreed the Senate at great length, Grahm, Mr. Underwood admitted that the remark.ef the lt f' rmr--t prove of the proposition to hold NMiig Senator from (Mr Dawson) had, Convention in Raleigh on the enc. and hoped the Senate would 26th of April, to nominate Vhig can-adjourn without taking the vote.

Mr, Dodge. idate 'for Governor" and that the Spring Stock. Hoots, Suoes, Trunks, VVE are now in receipt of our Spring 8uply of good, embracing every article connected with the sncu leathtii TBAts, which ha been lected carefully and judiciously for our apring anle. We aay we never ofTered to our friend and tbe Public generally, a more coniilet or better selected Slock than the one now ofTered to your inspection. Ora Pricks will bb Low, Vert Low.

The attention of Merchants is particularly called to this Slock. DRUMMOND WYCI1E. Wholesale Dealers, Petersburg, Vs. March 5, 1852. i 55 Ira chairman of this meeting appoint ten De legates to represent Alamance coun-' he ne remark to offer on the subject, but gave way io a motion adjourn, and the feeoate adjourned to Wednesday.

iVit lioiiE or representatives. On Fridav. Feb. 27. Mr.

of M-rrLndJ m. ernixo stock or Straw Goods for 1851 Ko. 7 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, Importers and Alannfacliirer STIiAW GOODS, WOLICIT the attention ef Southern and Wesf- ern MerchanU to their extensive ami varied Slock of Straw Goods. AUTIFICIAL FLOWERS. TRIM-, MINGS.

Sic We are in the receipt, nd receiving weekly, per sailing veaaels and steamer from Europe, the largest and most oVsirable Style of Coeds, purchased by One uf the Firm, in Ibe Principal European Markets, tor Cash and his long and practical experience as a Manufacturer, together with our own advantages of confining out sol atten'ion to the Straw Busina, wananis us ia saying that we fear no competition from any source, tand wrtkularly such houaea aa mix Straw with Boots and Shoes. Besides being the only House that Manufactures, in this or any other city, and arils their own Good, that Purchasers can save one profit buying direct from a House who Import and Manufacture their own Good, must be plain te every Purchaser. Of the advantages te be pined, call and see us, and judge lor yourselves. Order sent to us will meet with prompt attention, and price as km, and styles as feed, though selected in person. Februarys.

(' SO the the Laws Guardian ef eur Liberty, I Wednesday, March 10. scjlslallve Canrass-Th Whigiftf Alamance county, will be seen byilie proceeding of llteir meeting in another column; pro. Ite that tlieir Whig brethren in Orange' shall nieet them be delegate in Convention' at this plate oh Tuesday of May to elcet ean- hteetin AKL i l.i'i'l i ll eaen vmK am. ppoUH Uek-gateaj Orange ami Alamance w.ll vole together in the wit election, perhaps for the-t time, and the elecU. Will be on ef great luipfrUnce.

prob-, IgUlatuie, Wetrurtthtthipropntonwill i ti fctely and nUUoa rn.y b.dofbe wUhe of every eectiiM ef Uie outy, would i J. moved to pwtnone the special older, the 1 the next Legislature; and that the purued under the rulr. when finally, on tbe bemg put lor th. further con. Vnv i 1 i rs 5 the mot.o M' When.

Melne hatl read the iuy aliening mo jwmicai cnarjicier rt I Hje VTU motion ty in said Convention. y.f.7, A. Jlttolvtd, That we propose to our Dig preuiren ia. Uranjre to hold a V1'. 7.

i i boroujrh on Tues- iioiuinate candi- V' resolution, he addressed the meeting at some length to commendation of the 1 tnil 'patriotic administration of President Fillmore, and in condemna. tion of Free, Soilian. Fillibo-terinn, the spirit of Secession and Disun- Jeuauc cillilimieu Wn a warm ruio KT on the character and ability of Gov. Graham. 1 l1 ti.

ii. IIICH Ull II1C i i.i. preanibleandresolutions.andthetwere 1IU s. Th fu(lViti. ed delegates to the Whig State f.n.

mention, fix Cliesler F. Faueett. Dr. i Samuel Hilt, Robert F. 'White, Giles Alebane, Jonathan New Eli Mur- Hit.

Cl. W. A. Carriiran. Cant.

Jacob J.n,us al naviilliivi.n Hie following wem annointed dele-'r. I gates to the totiveiittoir in Hillnbo- roUKh, VIZJ John Scott Dr. M. Holt. be a to I -ilon tor Bianycra.

lorn nig. men, Dewr tlt0 WM bkj Afc Ion, which, bjassailing his administra-tbemaelveCand eeMre, a by prjief flTorti ibe." motioi anJ lay tion hVe' wred onljr to make ts pu-can, a vtetory which wiH manifcat their devoiidh tabUj Wa carried i and tbe bill WuWi integrity more Mr. atSBSte. "aaJVii pini'i fTmiw CHERRY PECTORAL Tor lk Car of 7 rorcnSt colds, doarseess, BROMnms, wiioorixG-coccH, 1 CBOIT, ASTHMA. AXD C0SSC3IPTI0S.

MAXV years of trial, instead of impairing the public confidence in Ibis icdicine, ha wen it an appreciation and nototiety by far ex-eeedinc the most samuine cxnectationa of ita friend. Nothing but ita intrinsic virtues and tbe unmistakable benefit conferred en thousand of sufferers, could originate and maintain the rapu- ZSZ dirded. this ha. gained friend by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they en never "''I'li 100 While it i a fraud en the pubric to pretend that any one medicine will Infallibly cufetill there is sbundant proof that the Pacre SAl doe not only as a geneial thing, but almost r. i.i..i.

i invariaUy. cure the maladies for which it ia em- i 1. 'm. ai lime maaea utrwe iaci wHier anu peiier known, thk meilicin ha gradually become the best reliance of the sffliclcd. from the lot csbin the American peasant, to the palace of Euro-, pran Kings.

1 nrougbout this entire country, in by a 1 wonderful remedy for indigestion, dys- a H.n.iuriii I Miiuiu every state, city, and indeed almost every hamlet rpHE subscriber, having qualified, at February comaina, Cherry Pectoral known aa the beat 1 -ferra 0f Orange County Court, IMt, as remedy extant for diseasea of the Throat and Executor of Mr. ELIZABETH NUNN, de-Lungs, and in iny foreign countries, it 1 com- maMi niie. to all Mrsoo indebt- io uieir nnciiir, anu wnicn mey ma in iu ture yetira look bock Vuh proud atli(action. "I t- '1 "w- Jt Illr. Fill more.

For a time aome fear were entertained by the friend of Mr. Fillmore in the South, that he would not conaent for hi ir- I n.ime to before lha Wbi4 Nutionat Cobven- n7' .,4 5 lion. A recent article which we copied from the is 1 Republic, however, gave some rance that he would yield to Ibe earneat solicitations of hi friend, and we are baptiy to stale that we have ince received information, from a MMirce entitled io i no wmiM cv.iiiovncfi, wnicn puis me mailer beyond doulC Mr. Fillmore's name wilt go before the Convention and if the wi.hes of 4 he South are consulted, we believe he will stand -in est without a rival in that body. tlelunrholj Occurrence A valu able female servant, about If years of age, the properly ef E.

D. Nair. ewj. of this Vicinitv, was so severely burnt en Sunday morning bj her diss estchiaf on fi.e; that she died early 1 on Mondsy mormng.V She Was ermdoyed in kalh. ing With tsmphire an aged servant nn- der an attack rf Het back being fled from the kitchen to the house, by which t.

liml mhm tmmm lrfMlltf nvlrttMMl In flam. Mr. M'Niir hd, l-eisn iiiduced i.tretm before the comidetiph of the service in conse- quence of the seeming indisposition of hi little i en, ami did what be could to extinguish llie fire, but the aeivant was as severely burnt that the a physiciaa at once pronounced her recovery hope- ou i. i i less. 8he lingered through the night, seemingly I 1 nsensible te pain, and died at about 7 crack, on Monday morning.

Though it failed to save the life of tbe servant. toward the lire', he? clotle.7caught,'and tl.e' i. i i. Vi ii 1' i flames bad mali conelilei able progre beore she. Ji.ere.1 bir WlLl J.a ing lo lie exte-ively uel by their most inlelli- to ibe estate to make immediaU payment and a gent Physicians.

In Great Britain, France and lhoi- a1( ,1 tlie rrtiti will pre-Uermany, where tbe medical eclence have reach- them, properly authenticated, within the Ihcir highest perfection, Cbeiry Pectoral is time prcrild by law, thU notice wUI be plead introduced, and in constant use in the Armies, in bar ef their recovery. Hospitals, Aim Houses, Public Institutions, and W. CARR Exr. domeatic practice, ''aa the aureit remedy their retou, 93 jj attending Phrsiciana can employ for the more eury to pay the smount of Judgments obtained CoL McWll for trespass committed in dangerous aflectiona of the luns. Also in mild- ce.

and for children it i afa, pleaaant, and eflfectual to cure. In fact tome of the most flsl- tering testimonials we receive have been from pa- rent who have found it efficacious in case par- ticularly incidental to childhood. The Cherry Pectoral ia manufactured by a practical Chemist, and every ounce ef it under I his owe eye, with invariable accuracy and care. Il ia sealed and protected by law from counter-'. Feb.

23, 21 pj teil, consequentlv can be relied en as genuine ttZL munily with a medicine of such intrinie superi-j rpHE subscriber, having purchased the inte-ority and worth a should commend itself to their rest of Mr. John A. Cot in the stock of the confidence a remedy at once safe, speedy and bite firm of Carmichael Cox, hereby give no-effectual, which thi ha by repeated and count-1 dee to hi fiiend and the public generally, that less trials proved itself to be; and trust by great' he will continue the business at the same place, care in preparing it with chemical accuracy, of (ene door from the corner and two door below uniform strength, to sftotd Phvsician a new the Poit Office,) and will constantly keep on Of Keccived Irom various sourcei, Whole amount received, Paid out, as per voucher Gird, $133 SI 489 38 f622 381 I.en ving in lia band, (24 1 70 Ordertd. That the Traxurer pay Capt. olio Uerry during the neit week, on tbe note ttrld by bint againat tbe Town, all Ibe money now in hi band -and if the Treaimrer nrglect to pay it at that lime, that he be required lo pay interent on the tame.

U't i-i Ordertd, That Tbomaa Faueett', late collector, allowed until the lint Saturday in May to collect the arrearage of las for 1851. Me(4 a. Stray horn and Palmer wereappointed committee to call on the remaining Tmataee of Hill.lH,rough Female Academy, end reoueat nr' fiU Uieic. lake Ibe buiMing ender their aupervi4on. Adjourned lo o'tlotk, f.

W. on the first Saturday in April A. IIEAUTT, T.C. jji I -r at U'our columns may be found1 the tltet etcelleut nietlicine known as Ayer's Cherry. FecteraL success in curing the v.

rioo diseenes of tbe l.ungs is attracting univer sal attention, not only of the learned and phi- lanthropic. wh.Oe 1 he a undouMclly is what prH.nd. to be, a for Complaint snd the rrmarkabl. cures which are brewing known every where cannot I long be overlooked by the people. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC DtrrricDr.J.8.

fourh- PEPSIN, (be 1 rue Digetive Fluid, or .1. ...1. ri. .1: n- u.iniiiiii ui ua-j ron Liebig. the great Physiological Cbcnii-t.

by I 8. Houghton, M. UH Philadelphia. hi i pepai. j-iundicc, liver complaint, constipation and debility, curing alter nature's own method, by nature's own agent, the Cistric Juice, Pam phlets containing scientific evtilence of its value, furnished by agenla gratis.

See advertisement iu anether column. Hoor li' GtaMas would call the attention of our readers to tbe advertisement of Dr. Hood tnd's celebrated German Hitter prepared by Dr. M. Jackson, No.

ISO Arch street, Philadelphia. In ease of Livet Coatplainl, Dyspei.i, Disease of the Kidneys, anu all disease arising Irom a uiaonletl stomach, their power is not excelled, if equalled, by any other known preparation, aa the cure ai test, in many ease, after tbe most celebiated physician bad failed. We can conscientiously recommend this medicine, as being what it is represented, and urge our readeiawbo are sfllirled lo piocure a bottle and they will be convinced of the truth we assert, Vlrcular, Inclf finite Polionriiiriit! rTWE aulMcriber, on account of sudden recent events, post pones bis sl indefinitely, i WM. S. MOORE.

March tub. 1853. 25 rfH subscribers, hsvina told their entire Stock of Goods, to Mers. J. J.

C. J. Freetand, would earnestly tequest all tho-e indebted lo them lo call at the old stand and eeltle without delay, il being necessary lo close their business a soon a possible. E. M.

HOLT Co. March 10. 25 new rTHC subscribers, having purchased the entire A Stock of E. M. Holt Ck, respectfully in-form tbe public that ihey will continue the busi nee at tbe same well-known stand, where they will be pleased lo see tbe old customer of the concern, and their friend generally.

They have purchased tbe stock on terms which will enable diem to sell Goods lower than they have hereto. fore been sold in this market, and they intend doing so. 1 hey will be receiving a new supply of fresh Goods in a few day, which will render lueir hock complete. Call anil see belore pur- cussing elsewhere. J.

J. C. J. REEL AND. Mrch 10.

25 SPEED THE WORK. MaxcracToav in Oranoe. fTWE undersigned still continues to manttfae- ture hia splendid article of Window Blinds, and having extended hi operations, he is prepar ed to supply them lor price varying from $2,50 to $10,00. No person should be without them, aa they answer for Curtain and outside Blinds. He will deliver and put them up in any part of the county free of charge.

Order promptly attended Specimen can be seen on application lo the subscriber. Address lo Dial's Creek, Orange, N. C. R. F.

WEBB. Feb. 21. 24 Cm. WANTED, 4...

AN Apprentice to the Tailoring Business. A lad from 12 to 14 year of age, of industrious habit and good moral, will lie taken by the subscriber, if application i made soon. L. CARMICHAEL. February 16.

22 Notice to Travellers. riHE Sunsenler avail heisellor the present oppoitunity of inf irming her friend and the puuiic, war sue nss laaen cnarge 01 ner norci in p.l0roIglt thit rrWe RnJ tw.ommojate boarders and I HerTBiahall be supplied with the best that' the counirv affords. Tbe building ia lane and commodious, and aituated in the most pleasant and central part of the village. Her Sri a it are roomy and in good order with a well in the lot, and ahall be supplied with forage suited to the wishes of her customers, and will be attended by faithful and trusty Ostler. 8be ia determined to spare ne pain in rendering bet guests com- forlable, and flattera herself that none, who may fovor her with a call, will be disappointed.

I CKLI A U. IIUKNK. Pittsborough, N. C. Feb.

10, 1852. 23 CJ Raleigh Star insert four weeks, and for for of it ed in er I it seemed providential interference that indue nd tin, which led lo eon- jea paif up jh'e cisioh of HjWf made lo lay it on ibe table. wUrk nni ntJ', ror, finallv diiwoacJaf. i The Houee adinurned to Monday. On Monday, March, UW.

Fitch, of Indian, moved lo rusucml tl to enable hnu lo in- 'i i i treduce a the euW wmpronM-e of the conMiiulien, add II" will VI IKtWIIIIII deprecating all lurther agitation of the attention fj -i-di. growing out of Ibe provisions embraced in the "eta of the at ongre, known a lb Comoro- i i t. i mine, ami of questions generally connected with v.i 4 i i the question of slavery, a unuecery anddan- i The yeas and nay having been ordered, a motion was rallied for a call of tbe House, which took place, when seveial member were excused, chiefly en account of ill liSalth. 'v Further proceeding In, icferenee to the call were then disjiensed snd the question on the motion to suspend the rules lieiug taken, I tin, at I wc ll" 'V 5 Mfi MV. that the rule Ma J'h'8'ng the Committee of the Whole on the of lb 'nion from rtbe' -a .1 i -is .1 'l -a.

a -L -a Mexico during the Mexican war, which had been referred, and the yeas and nave having been or The funbor eonsiderafiou of the bill was post. nedto Moula Thf bill relative to Indian affairs in California eaasss) twsw anssaaEiraissvuw sfj vm liaj'lllBs nslead ef $ifi00 a the salaiy of lb puiwiiuirnm-ii iim iu, anu iuc uui icao a third time and passed. The House then adjourned to Wednesday. BUkwood. Magaaine for March, "(the reij i m- pfim p.

jarwi. ieonsni ocon Of, to. IVO. I. Fulton 8uttt, N.

and the North Carolina Magaxine for March, aie on our table, The former it a very interesting numbers of Ibe bicb. character of this work for literar ability heed not speak, aa it is so well known. The latter, being the second number of the Universi ty Magaxine, ia an improvement on the first nu ro article on Intervention we particular- ly 1 1 Whlgr Meeting In Alamance. A. A meettngof the of Alamance countjr waslield Graham on ed-.

iiesdajr the 3d which was or- ganizeur mouon i esq.j br calling George Hurdle, esq. to the chair, and appointing Isaac Holt secretary. At the request of the chairman, Giles pnnninenimen oeiore me counirv, anu will rejoic rejoice if their favorites shall be preferred as the representative of the hig party. Tliat the wishes of the people may be fully carried out by the Whig Conventions, and that there may be united effort in our ranks, a free declaration of our preferences should made in primary meetings, and dele- cnosen io express our views in the ConventionsTherefore I. Resolved, That the unwaverinz fi dclity to the Constitution, and the eminent abilitv, both in the domestic and foreign policy, which have characterized the administration of President aa fc a fill more, nave secured lor him our strongest confidence; and that we prefer Millaro FilLxorb to all others as the Whig candidate for thejiext President.

2. Jletohed, Tliat it is with the greatest gratification that we "have seen the manifestations of partiality in different a lists nf (ti lw. L. I i i I' ml Mr. ia relura bnnwi.i i In lt roam IA which Jthe servant retreated was a bed with cur- tain, and other light inflammable material, which she passed near, and weubl greatly have endangered the house if none ol the white fami- ly had been present Bfelancholjr Accident.

We learn that on Monday last, Mr. Walter Proctor, son of, Mr. Thnini. I'roelor. a Vnnnir nun ahout 19 Mr.

Thomas Proctor, a young man about 19 I 1 CENTRAL DEPOT. CLOSING 8CEHE! MME8 most rtfun. SK nia a Hi iinrr urr uuou. ooou. onocv.

(tad- die, Ac, either on ti.oe for caah, at arte sstonish iXZt i 1 1.7 Wl" ft lu I I L. 1 1 av L.t ka viniuui lucicuauia will uu w.ll hi iuiw turn oal poaillve. Ttaws 4 month for all ram ever $100, and months for aums of tSOO snd over. mi? f. 1ltrQ AMKS, KIUK MMta.

a-A NOTICE. IT 1 ItB. HE subscriber, as Administrator with the will annexed, hereby give notice to tbe aa -Ww a a a Jegaiees 01 joss attov, ueceaseu, tnai ne prepared to pay, on demand, the legacies be- queaihed in said will, and will not hereafter consider himself liable for interest a a a ai vis. an SAMtbL hand a good aupply of all th Material usually kept by Merchant Tailor, and will be piepared lo cut and make all kind of clothing for gentle men, in the best and most fashionable style. The public are requested to give him a call.

LEVIN CARMICHAEL. January 24lh, 1853. 7 19 HANDS WANTED. A fcw No. I hands, that can bear good treat- ment and are willing le work, wiH be taken at Crab Tree, 2d Division N.

C. R. Road. 1 February 16. 22 4w.

NOTICE. rpHE undersigned, a administrator on the ee-V tale of Dolphin A riristroag, deceased, hereby give notice to Mibctj Asmstbos, one of tbe heir to the estate ef said intestate, that he is now prepaied to pey, en demaml, hie portion of (aid estate, and that he will not hold himself responsible for interest after this date. NELSON P. HALL, Adin'r. Feb.

26th, 1852. 24-Sw ATTENTION! To Me committiovtd and nm-emmiitintd Of Jictrt and Mutitimnt tkl ilth Xegimtat. OU are hereby commanded to at lead at Hillsborough on Saturday the 13ib intn armed and equipped for Drill Muster and court Maniaf. By order of tbe Col. W.

W. KIRKLAND, Adjt. March 1. i 2i UDOLPHO WOLFE'S AR03ATIO SCH1EDAH SCBNAPPS: A PURE and genuine article, manufactured by him in 8caiaaw, house expressly for medical use, and aUongly recommended for a euro and permanent cure of the Gbstsl, and all obstruction of the urine, arising from the Kidney or Bladder. For sale at thi Office.

February 10. 21 Valuable Property, FOR SALE. THE swbeeriber wiabiog le remove, 6sr for ealo hw House and Lei (two acres.) in the town of HiHstmroagh, well situated. Ibe Jwelhng House Isrge and eemmodiow, with all necessary out-bniblings, and a never-failing well of waur within a few feet of tbe kitchen. Also three tracte of Land.

Twe email tracts within twe Bailee of townj eoe adjoining Dr. Hooker and Lemuel Lynch, and Ibe other adjoining tbe landael Nah Whitld and ether. The third tract cauuum eeven er eight humLed acre, all wood land, lying near Cedar Giee, adjoining Samuel P. Moore and other. The subscriber being determined to remove to the south west, will sull any ef the above property on accommodating teima.

All persons indebted to him will plea call and setti, and thoaa hiving claims will present them for paymeut. STEPHEN MOORK. December 2. years of age, lost bis life by through the I sleepers into the pit of Mrs. Sims' Saw Mill, in ibe ostein part of this county.

He was sitting i on the log waiciiing the saw and talking to the negro who attended the rniU. A the fog ap- pioaehed the saw be moved backwards to avoid it, and before he was aware of it reached the end and fell off. He was dreadfully bruise! and mangled by the fall, and died in a few moroeuls after be was taken up. The negro endea voted it 1 W. Kerr, B.

Lea, Michael Shoflner, Giles Mebane, K. M. Holt. Vim. G.

Albright, Absalom Harvetr, Daniel Foust, James Graham, DrI Pleasant Holt, in. Mcpherson, James Newlin, Cap(. Jacob G. Dicker, David Dixon, Vin. Murrar.and Dauiel C.

Harden. The, Chairman and Secretary were added to both delegations. The following resolution was unanimously adopted Bttoktd, That the N. C. Democrat, the Hillsborough Recorder and other Whig papers iu the State, be requested jto publish these proceedings.

The meeting then adjourned. GKORGE HURDLE, Ch'n. Isaac Holt. Sec'jr. The South Carolina and Charlotte Rail Road will be completed from Columbia to within 25 miles of Charlotte bj the last of this month.

North Carolina has 28 Cotton Factories in operation, with a capital of $10, 058,880," employing 442 males and of ft I.GG ner month for the former, and $6,13 for the latter. Tha value of their entire product is estimated at 831,342. V. 'i'r Timet. 77ie Ff 'reek oflht V.

S. Steam Frhntt Mmouri at Gibraltar. A lettrr liom 1 1.. ,1 John b. I.on an, t.q the contractor lor .1 tt ci a removine the remains of the U.S.

oesm frigate Mtsionti, dated Gibraltar, Jan. 24h. stales that all the maehinery has been removed except the shafts, which won be tAen The fc wl.p krpl eight year, fR ei wilh lhtl lf mor( in week, in remo ving the steamer than the English did in three year. Bottm Paper. SUPREME COURT, The following cases have been decided, since our last report: By RvrriN, Ch.

J. In doe ex dem, Judith Long v. Orrell, from Davie, affirming the judgment. in Arnold v. Arnold, from Moore, awarding a venire de novo.

Also, in doe ex dem, Crump r. Thompson, from Davidson, affirming the judgmcut. Bv Pearson, J. In Faucet p. Adams, from Orange, affirming the judgment.

Also, in Heath v. Heath, in Equity, from Craven, dismissing theTbill with Also, in Purnell r. Daniel, in Equity, from Halifax, affirming the decretal Also, in Strong Menzies, in Equity, from Rockingham, dismissing the bill with i i Corporation Proceeding. At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the town of Hillsboiough held on the 28tb ulL, the following order was unanimously adopted: i Ordered, That Messrs. 0.

F. Long and P. B. nuuin the town, suitable Scales for weighing tbe Hay dec, which may hereafter be sold in Hillsborough, and that the kind to be purchased, a well a the price, be left te their discretion. At a regular meeting of the Board, held on the 6th of March Present, Dr.

Thomas Tnrner, M. VH Morris, Dr. E. 8trudwick. J.

M. Palmer, Joseph Allison, Thomas Webb, Wm. F.Strayhorn, Absent, Dr. 8. D.

ScboolfleUl. The committee appointed to settle with the Town Collector and the Treasurer submitted a report, which was C. F. Henderson Scott, to catch him as he felt, but foiled in the attempt. Mebane, esq.

stated the object of the He then turned to the lever, a soon a pos.ible, rneeting. He then offered the following ami hut off tbe water, but (t was ia little purpose, preamble and resolutions: i as the foil had killed him. The deceased ia re- The Whigs of Alamance cnontj, be-i presented as a worthy young man, and was em- lievilig that the principles for which 1 ployed about the mill. He leaves a wi fotheV they, in common with the Whigs of the an aflectionatelnotlieV- and a' btoiher and au4er country, have long contended, are eon-r their tantlmcl, 'V i vative of our institutions and have 1 given prosperil and glory to tlie coun- 1 tight ef Way througVorange' County, try, are determined to make every hon-: waaln'tnost ease generously given to the North "ble ari to perpetuate Csrolina Rail Road Company by the peron thtise prillCinUs, In the elections for thrWgh Pilose land it i. to run.

Four. or. fiv both federal and State officers, which only, w. learn, declined doing thinking i. vear, they hold it to be the duty of sacrifice foo great for them lemak.

The Com- t-L- "i hiffs to lmik to men onl as the rep- pany iherefor. have proceedinge -our of their County Court to have land these case. gn0U.J maJ to alued, according to the 7jh eection of the act to ucceM of these twJ ncVcrthe. of incorporation, and the following person were have their preferences among the agent on which I hey can rely for tha best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can do. (X? Prepared and Sold by JAMES CAVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowsll, Ma, sichusell.

Sold in Hillslioioiifh at the Drug 8iore of Dr. 8. D. SCHOOLFIELD, and by Druggist and Dealei in Medicine every where. March 9.

25 NOTICE. T'E Democrat of Orange are respectfully requested to attend a meeting, to beheld in the Town of I illsborough, on Thursday of' March Superior Court, to appoint delegates to a State Convention. March 2. 24 SAVE YOUR MONEY. Charles Freeman (late freeman, CO,) IMPORTERS AD JOBDCRg.

144 Broadway, 1 door South of Liber ty street, NEW YORK, HAVE now on hand, ami will be receiving daily through the season. New Good, direct from the European manufacturers, and eruA Auction rcA. fathionable, fanry Silk Hilline. if Good. Our stock of Rich Jiiblont, compri ses every variety of the latest and most beautiful designs imported.

Many of our goods are manufactured expressly to our order, from our own design and patterns. and aland unrivalled. We offer our goods for nrft Conk, at lower prices Uian any credit House in America can afford. All purchasers will find it greatly to their in terest to reserve a portion ol their money and make selections from our great variety of etc cheap good. i Ribbon rich for Bonnets, Cap, 8ashe anJ Belts.

Bonnet Silks, Satins, Crape, Lisse and Tar- leton. Enihroiderie, Collars, Chemisette, Capes, Ber-tbaa. i Habits, Sleeves, Cuds, Edging, and Inserting. Embroidered Reviere, Lace, and Hemstitch Cambric Hdkf. Blond.

Illusion, and Embroidered Lace for Cap. Embroideied Lace for Shawls, Mantilla, and Veil. HonUo0f Mechlcn, Valendenes, and Brussels Lace. English and Wove Thread, 8myma, Lisle Thread, and Cotton Lace. Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk, and Sewing Silk, Glove, aod Mill.

French and American Artificial Flower. French Lace, English, American, and Italian. Straw Bonnets and Trimming. January, 1852. HORTON'S POEMS.

4 FEW Copies of the Poem of George Hor- tl ton. the colored Bard of Chapel Hill, con tainingjlso a sketch ef bis life written by him self, may had at this Ufbce. rric xa I i tlarrh 25 -i t' Willisrsj i.ipsromn, newKtan Terry, Stetihen O. Forrest, John W. Garrard, and John McCowa.

COGRCSS. In the Senate, on Kriday, Feb. 2T, tha private calendar was postponed, with a view le allow the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. Rhett) to make an explanation. Mr.

Rhett then addreesed Ihe Senate until three P. M. in relation to some remark of Mr. Cletnenv made several weeks since in discussing the compromise resolution. Mr.

Clemen commenced a reply, but gave way te a motion to adjourn. Both speeches were tnaiked with considerable severity. On Saturday, after the transaction of the morning business, Mr. Clemen resumed and concluded hi remark commenced yesterday. Mr.

Rhett replied, and Mr. Clemen briefly rejoined, when the sabjeet was postponed and the Senate adjourned. v. On Monday, March 1, Mr. Dawson presented the joint resolution of the Lcgidature of Georgia, 1 1..

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