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The Chatham Record from Pittsboro, North Carolina • 3

Pittsboro, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Thathant 3Zrcard ('ItY has boon here on riffia to Mr. and Mrs. Jas L. n. Tax Valuations.

Le low we comparison by townships valuations for 1913 for thiA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1913. F' visiting her Mrs. 1 M. Williamt son 1 Catching the Road Fever. I 1 umish a Several citizens here were in a iIA of ow tax spirited discussion a few days years 1912 and ago about road building.

One of them eited Missouri, Nvherebv 11,12. was saved to the tax-; 270,0:0.3 payers 1,1 that State 50,001. 110..,17 or nvire oitiors joining in a two 111.9.11 ItYs c.itnlign of rra(I work, 612 tno govet nor falling in and using a piek and shovel like Ow retA, each itizen giing his time I GO, pubiisit a of Ow total tax Ow yoars 1912 and cond 1111. .1 it 1.91 I 14 On .1" 916 iri 1 TOWNilli'S. LOCAL RECORDS.

Our friper untman, Mr. 1 Albright ik ro 'twirl 1. wf Winston, naldwill is isitiwg retativt Lere and ri- Creek is isitt pg. relativt lierc and Creek Governor Craig ha cl named W. Ir.r.2""f'lf-vgar.otor", A.

Po Erwin. Durbm, Clarence II. i l'N, 04, 44610t''-11 Raleigh, and G. King as re iresentatives ef 1 of We Ha tho State to sit with the commis- All i timac. ill 0 That's 's ldVhlie 1.31i1-0, CO lik il el- Of ALL Them sion at November P) when the report of the icart commission hich was ap- pointed to study farm cre dit anEvery Weber Wagon Vie Sell 01-IPDVI alive marketing FaNFtflitri I a Eon one will make its repot to Inspected Four Times James D.

Lanier, hetter known as 'Toss" Lanier, died at Rai- eigh last Saturday. Ile was said .4,, -1 to be the smallest man in the dlow l''' State. and for many years had sI been a page in the Senate branch Al tilli. 4..171., -1 Or- of our Legislature. Four Times litalo7, known at Ithi- ir wiis said rt 1:.

in tilP had IN, doot ck: tim-LigitaW. 4: Ito IT, "IA il vp 3Try '1 411 l- Of --di ti itr----- Nit -4---, r-, Opening new goeds at R. J. cinity. Cape Fvar Moore's, Bynum.

i-olv Mvrtle Pilkington will ro- R. J. Moore has the shoo tliat i turn honto Saturday from a visit i'1 it y6u and the price iss ill suit to Margie Ph i "a6 2 41 ka flaw River Sr's you. Go and see them- adv Garuen. Hickory Mt.

tl.59:l International Conservatory Mr. Fred. W. Bynum left yes--; Matthews of Music. Home study.

Pr on a visit to his mother. of. I terdaY Nev 114e :69.901. Jas. G.

Mehegan, organizer. adv I Mrs. S. Bynum, at Rock 14 147,081 Hill, S. C.

Williams Piano and organs tuned and honw; U. and fain- repaired at ywir Jas. G. City. N.C.

IlY a Ikl.mtml", "I'm I that tfre it 011 advt total valuaten fir li'l A year was It y()u are in tir! market for about iiii;) than this year. Six townsl.ips sliow- kood flour and shipstutr see or write Atwater Lambeth fur ed an increase 191: and seven a decrenNa! in taxable Yalu-prices. advt ations. Centro townshiti made 11it4'h grade ilianns sad or- an increase of over gars for sale. on Ng utSt, Cape Fear showed a decrease id Prof.

Jas. C. Mehegan, factory about $:10.000 and Bald vitt and representative. advt Hickory Mount ion of about From the above it vill be seen that the total fer year about than this year. Six townst.ips showed an increase for itnd seven a decrease in ta xt hie valuations.

Centro township made an increase flf over while Cape Fear showed a decrease ((f about $:10.000 and Ilicitory Miami of about 214,260 oirisr, 411017 8.37,:13 :69.90 :169, 14 1:251 3r0)19 ye it vill valuat'en fer lkA jiirt ss than townst.ip show- I for I91: ard i in taxAile valo- townshio wer while dvvroase of ma nalawin and en of about REP( nt'r 01 I he CAtill'itt)fl 4' or team to the unuertaking, as a re A which there were some miles of road w'orked and proved. As the subject waxed wanner one of the gentlemen he- came so interested on the sul)- Ject that he volunteered to give his team and his time three days if necessary, arid that the work he done on the streets Of Pitt- bol() as al) object lesson. Then ff oered his services and team, and another until live had loined the ranks of the free work- As nothing as yut has been "une in the matler probably ers are waiting for Alayor flurns to issue a proclamation naming the two (lays for street hnorove mint. mum. The Bank of Merry Oaks Oa ks ft-vetrz, 4., .1, Wrry in the Stah, Noch Carolina.

at the close of August It EMI' it( ES. Loans and ttkeouttts .21.::29 02 12 1anktitt-t Ionises, fu mit awl fix; tires "5 Dile from batiks and hatiters :.,1411 01,4,1 voin oft silver including all tolnor euriettey 21h Nat.iona! honk notes anti other 1..:4. ttote of) 21h 112 iIII I. i Instead of waiting until you need a wagon and then taking the first that's otkred you, find out in advance whiIi wagon will you the best berviee. Buy the wiiguil that will stand up for the longest tune and be uii your horses.

That wagon is a Veber. Dere's why. Each Weber wagon is thoroughly luspectcd. The lumber used is selected from large purchases ut first grade uak and hickory wheels and gears, the finest yellow or bay poplar Iv; box bides, and long leaf yellow pine tor bottoms. I' very stick of this lumber is carefully inspected, and each part cut trOni it IS again int-peeted when it is shaped and ironed.

file third inspection made just before the wagon is painted, aud insures perfect fitting ot eLry part. Tile final inspection is made when the wagon is ready fur delivery. Four inspections to make bill. that you get just what you pay for when you buy a Weber wagon. Drop in the next tinie you come to town aud look over our line of Weber wagons.

We are proud of them. Poo Williams township (1-creased over but Bear Creek showed an increase of some But for the large increase in Centre township there would have been a substantial loss in 1913 over the 1912 taxable valuation. The above figures of course do not include Itank stock and the property of the railroads anti oth er public service corporations which is handed down by the Corporation Commission and which amounts to about 000 For tilt, first lime in the his- I tory of the Raleigh public schools text-books will this year be furnished children at actual cost. the school committee having made arrangements to provide these books for children desiring them 'nit al W. L.

LONDON SON. ABILITIES. stoek valti I sielik 14e(I tirolits, less curreot thi it I 17 Voles awl IIi rediscounted 2 is ritia certificates S.Ta.3 15 Deposits sullject to eh( ek While standing in the surf at the Isle of Palms, near Charleston, lasc Sunday, W. H. Fortune, of Augusta, dropped dead.

falling headforemost in the water. His wife was with him. 1 ere en a visi is met ler, Mr. R. IL Hayes.

Mrs. Hugh Hackney. of Ok la-'Ionia City. arrived yesterday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. L.

E. Farthing. Mr. Walter Hawkins and film ilv, of Jacksonville. Florida.

are! expected here next Tuesday on their animal Mrs. P. R. Law, of iq here on a month's visit. and her old friends here are much pleascd to greet her again.

Mrs. Matte F. Thompson has accepted a position as teacher in the Norlina graded schoel and will leave here tomorrow for Norlina. Mrs. E.

C. Winchester ardl children leave for their home in Monroe. after a visit here to the former's and Mrs. R. M.

Burns. The "42 Club" will be entertained next Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock by Mrs. J.R. Milliken. All member are requested to bring their books.

The condition of Mr. J. George Hannah. who has been critically sick with typhoid fever at his home near Slier City, con- I tinties to improve. his friends; will be glad to know.

Miss Emily Thompson leaves tomorrow on a visit to her aunt. Mrs. George A. Matton. at High Point, vhence she will go to Peace Institute, Raleigh, at the opening of the tall session.

Miss Margaret Horne returned home last Friday from a year's visit to relatives in Texas. Iler many friends are pleased to see her looking so well after her long stay in the Lone' Star State. here on a visit to his brother, Mr. R. IL thayes.

i MN. Hugh a Old ackney. honta City. Oki arrived vester- day on a visit to her sister Mrs L. E.

Mr. Walter Hawkins and fan- i I V. of Jacksonvilk. Florida, at expected here next Tuesday on their animal isit. i 10- aussEINEEENNIEmimimmoopmumomimanstme ney BankingYourMoney According to present plans Thaw will be arrainged at Sherbrooke, Quebec, today for his release and deportation.

The hearing may last for days. Total Slate of North Carolina. County of iia ss: Walter L. Norris. Cvibier of he above-n awed ban do solemnly swear that the above statement is rue to the best of my knowledize Nod belief.

NVALTER NORRIS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn Of hefore Inc. this Itith day of August. cwt.

J. D. NicIVE11, Notary Public Nly eoininission expires Feb. Irdb, 19r, come-- Att test .1. R.

Itot TlioNIAS ROLLINS, J. D. Mel VLIt. In rectors Mr. Ivy Gilmore.

of Hickory Mountain township. says he counted on one stalk of cotton on his farm boils, forms and squares, besides many that had been shed. Quite a number of our townspeople will attend the Confederate reunion at Slier City on Friday, the 29th. Among them will be many of the Daughters of the Confederacy. The corridors and rooms of the county officers in the courthouse have been given a good application of whitewash, making their appearance much better and more sanitaly.

Mr. Numa of Hadley township. has been appointed the agent of the census department to take the cotton statistics in this county. This position has been held by Mr. Nathan Dixon, of Bear Creek.

County Farm Demonstrator E. M. Fearrington has been at the A. M. College, past few days taking the special course of instruction being given the demonstration agents from C5 counties in the State.

Register of Deeds John W. Johnson began last Monday preparing the 1913 tax books which will be turned over to the sheriff October 1st. Messrs. B. A.

Phillips and NV. M. Lindsay, assisted by Misses Myrtle Siler, Myrtle Johnson and Pearle Teague, are engaged in the work. REGULARLY AT THE Bank of Pittsboro I not only keeps you from spending it, but saves it for future I 10, use, whether for pleasure or of need! tiaV, YV IVI LJUZIF pIcaauL vs McColl, S. Baptists want pay from the U.

S. government for the destruction of a church that was dismantled by Sherman's army in 1865. I Six persons were killed and three injured Sunday when a passenger train struck an automobile between Cedar Lake and St. Johns, Ind. SAFE SURE AND SECURE.

It is Saving and Depositing regularly that makes your account dollar upon dollar increase rapidlywe add 4 per 11 cent interest. Commence Banking today. CAPITAL $10,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $7,000 1 w. LONDON, IL T. WILLIAMS President.

Cashier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administ rater of Hiram Henderson. dec'd. this to notify all tiers( ns hooting cIiiiins sgaiiist said decedent to present them to the undersigned on or before the day of August, 1914, or thls notice it iil be plead in blir of their recov.ry.

This August 27th, 1913. J. T. 11EN DF.ItSON, Hiram Henderson. Hayes Si liyouni, Attorneys.

After a courtship of six weeks S. H. Paris, of Fayetteville, married Miss ivylyn Humphries, of Brooklyn, N. last Thursday at Fayetteville. Reunion at Sylvan Academy.

On last Friday and Saturday a reunion of the old students of Sylvan Academy, in Alamonce county. near the Chatham line, was held and a fine new school building known as Harmon Memorial School formally dedicated. There was a large crowd of old students and visitors present both days and all of them enjoyed the occasion to the fullest extent. At this reunion and dedication speeches were made by Rev. W.

S. Long (former county superintendent of education) and Prof. B. H. Carroll, of Guilford College, while the chief address was made by Dr.

J. Y. Joyner, State superintendent of public instruction. Harmon Memorial School was made possible by the donation of worth of land hi Kansas by Mr. and Mrs.

Harmon, of that State. The building, which is of brick, contains live class rooms on the first floor and a large auditorium on the second. he school has 90 acres of land, and it is the intention of the authorities to convert the institution into a county farm school at an early date. The brick for the building was made on the school's land and the timber was cut from the forest, thereby enabling the building to be built at a cost of $7,000. A similar building in a town or city would have cost $12,000.



NOOE. W. L. LONDON, R. 11 HAYES, Revenue men are destroying on an average of four illicit stills a (lay up in the mountains of Western North Carolina and South Carolina.

SALE OF VALUABLE SAW NI ILLBy art ue of the powers contained in at certain chattel inorttel mortgage to the undersigned hy F. duly registered in the alive of Register of Deeds id Chatham county, in hook -Ez," at page I ill. on the Leo M. Frank, the Atlanta factory superintendent, has been found guilty of murdering Mary Phagan, a factory girl, a few months ago. Cs HullOammoDURHANIumn(C J.

MARBLE WORKS, Would Catch Somebody. Up in Asheville several years ago, through the efforts of the health beard. the aldermen of that city passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor for allowing weeds to grow higher than ten inches in any lot. If Pittshoro had such a law not only would many of its citizens be arrested and fined, but the town commissioners would stand a chance of being indicted. Cut down the weeds on your premises, and let the town authorities have them cut off the streets.

The total crop of corn this rear may not reach more than 000,000 bushels on account of the severe drouth in the Western States. 309-311 MAIN STREET. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. Thirty years experience in Monumental Building.

Get th? best It costs no more. Come in and see me. Write for CATALOGUE OR DESIGNS. September 17, 1913, yhere said saw mill is nOW lOned about one mile northwest of W. M.

tfoodwins store on the public road leading from Pittsloiro In lerry Oaks an.1 near the resideneeof Taylor Mann in Cape Fear township sell to the highest ladder for cash. the following amides of personal property, to-wit: tine power Imiler, one horse power venter erank engine, one Lane saw mill port gang edger. one ent-oll saw :111.1 tileS, Otte SaWAIIISt eyOr and liains fixtures and all the fixtures to make the 111111 vomplete, ineluding belts. pulleys. a train truek and one log cart.

said pniperty being fully described in said mortgage. Time of sale: 12 oeloek This August 2ii ii. 1913. IL S. STEN! VNS4 x.

Murtgagve. 1 1 ayes 431. 1 ynum, Attorneys. IMMIIIIMM Insurance companies in Missouri threaten to withdraw from that State because of the severity of the State life instirance laws. 130 76 30 Lamb, Poe, Willett 3S 4 2 Oi; 63 There is said to be nineteen candidates for the office of treasurer of Randolph.

made vacant by the death of the late School Opening. The next session of the Pittsbora graded school and high school will begin next Monday, September 1st, and a large number of students are expected to be present at the opening. Under the progressive and efficient principalship of Prof. F. M.

Williamson, the last year was 4 39 2 lots in Si ler City, 6 2 70 Mrs Martha Moore, 8 1 22 Mrs Perry, 1 lot 0 2 I Mrs. Annie Scott, 1 lot -J Miss Mary and Richard Smith, est, 2-3 05 int 105 acres, 2 43 S. and Migs Mary 78 Smith, 2 nit 2 lots, 6 a o- Mrs A York, 12k o) Will Hackney, 23a 2 6 2 2 6 2 31 Uncle Joe Cannon expects to be representing his old district epresenting his old district 62 83 82 65 1912, 23a 1 1 A Good Law. Among the laws enacted by the last Legislature is one prohibiting the use of profanity on the highways, somewhat similar to town ordinances on this subject which are generally in force. It is entitled "An act for the better protection of persons on the public roads and highways of the State." Several counties are excepted from the act, but Chatham county.

we are pleased to state, is not one of them. the act applying in full force and effect in this county. The law provides that "if any person shall. on any public road or highway in the State of North Carolina, in the hearing of two or more per! sons, in a loud and boisterous manner, use indecent or profane language, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days." GS New Hope. 57 Mr.

Isaac Durham, of Hadley township, has a sheep that has given birth to three lambs this year. One lamb was born in the spring aid recently the same sheep gave birth to twins. This is somewhat unusual. three lambs in one season from the same ewe. Atwater Lambeth have employed A.

J. Bean, of Si ler City. to run their mill at Bynum. and are prepared better than ever to do your grinding. They grind day and night.

Will pay 90 cents cash and one dollar in trade for good wheat, and solicit your patronage. advt On last Sunday afternoon there was a quiet marriage in th register of deeds' offi2e here, 'Squire R. M. Burns performing the The contracting partie- were Mr. W.

R. Evans, of Apex, and Miss Lula Johnson, a daughter of Mr. Madison Johnson, of township. Capt. J.

F. Alston was called to his old home, near Littleton. last Thursday by a message announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Alston, which occurred that morning, in the 75th year of her age. Besides a husband, Mr.

Thomas Alston. the deceased leaves four sons and six daughters to mourn their loss. Messrs. Gaston Johnson and W. H.

Ward with their threshing machine have threshed this season over 14000 bushels of wheat and oats. Their biggest day's work was threshing 700 bushels of wheat and oats. about one-third being wheat. Their motor power was a gasoline engine, which is a great improvement on the old horse power that was formerly used--We much regret to hear of the death of Mr. Elijah Moffat, of died last Saturday after a short sickness.

He as one of the most prominent lawyers of Randolph county. and his untimely death is deeply deplored. Ile had many friends and relatives in this county, his mother being a daughter of the Rev. J. W.

Hatch. of blessed memory, who lived and (lied three miles east of this place. SALE OF VALUABLE SAW irliie ul the pomos eiontained in a certain rhattel mort- tel mortgage executed to I lie undo- signed ti I I'. Clark. It.

.1. Clark and V. U. vel.Aer and duly rgisteready eil in the office hatham county Ilegisier Deeds for in book page 40. I will.

at the present loci'. saw mill, I ir ttar about 3 miles est tit ritishoro. near Mitchell's clitored elnireh. sell to the highest Wilder liir cash, on Saturday, September 20, 1913, i i i til siting of one portable lire box boiler on skids, one High 16(iiiii (toadied engine.

I No. Sergeant Me-head lihsIs saw mill complete kith saw, bots, ent-oll rig complete. one hand Cape Fear. Cotten O'Connell. 5 1 Drake, 175 timber 1 Martin Eubanks, 45 2 Farrell.

14 1 Goodwin, NC) II 9 1,1 Hunter, 51 1 1R Holt, 44 9 Kings Johnson timber 11 Jones. 0- -) Utley Johnson, 26 3 Berry Wilson, 22 1 Hobby, 30 Colored. Cotton, 3t Frank Martin, 31, Center. Brooks, 7 A Clark. 64 3 Harris Yarboro, 1 Ilarry Hatch.

Mrs Alice McIntyre, 195 II Sellars. Louis Washington.15 Miss Eunice Wymer, 40 1 Hadley. 2 11 ..1 e) 0 o) 6) 1 1 1 2 I naps tne most successuu in tne 1 i again the next Congress. history el the school and it is hoped that the coming year may 1 The Eastern Carolina Baptist be attended with even greater 'orphanage at Kinston will soon success. 1.

ready for occupancy. Prof. Williamson will have as his assistants the following teach-1 ALE OF LAND. By virtue era: Miss Malona Patterson, of 0 of the powers contained in a eel-- Burlington. assistant in the high lain tketi of to titt school.

Miss Nellie Pilkington, undersigned by W. V. Brookshire and intermediate grades; Mrs. Mary lAteill'i! "flier. "II VehruarY 7111.

A. Barber. primary grades, and Miss Margaret Whitley, music for Chatham county. in lksik teacher. at page lii.

I will, at the court-lioust We are requested by Prof. Wil-1 tour in l'ittsboro. N. in hathan liamson to the patrons and friends of the school to be pres- Wednesday, October 1st, 1913. ent at the opening next Monday ,401 I Ili, highest bidder.

fur msti, oft morning at 10 o'clock. follouing described land. luny de SALE OF LAND.By virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of mortgagexweuted to the undersigneit I i W. V. itrotikshirc anti imeinda Lanier.

4H1 i h. said mortgage being duly registered in the filet. of Registerif Deeds for Chatham county. in Itmli -EW," itt page Hit. I will, at the court-house door in i'lltsboro.

N. in county, on wts.Gtaay, NAM, GO. sell to ilie highest IMIder. for eash, the It illt ing described land, fully following described land, fully in in the next Congress. he Eastern Carolina Baptist hanage at Kinston will soon for occupancy.

OF LANIaBy virtue of the powers contained in a eer- deed id' tio the ersiglie(I by W. 1'. Itosikshire and inda Lanier. iii i February said mortgage being duly III the Mee of itegisterof Deeds iathain county. iii Itook age Hit.

I will, at the court-liouse In littboro. N. katittaiti till Wednesday, October 1st, 1913. reels- 20 Anthony, 156 9 92 R. Byrd, 9011 4 96 85 Duke.

70 5 79 83 11 Goodwin, 15 0 1 25 Hatch Seawell, 187 11 9 92 NI 11 Herndon, 86 0 5 38 Hunt. 1 Il 3 38 42 Mrs Eliza Johnson. 5 20 Mrs Malinda Furman.88 WO 2 48 44 Miss Nancy Long, 15 6:: 7s Mann, 50 2 06 .) II McGehee, 40 WO 2 IS; te(; 11 Mimms, Sr, 32i 2 48 Smith. heirs. 74 Mrs A Suggs.

112 II 3 64 Sykes, 75 5 41 ledger. trindis and tures, etc. This August de- IL scribed in said mortgage, to-wit: NItaigagee. A Inlet of land in Challnini county, Ilayes IIN described in said mortgage, hi-wilt A tract of land in Chatham county, 79 4S 49 49 79 65 t)-) TAX SALE Oakland. Cheek, 70 Al Cross, 100 Goldston.

123 Peebles, 322 Andrew Rives, 39 Charley Wicker, 16 Williams. 3 31 4 13 9 23 20 67 8:1 63 II and Dorsett. 23TC 1 87 Thos Perry, 69 1 43 Haw River. 87 43 On MONDAY. the first day of September, 1913, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N.

I will sell at public auction for cash, for the taxes due thereon for the year 1912, the following lots or parcels of land: Vital Statistics Law. The State board of health is making preparations to put into operation the county machinery of the vital statistics law enacted by the last Legislature which 1 provides for the registration of all births and deaths in the State of North Carolina. According to the law, the chairman of the board of county commissioners in each county must appoint a local registrar of births and deaths in each township. This will probably be done by Chairman C. D.

Moore, of this county, in a few days. Each local registrar will be paid twenty-five cents for each birth certificate and each death certificate properly and completely made out and registered with him. correctly recorded and promptly returned by him to the State registrar, as required by the act. Of course the sue- cess of the law will largely de- pend upon the kind of local registrars appointed. If properly carried out, in a few Years the records obtained from the operation of this law will be one of the most valuable sets of records in the possession of the State.

Mrs Lucy Brown, lot Moncure, 2 Davenport, 1 1 Gilmore Harris, 50 200 7 NI Snow. 5 lots Womble 20 2:1 Hictiorv Mountain. N. 4. in I I iekory Nhiuntain township to usitip, hvgiuning at a Stone on the south bank of Tick creek.

near itiiehy riser, running south 47 piles to a stone: thenee east 109 nub; to a pine tree: theime south 45 degrees easi rods to a stone pile; then's. east 7 1-2 'kites to a forked pine; theme north 45 degrees east 12 poles to a Migwoott, theme north 17 degrees west 21 rods and 11 links to a stone four feet high: thence north 74 degrees west II 3--I psis to a pine tree; thetas! is ZsS rods to a cedar tree; thence north 74 10 rods to a 100' on the hank of a pond; thilme up the various POIP.VS Of said Rocky river to the beginning. containing acres. more or less. 241 Being illiti.

tract Poll CS Pa 1 liy 1.. It. Bison, execittin of Hugh W. Bison, to Lucinda Lanier. beginning at a stone pile near the south Richard Lanier's house, tilipsCr'S ilMatitl; thelleP Sitlit II a it tilos er's 1 line i's) poles to a cedar on the bank of Big branch: thence north GI degrecs east 49 poles to a birch anti 1 pile tin the south bank of Bock ier: thence up the sarions courses of said river to the liegiuning.

contain, ing IS acres. more or less. iTime of sale: o'clock m. 1 This August 1911 1 ALIE. II.

FOrsT. 1111yesA Bynum, Attendance Officers. The following "attendance officers" were appointed by the county board of education at their last meeting: Albright OwnshipM. W.Duncan. BaldwinC.

A. Snipes. Bear CreekR. L. Edwards.

Cape FearJ. D. McIver. CentreIT. B.

Jones. GulfC. W. Womble. HadleyJ.

M. Petty. Haw RiverB. J. Utley.

Hickory Mt.J. B. Burke. MatthewsN. A.

Jones. New HopeA. W. Wilson. Oakland--James Knight.

Williams W. A. Blake. These appointments were made in accordance with an act of the last Legislature, and their duties are to see that the children of school age attend the public schools. Ex-President Roosevelt will leave New York October 5th for South America.

ACRES. AMT. 84CC 347 20 s3 58 2) 72 290 35 1 43 Dr A Chapman, John Edwards, Hamlet, Partin, Snipes, 97 Mrs Alice Atkins, Cl 3 17 2 Thos Carrington, 50 2 Gs i1 5 1 Cheek, 90 5 34 0.) Farrell, 14( 8 93 54 Mrs Gardner, 15 35 II Ilarward, 70 4 39 Stone, 79 1911,171 00 Stone. 789 oo Snipes. 123 6 70 Sears, 20 II 3 so Thos Winston.

62 331 II Beckwith, 100 6 61 11 Harward. 70 4 19 1 Parties will take notice that i $1.20 must be added to amount of each delinquent taxpayer on account of costs. i LEON T. LANE, Sheriff Chatham County. 1 July 30.

1913. Mrs Alston, 70 3 4' Anderson, 139 6 3: Jag Fox. 56 2 3 i Green, 180 8 Mrs Sallie 20 47 33 31 93 74 Hear Creek. Ambrose Brewer heirs, 48 Ann Brady, 75 3 Irene Branson hrs 50 4 A Boyd, 61 2 TM Ellis, 96 4 A and Me Kelly, 213 9 Personal Items. Miss Miriam Allen returned Monday from a two-weeks' visit to friends at Millbtook.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred. Riggs-bee returned last Saturday from their bridal tour to Norfolk.

Mr- Los L. Wrenn, of Suter 43 MatthevAs. 11 86 IV Barker, 50 1 8: 65 Mrs A Carter, 34 1 4' 10 Dorsett, 133 69 Headen, 10i 7 23 McPerson, 82 47 95 75.

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