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Vancouver Daily World du lieu suivant : Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 1

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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$3,600 IN FRIZES to be Given Away For particulars see page $3,600 IN PHIZES Pages 112 ill First Section 'AMI Editorial nnd News THE PAPER THAT PRINTS THE FACTS. Trice Five Cents. ACOl VIOK, B. MONDAY, KKPTHMBlill l. IWT 1 British Columbia Betrayed byM'Bride Hundreds of Asiatics Purchase Rifles, DEMONSTRATION AGAINST Revolvers and Knives iPiiTiro TrnimuTCP i APOLOOY SALE OF WEAPON I A A ft I IIEJBL ft A I IJlii I Hi All I rUnlui I AL Will XO JAPAN Mr.

C. M. Woodworth, to the contrary notwithstanding, British Columbia Las been betrayed with respect to Asiatic immigration by its premier. Had the Lieutenant Governor refused to sign the bit! introduced by Mr. Bowser, Mr.

McBride, had he deemed it of any importance, was in duty bound to tender bin resignation. The Lieutenant Governor would th en have had to find a prime minister who would take the responsibility of his action. Necessarily there would have been an appeal to the country and the roice of British Columbia would have een heard. But Mr. McBride actually advised the Lieutenant Governor not to sign the bill while posing as an opponent of the anti Asiatio movement.

1b it any wonder that eastern men in high official positions who come to British Columbia arrive here with the idea firmly fixed in their minds that the action of the legislature and the government of British Columbia is simply a gallery play designed for the purpose of fooling the labor Upon Mr. McBride rests the onus of the present situation. Editor World It seems to me that the people who took part in the anti Asiatic demonstration on Saturday evening acted most unfairly in burning the Lieutenant Governor in effigy, but this action on their part arose no doubt from a misapprehension. It appears from page 8'JA of the B. C.

statutes for 1907 that the Lieuten ant Governor reserved his assent to Mr. Bowser's bill. The Lieutenant Governor of a province may under section 55 of the. B. N.

A. Act, reserve a bill for the approval of the Governor General, but this is only due under instructions from the Gnvernor General in council, or, in other words, the government in power at Ottawa, as fcir John Bourinot shows at page uo8 of the second edition of his work on Parliamentary Procedure. If, however, Mr. Dun.smuir had no such instructions from Ottawa and reserved the bill of his own motion then Hon. Kichard McBride is responsible for that course and in that event he should have been burned in effigy.

Under our constitution, the Lieutenant Governor has no personal responsibility. He must always have advisers who will assume responsibility for all his actions. In any event, if Mr. McBride considered the bill of any important he should not have submitted to any instructions from Sir Wilfrid Laurier directing the bill to be reserved, he should have resigned right then and there. Mr.

Dunsmuir would then have been obliged to find some one willing to accept the position of premier and the. onus of killing this bill, and any one accepting such responsibility would have been obliged to immediately bring on a general election and "obtain the endorsement of the jneople of the province. As there has been no suggestion from the local government that Mr. ftunsmuir had instructions from Sir Wifrid Lauriet to reserve the bill, wo may 1 think, safely assume that in doing so he acted on the advice of his premier the Hon. Richard McBride.

Under these circumstances it seems to me the electors of Vancouver cannot very well make, any objection, as in the face of the fails, they allowed Mr. McBnde's attorney gem nil to be elected a few days ago, thus endorsing fully Mr. McBride's action in killing this bill. I might add that it is very peculiar that Mr. BoAser in drawing this bill, either careUvsly or intentionally used the word in the fourth section instead of the word "unlawful" thus completely nullifying the bill.

Yours trulv, JOSEPH MARTIN. Vancouver, September 0th, 1907. Japanese Hold Mass Meeting This Afternoon Hotel and Restaurant Business Disorganized by General Strike of Chinese. Local Asia is in a ferment. Instead of handling lumber in the mills and doing other useful work the Japanese are trying to hold a.

mass inci ting oil the Powell street grounds this afternoon, the fiinn m1 reading proclamations in rnl ink and their mvn language, abstaining from all work, and both nationalities are armed to the teeth. All stocks of firearms in the city have I prai icaliy bought, up by the Asiatics and hundreds of kuiu have also been sold by local firms to arm the Orientals. Chinese stoicism has given way to complete and anry agitation. Domestic servants in homes and clubs failed to turn up for duty this morning. Sawmills urc minus their Chinese crews and the car cleaners and yard gangs arc discussing racial ructions in Canton alley and Shanghai street.

Mob of Boys and Young Men Sweeps Through Chinese and Japanese Quarters Srtf ashing Windows Two nights of rioting and destruction of property have left Vancouverites with a new seusatiou and have given the city much undesirable notoriety. In the European and Asiatic mind, as well as in the American and Canadian, this city has, by the disgraceful folly of a few young men and boys, been placed in the disorderly class aud today, too, the Chinese and Japanese quarters are armed to the teeth and buruiug with resentment of the treatment given them by a mob. Bat while Yancouverites feel keenly the disgrace of the disorder that followed the anti Asiatic parade on Saturday night, they can honestly deny that the character of Yancotiver people is lawless. It was evident to all eye witnesses that Uie number of those who threw the bricks and stones that wrecked so many Chinese and Japanese fronts on Saturday night was very small. The crowd wan big, but it was swelled by the most good natured lot of people that ever got classed as a destructive mob.

The fact that nothing more serious developed and that the police, in spite of their small numbers, could preveut anything more serious than the breaking of glass occurring, proves what was really the ease, namely, that almost the entire crowd was simply there to see what was going on. Theater people know that this is the best show town on the coast and Yancouverites simply treated the wiudow breaking as a show. They were there to see the fun. It was a very small crowd of about 20 or 30 irresponsible? that atarted the troujjle aud kept it going. The organizers of and active workers la the legitimate demonstration that ended in speeches at the city hall are in no way to be held responsible for the lamentable incidents that followed.

As a matter of fact the gang of hoodlums started its work of smashing on Dupont street while the meeting was mill in progress. When the rioters got through with Chinatown it looked like a wreck. Every Chinese window waa broken. Thousands of dollars' worth of plate glass lay in fragments; and then a start was made on Powell street, where not a Japanese window was spared. The mob respected the Japanese mission building, but showed no mercy even to the little private houses of Japanese residents.

They did not get off quite scot free, though, the Japanese being more or less armed with clubs and bottles, which they used with damaging effect on a few heads. The Japs, in their tnrn, state that two of them were injured by stenes thrown by the mob. As the mob surged through the streets of the Asiatic quarters, though composed chiefly of peaceable citiwiw, bent on seeing what was going on, it was impossible for the police to tell who threw the stones; that from time to time hurled over the heads of the crowds into the windows. All the police could do was to keep the mob moving, and after a while, to clear Chinatown and keep it clear by putting a rope and a cordon of police across the end of Carrall street opposite the Woods' hotel. The fire department was held in readiness all night aud was out on several false alarm, but one engine was kept in Chinatown for emergencies.

(Continued an Page 6.) POLICE COURT AFTERMATH Exuberance of Saturday Night Has Unpleas ant Consequences for Fourand Twenty Individuals, fill! it A. IS STOPPED All classes have agree. to slick together in this movement and no one will go back lo work until the word is given." As result of the Chinamen slopping work pinny places of husine are tied up today. Hestaitrants and hotels are the chief sufferers and hundreds of guests at ciiy hotels had to be content with bread aud cheese for breakfast this morning. Restaurants employing white cooks have been crowded all day and have been unable to cope with the rush of business.

Chinese domestics, working in private houses, have quit like the rest, and hundreds of West Kml women are today doing their own housework for the first time in years, ''here is little chance of the Chinese returning to work until the whole trouble is over. jtrnKst: i.k.ivh mills. At noon today nil the Japauese employed in the lumber mills quit work for the day. They stale that they did this only to aitend a mass meeting, which it is proposed to hold at some time this afternoon on i'owell street grounds, and have given inssura lice thut. they will return to work tomorrow morning.

They state that Ihey are in no fear; that they are quite prepared to take care of themselves and dozens admit that they are armed. The question 'if the proposed mass meeting lias been one of the most important with which he police and others have had to deal today. Leading Japanese are using every effort to prevent the meeting being held and have enlisted the help of Chief Chiiinberlin in arguing with their fellow countrymen, who seem determined to get together and air their grievances. It is quite unlikely that the meeting will be held. The Japanese apparently hoped that Consul and Mr.

1hii, the envoy from Japan, would address th em. miiiik japanksi: i.n. Th" second consignment ot Japancsa brought over by the r.liie Funnel liner Tein er was brought over Saturday night liming the demonstration and riot. They were brought on the I'. K.

steamer Clianner aid immediately transferred, us usual, to train of three can two colonist ear and a baggage car. The baggage car was also loaded with provisions, and the train was taken out of th" city Saturday night. ITll.liV HDf'LACK CMIVKSn. The large gangs of Chinamen that have been at work for the C. V.

K. during li past two or three week; on li water font were notir ably ruoininj. aud llieir places weie 'supplied b. iMll: 0 Wofkcivs. Tvn.ow nr.os it hit.

Vit torlJi, II. 9 id's Special Service! tin sta lenient the tier utenant vol Vr. I'cwsr bill Is ocl of 'lori. Mr. left for el on the "ill of April, while vet t.

Mil was not announced until elosipe; of the on Aprl! terms "final ami una ra I' lo" bud not then boon h'niil of. 1 H. Tau'e Leaeinn. lo. at ami teleera Pane 1 1 1 aid 4 r.n'o olo ioii lug and financo.

I ilo lis. la 1 i couti le t. 1 a re C'i a I iii news Ifv wire and entile. Page 7 N'. 'V J'aee r.

livers ami M.tin." I'ure O'i Page to Nareoao Hay to be Connect Fagc 11 inc. f. italic stalls his son. Pace 1 2 Pane Page I 1 Si, ore I I': I BRITISH "If an unrestricted flood of Asiatics Were allowed to occupy these vacant hospitable areas, it would require, but a few yeare to produce an oriental predominance in the fairest and richest possesion of the British empire, and perhaps deflect the whole course of the civilization and destiny." In conclusion the Pall Mall Gazette says: "The issue will not permit of indefinite procrastination. Failing exclusion, the situation demands an alter PROBABLE Outbreak May Prejudice Negotiations to Restrict Immigration to 500 Japanese.

OTTAWA, Sept. 10. (World's Special Service.) The general opinion in otlieial circles is that Canada will have to pay the shot and apologize to Japan for damages caused by Vancouver rowdies to property of the Japanese in that city. It is regretted that the outbreak took place at a time when the Japanese immigration question was all but solved between the governments of Canada and Japan, who are responsible for the destruction of property will no doubt be prosecuted. It is also thought here that there has been too much strong talk by the advocates of the Japauese as well as those who are opposed to Japanese labor.

Hon. It. W. Scott, secretary of state, being interviewed, said the treaty between Canada and Japan ratified by (he Canadian parliament at its last cession was perfectly clear as to the rights of the Japanese in Canada. The treaty says: "The subjects of each of the two high contracting parties shall have full Jjberty to enter at or reside at auy port of the Dominion and possessions of the other contracting parry and shall enjoy full and perfect protection for their persons and property." "The treaty was not adopted in a hurry," said Mr.

Scott. wag in force between Britain and Japan ten years before we became a party to it. It was given full consideration before we adopted it. The opposition in parliament blamed lis because we did not become a party to it earlier than we did. There was no protest from British Columbia or anywhere else against Canada passing the treaty.

British Columbia benefits now and will benefit still further as the time goes on by the trade between Canada and Japan. But at all events, Canada ratified the treaty and passed a statute to that effect at the last session of parliament." As already stated, the Dominion government has made good progress in the direction of making an amicable arrangement with Japan restricting Japanese immigrantion to about arrivals ill Canada in one year, no matter from where they came, and it is hoped here that the disturbance will in no way interfere with the negotiations. Mr. Nosse. consul Reneral for Japan, received a message from Consul Miirl kawa.

Vancouver, statin that the mob had damaged SS Japanese houses Id Vancouver end that lie feared renewal of disturbances tonight. Mr. Nosse called upon Sir Wilfrid and laid before him reports received from Vancouver. Kvery effort will hp made for renaratlon. Mr.

Nosse said that ho bad received no communication from his government and he had not dnnht but that the Rood feclin of the Canadian government could be trusted to make fcood what had been done without formality of demand by Japan. Mr. Nosse said that there had been a good deal of feellnK and criticism of American authorities for not helms able to control disorders and Canada had been admired for the manner In which the laws were enforced. ITe rcpretted that American practice seemed to have crossed the boundary In the west. BADI.Y IVII'llKD.

An unknown white man, who was injured in the trouble in the Jnoaneye quarter on Saturday, lien nt St, I uke's Home in a semiconscious slate. 1 1 i unable to his name. He is said to have been struck on the head with a bottle, lie will recover. 4 TKMfl.KW KAYS Mrintiui: Aovisr.n (OVKHMIIt TO KTO. A Hpcflal denpafch front lr torln ntutra thut the Hon.

W. Temnlrmaii, PR heluK nhonn The World of Saturday, corroborated the ulatenifBt that the ItonKrr InitlilKrutlon lllll reserved by the aH Ice Premier Mellrlde, nho immired the Srrrrtnry ot StHte at Ottawa that the liruten ant governor wonld not Rive It IiIh nnNent. Mr. Trmplrmaa aaya that there wai ao asrermrnt in atrlke out the word "final aad unaltrrultlr" In the B. A.

art. Mr. Bonner's bill waa killed by Mr. Mcilrlrie of hla onn aotloa and the words "finel and unulter able" remain In the net. 6nonn fnat men in the crowd had a common purpose or a common intent, lie contended strongly that there hatl 'o be a leader to show a common purpose.

Pallock, on hie own behalf, claimed in the box that he had been on the street near the B. C. Electric office and Rearing a noise had gone down to see what it was all about. He was in the A line engine business and had lived in Yaneou all tin life eighteen years. The police having said that Fallock had thrown eomething, he was cross examined on that point and admitted that a small boy had put a stone in hie.

hand but thut he had not thrown it because he did not have time before the police caught hitn. He did not have a pocketful of stone. Pallock's father testified that he was a lad of very regular habits. License Commissioner Hunt was called on to give evidence as to character, but as it was a case for committal for trial his evidence was not taken. For dismissal Mr.

Pottenger held strongly that the lad had been arrested for simply going to see what was going on. The accused was committed for trial and bail fixed by himself in nd two sureties in $1,000 each. Michael Markey was on a similar charge. He said ho had no lawyer to defend him. He was willing to have one but it all depended on what the price was.

He was remanded. The balance of the eases were remanded, the magistrate admitting that the prosecuting attorney could not have had time to go thoroughly into them, exij'nt that of B. Campbell, street car conductor, who had got into the rush inadvert Needless to say, the police are on hand at the mass meeting of Japanese, Many of the hotter heads among the brown men advocated a demonstration in the form of a parade throimh the city, but the leaders uniting them have opposed the idea, and the city would certainly not permit it. AM the Cliince have desisted from their usual cupa tinns and some of the Japanese proposed to do the same think', but belter counsels prevailed and Consul Morikawa assured The World this morning that, the Japanese would work lis usual. Some of the Japanese have continued work in the mills this afternoon, contenting themselves with seinliii delegates to the I'owell treet meeting.

Quite the most significant feature of the whole affair juM now is the buying of weapons by the Asiatics, and tip; most important point about this is the fact that the Japanese began buying revolvers in large quantities ten days or two weeks iigo, aoout the lime, in fact, that the nnti Asiatie demonstration of Saturday was tirnt planned. It is learned that yesterday prominent Chinese tried to get into the wholesale hardware houses through the influence of prominent white citizens, but failed, not, however, without discovering that, the Japanese had been beforehand with them. This morning there was general rush by both penpleB to buy np what were left. At City Solicitor Cowan started on a round of the hardware men advising all that they must cease yelling firearms. Some objected to the order, hut were persuaded to give heed.

That is, they said they would, but World men know of several who continued to sell after Mr. Cowan'a call had heifi made. In addition to revolvers the Japanese bought large iuantitie of knives. Just as an illustration of the quiek way wenpons were bought, up. Mers.

Wood, Vallance Lcggul forty guns this morning before called on by Mr. Cowan. Other firms did jint as large a business and all scond hand stores sold out Ihrir sioel at fancy prices. Aikiijiro Ishii. director the cojihiiit cial bureau of the office, who came to thw eoat Hr to investigate the San I'Yaueivro anti Japanese riots, which work lie has finished, and secondly, to lnok into conditions of Japanese settlement on this coast generally, arrived in V.meouver on Saturday in time to see (i.e trouble for himself, A World reporter called at the Japanese cnnsulule tii: morning and Mr.

Miii states that he is ti Od that his miii ymen have i'e mpalhy of all respectable Ym rile, in their pre, cut trouble, and tl al he does not believe that any otl er aliment prevails aiuoug any but a ei leu in this eity. III vii: Ul IT OltK. Practical without a siui not a i 'kiua man in Va ncu eV iloll is wo'rk ing tula. Taev hae, iho most part. to their a.

announce that mi! sept is completely lie! Siir OUt. "Ve, 1 1 1 people have all 1 do not know of a single who Works for white ploye.J today," said a preniin mall this morning. "Yh Sim we do not believe that ha protection km slomid hno go authorities, find until ah dan we will keep to our own qu in Cl.iua Ho. pr. ill inil voHi.

I beii eui t'lit t'iiina ly i e. a i I oni the is over trie, Mep going to their work, or coining night, have been molested uu them assaulted and we do not run any chances of being kd have not decideil yet as to regarding asking the city to done on Saturday niui.t and The de. isiou unit work as from it at 1 Mime of propose to led. We iriv action iy damage list arrived jesterday. a loc; leading in i ai 's t'erenep of 11,1 ntin M.

Those arrested on Saturday night were: J. A. I'alloek, clerk, rioting; H. C. HatcliU'e, teamster, rioting; John Tweedle, teamster, rioting; II.

Touci, fisherman, threatening and carrying a dagger; O. YV. Flowers, clerk, riotinp! J. C. Markihl, logger, disorderly; I).

Aniey, longer, disorderly; Hen Bunce, express driver, disorderly; Normau liow deu, colored, hotel porter, rioting; W. H. lteid, hospital orderly, riming; It. Cnmp bull, street car conductor, rioting; Ales Waugh, bookkeeper, rioting; Obit lidzeu, bookkeeper, rioting; Frank Iar rali, 1730 l'endril! (Street, no lixed occupation, rioting; George Kemp, 0 Front street, no fixed occupation, rioting; Jauies Walsh, laborer, rioting; Mariano Cali, laborer, rioting: W. J.

Katt'erty, new arrival from Tasmania, rioting: Michael Martin, laborer, riotiug. On Sunday night the arrests were: Harry Porter, freight clerk, rioting; K. (i. Johnstone, bookkeeper, rioting; Henry (Ireen, seaman, rioting; Percy Lindsay, laborer, rioting; K. Voko Yaki, doctor, Powell street, earning a sheath knife.

A glance at the list shows that no single class had a monopoly of the riotous conduct. All seem to have been equally concerned. Laborers, bookkeepers, loggers, men who don't have to work, street ear nieu and hospital orderlies are for the time being all in one class on the police arrest book. The first case that had really to do with the little exuberance of spirits that came up in the police court this morning was that of II. Touci.

Touci was al leged to have threatened to stab a reporter for a morning paper while that young man was on his way home on Saturday night. Touci declared through an interpreter that he wanted a lawyer and got a remand till Monday. The next case was that, of Dr. K. Yoshoyaki, pbo was up on a similar charge, lie sa'd that he had taken the knife out with him as a matter of protection, as he had been warned that there was trouble in the air.

This case was reman (Ted. Then came the list of whitenien connected with the riots, (hi their behalf there was a delegation of lawyers, including, besides counsel for the defense, Mr. A. E. McF.voy, who was holding a watching brief for the Chil en.

The first called was J. A. Pallock. He had been arrested by Officers Perry and Hood and was defended by Mr. A.

B. Pottenger. Mr. Potteuger also appeared for the majority of the other charged with rioting. Thotse who had no political friends were few.

In the ease of Padlock the charge was mended from rioting to participating in a gathering that might lead to riotous ness. There was some argument on this point, and Mr. Pottenger claimed that the riot art had not been Tend. The po lice magistrate held that reading the riot act did not make a riot. Mr.

Pt tunfar laid that it would have to PEESS ON TIE RIOT LONDON', Sept. 0. The attack on the Japanese at Yancotiver, B. places the Knglish ncwtduipers In an embarrassing and amusing position. Several of the most promiueut of them were particularly severe on the San Francisco "hoodlums" when the outhreak of much violence occurred there.

They tie now confronted with a more serious situation in a British colony, and apparently are at a loss what to say. The majority remain silent. The Times, whose American correspondent severely and repeatedly denounced the San Fran ciscoans' actum toward the Japanese, is the only morning paper commenting on the Canadian demonstration. The paper "deplores that it is not at present obvious how permanent amelioration of the situation is to be effected," attributes the trouble eotirely to labor union notation, and ridicules the idea that a few thousand Japanese are likely to turn British Columbia or California into Mongolian provinces. The Tall Mall Gazette, the only afternoon newspaper to express au opinion on the subject, takes a directly opposite view, saying: "The Asiatic makes his entry into Canada under the of the great god of cheapness.

He comes i with an otter to take work at half the rate or less than paid for white men's labor, an arrangement which none the lesn can be carried out on a basis which involves a great advance upon the scale of remuneration enjoyed in his own country. In competition of this character the Caucasian believes, and all economic reasoning seems to support him, that his own standards of life are certain to be depleted and destroyed." Continuing, the Pall Mall Gazette points out the Eellingbam and Yuu couver outbreak ehow "that popular animosities of the racial type are not necessarily the outcome of mere wanton, unprovoked depravity." Referring to British Columbia, with only three per cent. nfv its territory populated, the Pall Mall Gazette savs: 1 native policy that will promptly and effectively circumscribe, the dangers so vividly realized by these prospective victims." The newspapers have said little about the Bellingham incident, the Times remarking that it was not easy to reproach a foreign country with race prejudice in view of the disabilities and restrictions which the Transvaal places upon the British Indian. The news of the attacks on the Japanese and Chinese at Vancouver did not surprise the colonial and foreign office officials here, who had long feared an outbreak against the Asiatic in Western Canada, but they have the greatest confidence in the ability of the Canadians to suppress any disturbances and protect aliens. At the same time tlusif ficials realize that a great serious problem has arisen, particularly as the feeling appears to be strongest against the subjects of Great Britain's eastern ally, and that it will require most conservative handling, for whatever action is taken is liable to be resented either by colonists or by the Japanese.

The question has been a subject of consideration fur some time by the Imperial authorities, ho have used their good offices on a. number of occasions to prevent the enactment of anti Japanese legislation by British Columbia. It is understood that the matter was discussed at length during the reient visit of the colonial premiers to London, Australia being as much opposed to the admission of Asiatics as are the Canadians. No steps were taken at the time, however, and the subject was allowed to lapse, until the agitations were revived. All the cabinet ministers are out of town at present, but the colonial and foreign office officials are seeking to obtain all the information possible on the subject of the Vancouver outbreak with a view of taking some action, the of which is difficult to surmise.

nUPORT I'NFOL'MDKD. The report that several Japanese were I thrown into Burrard inlet from ('. P. U. wharf cannot be substantiated, as no one seems to know nnything about it other than through li reports ently.

The charge against him was withdrawn. He was represented by Mr. Laursen. FIFTY THOUSAND MEN FROM MOROCCO Sept. 9.

The Echo de Paris' Madrid correspondent says it is rumored in military circles that France has proposed to Spain to send a Franco Spanish army of fifty thousand men to occupy the Moroccan ports and go as far as Fez, if necessary. The correspondent says it is stated that Premier Maru and General Martitgui, chief of the headquarters staff, are opposed to this rdan, but that the minister of war, General Primo Rivera, supports it. The Eclaire's Madrid correspondent says that Great Britain's influence to a modification of Spain's attitude towards Morocco, Great Britain persuading her to co operate effectively with French action and to conform to her rights and obligations as recognized by the treaty ot Algecires. The correspondent of the Matin at Madrid says it is believed Spain will de cide to send 5,000 infantry und 500 cavalry to occupy Tangier, Tr'uan, Earache and ntahlitli a police force. ii II ft.

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