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Farmer City Journal from Farmer City, Illinois • 6

Farmer City, Illinois
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to to to to SIX THE FARMER CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1957 BELLFLOWER CLEO B. KURTZ, Editor Hold Village Election The village election will be held from 6 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Tuesday, April 16, at the town hall. Municipal offices to be filled are: Village President, Village Clerk and three Trustees. Serving on the board will be N. P. Hinshaw, Mrs.

Walter Foster, Mrs. Raymond Sypult, Mrs. Charles Hensley, Mrs. J. L.

Kleinbeck and Mrs. D. B. Lykins. Complete Adult Courses All courses for adult women of the community, sponsored by the high school ended Monday night.

Those enrolled met at the Home Ec class rooms for a final session and to receive records of awards. Mrs. Merceitis Prices, Home Ec teacher, directed the year's three courses, attended by Ninety-seven local women. The first course on "gifts," held last fall, had twenty-eight members enrolled. Mrs.

Warner Cole, Mrs. James Varner, Mrs. Loren Forrest and Mrs. Kermit Giertz, held perfect attendance records. Fifteen were enrolled in the class on "Furniture.

Renovation." Of these two held perfect attendance records Mrs. Kenneth Golden and Mrs. Orville Beetzel. Others who were present at nine of the 10 classes were Mrs. Robert Williams, Mrs.

Harry Struebing, and Mrs. Clark Bierbower. Fifty-four were enrolled in the Mid-Winter class with Mrs. Clark Bierbower holding the only perfect attendance record. Others who attended nine of the 10 classes were Mrs.

Loren Forrest, Mrs. Robert Copenhaver and Mrs. Richard Kleinbeck. The five women who were enrolled and completed all three courses were Mrs. Frank Yeagle, Mrs.

Kermit Giertz, Mrs. Robert Copenhaver, Mrs. Kenneth Golden and Mrs. Clark Bierbower. ALA To Meet The April meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be at 7 p.

m. Wednesday, April 17, at the home of Mrs. Wayne Gee at Gibson City. Assisting her will be Mrs. Anna Bristow.

Included in the business will be selection of delegates to the 17th District Spring Convention, to be held at McLean in May. Mrs. Arthur Curtis, president, will appoint a nominating committee to prepare the slate of officers for the annual election scheduled for the May meeting. Club Elects Officers Mrs. Marion Giertz has been elected president of the Mid-Century Woman's Club for the coming two years.

Other new officers elected for two years are: Mrs. Alvin Kammeyer, cor. Mrs. Russell Builta, Officers who have another year to serve of their two year terms are: Mrs. Harold Schroeder, vice and Mrs.

Lee Paullin, rec. sec. Outgoing officers are: Mrs. Gene Leonard, Mrs. Clark Bierbower, cor.

sec. and Mrs. Kermit Giertz, treas. The appointments were made at the club's annual dinner meeting for mothers and guests held last Tuesday at the high school gym. Tables decorated in the club's colors and early spring flowers were laid for 85 guests.

The buffet dinner preceded a talk by Mrs. Wilbur E. Harnish of Champaign, whose topic was "Early Amercian with which she displayed her own collection of these choice antiques. Will Probated Louis Giertz, late Bellflower resident, left an estate valued at $87,500 to his widow, son and grandson, according to his will which has been admitted to Probate Court. Mrs.

Myrtle Giertz, his widow and son, Kermit Giertz, were appointed co-executors of his estate. Estimated value of the estate is $17,500 in personal property and $70,000 in real estate. Mrs. Giertz heired all cash and bonds, her husband's personal effects and the Bellflower residence. The will stated that any funds remaining at Mrs.

Giertz's death, will be sold and will then become the property of Kermit. The net income from Mrs. Giertz's farmland is to go to her as long as she lives. Mr. Giertz left all his real estate except the Bellflower home to Kermit for his lifetime.

At his death, the real estate will go to his grandson, Marion Giertz of Bellflower. Named Principal Anouncement is made that Glenn Fensterman, agricultural instructor has been named principal of BTHS to succeed Howard L. Gielow. Mr. Fensterman has taught at Bellflower for three years.

He previously served two years in the Air Force. He is a graduate of the U. of I. and has a Master's degree. His appointment becomes effective July 1.

He is a native of Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Fensterman and their two small sons, now occupying the Robert Copenhaver residence, will later occupy the residence maintained for use of the high school principal. Mrs.

Fensterman taught kindergarten here their first year in Bellflower. Relatives have learned that Bob Jayne of Fisher, formerly of Bellflower, won first place in the American Legion Essay Contest at Fisher and took a third place rating in the 19th district competition last week. The competition included larger schools like Champaign, Urbana and Decatur. Bob is grandson of Mrs. O.

F. Allen of Bellflower and son of the Carol Jaynes of Fisher. WSCS Elects Mrs. John Barr was elected president of the WSCS of the Os man Methodist church ensuing year. Additional new officers are: Mrs.

Mrs. Clarence Rohlfing, vice Mrs. Earl Schmall, rec. Mrs. Dale Bright, treas.

and Mrs. Elwood Amdor, prom. sec. Dept. chairmen and secretaries are: Mrs.

Lyle Amdor, church activities and social relations; Mrs. Kenneth Bright, missionary education and service; Mrs. Albert Adams, Spiritual Life Mrs. MAIN STREET Jos. KUHN CO.

CHAMPAIGN whatever your figure, we can fit YOU in these POPULAR Fit-perfected IN STURDEES Choice of fast colors. Fully Sanforized. Wear'N'Forced. Fit-Perfected. Safety-Stitched.

Easy- Alter Outlet. Finished inside Continuous sleeve Shirt pocket STURDEI SHIRTS 4 Dress style collars. Basement Dept. on the file. off the jolt! McDavit, student work; Mrs.

Harold Adams, children's work; Mrs. Walter Wilner, supplies; Mrs. Earl Rohlfing, literature and and Mrs. Ralph Cotterell, status of women. To Teach Here Mrs.

Rolla Masonbrink has been hired by the Bellflower Board of Education of Consolidated Grade School, to teach sixth grade next school year. She will succeed Miss Olive Bidner, who resigned. Mrs. Masonbrink moved to this community a year ago from Creighton, Mo. She is the wife of a local farmer and has taught fourth grade at Farmer City this school year.

She is a graduate of Central Missouri State College of Warrensburg, with 15 years teaching experience in grade and high school of which 10 years were in Missouri and four in Kansas. List Officers Officers for the Walker Methodist church for the coming year, elected Mar, 24 are announced by Rev. Eugene L. Priest, pastor, Officers and chairmen are: Henry Lammle, lay leader; John Scott, official board chair. Church School Mrs.

Richard Forrest, Annual Conference lay member; Mrs. C. J. Rohlfing, reserve lay member; Richard Forrest, Clifford Albin and Ernest Duncan, trustees; Miss Sarah Gettel, church budget and treasurer of benevolances; Mrs. Stella Fielder, fin.

sec. Mrs. Lorin Jervis, membership and evangelism; Richard Forrest, Education Mrs. Sarah Gettel, stewardship and finance; Mrs. Irene Underwood, missions; Mrs.

Clifford Albin, rec. steward; Mrs. Henry Lammle, communion steward; Walter Sloan, George W. C. Adams, Grover Huff, Floyd Burton, Lester Brantley and Guy Beatty, elective stewards.

Henry Lammle, pres. of Lord's Acre committee; Mrs. Lorin Jervis. John Scott, treas. George Adams, John Scott, and Henry Lammle, policy and research committee; Mrs.

LeRoy Carl, pastoral relations; Mrs. Guy Beatty and Mrs. Walter Sloan, parsonage committee; Mrs. Clifford Albin, pres. of WSCS and Dennis Amdor, president of MYF.

Twp Election Results Five incumbents, four Republicans and a Democrat, were reelected in Bellflower Twp. in day's election. Also one constable was elected from each party. Incumbent Roy R. Kumler (R) defeated Robert Scarbrough (D) for assessor, 87-45 and Loren Forrest (R) was reelected town clerk without opposition on 98 votes.

Orville Beetzel (R) 99 votes and J. Warner Carlyle (R) 78 votes were reelected justices of the peace over William J. Fosnaugh (D) 42 and Donald Schmall (D) 37. Constables are Richard Kumler (R) 90 and Robert Kammeyer (D) 65. They defeated Alva Monical (D) 33.

Kenneth. Golden (D) 85 for cemetery trustee. He was unopposed. At the town meeting held election day, a flat $500.00 a year salary for the assessor was approved instead of the present $8.00 per day, plus mileage and the salary of the auditing board members was raised from $4.00 to $10.00 per day. General fund budget as prepared by Supervisor Robert Copenhaver, was set at $11,135 and $10.000 was levied for the town fund, which has a balance of $2,556.

The general assistance budget of 330 was set, but no levy will be necessary due to a balance of 801.01 in the fund. The Road and Bridge levy will be made in September by the Highway Commissioner, Raymond Sypult and Supervisor Copenhaver, was authorized to prepare the Township budget for the fiscal year March 1958 to March 1959. Seventeen electors were present bing served as moderator and Loren Forrest as clerk. Mrs. Mcintyre Dies Mrs.

Verna McIntyre, 76, of Bellflower, died at 4:30 p. m. Friday, Apr. 5 in the Hansen Convalescent home at Gibson City, where she had been a patient for three years. Funeral services were held at 2 p.

m. Sunday at the Methodist church. Dr. Sidney A. Guthrie officiated, assisted by Rev.

C. V. Lanius of Farmer City. Burial was in the Bellflower cemetery. Luther Ward was soloist, accompanied at the piano by Mrs.

Donald Reuger of Farmer City. Casket bearers were William Halliday, Walter Bratcher, Lyle Amdor, John Cherry, Virgil Shelton and Henry Hither. Flower bearers were Mrs. Lyle Amdor, Donna Kobiter, Helen Patterson, Irdis Cornell, Louise Ford, Michelene McIntyre and Sheela Jacobs. Mrs.

McIntyre was born Oct. 8, 1881 at Tonti, the daughter of N. B. and Jennie. Fletcher.

She was married to Allen McIntyre of Bellflower March 12, 1912. He died Sept. 20, 1956. She is survived by a son, Delmar of Chenoa; and five step-children: Mrs. Zelia Frazier of Foosland; Steward McIntyre of Chicago; Keifer McIntyre of Richland Center, Wilbur McIntyre, Culver, and Harry McIntyre of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Nell Heskett of Lain; Mrs. Clara Hassler of Claremont; Mrs. Florence Walker of Mussell Shell, Mont. and one brother, Herbert Fletcher of Joplin.

Also ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren survive. Her parents and one brother preceded her in death. She was a member of the Bellflower Methodist church and a former Home Bureau member. Charles White of Waldwick, N. J.

spent several days last week at the U. of I. on business. He commuted here nightly to visit his wife's parents, Rev. and Mrs.

E. R. Berry. Mr. and Mrs.

Gerd Ehler of Williamsport, Ind. spent Saturday here with the Robert Brandon family. The Brandons' other weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brandon of Bloomington.

Mrs. G. M. Carson attended the senior class play at MHS at Farmer City, Friday. The Do Berry Sunday School class of the Christian church will be entertained at a party Sunday night in the church parlors.

The business session will include planning the annual Easter breakfast sponsored by the Do Berrys and held at the church. The party hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Linville C. Amdor and Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Hinshaw. Mrs. Kenneth Curtis, R.

began work April 1 as office assistant and nurse for Dr. George El-1 fers. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and small son are temporarily residing with her parents, the Robert Copenhavers.

D-. Lahr W. Sellett, Offices in Smith Bldg. Calls Answered Day or Night 6212 Day Phone Night 5361 BOOKKEEPING AND INSURANCE Fully qualified 25 Years Federal Tax Experience CLAIRE E. GRAY ERNEST C.

CFOWELL Clinton Tax, Bookkeeping and Insurance Servic Phone 156 John Warner Bank Bldg. Clinton, Ill. John Scott, treas. at the town meeting. Harry StrueGet BIG the THRILL of Try Springtime in Car a to Buick- Drive! the 6-Passenger Price- Sedan its the Manufacturer's 183 Delivery and Excise Handling See those Charges and state and local Gay New Colors! (Including Federal accessories transmis- New radiant colors that glint and and optional Transportation Dynaflow sidewall tires, like sunshine on dew.

They put gleam including white Springtime gaiety right into your heart. equipment, heater additional. 7OU'LL FEEL the excitement of Spring the moment you this Great step inside your Buick dealer's showroom. You'll see Spring colors everywhere. Design that's as New Zinq! gay the season itself.

The very newness of The high-spirited performance of mighty V8 power and the instant response of today's sparkling-fresh as Spring in every angle of these brand-new beauties. Variable Pitch wow! (Smooth, too smooth to the absolute.) Best of all, you'll feel the spirit of Spring in the way these Buicks handle. Price these Get behind the wheel, touch toe to treadle, and your spirits Spring Sole soar! Buys! There's Riviera hardtops Sedans Convertibles an new response- power Estate Wagons and the fabulous Caballero instant -plus more and smoothness to match, in Buick's great new brakes. You'll all at easy-to-take prices to move fast understand immediately what we mean when we say these in this big-selling season. (If you can afford any new car, you can afford a Buick today.) Buicks are the dream cars of the year to drive.

Come in today and make the most of the wonderful driving months ahead. Enjoy the Most tasteful And the prices won't jar your happy mood. It's a wonderful New Styling of all! feeling to find you can afford a Buick. That sweet new low-sweep Buick look-long, low and Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds graceful -flair without freakishness- with full headroom, today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century optional at modest legroom and footroom for every rider.

WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Come Swing into Spring and Prove it Big SPECIAL CENTURY SUPER ROADMASTER SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER William (Hap) Wallace, local trucker and custom farmer, is reported confined to his home with measles. Nine members of the local MYF attended the annual "Booth of the Rantoul District held Sunday afternoon at the Mansfield church. Approximately fifty members were present from the thirteen Methodist churches in the district. Mrs. Robert Copenhaver will be hostess to the Kingdom Builders of the Methodist church at 2 p.

m. Wednesday, Apr. 17. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Arthur Paullin.

Mrs. Fred Williams. will be lesson leader. Miss Barbara Kurtz and David Faulkner, both of Lombard, were weekend house guests of the former's aunt, Miss Cleo Kurtz: The village of Bellflower will adopt daylight saving time Sunday, April 28. as announced by Richard Kleinbeck, village board president.

Both schools, all churches and civic groups will follow the change in time. Most Chinese cities have no railroads they are served entirely by rivers. I DOA INN Betty Prichard Trio Playing and Singing for Vour Dancing Enjoyment FRIDAY SATURDAY NITE Until 1:45 A. M. STEAK and CHICKEN DINNERS (Closed All Day Sunday) Phone SY 4-8205 Maroa, 111.

NO MINORS DR. CLIFTON A. CROSBY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN METAPHYSICIAN CLOSED THURSDAYS LeRoy, Illinois Dial 5031 Write or Call LLOYD COLE AUCTIONEER FOR SALE DATES Phone 3186 Sidney, AUCTION SALE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TROWBRIDGE AUCTION HOUSE CLINTON, ILLINOIS I Need Envelopes? WE HAVE THEM Self-Service Clasp Envelopes 10 different sizes in stock at all times. Buy one or one hundred FARMER CITY JOURNAL Now! cover cracked ceilings with INSULATING TILEBOARD your ceilings are cracked and unsightly, there's no need for costly plastering and painting. decorative tileboard goes right over the old ceiling, gives you a fresh, bright new room.

Helps insulate and hush sounds, too. Come in and let us help you with your plans and financing. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. FARMER CITY, ILL. extra cost on the Special..

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