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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 2

Salem, Oregon
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THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916. TWO CIE By AIUTE Mrs. Joseph Bamntjartncr and daughters Josephine ouil Lenta, returned Friday from. Koaeburg, where they were the guests of Mrs. Baum-gartner's sister-in-law, Mrs.

Harry gtapletoa for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.

Canatsey and daughter Gladys, left Sunday for a motor trip to Los Angeles, California. They expect to be away a number of months and will devote much of their time to motoring in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Josse have gone to Koseburg where tiiey will visit for several weeks with Mrs.

Josse 'b parents. Mr. and Ms. i'. J.

Darker. prettily appointed dinner was presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Hoy H. Mills Friday evening in celebration of the sixth anniversary of their wedding.

Covers were placed for eight around a table artistically adorned with pink blossoms. About twenty young folks made merry Saturday night at tho delightful dancing party for which Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. White were hosts to honor their daughter, Miss Margaret White, on the occasion of her 14th birthday.

The White home was prettily decorated with red rambler roses, flags and fir boughs. Later in the evening, Jt I 1 .1 1. Mrs. White was assisted by Miss Lu-i eile Ie Witt. Tne guests included: Amena; Babcoek, Miss Edna Ackerman, Miss Alii McClelland, bf'f.

GcorgiaBew-i ley, Miss Annabclle Golden, Miss Lu- eile De Witte, Miss Mnna Senramm, Miss Iieaii Nik pi, Miss Irene l'latt, Miss Ferrol Lawbaugh and An-liic Holt. Edward Han-en, "Chuck" Hug- gins, Harold Miller, Robin Fisher, Clif- jl REMARKABLE STATEMENT Mrs.Sheldon Spent $1900 for Treatment Without Benefit. Finally MadeWell by LydiaELPinkhara'sVeg- etable Compound. Englewood, III. "While going through the Change of Life I Buffered headaches, ner vousness, (lashes of heat, and I Buffered so much 1 did not know what I was doing at times.

I spent $1900 on doc tors ana not one dia me any good. One day a lady called at my house and said islie had been as sicK a. i woo auuiiti umr, i rind Lydia E. Pink-j hams Vegetable Compound made her I took it and now 1 am just as well as I ever was. I cannot understand why women don't see how much pain and suffering they wuwi wivu id vanillic juur iiiouiuiic.

I cannot praise it enougfi for it saved mv htu find keut from the Intmna Hospital." Mrs. E. Sheldon, 6657 S. Halated St, Englewood, HI. Physicians undoubtedly did their best.

battled with this case steadily and could lo no more, but often the most scientific a i i i .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I ir Minimi WW CT.Tl, K. John H. Fnrrar, assistant postmas-Ptaknam Vegetable Compound. 1b mnrning from NJCWprt nccompnn- II any complication exists it ied bv his wife, where they have been pays to write the Lydia li. Pink spending the summer vacation, ham Medicine Lynn, tot special free advice.

Try tin Journal Classified Ads. An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade I GRAND OPENING of Fall Shoes for Ladies and Children We have now open, ready for your inspection, a complete line of Fall Shoes for ladies and children. We bought early in the season and are now in position to serve our customers well Our shelves are packed with the NEWEST and BEST selected Shoes possible. If you want a Dress Shoe we have it a House Shoe, we have ita shoe for general wear, we have it. We can supply your needs at the lowest possible price.

KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. We Pay Postage on Mail Orders THOMPSON ford Townsend, Harold Friend, Glen Nickel and Loren Simpson. Mrs. L.

('. McCoy and daughter, Miss Maude McCoy, went to Portland Saturday of a short visit. Friday about 200 gathered at Brush college to participate in the Raveties of a picnic, given under the auspices of the parent-teachers' association. An enjoyable programme was arranged lor the affair and included the following numbers: Orchestra selection; reading, Bertha Oliver; male quartet, Ivan Martin, Carl Becket, Hussell Becket, Frank Wiimlow; cluh swinging, Mildred Glover. Hugo Tjernberg; vocal solo, Gay-nell Becket; reading, Agnes MeyerB; butterfly song, Jeanuctte Sykes; read-in.

Ivan Martin: vocal solo, Helen Cook; Tcading, Mrs. Bailey; sailor's Hornpipe, Jeannette Sykes; speeches, Mr. Buell and II. C. Seymour; address, Rev.

James Elvin. A group of young girls circled the attractive breakfast table at the homo of Mrs. C. E. Rcinliart Saturday.

There were table decorations of soft colored sweet peas in lavendar and pink with dainty strands of ferns mingled, Mrs. E. S. Lamport nccompnnied by her house guests, Mrs. Fred Webster and Miss Margaret Webster of Ban Francisco, left Saturday for a icw PERSONALS ft W.

C. Dyers is in Portland transacting business. 8. G. Hargent, stnto bank examiner, is a Portland visitor.

G. Pcmeter of Hillsdale, is registered at the Bligh. A. A. Hyuon is in Portland attending to business affairs.

IFred Thiclsen returned yesterday from a short visit lit Newport. itierle Chessman of Pendleton, associated with the Fast Oregonian, is in the city. Alias Aline Schrocder, stenographer for tho Spaulding Logging is visit-in" at Newport. Mr. and Mrs.

K. II. La port motored from Medford, nrriving in tho city for a few dav's visit. Miss Kthel McDonald of the Barnes store is spending her vacation nt Wald-port, visiting her sister. Mrs.

Celeste Iddiiigs of the Barnes store, will leave tomorrow for Newport for the summer vacation. Miss Lounnne Brown of the Commercial book store, is visiting wilh her parents nt Coeur d'Aleno, Idaho. A. Mitchell, mntorman for the Salem Htreet Railwny on the Summer street line, is on his sumer vacation. (rovernor Withycomlie went to For'- tlli mornjug.

Me will deliver an nildross before the realty men's con ventlnn. Klov.i Cater of Seattle, Wn of the Western I'nlon office, arrived in Salem today to relieve Don Beldiug for two weeks, who is absent with the const artillerv. Mrs. E. S.

Lamport, accompanied by her. r. Freil Webster Miss Margaret Webster of San Francisco, left for Newport Saturday tor a two weeks O. M. Kllintt the new president of tuo Lewiston normal, who has been in conference with tho state hoard of em education, left Friday for Portland.

Biso (Idaho) Statesman EPWORTH LEAGUE TO HAVE WEEK'S SESSION Dr. Morgan, Miss Carpenter and Bishop Matt Hughes to Lecture The Oregon Kpworth League Institute will begin a week's session this evening at Willamette university, and will be conducted under the supervision of the central offico of the Epworth League in co-operation with the univer-city and Oregon board of control. The number of registered delegates is 150 but it is expected that the institute will bring fully 250 visitors to the city during the week. A definite course of study has been arranged for the week, with instructors of national prominence among Methodists. Perhaps tho best known is the Rev.

William H. Morgan, pastor of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal church of New York City. Three lectures will be delivered during the week of general interest. Monday evening, Dr. Morgan will speak on "From the Pudding Furnace to the Pulpit." Wednesday evening, Miss Carpenter of the Seattle Deaconess hospital, will speak on "The Work of a Deaconess," and Saturday evening, Bishop Matt Hughes will give one of his well known lectures.

Eurh course of study will be under a special leader. The Bible study classes will be instructed by Dr. T. W. Lane; world-wide evangelist and morning watch, by Dr.

Morgan, of New York Cityj mission study and social service, by Miss Winnifred S. Campbell, assistant superintendent of the Chicago Deaconess Training school; Christian steawrdship, by the Eev. Melville T. Wire; Christian citizenship, by Dr. John O.

Hall; social and literary work, by the Kev. J. C. Spencer; methods and Junior League and intermediate work, by Miss Km mil A. by J.

Stanford Moore, president of the Salem District Epworth League. The 'session this evening will open at o'clock with a song service, followed by the locturo by Dr. Morgan on, "From the I'udding Furnface to the Pulpit." The program for tomorrow is as follows: Tuesday. (1:30 to 7:15 a. m.

Morning Watch. Dr. Morgan. 7:15 to 8:00 a. m.

Breakfast, Lausanne hall. 8:15 to 8:55 a. in. Bible study. Dr.

T. W. Lane. 9:05 to 0:55 n. m.

Evnngelism, Dr. Morgan. Stewardship, Kev. Melville T. Wire.

Junior League Methods, Miss Robinson. 10:00 to 10:40 a. m. Epworth League Methods, Miss Robinson. Junior League demonstration.

10:50 to 11:30 a. m. Sociul service, Miss Chnppell. Recreation and Culture, Eev. J.

C. Spencer. 11:40 to 12:20 a. m. Citizenship, Dr.

Hall. Home Missions, Miss Chnppell. Foreign Missions, to be supplied. 12:30 to 2:30 p. m.

Dinner. Lousanne hall. 1:00 )o 2:30 p. in. Quiet hour.

2:45 to 5:31) p. m. Tennis preliminaries. (1:00 p. m.

Supper. Lousanne hall. to 8:00 p. m. Social gathering.

8:15 p. m. Lecture on Palestine, by Dr. Carl Oregg Doney. BAND CONCERT TOMORROW EVENING Tho fullowing is band concert program at Marion square Tuesday evening: March "Jack Tar" Sousa Overture "RenrJi" Wagner Waltz "Danseuse" Miles Comic opera selection "High Jinks" Friml tlornl tone poems (a) "Basket of Roses" Albers (b) "Bowl of Ilansies" Reynard Vocal solo Mrs.

IlalUe Parrish Hinges Japanese intermezzo Kioto Ban" Thurban Vnlse, "Cecilia" Pethcr Excerpts from "Mile Modiste" Horbort March "Eternal Friendship" H. N. STOlTl)ENMKYER, Director. Case Turned Over to State Water Board For the first time iu the history of the state a court has referred a com- plaiut against an irrigation company to the state water board for adjudication. The circuit court of Hood Kiver county, on order of the supreme court has turned over to the water board the case of the Oregon Lumber company against the East Fork Irrigation company.

A question of priority in claims arisc-a. The lumber company claims injury to its business because tho irrigation intake diverts water from the river above ita ou intake thus reducing the flow. BORN BI.ODCiETT To Mr. and Mrs. Haire L.

Blodgctt, 1201 South Commercial street, Monday July 17, ll'lh, a daughter. THE ORIGINAL Th Food-Drink for AgM Rick milk, malted (ram, in powder form Fo infants, invalids aJ (rowing children. Purenntrition, upbuilding tsawhokbodr. Invigorates nursing mothers mi tW ngstL Mot nourishing than tea, cotfeo, sts. Substitute Cost YOU Same Price ww faj-Jj -fy.

REFUSE TO FUSE Eugene Chafin Objects to Changing Party Name-Would Run Sulzer St. Paul, July 17 Prohibition ista won't fuse with progressives in the latter'a post season series at Chicago, August 6, Eugene W. Chafin said today. Chafin, who was prohibition presidential presidential candidate in 1008 and 1912 arrived from Tocson, today. He drew room 711 at a local hotel, without smiling, launched an attack upon Virgil G.

Hinshaw for carrying on several weeks correspondence with John M. Parker looking forward to a progressive-prohibition amalgamation, and then announced ho would fight Hughes if nominated. However, Chafin brought to town a seltzer boom and a pretty daughter. The boom is to nominate William Sulzer. The daughter is from Arizona who could not vote last election because she was too young.

Henshaw and Chafin are due for a clash tomorrow, when the project of changing the name of the party is slated for a pre-convention session. Henshaw 's supporters are reminding each other that in the 11112 convention, C. E. Pitts. New York deleirnte.

suggested the name be changed to progressive. Other factions favor the name "American party" and "National party," with a platform based on issues other than suffrage anil prohibition. Chafin gets all heated up when interviewers make the proposal and balks. Raising 411,000,000 and mobilizing voters is also due lor discussion tomorrow. Plans to run Henry Ford for president and W.

G. Calderwood, Minneapolis, for vice-president, were all mussed upu today when Calderwood cited Ford 's statement that he would not run. Caldorwood had prr- iously intimated his disinclination to lan as vice-president with Ford. Presidential timber today narrowed down to ex-Governor E. N.

Foss, Massachusetts; William Sulzer, New York; J. F. Hanley, Indiana, and S. W. Haynes, Indiana.

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MRS. VON ESCHEN A very beautiful and impressive memorial service for Mrs. Florian Von Ksehen, was held Saturday evening in the big chautaiiqua tentl The service preceding the baud concert of the evening. The memorial was held by the members of the Chautauqua. Reading Circle of which Mrs.

Von Eschen was the organizer and first president. Her interest in the circle work and in its members made her a dearly loved friend by each of tiieiu and her beautiful life left its influence and its impression on each of "5ie class. The platform was decorated with itho many flowers which she loved. The service was opened by Mr. Krickson who spoke of her work as one of the board of directors of the present Chautauqua and of the extent of her work as the circle organizer.

Mrs. Jasper then sang "When 1 Got to tho End of the Way," a fuvorite song of Mrs. Eschen 's. Mrs. Chapel told of Mrs.

Von Esch en 's work and interest in the reading circle and spoke ef the deep impres sion made by the lieoutitul lite of the ahent one. Prof. Hammond offered a prayer of comfort. Miss Minnetta Magers snnr "in the Time of Hoses." Mrs. Porter gave the beautiful reading "Crossing the Bar" by Tennyson, and the services closed with a duet, "Face to Face, sung by Mrs.

Porter and Mrs. Jasper. STATE NEWS "Two hundred and forty-five thousand acres of pine timber. More acres of land than are contained in the tate of Rhode Island. Over seven acres of floor space ia their mills and subsidiary- 'factories.

A hundred miles of logging railroads in the building. Three-quarters of a million dollars invested in mills and more millions in timber. Enough men on the payroll to make a goodly city. Enough tonnage in lumber and sash and doors and box snooks to support a respectable railroad system. All of this, mind you." says the Beud Bulletin, "is the property and the product of one corporation which has made Bend its headquarters and ia, in company with, the other big local operators, placing Bend upon the commercial map as one of the most important lumber manufacturing points in the west.

Indeed has the optimism of days gone by been justified! Truly there is good reason to face the future with satisfaction and surety." Twenty-nine different eonntics in Oregon, California, Washington aad Ncvuda will have in their records the big blanket mortgage of the Crown Willamette Paper eompany to the Continental Commercial Trust Shavings bank, of Chicago, for The filing fee ia each county is till, making a total of 2,277 and it pays to the government a war tax of Albany Democrats- A picture of some horses and dogs, entitled Our Friends, shown in one of the windows of the Art Craft a few months afo, was sent east for inspeetiou by a prominent artist, who in answer complimented the work very highly, declaring that tne girl who drew it has uncommon talent. She is only 1.1 years of age, and has never taken lessons at-all, having- a natural artistie genius. 8ae was dis covered by G. W. Rohrbaugh, up in the Cascades, while on a missionary trip for the American Sunday Sohool association.

Mr. Rohrbaugh is. greatly pleased with discovering the girl, and more with having been the instrument for bcr conversion, and that of a sister. IS CAM PROTEST Claim Agreement to Sing Only Sacred Songs Was Violated Those attending the Sunday evening entertainment of the Chautauqua last evening were given the benefit of several numbers not on the program. Ellison-White, having agreed that only sacred music should be allowed on the program, on account of the protest of the Ministerial union against secular music, had arranged with Hartridge Whipp of Portland to sing.

Mr. Whipp is leader of the Grace church choir and prominent in musical circles of Portland. After singing several sacred numbers all of which were encored, Mr. Whipp announced that he sang sacred music for a living, not especially because he liked it and that as an encore he would sing something different. What he did sing for the encore was a long way from the agreed secular music, so much so that' Rev.

James Elvin, one of the directors of the Chautauqua, made a vigorous pro test, on the grounds that he had told the Ministerial Union only sacred music would be on the program. The Maw son pictures of adventures in the Arctic regions wag one of the best entertainments of the entire course. It is probable that in the handling of the Chautauqua for the coming year, several prominent business men will be invited to assist. The question as to whether Salem wants a Chautauqua neit year will be taken up this evening and again tomorrow night. FOURTH VICTIM OF EXPLOSION Keswick, Cal, July 17.

The death of R. D. Murphy, of Los Angeles, this morning brought the death toll of Sun day's oxygen tank explosion here to four. The machine shop damages are estimated at $10,000. As the man oper ating the welding npapratus was exper ienced and the Metal Weld eompany wired to head off the use of the tank, it is believed that the coroner's jury will blame the San Francisco concern for the fatality.

COMMITTEE FAVOKS HAY Washington, July 17. The senate judiciary committee today reported fa vorably on the president's nomination of Congressman Hay to be judge of the Sited States court of claims. A frub-committee wa3 named to con sider the qualifications of Judge John H. Clarke, Cleveland, Ohio, for the supreme bench. "The Mikado" Grow- ing In Interest Mr.

Geo. T. Wilson, 'director of the Moos Big Comic Opera that will be given iu the Grand Theatre on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday, July 31st aud August 1st. Mr. Wilson who has had many years eiperience in conducting operas has aroused enthusiasm among the forty odd members of the cast during the past week by the manner in which he handled the many comic situations, introduces original pieces of stage business, and conducts the various chorus evolutions and dances.

Between the lines of all the Gilbert and, Sullivan Operas there are ninny little dramatic effects introduced that are only known to those who have sung or acted, in them many times. This is one reason why that many times home talent, productions do not meet the expectations of the theatre going public. Those who take the several parts have the voices and the acting ability, but do not know to do in the various situations. It is not what is said sung, but the way it is said or sung that makes ft interesting to those accustomed to seeing excellence of performance. It is the ability to do- things in a different way' that raises the actor to stardom.

The same thing is true of the producer of dramas, operas or photo-plays. Those who go to see "The Mikado" will see nothing amateurish, despite the fact that it is to be suiig'and acted by home talent. la every city of the size of Salem there is talent that is superior to the so-called professionals. All it needs is the right kind of direction to produce any theatrical performance in professional manner. Mr.

Wilson uses the same (are in staging his shows as in their direction. He carries over worth worth of scenery aud costumes for "The Mikado" alone. An orchestra of tea pieces will, play the accompaniment to the eutire show. It is safe to say that no local production ever given in Salem will excel the opera to bo given on the dates mentioned. Tho prices will be 1.00.

75c and 50c, and exchange tickets will soon be in tho hands of the lodge members for advance sale. x- ft SHIPLEY'S July Cleanup Sale On Street, Porch and House Dresses "Here Is Your Opportunity" ENTIRE LINE DIX HOUSE DRESSES ENTIRE LINE LINGERIE andsSILK DRESSES ENTIRE LINE OF SPORT and STREET DRESSES Now Marked to Extraordinary Low Prices Warm Days Are on the Way "GET READY" U. G. Shipley Co. 145 N.

Liberty Street FREE PANTS With Every Suit TnBlf "The Mikado" Comic Opera in Two Acts I by Gilbert and Sullivan Produced by CHERRY CITY LODGE L0.0. M. No. 498 Grand Opera House MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 31-AUG. 1 Beautiful Costumes, Special Scenery, Hilarious Fun.

50 -Fifty People in the Cast 50 Direction of Geo. T. Wilson POPULAR PRICES $1.00, 75c, and 50c City Market Ice Coal Co. Distilled Water On account of the backward season we have decided to reduce the prke of ice greatly. If you are not getting your-ice at reduced rates see us and we will explain the system.

Originators of immediate, delivery. We dallver to any part of Salem. PHONE 47 HI K. HIGH 8TEEET Salem, Oregon Same high grade material-same low prices. Suits made to order $15 and $20 WITHEXTRA PANTS FREE This is a most extraordinary offer considering the high price, of.

woolens. Don't delay. Order your suit at once. Ice.

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