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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. I THE NEW-TOUR HAU.N TKJUI NE IS PUBLUJHKU EVERY MORNING. SUNDAY EXCEPTED. igi deuTerrd to City Stutwcriben fin per weak, when Uwy prefer, they md pay advaaer at tba form nuiuUit nt tin- SlBcie Copitl Two Ma iMitMchOen Five IMUornperannmn. iaadrancc an 'hi' paper in eontftti ad beyond lot fat which itis paid; Sxbictiptioastakaafi tSU tu? TKRMf ill OVKItl i.iur?.

baa? wu. rot mob (ubaenueM iinartion.Wj and mi intuition.SO Pot Pnrooe Hi Pos Odo month. 8 i i ttdne Ymrlf to exceed iShnetwiu lenewias st ot wrly in 4y Pi, sj- unorted in paper appoal boti Urt in elvoojiia SKW-YOKH WEKKLV A VERY LARKE PAPER, Tun TUS COUNTRY. I urcAURtiottcRi vtie? oiTW. I DOLLARS annum, in id ranee.

1 ii-t" 1 TB TR BIT NE Otveu's Address Robert Owen, the eminent apostle of Social itin Community of Goods, etc. has just arrived in tins Country on a tour of observation and pruselytism in behalf his cherished views ai-d MStem- He leaves nur City immediately for la. diana, where his son Robert DaleO.ven is settled, and is no a Member of Congress (Looo-Foco) of decided capacity, intelligence and character. Mr. Until senior is a teli, epare man of seveniy vcars.

nf benevolent aspect, and with a moderate Scotch accent. It is impossible not to reopert man of Oven's indomitable energy und telf.denying severance in a cause which he undoubtedly I o. i lieves to be that of Human Well-being. We can pardon many errors of opinion and even of con doct such there be) in one who for years bravi? obloquy, slander, scorn, and patiently voles tune and his means to a work can scarcely in any event redound to his persona! advantage save through the good which it does 11 mankind. Thai Mr.

Owen is sadly wrong in his theories, we cannot doubt. negation of Individual IV is a grave mistake, arising from a keen appreciation of the which every where afflict our Race through the excessive inequalities in the distribution of Wealth, and the failure to afford the destitute the means of acquiring any. It is not partition of their more fortunate neigh bors' goods which the penniless need, but a Social adjustment hich shall secure to each nthoruugh practical Education and then a fair (Opportunity to earn and receive the fair fruits of their ca-t. lions. none suppose I hat we believe Mr.

Owen au advocate of any spoliation of the pus. Property; he is not, and never Yet Ins fundamental principles conflict with trie Right of Individual Property With regard lo Religion. Owen is alj wrong again. Men quarrel about Religion; hold contradictory of them absurd and let us consider all Re? ligion a dream Ol fancy. We say.

find out the true Religion, and follow its dictates. All that Owen urges in favorol Charity and tor others' opinions is admirable, and. what is better, he not only preaches Charity but practices it. On Marriage, Mr. Owen's fatal error consists in looking to individual rather than general sulm- He sees misery arising irom ilLussorlcd unions, and siys, Let us avoid tins by allowing married couples lo divorce themselves ou certain But would eradicate the evil; we axe sure it would aggravate it.

For the evil is that marriages are too often impelled by low, sordid, sensual arc contracted without duo acquaintance, reflection, assurance of sympathy. Cao any man suppose ihis will be auiendtd by establishing the liberty of Divorce at the pleasure of the parties Would not thou rands hasten to marry for a, who now hesi? tate and reflect when they know that, without dishonor, the union is irrevocable during life Would not tar greater and more general misery bo thus caused than at present. In some eases, the liberty ol Divorce would afford real and de. served relief; but it would create fifty necessities fur Divorce where it obviated are speak iiig, of COUtse, of men as they an: and Society as it new exists around us. All history testifies that the liberty of Divorec has ever lot in upon the community allow ing it a flood ol desolating cor ruptii n.

It was this which sapped the morals and tlic vigor of Rome in her glory, and ensured her downfall it might operate in the state oi Mr. Owen roeates, we shall sec when we havo a chance. U'e iiopo Mr. O. will every wbcro be treated with respect and kindness by People, and especially by the friends of Human Progress.

His specifics wc utterly reject; but he has de? tected the true seat of our diseases and miseries? in the structure of ho has done will do much to excite investigation on that point. Ho is doing a good work, though not of the kind he imagines. Long after his errors with regard to Religion, Marriage and Property shall have pp.Fsed into oblivion, he will be re numbered ami honored es one of the pioneers in teaching Mankind that they are truly brethren, and that the happiness of no one coji be promo, ted by means inconsistent with the welfare of all. When all the butcher.heroes who have vaulted tu lofty renown on fields ol" human carnage mid agony thall have become an offence and a loath, iog to men, the name of Owen will be rcmem beied with that gratitude which hallows the memory a life devoted to well-being and drops a tear of compassion for its errors. k-v.

Devtev came out on iag lust in Church of the with able ud eloquent discourse against the Annexation oi Texas. His arguments against the measure were of course on moral rather than political grounds. Am hi Laoies' Maoazine for Octobei toav be obtained of Christy, No- 2. Astor House. It eoutaiuH "hi from charles Sfkaoue, Mrs.

8. C. Hall, and other well known writers, besides utoseol the Editor. The engravings of The Lake and The Wounded Pheasant1 aie executed. 'The National Game of the American Eagle' very ingenious and amusing "creation Im ni" parlor, played with tetotuin eouuters.

It is for sale by LocKwoon, and Miles, Itroadway. delegation of Chippo Ins returned from England. They passed uth iinr if-n- davs since, on theii way to die half breed, with his vslm- Eoelisb id nil llie ot tlie luteal Eng itt.hiuii witi, them. Wc are told by sereial ol now here, tlmt ho is from being wealthy SifcVM in England. The English lind the poetry of life raider evan Advertiser.

Finuey, of the schooner Ves rlyuibutli, hoin the Banks, reports fish very the Banks; look only 3,000 the last foui I he U-t fishermen are returning with finding few fish, and those small, i8 'be Slrail? mlurn with lull lares. Caughl bteafi i put at PJy mouth this season for iniekere: i 'he gruat uncertainty and repeated ure? 10 that business for years past. Mereury. i 1 BY GREELEY Mr LR A VOL. IV.

NO. I Address of Robert Owen to tilc 0f tlie United A die it Mental, Moral and Practical Revolution to effected Peace, and Beneficial for Rich and Poor. Americans have come to you a mis sionary from the other Hide of the Atlantic, to endeavor to effect, in peace, for the permanent advantage of all, in every country, the greatest icvi.lutu.n ever yet made in human society. 1 be general excitement and scry of the maea in nations demand it, tlie signs of the limes indicate its approach. Hut will naturally enquire, who is it bold enough to undertake this task arid what are his pretensions? lie is mi old man, in his 74th year, who lias read ami studied the various writings of the human race for five horns a day on an average for twenty years; who has hecn a man of extensive practice in the great depart, ment of life fur more than half a century; who has traveled, Been, and heurd much who his been for many years visited hy parties in search of knowledge from all parts of the civilized world, and who has had but one object during his life, that is, to discover the cause or causes of human error and misery, and to find the remedy for both.

But this old man, because to i ffsct object, he luts been obliged in good faith to oppose fill the prejudices of the human race, has been more abused, vilified, and his Ben timents and views more falsified, by the public press, than almost any other individual on either side ol the Atlantic; and especially has hebten misrepresented on some of the most interesting and important subjects, having reference to the permanent happiness of our race through all fu? ture ages. It is necessary, therefore, that lie sitould now set himself rieht with the public upon these matters, tiiat his views and plans for the general amelioration of mankind should be no longer misunderstood, or Irom went of full information, counteracted, when it is the interest of all par. tics that they should be made to succeed in the shortest possible period. The subjects deemed of the deepest interest, and ujnjm which he has been the most misrepresented, urc those relative to religion and marriage. As our opinions and feelings are always created lor us, being instincts of our nature, there cannot be, rationally, indi vidual merit ur demerit for cither, but in the pre sent state of society, it is necessary that the of public men, who come forward to propose to change the very foundation on which society has been placed, should be known.

The impression made upon the mind of this old man, respecting religion is, that upon this subject tin: world ban been in error Irom the be? ginning, but thai is natural and unalienablc right in man to have the most unlimited religious liberty, provided he docs riot interfere with the liberty of others. That all that is really known on the subject "I theology ironi the beginning ol history if, that ol necessity, there is an eternal uncreated power which accomplishes whatever has been, ik, or may be done throughout the uni? verse, and that civilised nations, so called, have agreed to call that great first uncreated power, God, to which term there can bo no rational ob. jection. But what God is, no man knows it is a mystery past human penetration to find out; ami the quarrels among the human race on the suh eel "I this power, on theology, religion, are proof how tar the nations of the earth are i from being rational in iheir thoughts or con. due "Can man by searching find out "Or can tie do an.

good to he glorify infinite incomprehensible power ''Can ne do any thing contrary to me Jawa of that Is it not madness in men then to differ and quarrel and light and massacre each other on account of particular imbibed notions respecting 'he supposed will ui a power altogether incomprehensible to man Evidntly the first step to rationality, in the huni-m nice, will be to abandon all angry, uncharitable, and unkind feelings for each other, on aocouut of their opin? ions arid lielings, respecting the supposed will ol i power utterly incomprehensible to the human rase. Until this effect shall bo accomplished, no solid foundation can be laid for the attainment of per. uidiient peace, progressive prosperity and happi? ness among mankind und this first and most important step can he alone gamed, by ali agree to allow all in the spirit of charity the utmost religious liberty in speech, writing and action, so long as the same liberty in others shall not be diminished or in any manner interfered with. 1 therefore give to all claim for my? self, the mos- ample religious freedom, and the of all true, efficient, und ra tional liberty of mankind, and without which any lorm government, whatever it may be called, is a despotism. the subject of marriuge, it is necessary to be equally explicit.

'1'ho object uf human so? ciety is to increase the happiness of each indi? vidual to the greatest extent is, consistent with the greatest happiness of the whole; and the external laws of humanity are, connection with the association of the sexes, that man must hkn that which is most agreeable to him and dislike that which is most disagreca blc to him. All human laws of marriage nhould be based upon these divine or natural laws, and no parties, for the benefit of all, Bhould be com palled to associate as husband and wite after the natural affections and sympathies of their nature have been so far separated that no remains of affecting re-union of them. And until an advanced slate of society can be attain? ed, and superior arrangements can bo formed, in a more perfect state of rational association, the following were tao form, and ceremony, and mode of marriage, and divorce, given by the writer to the world at a most numerous public meeting in London, held for thai jjurpom on the first of 1838, and unanimously approved: Many persons grossly mistake the views which I recommend of the subject of the union of the sexes. My object is to remove the causes of the immense and most melancholy and deplora? ble amounts of sexual crime and misery, and consequent physical and mental (fiseasc, which now exists. It is Nature's laws, no disregarded, which require to be discovered tnd implicitly being none other which can pro? duce health, virtue, and happiness.

In the present absence of real knowledge de? rived from experience, and with the exciting, irregular, ami misdirected feelings ol the papula tiun of the world, created by a lalse education, 1 propose that the union and disunion ol the sexes should lake place under the following regula having an aftection for each other, am' ben.g desirous to form a union, shall first announce such intention publicly in our Sunday assemblies. If the intention remains at the end of three months, the patties Iivtng in the mean time singly as before, make a second public dec? laration, a bimilar manner, which declaration being registered and witnessed, and entered into the book of the rational society, will constitule their rational marriage. In the new world about to be introduced, mar? riages will be solely formed promote the hap piness of the sexes, and if this end be not attain? ed, the object of the union ill be defeated. Should the parlies, therefore, after the termina? tion of twelve months, at the soonest, discover that theii dispositions and habits are unsuited to each other, that there is little or no prospect of happiness being derived from their union, they are to mak? a public declaration, before, to that effect, aftei which ihey return home and live together ma months longer, at the termina? tion of which, if Ihey still find (heir discordant, and both agree to make a similar second declaration, both of which being only registered und witnessed, will cunstilute their legal Separation. The above cases apply only when Ix.ih parties unite in the last declaration.

Should one alone come forward upon the last declaration, and the other object to separation, they would be required TH. NEW-YORK, i to live together another six rnonihs. to trv if their I feelings und habits could be made to accord so as to promote their happiness. But at the end of the second sx months, if objecting party snail remain of the s-tmc mind, the separatum then to be final, ami the parties may, without diminution of public opinion, form new unions 1 suited to their dispositions. As all children in this new rational state of society will be trained and educated under (he superintendence and cue ot the the separation of the parents will not produce any change in the condition of the rising generation.

Under these arrangements, can be no doubt a much virtuous and happy riete society will be enjoyed than any which has ex? isted, at any time, in any part of the world. Tnesc are arrangements now to those who commence communities to form a ra? tional state of society. Unless they adopt this mode of forming their marriages, it is not probable that married per. sons can live long in such associations without many difficulties arising. No parties, without actual experience, can im? agine the advantages that arise from children being trained and educated from birth in these new associations, by those especially educated to educate, and who possess the most faculty for this important purpose, instead of children being brought up under the innumerable disad.

vantages of family arrangements, and strong I mal maternal affections, by which more than jus? tice is sought lor our own, and less for others. The Missionary, in all his proceedings, is do. sirous that equal justice should be done to all of the human each should be well edu? cated, physically, mentally, morally, and practi caily, which education is necessary to the well being and happiness of all; and that each should be well and efficiently employed and occu? pied through life, not only to produce a fair share ol the wealth and kuowledgc which society re? quires from each, but to keep them in the best state of health, hodily and mentally, tltr. September. R( )HERT Silaa Wright's Treachery to the People In History of Pledge.

St. Co. Sept. 14.1*41 FMtlor Tnittne Having noticed in The Tribune an account the nomination Si! is Wright Jr. as a State and being personally with the circumstances which led to his Humilia? tion, anil the mannt in which his solemn pledge was obtained to vote lor tlie Electoral Law," I proceed to give von a more de tailed account than has yet appeared in print.

In a lapse of twenty years, there are, comparatively, few lei't of those who took an actire part in the political affairs ol this county in the exciting times of The nomination of Silas Wright, Jr. then a young man, to the Senate, was in consequence of a rule which had prevailed for some years previous in the Bucktail" or Van Buren parly, if not in both the great parties which then divided the people ol this State, viz. the designation, by a previous Convention, of the county Irom which the nomination was to proceed. District Con? ventions were not held, but the county eutith lo the nomination, having selected 'heir candidate, the others acquiesced as a matter of course. In 1823 it tell lo the county ol St.

Lawrence to name the person to represent the urth Senate Distrii mid Mr. Wright was the choice of tin; Conven? tion assembled at Canton foi that purpose. The Clinfonian party held no Convention that year in St. Lawrence, nor was tnere any opposition to tlie Van Biucn Member of Assembly, Mr. Wins low.

Ltiie in the day, only a short time before the election, Allan K. Moore, Esq. of Clinton, was brought forward, by what means I do not now recollect, as the opponent of Mr. Wright; but being then but little known in this remote pan of the district, he received buuery few voterin the coutny. In this town, (Oswcgatchie,) if I rightly remember, he received but one roO.and that from un old personal friend, the late Wolcott Ilubbi Esq.

When the news of Wright nomina? tion reached Wushington and Saratoga counties, great dissatisfaction was produced, so much so, that serious doubts were entertained that he could be elected. He was to be un. friendly to the passage of a law giving tu lite people NeW.York the privilege of choosing their Presidential Electors, who, up to tint time, had been appointed by the Legislature. Those wiio were old enough to have taken part in the elections at that time cannot but ro member the excitement which prevailed on all-absorbing topic. Mo question had arisen lure as to Mr.

Wright's orthodoxy on the subject of the Electoral so in the more South? ern and Eastern counties of the district. Such was the threatening aspect of things, in Wash? ington especially, mat just on the eve of the election a letter wa9 received here from some of the leaders in that country, addressed to the County Corresponding Committee, or to some four or five of our most influential men, (1 am not entirely certain which, stating in forcible terms that unless a pledge could be obtained from Mr. Wright uf his determination to vote for said law, if elected to the Senate, his election would inevitably be defeated. That letter stated the fact of his being a well-known Van Buren man, brought up iu that school, having but recently left the office of Hon. Roger Skin, tier, where he studied law, Mr.

S. being the most trusted and influential political and personal friend of Martin Van Buren, who, as was well known, was plotting to prevent the passage of any late which would take from the Legislature the power of appointing the Electors, judging very correctly, as the sequel proved, that tlie Legislature was a much more munageald' body than the whole people. The Democracy" of uld Washington were not willing to trust a man brought up in that school, and who had so recently graduated with high becoming an adept in the science of political cunning and deception. Tue gentlemen to whom the communication was sent, proceeded forthwith lo Canton, the resi? dence of Mr. and announced to him the object of their particulars of which were soon after communicated to me by one of ittelr number, the late Frederick W.

Aiwatcr, Ksq. Trie interview with Mr. Wright was satisfactory to the Committee. Mr. Wright gave them all the satisfaction they de? sired, lie said he was a and had been the choice of Electors belonged of right to the People, and not to the turf, and the only wonder in his mind was that thev had not long before demanded the restora lion of this long-withheld authority." He uf? tered to give them in writing, if more satisfac? tory to them, any pledge for his fidelity they might choose to ask or dictate.

To which they replied that they Committee) had not called on their own account, but to satisfy for themselves they entertained no such unjust or unworthy farther, that the elec? tion was so near at hand, it would be tmpracticu. hlr t'i puldish and eueulme his pledge in any I newspaper in district, unless the Editors of the St. Liwrence Gazette (published in burgh would be sufficiently courteous to admit purport in their columns. The Editors were Clintomans, but tcking no part in the canvass that year, very fxditcly wrote and published a short paragraph, saying that they were author? ized irom the most respectable and undoubted source to say that Mr. Wright would, elected, give his willing support to the contemplated law ior choosing Presidential Electors by the People.

A letter containing the substance af Mr. Wright's pledgfs was despatched by tlie first mail thereafter to Washington county, copies of which, on its reception, were immediately dis? patched to the different towns in that, and I OFFICE NO. 160 NASSAXJ-STREE Tl 'ESDAY SEPTEM think the adjoining eountieF, just in time to clear up ihe existing doubts and save Mr. "-'right's clecti'jn. But lor this timely iaterrention nt friends, Mr.

Wright would unquestionably have been ieienud and whether he v. mid again bare candidate fi office must left to corjecturc. A iut for the plf given, and afterward sosh imefully Wasru ington, Saratoga, Montgomery St. Lawrence. roulJ and would, either of the-n, have elected his worthy competitor and secured the passage of the Electoral Law at the coming session.

I have been thus particular in detailing these by. gone rcnuniscehct that the People, and more especially those who have become voters within the last twenty years, maj have a more thorough knowledge of the man notv held up for the high, est oftv-c in'he State. To induce them to and reflect whether the highest honors in their should bs awarded to a man whose first pub? lic act, and that while yet a young man and un hacknied in that curious school of politics of which he has since become so conspicuous a in basely deceiving his uiends and as betraying his constituents. The gentlemen fpokenol as constituting the mmittce which waited upon and obtained Mr. Wright's pled'jo, haw ail descended to the grave save one.

He is row. as then, a leading and infl icntial uiem. ber of the party, of the first respectability, and now holding a very responsible office under the Gene, ral ciovcrnnicrit. Me, I am fully persuaded, will not venture to palliate or deny any part of the above statement? the facts being too notoriously trui. to admit of the.

least question. your obo'l serv't, R. Another Jimo have authentic in fornittion from I'atTsuu. N. J.

that a schoolmaster in thai town has been detected in committing the grosses: nets of indecency upon ihe persons of seve? ral of his female scholars ol various sees, from $ix to fourteen years. The naraeof the offender is lins, und be is a married man with a family. He was formelj deacon of the Presbyterian Church, and has been hitherto generally considered a pious man and a rood citizen. The affair is said to be even more heajrwending than that of add at Brooklyn, and Collins has confessed that his foul practices nave been carried on fur about two He has been arrested and is now in til. Sun.

iL? The Hamilton VC. I Gazette lias lately contained quite a of accidents: The death of Mr. Olmstead, a farmer of Gland ford, by his team running the death of Mr. Alias, the Indian Interpreter ol Tuscarora, by loaded wagen falling upon him; the death uf Steward Hunter, who was on a collecting tour, and went out pigeon shooting, when his truu accidentally went off the charge passing through Iiis.head; ihe fracture ol Mrs. Hunter's shouluVi (mot her of I lie unfortunate youth,) by being throw from a wagon, after having met her at Hamil ion; mid the death of allies Alex.

Ilitton, mrtstoro i Bcbuoner on Lake Ontario, who shot himself in a lit ot insanity. Earl of Washington Baltimore Amer? ican, in noticing the anniversary of the li title of North Point, says: "A fact has just come to our knowledge, which it may not be inopportune to mention at this lime. We learn from a reha. hie source that the British Government had acta allv made out the papers instituting Gen. Ross Kail of Washington," in consideration ol the capture ol the American Capital and the destruc? tion of the public buildings.

The death ul Gen. R. at the battle of North Point, which took place about three weeks afterward, most effectually frustrated the intention of his Government. 03" More fighting took place between the parties of Eusjssjp; whicij atffcrided meeting night, oti their return home. When near the Union Engine an affray, described as really serious, arose between men ul the Union and Franklin Companies, in which stones and colts were freely employed.

Several young men more or less injured in? deed it is surprising that no lives were lost. Georgetown I' Advocate. DJT" Dr. IMitnneys's Family Pills constantly for sale by A B. D.

eTAmDS, Ts Pulton Broad? way, und 77 East Broadway. ieS im1 MURRAY A I.W.MAN. Wholesale Druicisu and deaf ers to Uib Dye Stuffs, ate Pttr'n-ulnr attention patting, up urilt-r-. expressly fur South American and marken, 69 WaUrstreet FI N. Motto TsrsVhy the Greil I'n known, written expmslr forH.

N. WILD. by a lady in ihn city, who her name to kupt to tay they are rich, rare, racy ami ripe. 20J new vcr.e.-, every one original, told by H. N.

WILD. 451 Broadway, tn sen Uoward and Grand. dedica'ed old old maids. Sure cure. --I IM'IA RUBBER i icnler? having the snl? Agency lor the sale ol Goodyeor'i Patent India Rubber Goods, manufactured by ta? Naugaturk India Rubber Company, and by Sam 1 J.

Lewis It Co, ore prepared to show and take orders, nave on I vm nriirle nt auifc BEECRER i- BEX EDICT. IttJ Broadway. CJARATOGA, PAVILION IODINE SPR1NG3. oTho water ol thecelebrated Pavilion Fountain and aliool the Spring run aiw be procured trash fur family u-e. and packed in tine inler fur thippUHt, at very ruilured prirei ami in sny Quantity, of the aasuta.

A. Vi 'I WO. IS! Chatham-it. 'I'O H.Mil LKRIAN AR'i'lP 1 A van- arurle .1 ofCOltOO. expressly for cleaning Dnuuerre ul) pe and neatly put bp in I Ib.

is otferad for in loU tu suit purchasers by J. R. Ul.EECKEK fcCO. ,17 3w if it. LAMP doten just received, the splen aisoriment ever in market, eompritinc every variety made in Paria.

Alto, sell adjuating and Candle Shades. For tale at wholesale or remil, at Depot of Ale. chanieal Limps. A. DIA COM L.

I). SAXTt IN.Acents. 2) Jnhn st. BROWN 4 4. dTfferemstylos.fot sale by ADAMg.

TIFFANY Sc CO. 76 Pine at. tau BRi l.iarks. blue blacks, ate. line and medium priee.

fjr sale br ADAMS. 'I IFFANV CO. 75 Pinett. SPERM boxe? best New Bedford kraniU, for tale by GE1NNELL. HINTUEN CO.

s38 South torn selected wrougblzcrap iron, troM. the Vazoo, for sale by GEINA'ELL. MlNTUEN 78South OCHOOL received a lot nf School iSSalchels, beautiful patterns, and nl best Bruneb Cartwl- For at S. EAYN'i 'II mkstore. 7(i Bowery.

SATINETS l-i case- Oxford. Codew. ami low. foi sale by ADAMS, TIFFANY ,30 75 Kin.i: toperioi luiliiy anil a low price, for sale by SIM KS i 21- Prad it. rst( i i i TK iNERS -3S Btoei rartabletor J.

ConfeeUHxn. ioi sak owtoolosea eoriMcnraent, bv R. BLEECKER 8B William street "i ball medium 'luality, air sale by ADAMS. TIFFANY at CO. 75 mr constant mpply kepi no hand, for james WEEK HS.

10 SI Mniilen Line, up stairs. kJ'l frash, primenuali y. f-jr-ale hy grinnell. Mintuex CO 3 Soui hst. 0 io ii mini i 1 OCOTCH ky.

foi Otalaby PARIS street, Between and Coectita sup. PET Pi trail eacl. i beat Enclitb mannfac 1 tore, i sale Ina GRINNELL. MIXTUEX at CO. 78 South lull utortmenl from Is to uz.

best Ensli-n brand-, tor -ale Utlm I.RINNF.I.I- MINlTfN Coffin assorted bum CfK ir KI.N 1 I.A 1 1 ami patients, loiioleby JAMES tVEF.KES. ilO si Maiden Ijine. up itAin. C1 VST IBON aodeommoa Pumps.diflei antmaJters. forstle by JAMES WEEKES, '1 Massen Lone, up Ha as OILER AND FlfUE Boiler end Flue iron, woran wl for sale by SHEJl -A TWATEU fc JO.

30 ltr Bft R' comprisms al! sixes trum 3-1? BLEECKER kOOTHOUT. flirfcorn-r ol Jnhn ofVVbita and Black LavanUn? Rdkls. just received of Horatio, for tf ORl.NNE_I.JU. MINTfU.N '7- mtb n. a RAPE eases embroidered Crape Shawls, jii-t received and n.r sffllm GRINNELL.

MINT RN A. rS South Bl ol nioerior goal i. bl GRINNELL. MINTUKN fc CO. South (II liTLi'-t p.

cheap. ulyft'- 'or 7 or Is. and 4L per IK lor Old Qmrntnent Mra. andenmnd burn flavmeil and to try lovers of cood i otree.

W. P. .141 Kowaiy. rtuccesMir Inj I nwne CUTTING MACHINE. Ibt we chenp.

suitable for a Rookbinder, Paper Maker, or 6.r squnrms paper ipr a Rnline Macbin? Wttl bei Mid i ini.i.ed for mimei'i niely. Inquire ot'FRANCIS l.e-LT RtL. Manufacturtnir rtal.oners. 77 Maajen BUjO tf Afswta. West K.

1 III Ii 24, ISil. DRY GOODS. BP.n'.YN even r.iul wutui. ailtbe known fKitn heavy and fin. Italian Head; I C.

Csbot A. Mernmack. Es-ters. Unknown, Bran fee. fee.

m.r tie hid at nn Soon uf IS and JO I half i lifk above Fenil Aim. assorted twist, 5 10, Stollaod Abo, Cotton Batting, put up in u'ue IW tn the sery Urge ftL? per I). Sl4 I 3 per warranted equal io any 10 cent battmmr ket. Aim. Paterwn Yellow Xtetet; u'Jter New Vartu, at low Aim.

nfsrvwy desenpU'on. Carpet 4 art'! threaded or lualty. bull: white arsd colored, cd in A Twine of various mtalities, 13 90 cents pound. Bu-t tSrme Tw me. atteatiiMi nf Country hi.r.ts is particularly snttciti tin.

itock, wh.cii got up with a dine: view iMt the approbation, rv PEKHILL. and 'X i esiar Ja. BLEECKER fc I Commission S) IV are constantly receiving from Manufacturer) tad nflet lorraJe, at the lowest*. wholesale an Cotth.n Yacn assorted No 5to 10 and 6 suitable lot country iruiie. CoTTUN -50 in 50 and IJOIn.

bales. retail trade. in3Nb. a line article. JKwHUBLS1 Do.

in 1 lb. ('akckt Kit.LLin JOro lh. Woollen Carpet KiUinx. Country, Merchants will do to cniiand examine their Stock, augi! o-ll S. DONNEI No K7 Grand rtreet, cornero have un hand an rxtensive umrtmeai of the fc lowing house-keeping IiRY IDS.

11 which the, itti Don ol purchasers, vu: MtolMlmpei aland Maw esQuilu 10-4 bj 4 Dianen and DamvIt 6-4. 3-4. 10 i r.t>? Ii! 4 Wih, Banuier. Rnwa and SiJeao SbTetiniri. 3eo eii and T.

nreline Diapers. 4 4 mi 1-1 Diaper and Damask Crash, Hockabacli and rlirdere Diaper. and 5 Shirtinc and Linen -jra! bet. 4J heneT Ijm-n. ii Km.Maw.Hl i i ird i' Colored Cotton, iVotited and Uncti Table ClrKha.

nol i nanextennTe umrtment ofCloun and re, Drap Crunbrnons, Linen DRUinp, rxlwi and Pane; I'ry WHOLESALE CASH STORE 1. TAYLt ii. ilJ near N'aasao. OFFER at their larce and beautiful 6a iheii on tne mult improreil the ifwrtmeot of 1.1 die?" Dnh Gowbin the markeU containing among niliert the folhiwinn bile and ileiiruble stylo: I.untre?, r-ilk Wurp Alpira Untres. K.

Ttrkerri Shawb, 5 4 and Thu the neweal s'ne. nnl artiele ol the Full importation. Ilnx-ha Shatrb from Sa to l-'reneh De Lainet, all wool, from St. $1 yard. fee.

'hey idler i.a'h pru'ei creatly utnler I nnpiirtnrion. ICH PLAID D. CKEGUUV fc K' J.V17? 3pnna-it. reeeired Irwn auction I cam ru pktid ilnmDe Napla sillu Ako. the new tall Yelr-t Kep ds Laioe.

an entirely new nn.l ipiendld cruele, it yanl. Caahnwn d' iinl MoUMeline lie Lame? in peal variety; and at urica eaieii iiarl to cireecneralMtutacUon. Fall cheap Uoen Cambric Henutitched and plain Itorders, Irum common to extra tine, purchmed rarr cheep and icllii wonderful hiraanis. Douiekeeaefeareparticularlydirectr to "nr Sheetinsi and Shtrunaa, eonMting b(e iclv I h'nt unbleached 4 4, a 4 and 6 4-, Iron) hi -ivy in extra tine, at prices 'n ihepnaleot and ecooomical. X.

II. tlniaif -hinvn pni'iouln; iilten'iuii panlj' etwtomerj. COUNTRY Sbeeu'nc nr.l -IM, i i Ii I Shirtiiigfi ol ever, ityle and width, all 'lie known both heavy and fine, n.ny had at manufkcluren1 pneej i and L'edar-rlreet. x. had a above Pearl upstairs.

T. N. U.NDERI1ILL. A rVie is the lint of its kind, ind contains rhe aisswtnsentnl llrowo Sheetinin exhibited upon any one flmir in the Uni. J.4 and 7 Irom rhe loweat pure to the ijuality manuractuied, yard wide, yard and a I yaidanda half wate dhaetingi of every grade.

A largevorieiy rhe medium qualiriet, n' low prices, weighing I lb to 4 yards: also the hri rr flhtelinn Indian Head. Lawrence Stark Mills, i Vmt D. Appleton Hout, fcc Exele Unkuowns, b.c. Itatis, Warp and Wail Hest SiFiiihern Cirtton Yarn. asr.or'?l twist.

No.5 to 1 ami tu alte, Anin-kcigaiid line Vmk Drill-; al VI ILLINERY M. STEVENS ha? iiisl iTI reiveil line ni "lie aapirtmentsul Mil to be fntiiid in the Clly. and will -ell then cheapBl en r. iw 3ui SILK large assortment receivi I lor the Fall trade, foi tale cheap tor cash at 91 lleavei ft a33m L. M.

STEVKNS. a 1.1 WOOLLEN Ci 1 i-t I'll'iiie. comianment, constantly for bj j. a. co.

Merchants, I V. II. Palmkj the ami receivsf adveiiisementj lot n.n?i ol I besi of the principal towns and eities ihroughi ut United States. The terms of advertising, and thepapen, may bete iei'iii-mkt Nawsrarsa Aovaaniiso Aoknct. 160 Nassau Tribune Buildings.

p-f- N'isw tsi for advertising in the news nap Ilm and the neighboring Htate? for tb- Full au31. M. BANK HI 'FFA I.11 -RECEIVER'S V' dividend of twenty Prr cent upon nil "iraim.t the Hank ofBuflalo, which hav been ptesenteit to und allowed by the Receiver, has been d( clared payable on the timt day ofl Ictobei next, at the olTice uf the in the L'lty ol liufliilo rj. G. Receivei l.k44 15 I.VV K.

TKMll lttiH. 143 Fol tonst near Broadway, has received, by recent arrivals, the following described juods. which he otf'er. for sale upon reasonable hi can tas procured at any other "tore in the city: Dimnfe Son's celehra'eJ Britannia Ware, eomiitmg ol taut Tea Sketts. C'nRee l'rni.

i tendlesticas. Percolator! Ii rifying coltee. au entire new an article. T. Mewengerfe tupenoi English Lamps, ol a very luperior finish, consisti the patent Vesta tfsosxatic and Solar.

Ai. s.i. an eleiai.t andelahra ol 'li bchn. lurmountad with nn elegant cot glass for Bowers the riebest article of I he evt imported Jsiwitn.e'i VVai'er-, with pain'ei! rent'i--, seit? or separately Table t'utlery. with ury handles, tiy rlie le't, dozen, or kruros singly liirnruloles of newest pal from one to five lights.

Also, line assortment of iun cyGoods. WM. E. 8TOUTE.NBI iSi Fulton street. U'il H'H I'AlSTolt CANDY has no taste i I hi.

aud "it the elT-a't of It I'urents that have rbildr sick ihould by al. means cive it them they will eat all that rdiinresl and save hours of coaxing. One trial will conviuc all of iL? lent worth. Tho pric? is within the mach of all. hi ing only eneshilling pet package, and warranted at that I' 4jl Broadway Ikr.

tjumu. comer Bowery and I'odmgton. corner Spring and Hudson; Dr. Hart, correr Brondway and Chamber; Dr. Burrill.

ha'ham st. Be and alwayi ask for Wild'i Oil Camly ull others are nasty counterfeits. sJl N'EVY STEEL received an Invoice ol superior Pens, made by VY est wood and Hudson, Birmingham. PheM Pen? of extra rinish. suitable for coarse and fine wr nr.

neatly put tip in boxes, containing Creut attention has been tiven to the manulactnn of Pens so ai to furnish an article -uperior to any now in a i at much lower price. This is the lirst lot ever imported; dealers and ail who desire a good article uf r-'eel Pens cannot tail to from the various kinds made by sVeetwoud Hudson, und sold by FR fe I I IfJTREL, sJS Mnnutacturing 77 Manien l.aue. C1 AR large assortment tine, superfine and three ply of the ino-t approved from the OwiscoMi Sirsaleby ALDRICH fe SPENCER, rjt 4" richimje place to bwui Brawn Soap has Iwn found by Fur who ha tu be superior to eny thins ever mveii'eil for mg furs, as peeuiiaritie? cleanse the perfectly, and lens i it with ittutural lustre; and do no) dry and ieave it haish. some soaps do. 'Pry it.

For by moat d''he rhm I7 and Brooklyn. MB st. N. V. laffll TRUMAN ROBERTS.

have just received ntine a.s?ortment ol from SO Book: of instruction. II. S. RA Y.NOR, ill Boossellers, Bowery. SKG fit pUA lubtcnLen have a full assort menr of lor Hecar vig wbi'e Spanish labels ol various brands, calico puper, colored iDeiliuui 'ine paiiers.

and ail the kinos generally RAV.NOK. Bowery. SHOVELS AND tot by LEA VITT fe CO. aulu tf for rhe i. 1FAMILIES can with the very of Candy a' low price of 16 ceau pet pound, at WILD'S.

451 Broad, way. near 11ril.D'S AND SKN.N have no VV und the erTect" ol it. So Ion at WILD'S. 4M DEALERS in candy can -nve per cent by buying of Wilde only think of 15 cent, I uui Htuodway. PRINTED SATOfETTS.ol common and fair I upon consignment, tn-.

hj i.i^r-., oiiJ. J. IL Bi.KKi KF.R fe 1 William STEEL Casti Blister. Spring. Corman American r-teel.

all warranted to first mtaNly, K'r by isrillin r. alO Cliff, corner John street. HAMMERED AND FLAT IRUN-? Hyimmertsl 5-juare and Flat Iron. for Machinery amage work for saie by SHERMAN. ATW.ATER fe CO.

30 Broad n. KOCND AND Ffil'ARE a 9 1-5 Round Iron, 7 16 superior mality. lor by SHERMAN. AT WATER CO. Agen-s .11 Irun Co.

3U Broad OYAI. AND K' ronnd and round Iron. su.table for carnage maker, use. just by SHERMAN, ATWA'i ER 3D Rroad street. BAR 1 esxired.

ant Tor by MURDOCH, LEA VITT At auld tt lor the Manufacturers. T. West rt. 'H ALE BONE-10 uOO lbs. North West 1500 lbs.

South Sea. for sale (JRIN.N ELL, MLVTL'RN CO. tf 7s South sr. PERM Crade Snerai' m. foi -ale by GR1NNELL.

MLVT1 RN. fe 78 South-n. HINA iiirenor tdack l.cia..:.: arid 4 4 nisin. and sale by GBJNNELL. MIXTURN fe Cu.

78 South 'I LLP IRl rtorar.icie. for sale by MURDt 11 K. LEA VITT 1 Agents.37 HENRY CLAY PENKNIV'ES" and HENKV LAY STEEL and Extra Finished ArUeles? lot sale Wholesale and Retail by FRANCIS et d'TRLL. manu actunng stationers. 77 Maiden 1 it CiOLD PENCIL have re a tresh of Gold Pencil Gold Chains, Gold etc winch are selling very low.

MUTT fe BKiJTHERH, Nassau st, of Watches, fee. USSIA RED LEATHER, of fine colnr and con itao'-ry sale at Paper Warehouse. No 84 Jolm it. by Z.B. CLAYTON fe SONS.

FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE NO. 1076. PARISIAN House end Broadway, near Grand street, is Nttxated u. the pert of a business inratjon.and Ute heda l'the building has been tip nt .1 very erent espense OA magnificent with eseir Convenience tjr mil of snip tad fitocy end Use ceatirteti am! glass Lies willbe let separate retail tor the sale tfr lowing Diy Goods.

Silks. I. ices. Gi Bps, ilk an.l Worsted Imerr. Head ami trnaments.

Furrier's Articles. Watches Plated Ware. I.imp. and Cloandetlers, Fine Cutlery, rich hina and Gl Pocket Maps. Stationary.

An ualg and other Canes. LTmbreRas and Per. Ladies' am! Genllemens' Furnishing Mat. aps. Lad re.T' Reedy Linen r-tore.

id and Nee.i'e s-ttrre. Pictures and cb crsods of erers descnntion. and neenramodati in i 'oshinoaMe MiUtaeri and Dress Makers, Miniature ami For mt frg -t. rr has tret: up at g-eat (penm a- a galiety pan.tings and a rplen ime, and a presumed to any jo this City, a' i point cf situation coaven iw will be a moderate rent. and Io order thai the Bagnat i.i fashiooable rvx.rt.

an.l a conseinens-e to irtht of patronage. counter- let for inferior 'X da lmed goods, ami a certricnte rreocattstDdtttMM wiil mred from the gentlemen and lad es that take rkr.r;* of the oonters. intetida. ifpoanble.that each store all contain a differer.t nf and the articles ex In hit I will be frequently published in ef the day. 'here is also elav? eases llie for e.rhii?cg premium oods, newinventtottt; also a coau'iir in the bork pn't nf tne taiaar will be let fur the sale of ice cream and eonfotf joQOry.

establlfthment lighted, and heated ami kept clean tiy pn a will be in attendance to wait poo cuatornera to the different For fiuther particulars, apply to W. BENEDICT. Proprietor, Nassau or the Abo To Let, on the second an tu .1 at on f.r portrait and miniatnre painters. Abe. two Hue Mu'e.

under the Btzaar. which lie jet reiiinn1 iv to ne sa'e of Fancy House oden Ware Store, or any genteel business: am! po lession if any of may be had immediately. ye FALL G(X)DS SI'KSCIUBDRS are receiving every new arriva I Europe, theu tall el rich Ciavats.Scarfs, jio. Tbetrassortment ot the shore rttfi all others appertaining to a sentletnan'i a'ardrobe, will found the mostesteosive ol any establishutenl this city, la mg etigaged lor toe fifteen year, 'lie snme line meir facilities b-r obtaining the most fa.ftioitnhle through their agent, in Kuroi? ami their own know I ge and experience in business im- Usern every advantage in heir Ali articles ol their manufaetuie uu im theirsuperiot ami dnraqibty. rillfind at tin.

ettabltsbment anexterstiveassortmentol the lol iwing goodseeither of tiie lubscribers'own manufacture.ui int norteit expressly lor their trade ors.Gloves, Hwiiery.Linen i'. Press Ironts, Linen an.l Shirts. Ditairag ttebes. Mooey and Ruling Belts, i rery supennr nrticle Mlk. Cotton LosnbVwooland iturk-kin Shirts, nml Dr iwers.

Pocket Kerchiets, I'm reilas, ate. The subscribers pnv particular attention to Their sre gut alter the ipproved French suit the lorn of tne wester thereby obviating Uiedirneultiei mcthotl of nakingup linen in the old style. Gen lie men may depend on iewgsuited ith any ol the above articles.ol a wperior qoalr ut a lair and moderate price, at the etighbshnsani ol PARSELIJJ Sc VGATE Broadway, corner Park Place. IA FABRKGL'ETTES, FILS MORRA. Mafien Li.

Lane, up stairs, Importen of French keep con. on liand larg.i assortmeiit of Staple and Fancy Arti let, among which may be limtid: Pooth, Nail, Hair an.l Brushes, nl every variety, Sonpe, Posnatunw. and i Water. Uoopehi's perfumery and choice art icles. i.uerlsin's and Shaving wream, aic.

Jtc. Hooks and Eyes, ant Ere-letsfot Gloves, of all kinds, percussion Caps, of every variety. ami r-reei (tends. Gilt, Slivered nml Steel Ring'ami Purse Ornaments. Itlack run od and oval Mirrors, small ami large I tilt and silvcnil and open and steel Twee tew nf all Gilt and silvered and jel Halt do.

Combs, new patterns, received. lilvered lilt nml t-el Wstch Guards. Cotton, BtUE nml Purses, bub and low priced, Buffalo and imitation buffalo Contbs. ami Vest Buttons and Cloak Tassels. Wniie and block Vest ana I'ant.

ami Susuendei Ruckles, tich Paper Boxes with and without Glatses. high and low priced. As well as a large assortment nf Fancy Articles, which they ko sale for ca-h, or approved paper, on the most tea terms. NEW CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 440 PEARL STREET, AI.DKICII BARSTUW, importers, nanufactureks, itholksale s.NP re i. ail dealers in CarpeUllgre, Floor Uli t'lotlis, Tublc lovers, sfce.

Of every the lowest possible Their fnemli and the public generally are respectfulaTlneited to examiae their stock. VVearocimirNienttney willrlrstlil tor sd van tage to do, as we are iretermttseil that every iie.l at thisestablithmeni shall be fully worth tne money paid for it. jr supplied on the oui.i I'lcv irranvacan to make even transaction itirely mtisfiicto 4WJ'stAEt, eranaT. 3 EDGEK WRITING PAPERS 1 Jeasup'i lursernne te and bine laid supei inyal Do do do rnyitl Iii do do do medium Du do do du demy and llat cap Car.on"? b'iie wove iiuiieriul Ini do blue and white wove super royal Do do do do medium Do do and fina do demy and flat cap Uubbard'i lupet blue wove ruper royal and royal I ni do do medium and demy Do no do fine and auner flat paper Robeton'a celebrated while hand made super royal, loyal medium and ilemy Hudson's wove and bod super loyal ind demy. Portale by It.

CLAYTON (c BUNS, s-4 Ji.lui btreea. W. J. MORRISON Jt CO. i MPORTERS and Dealer, in Waiea.

Maulen ill Broadway, Y. keep constantly hand, a n-np'eie assort Ilse nt ol nrncle? ihe Thread and line, rig Knitting Yarn. Worsted, do Cotton. Taione Cotton, Worsted. Hair I lloth, Hisiiery and Gloves.

Velvet Rib Biisj.ui Braids, PurseOrnamenU, do Twist, me Scissors, Superior Wadding. Hair and l.nce Pius. Silk and Ste I But tons. Gilt and Agate Buttons, mpsand und Bindings. R.

genuine R'oui undCouu. tersunk Drilled Eyed S'eedlea, sisjinc GENUINE TKASj, Wlli ILE8ALE AND RETAIL. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, PRINCIPAL STORE. 121 CH ATHAM STREET, N. V.

Branch Stj.res 3H Herker street. New-Vofk. iail Grand iitwi, near Suffidk. Greenwieh vtri-ei, near Pulton, 11' Fulton street, 6HChestnut and North Fifth riulndelidua. reet, Boston.

INVITE ti.e attention ol City ami Country ami Purchasers their several e-tublfhuum's. where they Ibmk will be found by far the of pure and unadultera? ted Tens in tiie Stntes. The nniveninl popularity und renown of their home with reference to high ijiiul.ties. low on ces. ami upright dealing, is.well understood to render far ther c.imments necessary.

Original nnd only warehouse for the sale of llowqua's Black will tie particular to remember the Dumber of the principal in Chatham street, viz: 121. between Pearl and Roteveft streets. The public will also pleasesl to take notice that the Canton Tea Company have nothing to do with any other stores except dextruenj nt the top of this ndvertiieuient. 4) REFINED SUGARS. WOOLSEY AND WOOWEY rrom this date ofler their 'Standard'' DOUBLE REFINED SI GARS at the fol? lowing low cents pound.

When le-? than live 11 do do are purchased, half a cent per Powdered UU do i pound additional. The above are packed a- lollows: Loaves in bogeeoiSOJ Ii? i i 'rushed in bbb, charge for packages. Powder'diodo ol iVi Apply sn the Yorl Sugar ol South and Montgomery is, 9) Wall street. N. out ol the i ily mutt sccoinpanied by re mittanea.

in IMI-i iRTKRS i IF DRY I. exchange a plat ol sixteen Home I elegantly lituated, almu' one ind a half miles ol I nion Place, ha? ving a splendid view ot the Hudson River, thiee ol the great thoroughfares leading to the property. Address M. VV. to thss Courier and Enquirer olhce.

pur iifwllwks. kVVway, in periect order. Con be seen al Mackieil t-timp son's stable. 127 Bast lln adwey, for'ale by tltVf VV. Ci i.

No. 4 I'lIE RJEpUCTIOlToF PER CENT. i tullsetji on AtnMsnberic peessore principle; also stogie Tee'h or Parts ol sets inserted in the neateet by J. BCSKEY, Dentist. nest diejr to the Choren.

Best Mineial io useii ud warranted, undersigned would caution (he poblia against negotiating certain Promissory ol the de scription following wit Two Note? for $ibO. each bearuig c.r.te ofJuli iV.n, 1840, interest from the 1st of May. 1840. payable to John S. Wallis or tienier.

and signed by Finch Ac PineboU; another for e5l. without but Corres ponding in other with thiee aboie described The partnership name was 'igned to these a priva'e trar.s. action for hi- individual benefit, and without the knowledge, onsen' or approval ol the and they are. there fbre, void as against him. Tne undersigned would date that a was lately mstitured against linn on these in the Court of CoiaxttOO Pleas the County of Pike, tn the State of Pennsylvania, anil that the plain tin.

ha. in; failed to moke has ease, suffered Donsuit. C. C. D.

PINCHOTT. MBtord. PikeC 9t pkk1koca1. SPECTACLES AT BROADWAY. ANEW article of American manulacture.

inducing ease to to t.n^ weary eye and strength to he weak. testimonials of their superior menl will be shewn, among which are thesse of Dr. Lnrdner and other noted srieniilic gen? tlemen: But the public are to judge for Iiifficiet cases of deficient vision solicited. N- B. Every other description ol Specuclsrs st less than com? mon sll M.

WISE. OPTICIAN, FROM (GERMANY, mrst respectfullyin fiirms the c.tixer.s nf New York and 'he pub ic in general, that he has located himsalt in this city, nnd opens to-day at 437 Broadwny, a large and most complete ol Spectr.cies and Beading in Gold. Siivei and Steel Frsmes, He would also remind thepubhe. to whom he is partly known by his annucl visits to Siiriogs the nine yean, that by his know-i-sdge ot the optical sji.ence lie t. enabled to detennine he glasses for any eye Persons with weak can be with glasses which will creally benefit and not Strain the sight.

I articular at'cnlmn is cnllesi to a new ground glasses oftbe finest flint, which th iugh their high polish and true cround, produce the pu and ho? bean highly recorn mended as Oieir efTect. eye lor rung and improving in cmunued wr tmg Snort-aif hte erwus. and such as have bren operated upon for ratiirac can lie insert likewise new suoe eality in old frames, snd', ttw patronage ofall in. ot ii sirticles. PSsrase call at y' WISE, op'ican.

437 Interesting boat STATESMAN will run to and Flushing on Tuesday and Wednesday, tne Mihana for US conti, to aceottunodate those who wuh to visit the Exhibition of the County Hor tMiiltursJ rVMssty, WANTED. U- VN rEO-A -Un com! ssrasaer end i a and rast? prehfrni. Kn-juir? IX r. between Ur GREEN'S Nu SM rs.fwnr. east Whiteand r.sirertf.

room: women with -r? to go tu the best at high in Pear qty. Ur.AAT?D? byan Iruhtnan who ha? arrirssd in country. nrsdeniand? country irtnmg, wil can drive and take care of ei Irk wil faithful et anything he can 0 tot very aoderete wagca. Any wbo knows where rum a great favor by leaving lefof ntctxaa FviLtM.atMr.FernsT*, ooraet ofTini iwtw -treer Iw an office, an intelligent lad. who wnie? a fair ban.l.

Ti cimuxusatiou will be Address t.ower P. 'SI AMERICAN GENTLEM Oi dl ns familiarly the ra.French, Spanish. Italian and Portuguese and e'l sciuamteil with the ftnuriltons am! the ehe? to procurecsaptoyniesxt. The resids-d a deal ibroad, and ef sMM of trie must literary of Address "ETON." the Tribune rdBce sit PHI ittoatloo as Proof Reader is wasted 1 by a young man. Applv in 03 V.i NTING IN I VAGE, 31s Pearl st GST red from Institution lor the In istniettoDof lb Deal Dumb, de if mute bsty.

named laaias C. llru years old. He ned a very s.igrvt of Tis a u'ikr stooping II? irv away a ut, dark coloreo a'd tu? .1 se inrrted with name llispo' Pittstown, Kenuelaer may I sabserre toe -ausem 'bureau by givutg na (1 l'eet, Principal of the lion. UUNDR1 Com stationers I loose will pay tiie above reward ivirtyon of any Pareeti or oshee who shall i.l< sn infant rhiJ. agreeably to the I nute providing UierelW.wh ehrsasfoij toiumeSd chsp 11st title 2.

article I. Revised Statutes If any Father or Mother of any child under the age of eranr otherpecson to nbsm nny chili! have been loch child its higliwny itreet. Dew. i house, or out bocsa, with intent to abandon it, -ne. iii-oii puni.heil by impnsoameflt in State not or in a i Vunty Jaii trua one year.

H. Aitnu (IS 'MVi-i 1.1 KJiW VKi' Stoci Mftincate tfiirty lares rlsnsi ock the ItUCJ ley Peck, and wiih oi A attached onS.sturday. March, oi letter and lost on its way to Wallet, The are will be pc leaving it at TbtMitssoo's oGice. bsWall mhsfc FURNISHED foroneof twoGstaUe vnieii.

ith icd tea. it desired, can be obtained by vi) No. i iw ISO lartre truol room on tecond floor, to oi I tWO gentlemen. Apply at 30 Mutiny meet, opposite inbia College aJl tt ci ry NATCHEZ. MISSISSIPPI.

PHIS wed known bus undertone a thorough moairand isnoss tor the accommoila on of its old frtends and patrons. It situstesl on sin street, the principal one lor business, ant. contigu "iis to the steamtsint klndtngs. It? and appartnseots ciiieo'y an advantage over any other br'tel ity. The atteu suti are selected with i articular care, and (rso and wines te to be excelled I any other hotel tho western ctsuntr) Ttse susschber, ftvini hi.

long expstyi nee, having co the St. i'narkss of Orleans four stars and the present establi.lunent thn-e woukl ask bis are of the public patronage, pledging him.elf that those ssho him with a I ill -s ill not te ttegMtttciL John McDonnell. Nalches. Mnt. Aug.

IOth. Smesxl 1 IJ WEiTr'S Boarding House has been te I I mo veil to the building previously occupied ttw Man House Hotel. No. 119 CalleObrabia. corner ol falle Mer idssres, which has been extensively repaired and I'rices arranged eontonittty tsstM roosn sKeupietlsnd Urne inaining.

Aii- apply lo ftlason Ar. Tattle, Nat meet, who will be happy to furnisb esery inlbroxatitM to ivehrra bonnd ro Havana. are to obtain ptsssports. I be tacilitatesl clerk ho will all immssdiateli on llieirarrival. iiwti i oi in iv or DgnrsiN THaNoaTH 1 4 It iVSHUURNE.

Law, Gale s. Illinois, will give In. RttHiitn to the collection debts ie New.Vork Merchants in isaieua. Roekford and Rock land, lllittots; in I In Beque. Iowa in I'latleville.

PijtOH, 'nun-do Chien, Miueial Point and Madison, VViscoosin. RefettoO A.Cushninntk.Co.; Nis uKoy-YjKL EDWARD ATTORJfETAXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Altos. Illinois. i'eler' 10 Otf hn' li.

ri, IV. HcConn.J Francii UsiUing, New-York. William C. RnsseL HENRY m. I i il.LIEK.

JAMES II STToailEVS si'LsW anp IToas fHSSi sat. attend lo any hii.ui>?? tbnt may lie eutrusted to VV them in the various curls of law and wiNUr ill alteinl personally ro the rolleclion mid siHiutiig ol de nandl in nny part ol the stale. Tito business will eiieiai ropWvUon and courusrl el tuen lather. A. tl.lJER I'loii-e address M.

Iliiighamton. i imintv. nil) i.l. i'll i ssSSsrssIu llUpUKtkl I'l iiit wiUi ruptures may rely ii'l tlie woilii alfordi. it at the office.

No 4 Veaey the principal I nited MCltTlnul to the back pail of to use if ihey by Dt. Hull in writmn. one are geuuiu a upon at food, without his ng Mai i personi have urvdertaken to send of HuH'i Triuset sml atn impmeo upon conas? tence imitations eannol be reliesl I hey are ladel tumztlful inica, and are no better than 'bo ordin 'f TriiSfces. KooiUS have been bt'od up a' 4 Vess-y slrev. it ladies, htivuig a separate out ranee from the business lent, where a lemale is in constant attendance Ul wag Is, 1 uile ontienli.

tf lMf'S'lN ri' TltrsSEH. Ofliee IB ehinan Aboul of the first a of inuw York have given rdsvided preference to this Truss, as you can graduate Iii? pressum from fifty psrumli ho rupture, trjthoul a hack pad, which much injury ntheipilW. A fair being the bsrst lent of its lupenontf. applied and lig rials' uttlgiven, and if it discs not retain ie rapture, while j-eitarmlng every kind of exercise or cough and ease; in a won! if it not satisfactory i every reei-eft. ihe money ts eheorfuily retnrned.

and this he only condition on which reu should buy ajirTruss. A pet oanoflt cure is i i decioJ. und warranisyd, dtrssctionaar dlowci. Tbose Hodiog lor thilTruss need oaiy mention the tide nr. ami the measure round Use hips, ns ihey can groiluatu to suit thmr Sold wholesale and retail at 7v iTf.s: Vva osMituneni of gold and silver Patearl Lever, Anchor.

i laud L'Euine Watches of superior makers, lot by MOTT BROTHERS, impor'ers mid denlets in line VYatckes. No. 7 Hanau et, opposite the new Custom House. N. linn base in their employ workman urboisoeknowluls dto in this country, having acted as linsthet in the first I rtory lo Europe, whicli them lo have done the iutneataand diflSeult work that Can possibly occur, and at much rediieed charges.

sP WA'lirill s. JEW BLRY. SILVER WARE, Ur llMsnbscrilieri ruspecifully invite the attention of their frtendi I tue public to their new and elegant assortment ol -'1NEGOLD and SILVER WATCHES, onsiitingol Duphut, Level and lupine Watches, of van npproved makers, cased in the nsMilesl style, and warranted Silver Knives', Forks, I.a.t.f*. Tea Sets. Cas tors.

ice. Plated and Britannia. Ware. Ffncd.f'ase*. Mantel Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Faacy Crenls.

4tc. which 'hey areenablrsl to offer for at very reduced piiem. VV'nlchein and Clocks enretuMy re'miresl ami warranted. LOCKWOOD Si RIBNER. at the old establishes! store.

IdSo 7 corner I' Hotel. THOMPSON FISHER. WATCHMAKERS and are now preoared to -ell Watches oi iC-s eat retail lower than nny, othern tue the eil v. they receiving all descriptions direct trem lufaeturers in England. France and Dwilyerbyml, uey are eivibled to nfler a large assortment from Sli to each it vr do.

fi ti in war ranted to timeot the money returned. Also, a very good assorttneni ol Jewelry and Silvei Ware low. N. B. Second hand watches ami old nole, and .1 vet taken in exchange or Ixiualit lor cash.

Watches, clucks, music Imxes and jewel ry rs'puired in tiie best manner and warranted by i'Miereuced svorkmen, as low as any house in the city. THOMPSON FISHER, Importen ol Watches and Jewelry, wholesaleond retail, No. Sil Broadway. N. York, a tew above the City AMos k.

THOMPSON. RICHARIJ Jr. rm GENIN'8 IMPEOVED MOLESKIN HATS, Fall ski rfa.l>. lUMVim establishment, a improved and Moi.tHKI* made in close imitation ol the French Huts. Irani the most celebrated manufactories of Paris.

Having now on hand an assortment of the imported article, made by Mugnier, gentlemen will Ur -r atiieil ectual com iiansou to judge li.r thjuntelvea nl the n.uiost complete identity of the two Many under tbrre circumstances have preferred those manufactured by the siiUncriterr. not merely for heir great eheapneis, but poaaeaing, in au eminent de gree. those qualities for winch the Piertcn Hats arc, justly brim, which much lo gen era! durability, ar.d by which alone the shape and contour of 'ii? Hat pres-rvwi. luptrior true, und beanlu 1 atga Itutrt. ind neatness of trimming.

The subscriber, not urdy from his knowledge of lie article, nut also from the great nUffaetion of those who have po' haled can recominend them to tier gentlemen New-York as being superior to any thing ol, the kind hereto nauufnclureri in Country. He therefore solicits Cal I ami examination oftheil men Is. J. N. Ch Nl.N.

214 Bnsadwny, oyiessile Paul's. The full and choice aaortQMOl ol Beaver, Nutria and 1 'assimere Hals. Al-o. a lull assortment ol Yoii'bs'n rnfsjjiu' Csps. sailmcn subscriber has r-iluced hie superior Imtt-atioti Moleskin on fur sfjWJs to the extreme low price ol fSS.

The above are an elegant I Hat, aon will compare ad. with sold at 43 00 and 83. A constantly nanulnctunng Fur and Silk of Hut le-sr 'lualiry. latest pat? terns, and at the lowest prices. N.

B. Country dealers supplied by'he ease as low, il not ower, than any otner bsMtse in th? city. J. W. 1331 anal street, mi 1.1 corner ol Thompson Mreesi.

jl-'tsT Nutna Fur Hau trsrdT nanly terrrrail Beaveri at the low price of superior nap of Meleskiu at $3. These Hals are eooa! in durability and lustre those xild at 14. Aleoanar 'icle at t'JJK). a very neat dreai bat. kT, lm" BROWN.

Practical Hatter. Canal d. THE GREAT SECRET 1 PATENT YEAS Yean is an acid which, being combined In proper chemical proportions with an alkali, im preguates the dough wiln carbonic acid gas, without in any way the original properties of rhe Flour, and thus when producing axasp. In the use of CON AN I I'A 1 KN'T YEAST 'here never can be a rood cause for havinf bread. A chemical certainty 1, ju-t ns iure never to miss as a malhematt certainty awl if the bread Ve? light, and sweet in a word, it be not perfect, it bs-cause the proportions of Yeast and Sals-ratns not exactly right.

The Common mode of rinsing dough is by the slow process ol vti.ous fermen? tation the new mode is by almost You may nieke it. and bake it. and have it on the table, to. thirty am! eat 1' hot or Cold as you like, without 'langer lo your health. Sold wholesale and retail by M.

P. MUS8EY. Clinton Hail, sunt in.rce. of and Nassau-streets. GUNS, Piai'OL? AND RIFLES.

MATERIALS fur Gun Gun IxjcVs ami of Locks. Gun and Rifie Barrels. Percussion and Powder Flasks and Shot Belts, and Rods Worms, etc. ttc. Sir sale in quantity, by SPIES ft GO MS Pearl street HANGING different tot by DKRRlCKsiON,.

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