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Maryville Republican from Maryville, Tennessee • Page 3

Maryville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CO 'ft C3 0 0 Tie Favorite Home RbJj. Tlite cmintlkil Mc iliulue In warranted not to conUiil a tingle piirticlt; of Mkiktky, or any Injxirourt ihinerul mustunce, but I'liittiLY cmUlubig those Southern Iloota and Ilurbs, which au all-wise 1'iovklimt Una iluml hi iMiuutiito whtre Liver Diseases most prev-il. It will cure all DibcuBotf by of the Liver aud Bowela. Simmon's Liver Ileyulator or Medicine, Is emiuluently a Family Medicine aud by being kept ri-mly fx (muinliute rtwort ill nave many an hour of Buffering and many a dollar in time and doe to in' billB. over Forty Years' trial it is atill receiving the most unqualified U'stiiuonlttU to its virtues Crom persons of the highest charcter aud reiionsibiirty.

Emmiuent pliysician eoniuiond it as the most effectual specific for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and fowl may be faced wiVnnfl fear. As a Hemedy in MalarioUB Eevera, Kowel Complaints, ltest-lc-smcW, Jaundice, Nausea, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the Word 1 Is manufactured only by J. II.

ZEIIJN Macon, and Philadelphia. Price $1.00. Sold by all Druggists. New ISlacliMiilth Nlioi. The undersigned Ihw fitted up a Bluck-pmitli Shop in Maryville, near the Hannum (Stone) mill wUerqlie is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in his liuu at the moot reasonable rates.

The public are invited to give me a call. April 10, 1874. Alncr Farr. C. KAFTEB.


BEtteri ft Co's PatteriT rilllE undersigned is agent for the Bale of E. Butterick Co's Patterns, for cutting garments of all descriptions for LADIES, MISSES, BOYS amd INFANTS, Embracing the Fall Fashions, 1873. They a'rethc latest and most fanhionable styles, and are so simple that any housewife ran cut clothing by them. The price of these patterns is within reach of all. Order only from J.

N. Mkans. Sflulta Trees, For Southern Planters, apyly to John P. Morris, of Maryville, or Pritchet Morris, tScarbrough town, Anderson county, Tenn. GO TO VIA THE LOIMR ROUTE! (International Great southern R.

Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Little Hock, or via Shrcvesport, stiike this line at Longvlew, tho Bent Route to Palestine, Hearne, Waco, AuBtin, HuDts-ville, Houston, Galveston and all points in Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler, Mineola, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longvicw and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line Is well liullt, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping (Jars, Westing-hoimeAlr Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Platforms and Couplers and nowhere else can the passanger so completely depend ou a speody, snfo and comfortafle journey. The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirably answered the qnery "How to go to Texas?" by tho publication of an interesting aud truthful document, containing a valuable and correct map, which can bo ol-tained, free of charge, by addressing tho GENERAL TICKET AGENT, International and Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Texas. District E.

Lloji, McConnell ft Row Manufacturers of I 1 WAGON, CART, Carriam ft Bra Harness, flips, sec. Which they are Soiling to the Trade upon the most reasonable 1 '20 Gay Knoxville, Tenn. fc REI 'UBLICAN. Jlay 2, IS71. W.

B. Scott, s.u, VMm W. B. Soorr, XJUOUX UUllUlu. Subscription Kates.

One year, 2 00 Six month 1 00 Payable iu aivancc ICntos of Advertising. (10 lines Nonpareil constitutes ouo square.) One squikre 1 insertion 1 00 Kiteh in Iditioitul hivertiou 50 One column 1 year 75 00 To insure prompt attention, advertisements nuiHt be handed in Wednesdays. BriT Advertineirteiits will bb due after first insertion unless otherwise agreed upon. BfcS Obituaries will be charged half price; marriages and deaths inserted free. On Special List.

HI' have perfected arrangements with Vic publishers of the following periodicals whereby we are enabled to offer special inducements to subscribers to these first-class publicatiftns, clubbing them with the llJiPL'ULICAN at the following rates: Regular With i Price. Repub, Demorest's Monthly, 4.25 Scientific American 8.00 AM Scrilmer's 4.00 5.00 St. Nicholas, 3.00 4.50 Wood's Household Mug. 1.00 2.50 Nosh. Jour'l of Commerce 2.00 3.00 fhanr Leslie's fcm.ioations Illustrated Newspaper.

4.00 4.50 Chimney Corner 4.00 4.50 IlluHtrirteZeitung(Gcr-). 4.00...:.. 4.50 Lady's Journal 4.0f 4.50 Happy Homo 3.00 8.75 Gartcnlaulie 8.75 Boys and Girls Weekly. 2.50 8.25 Lady's Magazine 8.50 4.25 Boys of America 1.50 2.50 Budget of Fun 1.50 2.50 Pleasant Hours 1.50 2.50 Skf The, cash must accompany all names. Hand in your orders to, or Address, W.

SCOTT A Maryville, 7w. Flue Calf. A friend informs us that Enq. Chas. Davis, of Loudon county, is the owner of a calf which weighs 300 poinds, is 3 foot and 4 inches high, and only 2 months and 2 weeks old.

Xew Jlnwfo. W. F. Cummins, at Knoxvillo, koeps the largest and best assortment of instrumental music ever presented to the public here. If you want anything new, good and cheap go to Cummins' Music Emporium, Knoxvillo.

Simmv! Frot! Wednesday fnonn'np, before day, snow fell in this locality to tho depth of 3 inches, melting by noon. Tho Smoky mountains east of here were covered with snow until Thursday. Frost was visible here Thursday morning. No serious, damage to vegetation, as far as we can learn. On the night of tho 28th alt, Mr.

0. B. Gossctt lost his pocket-book, which contained about $50 in money. He had been up in town, and had his pocket-book out while making purchases at some of tho stores, and never missed it until tho next morning 5 thinks he dropped the book on his way home. Mr.

Oossett will give a suitable reward for the recovery of the money. Knoxvillo and Charleston ll'allroad. From the Nashville Banner we learn that our Railroad has been leased to MeRBrs. Jore Cowl, of Macon, Thos. Ritchie and Allen Ilay, of New York, and M.

Q. Edson, of Montreal) Canada. The Commissioners on the part of the State agreed to lease the road for two yoars at $1,000 a year. Tho State retains the right to sell at any time during the leaRe of two years, the lessees to have privilege, upon 30 days' notice, to buy at the Bum of $100,000. If no other offer is made to purchase, lessees may take the road during the leaso, for on hundred thousand dollarsi The contract will not be closed finally until June 1, 1871.

Circuit Court Convenod Monday, Judge E. T. Hall presiding. A largo number of persons from the country were in attends ance each day tho Court was in session being in sossion as we go to press (Friday aftornoon). The accommodating Clerk, Major Wm.

A. McTeer, furnishes us the following list of the more important cases de cided Fortor vs. John Headerick i verdivt for defendant. The State vs. Geo Baker 1 Horse stealing, convicted, 10 years in penitentiary.

The State, vs. Henry Dobsonj Felony, guilty of grand larceny, penitentiary 4 years and 6 months defendant appealed. State vs. James Thompson and Tennessee Lowej Lewdness, convicted, fine $25, and Thompson sent to jail 3 months. Stale vs.

Sam and Henry Stone Nuisance, convicted, fine $5.00, defendants appealed. State vs. Niles Walkorj Malicious stabbing, acquitted. State vs. Lafayette Snider Malicious stabbing, 2 years in State vs.

J)avi9 arjd Elizd Caldwell Lewdness, convicted, fino $2 defendants sent to jail 3 mouflis. Odd lloushli. (jrand Turnout of Knoxville LoiIkcm: The auniverhiry of the tbtablish-iuoiit of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in this countrj, occurring on Sunday labt, April 2Cth, the Knoxville Brotherhood celebrated tho day by aa anniversary sermon, delivered by Rev. R. D.

Blaek, of Greuneville, in the Opera House. THE SXCUUHIO.I TO MAJiVTILLl. Monday the Brotherhood and their frieuds including many ladies cnuiu out on the K. C. Railroad to Maryville, tho train arriving at the Depot about 11 o'clock, a.

m. The Order formed it line, aud preceded by tho Marshal. Mr. Alex. Allison, and 0 splendid Cornet Bund from Cleveland, jjiarched up Main street to the New Providence Presbyterian Church which was kindly tendered tho Order for tho excises of the day.

Tho Order presented tho lest appearance of any Society vfo ever seen in procession anywhere their beautiful regalias, and the fine physical and intoUectnaJ looks of tho members fully sustaining the declaration made by us last week, that they were Knoxville's "choicest sons." r. The church was soon filled by a large and appreciativ.0 audienco of town and country folks the exercises opening with singing and prayer. Assistant Marshal Geo. H. Bomar introduced the first speaker, the Rev.

R. D. Black, of Grecnevillo, who delivered one of the most eloquent and forcible addresses that it has ever been our pleasure to listen to. His remarks were so appropriate 6 full of moral truths, and so fluently and earnestly spoken, that the audience seomed perfectly entranced. He was folio wed by Rev.

Mr. Goldman, cf Knoxville, whe made a few pertinent and spirited remarks. Mr. S. D.

J. Lewis then introduced Col. A. S. Prosser, Chief Patriarch of Knoxville Encampment, who spoke of the vast benefits and benevolence of the Order, stating that the number of Lodges now numbered nearly half a million members; the property of the Ordor being valued at $20,000,000 Last year, he said, they had disbursed for benevolent objects the' sum of $2,000,000, and had taken in 80,000 members.

Mr. W. P. Washburn, Grand Rep resentative, was loudly called for, and in responso made a few remarks, announcing that as the hour was growing late, he would like for the Order to imitate the example of a lady who was advised to use her' tongue less and her feet a great deal more, and she "would get to the better land" Mr. Washburn said he wanted the Order to make a forward movement to Mr.

Key's residence. Capt Alex. Allison was next introduced, and delivered a most brilliaut and eloquent address, after which the procession was again formed and proceeded out Main street to the residence of Mr. Wm. Keys, where a sumptuou repast the excursionists and their fribiidtt; all of whom were magnificently entertained by Mr.

Key. At half past three the procession was again formed, and marched to the Depot and loft for Knoxvillo at four o'clock, leaving a good impression with those of our citizens who witnessed the exercises and pro cession. We have heard it suggested by somo of our prominent citizens that the Order will meet with a more cordial reception when they visit Maryville again, as there will doubt-loss be a Maryville Lodge to greet thom. Xew Annoiineeineiittt Week. this HnKRIFF J.

P. EDMONDSON is a candidate for re-election. He has made a good oflicor, is popular with all classes of our citizens, and, it is quite likely, will be re-elected without much opposition, so well are his faithful services appreciated by the people. c. R.

LOVE, of Louisvillo, is a candidate for County Court Clerk. Mr. Love is a young man of splendid business talents. Wo have known him from his boyhood days up to the present, and can testify to Ins moral and intellectual worth. Mr.

Love has been admittod to tho Bar, and is practicing law. J. mowaiip TEDKonn, who lives near town, is announced for Tax Colloctor. Ho is a worthy man, and well known to tho people of the county. A.

P. THOMPSON, of Maryville, is a candidate for Register. Mr. Thompson would make an htnest and faithful offioi if elected, and he will bo warTilyO ported by his friends in this immediate locality. j.

c. m'conkell, of the 2d tfcandiflato for Tux Collector. Mr. McConnell is well ufid favorably known Qo tho citizens of this county. He says ho will Imj candidate up to the last will remain 9 minute that the polls open oil election day.

IVrNonal. Mr. John M. Currier hta returned from KingstJ, and will remain in this county during the summer, to recuperate his health. Esq.

Chas. Davis, Loudon gave us a call Thursday. A. Gamer, H. L.

Canseler W. B. Scott, delegates to the Colored State Convention, returned from Nashvillo Thursday. The following gentlemen of Knoxville called on us Monday S. J.

D. G. H. Bomar, W. F.

Cummins, J. M. Lanoaster, and Mr. Samuels. Public Installation.

At a public installation hem, Blount county, April John Cummings, our efficient D. G. W. P. installed the following nained officers of Ellijoy Division, No.

34, Sons of Tempernpe.Vi.' WillM. McTeer, A. M. Gamble, R. S.

P. M. Keeble, A. It. S.

Goo. T. Norton, T. W. M.

Mur-rin, Chaplain Will Maze, C. T. A. Armbrester, A. C.

John S. Murrin, 0. After which speeches were made by Messrs. J. M.

Williams, John Gamble, A. K. Kinnamon, V. H. Henry and others The ceremonies and speeches were interspersed by sweet and mellodious strains of music by the Ellijoy String Band, composed of.

Hccsvs. Will McTeer, Lorenzo Donaldson, McCulloch, Pleas. Keeble and Russ Sam. McCulloch. On that day Plaosant Grove Division paid us a happy vinit.

With their white regalia glistening in the sun, and their banner of love, purity and fidelity, floating in the gentle breeze, one did not have to put on specs to Bee which army they belong ed to. Surety the cause of Temperance it' prospering. May the good work go on till there is not strong drink enough left to intoxicate a Jfea. Teetotaller. Comments rc Unnecessary.

Some few months ago, I become seriously alarmed at a Bevere pain in one elbow with what I was satisfied was rheumatics, I rubbed the place effectually with Hart's Relief. The pain at once left me bat, in some eiglit or ten days, returned in a slight degree, to tho same place. I again applied the "Relief," and have not had a symptom of pain thre since, notwihstauding the much rain and cloudy weather we have had. Some tlaV, Lowbvui nfbrr I llimiqt. U'ftS entirely relieved, strnnge os it may spem, the pain returned into the othei elbow, just as in the first instances.

The same remedy was resorted to, and I -have had no feeling of rheunia tism since. As well as relief from pain, as I hope, I am cured of my prejudice against patent patent at least so far as "Hart's Great Relief' is in the list. F. S. HeihKel Fruit Hill, Knox county, April 21, 1874.

St. Xleholas for Xlie Frontispiece of St. Nicholas tot May is a very large and remarka bly fine engraving illustratino a pasffage in Goethe's Poem, "Johanna Sebus." Indeed, this number contains many engravings of unusual excellence. There is even a drawing from a native Japanese artist The literary contents this month alternate very fairly between the practical and the imaginativft. "Is tke Wood" is a sweet little iueui witn a swDet little picture.

The Departments are all good as usual, especially Joek-in the Pulpit, in which there is a pre" eminently funny story of a low spirited turtle. Tho Riddle Box contains one of the best puzzles of the day. an everyday song, written in the "Language of the Restless Imps." EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. S. Z.

SHARP, Editor. 1 73 oral Education A Dlree- In the February number of The School Journal there is an interest ing matter-of-fact article entitled, and Public Morals," which embodies a great deal of truth in but few words. No one who refleets doubts the excellence of our public school system. Copiod from the best recognised systems of the different nations of Europe, it combine about all that is good in them. It is the pewer in the land destined to perpot uate civil liberty, as every lectures and politician who advocates the system will say yet this writer telfe" us with truth, emphatically, that "pros-perity depends more on good morals than on anything else in our world." Here is a fiold for tho philosophor, and probably a subject for the legislator, a text for the minister and a memento for the instructor.

It shows that moral philosophy is not to be left exclusively to be studied as a technical abstract science," but to be taught inthe beginning of life by precept and example at our schools Apropos of this subject, I saw late ly in an article on. popular education, tho statement of an old and experienced teacher, who said that he never offended parents by tolling them their children nrocrresHod well, tuouen Ebmewlmt unruly or immoral they1 appeared rather pleased than otherwise, seeing nothing but the progreft, and regarding the misbehavior or mitit'onduct merely as trifling indiscretion, oats. On the other Land, parents aro iot unfrequently dissatisfied with the 1 teacher wlj expre sses any doubts of the capabilities of their children, not withstanding they may give them an excellent moral character. This affords a solution in part of the subs j'tft, yet it only "shifts the difficulty without removing it" The parent then has more to do with the moral character of yontli than the instructor. If the parent teach the child thai intelligence and leaining are the only weapons with which to fight the battles of life, and that morals are merely a collateral circumstance of eaRy acquirement in the future so easily obtained they can be 'pecked off any bush" when wanted, just so long will public morals be bankrupt, notwithstanding the boasted merit of our school system.

Now there is nothing new in all the above. It has long been a recognised fact that there is an education of the heart as well as an education of the head. Both should go together, as both are necessary. That oue does not of necessity the other is 'fluthirfa experience, and the testimony of the writers of all S. J).

in Pennsylvania School Journal. To C'ttiulidatew. Announcements will be charged for at tho following rates 1 County officers, 45.00 State, $8.00 United States, $10 00. '1 he cash must be paid in advance. Oliver Still keep a full bUk Ic of Confections nml family supplies on band, at thoir tore near tbc McKinz'w Iluiwe.

They make the Ix st article of Baker's Bread, which they keep constantly on band. On puhlie duys our country folkn who fife wwa R'l(1 ant nice, warm can be by calling on Mew. Oliver Baker. Go to Lewis Jackson's, Go to Lewis Jackson's, S2 Gay Street, Knoxville, Te 52 Gay Street. Knoxville, Teim No.

No. And Buy Your And Bay Your Boots, Shoe's, Ready-made Clothig, Boots, Shoe, Ready-made Clothing, Sic itc ANNOUNCEMENTS For Circuit Court Clerk. We arc nnilioiized ami requested to announce the name of Will. A. McTeer rs a candidate ror re-election to the office of Circuit Court Clerk.

For County Court Clerk. We are authorized to announce the mime of J. A. Greer as a candidate for Coimty CVurt Clrrk. We are authorized to announce the name of C.

Love, of Louisville, as candidate Tor Couuty Court Clerk. For KlieritT. We are authorized to announce the name of J. P. LMuiondson as a candidate for Sheriff the ensuing election.

For Tax Collector. are authorized and requested to an V'E nounce the nnuie of Henry H. Stephens, of the 11th District, as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce the name of H. V.

Chandler as a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. We are authorized to annoiiuee the unmo of J. Howard Tedford as a candidate for Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce tho nanw of J. C.

McConnell as a candidate for Tax Coliectsr. For Register. We are Authorized to announco the name of Eri. John N. as a candidate for Register.

We are requested to announce Hk: name of T. V. Cowan as a candidate for Reuis-ter-u We ore requested to announce the name of Ezra 11. Lee as a candidate for Register. We are authorized to announce the name of Wm.

Kidd, of Maryville, as a candidate for Register. We are authorized to announce the name of J. Gray Smith as a candidate fur Register. We are authorized i announce tbc name of Ruf. S.

Kennedy as a candidate for Register, subject to the will of the people at tho ballot box. We are requested to announce tho name of A. P. Thompson as a candidate for Register. For County Trustee.

We are authorized to announce the. name of W. Kakin for county Trustee, at the ensuing August election. We are authorized to announce the name of D. N.

Broles as a candidate for reelection to the office of County Trustee, subject to tho. voice of the people at the ballot box. I1 John Illaiiklusliip. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, ville. Tenn.

Mary- Nam I. Jlowuii, Attorneysat Law, Maryville, will practice in the Circuit and Chancery Courts of Blount, Sevier and adjoining counties, oct 20 '9. Dr. J. XV.

Ilaniiuni is now permanently located at Maryville, and will practice medicine in its various brandies; also Dentistry. All Dwntal work Insured. To accommodate ladles, work will be done at their residences, when desired. It. S.

lleiniedy, Attorney-ats Law, Maryville, Tenn. Will practice in Blount and adjoining counties. Special nt-tmition to Collection. References C. T.

Cates, Maryville; Judge Honk, Knoxville W. It. HleplMMn. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Maryville, Tenn. Will practice In Blount, Ijoudoo, Monroe and adjoining counties.

Office, room No. 4, above the store room of Messrs. Walker Faulk-lier. je2 1-73 lV'. F.

YnrJlcj', Attorney at Law, Knoxville, Tenn, Will Practice in Knox aud adjoining counties. Special attention paid to collocting. D-ETIST-RY-. V. aiM.rtPTT.

Surgical JKh.SI.UIU, liulkt, MSJy- vIlic.TfonVnn.- XOTIC'K. BVirtu Court ue of a decree of the Chancery for Mount 'county, ren dered at the December term, 1873, I will sell to the highest bidder for cah in band, at the Court 1 louse door in Maryville, Tenn, on the 1st day of June, If IX, several tracts of land situated in Dist. No. 15, Kloiint county, containing uens in all, Ix'ing mountain land, ii'id isljoining (he lands formerly owned by W. ('.

Asa Brewer, and otlms; said hunts will 1 sold in true-la of fin') and uen. MA sale will be ule fMtisfy a judjin. nt in fuvor of W. T. BihI-xjii and A.

Andi i-son, et al, and against J. II. Gillespie a full description given on day of sale. This, April 20, 1874. E.

Gouu.wtn, r. m. BY virtue of a decree of the Chancery Court for Blount county, rendered at the DecemlK tenn, 1873, I will sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door In Mary ville, Temi. on the 1st day of June, 1874, a town lot and house, tntuated in Dist. No.

9, Blount county, containing acre more or less, and adjoining the lota of J. C. M. Boble, C. W.

C. Norwood, and others, ar.d knon as the M. E. Church South property. Said sale will Ix-made to satisfy a judgment in favor of J.

C. M. Bogle, et and against TrustH'g M. K. Church South, at Maryville, on a credit of six months, in bar of tho equity of redemption, the purchaser to give note with good security and a lien retained for the purchase moucy.

This April 21, 1874. E. GobDAKD, O. M. BY virtue of a decree the Chancer)' Court for Blount county, rendered at the December Term, 1873, I will sell to the higliwt bidder at the Court House door in Maryville, on the 1st day of June, 1874, a house and two lots, situated in Dist.

No, Blouut couuty, each acre more or less, aud adjoining the lots Of W. T. Parham, J. T. McTeer, and others.

Said sale will be made to satisfy a ludumeut in fuvor of Mary S. T. Wallace, and against C. J. B.

W. Johnson and B. L. Warren, for cash In hand, and iu bar of the equity of re- demptiom. This April 21, 1874.

ji vriij'i'Aiw. u. iv m. NOTICE. BY virtup of a decree of the Chancery Court for Blount county, ren dered at the Decemlxr term, 1873, I will sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Maryville, ou the 1st day of June, 1874, the undivided one-half interest in a brick store-bonne and lot, fronting on Main start hi Maryville, in the Greer block, adjoining the proinrty of Mary E.

Thompson and W. A. Walker. Said salo will be mode to satisfy a judgment in favor of the Exchange and Deposit Bank, and against A. B.

Walker, upon a credit ot 12 months, in bar of the equity of redemption, tho purchaser to give note with good security for the purchase money, and a lien retained till the purcase money is fully paid. This April 22d, 1874. E. Goddakd, o. M.

NOTICE. T)Y virtue of a decree of the CUunccry Jj Court for Blouut county, rendered at the June term, 1873, I will sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Maryville, on the 1st day of June, 1874, a traot of land situated in Dist No. 15, Blount county, containing acres more or less, and adjoining tin: lands of the heirs of P. B. Taylor, and others, and known as the Jas.

Walker farm where Henry Webb now lives. Said sale will be made to satisfy a judgment in favor of Bnibsou it Anderson, and against Ilriiry Webb, on a credit of and 12 months, except 5 per cent, to be paid 011 day of sale, in bar of the equity of redemption, the purchaser to give note with good security and a lien retained for the purchase money. This April 22d, 1874. E. GenuAitn, c.

m. NOTICE. BY virti Court irtiie of a decree of the Cliaurwr for Blount Count', ren dered at the December term, 1873, I wil scii to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Uiryville, on the 1st day of June, 1874, a brick store-house; and lot, in the town of 'lie, fronting on Main utreet 22 feet, and nixing back 160 fot-t, adjoining the property of W. A. Walker ami J.

A Grinnell. Said sale le made to satisfy a judgment in favor of J. C- M. Bogle, Trustee, and against Lvo L. r.i;J Lncy F.

Ferrary, on a Credit of 6 and li months, except 5 per cent, to be paid on day of srle, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the purchaser to give note with go(xl security bearing Interest, and a lien retained for purchase money. This April 22dj 1874. E. QoDDARIl, C. M.

ScriHer's MontHy. The Summer Ciimiiuigii Megrim. "Another Great Literary Sensation." THE MODERN Robinson Crusoe, With 1C0 Beautiful Illustrations Messrs. Scribncr Co. have secured for serial publication in Souibnrr'b Monthly, M.

Jules Verne's Latest SUiry, The MVST1U0US ISLAM), In which, not content with tho old stories of "RoUnson Crusoe" and the "Swiss Family Robinson," the writer undertakes to show how a party of men cast upon a mysterious and desert Island, may live by their scientific resources alone, without the aid of any wreck to draw upon for the materlah of life and comfort. The party are Americans who set out from Richmond, during the seige, in a balloon. M. Jules Verne unites with ai. accurate scientific exuberance of inventive gcDius that has fascinated the world.

The theme of the present story affords the author tho finest opiortunlty fr the display of his peculiar gifts. The story is profusely illustrated, and is begun In the April Number. For sale by all News Dealers or Booksellers. Price $4 a Year, 35 cents a Number. SCRIBNER CO, 054 Broadway, N.

Y. mmiTri 101 IV ortGAmc viwtjrron, to HlW dmUnrllv -t rJmirh. (t lure miuranUKd. fnnim-ao Cnturrb PATEKf n. jHlfrl 0 TJr 1 ti i not ppiooiitiblojj' 1 1 Pf i'miv kiiwh in IimuI Oll I'imlili th Wf 13 I K- I Marj illo Mm kt-t IC'iort.

CHKKC1KD HI WaI I.KB& pAl I KhtK. POHK jk Wheat, cl'n white, tt Vl V) Amber and Red. Vbu.1 .5 Fi.orH, 'k, ..1 'i i i. 55 (0 121 50 40 Cons- Vhii, Cow I ki-, 1 11, 111 TTK tl do, ('litem-. 1 Kftiifi s.

tl. d.iek, HiKKh, 'f lb, dry, green, Ib Hi kswax, 111 GiNkKNn, dry, W'i Cotton, lb, Haos, cotton, Dhikk Ai'i'i ks, N' I'. 12J Rl.ACKHF.ItltlKH, lb, 7 Potatoes Ihimi, tin Sweet bit 7" SllltOHAM, ft' 4' White Beans, "JUbu I Feam-tm, bu 1 A New Idea! A. SHUTTLE FOR 50 Dollars FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned wimm 10! I'UK BEST III THE WORLD! ESTTho Highest Premium was Awarded to It at Ohio Stutc Fuir Northern Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N.

Cincinnati Exposition Indianapolis Exposition St. Lonis Fair LonMann Statu Fair; Mlsslssliijil State Fair; and Ueorg'ia Stulo Fuir FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines In the were In direct COMPETITION tWFor Hemming, Felling, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilting and Stitching fine or heavy goods it in unsurpassed. "Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Hail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Machines for Sale.

Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Prico List, and Copy of tho Wilson Roflector, one of tho best Periodicals of the day, demoted to Sewing Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted AI1IIIJNH, Wilson SewJ Sewing Machine.

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