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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 4

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Page Four NATJGATUOK DAILY. NEWS TUESDAY, AUGUST 1944 Bail? Published Every Evening (Except Sunday) by THE NAUGATUCK N12WS CORPORATION NAUGATUCK, CONNECTICUT S22H tuul Jintercit na uvcond class fit tile podt office in Naugutiick, Conn. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance 1 month ,75 months 3 months $2.25 1 yeur DO YOU REMEMBER? From The Files of The News I Ht NEW ORDER The United Press lia.s the exclusive right to use for republlcution in uny form, ull newa Uispntcheu credited to this paper. It is also exclusively entitled to vise for republlcntion nil the local ixnd undated news published heroin. JM-KUGK TO TIIK ice to the Flujf of the United Stilted of Ainerluu to the Ilunubllc for which It One nation Indivisible, with Liberty 0fa mid Jiifttlce for ull." TUKMJAV, AUGUST I.

I'M NATIONAL INTEREST IN THIS PRIMARY The contest in which Hamilton Fish, isolationist hluo-bloud, meets Augustus -A, Bt'iiiuitt, small town Jawyoi-, in Congressional primary eloctiun today, has moi-o tlian local inti.Tcst. The Now York Herald-Tribune's S. Bird observes that, it "is enlisting more interest in high places in some ol' (he key i'arui districts where it will bo decided." National interest arises because Mr. Fish, whoso isolationism is well known, is running; 1'or liis thirteenth C'ungros- sional term nnd will, it' victorious, fall heir, on the basis ot' seniority, to the Chairmanship the Mouse En IPS Committee should the Kopublicaius win a majority in the Lower'House no.vt Prominent cit throughout tho nation and Now York state have been urging the defeat ol' Mr. Fish.

Tho fanners of Rofkland. Delaware and Orange counties in the 29th Congressional, district, of New York will decide the political faro of Mr. Fish. lie lias given small local problems a good Uofil of careful attention through the yours, and one may doubt the extent to which his neighbors will consider his record oiriiiternatioTial questions. They may a 'little sore at all the fuss outsiders are stirring up about who's going to represent them, resent Mr.

Hennett as an outsider's candidate and vote Mr. Fish back instead. Govonior Dewey has made it clour that personally he is opposed to Fish. The however, has stated that he intends to vote for Dewey and Bricker for president anil vice-president, respectively. Mr.

Fish, nn old campaigner, is leaving the question of his nomination up to the voters of his district to decide. His emidklacy has- recoivoi'1 so much publicity Unit the result of the voting is being awaited with keen interest all over the nation. 20 Years Ago William Ulrick, Stanley Drognlck, Stanley Ban- durskl, and Martin Paloski, Metropolitan Insurance Co. employes in Naugatuck, started their unnual vacations. Fred Hubbcll, Ed McCarthy, Pete Brennan, Harvey Knnncnbcrgr nnd Mntt Maher were members of the local post office team which was roudy to piny the dormitory team, 30 Years Ago Daniel Lcary, I'uriil letter carrier, was on vacation.

His duties wore taken over by Joseph Beckllng. Margaret McCarthy of Park avenue, John W. Burko of Lewis street, Mary Burke of Gorman street, nnd Koao nnd Lena Buurer of Curtiss street were among Naupatuck residents visiting out of town. Around the Clock Mr. and Mrs, Victor Lomoinc and family of 101m street have returned from a vacation spent; on Koosevolt Drive, a vacation spot on the Housatonic rivei 1 Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Fellows of Cherry street also resumed the ordinary way, of. ll'ie after a vacation period at Wells Beach, Maine. Ditto Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph F. Smith and family ol' Cottage street, who found that Maine beaches are really among the finest; on the Atlantic coast, and the one at Wells, Maine, particularly attractive. Oh. yes, the water is a bit cold there. Wnltcr Wlnchell IN on annual Augiml vacatron.

Jade fill this Kpace every Monday and Wednesday lK- (nninr Looking at Life By ERICH BRANDEIS A Buffalo judge has just ren- dci-ed a decision- be of the most far-i-eaching importance to the life of our nation. A woman war worker has accused her husband of xlcaling $300 from her and hailed him into court. According to tOie complaint, she had lying up her slacks when going to bed and Jic. had gone through them and taken out the money. The 'judge dismissed the complaint and the defendant.

He ruled that "the old law that one party to a marriage cannot be guilty of larceny of the other's property, is reciprocal," and -commen-todd: "The court judicial notice that from time immemorial it has been the custom of the wife to dip her hands pockets of. her husband." So, by the same reasoning, 3)c went on, a. husband has the sa7ne right in respect to his wife. Well, that is a Jaarned judge's opinion, but it isn't mine. I have never believed that marriage is the end of individual rights and particularly the end of individual privacy.

Oh yes, I know, there is aji old theory that marriage makes two people one, but that doesn't work out in practice. Two people can, never lose tVieir ndividuality, can never be happy when every possession, every thought, every action of becomes the property, of I kr.ow so many married people who think nothing of opening other's mall. Personally I would never of opening my wife'a mail more Ulan she would If she wants to me Jn a letter she received, on her own account. I But her mail is hers, mine, and it has worked well us these many years. It's tlie K-ame with our calls our vftsits.

it's particularly the with our money. She haa bank account, which I regularly. What she docs with it business, and what I do with money is mine. And do you know why it so well with us. and squally else who lives Buffalo judge with anyone same way? Because we h.ivc fldence in other! If we wo wouldn't stay together for i other hour.

Maybe that rijjiit. But I think that the very ft people go through eaoh cr's pocksts shows thal.thtir mv.l riagc the very partnei'ship trust. And where there is no partnership, the firm goes 7'Upt. '(Copyright, 3944, King Syndicate, Inc.) The Misses Eileen Lemoine, Frances Cuddy, Theresa Wilcox, Edith Radwick and Claire Messner, all well known members cf Naugatuck's younger social set, were week-end visitors in New York city. Miss Grace Millward of Hartford, former well known Naug-atuck resident, but a nurse in Hartford for the past several years, is spending her annual vacation with her mother, Mrs, John Millward of Walnut street.

"YOUR MIND AND BODY" "With the Kado was stationed fit Camp McCain, Mississippi, has boon transferred to Ke- Depot at Fort. George Monde, Maryland Toch Kaymond Jones has been at Camp Edwards, Ma.sis'achnsctls, has a new address as follows: Co. llth Battalion, 4th A. Kepi. No.

Ord, California, His serial number is 31309058. GET RID OF RAGWEED The season on rag'weed, which is said to be the most important cause of hay 1'evor in Connecticut, lasts from about August JO lo October 1, or until early I. Tho pollen can be eradicated by pnll- up (lie ragweed by their roots before the plants have chance to blossom and send their pollen into the air. The common variety of ragweed grows in gardens, vacant lots and wherever there is freshly tunii'd earth. It is well to loom how to recognixe the plants-and to take an active 1 part in community efforts to destroy them.

Hay fever sufferers will forever appreciate anything and everything done to remove the cause of one.of the most distressing maladies which afflict a great manv Iintnans. CHECK RACKET Another sl.iniy way to get money from honest folks, who have earned it now comes to light. The thief's method is to check, present it, as "identification" to a social security office, saying lie has no At first ho was believed, was issued in tin- name of the check's payee. Then the check was pre- at a st.range bank, with the social security card as identification. At first some banks cashed thpm.

Banks and social security offices both wiser, and toiighor now, but the general public should be forewarned. There are too many rackets. Tt seems obvious, by this time, that circus tents should be fireproofed. Peter P. Rybinski, son of Mr, and Mrs.

Mitchell V. of Wooster street, was honored recently with a party on his third birthday. The party was held at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J.

Kosko, of Wooster street with the following 1 attending-; Patty Ann and Richard Rybinski, Evelyn Bea and Theodora Marganski of Beacon Falls, Joan Owens, John Kolodziej, Mary Lou and Arlene Kosko, Francis Morrow, Nickolas and Sam Kosko, also Blanchie Beckling, Mrs, Clifford Owens, Mrs. John Mary Kosko, Mrs. Louis Kosko, Mrs, Hattie Chapman, Mrs. MitcheH" Rybinski, Elaine and Peter Rybinski. By LOGAN CUiVDKNING, M.

A THE NORMAL i growth and development of the child's body, from birth' to'ado-', descence," follows'an averapic'stand- urd Tire the specifications 1 of this pattern are rifrid for 'the normal average 1 It may s'e'em' "to widely fro mpersoh'to person. There are those are, destined to be short people and those who are destined LO be tall, fat, medium and lean. But granted that you can't lay. nay mathematical rules for those types, all of them maintain quite exact body proportions nnd rate of growth. One fellow may he four feet, eight and another six feet but in both of them if 'the arms: are stretched out, and measurements made from finger tip to' Jlngor tip it.

will bi; exactly the same us the height, and the mcas-- urement of the length of the legs, from heel to the symphysis, the bone in the center of the body in WASHINGTON By HELEN ESSARY from Columnist) Democratic Douglas Both Running For Girls Do Sister Congress, Gifted With Act In Chicago Brains, Beauty CHICAG.O Two Democrntic pirls arc doing- a not in the Windy City, two 1 K'ii'ls by I.ho name of 7-Iclen Gahagan and Klamourdom' It's nice to see "Bill" Kado around again after his in the service, but 3iow much nicer it will be when we can welcome every Naugatuck boy and girl now wearing the colors of Uncle Sam, hack again to normal pin-suits of health and happiness in this fine little town of ours. Rudy Smith, local businessman, is back on the job agaiin after a two-week, nothing to do, part of which was spent at Twin Lakes, where the MiHviiTe avenue resident, engaged in a battle with the piscatorial denizens of that particular as usual more got away than were landed. For our- money "Clayt" Davis and "Phil" Behlman are in a class by themselves when" it comes to catching fish. They merely whistle and the fish come right 'up to the surface and play dead. Mr.

and Mrs. William J. Holton of Cherry street recently spent several days in. Watcrtown as the guests of their son- n-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

David H. Craig. can happen now!" sang all the commentators when Hitler was bombed. It ahvuys could, couldn't it'? front, is the same as from the sym- physls to the top of tho head. In other words, no matter what the size of tho person the proportions Arc kept the And, tall or short, the rate of growth of' bone, the at which the bones are laitl down is the Controlled by Ductless Glands, This phenomenon of basic growth is controlled largely by two of the ductless the thyroid and pituitary.

Their influence is exerted on the bones and can bo seen and adjudged by the X-ray. Parents who know a little smattering, of this byhavir.K read some of the pipular accounts of the' ductless glands in current -literature are always fussing and wondering whether to give one or the other of their children some gland extracts to make it grow or to stop it growing, or to make it thin of fat, as the may. be. There is just a grain or two of reason Jn these ideas, -enough to make thorn worth consideration in some cases, but- such treatment should be given or withheld in accordance with. a full knowledge of the subject and common sense.

Jn the first place, slight' deviations from the: rigid pattern which I have laid down arc not of consequence and, should not be. inter- las and Emily Taft Douglus. Both the Douglas girls, who came here to perform at the Democratic national convention, are candidates, for the Congress c.f the United States! Both have brains in excess and brawn in pleasing do- And if they don't get down to Washington as law-makers after the election it won't'Ire because they don't know how nnd when to talk out in meeting and how to look pretty for the cameras. Tho Douglas girls met for the first time when they arrived ai tho women's division national committee headquarters at the Stevens ho tel to have their pictures taken Mrs. Helen Gahagan Douglas, who comes from California, by way the Hollywood screen, the Berlin opera and York stage, is Democratic glamor girl No.

1. She is the'-'pin-up girl of the party. sailed elcgantiy into the photographic' lenses in watermelon pink wool, a skull cap to match and general introduction all around by ferred with by artificial feeding of gland extracts. One boy may shoot up and 1 seem to be all logs. Undoubtedly there is for time in his body an over-secrotion of the pituitary but b'eforc long' Na-' turo gets control and slows the pituitary down and he.

winds up a normal, average pattern. Or this other one is definitely short and doesn't grow, -rapidly in the growth time period of adolescence', Very likely the thyroid has slowed Upr Eut then old wakes, up and gives the thyroid a jog and 1 the little fellow 'suddenly within a. year catches up with al his companions' of the same These experiences are so common that you can sec examples of them around you every day. Tent With X-ray Just or at what these allowable divergences go. over into the definitely where treatment by gland ex-' tracts is indicated is a matter of judgment.

One test if any parent is puzzled is totake' an X-ray of the wrist and-see the bone age as shown by ossification of the carpal bones. These little bones begin to Louisa Wilson, Democratic publicity chief of "Hero's Helen, everybody." The other Mrs. Douglas is Emily Taft' Douglas of Illinois, not so dramatic as Helen "but very neatly done with piquant nose, bright eyes, concave good legs and a determination to make American women conscious of the place of the United States in the "international teamwork." "Look cozier, you two," called the photographers to the sister act. The sister act, Douglas and Gouglas, clasped hands and sparkled with intelligence and good will. This little drama I am recording took place two days before the opening of the convention, mind you.

Bu tho women heudliners there all dressed up with some place to go. Indeed the women are so active this convention set-up, it 'is being' honestly said it is a women's convention. Th.e Democratic women are organized -from the right political down to the right share of lipstick. "And why not?" said Senator Alberi Bai'lcley, a group of well- wishers in the hotel lobby. "With 10 million men in the Army and Navy there will be more votes cast by women than men in-the coming election.

The importance of women 'bumbledom very thin." This remark was meant, I think, to refer in some way to the congressman from Connecticut whom I hasten to add Democratic committee is out to Clare Luce in a big or little way. Mrs, J. Borden Harr'man, former United States minister to Norway, looking as elegant and straight- backed as ever, was also on view and spoke freely about women at the peace table and other subjects and-she said it's "a slTame to have me around when 1 am over 70 and there are all those lovely, smart, young women about." The lovely, smart, young women were there, too. Especially national committee secretary, Mrs. Dorothy McElroy Vredcnburgh, slightly shy in public but knowing in her own way.

"Aunt Mary" Norton, congresswoman from Now Jersey, almost stole the resolutions commit- toe'shoxv as its co-chairman. She is also co-chairman of the platform committee. -These Democratic women arc experienced politicians. They are going to teach the newcomers how to get votes at a "campaign school" directed by Mrs. Charles W.

Tillett assistant natnonnl committee chairman. On these starry-eyed occasions pleasant attention will be called to the "fists" of Democratic women beginning way fiack in 18G9 when a Democratic councilman in Wyoming introduced the bill that nrst gave American women the right to vote. After-that the Democratic girls kept on stepping ligh, wido and handsome. They got Hattie Caraway, the first woman member of senate; Nellie Taylor of Wyoming, the first woman governor; Mary Norton, the first voman member of the House Ropepresentatiye: sent Mrs. Ruth Jryan Oweo to Denmark OK the Irst minister, and put Perkins in- the cabinet as labor secretary nd first member, of -the resident's ollicial family.

U. Trade Gains Seen As Lasting After The War BV UOBERT S. WALTERS L'niU-d Stan" Correspondent Washington Wartime trade shirts, including grcatei commerce between the United States and Portugal, are likely to extend into the period of peace according to Dr. Joao Antonio dc Biomchi, Portuguese Ambassadoi to the United States. Dr.

dc Bianchi, who has been.his country's minister here nearly 11 years, recently was raised to rank of ambassador in recognition of the growing importance of relations between the United States and Portugal. The war has stepped up trade between the two countries. According to Dr. dc Bianchi. U.

S. products have done much to maintain his country's economy. Cnxlitx Mount in 1). S. Imports from the United States have included coal, wheat, newsprint nnd lubricants.

Portugal has sent this country cork, sisal (fiber), wines and brandy. Portugal will be in a solvent position after the war, Dr. deBi- anchi said. She -has piled up substantial balances in the United States and Britain as a result of wartime commercial transactions. She also has become a communications bridgehead in Europe, a position she hopes to maintain.

Dr. dc Bianchi believes that airways may make the Atlantic "a greater Mediterranean" after the war and that Portugal is likely to proiit as a result of that develop mciH. along with the UniteJ States, Britain and other countries. He pointed out that Lisbon, together with New York and Rio de Janeiro, is part of an j'mportsat air-route triangle and that Azores have value as a stop-ovtr point. Colonies Developing The Ambassador said Portugal hopes for increased t(- volepmenui in her colonies ahe the war.

These have such variti resources as beeswax, sugar, coffee and fish. He noted possibilities of tuna have been studied in Angola. That colony and Mozambique, he said, doubtless wii! need tractors, railway and automotive equipment once the ends. Plans for the said, include development of clectne power and mineral resources and expansion of the industry. Portugal also hopes to modernize her small merchant marine after the war.

All indications that U. Portuguese trade, which has show's a marked increase in recent yean, continue to flourish in pcace- Dr. de Bianchi asserted. i a 1 ties have strengthened and show asting, he said. NOTICE! TO OtJK JfAlJGATDCK STORK CUSTOMEUS: Duo to war time conditions, are compelled to close our Nau- store.

CALL tJS For the our Route Man will on your street. Free Telephone Service For NuuR-ntuck Call Enterprise 4700 You're Telling Me! By WILLIAM BITT (Central Writer) THOSE MEXICAN girl bul! fighters probably have a touph time convincing tfic boy friends that they are the cling-ingr vine type. in this campaign-is not to be overlooked." "When somebody began a little joko about women's place in the campangn a parody with "glamour, toujour glamour," the gentleman Kentucky 'replied, "In my dividing line between at very' 1 definite dates on the average and the real the chil. (not the- time age) is shown the- bone age is behind the time age and if the child Is stunted in growth theu se- of thyroid extract does wonders. Lessened thyroid accretion takes many different forms In childhood and docs not show the cal cretinoid indjvidustl in any but a few Instances.

If a child seems backward menetally, or gains weight at the expense of anywhere from the ages of thrco to. eight, it is good sense to determine its bony development by the X-ray and If this indicates the necessity, to exhibit thyroid extract. It should be spotted in childhood because latter Is too late. Grandpappy Jenkins says there is nothing so persistent or a iheat wave. A middle-of-the-road policy In not ulwii.vN the safest.

You might get from both sides. The man at the next desk visualizes the surprise of a Nazi quisling digging down in the earth to escape tho wrath of tlia Allies and eventually finding in China! Now that Tojo is out of a job he can; pay a visit to that other unemployed Axis big shot, Mussolini. All this accent, on youth Junior puzzled. He doesn't know whether to on to college or nui for president. SHALETT-LUX Luundcrers 28 E.

Main Waterhury Office Plant, 22 Walnut St. Ext. Watcrtown Niuiuatuck Mlddlcbury YOUR EYEGLASSES SHOP C. H. Tomlincon Noary Building Conn.

STORK CLOSED ALL HAY EACH MONDAY nURINU JULY AND ACGDST (rill make your It it bcrter io even' cheaper, UM good paints like Murphv'fc They are mote beautiful thev wear, and wear, wear. Ask us about theou CANS, MAPLE STREET TEL. 3507 CLEARANCE SALE Coats, SuIlN and Greatly Reduced The Russians are becoming so so Amcr.camzed, we revxd, that many 1 1 10 clle First thing you know ball franchise. Moscow will rst be se- cated at Burlington in BUY WAR M..

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