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The Tacoma Times from Tacoma, Washington • Page 1

The Tacoma Timesi
Tacoma, Washington
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fOT BUPP Wln Wg HOME EDITION Mother Jones tells about her halt Irs for labor on page tndoy. VOL. IX. NO. 100.

MILLIONS DIDN'T HELP HIM WHEN TITANIC SUNK NEW YORK, April 16. four hours as nearly as can be pguretf after a great white iceberg riding silent and all but confcealed through the night, the great mass of It below the water, crossed the bow of the Titanic, biggest and finest of ships, the thing that man made, acknowledged defeat to the awful thing made Of God and sank beneath the waves. Down to the bottom of the sea two miles belaiw the surface of the water, 900 miles from shore, the magnificent $10,003,000 floating palace sank, with the majority of its billion dollar passenger list and its five millions worth of jewels. It was the maiden trip of the Titanic from Southampton to New York and millionaires and multi-millionaires had crowded to share the distinction of the trip. It was Sunday night and calm.

There was music on board, a concert In the main auditorium. In many of the men's staterooms was the rattle of poker chips, the click of ice in tall glasses. Smoke circles through the room. In steamer chairs on deck couples still lingered. There were lovers and couples newly married.

There were couples past middle life who read the latest book under the electric lights. There wag gambling and music and dancing and love making and plans for gigantic business schemes, and letters being written. lilliles being read, religious services Koing Then the terrifying. On shore operators In tn tiny chops on tall buildings caught the fatal call D. (come quick, distress).

The operator on the Allan liner Virginian, 300 miles away, 1492 DEAD-LIFE BOATS MIGHT HAVE SAVED EVERY VICTIM (llv United Press Leased Wire.) KKW YOHK, April- dispatch to a news bureau reports that -message from Cape Hare, relayed from the scene of the wreck, 1-. "All but 1,237 passengers aboard the Titanic have been accounted for." If the report is true, it that 155 persons in addition to I the 800 persons reported aboard the Curpathln has been recovered. The report has not been HALIFAX, N. 8., April 16.The Sable Island wireless station reports: "We now In communication with the Parisian." She has no 'liliinii- passengers MONTREAL, April The last report that additional Titanic passengers were saved was dissipated here today when Captain Gambell of the Virginian reported to the Allan line agents here that the Virginian's rescue trip was fruitless. message said: "We arrived too late to rescue anyone and are proceeding to Liverpool." This is accepted as meaning (hat all the passengers went down except the survivors aboard Carpathian.

United Press 1,. Wire.) NEW YORK, April of 1,492 persons, according to latest estimates here today, were lost when the Titanic sank after striking an iceberg off the Grand Banks. According to the White Star line, 2,358 were aboard the Titanic when she stuck, and of these 866 were saved. It Is believed that nearly every soul aboard the Titanic could have been saved if the giant liner had carried enough life boats and rafts. Only 20 modern life boats were aboard.

The Carpathia will arrive in New York on Thursday or early Friday morning. The Olympic, Franklin said, is searching the sea near the scene of the wreck. Only one hope remains. It is believed the Titanic drifted over thirty miles from the time she struck to the time she sank, that possibly some of the life boats lowered early drifted awa before the Carpathia arrived. The weather off Nova Scotia, how ever, was foggy last night, and with a heavy thunderstorm travelin eastward, little hope is entertained for rescuing the survivors wh may still be afloat.

The tireless stations today admit their inability to reach any of the vessels in the vicinity when the Titanic went down. The also have been unable to reach the Carpathia. It is expected the stories to be told by the survivors will eclipse anything in fiction. It is likely that women and children suffered greatly while the lifeboats were floundering about in the sea prior to being picked up by the Carpathta. The stock market was nervous early in the day because of the disaster, but the early depression was followed by a fair recovery.

NEW YORK, April New York is stunned today by the apalling loss of life on the Titanic. A long Hue of hysterical men, women and children besieged the offices of the White Star line begging for some definite Information. The police had to be called out. Company Ts Relatives of the missing passengers bitterly denounce company for having deliberately withheld news of the disaster when they were reasonably certain that the Titanic had down. Company officials defended their action by saying they did not feel justified in alarming the world until positive confirmation had been received.

Reports today Indicate that the male itassengent, millionaires and pcimantH alike, went to their doom like men. There was no claw distinction, the women in the steerage being given the name chance its the wives at the multimillionaires in the flrM rubinx. The announcement last night that the Titanic bad sunk brought thousands of persons from the theaters and restaurants, where relatives were celebrating their supposed escape. Astor Vincent Astor, son of John The Titanic disaster is the greatest marine disaster, In time of peace, In the history of the world 1. The-best obtainable of the loss is: Lives lost 1.800.

Coat to build 4 Estimated value of Jewels carried by women placed at $5,000,000. Value of baggage and Lose from probable lawsuits and Jacob Astor, with A. J. Blddle, Philadelphia banker, hurried to Vice President Franklin's When he came out was weeping and had to be assisted to an automobile. Mrs.

Benjamin Guggenheim importuned everyone she could reach, demanding hysterically that something be done. She said to Franklin: A "For God's sake do something. Don't let expense count if there is any chance. Hire steamers ami riihli them to the scene." It is believed almost eertain'today that Captain E. Smith or the Titanic went down with ship.

A. G. bill Rafe. Alfred Gwynne Vanderlillt, head the family, who was supposed to have sailed on the-'Tltanlc, decided at the last minute to postpone his departure. Mrs.

John Jacob'Astor, formerly Miss Madeline Force, is among the passengers rescued from the Titanic. Colonel Astor and otfier prominent American millionaires probably went down with the vessel. Vice PresidejOtt'P. of the White line was hysterioal over the catastrophe. He said: "It is horrible, horrible.

We The Tacoma Times THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA caught the call, verified It, gottheiocation, then grabbed the apeak- Ing tube and bellowed excitedly to the mate. Speaking tubes reared through the boat. The helmsman caught his chart and his wheel with one move. The englnees leaped into action. The (Iremen and jumped to their place and began working like mad.

"More speed," came the order from above, and the men below obeyed. On the Carpathian, 200 miles away, the Olympic and other vessels the same scene ensued. Then started the race for the doomed vessel. It was ten hours away. Could the vessel last that long? On shore friend's and relatives clamored at the steamtiblp offices for news.

The officials kept up their courage by talking of watertight compartments and non-Binkable construction. They hoped against hope. One bulletin floating In over sea that the Carpathian had taken off 800 and that the other boats had reached the wrecked ship kept their spirits up till night. Then' came the wireless from the Carpathian. "Titanic sunk.

Only wreckage on sea when wo arrived. Picked.up 866 people in boats. Rest probably sunk. What mad scene liapiiened on board the ship when the 800 who were saved Here delected from the 1,200 who went down to death mint be learned until the Carpathian or the Virginian roaches land. There were millionaires and multl-milllonairex on board when the boat steamed majestically out of Southampton, Its powerful triple screw propellers churning the water Into fury.

FIVE OF THE FIGURES IN TITANIC WRECK LADY passenger on sunken Titanic, who was saved. Archie Butt Was Known Here Archie Butt, the president's aide, was probably known personally to more people than any supposed victim of the Titanic wreck. Butt was out here with Taft last fall and waa the life of the president's party. A big, hearty, good-looking man, he was the man to jolly the president's enemies and smooth out many difficulties. Butt started as a Virginia newspaper man, entered the army the adjutant general's office.

have no farther authentic except partial verification from the wireless operator aboard the which la coming here with Home of the Two Positively Saved;" 1 In a list of the Titanic'n survivors, caught here by wireless, Bruce I Ismay, managing director of the White Star-line, and Mrs. J. J. Astor, are the only prominent passengers given as positively saved. I Terriflc Money Lous.

The financial loss to the White Star company will be staggering. declared that when the 'easel was kurnched represented Mi outlay of 112,000,000. in addition the Titanic carried a consignment of diamonds estimated; to be worth $5,000,000. This loss, however. Is practically covered by i Insurance.

1 The loss the Titanic toe greatest from a financial standpoint in the marine insurance. The vessel itself was insured for $3,700,000. An TACOMA, WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 535E MADELINE FO HCE ASTOR. A tragic figure In the Titanic disaster Is Madeline Force Astor, the 19-year-old beauty whose marriage to Col. J.

J. Astor, divorced man of 50, and who had a sort older than his bride. The marriage took place but five months ago, aftgr ministers all over the country had condqiDped the match. If Astor is dead, the girl will share his 1150,000,000 with the son Vincent. Astor is a descendant of thft sohn Jacob Astor who helped up the Northwest by entafrltaking trading jmsts here at the ftrst of last century.

He went "tdt the front dwing the Spanish war at the head of a Newf York regiment. He gave his pleasure yacht to the navy. enormous quantity of bond's also went down with the uteamer tut these eventually will be replaced. It will not be known for several days whether the CAN NEVER BECOVER SHIP TREASURE Can the Titanic be raised and the $5,000,000 in treasure be recovered? was one of the hundred questions heard on the straata today. The discussion went back at once to the Andelana, which lost Its moor log alongside and turner! turtle In Tacoma harbor 12 years Hgo.

The boat was never even reached, though several divers tried, and Diver Baldwin met his death Baldwin was crushed by HM tremendous water pressure. But the Aadelana sank in 1M feet of water. The Titanic burled two miles deep. "There's no chance," said Harbormaster CUM today. "Thouga to save and noulu to rociwm.

Col. John Jacob Aator stood no higher In that dread minute, his 160 millions ot unearned increment were worth no more than expense account allowed the millinery buyer of a Rochester's department, store who sailed In third clans. Big Jolly Archie Butt, friend of three presidents, had to take his turn with the IMtie school teacher from lowa who had put the Ravings of ton years into this cue great trip to Europe. "The ship la sinking." the fearful cry resounded, and the Jeweled heiress of had to take her chance with the buttoned page who was thinking of bride and the baby ho had not yet seen In the little home in the Bronx. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Jacques Pwtrelle, writers, who have collaborated la writing many thrilling stories of adventure, were on board. They faced a scene greater than they had ever conceived. Futrelle, It 1b reported, will write this final chapter, the husband going down with the ship. B.

luck had turned. Harris, starting ag an usher In a Broadway theater, had gone from a shoestring to millions. Every show that he got hold of and managed to get a hearing for had made him a fortune. He had hoplten the bank at Monte Carlo. His luck was Ironclad, rust-proof.

Hut it had turnad, and Harris and his wife had to take their chance with the rest. Mrs. Harris wag savett, It is reported. Col. Astor and bis kequtlful bride of 19.

the talk of two continents, were no more than Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Keokuk, who carry the policies will be able tef meet their obligations, fThe Titanic carries 3,500 sacks ol mail, representing 10,000,000 pfcees. of the English divers have new apparatus which they.can into great depths. "Those ice floes are always bad thero, especially after' a mild warm winter," he continued I Was third mate of a boat tnere 'and was on duty night and day for 21 days through the lee fields.

"The bergs would float down on you through the fog and it was a question of hard work and good luck to pull through at NKTTI.K BOARD RII.I. The difficulties between, Frances Brown, who- runs Holland-Cook boarding house at Harvard, and ler, who left' owing 14.2.". have been settled amicably, Justice rah am. had pay board and I I OOL, J. J.fASTOHT^ Wlui.

went W. T. STEAD, writer, who lost Ills life when Titanic sunk. JUST 12 YEARS. United Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, April Just 12 years and 5 months have elapsed since the first wireless message was sent from a ship at sea.

The first message was sent from the American liner St. Paul to the Needles, Novem- ber 15, 1899. NO HOPE FOR THOSE ON IHE RAFTS MONTREAL, April hope that any of the survivors of the Titanic who were still adrift In rafts and boats last night have been saved vanished today when a report reached here from the weather signal station on the Gulf of St. Lawrence that a heavy fog lay off the coast of Nova Scotia, and that a heavy thunderstorm broke In that vicinity last night and Is traveling eastward. It takes more than one vote to make an election.

SOUTH Street Two lots not far from the cable line 92,200 (Only Karh) Paving and taxes paid; abstract and warranty deed. CAIiVIN PHILIPS CO. 211 California Bldg. HOME EWT.ON Kit HlllhX AST. Pair tonUht and Wednesday; light tonight.

retired hardware merchants. vV Death and the prospect of death had leveled all wiped out all distinctions. All around the hungry eon roared for- Its Some it would claim, some it would give up. It cared 1 not who stayed," who went. The shore wan nine hundred miles away, the nearest ship at least a hundred.

I'll take, some I'll let go. You can takeyour choice." was-the, message of the ocean whose blue gray mounted the sides or. that great "unslnkable" Widener could rule the politics of Philadelphia, and a doten smaller cities, and compel the people to pay him tribute. Roebllng could build a that spanned the highest and widest river or a steel structure bid fair, to touch the sky. Guggenheim; fifth of a family of seven Jewish brothers, wizards of finance and capitalisation, could make or break a western state; Hays and Thayer could throw a railroad across a continent, Isidore Strauss could build a great Industry, and by bis philanthropies bring life to starved babies In congested Now York.

Hut none of these men, all but all-powerful In the world on land, could keep the ocean from rising and choking them Intonothingness. Even Morgan himself would have been helpless In that hour he been a passenger. He would nave had to take his chance with the rest. It was Nature's hour to laugh at the petty creations and the-' petty power of man. And Nature laughed, a cruel derisive laugh that brought sobs.

to thousands of homes and left reglmenU of friends and relatives heart-broken. BOALT TELLS HOW TWIN SHIP OF TITANIC SHOOK IN GALE BY M(ll) 1,. (Times, special writer, who came over fro tnLondon bureau from bureau otsa Last January the Olympic, sister ship to the Titanic, Southampton to New York, labored for tie days in a gale, which the captain Bald was the worst he bad experienced In 26 I was a pansenger. For all- her tremendous bulk, the Olympic behaved Badly. a mountainous wave came over the bow, smashed' a hatcb and flooded the crew's quarters forward.

A shock sent a quiver through the vessel from stem' to intern. Passengers were sent sprawling- Dishes fell from shelves and tables, the furniture in the saloons slithered and, rlcochetted over the decks steerage passengers fell on their knees and prayed believing the end had come. My stateroom steward, an old Scotchman, "I don't like those big ships. They aren't safe. Anything over 10,000 tons is too big.

This boat la nearly 900 fret long, nnd it that 'long can't be rigid. There are too many strains. Hear the old girl sing." With memories of the Olympic fresh In my mind, I can see In fancy the Titanic rushing througn the fog that overhangs over tne banks. She was making perhaps 18 knots. Perhaps less, If the fog was thick.

The iceberg burst upon the vislon of Captain Smith. I cannot vision the crash. I can only Imagine the sharp work of the captain on the bridge, the Jangling of the belle in the engine room, the quiver that must have run through the ship as the engines were reversed. How little are even the highest achievements of men. Was Mighty When that 45,000 ton bulk of steel hurled Itself upon the berg, It was tossed Uack contemptuously, crumpled and broken.

I say I cannot vision the crash, but In Probable Victims Owned One Billion Dollars (By United Presa Wiio.) NEW YORK, April combined wealth of the first class passengers who are believed to gone down with the Titanic will easily reach H.000.000i000. The fortunes of six of the male passengers alone aggregate more than half a billion dollars. They are: Col. John Jacob Astor, Col. Washinton Roebllng, Isidor Strauss, $50,000,000.

George B. Widener, $5 Benjamin Guggenheim J. B. Thayer, 110,003,000. The men are Interested in some of the biggest corporations in the world.

Col. Astor is one of the largest real estate holders and connected with nearly a score of corporations. Benjamin Guggenheim, of the Smelter trust, is next Influential. Isidor Strauss is one of the You Won't Lose Your Vote Your vote will be legafcif you vote for but one council- man for the long term of four running. as legal as If two were voted says Assistant City Attorney Carnehan.

The Times lias not urged citizens to vote for Pettlt alone as It is possible to vote for Pettlt and Barth and not help the special interest-open town combine, but if voters desire to vote for but one the baliui will be legal and will be counted. The attempt of the subsidized organs to cast suspicion on the legality tit such a vote Is In line with the rest of tbe cam- paign of misrepresentation to try to help the open town game. 30 CKNTS A MONTH. the ears of fancy I can hear the sharp. Insistent calling of wireless D.

D. The cry went over the waters. It was caught by the Carpethia, the Olympic, the Virginian, ttie Parisian and they turned from their courses and fled in the direction of the cry. When the Carpethia reached the scene only the small boats and a mags of wreckage floating on the water were seen. The Titanic had gone, with a ruth, sucking down wreckage, small boats and perhaps strong men.

swimming. Women Were Saved. The list of rescued contains the names of many women, but few men. It Is likely that the women were loaded Into the first boats which got clear away before the Titanic went down. If men had time to take to boats.

It is reasonable to fear that they were sucked down when the- Titanic plunged. Then the boilers let go, and sea and air were blended In au inferno of fire and flood. world's bent known which George B. Widener is a. Philadelphia traction magnate.

Col. Roebllngs with his built the Brooklyn bridge and president of the John A. Roeblings Song Co. John B. Thayer is vice president of the Pennsylvania.

Hays May Have Been Rescued MONTREAL, April wireless message received here here today stated that Charles M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, previously reported among the victims of the Titanic wreck, wag safe, aboard the liner Carpathia. At the Grand Trunk offices it tut said by other officials that they had received no assurances that President Hays was among survivors..

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