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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 1

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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WITH WAR BONDS A Progressive Newspaper For'a Progressive Community" WEATHER Considerable Cloudiness Full Report On Vol. LXVIII, No. 178 ESTABLISHED 1885" TUESDAY, AlKJUST Leased Wire Service of the United Press Price Three Cents Nazis May Be Preparing To Leave Warsaw Pall Of Black Smoke Indicates They Are Setting Fire To City (Hy Unlled rn-jMO Thf Oi'iiuins ftpiwirenlty arc prc- parini; to evacuate Wai-saw. The Soviet Kovcmm.TiU news- Flame Thrower Burns Out A Jap Pillbox On Guam paper fw iti the Polish cnpltnl I-" clouded hy blnck pall of an the Nazis arc setting Clre to the city, Earlier reports reiifhlnK Moscow told of ti'c evacuation of Nial German civilians from the bcm-ing out nlpnst that Hitler had (riven up nil of lioidinir the city.

U'hllo i us IM reportedly put the torch to Warsaw, powerful Red nrniy force are b'ltllitiK through the city's eastern suburbs. One front illspiiu'h said a van- jjU'U'd could -ieo clearly the of the districts of Wat-jaw proper. Sovli-t artillery and tan-ks tire taking lending roles in the brcmk- throiiijli. And c-ivMry is sin nt the enemy flunks nnd chopping up flceinir iinlls. Polish troops 'are reported flght- side by side with the Russians in fc'tie suburbs.

Civilians arc said to throwing frit-lards of flower." giant P.UAsian tonUs crushing through German dcfcns- CS, As climax nctirs In the battle for Warsaw greatest i-o fiir on the eastern front the Grr- miiris sny Eiussiun have stormed across the Vistula rlvsr 05 miles to the southeast. United Press Corrcpondent Honry Shapiro re-ports from Moscow tunt Uux '-m confirmation of river ei-owing can be expected tiny tltno. According to the German report, Russian bridgehead has been established in the nroji of Dcblin, on the Vistula's west bank. The Vistula wns considered the most formidable natural defense line between the Russians anil Germany, The Nazis also 1 -report lighting ot Warsaw. -Sim German broadcast said Soviet nuisance raiders flew over East Prussia last night, but gave no details.

On 'the diplomatic front. Premier Mlkolajzcyk of the Polish government in exile, may have to doal Outing Committees Selected Harry Ingram Lists Groups Event To Take Place On Sunday August 13th At Linden Park United States Rubber Co. Reports Net Income For First Six Months Of $5,852,827 destroying a nittli'snuke dun, U. S. Marines close In around Jup pillbox on Guam 11 flamr thriwu'rs (loft) aims his shaft of deadly fire down through an opening.

Slow and dangeroiiH n-ork liki 1 this was Imt of the daily routine as. our advanced steadily on' the l.sltiiul, driving the cm-my before them, ejipturlng so lie and oxtflrriilmiting nil who would not Hiirrundur or S. Marine Corps photx Soiimlphoto) LATE. QUEZON DIES CContiniicd on Page 8) Cold Watch Is Taken In New Haven Road House Break A jrroiip. boys, broke Inlo thr of Mr.

Mrs, Mopckcl nt R32 South street, rui-ly evefiing when' thn family out for timD. and nftor tvinsneklng the house, wont off, hiking wkh them i woman's golf wntch, The Ncwu learned Mrs. Mocclcol l.s understood to value the watfth very highly as -v and it Is hoped tilmt it will hn returned to her intaot. understood that entry to the house was gained by the re- rooviii of scroen from n. klu-'hcn window, The intruders catered I'iKht on top porcelain sink, Indlwaiiw; thnt whoever the persons were, tluit their weight was ri(H v'M-y great.

group understood to hfivo tM rough practically (Continued on Pnge 8) Washington, Aug. President Manuel Quexon of the Philippine commonwealth died today at StiraniiR Lake, N. Y. had boon in ill health for a Imig time. Hu went to Sai'iinac Lake early in the summer after spending the winte-" and spring in Florida and North Carolina.

UNDKRGROUND RKfOKT InG. O.P. Here Involved Repot 1 I. Telles May Be Senatorial Choice Stiichlinlin. Aug.

wrfilim underground sourci's say the Ocrmaii battleship has lirt'ii repaired and han brt-n SITU on trial runs in Altonfjorcl. The l.ondnn quotes Sran- diiiiivian sources as SJiying t'uat Allied made further on Mir Tlrpitli. oOo FIGHTING IN J'ERCV Aug. headquarters ruportcd today that street CiglUing is point; on in Percy and that the Americana had advanced pnnu rally in area southwest nf Tcssy-sur-Viru. TKANNICO THRILLING MYSTERIES THRILLING, BUT NO MYSTERY Ad results aren't any but it sure is thrlli- iftr Jo get all that extra money hy ust investing fnw cc It only costs $.63 to run three li nc ad for three days.

host of all It will only CMC an additional $.45 to run ttic same three line acl for days, Cull 2228 todny and Slvc us Acl thnt. will "Kl --irtlclos that you no longer wnnt or need. Try a NAUCATUCK DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED AD Today There's nothing mysterious "bout them. Well authenticated reports in political circles here ttjday indicate that Atty. Clarcmont Tolles, be the Naugatuck O.

P. choice for senator from the 1-ith district. The two most prominently mentioned candidates for the nomination here for the past some weeks have been Representative William Painter and Judge-Thomas Now it is understood that the choice will rest with Atty. Tolles, providing he desires to again be a candidate for the. that 'he.

held some years ago. He is regarded as a strong campaigner by- veteran politicians still remember the excellent he did when running for the'Office previously, 'Strong blocks in the Naugatuck. Kcpubliciin party arc understood to have definite ideas 113 to who should bo the candidate Cor state senator it' the choice is a Naugatuck man, and Atty. Tolles is in- Girl, Unwittingly Touched Off An Alarm In Bank Boston, Aug. privilege, siiy the Ktlil mighty migry.

A now girl emploj-o of the Firnt National, In. Jamaica Plain preened a button under u- teller's window to-ut- hit. nutrition; all, bunk police rushed Into the room with drawn revolvers. The girl unwittingly, hud touched off the hiirglur iilurm. But, said Khe: "I didn't ring for quite so miiny men." Japanese Beetles Are Reported In Local Gardens AUK.

In announced that rcprr.senUitivcs of the Ullltrd Stiitrx, Circa JJHt- and the Union "III he- gin their Washington conversations on un international organization for pence and security August Naugatuck Soldier Is Graduated From Mechanics School to The News) Aug. John S. Waskowicz today was granted his" graduation diploma from the AAF Training Command's B-24 Liberator bomb- cr mechanics school in appropriate 'ceremonies held at Keesler Field's technical school. He' is the son of Mrs. Anna Waskowicz; Derby avenue.

Derby, The training ho received, 'at riicatcd us choice, who can weld i Keeslor will be augmented at an- New Inhalator Purchased For Community Use together, effectively, factions. the various Borough Board Meeting To Be Held Tonight The August meeting the board of warden and burgesses will bo held tonight in the borough court room, with the probability that nothing more than routine matters will be brought up. The most important matter for The -borough- police department. hux acquired a new inhalator'for use In-emergency CHSCS here, the purchase being made with money w.ll be the replacement of from- the community ambulance Police Chief John J. Gormley has announced.

As'a result oC the purchase of other Army Air Forces station before his assignment to a combat air crew. The 17-week course has skilled him in Liberator 'aircraft maintenance and crations in flight. As final plans for the U. S. Rubber Co.

family outing, which is to take place on August 13th at Linden park, arc being completed, cncral Chairman Harry Ingram has announced the following committees in charge of this annual event: Assistant chairman, Frank Weaving. Children's committee: Chairman. Mary Wither; assistant chairman, Barbara Stone; John Smith, Cliff Jacobs, Frank Wylong, William Dickinson, Geneviovc Thomas Connolly, Steve Knapik, Dino Sbrocca, Mary Gro.t\t, Bertha Rycwski, Agnes Blomberg, Conrad Rohs, Earl Douty, Banno, Barbara Rimbach, Sophie Lantieri, Nellie LoRuaso. Adult entertainment: Chairman, Frank Wood: John Karaban, John Deegan, Bernard Sullivan, John Fitzgerald, Zjg Kozon. Pensioners' corhmittee: CLiair- Elizabeth Rooney; Wilfred Swan, Elizabeth Wilson.

j'ohn Lauer, Edward Reilly. Helen Zehn- dcr, George Bell, Rocco Mariano. Publicity', committee: Chairman, Gcncvicve Smith; William Buckley, John Rose Riley, Ceil Sanders; Ca'th'orfri'e Brosiiahan, C. Moore. -'Steve Moran, P.

ders, Veronica Cook, Helen Wurm, Amusements 'committee: Chairman, Mcnnillo. Matt Jnunus, Matt Phclnn, John Helm, Joseph Ges.scck,' Ray Carnaroli, Lloyd, Nolan, Mike Wcis. Athletic committee: Chairman, John Celcllo, William Rado, Tom Palrriicri, Jim Mennillo, Louis Driscoll, R. Wont- worth, H. J.

Seiberling, Ed Walker, Tom Rowley, Marian McCann, John 1 Farrar, Fred Errico, John Quinn, committee: Chairman. Tom Nellig'an, Lucille Deo, Janice Reilly. Catherine Cxfir, Ann Tuz, Marjo- f-Je Howard. Libby Chcrhoniak, V. N.

Peterson, Sara Trcstrail. and Vaudeville Committee: Chairman, Mary Donovan; i Llll'ian Carlson. Mary Furs. Ruth the list of Naugaluck rcsi- Reynard, Ma.rsh.iUl Griffith, Mary Is attacked hy a small plitguc ol Japanese heetlr.N, residents here reported to The News today, and in sonic canes much tlani- has done particularly to rose biiHhCH, hut vepe- tahlCN to dntc seem to have escaped. One local resident displayed a jar with more than SO of the hluck-hronzc bcctlex, that he collected In his yard.

When foliage on rose nnd other vegetation of this nature entirely eaten, the beetles as rule Hhift to anything clue Uuit IH eatable by, In yciini huvc been known to even Infect Local residents examine carefully foliage about their yards, that Nhow.s signs of bclnj; eaten Insects, and the hectics can be knocked off Into jar In the Name manner as one takes care of potato JapaniTse bcttles fly and the best time-to collect them Is early evening when they become drowsy and stick to the leaves. Received By Town Clerk 27 Naugatuck Residents 'Are Named By Commissioners Of County Town Clerk Raymond J. St. John has received word from the New 71 Haven County Jury Commission- Mcllnski, Ann Lawlor, Marpc Henley, Marge Bai-to, Al Miai-sh. Frances Gniazdowski, Virginia Claffcy, Frank Hroch, Mary Ticket Chairman.

Ab- bic Jctirt Quick. Dorothy MacFarland, Irene Shcplcy, Stella Mc- 3ann, Vivian Bott, Josephine Jank Constance Linskey. Mai-y Furs, Mildred Ma-ng-inc, Miiry Mclinski, Matilda. Chm.iclcwsk.1. Ann Lawlor, tlarjorie Hcaley.

Mary Heffcrnan. rio Pesanclli, Wanda emergency op- I Mary Cobbol, Ruth Schildgcn. The latter was Safety Committee: Chairman, ach'ieVcd during" "actual flights Walter Pcmso, Everett' Lending over several hours'during Armstrong, Martha Jim which he rticcivcd actual pT-actice in pLM-formancc of the aerial engineer's duties, Sergeant Wnskowicz was very svell known in Naugntuclt where he made his home betorc entering the service about three years ago. He is a brother of "Chuck" former sports editor The News, and was associated in the gasoline station here brother and was: a former' Naugatuck semi-pro'bage- ball player and basketball star. the inhalutor, the one which hns been in use in the police department will be returned to the fire department to which it was orlg- 'inally given.

Chief Gormley said. The chief explained that the three trustees of the ambulance fund, Norman Wood of the Naugatuck Savings bfink, Ward en J. Ero- phy and himself, recently decided to the new inhalator. It cost npproxiitKitely $360, Mr, Gorm- iley snicl. Roc-co Kudo, borough treasurer by hi.s brother William who" held the ofllce entering Navy some months ago.

The bor- 'oiifrh treasurer is not interested in holding the ofllcc now that his brother hns figuin returned to civil life, it is Indicated. Borough Engineer Charles Curtis will report on several contemplated sewer or.c for Sheffield Lane, and ''another for Cherry street extension may be further discussed tonight in addition to Japs Say Yanks Are Trying To Invade Rota Island (By United Two former bastions of the Jap- ancse in the central and- southwest Puttit, Mike Sun AnRelo. Clin.ii- nrmn, John Estcs, Frank Klonoski, Howard MatchoU, Jcri-y Stopper, Amadeo DaSilva, Rutan -Stablcy, Donald Meyers, Harry Parks, Or- villc Gilroy, Bertram Oryder, William DeCarlo. Jim Ma-rfnollo, Josoph Nardello, Joseph Celcllo, Edward Blondiis, R. Shaffer, Fred- Errico, Chri? Owe-ns.

Frank Carlson, David Peterson, Mosc Richards, Robert Cook, Anthony Monjjillo. Louis Freyormuth, Max Jdh.n Murphy, Raymond Aderhold, R. Ehliip' Jenserv, Ray Adlc-r, Raymond Edward Rostowsky, Curtin, Louis Kcchkes, Ekl- ward Marvin La.npseth, iChestef. Karbowlcz, Tony Eachir- utaky, Stanley Jahik. Maintenance Commiittce: Harold Peterson, Ray Currier, Hugh McShcrry, Edwnrd Bor- askl, William Edmondson, David Peterson, Roy Hubbcll, Arnold Wu'rm, Donald Myers, Henry Lcf- ley.

dent's chosen to make up Ul)c panel for selection for sen-ice in New Haven or Wiatcrbury, both superior and common picas courts, Sept. 1, 3914, to Sept. 1, 1945. The o'fficlal list 'has the names of 27 local residents and includes the following: William Ayers, 71 -A-atma street: Rose Borvtompo, 21 John Broadrick, 167 Emily S. Brown, 202 Hillside Caliahnn, 219.

Rubber Jennie G. Clark, Hopkins Jolin J. Collins, 1 Fairview Joseph Doran. 11-1 Grove Anna P. Erk, New Haven- road; Ednu, 174-1 1 Cliff Joseph Hanley.

-170 Rub- 1 ber Harold Hcaley, 41 Gorman Manuel Henry. 363 Hicrb. Hazel LaChancc, 80 Lewis St. Patrick Lannon, 677 Rubber Matthew Maher, 115 Oak Emmaline Matson, 285 Cherry Frederick Myers, 21 Hillside John M. R.

F. D. No. Frank O'Shea. 20 Hotchki-ss Lillian Quackenbush, 334 Aetna Jacob Schwartz, 37 Melbourne Mary Shcppard-, 268 Scott Guy Sloan.

172 Ma-ple Carl G'l New MaudcTripp, R. F. D. No. 2.

New Haven Daniel J. Walsh, 14 Olive St. The United States. Rubber Company for the first six months of 1944 reported' net income of $5,852,827, after all charges, including provision for federal and foreign income taxes and reneKotio- lion of war contracts. This is equal, after provision for £4.00 in dividends on the eiglit per cent preferred stock, to S1.85 a share on the 1,759.092 shares of common stock.

This compared with J)et income of $6,912,466 or $2.44 a share on the common stock after all charges and after provision for $4.00 in dividends on the eight cent preferred stock in the first Malf of 1943. Consolidated net sales, exclusive of the volume of business done for the government on a cost plus fixed fee basis, amounted to $219,373.621 before negotiation. Sales and net income before income taxes for the first six months of 1U44 are not comparabc with dose reported for the same period of 1943. This year the provision for renegotiation of war contracts was iucluded with the provision for income taxes, while in 1943 the provision was deducted from sales. Compensation from the separate war activities is included in "other operating revenue" in the consolidated income statement.

Sales and income before taxes and ranogtiation on regular operations were greater than for the corresponding- period of 1943. Provision -for federal and foreign income taxes and renegotiation of war contracts amounted- to $28,492,214. In commenting on the report, F. B. Davis, chairman of the board, pointed out that United States Rubber company's $25,000.000 program to increase tire facilities for military requirements and for essential civilian needs is nearly completed.

"The enlarged Fisk plant at Chicopce Falls. Mr. Davis continued, "has just been placed in operation, and the reconversion and expansion of the Eau Claire, Wisconsin, plant will be finished soon. "The changing of the Eau Claire plant from the manufacture Their Tanks Roll On Wide Open Stretch British Artillery Opens "Drumfire" Barrage In Deadlocked Caen Area (By United PI-CHH)" American tank forces rolling virtually unchecked toward the heart of with a wide open stretch ahead of them. The speeding American armor has clattered four and a half miles from captured Avranchcs at the base of Cherbourg peninsula to gain the plains of Brittany.

Here arc the latest details of the lighting American push: The last Germans in Avrances were killed or captured at sundown last night after a 12-hour battle. That's the first prolonged resistance the enemy has put since the fall of Coutanccs, 24 miles to the north. The reason the Nazis were able to make the comparatively protracted stand is that the Avranches garrison was reinforced by a. German panzer division which escaped from Granvillc 14. miles to the northwest.

The GranviJle troops broke through the American lines and dug into the streets Avrancbcs. But their stand proved futile against the swilt rush of American armor. hardly a pause, Lieu- '(Continued- on -Page S) More Names Are Being Added To Honor Roll Here Another group of metal name plates is now being affixed Oie of small arms to the building of tires at the request of the government is one of the first major re- conversions of the war." With its increased tire production, the Fisk plant will produce approximately 15.000,000 pounds of tire materials a month which is nearly double its previous capacity, it was announced. The consolidated balance sheet as of June 30. 19-14, shows current assets of including cash of $22,232,709, compared with current assets of $154.250,077, including- cash of $34,803,321, on Dc- (Continucd on Page 8) several matters pertaining to the Pacific, apparently are new Glcnridge development Park.avenue.- Various other routine matters off I brought under complete Allied-con- 1 tr'ol.

MAKING KKI-'UNDSi Washington, Aug. Bu'rciiu of Interncil Revenue is making refunds to persons who overpaid their 19-13 income t'ix at the rate or about $250,000 a week. More thiin WOO.OflO.OOO will refunded to about 18,000,000 taxpayers, who overestimated their debt to Snm, will be taken up and Indications are that the meeting itself will not be too long drown out-unless unforeseen matters shape up at the last you think of Vacation Holiday Clothes, it's Raphael's NmiRntuck's Fashion Center, where Stylo and Low 1'rlcc go hand In Just one day after ot General leapfrog move up to the northwest corner of New Guinea a Japanese communique indicates- Ameri- (Continued on Page 8) workers find that Jeff's lleilauranl offers dollcloiM, healthful foods to keep one In tip' top shape, these hot, sticky Grounds Committee: Chairman, Carlos 'Gamlarillas. 'to 7,000 pe-rsone arc expected to a-ttend, Chairman Ingram indicated today, CHAPLINS HAVE DAUGHTEK Hollywood, Aug. daughter was born to 19-year-old Doha O'Neill Chaplin, fourth wife comedian Charles Chaplin, at St.

John's hospital.In Santa Monica last nig-ht. Hospital attendants gay both Mrs. Chaplin and tlic baby are doing well, Gov. Baldwin On Way To St. Louis To Attend Meeting Hartford, Aug.

Governor Baldwin is on his way to St. Louis to attend Governor Dewey's national conference of Republican governors. believes it was a wiro Dewoy's part to call such n. conference, so state executives can confer with the top party candidates and prepare for the campaign. Governor Baldwin says he himself advocated auch a.

conference at Chicago, and. that he felt it would 'be ot results in the November elections. Injured Man May Be Auto Victim Here Xaugatuck Honor Krampftz, to the public that 60 more Naugatuck residents arc taking part in war for freedom. The latest group of is a part of an order of 102 placed by Treasurer Charles F. Daly of the Honor Roll committee and remainder of the total wil! be placed on the tablet just "as soon as received here.

Names now b'cing placed on the Honor Roll include the followip? who are now in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, etc: Henry A. Andrcwjeski, Charles T. Ardary, Joh'n W. Butkus, thony J. Brazicki.

Albert F. Butkus! Francis L. Burns, Francis L. Bradley. Walter A.

Borp-, Vincent W. Burke, Bennett B. Booth, Frf nk A. Chester M. Czaplicki, George N.

Camp, Frank T. Clark, James W. Clark, William E. (Continued on Page 8) Naugatuck police arc understood to be investigating- the possibility that William Kelly, 58, of 196 South Main street, who suffered n. fracture of the skull at his home on Sunday, may have been hit by an automobile.

First reports in the matter indicated that Mr. Kelly fell down a flight of outside stairs at his home and struck on "a sidewajk. Now it is understood a report has been received -thnt the man was struck by an automobile, and that the autoist stopped nnd placed the injured man where he was later discovered in an unconscious condition. Police Chief John Gormlsy indicated Umt ,1 rep'ort, on the matter as stated above had been received and that his department conducting: aw investigation. Kelly, who-is still on -thcc danger list after accident.

been transferred St. Mary's in Watcrbury to the New- Haven General nbspitaJ for it is indicated he may have to undergo- an operation to relieve pressure on liis brain. Evacuation Of Pisa By Nazis Is Reported London, (UP) The Gorman DNB news apcncy now says all of has been evacuated. (By United From) 'American units on the south bank of the Arho river apparently are still moving into position for an assault on the town. Farther inland, British and man tank and infantry forces are locked in a swaying battle almost on the outskirts.

ot Florence. Oflicial reports say that British 8th army veterans are advancing, yard by yard, against 50,000 to 75,000 crack Nazi-, troops defending the last 'hills before Florence. London dispatches intiniate the fall of the city' imminent. The dispatches i-eport that General' Alexander, the commander' in Italy, has asked patriots in Florence to prevent the Germans from wrecking: bridges and communications. There is important news from" the eastern Hun-' dreds of German nationals re fleeing- from Turkey today.

And the puld for musical nicnta, pianos, ist.ifT of the German' embassy'in Metro Mimic Mart, 88 Church St. Ankara is packing in preparation Tel. to-lcave..

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