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The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas • Page 1

Topeka, Kansas
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IP axil flje wi tka Th 0 0 NETT3PAPCIV 0 Kmnata. Advertising Mod Kim Kansas VOL. XXIII. TWENTY PAGES. TOPEKA, KANSAS.



There was consid erable growth of beard on Atheno's face Two Tonchdo wns Were Hade in Second Half. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Expose of Methods Used by Webb City Gang. M.i.Sj Lll V- 11 11U LAkJ fey UM VVS grave on a vacant lot at Eleventh and men grabbed him and lifted him to his feet. He struggled weakly for a moment and then said: "It's all right. Don't hold me; I believe I can stand alone." The men released him and Atheno'a bady rocked back and forth, but he did not fall.

The crisp night air seemed to re The people losing on the fake foot Wyandotte streets last Monday night, was races near Webb City during the disinterred at 9 o'clock tonight ii the few weeks recently passed, are as presence of several thousand curious follows: spectators. The coffin In which he had H. rhiliins. West Point. 1 5.000 taken his long sleep was placed on a and his upper lip was split In the center from the dryness of the earth.

Dr. Kelly said. Atheno's color was fairly good, though he had lost probably twenty pounds during his week's burial. Atheno was given a bath at the hotel, after which he sat down to a lunch consisting of three spoonsful of milk and one-half of a cracker. He will continue this diet for twenty-four hojirs, gradually in- 5 6 A SHOOTH SWINDLING JOB CONTEST CLOSE TILL THEN 5,000 TV.

P. Wells, Massalin, Ark raised platform and six men lifted his vivo mm rapidly ana ne mea to iaiK to body out of it and let It rest on some the crowd, but it was so noisy that he blankets. was compelled to give it up and asked An alarm ewu set off rinse tn his i to be taken to the Baltimore hotel. A doc- It xi tor took his pulse and found it registered creasing the quantity of milk and food. ear and before the bell had stopped ring- Unknown writer of Unknown writer of Wellington J.

W. McIIroy, Fayetteville, Ark Leonard Nelson, Kackley, Kan Henry Kohn. Colllnsvllle, 111.. Two unknown Topeka men, each $4,000 at o0. It is estimated that Atheno's share of When Atheno was interred last Monday 1 the proceeds for his week's sleep will be 3,000 8,500 5,000 7.C00 4,000 8,000 10,000 21,000 It It ing Athenos besan to move about on the platform.

Finally he opened his eyes and the Texas Boys Played Right Along Until They Became Tired, Victims Induced to Stake Money on Races and Always Lose. X' It his pulse was 78. At the hotel his tem- about $900. At Lawrence K. S.

12; Texas. 0. At St. Marys St. Marys, K.

C. Medics. 0. At Cambridge Harvard, 23; Yale. 0.

At Ann Arbor Michigan, 89; Be-lolt, 0. At Waterville. Me. Bowdoln, 12; Colby, 0. At Concord, N.

H. Dartmouth, 24; St. Paul's school. 0. At Philadelphia Homestead, 18; Philadelphia professionals, 0.

At Cleveland Morgan Park academy, Chicago, University school, Cleveland. 0. At Indianapolis University of Indianapolis, University of Cincinnati, 0. Greencastle, Ind. Depauw, 17; Rose Polytechnic, 0.

South Bend, Ind. Notre Dame, 34; Chicago Physicians and Surgeons, 0. Oberlin. O. Oberlin.

11; Western Reserve university. 6. At Delaware, O. Wesleyan, 18; Ohio Medical university, 6. Two Colorado men, each $3,000..

BLOODSHED MAY RESULT FROM COURT'S ORDER TO, STRIKERS An oil man from J. M. Davis, Fort Scott 5,000 It KANSAS STRENGTH KEPT UP, WINKED AT BY OFFICERS. 6 8 5 Miners Refuse to Vacate Their Camp. Total $73,000 These loses are only a small part of the thieving done by the gang.

The Capital correspondent at Fort Scott Is authority for the statement that the gang cleaned up over $27,000 last week. As might be naturally supposed, large numbers of the vie- In the Last Six Minutes of Play th Buokfoot Boatright, the Leader, Is a Political Bom and Doesn't Fear Arrest A Banker Implicated Methods of the Oang. orders have been given General Murray so that he may get his forces In readiness Two Scores Were Made Straight Football Is the Story of the Game. Madisonville, Nov. 23.

The striking union miners continue defiant and remain to meet the emergency in such manner. under arms tonight in their camp near It it tt as his discretion may suggest. I would the Providence coal mines. They hold that tims will not give their names, preferring rather to suffer their losses In silence than to admit that they got mixed up with that kind of an outfit. suppose that the increased number In the camp with their continued hostile demon declare that the court's order was a farce, illegal in the extexeme and issued without authority.

When the Associated Press correspondent visited the camp today the strikers were eating breakfast. More than 200 were assembled in the camp, with probably a hundred more in the vicinity. There were four large canvas tents, the lodging capacity will accommodate about 200 people. itxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Special to the Capital. treat It with contempt.

They maintain strations would require great precaution in General Murray's perparations, all of which la left entirely to him and will Lawrence, Nov. 21 The football It that' the action of Adjutant General Mur after the passage of the evening train. team of the University of Kansas closed removing the obstructions before morning. necessarily cause some delay." this hindering the running of special General Murray began at once the mak ray in making the necessary preparations to enforce Judge Hill's order were unauthoritative. The strikers are In camp There is much speculation about the re trains during the night.

They have not rmtinn thp military will receive when in? nf nians for carrvinr out of the or- forgotten how a thousand government the season at home this afternoon with as clean aut a victory as has occurred iq the west this year. the two make arrangements to take a victim to Webb City for the nurnosft of they march on the came to make effect ders and intimated tonight that he would rushed t0 Panama during the night last act soon. There la a rumor, not con- year and that this was the crowning swindling him and "Buck Foot" does the tonight In greater numbers than before, The Texas university team was defeated rest. notwithstanding that the time limit of at-too iw n.noroi Mnm tvint th sold- cause of th defeat of the revolutionists. Judge Hail's order that the camp should by a score of 12 to 0, and the work was in I The British cruiser Tribune has Just ar- ive Judge Hall's order.

There is no change in Judge Hall's determination to have his order executed. This afternoon, after conferring with General Murray on his return from the camp, Judge Hall icia mil ocni i rjvej jn rjolon harbor. be disbanded and moved out of the county expired more than twelve hours ago. This tomorrow morning and that In the event done In the last alx minutes of play alter a hard battle between teams about evenly Prominent Men Selected. Men holding public office and responsible positions, such as bankers, are picked out, as they can not afford to "squeal." When arrangements are first made the victim Special to the Capital.

Fort Scott, Nov. Attorney C. B. Griffith and Attorneys W. TV.

Padgett and J. I. Bheppard have not yet succeeded In arresting any of the Webb City foot race swindlers, but the United States grand Jury, which was In session here last week, Indicted five members ot the gang. They are Bob Boatright, better known aa Buckfoot;" J. P.

Stewart, the cashier of the Webb City Exchange bank, E. K. Ellis, O. Q. Stansbury and Bud Gil-lett, the last two being professional Toot racers.

The charge is using the malls for fraudulent purposes. Their cases will not come up before the May term of the federal court. In the meantime another attempt will be made to arrest them on state refusal to heed the order of the court is the campers do not disperse their tents iur I VrCWTfVC Tfl CTIlflV will be destroyed and the inmates forced AW IntCn 11C 1" 1 UU I based upon the advice of TV. H. Yost, of made the folling statement: Greenville, chief counsed for President Court Is Determined, matched for weight and size and apparent football playing abilities.

The entire to disband. The sauaa or twency-nve soldiers stationed at Providence, guarding is not to bet any money, but is simply to "There has been no change in my de- Wood, of the United Mine Workers. Yost the Providence Coal company's property, Chinese Government Will Con- first half and for twenty minutes in the nas not ueeu oruercu iu juauuuuvun. i and Wood are defiant in their talk, and I termination to disperse the camp and the second half the ball was kept near the fer Honors on Students Who Prove Worthy. center of the field and the goal line ot WEATHER INDICATIONS.

hold stakes, however, upon reaching Webb City, he is Induced to arrange through the bank to obtain $5,000 or $10,000 from his home, and here is where Cashier Stewart gets in his work. After the victim arrives in Webb City he is never allowed HE FENCED FEDERAL LAND WaVilnctn TV No. 21 Til Stnt Washington, D. Nov. 23.

Forecast for Kansas: Fair Sunday; colder in western portion; Monday, fair; winds shifting to northerly. GROVES HASJIST A COLD. Mrs. Cleveland Says Her Husband Is Not in a Serious Condition. Wyoming Cattleman Con- department has received from Minister to be out of sight of one of the erana- Conger at Pekin translations of two Ira- neither team had been crossed or was even in danger.

The Texans finally seemed played out and despite brave attempts on the part of the lads from the South to keep the Kansans from scoring. Vincent was sent over twice for touchdowns andl twice did Jenklnson kick the goal. Was Straight FootbalL The result was not accomplished by tricks, end runs, nukes or anything else except the hardest kind of straight foot J.I at C- euv.s Hourly temperature yesterday in LI1M Jm O. WUIU I mit tVi. rhlnA mn1r an A orderinar lh 43 Viceroys and the Governors to select and 4 44 45 Cheyenne, Nov.

23. In the United send students abroad to be educated in 7 a. 8 a. 9 a. 10 11 a.

12 29 1 p. m. 2S 2 p. m. 30 3 p.

m. 34 4 p. 35 5 p. m. 40 6 p.m.

1 p. m. States court here tonight. A. A.

Spaugh, special brancnes in inauciriai science. Princeton, N. Nov. 23. Mrs.

Grover Cleveland made the following statement to the correspondent of the Associated Press today: "Mr. Cleveland is suffering from a cold the Mannville cattleman was found guilty One or tne eaicts stipuiaies mat arter 44 42 of the charee of illegally fencing several Chines sent aoroaa ror urn purpose until he is cleaned out. Some of those victimized have sued in Missouri courts and obtained Judgment against Boatright, and while he is worth thousands of dollars, it is all in cash on his person, and the Judgments can not be collected. Under Missouri laws money so situated can not be attached to pay a debt. A short tims ago, however, a party who had a Judgment against Buckfoot in one of these cases, forced him into bankruptcy in the federal court at Springfield, and he was compelled to "cough up." Cleaned Un the Lawver.

Too. Maximum, 45; minimum, 28; precipita- hundred thousand acres of government sna" nv obtained tneir oipiomas ana time ago. He was most annoyed by it on tion, 0. Thursday, but since then has been rest- land In the vicinity of Mannville. The returned to China, tne viceroys, govern, maximum n-naltv is a.

fine of 11.000 or im- rs and literary chancellors of the pror- PAMDIIQ PAPPR IQ PAQQINH I prisonment In the county Jail for one inces concerned shall examine them and ball, and there was no inclination on the part of anyone to hold that Kansas had not fairly earned the honors of the day in the stubborn contest and final victory. In the first half both teams played a ragged game of football. The fumbles were so frequent that the speotators became disgusted and both sides seemed to be In the most lamentable condition. Ther ing comfortably. He has not been threatened with pneumonia, and if he has been in any danger whatever of serious illness, there is surely no further indica year, or both.

Spaugh will probably be warrants, and requisitions will be applied for next week. Greater Than Croker. Their swindling games are on fake foot races upon which prominent men from all over the United States are pursuaded to place large sums of money under the pre tense and with the understanding that th race is to be thrown in their favor. The game has been In operation for the past two years, the races Invariably belna pulled off at Webb City, the home of the swindlers, where their Influence is greate with the state authorities than Croker's is in New York, and It is boldly and unhesitatingly admitted by one of the gang that the winnings on these fake races during the last eighteen months aggregate $200,000. The work has been carried on in the public eye and under the nose of the Mis tion of it in his present condition.

He is confined to his room but we expect his sentenced next Monday by Judge Rlner, unless he should appeal the case which i is not probable. i The result in this case, it Is said, will govern a large number of others of a similar nature, the government at once I beginning action against all violators. There is one incident connected with the i C0JPS2; 'fXZr. Cleveland contracted the cold while find out whether their" knowledge really corresponds with the statements made In their diplomas. If so, the student passes on to the board of foreign affairs for further examination and If this board finds him thoroughly equipped it is to memoralize the throne and request that honors be conferred upon the student.

on a gunning trip in North Carolina. He returned to Princeton early in the week STRUGGLE IN COLOMBIA. operations or tnese connaence men that 's comical, yet it illustrates the clever tactics that they employ. swindled victim went to TVebb City to get a settlement, and failing, the state authorities were appealed to, but they refused to interfere. The man took his lawyer and called on Boatright in the hopes of recovering the money.

"Buckfoot" was so and since then has been indisposed. Although confined to his room, his closest friends have felt no grave anxiety over his condition, as Dr. J. H. Wickoff, the family physician told them Mr.

Cleveland has nothing more serious than a cold. ABDUL'S COFFERS EMPTY. Rebels and Government Are Preparing for the Test Soon to Come. Officer Blank Had a Fight. Officer Blank had an encounter with a drunk last night In which he had his overcoat torn from his person and was otherwise more or less beaten up.

Buck Givens was the man whom Blank was trying to was little work In this half that excitea enthusiasm or even attracted more than passing attention. The second half started off much the same way and fumbles caused changes the ball. The ball was played back an! forth In the center of the field until Kansas seemed to take a brace and with Vincent's change from the line to full back position, some wonderful advances were made and without loss of the ball. Kansas slowly and surely worked It across the field until at length It was possible to push Vincent over. There was Just six minutes more of the twenty-five minute half to play wbn this was done, and it did not pm possible tti Washington, D.

Nov. 23. The famous Declaration of Independ-tH ence is no more. THe stirring text 9i and the signatures the members 1 of the centennial Congress have It faded away. This precious docu-X ment is preserved In a cabinet In the State department library, but it Is now practically nothing more It than a large sheet of parchment, on which no legible writing appears.

Part of the words "Declaration of Independence," whloh were written in large letters with many orna-mental flourishes, are decipherable, but not a signature Is visible to the 8 naked eye. One hardly discernible stroke of John Hancock's pen is all that remains of his bold and vigor-ous autograph, which he purposely made large to show the British smooth and oily tongued that a bit of intimacy was the outcome and a race was arranged between the attorneys and his Colon, Nov. 23. The railway bridge, 200! arrest, and as he started to take him to the station he began to fight. The officer or 300 yards from the Pan American sta-.

overcoat was aimost torn to shreds before What the Turk Is Going to Do for Money He Can't Just Tell. tion and commanding the entrance to the he dealt him the blow with his club whicn city will doubtless be the scene of the' required the attention of the city physi-! clan at the station. When the drunken coming struggle. The government ac- man was under control Gene Brown, a ma. 1 souri authorities, who simply wink at the fraudulent deals, of which they are compelled to take cognizance, and the numerous robberies in which prominent officials from all over the country lost their thousands, continue unabated with great rapidity.

So daring has this nefarious work been repeated that two and three races have been pulled off each week, thousands of dollars changing hands on a one hundred yard dash, the result of which is a client. They bet all the money and sent homs for more, consequently the lawyer was cleaned up once and his client twice. Most of the foot races that they have matched to run are participated in by fast men, but one is noted to be the fastest of the two, and he always loses. In most instances the fast man, upon whom the victim has placed his money, falls down and pretends to have sprained his ankle I cordingly Is fortifying it, placing cannon driver, attempted to interfere with tns of Constantinople, Nov. 23.

Never has the Turkish government been in such finan and raising entranchments and barricades ficer and was taken along with Givens was let out on a $23 bond and Brown on a $15 bond. cial straits as at the present time. It is impossible to see how the expenses of the Ramazan and Bairim, due in December government that he had no fear of and January and involving can i Nearly all the fighting in last year's battle occurred there. The steamer Canada, belonging to the Campagnie Generale Transatlantique from Harve is the first steamer that has entered the port under the new regime. She will sail for Sava- Great Oil Well in Baku.

fter getting a good start. In order that be met. The Ottoman bank utterly re-1 fe fuses to make any more advances and the penury is so acute that even the troops in many of the provinces are un- Baku, Nov. 23. The Immense oil well which has been producing a million pood? dailv since November 17, has been sup- they may take no risk of being shot by nilla.

Today is much conjecture as to one of their victims, the usual plan is to paid. The consequence is that there have i fc being known. The declaration is preserved in a narrow drawer, glass covered, which slides in a steel safe, with heavy double doors locked by a combination. Jefferson's original draft of the declaration, with insertions in the handwriting of Franklin and John how her papers will be received on her plemented by another gusher almost as arrival there. which was struck November 2.

As been mutinies in several districts. Hos- get the sucker to bet his revolver to some tll dpmnnstrntinnst hpr rpfpntlv lmv( member of the gang If he happens to have The Liberals along the line of the rail- a result of this immense production the way nightly tie the rails here and there local price of oil has fallen six kopecks. that another touchdown could be made. Kansas again secured the ball on the kick off and without losing it rarrld It through the Texas line time and acaln until Vincent was sent over for the second touchdown. Texans Made a Stand.

Just as time was railed, the Texana made a beautiful stand at the last min-ues and It looked as though Kansas might be held, but the chance of another score and the better conditions of the Kansans was telling on the team and they could not withstand the terrtfio rushes made by Vincent, The result of the came leaves but llttld loubt as to the result of the Kansas Missouri came, for It was only a week ago that Missouri was defeated by the only been quieted by the authorities hast- ily scraping together a few thousand 8 piastres am something on account. i one in his possession. That was done in the Davis case, but a 1X1 CLllll'J 1U1 Ilia real danger of the situation. (Continued on Page Three.) 5 KAISER IS ANGRY AT MR. CHAMBERLAIN km i ts Adams, is still exposed to public view in the same case where the formal document was formerly on exhibition.

Strangely enough, the tt ink on this draft has not faded. The writing is still as clear as it was 123 years ago. when Jefferson and the other members of the drafting iSTRANGED ROYAL COUPLE OF HOLLAND prearranged affair to "bump" the sucker. "Buokfoot and his subordinate confederates have grown fabulously rich in this business, and boast of carrying theii thousands In their pockets. Those Who Bit." Proseouting Attorney C.

B. C-rifflth of this county, has In his possession letters from numerous people who have been swindled In the last few months, ard the amounts they lost aggregate In the neighborhood of $100,000. 'Among those who have recently gone up against the "skin" parne are H. Phillips, sheriff at West Point. W.

P. Wells, Massa-lln. Unknown writer of Chanute, Unknown writer of Wellington, J. TV. McIIroy, Fay-ettvllle, Leonard Nelson, Kackley.

Henry Cohn, Colllnsvllle, 111., $1,000. A man from Topeka writes that two of his friends lost $4,000 each by the same gang. The same was tried on J. TV. Sjhuessler, president of the bank of Colony, but he failed.

Tfxans and the fine snowing maae oy Kansas this afternoon with some of the strongest players out of the game and in face of the fact that Coach Outland ha Pi. been on the sick list the entire week and committee wrote the words that tft defiance to the British crown. The orginal of the Constitution of tt the United States is preserved in the same case with the declaration. It was written on four large sheets of parchment, each kept in a sepa- rate, glass-covered drawer. The ink shows no sign of fading.

The signatures of George Washington and the other members of the Con- Wt stitutional convention are as clear as if they had been just written. has not been able to jrlve the workers personal attention is most gratifying to the members of the University of Kant sas and th town rrpnorfrs of the team. Kansas will go to Missouri full of confi dence and supported by a victory. The line-up for this afternoon's game was aa follows: An attorney In Colorado writes that two of his clients lost $5,000 each. Only last POSITION.

week, after the expose of the pang, $27,000 was cleaned ur. One remarkable inci KANSAS. Ellis Vincent, Brown Louthan Hess dent was a Texan who was induced to go mCff all the way to Webb City to bet on one of the races. He dropped 21.000, but be TEXAS. Mine Brown fCapt.) McMahart Pendergaet Keller Gathing.

Marshall James Duncan Watson Leslie ing Interested in ore of the bis oil com GETTINGTHEIRDDDS MADE Great Preparations Are Being Made for King Edward's Coronation. panies in Beaumont. he made no tmHtrfMty iffIt, ti -l'-. "-'v fm complaint, but asked for a pint of whisky and a ticket back home, which was freely kw. ywr -v.

Dodd left Brumage left Hick left end Elder Buzzl right (Capt.) Jenklnson halfback. Allen. Vincent fullback given and he left without a murmur, Mr. Davis "Squealed." Buckman Hyde The gang was exposed some weeks ago Bowley Officials A. G.

Klilek. refree: A. O. by J. M.

Davis of this city, a member of the Kansas Leslslature. and a congres London, Nov .23. Active preparations are on foot for the coronation of King Ed- ward. The Duke of Norfolk, Hereditary: Earl Marshal and Premie Duke and Earl, this morning summoned well known London costume makers to Norfolk house, where, spread out on wicker frames, wore spe in.ens of the robes to be worn by the Banks, umpire; Johnson and I'ortr, timekeepers; Pinney, Brown, linemen: time of halve-s, 25 minutes. Touchdown Vincent.

2. Goals Jenklnson, 2. Attendance, sional aspirant, who was swindled out nf in Aueust. After several weeks he exposed the game because his cred fc itors forced him for the money which he borrowed under false pretences to bet on the race. When threatened with prosecution he gave in.

Warrants were sworn v- Se 1 out for the five men, but the crime hav. In been committed In Missouri, requlsi Peers ind at next years great functicr. inspection, which was su-! perint bv the Duke, was to enable the to get th exact tint of the i erimscn velvet, the position of the er'nine 'find miniver-, ami other details for all im-i portar.t making of the robes, on wr.ich work will le started in earnest, i ThA British museum has been i bv those who ore searching the records for notes of the 1ress and resvlations of prev Wilbelm. tlons were necessary, and the state au HERE'S A ONE-SIDED SCORE, Michigan 89, Seloit 0, Is the Wj It Worked Oat. Arm Arbor, Nov.

a. Michigan. Belott, 0. Is the astonishing score of the football game between these two teams today. The strong team from Be-lolt was unable to do anything against the Ann Arbor men.

Only once, near the nd of the gane, did the visitors gala their yards. On account of the heavy wet Held, which was practically a pord In the center, filled in with sawdust before the game started, few end runs were made. Most cf thorities only succeeded In catching Gil-lett in Kansas. The gang had wealth and local Influence to back them, and em Zl ployed the best attorneys to fight every th eround and defeat any at- tn rouse their extradition. Davis Berlin, Nov.

23. Kaiser William is mucn annoyea ay incn, the German army made by Joseph Chamberlain, the British colonial secretary, in his recent speech at Edinburgh. The letter from Mr. Chamberlain's secretary is pronounced here to be unsatisfactory, for. as the papers note.

Mr. Chamberlain takes nothing back. The press generally regards the letter as another Insult and rejects the assumption that the anti-British movement is artificial On this lat attornevs. beinc baffled, then sought remedy in the federal court and the men were indicted. Still the work continues and every day ious coronations.

Quen Alexardra has ordered from a quantity of the finest embroidery, for which the former capital cf India i3 famous, which will a2orn Her Majesty's robes at the coronation ceremonies. This action, which has produced! the greatest satisfaction in Tr.dia. is due to the good offices of the- Vieerine. who. when in land recently, shewed the Queen some, priceless Delhi and so stimulated royal interest as to cause the present order to be given.

Section PoremaT! Silled. Eudora. Nov. 23. Tom Moor.ey, section foreman cn the Sa.nta Fe, was i line bucking.

Twice in the second naif i Stein of Michigan, caiigbt the ball on the kick off and made splendid runs the length of the field for touchdowns. The pa me ended with an almost entire ne PL almost, a race is nulled off. Boatright Ellis and the bank cashier, seem to be at the head of the concern, the former two ter point the Cologne Yolks Zietung asserts that the movement Is as spontaneous as it is possible to imagine. Other papers describe the movement as being the most remarkable cf Its kind ever witnessed. The Liberal organs like the Tageblatt and the Vosslsche Zeitur.g try to prove that the movement Is directed exclusively against Mr.

Chamberlain and not against Great Britain, but the Frankfurter Zietung a dmits that Ger- feelinjr has been inflamed In an unmistakable measure being noted confidence men. In their employ are about forty men who are in line-up for MJcblgan, in oroer ins ins aubstitctes might have a chance. They played Jast as well as the regular. fcr the JTcrthwestern. Chicago.

Nov. 23. Minnesota, It: North-western. 0. That In brief ts the story ot Continued on Page Tfcraei realitv the best foot racers in tne coun try.

They go in pairs all ccr the United 11 iiiiii against Great Britain. States, and their aim is for one to iocai killed at Desota this morning by west A bound train No. 5, while riding on a hand car. He leaves no family. i In a certain locality, and after getting acquainted a confederate drops in and xxxxxxxxxxxxxnxxxxxxxnxxxxxxxxnxxxx Wilhelmina and Her Husband.


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