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The Mount Airy News from Mount Airy, North Carolina • Page 3

Mount Airy, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Address of P. bi'-ves, esq If you h-jfe Sore Throat Bain- Mr. J. S. Lawsoti will niovo hit SPECIAL NOTICES.

Obituary of Harden Laffoon. THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. family to Greoutsboro next wetk. A large and intelligent audience The subject of this obituary was Beautiful line of men's and ladies' Killer wiy cnre jt- if you iave a cough pJold, Bain-Killer will end it. 1 have cramps or diarrho aarcmbled at tbe Central Metuodist Miss Myrtle and Mr.

Cary Mor Moant Airy, N.O., Mar. 8, 1900. shoes at .1. K. Barker's.

(fliureh on last Friday evening to born in burry county, March 4th, and died at his homo at White Plains, in the same connty gan, of Stokefdalo, came up Thurs i ainiviller will relieve it. if you day on a visit to friends. Buy your seed oats and seed Irish listen to the address which Mr. (iravea recently delivered before t'ti'f burn or bruise yourself, I ain and Sate, on December 31st, 180'J, potatoes at II. Schafcr s.

I W. WEST, We' are requested to announce Killer will stop the paiu. In short, His ago was, therefore, 77 years, 9 months and 27 days. He was the that Rev. B.

K. Carpenter will W. E. Patterson needs your no bottle of Tain-Killer on your shelf tho Al. C.

A. of inslon, ana which haa 1-sen most highly complimented br the Winston press. preach 8t Uak drove on next Sun tiry work. Call on him. son of Mark R.

IalToon and Cyn DRUGS, day morning at 11 clock. Mr. 0 raves' subject, was "Just will save you pain, time and money. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price thia Laffoon.

His mother's name Rememlor II. Schafer is still sell Two Words Yes and No," which Mr. B. V. Ilolcomb ha bonght was Caudle, and was born and rear ing white sugar at 5 cts.

a pound. 25 cents and 50 cents. out Mr. J. F.

Alired'sstock ot gun was most instrnctive and edifying. Tho speaker orged that tho posi ed in Chatham county, N. C. His father's father was a native of Toilet Articles, Perfamcry, Etc. Dress goods in tho latest styles eral merchandise and moved hie inst received at Dix l'owrnar Gift to the Graded Schools.

bufinees to the Allred block. Franco, having come from Paris and Mail Street, Mount airy, N. C. A copy of Stuart's famous por We are Solo Agents for Ijidiee settled in Sun county in his young Mr. A.

L. Bunker, commissioner, tive part cf man's character the "Yes" part should bo the prominent element that the negative part tho "No" side of his natnro Ibex Kid shoes. Dix it Bowman. trait of ashiugton has been pre manhood and toward the closo of the Teach trws re blooming "wy will sell a piece of land belonging 18th century. For more than down South in Dixie." California prunes 10 cts.

nor lb, sen ted to tho Graded Schools. The engraving is 20x28 inches and is to tho estate of 1. Uox, dec should be leas prominent. Many century tho Itflooii family has lived or 3 lbs. for cts.

at J. R. Paddi on March 31st, to raise funds to pay Mr. W. O.

Bydnor returned thus a moral lesson wasi'drawn. Man in Surry county, and havo, with handsomely framed. On the frame is the following: "Mr. B.N. Duke.

son s. debts. week from Kicntnond, Va. shculdbo bold and aggressive in his Northern seed black spring oats, scarcely an exception, leen honor able, upright citizens. Mr.

Eli Winesett, the expert bi of Durham, N. a contributor to SGitoruLA and MifuL Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A. MOT WO Nil Kit rut. Cl'ItJC.

Craws) La air sia Her Ksparlaat, Mr. Tbankful Onlia Hnrd liv la tbe bemUfiU vlllaf J-tirtt, LWlUKiton Mkb. This veuerable and blKbly reapected lady was Wm tbe year llU, tbe year vt lb great was, la Uebrtm. Waaiiua hr lork. She came to Mb bigao Iu ito, tbe year vt and Ty'ea too." All ber faculties are eieetlentty preaerel, and poaaesratar a very retentive memory, ber utlud ia full of Ibtereaiiug reuiiuisieueea ef kar ear life, of the early days of tbe Mate of Michigan and toe lutereethag remarkable aha has met.

and th eui ef wui a its -a a witness. But nothing Id ber taried and manifold recollect loot are more bJ velntis snd worthy ot mention toaO are ber e.perieocea la tie usa JUH.NMTUN 8 SAHSAI'ARIIXA. llurd luherlted a teedeney aJ pre-dUnoallloti to ai rofula, thtt terribly destrunlre blood taint whlca has ce4 and Is cursing tbe lives or ihousaods and marking thousands sva fle-tlm of tbe death angel. Transmitted from generation to C'nrreCon. It b) utind la neary every family in one forto or snoiuer.

It may Bak tta i pears me In dresalful rnnaing tornh. In unslfc-ttly swellings la tbe fterk galrre. or in eruptions of taried furms. Jktia klug tbe mucous membra a. It may te known a catarrh in the bead, or In tbe Inert It may U.

and often Is, thu prime cause of rtOHtiitiilou. Speaking of ber caae, Mrs. Hurd saya: "I ess troubled tor BiB yart Hb a had skin dlseaae. My arms an would break ot in ores, discharging yellow matter. My 0ek began to swell and became vers nuslgbtly In appearsnee.

My body was covered with errofulooa emptlona. My eyes were also greatly Inflamed and weak. ned. and tbey pained me very niurh. My blood was In a very bad condition and my bead acbed Severely at frequent Intervals, and I bad no appetite.

I bad sores also in any ears. I wa In a miserable condition, I bad tried every remedy that bad been reeem-mended, and doctor after do. tor bad failed. One trf tbe tst pbyalcUuia la tbe state told me I aunt die of s- rofulous consumption, Internal Abcewse were beginning lo form. I at length tod of l)r Johnston, of Detroit, and bis famous farsaparllia.

1 trlefl a bottle. mre as an exiierfmest ft an aav-thlng else, ss I bad no faltb In If, and gr.atly lo mv agreeable surprise, I began to grow b-tter. Yon ran be aur 1 kept on taking it I took a grat many bottlea. Itnt I steadily linrrovd until I became entirely wel. ores bealed up.

all the bsd symptoms disappeared. 1 gained perfvet bMltb. and 1 have never been troubled with a. rof uln since. Of coarse ia eld U6 S3 yearg It not a young womsn, but I bare bad remarkably good bealtt tnce then, and firmly believe that JOIl.VUON SAK PABILLA la tbe freateat Mood purifier and (he best medicine In tbe wld vrorld, both ff Tofula and as a apring medicine." Tbls remarkably Interesting old ladr aa not lok to be more than ality.

and be rerieated eersl timet "I believe mi wat saved by JOUaVSlXIN 8 8AH8APAR1LLA." Th boy are already flying their warfare against cviliand should be r0 cts. per bushel, al Dix Bow the Washington Portrait fund, re- cycle rider, has opened a shop in ever on the olfcnsive'rathcr than on kite, bat tfco trees are not leaving On the 21st of uno, 1850, Harden man s. the Leonard block, and makes, buys, the defensive. Lalloon was happily married to Miss The few spring like days were quests Mrs. L.

Morehead Walker, Vico Regent of the Monnt Vernon Fhoernendiny; of every descrip sella, rents and repairs all kinds of Mr. Graves is at all times a pleas Sallie I xi wis, daughter of Elka.ia joyously welcomed by everybody tion piomptly executed by J. C. Association for North Carolina, to bikes. Call on him.

and Mithula Lewis, ot Surry county. The connty commissioners held Wlnle. present this picture to tins institu Of this union seven children were Everv member of Bine Ridge ant and interesting speaker, and, on this occasion, ho added fresh honors to his rcpntation as ajpublic speaker. their regular monthly mooting at tion. Feb.

22. 15)00." Nice lino of canned poods, staple bom six daughters, namely, Misses Council, No. 73, Jr. 0. U.

A. Dobson Monday. Tho gilt should be especially ap and fancy groceries, Ac, at J. h. All present went away with bieh- Mary h.

Iafloon and Ada Lalloon, is reoriented to attend the meeting preciated since only fifty copies of Marker s. Mr. Geo. A. Batterfiold watt dan erjidcale of life and with the resolve to be tnoro positive, moro aggressive of Suiry county, N.

Mrs. Jag. J. Greenwood, of Patrick connty, next rriday evening. Business of importance to attend to.

By order tho picturo havo boon presouted to gerotmly ill yesterday, but is much Try our nice canned snap Ixmns tho University, all the colleges, against evil in all of its forms. at 13 cents or 2 cans 25 cts. at J. Mrs. K.

M. Taylor, of Buncombe of the Councilor. improved to day. the high schools and tho city schools Such addresses cannot tail to do Paddison's. bounty, N.

Mrs. Labayetto A hot, dry summer is predicted The members of tho Baptist ot tho State, and tho Mount Airy JSiehols and Mrs. W. Bunker, of Crossman Bros, and D. M.

Fur for this year, but predictions do not good, and Mr. Graves is due a vote of thanks for the wholesome truths church aro requested to attend ser i railed schools were included in Surry county, N. C. One son only ry's garden aecdjon t-alo at Dix Si always coma true. vices Thursday night; Sunday that number.

was given them, who died at the he presented. Low man s. School Superintendent will bo elect ago of thrco yeais. All the rest, In Mr J. Afhby is resting bet ter this wetk and his condition up Full line of Gcut's Fine Vici Kid ed at that time.

Regular preaching OBITUARY OF C. BANNER. Hhocs in tho lateft rtyles at Dix Jurors Spring Term. 1st wockJ. A.

Stanley, i services Sunday morning. Jo cluding tho bereaved wife, still live to mourn tho loss of husband and father. pears improved. iowman s. preaching at night on account of Constantino Lafayette Banner, son Ilutchens, J.K.Harris, C.

II. Stone, Mr. T. II. Muse is at Greensboro the protracted meeting at the iUetu do to J.

C. White ami havo your of Dr. C. L. and Maryctta Banner, Tho writer has had an intimate working insurance.

He has been T. W. Collins, W. It. Norman, J.

odist church. shoos repaired. Good work and of Mount Airy, t. was born porsonal acquaintance with Mr. If- A.

Chilton, A. J. Thompson, J. A. very successful so far.

reasonable prices. March 22nd, 1870, and died in tho Miss Eflie Ilutchens, who lives loon lor 2j years. IIo was a man iSprinkle, F. 8. Kldridgo, Thomas compart, narnoiT, aaacrtsc.

J. W. Mi I'lIKRHOX A r. HCHIOAir DItf Hold iii Mount Airy by Old Dominion Hospital, Richmond, Poland China Pit's for sale. An near this place, has just finished a of very decided character, unchang' We learn that Mr.

l'epper, ot tho Surry Journal, will shortly move Davis, Phillip Sholton, J. 15. Chil February 2)th, 1.00. ply to 8am Allred at Stcvo Hale's mg views and strong convictions, quilt that contains 2,800 different ton, J. II.

Sprinkle, N. W. Fowler, bis paper from 1 not -Mountain to lie professed religion in April, store, rices reasonable. Ho was strictly honest in all his pieces, every piece being cut square W. C.

Perkins. S. P. Owens, Is. J.

Winston. 181)8, Bnd joined tho Methodist dealings. No man hated frand and The I'nclo cod ham cook stoves Snow, J. T. Rocvos, K.

A. Chilton, church in May of the same year. deception more than Harden Laf and tacked in the centre. To accomplish this wonderful task much time, labor and patience was re James Stanley, (1. W.

Ashby, C. J. are still all tho go. Don't forget that you can get them at Joyce's His death was sudden and nncx The creeks were past fording on Thursday morning. Lovell's creek SDread out over the bottoms on foon.

He did not practice these DraiiL'hn, W. S. Kodinan, 1. pected. Conso loft home Feb.

things himself, nor could be toler Hardware Store. Smith, Job Jackson, C. H. Harris, quired. But Miss Eflio is sweet spirited and didn't tr.iud it.

for Richmond, in comparative- either side. ate them in other people. He F.very saw mill man should (ret II. (i. Chatham, Miles Wall, J.

r. good health, and, so tar aa we Samuel, W. (.. Carson, W. I).

one of those side saw tilos at Joyce's Little Allan, youngest son of Mr. promptly Condemned, on tbe spot, whatever did not strike him as right Mount Airy has beyond doubt the finest educational advantages of know, no one suspected that a little and Mrs. Henry Thotms, was seri Pooro, J. W. Nichols, J.

M. Patter- .1 1. A tt ll more than a week heneo pall-bear Iinrdware store. mill is com pleto without it. and would speak to a man face to any place its size in North Carolina.

son, ts. 1 Mmpson, a. vt uoan. eta would meet his lifeless remains ously bnrned one morning last week by hia dress igniting while passing face whatever he had to say about 2nd week J. M.

Kigiz, Joseph We are strictly in it. California evaporated teaches, 12 at the depot. How sad that tries him. This sometimes made him Hodges. A.

J. Kev. K. J. Miller.

too close to the tire. In a moment cts. runes, 10 cts. ll. or lls, Dr.

T. J. Mitchell is visiting his sago which was conveyed over tho enemies, but ho whs never known tor 25 Raisins to 12 cts. per John Fleming, R. ll.

Redman, W. C. P.anner, R. W. Harris, J.

VV. wires the next Mondav morning at tho child was completely enveloped in flames, and. but for prompt action to court popularity by liattery. His brother, Mr. George Mitchell, at Boxwood.

Va He will be out of K-i'i a full line of Canned ttoods of Kverj I'eKrption, Try uur F-cglish 1'reskfsH Tea. Triplett's Cbanipion and Morning Riar Hoar, Molasses and Hyrups from 30 to 80 cents, including our tine brsnd of Santa Itcsa, tbe on tbe market. Mullets, Maekerel, Herring and Wtnte Ktsb. Kennedy and I.anjdoni tine Hods and Milk Lunch Crackers. Northern Karly Kuae and Burbatk Seed Potatoes and Eastern Carolina Sweet ul! line of Harden rWils.

We are still seiiing our celebrated J. K. Xo. 2 Coffee" at 25e ib I'sisy iddlinge, Peed and Hulls lieipeotftilly. J.

K. P-il-DIl-UN. love of truth was eiual to his re pound at Dix vV Lowman s. Baker's Chocolate, Breakfast (h- Joyce, A. (i.

Click, J. M. Wood, of tho muse, tbe worst would have ter he left homo announcing his death to mother, father, brother, sister and tho many warm lriends gard for honesty. He hated lying T. (Jreen, P.

R. Reamer, W. I). been realized in a short time Don't forget to town several weeks. One new case of smallpox developed in this city last iriday, but witn ail the intensity of Ins nature, Wall.

J. N. Woodruff, W. C. Wil coa, rsences, tirateo ino Apple and everything that is kept in an np-.

i ti i i i Revival meetings of tnoro than Jn politics ho was a lifelong Jet liams, J. P. Coekerham, K. W. be had in Mount Airy and elsewhere.

However anxious we may bo to give relief to the heart broken parents, usual interest are being held every there is no cause for alarm. Strict iu-utuu vnoccry oiort: run ihj iuiiihi Ash burn. forsonian Democrat, and, I suppose, voted for every Democratic candi afternoon and night at Central at Dix it Bowman's. Examine our Spring Line of Bamples of "Made to Order'' Clothing by Kred Kaiiffmann. Methodist church this week.

Tho we find ourselves helpless. date he ever had a chance to vote A Certain Cure. Rheutnocide removes tho cauto ot rheumatism for, having cast his lirst presidential vote for Andrew Jackson in 1S33. But Jesus "will lie with thee thy trouble! to bleM, And sanctify to thee thy deeped dis by neutralizim? tho acids in tho first sermon was preached Sunday morning by Evangelist Walter B. Ilolcomb, who has niado a most favorable impression at the many he kept to his political faith till the blood and driving thorn out of the tress.

last. system. All druirjnsdH. Sold by I. Em In religion he was what is known He was a Christian, and much beloved hv all who knew him; a Olothing I W.

West, Druggist. places he has held meetings. Ho has accomplished a great deal of good in North Carolina and Virginia us a Primitive Baptist, though not a communicant of any church. His Write Murdock Cure Atlau- dutiful son, amiable in disposition and as gentle and thoughtful of his by his earnest preaching, and it is ta, enchaong 2c stamp for Free Sample ol unlock Catarrh (hire conscientious convictions were very clear, and his sense of right and mother as tho gentlest girl. Con hoped the meeting now in progreos will be the means of saving many or llylers DyHephia Tablets.

Tboy sistent in his life, never forgetful ot quarantine is being observed. Tho manufacturers in this place are doing well they are all making money. We need and must have more factories of different kinds. The tobacco factories aro doing wonders for our laboring claeecs this spring. Regular employment is now being furnished to hundreds of bands.

The March winds played "many and beautiful tunes" last week on old signs, window shutters, kc. It is the month of March. Did you know it! Be sure to attend the sale of household and kitchen furniture at Mr. J. S.

Lawson's residence, near Mrs. S-SicelofTs, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be regular services at wrong was keen. Ho was convert the comfort of his sisters and was proioM3 to cure every cawe of a- souls. Tho evangelist lives in our ed at the age of IS and held to his COLLARS! town and has held one meeting in tarrh or Dyspepsia.

very much devoted to his only broth faith till his translation. er. Dr. John l.anner. Do was In his last days ho talked a great this place before, therefore he is not a stranger among strangers.

The On Day Cold Cure. devoted to his father's household, deal about death, and said no man Por oM. ami -aire thiuM uar late Illative fjuinme. Ka.ily taken a tandy Do you want a stylish, durables, nest and often anticipated the wants of The Graded School has uever ana tjuKk iy cine. A.

OITA.NCE For you to get a Fine OVER-COAT or WINTER SUIT for less than heretofore. Come before it is too late, as this is but a chance in a Life-time. Winter Overcoats and Winter Suits at about half what it will cost you in a Regular Clothing Store. Come and see us. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated.

h. schafer. living feared to dio less than he. He had a presentiment of his approach those ho loved and arranged for done bolter work than it is doing collar, if you do, buy tbe famous Corliss-Coon cellars. llylcr's Dyspepsia Tablets, pleas their comfort in advance now.

Every grade is nil and the pupils are working faithfully. Tho ant, easy to take, and givo perma Fo tt onlv J. E. 8AfKB. lie was stricken unconscious in the lobby ot the Murphy Hotel iu nent relief.

treatment Richmond Saturday evening, reb- Mailed on receipt of price. total enrollment during tho year is 452 white pupils. Tho attendance is now nearly, or quite, as largo as ing dissolution, lie thought ho was in the church of his choice, and there met his blessed Savior, who beckoned him to come. All the members, he said, looked very beautiful to him. He related this vision to his own family and some friends before his death.

For several years past he eung tho following hymn ruary 24th, and never spoke afterward. Tho circumstances of his Mi kihvk Ci Atlanta, tia. ''Lumber for Sale! Marshall A short illness and sudden death away from home called forth great sym aEI HITK hlliil HI I arrl 1R0 A UJ pathy from friends of his and tho Creed, White Plains, N. deal in and manufacture all kinds of Pine, family. every day m.

i i i Oak and Poplar hitiilxT. They are lins was a saa proviuence wnicn wo do not understand, but onr Fa prepared to till orders from town or "Once more mj trnul the rising day, Halutet thy waking eyes Onop more my voice thy tribute pay, ther "doeth al' things well. Not now, hut in the coming years, country on short notice. Dry and green lnmlier alway3 on hand. Be sure to write for any information.

Th One Day Cold Cure iu iu in mat, rcies lue skies. For cnld in Uw h-d nd throi iit Kir It may lie in the better land, molt horoUlf yuiitmr, thf 'Night unto night His name repeats, The day renews tbe sound Lsy loia laiiM. We'll read tlie meaning of our tears. Indies For relief of women, it was in December, Brents and friends of the school are most cordially invited to visit it, and see for themselves the character of the work which is being done. The Board of Education has cause to feel grat itied with the large attendance and the excellent character of work which is being done by tho teachers of all grades, ancTtTra great eff ort of Supt.

Curtiss who is full of energy. Merchants, Remember That the Granite Mercantile Co. dots an exclusively wholesale grocery business and wants your trade. They can often save you money and can always save you the annoyance of delays, which often occur when you order your goods shipped. Everything bought direct from Wide a tbe Leaven on which He sit, And there.somettme.we 11 understand My mother aullurcd with ohronic WM.

G. MOORE Of Mount Airy, N. Afli-r due Consideration of tbe mercantile fb-M and fttiancial situation, abd kcon -iriK tbal tbrre always comes a rai-tum after long bu-inen uepresipc, and liat wars, bet ber domestic or fornifjri, are sure to open the llood-gaVof ion, and that all the nione, beiber little or much, would be put Into circulation at an early date. and. as a Conaequenee, prices in ail lines wi-re sure to make rapid leaps uptfard.

We Took Time bv the Fore-Lock and last February and a'sin in May placed lsre orders with tbe polte n-s, Uuh ol this and the old country, for future delivery, and arc now daily receiving tbe InrRest and must s-lect stock of bilver I ubiew are. China, tilass and tui-etiaw are, of lnih foreign and make, ever sii in Mount Airy. Vluic we carry a large and Coiiiplxto stuck of Blank Huok-i, iM.ce and School hupplies t'lii-an and 1 Stationery, ISox 1'kts from rhespcyt to tinei-i. Wedgwood's with white ink in ivrreKioiid. ISerythig in the lo turn the seasons round.

Cheeters Tansey Tablets, worth their weight in gold. A certain and safe monthly regulator. Mailed diarrhoCH lor aeveral She God knows tbe way, He holds the key He guides us with unerring hand; Rornetime, ith tearless even we'll see 'Ti IIo supports my mortal frame, was attended by two phyHiciaro who iy tongue shall speak His praise; My sins would rouse bis wrath to flame, i es, there, up there, we 11 understand on receipt of price, $1. Trinity Episcopal church next Sunday morning and night, at the usual hours, by the rector. Everybody cordially invited.

The Lord has no nse for selfish, close-fisted eoplo. They are worse than drones and humaniry would be better off if all the hide bontid skin flints would die to day. The graded school at the noon Lour looks like a vast army. This is the sort of enterprise to build up town. We are proud of this in etitution three hundred and sixty-five days in the year.

See new change in the big advertisement of W. W. Burke. Mr. Buike is a live, progressive merchant and keeps up with the times.

Call on him for anything in the shape of dry goods, groceries, sample shoes, etc. The roads leading into Mt. Airy are in a bad condition, and no immediate prospect of much improvement except the help afforded by nature. A system of good conntrv roads and less politics is what we all should strive for. at lact prononneod liur eafo She procured ono 2'-eent bottle of Ana yet Mis wrath delays.

Happy thought, that the children (' I Cl UK Co. Atlanta. (ia. l.V .1 Ml 1 Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and or our rattier win someume uuuer-stand why they have "clonde instead "IVar (iod, let all mine hours lc TLine, While I enjoy tbe lifiht. Then shall my sun in smiles decline, IliarrLoea Keincdy, and live doeei The One Day Cold Cure.

Cold in head and rr thrtiat currd ty Krr- ol sun." When we thus understand And bring a pleasant night." moti Chooilatr l.azanvr ijuminr. At rit-) lo i We aiod. "Child ten try (i thrm." we will be satisfied. By his Pastor, II. K.

Boykr. The last verso was a prayer. gave Iter permanent relief. I tale pleasure in recommending it the best on the market. Mum.

I1. K. Watson, Aiken, Ala. Sold lr. W.

S. Taylor, DrogKiat. Wanted, at once, 2. to .0 voun LATEST STYLE AND RIGHT OP TO DATE IN EVERY LINE. In behalf of the entire family, I laam operate Miwni iniicninea in our Overall I'acttirv.

I.ii'lit work wish to tender our thanks and ap headquarters and for cash, which enables the company to always give you fresh goods and at tho lowest prices. which was answered literally. Just at nightfall on the holy Sabbath, tho last day of the year 1M)D, alter having attended to the various duties of the house, and having eaten his supjer, he was called to go. He preciation to all tho friends, from The Ore Day Cold Cure. Ktrmott's Cboerilatn.

Lasatiw ouiiiiik for and trotw pay to iliote who ire willing to tuko tho time to leurn the the ministers whoso touchingly con cold iu thr brad sad sure ttmwit ClnMir-i, ut The largest line of and Holiday Hood ever sien here, al wholesale and retail, and twilight before Itieprt'St rise iu iron and other Oiaterials of which they are made We are going ro give our customers the netit uf gornls well bought. Ve have also made arrangements itb Mr. A K.llsks,of Atlanta, Oa to hantlie bis auiuus ripwt acle arid Kye.glssc there s.uiie a good but there is none claimed as better. "The better the grade the bitter the trade." t-iet, your maiire taken at Moore's fur a suit of Hoyal Tailor Made-tu-Measura Clotbeis thrat like csaur. buninoea.

Call on or The was getting ready for bed when the ducted the sad funeral rites of my brother, C. I- Banner, to the many others who so kindly extended to Hunter M'fjj. Coin. N. C.

last summons came. It wa sudden. pniii'a Nt-rd. Mr. R.

I. Olivia, ol liarcclona, He complained of a straniro swim us their help and sympathy in onr If troubled with rhouniatiuin, ive Spain, atienda hia winlcis at Aided, S. C. Weak nervoa had caused se ming in his head and sank down in his chair. He ceased at once to NEXT DOOR TO BANK, MOUNT AIRY, N.

C. time of trouble, 'lis a pleasure to realize that he was loved and will Chamberlain's I'ain-llalin a trial. It vere puiiiH in tho buck of hit head. breathe. Not a muscle moved not will not eoet you a cent if it does no Oct IK lh tf bo missed by others as well as by a struggle of the lant llickerincr ravs good.

One application will relieve the pain. It alno cures ppraina and ourselves, and that many tender hearts sympathize with us in our On UHing Klectric Hitters, Ainirica't groatOHt Jilood and Nerve llemoily, all pain aoon left him. Jle nay ihie grain! madirilifc ia wlmt bin eountn of life. Thus lived Harden Laf W. W.

BURKE. foon and thus he died. bruiaes in otiu-third tho tunc ro- great afliiction. Sincerely yours, The remains were buried at old luired by any other treatment. cod -i.

All Atoenea knows tliut John JJannkk. Fish River church near Dobson. curoa liver and kidney trouble, in- The funeral services were conduct Cuts, burns, froatuitevjoinaev, Im'n in the aide and chrat, lundular and other swelling are (jtiiekly cured by i ties the blood, tones) up the kIoih HOQDS FOR 19 ed by Elder Jas. I). Draughn, an ach, aii-cngthcna the nt-rvett, put The doctor looked wi- and said It was "nervous indigestion." Hut he didn't eure it.

Mr. Tlnw. O. I-ver, of Lever, S. wrote to Ih I'ieree, of Hufnilo, N.

Y. applying it. Lvery bottle warrant vim, and new life into even muscle, nervo and organ of tbe brly ablo minister of the Primitive Bap-tint church and a neighbor of Mr. Iifloon's. ed.

Trice, 25 and 50 cent. Sold Jl. II' weak, tired or aiiing you need it And now Mr. Lever well. I ft.

by Dr. W. S. Taylor, Druggist. MaTR OF dlllO.

(K Ti'l r.ixi, Kvery bottle guaranteed, only His bereaved wife and sorrowing Pirrre and 'Jf1-ri- cent. Sold liy lr layior, children sorely miss him, but they sorrow not as those who have no in Every Day. flllla' Go Jew Goods Gen. J. B.

Gordon Coming to Mt. Airy. The citizens of Mt. Airy and eur rounding country have a rare treat in store for them in the near future. Mr.

J. R. Paddison has engaged Gen. no. B.

Gordon to deliver his famous lecture, "The Itst Days of the Confederacy," on the night of May 21st. Gen. Gordon, in addition to being the greatest living Southern Chieftain, is tho Commander in Chief of the United Veterans, lie is one of the foremost orators in the South, and his style of oratory hits a Southern warmth, dm-l, brilliancy and force nut often found in Northern speakers. Attention. Veterans As the weather was so aisHgnc-able there was no business transacted at our last meeting in February.

The meeting adjourned to c.eet Wedueeday, March 21st, at 2 o'clock P. M. This is a meeting uf tital importance to all, as it is the annual meeting of the Camp. Otlicert will I) to elect and plans, arranged for the coming yeai arrangements abont a grand rally and reunion here in May, etc. Some member of the camp will be expected to relate some of his personal experiences during the war.

It is hoped that all will come out and come en time, liesp'y, W. E. Patterson, Commander. Frank J. Cheney makm oatb that be ia MiitU tbe anDiiir partner of tlie tirto of 1' J.

C'lii--nrv doing liiiaiaess In the ity of hope, for, by his daily life and dying testimony, they confidently hope to meet him "on tho other iff luU tin, Counts snu rutte alon-suij an, I Tt8 lor imnv years haa been rhiri' consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and (Mirgica! Institute, of Butf.ilo. hiring this time thst situl tirm will-pay ths sum itt O.NK WOOD'S HIGH GRADE shore." R. M. Ta ub. lMH.l.Ali ir c-v band every a.e of I aiarrli tlial caiui.d las eurei Weaverville, N.C., March tlx uae nl 11 A LI.

UATlHItll MK. HANK J. CIIK.SK V. 1' Farm Seeds. Our bui life in Seeds ia A I'rlKlitftil Klundrr Ssoni to Lcfure me and snbm-rilM! be has proUihlf treated more my prew iwe, thi Ii il iv uf liec-Bila-r, Will olion cituau a horrible liurn.

rasra of chronic, or Unerring, Pi Scald, Cut or Hr-iiso. Itueklen'a Ar atvasea uian any wrier pnyat- We hope to see a few weeks of pleasant weather to give the farm era an opportunity to prepare for a big crop this year. Big crops make prosperous times, and if tho farm-era are successful in their operations everybody feels the tHecta. Liquor is getting in its work somebody is responsible, too. Are your skirts clear! Have you tried to rave yonr erring neighbor Do you favor the manufacture and sale ot whiskey and brandy If you op pose iutemptirauce say so and stick to it.

Jamea Gardner, a former Charlotte merchant, committed suicide at Mochauisville, S. Thursday night by taking strychnine. I)inp pointmentin love was the cause. He was 55 yuan old, and willed his entire property to the giil who reject-ed him. We uotice in the Morganton pa-pert an account of a strange accident which cost one man bis life.

John Deal and son were employed at a saw mill Dear Connelly Spring, the too a fireman and the father as a laborer. Wednesday evening the belt which runs tho governor of the engine ran off and the engine began rouning at a terrific rate of speed. The large belt from the engine to the taw ran off the saw pulley. Before the fireman could stop the engine this belt struck him and he tank down. The father, teeing hit ton's condition, ran to the engine to shut off the steam.

While in the act ot doing this the large driving wheel burst from too rapid speed, parts of which striking Lira with great force, killing him almost instantly, ile lingered an boar bat never regained conscious-Dees. The ton only tiiLtlv larri fcy tit tb. nica Salve, thu be-t in the world, will SISAL. ox. Notary 1'ublic.

We hiif tln lurgvst ii ikI iim b.1 h)i Jjc a uf fiMitwcur f'r sii-n in Mount Airy HMil Mt iihl l. uur i uMuiimts I In Iruitx of 'iirlv luivinjr. Hall's slarrli ure la lalrn Internally kill thu puiti and promptly Leal it. Cures Old Korea, Kever Sure, Ulcers, Hoila, Kelona, Corns, all SKin aud acts lin-1ly uu the liloxl anil mu'Ous mirUras oft In' stem. foi testitiiiHii- Krtip: ions.

lU-st I'ile cure on earth. als, frea. r. J. CIIKNKY A Toledo, O.

Only "5 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by ir. W.

S. Taylor, Druggist. t.S.U liy Uruiwists. 7.. Cur Cold In Head.

a-a Ktiglish Puavin Liniment removes all to-day f-ti? of the lurvtui in tliii Cutintry. A ituit lir tu the fact ti.Mt qnaHfy ImnalinTi mr fimt mnh rn ion. Wr tuppljr all Sftfd required for the Tarm. GRASS CLOVER SCLDS, Cow Peas, Col (on Seed, Seed Oals, Seed Corn, Soja, Navy Velvet Beans, Sorghums, Broom Com, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, ec Wood's Descriptive CaUloriae Krmott ch4-Uir Laiativa raV lo taac sua ilkk Iu cuic .11 HcaU atttl frw Hard, boft or Callouaed Lump and Itlemifhe from horses, BIinmI bpavins. iniiau.

tiurba, Hpluita, hweemey, King-Hone, Kittea, hprams, all hwollen Throats, Coughs, eto. have 0 by use of one bottle. Warranted tbe moat wonderful OALICOEQ 3s ysrds Standard I'rinta, Merrimack's and Nimpaon a hw at lh old price, 4 eenta per yard yards -r ai, iucbe a-ide, to eents per yard twat iiiality hea Island, yard ftyiee. Itv.

per yard- Our slock of Cot Nut fabrim Is full and nmplt te in all imes, rav a banilaume line ol White Oooda. Welts, to '-'i eeru pr yard Beautiful line eilks. new spring eullinga, ITr. to I -r yard Wear Lkewis el.owing our new line of Neu. Ioertima and All-Trrs at n'rktUr prices In m.r rro.ry depart merit carry a full and let a'rwk jf ij.

and rancy lirw-enea and tieoeral Mercdandia al -ck Uattura plies tavt pun-baaed for our spruis; tre.j- aampte st.iva. d-id-tlly t-a ever uffer-vd In Mimnt Airy, 'Alan two big liw etinn W. W. IIUIlKlaa cun in tile world. ln.ilMs from all over the world write fo him and receive advice free of charge.

Iiuniig the early years of hi practice Ir. 1'n-n-e compounded his "Golden Medical lrim-overv which he haa nel ever since in treating aU affections of the lungs and bronchial tube; for purilymg the blood; for toning up the nerves and whenever an honest reliable nonalcoholic tonic was needed. In connection with it, he pre-rilie what other aprcial medicine may be required in e-cri'tional case and gives direction a to diet and hvtficnc. The result health. Mr.

Lever whlea -1 ni sfHk-le4 rttSi mhtt ihr afcirtm raltat RfTMI f-n Tk niiine (t in. mv family phv-tiun to an avail 1 ih.Niyht am. If I a 1 1f -1 mtf-i with pals aa4rr ay riti. anJ aa empv eelmf Ul tevavonara I aa, grfing verv mu4 anVftl a fmi rieal aaentaltIF iStektRg tHat MN wow Id auoa) rtatm aae lama HtiLalkta4 Inpatient n1 grilv rwtiHwt la -a I rank! aanl, eat a-Oiins I hat wvaia pervlurc bad Sarllnst la mr at.aaark I ar In fiaira ha. lde Mlwt IHariiwrer a ad ikta' an4 guv mt mnm ataipia el-a am an-ll afaia.

I heiew 1a 11-. Mr-tli, al Itttawery aa1 fvilrta anil mta anv aaaawi or ehau Insist tirn havinr "Golden Medical Dtarovea'V' fur Bottling flat "just a fe4.fc blemish ('ure ever known. KolJ W. mm Wa baa a aoc hook. B.

Taylor. Druggist. Mt. Airy. C.

Belief Id Six Hours. Ilstreiii( Kidney and Bladder dis I Now or Never! Once in your life time, now, this year of 19i0, is the time it twlwoves you to be op with the times! Buy yourself and family a home; quit renting and psyir.g rent beyour own btwa and independent. Tbos. M. Brower is willing to tell you Farm, a IiOt or a House and Lot, either for cah or in three payments, or iu boiud way that you can meet it, it you will art yonmlf to it and try.

on him and find oat before the bargain art tttMll ft" Ii t( ihw fttttj mil othe-r rW.ta tmmt titxto etjttttw, ,41 aO! ar-4 tr 1. lift 1 d. rJ WtK 11 rte I ONE PHICE STORE. ease relieved in sn Laura "Saw uinr Asuaics Kinxiv t'l aa." It is great surprise on aiw-ouet of its el- ih l.i ul ro I fnina f-r1 ii-al liinu tVa Free Delivery. torr rl i i itiaui 4 lut fT4 llfWMt eroding promptness in relieving pain in 1 1 Vermifuge feel twrft (Mel tataers aM ftwaav.

law I lt I aaj a a( aaln ult at 1 la SWa ami 1 (aa. Nv 1 Ikaa. tht n4a. aorjmt. li.l sate laaam AH i.ia kal.

ura araas- aa.4 Saaat sua mm tea l-TwsM IMW sriiUirv. tlT4W Hj IMt4 irutiirv. T.W.WOOO&S0IS, SEECSKEM. fuikJ. Vl.

W.r tietif bladder, kidneys and hack. In malenr female, keliet ea retontion uf water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and eure this is tbe remedy. rWild by W. H.

Taylor, lrurft. Monnt Airy, 1 ana Caryuoa. av, 3SMi all aecored. i sertlsaj "se (., Ci i.

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