The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 11
- Publication:
- The Wichita Eaglei
- Location:
- Wichita, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 11
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE Wichita uaGLE. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1921 A 1 a SpQtl CLltlOTlCL foil' HIT f- Stop Paying Rent Cl- hJ EMPORIANS RUN Pays for an Past Side Lot Adjoining College Hill Near Douglas Avenue, Close in, Only a Few Minutes From OIOAHOMAWINS FIRST VALLEY GAME EASILY quarter. Myron Sooner halfback, twice carried the ball over for touchdowns in the first half of the game. Bowies kicked goal both times. Two more touchdowns were added the -Oklahoma score, the last of the second period and a fourth in the third quarter.
It was the first UP GREAt SCORE" INS. W. CONTEST the Heart of the Business District in the" conference game of the season for. Oklahoma. Lineup: Owens' Aggregation Runs Up Four -Touchdowns to Beat Washington Hargiss Men Score Nine Touchdowns to Trim Bates Team, 61 to CZ3 11.
WASHINGTON Shnaus Kraehe Sinitleton Hafner Kurrus Long Parsons P. Thompson Matihes Thsmser Young: OKLAHOMA Marsh liowles Cullen Hamm McKinley Haskell Hendricks Hill Tylpr Morrison Soore bv Dpriods DAVIS-A BIG STAR SCORE IS 2S TO 13 EMPORIA, Oct. 22. Kansa State Normal handed Southwestern oni of the worst defeats in the Methodist school's history here this after Washington 0 0 0 13 13 Oklahoma ......7 14 7 0 8 NORMAN. Oct.
22 The Sooners, Oklahoma university's Missouri Valley Conference football champions, triumphed over Washington university of St. Louis gridiron aspirants, 2S to 13 here today. The northern team vnft held scoreless until the ihal 1 I On Kellogg street south to Lincoln street, and from Hillside avenue ivest to Grove' street, adjoining the residence section of the city that has had such an extensive building boom during'the past few yearsthe local ion that is popular as a home district because it is near to schools and churches and is but a few minutes ride by auto or street car from the heart of the business district. Waihinrton scorine-r Touchdowns Sehnaus. Tiuimser.
Goal from touchdown Only 62 Lots Are Available Sehn.ius. Oklahoma scorin-: Touchdown Tyr 2: James (sub for -Morrison) Hill. Goals from Touchdown Bowles -1. Referee. Hoover.
Fairmount; umpire. Meek. headlinoiman. Cloudman. Bowdoin.
Time of periods. 13 minutes. MINNESOTA BEATS INDIANS MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 22. Minnesota out-classer Indiana here today and won 6 to 0.
The Hoosiers were unable f.o nick the Gopher line and as a' last resort fought desperately in the air The Hoosiers were within an ace of scoring as the game closed, bu, two Incomplete passes at short range failed to put it over. egg? If you are of paying high rent if you want to own your own home if you wan to make your start by building a garage first and it for a temporary dwelling until you are able to complete your home if you want to live clos in where you will be near to the businers district THEN SEE THESE LOTS TODAY! Study the Map Below See the Location of the Dixon and Sunnyside Additions Note How Near They Are to the Business District, to Schools and Churches to the popular East Side Home District noon. 61 to 0. Coach Hargiss" scored nine touchdowns and kicked seven goals. The Normal's goal never was in danger.
The scoring began early in the fcirst quarter By, a series of end runs and line bucks, the teacher's pushed back their opponents and Stewart went over for a touchdown. Dillon crossed? the Methodist's line a few minutes later after the Normal had rushed the ball down the field on straight football. Davis and Carle Star Brilliant playing by Davis and Carle helped the Normal roll up the score in the second, quarter; Davis made one touchdown on a line buek and another on a 20-yard run A pass, Carle to Holtfrerich gave the Normals their fifth touchdown." In the third period Davis caught the ball on the kickoff and ran 90 yards for a touchdown. crossed the line on an end run and Pfingle made the next touchdown on a line buck. A fifteen yard run by Beck.
the Normal's last score. Coach Hargiss sent In a substitute lineup in the last pejriod, and the 'play was even, Southwestern progressed with a forward pass attack but failing to get very deep into the Normal's territory. Davia starred for the Normal's while Carle at quarter also showed up well. Kahler, Madison and Keif featured Southwestern's playl The victory i3 IF BACK HURTS eWlCHITAPUaamilSSf Vr BEGIN ON SALTS Flush Your Kidneys Occasion ally if You Eat Meat Regularly No man or woman vho eats meat regularly can make a nfistake by ileece 1 I 4Iiii i3ilflllS-3 1 rrrv: flushing the occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney pores I so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the wasteland poisons from the blood, then you get sick.
Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, tho fourth straight win for the teacher's. The lineup: NORMAL McGahan. 1p; "Seis. (C). It; Lewiy.
ln Vanowloi, Kutiunk, rgr: Suijhrup. rt: Holttrerieh. re: Carle, abi Drllon. rh: Stewart, fb: Davis, lh. SOUTHWESTERN Clay, le: Kahler.
(C). It: Brickicy. lg; C. Smith, Cheatum. re: Carnwell, rt: Seaman, re: Reil, rh: Harris.
'lb; Madison, lh. SUBSTITUTIONS Normal. Belc for EH-lon; Prinfr-le for Stewart: Franklin for sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys: The moment you feel dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or Jf the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensatiol of scalding, get about four ounces or Jad Salts from any reliable phannacy and tak a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemn juice, combined with lithia lieck: McCoy for Davis; Thomas for Holt-" i SPEAKS MUCH, WORDS MORE BUT RESULTS MOST The Wichita Flour Mills Company Wichita, Kansas i -f j' -r Irench: Holm for Suirrue: O' Bryant for Vanosdil: flros1? for Kel: Brisps for Itemis; MaudHley for Kutinek: Downer for Thomaa; KoWertson for Franklin; Thompson for McGahan. SOUTHWESTERN Cams for Reif: Smith for Carnwell: Reif for Cairns: Cansbiim for Smith; Templeton.
for Brifkley; Mitchell for Madison: Hornden for Reif. McCrary, Oklahoma U. referee. Edmonds, Ottawa IT, umpire. Tipton, Missouri V.
Headlinesman. YALE BEATS ARMY zst, ir jrr and haslbeen used for generations 3c 4 5JCt'2St2W lie A- OIJEJiMiMiigJil 353E3B3 flush clofcged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids In urine so it no, longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervesceat lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the Think of, Buying Choice Residence Lots So Near the Corner of Main and Douglas at These Prices Old Eiis Uncork 'Nice Of- fense and Score Twice Against West Pointers blood pure, thereby avoiding seriousi kidney complications. Buy Your Lots Now to Prices 11 Never Se Lower XEW IIAVEX, Oct. 22.
A slashing open -attack by West Point in tho final period of hjer game with Yale today came too late to overcome the Bull rog's lead of two touchdowns and the Arfhy lost one of the most spectacular contests ever -seen In. the Yale bowl, 14 to 7. v. ON THE WORLD'S EASIEST TERMS Ain 7 IT TP Jf' 1HM ONE DOLLAR CASH, THEN NO INTE NO A For two periods Yale and the Cadets fought an even game in which the Kew Haven men were favored by all the breaks. But in the third quarter a mlsbooted punt by Woods, who was kicking poorly for tho army, paved the way for Yalo'j first touchdown.
With the ball on the Army's 35-yard line Aldrich threw a forward pass to Beckett, who crossed the goal line. Five minutes later with the Army machine driving steadily for Yafre's goal, Aldrich intercepted a forward pass and ran 70 yards to Army's 15-yard line and then drossed the goal line on a pretty run around left nd. French, the Army star halfback, came in the game late, but furnished a sensation. In a succession of brilliant forward passes alternated by dashes ANNOUNCEMENT A telegram received from II. W.
Alleh, who is in New York attending; a meeting- of the General Agents of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com-' pany, of Newark, N. J. "With limit increased to hundred and fifty thousand, company announces greatly improved policy contract with largely increased values, after first year no surrender charge, after third year values retroactively applied; other important improvements RETROACTIVE Old policy holders as well as new receive these improvements. The liberality of the Mutual Benefit Contracts, has never been surpassed, but the above puts it in a class ABSOLUTELY BY ITSELF. H.W.ALLEN, State Agefit GERARD ALLEN 409-410 Fourth National Dank Bids.
1 A Few of the Higher Priced Lots Will Require Payments of 75 Cents to $1 Weekl' No Interest for Two Years No Taxes for Two Years No Payments While Sick 10 Discount for All Canh Perfect Title, Warranty Deed Free Abstract 10 Credit Allowed On All Extra Payments of $10 or More Made at Any Time Every Lot Lays LevelEvery Lot Is a-Dandy No Hills to DownNo Holes to Fill UpEvery Lot Is a Beauty i through tackle he rent the ball to Yales 3S yard line where- he threr another rerfect pass to Johnson, net- ting the Army's lone touchdown. NEBRASKA LOSE i I "rr" 1 ifflllllllllll lllllll llllliiJ LUMBER IS DOWN It costs less to build a house now than it did a year apo i time many people have been waiting for. More horn building i ndicted for Wichita for this Fall and Winter than wc have had number of years. Notre Dame Humbles Her Ancient Enemy by Close Margin of Touchdown SOUTH BEND, Oct. 22.
Xotre Dame humbled her ancient enemy, Nebraska, here todaj in a bitter battle, 7 to 0. The score does not show the superiority of the Catholics over the Corn- YOU TAKE POSSESSION of your lots immediately. You may build at once or you may put your lots in gardeta next spring. There is no waiting in the Dixon and Sunny-side Additions they are close-in "inside" lots and are not too faj away to live on now. Many of those who bought lots in this property last spring have already started their homes and have quit paying r-2nt more are building-right now and many others will build next spring.
These are the reasons why lots will sell rapidly these are the reasons why only 62 lots out of 1200 that were sold have come back to us ancr sale now. YOU CAN BUILD NOW in the Dixon or Sunnjvide Additions and jret awa huskers. The Kill was In Nebraska's from rent. Like many others are here vou can makp pay for a home. More than ONE HUNDIIKD far-ilk -s tenitory most of the Ncre Dame was constantly menacing their goal.
Nebraska's line strengthened in the pinchts. however, and they Notre Dame to the lone touchdown. Mohardt showed if a worthy wearer of the crown -ef the trrtat r.ent or temporary homes this property during th; It i3 not to wait nr.til you are ready to have planned you may put up garage and it a Ye: get i tt. a i a dwelling and your rent, and may build at once. George Ghr.
lie tore through the Nebraska, defense for gains of eight 'and ten yards. The Notre Dime i aerial attack was not uncovered until 1 o-piece uiruseye Bed Room C1H7 CO Suite, new I Jf UU i late, in the game, and the failed to I A jUNDAY 1 3-piece Gum Suite, new gain ground consistently. The lone tnj.hlowi rmw in the fmnl quarter, nrwl oi jt'ict i Notre Dame ivorel tp.ti hy i Mthanit an.1 Wwe camcvl the to Hraska' i-yjrt A "U5-r3ni r- n-; ity 34jint Nrhraak i rlai th hill mi th-ir oaranT line. Mohar- rct erci- i tbff toahloii act! Shaw ksckeii oai.
BADGERS BUMP ILLINI And until all lots are sold, our sale continues. Ccme cut today-Sunday if you cannot come djrinj the week. Con out in the mr; men are on the property every day until dark to these lots. Out sale continues, rain or shin, until all lots ire sold rrrn 'I I We also have a complete stock of Cedar Cheats at prices that appeal to the most conservative individual. You'll aree with us, as others have, when we say that our prices are reasonable.
Where Quality Sells Market 3872 253 North Main J. Morton Furniture Co. To Reacji the Dixon Addition Take College Hill or Fairmount street car to Estelle walk four blocks south to tract office in tent at Kellogg and Estelle streets. Downtown Ofce 2 17' Beacon PhoncvMarkct 856 Bj Tha UUtwi rrris) i URDAXA, ILT Oct. 2Z.
The pow-: I erf ul Wisconsin foottwiU team sraashe.1 its way to a 19 to 0 victory overs! 'Illinois here tooay. Bob Zyrpke's warriors fought d--; perateTy to uv off i. it. They I i held the B.idgc-rs seoreics In the first I quarter, and once rnenacel th Wis- conin goaL They lest their ch-ince 'J: when Sundt, Badger bsck. Inter- certel a fonvar iiisn on Ha rirn n-.
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