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The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 39

The Wichita Eaglei
Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
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threadbare auit and dingy straw hat, he drives an even dingier drosky. and is Quite oeed to carrying luggage and taking "tips." Society, leaUers who once helped to grace the czar's court can be seen here any day In faded finery which would be discarded by a London work girL Princes and counts who once owned half a doet stately homes and vast lands now live In obscure lodg TAKE SUITS .10 FLUSH WrM Eat Less Meat if Yc Feci Backachy er Ila-a Biaddrr Trouble Vest forms ar eld' which excites nd overworks the kldaeys In their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat moafriaah tho kidneys occasionally. Te mast relieve them like yon rtli eve your bow-els; removing all tho sclds. waste and.

poison, else yon (eel cU misery la the kidney region, sharp pains la tbo back or sick heaf--he, dUalnesa, your stomach sours, tongue Is coar4 and when the weather la bsl yo haTO rheumatic twinge, Tho -mrlns Is cloudy, full of sediment; tbe channels f.ea Irritated, obliging you get op two or three timer during the night. To neutralise these Irritating adds and flush off the body's urinous get about four ounces ot Jad Salts from any pharmacy; "tak a spoonrul In a glass of water or break rast for a few days and eyour kidneys will then act fine and bladder, disorders: disappear. This salts is madj from' the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with iitbia; and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate aatiggtah kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jal Salts la Inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful, ef ferve treats, llthla-water drink which millions of mea. and women take now and the-, thus avoid lng serious kidney and bladder 41 eases.

-f Advertisement 0 3 ill port of Flum and Cbrlow) Gasriele 30.diers. ian battleship "Dante Allefrhieri" is anchored in Fiume harbor, but refuses to ftre on the rebels in the city. In the 5upper photo, which 'shows the vessel, armored motor Thrill World But Their Dad Is Not So Much Impressed CXI! Italian warship "Dante Ane-jhieri" in Cabriele d' Anncnzio, the Italian poet, is still in control of the sittia-; tion at Finite, despite the appeals of the allies, including his own government, to fret out. The Ital- counteract each other 'and hold each planet in its regular path. Whenever two' planets wheel into such positions they pull together on the sun, either in "conjunction," on the same side of the sun, or In "opposition," with the -sun between them; their United pullj causes the sun's gases to "explode" to leap out Into space in the, whirling volcano we" call a sun spot.

These' sun spots In turn cause storms in the atmosphere, of our earth, doubtless on other planets as Two planets united are enough to caus a small storm three causes i larger one; four make a. very great storm indeed. Sevea" Planets But on December 13, 919, no l.ess than seven planets will pull Jointly on the These wilt include all the miahtiest planets, those with the most powerful pull. Six of them Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will be in conjunctlonr grouped together in the greatest "league of planets" ever known In the annals of astronomy. They will be massed In the narrow, llmit of but 28 degrees, on the same side of: the Directly opposite." coming, into position with this, gigantic league, will be the huge planet Uranus.

The magnetic currents between Uranus and the six planets will pierce the sun like a mighty spear. Earth Receive Effect Our earth is outside the league at an angle of nearly 90 degrees in perfect condition to receive almost the full force of the monster electrical disturbance as it leaps into activity on what, to will be tllo eastern horizon of thesun's disc. This means we shall get the full strength of the storm when the sun unnt is atMts worst, before the ex- nirwlln eases have had time to die down i Such a close groupiSg of planets v. horn vrordpfi Detore. inf i I whole solar will be strangely, out of balance.

ix-ni thi mitrome? Mv now knowledge does not permit me- to i 1 Vi tYi I Czar's Aristocrats Have Hard Time to Make Then; Own Lictng- HELSINGFORS There Is a Russian boy prince la-llelsingfors who goes practically barefoot. His boots, given to him by a compassionate neighbor.1 would be spurned by tramp, They are without soles, 'and be limps painfully as he pick his way over the hard, cobbled streets. The barefoot princo typifies the plight of many of the Muscovite families. The silent suffering and unshed of these people the flotsam of the old regime would make a story full of pathos fit to raises the pity of many a hardened class fanatic. There are thousands of Russian families enduring the direst hardships of poverty and the agonies of long months of mental and physi cal torture just, because their gentle birth constitutes them' the hated enemy of the Russian proletariat.

Some of them are living In misery under the red terrar. daily awaiting the ex-ecutioneer; others are enduring a bitter exile in Scandinavian countries, anxiously looking forward to the day of their deliverance. Many of them would help thcmslves if they could, but they were never to earn their living, so nobody will employ them. Ex-Officer Is FIdJIer The barefoot prince Is but a rung lower on the ladder of misfortune than many of his kind. In the busiest restaurant in Helslngfors a gray-haired man of aristocratio bearing plays second violin.

He is an ex-colonel of the Russian army, and was a rich man before the revolution. He is ax pathetic figure. Living in a cheap flat overlooking a squalid courtyard; in llelsingfors, there is a Russian nobleman who has put alL the splendor of the past behind him and now. keeps the wolf from the door by baking pastries. He works at his wife retails the cakes during a daily round of the On a recent visit to the frontier re AVttK rroailBent.

ln pulaivo fat that comes and stays where it is not needed is a burden; a hindrance to activity, a curb nnon pleasure a thief of ail that to pretty and crarefal and jweet in womankind. by don't yon take off the fat where it abowa? Yoa can do so easily, safely and without the illfhtest fear of harm or bad after effects by itwt takinr after each meal and at bedtime a 1 ittie Murntolm Pruieriptivn Tmblmt.lham little tablets are as elective and Harm less sa tne famous prescription from which they tae their name. Bay and try a ease today. Year dragcist aeils them at or if yon prefer yotti may write direct it tM afarmola SM Woodward Ar- Dctroit, Hick. Yon can thus say good-.

bye to dieting, ez- erciae and fat and gat back the rraee- fal flrar and poise HI' yoa desire. TTP1PT' WOMEN. DRY CLEAN AT Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything In the home that would be ruined by soap and wattT suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugs everything. Place a gallon. or more of gasoline in a diehpan or wash boiler, put In tho things to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvite soap.

Shortly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. No pressing Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvite soap. This gasoline soap Is the secret of all dry cleaning. A packape of Solvite soap containing directions for home dry cleaning coats little at anl.drug.

grocery or department store. Dry clean outdoors or away from flame. Advertisement, Lungs Weak Generous Trial Offer of Eu rope Remarkable Remedy, May be Used At Our Risk. 1 1 All over the O. 5.

Irving under every climate of nation ar- persona xrti't declare that SA.NOSIX. the great European diecovery for the treatment of Tuberculosis tbe l.UJigs nt other rulu iaag an bronchial diseases, has brougbt them wonderfal relief; that it stops the cough, eaaea the pain, brings restfal aieep. stops night sweats, builds appetite. Th great Dr. Ewwra Amsterdam.

Holland, said: "it Is a I lit known to the entire human race." gy '1. hi THINGS KO perfect appearance of her coco-'piczkm. Permanent temporary ian troubles arc effectively concealed. Reduces tra- si color and corrects fcrcasy skins. KirihSy antiscptjc, I used with teschas resutts as la cursrv! snt for 70 yrT.

A Sure Way To End Dandruff There Is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that la to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from say drug store (this Is all you will need). apply it at night when retiring: use enough to moisten tbe scalp and rub it ia gently with tbe finger tips. By morning, most If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It.

no matter how much dandruff you, may have. Ton will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy. lustrous, glosty. silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Advertisement.

Spent Ucnsy Foolishly "I hare been a great sufferer from stomach trouble and gall stones. No one knows the pains I hare suffered. Since taking the first dose of ilayrV Wonderful Remedy feeling fine, can work all day and eat anything I want. Have no more distress or palpitation of the heart from gss on my stomach. hays spent a great deal of money on doctors and medicine but got nothing to help me.

It Is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, Including appeadlclts. One dose will convince or money refunded. (Advertisement) THIS MAY IIP YOU Home-Muced Couf Syrup Vf-ry Cheap, Very Effectire Meilleur. 44S Jefferson street. Tiffin.

Ohio, writes; "I have used the Mentho-Laxene for cblds." Must say I find it better than any cough syrup I have over used yet. I coughed night and day for week. After I got the Mentho-tAxene to use the coughing stopped in three day, Just buy a 2 1-2 ovnes bottle of Mentho-Laxene (it Is richly concen trated) and mix It with simple syrup, as per directions -with bottle, and 'then you will have a whole pint of the finest, quickest, cold, covgh and catarrh medicine you over nred sad no opiates or narcotics, either. Hun dreds of thousands of people now make their own medicine to avoid ex pense and uncertainty. Advertisement, TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK When Mixed With Sulphur It Brings Back Its Beautiful Luster At Once Gray hair, however bandaom.

denotes edvanclng age. -W alt know the advantages ef a youthful appearance. You hair is yoaa charm. It makes or mars your fac. When It fades, turns gray and looks streaked.

Just a faw applications of Fase Tea and Hulphtir enhances its sppearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! Ixxk young! Either prepare the recipe at home or ret from any drnr stor a botti of Wyeth's' Hare and Sulphur Compound," which Is merely the old-time recipe Improved br the addition of Othrr- Ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this readyU-tta preparation. hcau It darkens the hair beaytiftiHy. besides, no one can poa-bly tell, as it darkens naturally and evenly.

1 om moisten a sponge nt soft brush with it. drawing this throerh the Valr. taking small stran at a tim-. fsr morning the gray hair disappears: sfier another application or two. Its natural celr Is restored cwS it befns tbu-lr.

glossy and laetroos, and you appear years younger. Adrertlsemeat. J. -U is Bon't Suffer From Pilco Xe Mnfte If Tew IIwvW Trtd OfsMnT Tvwnranewtav sd at Osmw fr 'r Trial eH? r-yraastd. Try Pyramid trt.

It shoe Id gtvo ovick reliaf and has aarce fMef frosa aa operation. A free trial wilt Train today or. better mt nt. ret cent Vex of Pyra Treatment at any drag stor. It id tbo rig at tatng itm iwrwf own nake.

to relieves I ten tag. bfe-tag or pvrrtrodisg p.i, and sajck rectsi trtrsb, IbMSk. srabgtttsta, rZZZ 3KHTUZ COLTC.1 rmxxn mrrn trmTAKT, rrrmta. rerldrac XarvnaU. HxL Kndtr me a fYo natsrpfe of rjisnafs mm Ttisusnat.

ia plain wrapper. JCassw SAG ronvlnca. Forecaster Says Hurricanes and Colossal-Rains Will Be Experienced SJEVEN PLANETS UNITE Quite recently' noted sun' spot forecaster and the discoverer of Tor-ta'a weather' law created a widespread Interest, in the northwest through the publication of the toi lowing forecast in the. Seattle Star of, recent issue: Vowing to strange grouping of six, mighty planets, such as has not been seen in a score of centuries, the United States next December will be swept by the most terrific weather cataclysm experienced since haman history began. will be caused by the largest sun spot on record a sun spot that will be visible to the naked eye.

men first began to make records of events no sun spot has enough to be seen without the aid of instruments. This one will be. (The sun spot that will appear December 17, 1919, will be a vast wound in the side of the sun. It will be a gigantic explosion' of flaming gases, leaping hundreds of thousands of miles out into space. It will be a crater large enough to engulf the earth much, as Vesuvius would engulf a football.

Such a sun spot will be rich enough In electro-magnetic to fling the atmosphere of our planet into a disturbance without precedence- or parallel. Will Be II or I rune There willx be hurricanes, light-. ring, colossal rains. It will be weeks before the earth will regain its normal weather conditions. There will also be -gigantic lava eruptions, great earthquakes, to say nothing of floods and fearful cold.

I make this startling; prophecy with no desire to be merely senaa-ttonal or alarming. It is merely because my study of the planets has revealed certain results with mathematical certainty, that I now say to warned in advance. Tremendous things are going to happen from December 17 to December 20, 191D, and afterward." Here are the simple ye astounding facts that enable me to make this prophecy: Are United to Sun The planets In their orbits swing In groat ellipses about the sun. They are linked to the sun. and to each other, by chains of electro magnetic energy whose compelling forces 1 SAYS HE BELIEVES IT SAVED WS LIFE Never to Get Out of Bed Again Now Back At Work TANLAC RESTORED HIM Many wonderful endorsements have been given Tanlac, but, the statement made October 9 by James Mahoney, of 22 KasMSth St, Los Angeles.

Is so remarkable as to be almost incredible. Mahoney, however, ia man of unquestioned integrity and has been foreman of the Illchards-Naustadt Construction Co. ten years. His neighbors have corroborated his remarkable statement in every detail and will' do so- again if called upon. "It waa bcinq; talked among my friends." said Mr.

Mahoney, "that I was going to die and I don't Relieve an; one ever had a much closer call. Closely following an injury to my back, caused by lifting some fcteel last July year ago, my whole system seemed to give way. My "stomach comrmnced hurting me terribly and i suffered from gas-and indigestion. Theie seemed to be a lump in my stomach and I could not eat a thln without intense pain afterwards- My appetite left m. entirely and I got so weak I could not lift ten pounds.

Then I became constipated and my kidneys got out of order and disturbed me so at night I could not "sleep I was In misery all tlys time and so weak and could not lift my feet to go up the teps. I could not straighten up' for the pain" in 'my stomach. Before these troubles started I weighed one hundred and forty-five but dropped down untiJ 1 weighed only sixty-five-pounds, and If there was ever a living-skeleton I was. I could hear my friends who would come to see me say "pot Jim, he can't last, much longer and I had no hope myelf of ever getting up. In spite of all that could be done I kept jrettlng vore.

That lump-like feeling, In my itomach seemed to get larger and tl 9 pnin more Intense. Finally I was Old nothing more couM be done except to operate and I was too weak stand that. day a friend, who had, been coming to see me often, told me hdNv Tanlac had helped his daughter and Brped me to try it. At first I refused, as my wife was opposed to anything except prescribed medicines. Bir: one da-y this frienrf offc to go and get me a bottle of Tanlac -with the understandtng that no one else know about it.

I started taking It and by the time he broaght me the third botUe1 of Tanlac I was feelincr. better. I stopped everything elsefkept taking Tanlac and -slowly improving. I soon noticedthe pain In my storoarh easing up and that lumpy feeling began to leave. I got to eating something and 'then commenced getting back my lost weisht and strength, I kept takirgMt until I jised twenty bottles and as a result I am in better shape than I wa for eara even before 1 was taken sick.

now weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. soN you see my weight h-. exactly-doubled. I am working rvery day and can do the heavy lifting Just same as 'l ever could. I am not.

bothered any more with my kidneys or constipation and I sleep like a top very night My" foorf tastea good and my appetite is; simply fine. My wife' now, thinks just as-'I do. that Tanlac is grandest med idne In the world. I will 'rratie it long, as I live, and I never 'to be without Tanlae la sold in Wichita by Ick-nm Drug Co- three tores. FOREMH AHONEY ings and make a frugal meal In cheap restaurants at tbe same table as the humble clerk or typist.

KNOCKERS "Wo "have an old family knocker on our front door. "We have one inside." Baltimore American BETTER! All CALOMEL Tkeasanda Hart Dlseevere4 Dr. E4-' warda Olive Tablet Are Uanaleu Snnatltnte Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets the substitute for calomel are a mild but surtr laxative and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. These little olive-colored tablets are the result of Dr.

Edwards', determination not to treat liver and. bowel complaints with calomel. The pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't Injure the teeth ilk strong liquids or They take hold of the trouble and Quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of -thtf teeth? Calomel sometimes, plays havoc with the 'gums.

So do strong liquid. It is best not to take calomeL Let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take Its plac Headaches, "dullness" and that lasy feeling come from constipation and a disordered Take J. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "logy" and "heavy." They "clear clouded brain, and "perk up" the spirits. lOo and 25c Advertisement MR; VOILES TAKES ADLER-I-KA I suffered from Indigestion and constipation and my doctor told me to take Adler-l-ka.

It helped me la two days and three bottles CURED me. (Signed) O. E. Voiles. Adler-l-ka flushes BOTH opper and lower bowel so completely it relieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach or sour stomach.

Removes foul matter which poisoned stomach for months. Often CURE3 constipation: Prevents Adlrr-l-ka is a mixture of buckthorn, cascara. glycerine and nine other simple ingredients. Dockum Drug Co. (Advertisement.) HAVE LOVELY BROWN HAIR I' TRIAL PACKAGR 8 EXT FREE "Why tolerate streaky, gray or beached hair when It is Just as easy to tint your tresses a beautiful brown as it is to powder your face? Brownatone givs th hair bewitching beauty and charm, producing instantly any shade of brown or black if desired.

BrtnulMt Makri Me Lok Years Venager, No other preparation is so simple to apply. Light spots, gray strands, or streaks and all unnatural shades in the hair are quickly restored to all their original beaity. Absolalrly flarntleaa. Brownatone Is guaranteed perfectly safe and harmless to the hair and skin. Contains no poisonous ingredients such as sugar of lead, sulphur, liver, mercury, anilline or coal tar products.

It has no odor and is greaaeiess. Apply It in a few moments with comb or brunh. Hold by all leadinc druggists. Two colors: Ught to Medium Brown" and -Dark Brown to Black." Two sizes, 23c and $1.15. Demand the genuine.

ftpeelal Free Trial offer. Fend oaly lie with this coupon for Free trial package and helpful booklet on the care of the hair. Mail Tale Xew Th Kenton fbarmaral Co. 41 Coppln Covington Kyi Kncloaed find 11 cents lo cover postage, packing and war tax) for trial Packare of Drownatone. to Medium Brown or Brown to t'-Iack.

Mark with shade wanted and mail with your full name and ad-tlrema. TV. ITo Ly Tueit, Chinese Physician, i native herbs and root from Chin fcr cure of stomach trouble, rheumatism. catarrh, febial complaints, kidneys liver and constipation. Cur a appendicitis.

So operation danger ft mi' ous Cal! or snd stamp fo Interesting bklet- 1121 Main Kansas City, Mo. KIDNEYS NEVER CAUSED BACKACHE Rub Pain, SorenCSS and Stiff- neas Right Out With Old "St. Jacobs Liniruent Kidneys cans backache? Svt Tr ey have no nerves. trefere" can not caua pain, listen! Tour backache is caud by Ismbago, sciatic ey and tfce ouiekeirt relief' 1 ootfcinjr. "St- Jack's Ku At rigxt on the a'Jbe or teiwer aro iwuw; serenes a.

stiffness sod Umtaru ti. appar, Ion't stay crlppiedl Cct at saiall tri little "SV iacob's, Ua-j Iasenf from yoar drugglrt and U-1 ber A moment after It is applied I roti'll 6dr bat of th backache sciatsca. or Isw.bago pn. St IJBimnr step at one. It ts aad d-wren'tj barn or oletolor the ektn.

It lb only to rnb on LHJ 1 d'Annuntio addrrssirc some of hi cars are seen in the forejrroond. In the lower sicture the poet is seen addressing volunteer Fiume soldiers, who are drawn op with their banners. Mr. Law attributes the fearlessness a his children to thetrong strain sailor blood that runs through the family. Of Fearlen Family "In the -days of the sailing vessel, the Laws of New England were noted for their fearlessness in the rigging," hesays.

"But for years I have been -scanning the papers daily with dread. The fear hung over that someday the black headlines would tell me ttie i expected had happened. "The first" time I saw Ruth fly was at Columbus I nearly fainted. had to hang to a' fence. "I believe I could have done her work without tear but I didn't like to see her doing it Rodman Law died In bed In a white! walled super-sanitary ward of the Camp Sevier hospital at Greenville, He died as might haVe any placid, plodding citizen (who had the misfortune of getting his feet uw waa the spirit or the armored knight riding abroad in search of romance and adventure.

His death was not as he would have had it. TIME 403 Have NoThieve8, Lock No Doors In Hawaiian Homes LOS ANGELES, "ociC SI. In reporting to the police today the theft of a marshmaliow can filled with Jewelry, valued at $2500. E. Brown of 915 West Fifty-seventh street, said that she was from Honolulu, where there were no thieves and where the doors were never locked.

"I was In San Mrs. Brown, "and when I left my rooms there to catch a boat for this city, Just threw, the Jewels Into a marsh-mallow can and left. When I reached home I found the can missing. I do not know whether it was taken in San Diego or on the boat. In4 Hawaii we have no thieves.

It is never necessary to lock the doors and we do not keep our Jewelry under lock-and key." STATE BUILDING TO REST ON BOAT ALBANY, N.rToCT. 27. (United Pres) New York's new state off fee building is going to rest on a gigantic concrete "boat. This plan had been decided on today to prevent the big building from slipping In its foundations on the treacherous quicksand underlying capital bill. The state architect's plans call for a solid concrete floor beneath the new structure to avoid the trouble encountered when the educational building was erected here.

The "boat" will be laid on- huge steel pilings sunk to bedrock underneath the sand. Off Corns! Father of Rodman and Ruth Law Remembers Both as Little Tots at Home SANDUSKY, NOV. 1. Being the parent of a great aviatrice and the world's first dare devil is not con- ducive to a staid nervous system, according to Frederick H. Law, father of Ruth Law and thevlate Rodman Law.

Mr. Law is landlord of the Wayside Inn, a quaint little hostelry at fclyde. about twenty miles southwest of this city. "The Rodman Law the world knew as the super-devil, was. a six-footer and weighed 180 pounds in bis prime," Mr.

Law said, speaking of his son. "But remember the boy best aa the little fellow who. romped with his sister Ruth in otir New England home, 'Even wheh the children kilts, they evidenced an were in intrepid spirit and more than once, by playing hazardous pranks, brought their mother and myself to the verge of prostration. Always Daring "Rodman and- Ruth always were daring one another to do something dangerous. Jf they were not Jumpi lng from a barn or climbing a tall tree, they were riding our cattle or doing something equally hair-raising.

"Once I discovered the youngsters had penned up two of our wildest They wanted to keep the animals in captivity so long that they would tear ground -like mad when Sivcn tneir ireeaom. believe Ruth has performed a useful mission in the world. She has I believe she has benefited aviation by shaming some of the men who lacked the nerve to help develop the alrnlan But Rodman's case seemed differ- For a long time I could not see why he should risk his life merely to send cold chilis down the backs of spectators and to please 'movie' men. "Suddenly I began to see them In a different light. Gives Son Credit "At Wright field they told me ray boy was the most fearless of the 2,000 airmen there.

Perhaps, after all has been said, it will be, realized that Rodman's daredevil acts had much to do with nerving American aviators in the great war. I believe they "Rodman, undoubtedly, will be given Credit for demonstrating that person can leave an airplane safely with a parachute." Mr. Law explained why and how his son became the world's greatest daredevil. soon as Rodman found someone was imitating him. be said, he began doing something else.

A short time before his death Rodman told his sister the aviation game --T Tf" a "Whf everyboly Is doing It and thing that Ruth says he said. Lift hurting. root Hard of of it I 8. I Doesn't hurt calluses Apply a few fcotherscme and siaie. Bejonu vw i ffl wl, lately storms, eruptions and All I0SI0E DATIII MAKES YOU FEELF Says, a Glaus of Hot Water With Phosphate, Before Breakfast Keeps Ulncsa Away fhrslciana the world ever, recommend the Inside bath, declaring this Is of vastly more importance than ostslde cleantlness, because the skin pores do not at sorb Impurities Into the blood, causing 111 health, while the pores In tbe ten yards ot bowels do.

Man and women are urged to drink each morning, beforv breakfast, glass of hot wster with a teaspoonfol of limestone phosphate In It. 'as a harmless means heip'ng to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible) material, poisons, sour bile arid toxins; thus cleaning sweetening and purifying the alllmenl-ry canal before eating more food. Those who wske -up with bad breath, coated tongue, naaty'taats or have a dull aching head, sallow com plexlon, acid stomach; others who have bUious stterfke or constipation, should obtain a quarter pound ef limestone phosphate at the drugstore. This win coat very little but is sufficient to show the value of to side bathing Advertisement FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A JTw Hwi Mb4l TTaat Aros) Can Law vTIUkMt PtM-Hfart or ml Tim Ti'e bar, a pew metltod that control a Asthma, and we want yon t4 try ft at our espne. No matter whether your ra ia of long atandlna recent development, whether It preset as jisr rever or enronw Asthma, you should send for a fr trial of our metltod.

No matter In what cllmst you lire, no matter what your ti or occupation, if you troubled with asthma, ntir method sb'ruld relieve- you nromptly. We capitally want it aend ft thoae sppsrantlv hotIes caa where all forma of Inhalers, douche opium preparations, fumes patt tmaltM." hav failed. Wo want to show everyone at our expense, Ifcat (Ms nw method Is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and a't those terrible ptroxsrsme at once. This fr offer Is Un Important neglect slngf day. Write now shd besin th metho! at ontet.

8d money. Hfmplr mall tM covpa Dolt today. raee tvii Af corroyj JTtOSTIKR ASTHJfA (CO, Roern fit Niagara and Ifsdsoa -Utraets. Buffak, JS. T.

irend free trial of yor method tor 1 Miner. AaitUepfle Oft. Has Brought Relief to Thou sands of Sufferers And what Is for others, ft will do fr vo. I caitttaa to h(-fr with rMMkUea. rura)rla.

a'i'f and re mj rl4 In thm r'ros, cooa and kttvird acfees a I pair. Aak druggist fr a. bO'tUa of UiiUrm Aauatic HJ known Paake rfl' aao cArdsg to dire ftons and kaw what it means to be fre of pain, VAMrm Oil fksjewft SS Itstake Oil) pwrfl ad pr' lag. yet wUI not bsrwt tl IU rate aktn, In and fl t-tt. A for and fnmttt mpr fb g-kirt MUr AritptUi Oil (kv-vs aa ek Oil.

Ta mV took if ti ('t do what ciaias. M-'O toy Indltm IrruK C. A4rtianint. fwrK rTsrrw-f' PILES ok2ia a I ted irti asd froavtaneet it. t.

snV SUs Mletaw frlLfWY Stat, ceaaywrsaw'y ItmmUim mat 0iSm sonmuv raai wrfa.thawtw-rfwdi iW, nil a a W. ia. raSXX 4 swaaa. nu If re and Vi I naat aa a mm CUX aeav Badd law Tftirtf Cms Ca AD Kaewa 1 1 1 1 ass ii will be tremendous in their strength and scope. Remember the date December IT to 20 and after.

Railroad Magnate Sues to Prove He Is Legally Farmer UTICA. N. OCT. Press) Stuyvesant Fish, former president of the Illinois Central Railroad, knows he's a farmer and he wants the courts to back him up by! legally adjudging him a tiller of the Because the Income tax collectors made him pay $3,000 on money he claimed was exempted by law. Fish has filed suit in federal court here against Roscoe Irwin, collector.

Fish owns nearly 2.000 acres of land in Putnam county. New York. on which he raises corn extensively. He admitted in his bill he ha not yet made a shining success as farmer, but maintained he should hoir int IIil'C a iav vr the farm in Imporvements. -A' SEW ENTOMOLOGIST An Oregonian recently Invented a device.

Involving the well-known caterpillar- principle, for attachment to the rear wheels of an ordinary Ford touring car. Only a. few min-J utes are required to make the attachment and tbe practical advantage' arises from the "convertilrte' nature of the vehicle which-can be used either for pleasure or for. light farm-work, such as plowing a single, furrow, har- rowing a small field, etc As a means of attracting capital for the manufacture of the device, the inventor wrote and distributed a small edition of a pamphlet descriptive of the character and uses of his invention. A copy of the pamphlet finally reached ctntif ic periodical, which listed the booklet solely by title In the department of Xew Books Received." 2- the 'constant readers of the periodical Is the secretary of m.

6tate Horticultural commission, which has expended much time and money in the search fpr" beneficent Insects known to be natural enemies of malignant insects or fruit-pests, This explains why the inventor recently received Jfrom the Horticul-tfira) commission a request for a copy of "your entomological treatise on The Caterlouse. A waterproof coating for aeroplane propellors, which Incorporate thin Juminum leaf fn the finish; hase been developed, A 4 I Lift touchy corns and right off with fingers drops of ''Freetonc' upon that old, corn. Instantly that corn steps Then shortly you fift it right off( all, witnout pam or soreness. cores, soft corns, corn between the toes and the turd skla caSoses on bottom of feet tit right offno faastsjgJS sisra acientlaia. among them Dr.

Noel of the University of Pari. France, and Mr. Carallle Jena a Bruit. Bl- jriom, have praiaed eiASJMS in similarly high terms, ton o-ae KANOsIN. not aa a drug is usd.

but hii resting comfortably in your own home; secretly If yon wish. zfANOglX contains no nareotie. no htrmfal no injnrtume ufcta n- It na4 by thoae tn tH most dfcU-cate state of health withovt itsjtiry. Vend at once for Mir FKKK I Km K-LCT and read -f bowelA.VCnslN was tborougnly teste4 by of the greater medical aociette the world befor It iatrdied ia the eV The lecture of the two great lang specialists wb ronduf-ted this teat are given ia fall is this HuOH.i.fc.T, Yt -wtn 83rsr.ed to learn of tbe remarket)! results tfcey obtained whet they and others say ot fcANWiX lev will aiao pleased learn jWw cacUr yo can obtain RI ttit' him highly-repata-t and iv it a t.toroors trial entirely at our risk. Write tay for this wst Interceding KREK jKLJ-rr and fail parties-lara.

A6dr: XAXOSIN, itS-A, SHOW THIS TO IkOJtR CMUttTT- st 0 a sa ssbbk. bw. Tij hrJrttf Freanu'ast a lam rstofsl bock, or far lumbago, sciatica, nevrslgla. tbenms tUas, sprains a strain. Adrertiseatcrt.

but sr Jew emit at drug llllilllll.

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