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The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 13

The Wichita Eaglei
Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

13 THE WICHITA EAGLE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1922. TO START SUMMER TOUR Students Plan 'Silence Cure9 SSIFIEl 'Cake Eater9 Pants 1 SPECIAL NOTICES 3 fCoatlnaed from Preceding Column) KOT1CE win receive bids ch or before April 13. for the ereetioa of new school house for Dis. 15. BiUkr county.

Bids opened Apnl 14. at 1 o'elo. Board rewrree neht to reject tiny or all bids. Siffned. SIDXBT HAMMOND.

Toward, Kansas, Route 2. Clerk. Dis IS. phones SPF13 TowanJa. S15F1S AnraM.

GIRL VICTIM OF GARFIELD HALL FIRE IN WICHITA Early In 1921 Marjorie and Mercedes. 14 years old, and Claude, 18, left the scene of the disaster In which their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mitchell, and the youngest of the family.

Rex Mitchell, 10 years old. died of injuries incurred in Jumping from the third story of the burning structure. The three surviving children were taken to the home of their grandfather, A. N. "Montgomery, Clinton, la.

The grandfather has suffered two paralytic strokes, and was without means of providing for his daughter's children. So Mercedes went to the home of a great-aunt In Ohio. Claude, capable of caring for himself. Is playing the traps in a Clinton orchestra, and Marjorie hag come back to Wich Charles M. Casey, a publicity man for the Wortham Shows, is in the city visiting hia family.

He cam to Wichita from Hot Springs. Mr. Casey has been on the Pacific coast in publicity work. When he leaves Wichita to take the road In advance of a Worth-am Show he expects to take his non and daughter with him for the summer season. oManr secrets you will find revealed in the green 'box of Nadine Face Powder They are secrets which every woman would solve secrets of personal charm.

The secret of a rose-petal complexion Nadine's own gift to womanhood. The secret of lasting charm charm which endures throughout the day. The secret of skin comfort with -never a hint of harm. To you, as to millions of others, Nadine will reveal these intimate secrets. At Leading Toilet Counters, At Pre-War Price, 50c.

Send 4c. for postage en liberal ample in tint preferred. NATIONAL TOILET Pari, U.S.A. rr.ESH PINK KKUNETTE WHITE 1 Marjorie Mitchell, 10, "Back Home" Grateful for Aid Given by Friends VISIT1NGPLAYMATE Marjorie Mitchell, 10 years old, to whom December 25 is the anniversary of a tragedy and npt Christmas, is "back home" among friends." She is thankful because she was not permanently disfigured by the Garfield Hall fire a year ago Christmas in which her parents and younger brother were killed, and is everlastingly grafeful to hundreds of Wichltans and others because of their kindnesses, but disappointed because her older brother and sister had to be taken away from her. Lingered For Weeks It will be remembered that Marjorie lingered for weeks in Wichita hospital following the "fire, in which she was almost fatally burned.

Now only a scar remains, and that Is partly concealed by her radiant golden hair. Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a substitute for calomel were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.

Dr.Edwards'OliveTablets area purely vegetable compound mixed with oliveoil. You will know them by their olive color. To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood daysyou must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects.

They start the bile and overcome constipation. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results. Millions of boxes are sold annually at 15c and 30c' WE SELL HAVE CO LOR CHEEKS 1 1 ita before going to the home of herJ aunt, Mrs. Goode of Cheney. Visits riaymate She is staying for a few days with her schoolmate, Wanda Kimball, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. F. Kimball. 204 Sherman avenue. STie visited the fifth grade of Emerson school yesterday, of which Miss Mabel McComb, Marjorie's "favorite when she went to school.

Is teacher. HECKMAN TO RUN D. G. lleckman, county coroner, announced Wednesday he would see reelection. He is a Republican, and is serving his second term In the office.

He established the custom making a report to county authorities of all cases for which his services were enlisted. C. V. Southward 111. C.

W. Southward, vice president of the First National bank, is- confined to his home with a severe attack of rheumatism. rw I Beauty Unsurpassed The wonderfully refined, pearly white complexion rendered, brings back the appearance of youth. Results are Instant Highly antiseptic. Exerts a oft and soothing action.

Over 7a years in use. Send 15 for Trial Stst FERD. T. HOPKINS SON rew or city 99 Phone Mkt. 6500 Per Week 1 BEHOLD For Wearers of Student Council Meetr, Wed- nesday, Condemning New est Fad "Cake eater" pants, those colorful corduroy creations calculated to call forth caustic comment from case-hardened citizens, are tinder the official ban at Fairmount college, where a number of freshmen recently appeared on the campus wearing the costumes.

The student council in Its wrath, Wednesday, pased resolutions condemning students who persist in wearing "cake eater costumes or any other apparel which might bring reproach upon the student body." Fur- thermore, efforts are being made to interest the faculty in the matter, with the hope that the college officers will pass some sort of a ruling containing many, many teeth, through which action may be taken against the wearers of the bell-bottomed, button bespattered beauties. If the faculty refuses to act, the "silence cure" is threatened. Sentiment Running High Sentiment against the "cake eater" costumes Is running high. When four men students appeared on the campus last week, adorned in the bell-bottomed pants split at the knee and filled in with velvet of a colorful hue, with silk sashes to match, other students promptly took the offenders behind the barn, soMo speak, removed the offensive articles of apparel, and applied in tbeir stead, pretty pink teddy bears, corsets, pettibockers and skirts, and a bountiful trimming of cosmetics. Then they warned wearers of Spanish don type of trousers not to appear at the college arrayed In the colorful costumes again, upon pain of serious consequences.

Despite the warnings, and in the face of being compelled to don feminine costumes as punishment, for their misdeeds, the quartet appeared on the campus Monday, again arrayed Wanted 200 First Class Carpenters For Concrete Form Work $1.00 per hour Open Shop Plenty of work for competent men all summer and fall. Write or Call Empire Construction 218 N. Clark Chicago' niiTUo nr huh i no ur OFFERING How a Baltimore Girl Recovered Her Health Baltimore, Maryland. "For several months I suffered with severe backache and general weakness. I could net sleep comfortably at night for pains in i 1.

-xz my back. I found your book at home one day and after reading it began at once to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I have had '4 very good results and some of my -girl friends are taking it now. You may use thi3 letter to help other girls, as the letters in your book helped me." Rose Waidner, 301S JRoseland Place, Baltimore, Md.

That is the thought so often ex- Eressed in letters recommending ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. These women know what they nave suffered, they describe their symptoms and state how they were finally made well. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine made from medicinal roots and herbs, and without drugs, to relieve the sickness women so often have, vrhich is indicated by backache, weak feelings.nervousnesa, and no ambition to get anything done or to go anywhere.

It has helped many women. Why not try it? i I I 1 in the pyrifornt pants. The student council met and tried to take' action. It found it was powerless to enforce any action governing the class of clothing students might wear. So It went-6n record as opposing violently the fickle fad on the grounds that the wearing of the Spanish pantaloons militated against the good nam of the student body.

Employ "Silence Cure To back up the council's feelings In the matter) the "silence cure" Is said to have been advocated. The "silence cure" consists of concerted action on the part of an entire body of people. In refusing to hold communication of any sort, with those under the ban. When the ostracised one speaKS, nis greeting is not re- turned; when he would fraterni2e with his fellowmen, his advances are spurned, and when he passes a party or ma peers, all of them "peer" the other way. The person taboo, in fact, is regarded much in the same manner as though he were not on earth.

The method, which is said to have originated among the cadets at West Point, is, said to be very effective. GIRLS AREOUTSPOKEN Sensible-Looking Misses Do Not Care to Marry "Cake Eaters" "iiy Gawd, Juanita! aren't you glad we are not in a class where we might be called upon to marry simps like those?" The foregoing exclamation came from a sensible-looking girl of probably 20, addressed to her companion of approximately the same age, and attracted the attention of several per- sons who stood near the front en- tn of local drug ztOTe' lt was evident that the remark applied to several callow appearing youths In their 'teens, who lolled about the soda fountain counter. One roached his hair with a silver-mounted comb; another gazed in a small mirror lying on the marble counter, and touched his face here and there, and still another was endeavoring to be witty with his hollow language. "Cake exclaimed one woman of mature years. Mrs.

I. B. Huenergardt of Marion, returned home Wednesday after visiting her sister. Mrs. E.

Washburn, of 1321 South Lawrence. TELL DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Gas On Stomach, Etc. Indirection and practicallr all forms of Ftomach trouble, sajr medical authorities, are riue nine times out ot ten to an excens of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Chrrtnio "acid stomach" is exceedingly dangerous and sufferers should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a li'mtd and often disagreeable diet, avoiding' foods that dis-airree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion or they can cat ns they pleae in reason and make it a practice to contcract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the formation of trs.

sourness or premature fermentation by the use. of a little Bisurated Magnesia at their meals. There Is probably no better, safer or more reliable stomach antiacid than Bisurated MapnCMa and it is widely used tor this pur-lose. It has no direct action on the stomach .1 not a But a tenspoonful of the powder or a couple of five rrain tnblets taken in a little water with the food will neutralise the excess' acidity which may be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the whole ca rise of the trouble and the meal diirnta.nidiF.ii.

.1 t. ptully without need of pepsin pill or arti- uigcsiems. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mairnesfa from any reliable druirtrist. Ask for either powrter or tablets. It milk or citrate and in the bisurated form is not a laxative.

Trv this ninn eat what you want at your next meal and see if this isn the best advice you ever had on "what to eat." (Advertisement) Relieves Rheumatism Musterole lossens up stiff joints and drives out pain. A clean, white ointment, made with oil or mustard, it usually brings relief as soon as you start to rub it on. It does all the good work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster, without the blister. Doctors and nurses often recommend it3 use. Get Musterole todaj' at your drug store, 35 and 65 in jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00.

DETTER THAN' A MUSTARD rLASTER rise in security prices presents at once. WANTS TO SEE YOU! He Is at Home This Week 200 SOUTH LAWRENCE With a Full Line of Maxwell Cars HEATING PLUMBING 18, ARTHUR C.IIOFF RIVERSIDE PLCMBKR Sherman At. M. FURNACES Areata for Superb furnace, pip or pu' lets. Carry repairs tor alt nikji fumwut EAST SIDE SHEET MET AX.

PIS 8. 11, I KELSON MASKCDER Plumtti. ir- ire. rewnricc that aatfira. Try v.

13 FIRE INSURANCE FBelt. Sft WtniH Bidr. M. 4UTOMOBILB tinRAKOS Fir, LiaUhty. Prorerty Dsmat.

Stt-enir erriee Eece gIS rntE. LiGirrisa axd tok.naij. writs aU kid o4. POST, til Bert BKU. Mitt- 4 Pirtle Investment Co INSURANCE Tie! FsUte lavestmeote BiMinr Ul-Ur.


M. kofrt t. isnurr V-et Ayres Transfer HouwhoM sooda. pianos, efc Ueary contracted, MARKET 1908 BAl'tiys ot kmd wkAteJl with track. Jack HaTworxt, MOV 10 Packing, c'torare: largest ide4 an In the cite toe wonn feobotil He and Belt Transfer FoTjhoryLIS- lliMSl tVwhintrton.

6IN.ER A IK1NXFLL HehoM rood tared and racked for siupment, Emporia. M. SHI. STORAGE At iwasonaM price on aoa aoa Btaphluerr ot Phono M. 143i.

EEb BAtJtTfrsnsfcr and ltssgage Co, sieavy hauling aohoted. household goods 1wM per honr: Urgest twka eiy; eara-ful men. Mkt. fi4l. I'iS Kast eeonl.

SMrnt Dargaew. nTie.g. Ion tjii- tariff janltng. t7 or liW, CAIX. I).

CS47 to mt OB local ao-1 ki dtst nce moTing. 010 g. 5eoeca tAIX M. Wtchsta sn olgnpaur Ur moriiig. per aa lomt; tuSj.t, 554JJrt St.

t- JJOU Srvioe trurlt, and trucking wanted, any hint. Qu'it aervice, twt price to town. l. 4tfStl-tV. Storaga Co.

41 0 w-Hiini 19 rAlXTIXO-rArERlUXOINO 19 Cleaners of Wall Paper It A ROOM AM PEFHE THR RCn. A I JTJOH y.SON. MSTt. 1 DKCORATJ Nii-iwscount wall psP: lei; and oil tteuse nf. II, frkie, Dai On M.

PAlKTljiciand psiierhaJwruia-. wurk suarau. tfd paper shown on miuest. I. Rut, Itot.

V. St. FrKi. D. lMtVK, PA1NTIN and paperhsnf at roll.

at 1 uc st4 tip. lt tn trcuri your woran. PAlSTTKO Wper pie iinit by roU. hour or eontrsct. Vri s-lirles Samples shown.

Market 115 PAlNTlSti and tiapfrlianitttta furnishert. I. Jotinw PlIVTlKr. Paiwr th ilitee. csnxniti-ina-.

omrnl work, U. H. Cnri aui3 w. hnvtiVii -i k.Mv.i. ni.mM i'vi work.

Phoue Mkt. 7 7. JW. tfo n. Kr.e.

tT. It. TaNr PAINTING aiul pprhoina wantnt. rjinBble. A.

K. i'arrott, 13 Ave. 2rMi I'AISTINU. deorattri refirushed. lrtt class work, M.

U3. I'APElt-HANUlNa and palntinit; t5 a si vr i 1 RcjHT 1 1 1 ,7 1 1 "i PTl'EKlfAS'iilSa lleyor sork" dn first eisss: it eu nt swivi ysra restdenee In Wichita, Will aUr aampU. VabefillM. NT IN a of any kitl. iH Washlncl'w.

C. I'rXfmm. V- ft-fT-M, WAU. PAPER CLEANlJfO A4T rt work fursnted, Ug. M.

4W48-W. II aod up. wo. WaTXT PAPEK l.i Lurusin in iir aivl liantiiitff; work W. U(rr, a IA f' PAl'KiiS your room; eserriliiu turn Ished.

plaster patcUioat. C. K-Friend. I. S278 3.

6Xh" l6ri WAt t. PAPERS sre h'T. AMI full fins painis oil and Bre your aeri-P. South J'nod Paint wy CSL.I-K Uraix. pt.4T4', n.t iiAVK ToT'a paiatTku nthtt cts no more: iusrsittr tr work.

irtid work cheap durinf rUy weather, tf trct or hour ivmih. M. 84J.VT, A. t. Psperhans-lna- and psintm.

Th tt os'a tr, 50 N. tireti I. i'tl iror first clns in sid ovtide parTUina', cU LEO MOllZ Tha Itlibl Po O. 2403 M. If.

S031 Wniwrta 11ae. material Itsed 9tifrins- rt psrttclaf tl REI APEIUN 0, KINDS 21 FVJiNlTUKE rejiair! and fsftf. and wrk lir Ki in. I4tn Ida ICaTTRKsTpE faiA' aVi rwnerii. fttalbcrs renotated.

iWnius BeiUjiis M. f.7. M. Pit? oTi i. anJ' ItiMri': Wieiut iirnirirs lieitaif 313 Uutii Msin I -hor.

5 4 i 6HANNOK C.JIEEN Ji-Hi sid All sum uuat tti, M. 417. N. Emjvla. TKSVf ACKKT liEsfkt jrS fTtT; 1: tal t-OS fetfred Ii bosuitsl.

I'tf-turs. R-n tw mine jy received. Wf fcuok M-r. Jf.7 tt. Jllls Vi i' fXiAlJiii iw' le rrrfs ail ind ai.i'-l, Ui al Vw.

ing JS-t'tr 1 Irutit nrrtsr. Is, 4 J4t 17" 13 SERVICES OFFERED. MI.HCTX im ICK a emet, a snl tti- a at-s tusrantc mjr mi? ti a trwi. fr sort mA. Satisfacttoo ar' t-i.

xt -y tfs msul rWi sjtI inrei Je work wastloi. 617 S. i Cr Ji'fVt'Kf' "mt4 i' "mTUt all kitls isatiy rt4 Isr. aiirr jT'i-if. ck -irai J.

IVilnr ttotyok S'-t Ir- It CAUPET CLEANING Wm aa rsr rsrpet rvM. rA russ fewn tt'A espti; a. a nwiim. WltiiUA XC: T1 Sn 3rr CA A WoU'a a sstirlT WHor Ft Eit i ii Vr! aatituT Vj a ia tMftt lit rft Hiso! is ufc44 -t-', itr -e. fi's to reiai rr 4 a-s-i rvr- V.

I. ib iH-1 SlTl 4Ui" lur if.2r .3 COli AK t- ibiirssrsr 's i f'iT afl 5.air ri irr J. JJ J. La it i kri5 s-j sUfcis, 19 y-f jr dSta iX'Ifcl -VXIC t.s 14. CU fr s-aS w.

IAt iltTraft. iy Kir (s Birt sf ry. la v'jtuk a w4 i t. Cu" tilt A'yfr CaSsf 4 13V fr 1 M9ei LAN liSCA PK GAIiDi-NING Is sis--y, e.j4 (SWAM. H9t in iA" im Wei'ls.

tS'5. 1 3. KTTrrk.rTAf4.rr rwtrtuXmi, wla t- I at s-fia. 14 aWt 'V a sVc9 T.J?'!!,,'. J-.

tif 1 fwr 4 it. I a sjMar. li I liSlfirr. Hi ii is advertising Statement of tb ownership, management, circulation, etc. of The.

Wichita Baarie. published ererr mortal at Wichita. Kan, required by the Act of Aurust 24. 1812. ft BUSH KR MAKCK1X.CS, Wichita, Sana.

VICTOR- MCDOCK Wichita. Sana. ruiiva MANAGING ED1TO' J. B. DOZE Wichita.


SFEER I Mis. OWNERS Victoria Murdoch: Estate Wichita. Raos. Victor Murdock Wichita, Kant. Marcellus M.

Motiock Wichita. Kai. Pesrl Murdoch: Eaton Im Anreies, Cahf. Known bondholder. mortrage and other security holders hokitrur one per cent or more total amount bonds, mortgage or other securities NONE.

ATrrape number of copies of each Issue of this publication sold or distributed thmarh the mail or otherwise, to naid tuhvri)wn durirta- the aix months nrecedina- tha date ox taia eviiemenv 01.13 1 C. W. SPEER, Buirtei Supervisor. Snbvrihed arsd sworn to before tne thU lat day ot April. 1P22.

ARTHUR OEHXR. i i Notary Publie. tty commission expire Hard) 19th. FLORISTS 3 FIWER3 FOR A IX, OCCASIONS W. H.

CtXP 4 CO. Tlorists. Firat and Main Street. CHOICE FLOWERS for all occasions. trt tor lonerala on short notice.

Writ or phone M. 1204. Rireraide Greenhouse. 928 LODGE NOTICES ALBERT PIKE LODGE meeta Monday. Wedaeaday and Saturday erentnra.

at 7 o'clock, to Scottish Rita Temple. SUNFLOWER LODGE No R. Jw. E. comer Fimt and Main Meets every Tuesday nifht.

Spedal meet- lot aa catted. WICHITA LODGE NO? 99 Special commun. ThursUay. Apl. 8 at 7 p.

m. worit in firt rterree. Comer Firt and Main. 7 SPECIAL NOTICES 7 $50 REWARD for recovery of following; described tor information leading to the arret nd conviction of thieves: 1021 Ford tourinjr car Motor Number 4.M1&60 Kansas license number 183(34. Fik red top tires oo iront wheels: Cnh-fornia Cord on rear wheel.

Motomfter. K'nirston Lrnetion. Doeker strwrin wheel. Bulldog foot acoelerator. Petry cutout.

Klaxon horn, stolen from Wichita on nipht of March 37th. Wire or nhone st mr expenn. JOHN S. EWINO. Aug-usta.

Kansas. 3 WEST SIDE GOSSIP O. E. Henderson and II. J.

Hunter. Friend's university students, will spend their Easter vacations at home in Cherokee. Okla. Mrs. L.

J. Cook is in Byron, where she is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

L.omis. Miss Blossom Wixom, the postmistress at the West Side Drug store, is one of the latest recruits to the bobbed hair brigade. Lester Cook, former manager for the Day No. 2 drug store is now with the West Side drug store. 1.

P. High moved Tuesday from West Central" avenue. Miss Alice Liken of 104 South Sycamore street will leave today for Red Oak, Iowa to be gone several weeks. Mrs. W.

a. McKee is ill at her home, 308 South Oak street. Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Betts moved Tuesday from 824 North St. Francis avenue to 1003 West Mentor avenue. I Have Gained 20 Pounds and My Run Doesn 't Tire Me At All Since I Took TANLAG ayM Geo. Roger, 426 California Chicago, well known dining car steward on the Grand Trunk Syttem.

Exhaustion after work, loss of appetite, sluggish liver, dullness and lack of energy are nature warnings. Check these symptoms today by getting a bottle of Tanlac. At all good druggists. opportunities -which a i's 5 i Wichita, Kamas FOR SALE Our elevator warehouse; coal bins and office building: located at Tur-on, Kans.t on Rock Island Ry. Elevator capacity 15,000 bu.

Seal bids will be received until 2 o'clock, p. April 10, 1922, certified check must accompany all bids which will be returned if rejected, we reserve right to reject any or all bids. Farmers Co-Operative H. A. Stewart, Sec.

HA NESS ha ixl Uuntiry. 145 WabU. Onen and rendir to rtT clu erT 55illt a reeinity. Called lor n4 Coiv P. J.

AH wt la a tri lai. AM MOVING my household roods from Krtisai Csty to Wichita So er future. Anyone eootemr'lUnr snch movo call Ikwn-hoft Sanitiry Fish Market. Both sriU aa rnfr, Mrk't 10 LOST FOUNIV STOLEN 19 CTFF I.1XK 'n-t. fold, engraved O.


steamer rob, army b'snket. couple pilla-ws. between S. Market and 40 Shertnnn. Liberal re-wrd.

Call 440 Sherrnsn, or Pnn rsrsce. DOGStrayed or stoien. my little pet doe-tie. yeliow Spt. bob-tail.

err a hesp, Lfbertl reward for renim of aaffio. Opal Kishbarrer. JH14 ft. 17th St. MARK Strayed.

bl-ck ware. wHfht 1500: man roached. Kotify E. Bod-ne. R.

F. D. 1. Box 181. Wichita.

MrD CHAIN'S lot. pair in ssefc. sack ot tool between Newton and Wichita. Kotify jura. J.

1'. watts. 1S1 S. Main. Keward.

MULE Clack strayed, halter. oewy shod a-ila round. 8moc.h tnoth. D. Ci7i-W.

PEARL NECKLACB Between Edward a Htore and 715 South Tope, romrume lt wee. Finder phono M. STIit-J. Reward TEARL REAPS lot between Central and St.rheni and Sad St. Call M.

1816. bridee. Keward PIS lost, rold bar pin with amalffeiamonds in roscmountinf. 241. reward.

POCKET BOOK Black" leather, containing (CO. SI bill, some chanio. ciaes, lost near Hillside -nd Doudas. Phono M. PARTY was seen latuns- the tub of washed clothes from joreh ot tnk house comer pink house, comer Keturn Santa and Emporia and pvoid arret.

MurUoca, LOST Boton terrier, male, answers to nnrao of Tinid. had whlt coilar ami tul) white muzcle screw tail, liberal re-wn-rt. 7S7H-W. W. Mrrv St 11 BUSI'SS NOTICES 11 THE BEAUTY the Col Wee Hill drue store is tor Indies exclusively.

K-cetitiy opeued tinder new nianacmeTil. Our marcelUna; satiaties. For appointment M. a SPKSCER Surtrlcal supports ami dre eorsetn. made to measure.

Call M. 78fl.VW. SEWING MACHINES I If you ned a sea-inr machine or anythlnr for your machine. have it. Service is our motto.

Call us. Sewing Machine Exchange North ain fhone Jl 5 .1 1 UATS KATIUNAL DETKCTIVE AORHCl' 327-23 Union KnUon! Biiak Bldf. AUTO HEMIC TWEItAPY" "in the treatrt of chronic disease. Ir. U.

Bsrr. lUS'i E. Doug-Ins. 0 to 2 to 5. Evening P-pointments.

D. 37f0. Sunday 0 to lj. CAHRSAU Ol'TO KT RI s'trSi i Butts li Id. U1AONOS1S.

ot tK-ulsr defects, lensra pre-smtwl. blood pressure ascertained. THEtlMO Narnetto Bath Natural Tbrra patic Trtatmenta tor Rheumatism. Ner-voiuness. Idtrabaro.

Stomach Troubles, Tar. alysis and other ailments. Ifarry C. fclancy, 5i)-t Pouglss. Phone P.

1R. UEO. H. SIKOEL." Physician sml Sur. rwn.

af-lC Winne UMir. M. 2388. DR. ALFRED UATk'IKLD Ienlist.

especialif eauis'peil to extract teeth painlcna. 137 Krh Mil We-t J'd st-eet BRIClv CONTRACTOO do all kind of brick work. C. W. Alliron.

bom office. 'i E. IKMltflas. Mkt. 2iC4.

ISU1X.DIXG Carpentering-, repairing- shfnirl-inf and screen work. X). 2U.U-M. 13A8 Puiisnde. Bt'lLJjiJiO.

CARPESTKR1NO. retuodelin-. s-araret. Estiotatet free. Work ruaraii' ted.

D. L'l LU ISVrHepalrfng-. shineiinc. day or contract: estimatca tree: work a-uarauteed Mkt, NOTH'E New and Old floors sanded, finished, rusra.nied. D.

40-M Work CARPEjffER and repajr work lire ard small lorm: day or contract. free. M. 2fn d-J. and cement work.

Pli-nly ot ood me chanics; work done immediately. 'msrauU-e Repair ut Hiii')dinfr Co. Ms aart. CARPENTER and pirtnVr: la-" and amU jobs by day or contract: Mtiroatea tre-s. Fred Pawson.

M. 32f 8. rranois. CARPENTERING, pirterlrit- arreen p6irtt-i cement wails, floors, fonndBilon laid mechanic work, euarauleed. 3C41 Heed.

CARPEKTERIKO. pUnlerina-, stone aitd cement wrii wsnted. Ail Ji5nd of rertsirirur, remodeiirc and buildiJUT. CEMKKT WORK of all kinds, found sti on. ysrares.

cistern; licensed contractor, baker I. M. CEMENT work spwie worli, I t-jua- K20-M. R. O.

Het shbereer turn it Irrire. CONTKACTiMi Et.rtuites free on mil classes of wtrk, tstjill In festnres a (rtiecinlty. 25 yera ejperience as snd uierintTKleDt of construction Itione p. 100-J. befnrr tir a .01 V.

H. KclVwsld, 1 1.44 L'li ayTue esUmattns-. coniractlnf supenntendin' bungalows rvJ resideti'-e construction McJOeaa. 815 tt. Sedfwick-Kkt, 7714 W.

PI.8TEKia yaranied fay or Jwt mur.t'.. Work O. Zfrkie ft STfCCO WORK Ilouy. S20-M. 9 LrTMr.e.

eieaned srvd ft, G. Bershbrrnr. Of8 roR PLATERINO, word. jeaeai Iu lytr right. g-1 14.

tt'AM Ei Hs rnl hr two irirf-nicts Jf. stock iK'l in Wirfijt 11m, piaster, cement, etc. Pjjon kl. tl sjd )Laii. rjorV" ASrTHX I'M mSiUjiM A.vr urvuMsa, wobk os SHORT NOTICE.

CALf. MKT. "5i. ROOflNU-ECTLT-rP acphaJt. tr aad frarel.

ssjrfs' roofir. vA or rrei, pim tar stttrot! dn for api'lyinf trrrr okl sfeuif rt. Ail kirvrts st tui1 tt'air. hbik-i (Vt- i ri'i to. jcstiottai Mottling Isxaimur, 7Ji tUJtJflf, tO rtd toll paiMt.

roofer: mii kiS It DRESS.UAKINO..MILLINERT ItrfrTcCTTOSt A VvTKctr(iM UOtXi oris fnHi as 5y rir-i, WICHITA fe'jTTOS AXU PtATtf 0. CttMrB free. tzt K. tfcOifi, t-rtiA sKir-e S7t i. t.f; 'iU to ka.

'Jit Mln. V. LK Pr ra-. 5. IT.

T. A 14. M. JSri JihK 4 a i sUA fcwta, 4 IE. Ti VUSSi atXKfjt.

tiWMMlilrisf i'trU rrt4. 45 S. L.rTi. V. rtAJft3f Ot" Caster js-lfcjB -riywl.

t43 M. A m.6 W-i In nwfct. "IS mm. if i. AXIS1 sA tajaff-a fiatA aa-l itarr seir.

hifT. Crsrter, 41? yr4 t'M w4-S awi4 fcy I S-r. CaES4tAtfSS aS t.iS) ar fe-y ty trnmr Urt WiTtmtf I7--M. f.r.i" ftA 7 I-TTa? VI. TRwiiA riXATt Ana utrtn UXMithtja.

Ifmtt. MrcTT trr iat. Orfrn im a4 iA.ssi. at. 75 17.

iiw fr ASK.T sa MiS 4 I A I ate.s). It Ideal Drersakinjr Parlor ro tr7y sr ss-a. f.t-SSr1 iw rius" k- reau. 17 S. 4 "A merican Beauty ELECTRIC IRON 235 S.

Main Per Week st. Kansas Gas and Electric Company ft At Your Service" Pay Each Month With Tflur Light Bill -3 5.J i i i Are You Watching the Trend of the Bond Market The constant Shouid be gresped It pioneered qour country. It has 1,145 miles of line in the State of Kansas. It has grown to a system of 8,122 mites serving practically euery commercial center of importance ia fourteen states. It paid the State $889,488 in taxes during 1921.

It employed 5,561 persons in this state. It paid these employes $9,859,013 during the year. It endeavors serve efficiently. Its employes have a reputation for courtesy. lt earnestly solicits your patronage.

It is a "home" institution, intenuoven unth every local activity. Its problems are your problems and it needs your co-operation in solving them. IJour future prosperity is larqelq dependent on tKe maintenance and development of a successful transportation susienu WE OWN AND OFFER SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE the following Kansas Municipal Bonds, which we believe to he the choice of the market not only as to security hut as to prices. tO.000 CI I A IT A LA CO. SCHOOL 59.COO DICKINSON CO.



5.0&0 W. a LTS. 140.009 RENO CO. BOAH 60.000 WELLINGTON AID. PRICE ON APPLICATION From All Local and Federal Taxes Wire for Reservation at Our Expense Free Phone or Echweiier BaUding The 4 Brown-Crummer Co.

INVESTMENT SECURITIES ew tri. BM-i avsMa aa so Mma..

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