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The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas • Page 3

Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL: TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1902. BAD OUTLOOK Vou pay lO ent tar Cigar not so goo4 as ROBBERS GET NERVY In Fort Scott They Boldly Robbed Four Residences. FOR THE WHEAT I When Blood nrss HOMES mil 10) olf a Went Around in an Organized Gang, Seeking Whom They Might Devour Hutchinson Too. This Is the Opinion of C. Wood Davis, CIGAR STRAIOHTVgO F.R LEWIS, MArfF PioniA.ui.

Fort Ssott, March 10. This city was visited by a gang of professional crooks, supposed to bo' from Kansas City, last night and they started in to loot the town on a wholesale plan. Four residence of prominent men were CUIUS TO KNOW ABOUT IT wrought, in all parts of the state, and burglarized and attempts made at four others, but in the latter instance they were frightened away. There were three Immre there are serious complaints from Mitch Correspondent of Beerbohm's of Lon ell, Ottawa, Cloud, Marshall, and other in the gang and all wore masks. Several dollars worth of silverware, northern counties, while the northeast hundred quarter seems to have suffered even more jewelry and clothing and about 5100 in don Says the Kansas Crop Will Not Amount to Over 50 Per Cent This Tear.

It would hardly be truthful to say Omega Oil cures Bruises and Sprains and Strains. Nature herself does most of the curing, but the Oil stops the pain while the bruised place is being cured. The pain is what annoys severely, especially in Atchison, Doniphan, money was taken. The burglars were Brown and adjacent counties. It is pos-Ibold.

In each robbery they would go into sible that In this section the Injury is the house and wake the occupants, and, even greater than it might have been be-J while one covered them with revolvers cause of a greater proportion of soft and commanded them under pain of death Special to the Capital. wheat. I not to make an outcry, the other looted Clearwater, March 10. C. Wood "East of the Flint hills and south of the the house.

The third man guarded the Kaw river less damage has been wrought, I entrance. Davis, correspondent for Beerbohm's Everything goes wrong. The digestion is bad. The head aches. The brain is dull.

The nerves weaken. And the'skin is nearly, ruined. Your doctor knows what medicines will cure these troubles: the medicines that are in Ayer Sarsaparilla. Consult him freely. Five yean ago I had bunches come out on my head and had a breaking out on my body.

I tried different remedies without relief. I then tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Before I had taken half a bottle the bunches and the rash were gone, and I felt like a new man," M. A. Wall, Bentley Creek, Pa.

even tne sort wneai in many districts com- it is Deirevea mat tnejr Had a wagon London, has been gathering reports con ing through the winter in fair shape, al- I to carry away their plunder. The police cerning wheat conditions and says of his though suffering now, as heretofore, be- are working several clues, but no arrests conclusions: cause of deficient moisture. Possibly we have resulted. "Many deem it impracticable to deter hear less of injury from this section be mine now what is the condition of the cause the wheat crop is there less im- Hutchinson, March 10. Hutcbin wheat fields, and that we must wait for portant comparatively.

As it is the con- son is having an epidemic of hold-ups you, and Omega Oil must be given the credit for fixing you up so you will not suffer. Omega Oil soothes, softens warm weather and some growth on the tlnued drouth threatens the life of the and robberies. Four men have been com-plant over much of the southeast quarter pelled to give up their money and three part of the plant to determine its condi tion; but this is wholly unnecessary as the of the state. stores have been robbed in the last two J. C.

AYES Lewetl. Mass. ll.M. AlKnnMs. injured plant tells its own story from the "Central Kansas, and especially that weeks.

The latest to suffer was Camp- first to those able to read the plainest portion of It lying south of the Smoky bell's book store, last night, but the signs. Hill river, is the great Kansas wheat 1 thieves became frightened and skipped be-field, and here the injury done, especially fore they secured anything. No clue to "I have grown wheat in the great ma A PREACHER STRIKEN Jority of the years since 1856, and early In the southermost parts, is the greatest I the thieves has yet been found. learned that a plant that was healthy or and will materially lessen the aggregate WHILE IN THE PULPIT. with sufficient vitality to produce even a STEWART WON OUT.

Defeated S. H. Haines for County Superintendent. DEATH WAS AN ACCIDENT part of crop, had full, clean, greenish out-turn of the state. Is my opinion not a prediction mind you based on all the information yet available, that Kan White Cloud, March 10.

The Rev, and comforts any pain you apply it to. If the pain is not too great, the Oil is to be well rubbed in. This sets up a good circulation of the blood, and the result is always beneficial. white stems extending from the surface to the crown of the roots, and broke from sas will not grow 50 per cent, and possibly I J. Bosserman of Mound City, while conducting a revival In the Christian church here Thursday last was telling his the crown with a clear distinct fracture, not 40 ter cent much wheat as in 1901." OI -voi puui jury ill uio while the roots themselves were white and Case of Edwin Dangerf ield Killed at Sea.

hearers to prepare for death because they knew not 'the moment when they would WHEAT NEEDS RAIN. Troutman'g Majority Over Welch in Saturday's Primary Was 1,325 County Committeemen Elected. many new roots were plainly making growth as soon as the soil retained through the clay a temperature of 40 degrees near the surface. On the other hand, the winter killed plant, notwith- Besides rubbing Omega Oil into the pores, some of the Oil should be bound around the ailing part. But in Central Kansas It Will Not Liverpool, March 10.

At the inquest Suffer for Several Days. be called away, whereupon he was stricken with paralysis, his entire left side being involved. Yesterday the evangelist was improving, and will probably be well enough to be taken to his home in a few days. The Rev. Bosserman is 55 years of here today over the body of Edwin Dan standing here and there a green leaf, Special to the Capital.

Omega Oil la good for everything a liniment ought to be good for. gerneld, the Kansas coal miner who lost As stated In the Capital on Sunday morning, J. N. Stewart was nominated for county commissioner in the first dis would show a brown stem, more or less I Abilene, March 10. Sunday and to- his life as a result of the sinking of the n-A euti.

I dav TX7 marlrp hv mcVl vrlnHa thai- K.nt I c. Z7'l "CT steamer Waesland after a collision with age, and is wiedly known in northwestern oi tne stem naa a norous cnaracter, ana viuuua ui uusi imuusu w. tJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the British steamer Harmonides near the Missouri. parted in a tough sort of way with an B. Giles, a grain buyer of thirty years, island of Anglesy, a verdict of accidental death was returned.

unclean fracture from the crown. When drove twenty-five miles in the country the stem is not greenish, white and clean, and reports that the hard wheat is not BATTLE WITH THIEVES. The jury congratulated Captain Apfeld but is of a dirty brown, that wheat has injured in the least. Soft wheat of which of the Waesland and Captain Penten of had its day in the world and no amount the acreage is small is probably killed the Harmonides on their conduct. of rain nor of heat and rain will enable Wheat needs rain throughout Central Two Men Worsted in an At THE FIRST HATIOHftU UU OF TOPEKH, KBHSRS.

DefMitMT thf State af Kaiias, SIiwmc Cmty at4 thi City al Tapcka. Raid Up Capital $300,000.00. rDangerfield's home was In Scranton and it to help the farmer to fill his granary. Kansas but wheat will not suffer for sev trict over 8. H.

Haines. The complete returns show Mr. Stewart's majority to bo between 15 and 38. Mr. Haines says that Stewart's majority will be about 15 and attributes his defeat to the fact that the ballots did not arrive in Menoken township until nearly 6 o'clock In the evening.

The majority received by James A. Troutman over R. B. Welch for the control of the Shawnee county delegation to the state convention was 1.325. H.

M. Philips was elected chairman of the Republican county central committee over Otis Hungate and George W. Crane by a he was returning from a trip to England The signs are so plain that he who runs 1 eral days yet. tempt to Hold up Silver Lake Station Agent. at the time of the accident above re may read, and these who are unable to ferred to.

According to the published reports Dangerfield was overly anxious to OPINION OF A FARMER. tell the condition when they nave examined such plants know little of wheat enter the life boat and in so doing struck A bold attempt was made by two rob growing, and ought to seek some other kj. D. WllUS Of ASlltOn bees IdtUS his head against a projection, which bers early yesterday morning to hold up employment. OFFICERS.

broke his neck. Chance for th Wheat. ver Lake for the Union Pacific railroad- Large Per Cent Is Dead, Special to the Capital; Hartzell. however, was eaual to the occa- "In' thls and the adjoining county of C. E.

HAW LET. Cashisb. C. 8. BOWMAN.

Asst. Cash is a WM. SIMS, PRZSinWJT. VT. H.

ROSStTSTGTON, Vies Presidiht. Ashton, March -10. E. D. Willis, IN JAIL TO AWAIT TRIAL.

sion and succeeded in driving them both Sumner more than 75 per cent of the a leading farmer of this (Sumner) county, off and it is thought wounded one of wneax 13 aeaa' many tnose o1 aDle speaks as follows concerning wheat pros lnem to judge, placing the destruction at 90 pects: J. B. Shane, Murderer of Ed The operator was sitting in the tele- Per cent- Tne only wheat that shows the "There la no denvinsr the fact that the plurality of between 200 and 300. The committeemen who were elected follow: First ward First precinct, O. D.

Skinner. Second precinct, A. A. Raub and Frank Beach. Third precinct, John S.

Betts and D. T. Gregg. Fourth precinct, M. Bickel, Eric Nystrom defeated.

Second ward First precinct, Henry Scales and George W. Charles, W. Williams defeated. Second precinct. Otto PAID ON TIME Foreign Drafts on Saaall Accounts as wall All Principle Points.

a Largs Receive Letters of Credit the Sama Cref al Issued. Attention. graph room at the station busied about ie5t aisa OI mining- a crop is inai sown wheat ln this part of tne C0Unty and, in Katherman, Is Not Given a Chance for Bail. lni. I .1 ...11 VL ttiuiu me IUIU oil Vi xnimfir la In a miict his various duties when he heard some I may say that on our own fields the deplorable conaition, not only soft wheat one rapping for admission.

He started to OOOOOOd oooooo go to the door and as he did so seized a sow wheaJ; "at sown brior to but hard ag well My wheat ig gQne Ca revolver, which was lying in an open i 6Ven ia also that of William Vaughn, James Lawrence. Kan a Ai j. I-- i i ljawrence. jvxarcn iu. uift nrp.

Vf Vaughn, W. P. McElhinny, Margaret liminary hearlnir of j. b. Shane, rhar drawer.

As he did this some one on the outside fired through a window. Two on different tracts, is dead. The neigh- Chamberlin and many others I might Uvith the mnnir k. a i I borinsr farms are in exactlv the samel TR yui Um Li nlace before Judee Learnard In. the ponntv AB SOLUTE ine wneat leu is very tnin ana ine i court today, vaarnor iq uprv nrv H-nrTTikr nr TirTvaf- i vMt v.

early, and are now without the nrosoect A onane was represemea Dy judge w. mg to put ineir wneai iieias inia oais ana NevIson. who haa taken the ra started to come in. Hartzell at once Ui "ut to uus Larson and R. T.

Shaffer. P. H. Coney defeated. Third precinct, James Mullln end Silas Wright.

P. Betts defeated. Fourth precinct; John Alexander andW. 31. Williams.

Fifth precinct. Eugene Jewell and E. R. Simon. Willis Eldson defeated.

Third ward First precinct, W. W. Phillips, W. F. Bowen, Phil Eastman.

Second precinct, M. Welghman, W. S. Lindsay, "Pick" Smith. Those defeated, James Smith, T.

II. Bain. James Clayton. Third precinct, W. I.

Jamison, P. II. Forbes and with unless ft la senm-ed hv nnrrhnsA. In I naiSniucui ncra. iiiere was a.

openea nre. on him and it was such a warm reception that the proposed rob my opinion neither Sedgwick nor the ad- rf- nmrnApn very crowd the court room, and ECURITY. joining counties will grow one-fifth 3 liUmtO I LAU bHOC ntVttfdtU the hearing lasted from 10 o'clock until 3 ber retreated precipitately. Subsequent much wheat aa in 1891. and over miioh of ciock.

xno eviaence was put on ln ly a red handkerchief still wet with blood these areas not as much will be harvested I Opinion of Supreme Court Against Shane's behalf, and the testimony pro was found. Near it was a revolver as was used as seed. Rice Countv Verdict duced by the state was practically the which, it is thought, was dropped by the 1 KECOn 'MENDED BT "In Oklahoma the wheat is. If oossible. n- T-Qoa kao aa same 83 that given before the coroner's robber in his flight.

NO other clues have i i aaA vo I in worse condition than in Sederwick or i koo o. Nury- The result of the hearing was that PHYSICIANS StjOVRC. Genuine Carter's I trt a I I Rhotifl txt a a nAiinn attai" tha Mom attack was made by a couple of wander- oumner county, ana mis is, so rar as verses the opinion of the court in a case IT I renortS nave nep.n made. thA Inni1 nn i innn r. i.

c-- vuui vmnuui umi. WCLlllfJa. I I UCL1UCU III Ul JJJ. 11 19 L11G Ul It is understood that the insanity plea throughout Texas. Indeed, Texas fields CUrities company against Manwarren.

Er- will be used when the case comes to trial Humors of all kinds are prolific of worse have been in bad plight through the en- ror from Rioe county. The following is in the distritc court. troubles. They may he entirely expelled tire season. viiahni- Little Liver Pills.

by a thorough course of Hood's Sarsa in fiarvey, county, Kansas, in Kice, "First Where a morteaee on the home- Santa Fe Health Resorts' Excursion parilla. teno, jvici-nerson, lungman, ratt, star- stead, the title to which is in the wife, is Bates. ford, Barton, Pawnee, Rush and Edwards executed by both husband and wife to se- the condition is not so hopeless as in Sedg- cure' the payment of a promissory note Sixty Years a Household Remedy For Burnt, Cuts, Sprains and Bruises. CAUTIONI Witch Hazel ia mt POND'S EXTRACT. InaUt upon Craw ine POND'S EXTRACT, sold ni? ia sealed bottles, bud wrappera.

ovinontx Arizona, and return. 165.M. ELECTION CASE DECIDED. jiu ouumer, uui mere appears nine made by both, the statute of limitations toT nine months. proDaDimy 01 nan as mucn wneat Demg wm not bar a foreclosure of the action Ra Antonio.

Texas, and return, tao an Must Bear Signature of Seo Foe-Simile Wrapper Below. SUDreme Court Held Monroe 6 cuuniK8' or In an one to recover, the debt may be maintained ood returning unUl June 1. P. Defeated.

Harry Williams, F. M. Spencer, E. A. Austin.

Fourth ward First precinct, W. A. L. Thompson and R. F.

Hodgins. Second precinct. T. D. Humphreys and M.

E. Stoker. Defeated, Luther M. Nellls. Third precinct, Sam Rice and C.

N. Miller. Defeated. John V. Abrahams.

Fourth precinct. Frank Blanch and T. J. Anderson. Defeated.

John Sargent, Fred L. Evarts. Fifth ward-First precinct, G. F. Mat-tlngly defeated J.

S. Warner. Second precinct, W. L. Osborn and T.

J. Hurley. Third precinct, John Charles defeated Simon Hoe. Sixth ward-W. A.

Myers and W. S. Eborle defeated J. W. Stoker and Arthur Masse.y.

Second J. W. Gardiner and A. T. Allen.

Rossville John Howerton and J. E. Taylor defeated W. Betts and John Fritz. M.

A. Hutchinson. Silver Lake W. Van Orsdale. East Soldier A.

L. Brooke defeated Robert Turner. West Soldier F. E. Kutz.

Oakland-R. S. Vanzant and O. W. Neil.

Highland Park-G. H. Curry. nAm oam i-wii onn 1 rv. ct i I i agains 1 ne nuspaau, anouugn an acuun ki Paso, xexas, ana return, S43.40.

good Duston Was Elected Trea peci is lor more man a inira or an aver-1 to recover the debt is barred against the Eix months. surer of Washington Co. age crop, in tne counties north of the wife. T.a Veeas. N.

and return, trtm FOR OVER 50 YEARS Very huH'mI as union racmc me prospects are, so iari "Second The fact that In such a case at three months limit. The election contest case between Mon as yet Known, somewnat Detter. the maturity of the note the husband. Hot Springs. and return.

12S.aL t. talcs as roe Duston and R. L. Foster, for posses 1 ne most promising wheat fields are I alone, and the mortgagee enter into a three months limit. 1 SrADTTD'ol sion of the county treasurer's office in found In localities favored last autumn written contract extending the time of Excursion rates to other health resorts Washington county, was decided Satur- with local showers, these permitting a payment, does not affect the rights of quoted on application.

Address iwniuw day by tne supreme court on ravor or good preparation of the seed-bed and en- the wife, impair the lien of the mort- T. L. KING. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has bn used- for over FIFTT YEARS by MILLIONS of Mothers for their CHILDREN whlls TEETHING, with perfect success.

IT SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all pain, CURES WIND COLIC, and is ths best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Re sure and aak for Mrs.

Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. 25 Cents a Bottle. Duston, the Republican. Duston was miring a good start. Then, the morel gage upon the homestead, or change the Agent A.


FCX TORPID LIVE. Ttt COMSTIPATIOa. FOXSAUOWSUI. FORTKECOUPLEUOI elected by a majority and received a cer. northern and western sections of the state rule stated, that so long as the debt re- Or T.

M. James, Postof flee building. tmcate or election. oster, the fusion have had the most snow, and where the mains enforcible against the husband the I North Topeka. nominee, coniesiea.

ine contest court grouna was wen DianKeted during the ex- gortgage may be foreclosed, although gave Duston the office by two majority, treme weather of December there the Ian action against the wife to recover the MARCH 1 TO APRIL 30. and issued him another certificate. Fos- wheat has best retained its vitality, al-1 debt is barred by the statute. 1 UTntYHMc Shunganunga Robert Stone and James Haynes defeated Frank Holford and J. R.

ter appealed to the district court. Judge though more or less injury has been i In the opinion rendered in July, 1900, the The Great Bock Island. AM OLD AMD WELL-TRIED REMEDY, court held that the husband without the Sturges tried the case. He counted the ballots himself and decided that the vote will have on sale every day tickets to Taylor. Sutherln John Sutherln.

CURE ftlCir HEAI.ACHC. consent of the wife cannot by contract Utah and Montana points at $20.00, Wash VALUE OF TESTIMONY, was a tie. Duston had the certificate of with the mortgagee extend the duration Rochester J. W. Heller defeated Ed ington and Oregon points at $22.50, Call election, however kept the office.

of a mortgage Hen on the homestead. fornia and Puget Sftund points at $25. 00. Greater Than Assertion. j0t roster then appealed to the Supreme court.

That tribunal today dismissed the For full information see A. M. Fuller. There is none of us so hardened but that A LYNDON LANDMARK proceedings, holding that the case was I when we have been able to aid our fel- NEW CRAWFORD THEATER. ONOE AGAIN, and For tho Last Time.

THINK I Edison Electric Illuminating Ca of DESTROYED BY FIRE. never even properly commenced before low creatures by conferring a benefit or Judge Sturges. (bringing a little comfort into their lives Topeka. Topeka, Feb. 16.

1902. we like to have appreciation shown. This Special to the Capital. The annual meeting of the stockholders HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS generally affords more pleasure than the Lyndon, March 10. About 4 o'clock WITH FAY performance of the act Itself and in this tw residence of Leonard of thf above company having convened a Topeka on January 22, 1902, pursuant to Thompson.

Tecumseh George Bunce. Monmouth Fred Klesath. South Williampport-C. W. Smith.

North Wllliamsport Sam Lee. Auburn H. V. Fuller and M. F.

Stout. Kaw G. A. Anderson. Jr.

Dover G. McConnell defeated Bond. Willard H. Slllette defeated A. Rogers.

North Mission Ed Buckman. South Mission J. E. Maus. Hartsock Morris Zollinger defeated L.

Hill. Richland Oliver Wyatt. Bellview C. H. Martin.

Muddy William Ream. Lyon Creek E. C. Fasnatch. Via the Santa Fe.

Evilsisor was found to be on fire. A connection tne xouowmg letter from a Paris. ladv Is of more than usual by-laws, aljournment was taken to Satur. I very high wind was blowing at the time. w.n i interest: "Dear Friends: I address you carrying the fire brands towards the bus! to points In Arkansas.

Arizona, New Mex as such, for you have been such to me. ness part of town. The fire was confined ico. California, Oklahoma, Indian territory I suffered for three years off and on day, March 22, 1902, at 3 clock p. m.

at the company's office in Topeka. Notice of such meeting is hereby given. JOAB MULVANE, Pres. E. WILDER, Secy.

-I IX -J 4 T-. I to the one building, however, which was uu ra wlth piles was treated at the hospital. entirely consumed. The fire was caused in wu.oraaQ. at raie oi one are pius lor and the nW and elegant hospital Of Mem Four nights only, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Frliay and Matinee for iadiea Wednesday and Saturday. Priem, IOe, No higher. Uaa Free Taastay. Thurmdmy, ftarch 13. Llebler 4 Coa Beautiful Production of JAMES II.

ERNE'S "SAG HARBOR" as produced at the Theater Republic, New York. A 8vin phony of the Sea Mhore." Prieea 5e, 50c, 75c, Keat nale beglna Tuesday. by a defective flue. The loss i3 fully cov the round trip; tickets good 21 days from phis; they only gave me temporary relief; date of sale; liberal stop-over privileges ered by insurance. The building, the old Howe house, was one of the landmarks I came West, thinking the change of air and water would benefit me; five months allowed.

See agent at depot for of the town. ago the bleeding piles came back on me. and bled so much that I thought I would Abilene, March 10. Seven frame Hog Cholera in Concordia. Special to the OapitaL Convordia, March 10.

Alexander McMillan, a farmer near here, has during the past few days lost 100 head of hogs from hog cholera. Rigid measures are being adopted to prevent a spread of the disease. GEORGE M'KINSTRY DEAD. die. I have had four of the finest doctors in this section of Texas; all they did was store buildings north of "Ward's hardware store, including a meat market and livery Was a Well Known Hutchinson Bus- I to finally nearly let me go to my grave; stable, burned yesterday.

Nothing was all they wanted was a big sum of money saved except the horses and buggies of from me and to operate on me. I said in ess Man. The death of George McKinstry of Hutchinson Sunday evening will come as TAKE I no; no surgeon's knife would enter me; if the barn. People living In the upper stories of some of the buildings barely escaped it was my time to die God knew It, and Two New Rural Bootes. Special to the CapitaL Osborne, March 10.

Two rural ln their night clothes. In the barn were an unexpected and sad surprise to many people in Topeka who had his acqualn- GOOD NEWS. many Topeka Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast" and the thousands of bad back sufferers ln Topeka are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills.

Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the little conqueror of kidney Ills. Here Is an example worth reading: Mr. George Henley of 1015 Taylor street "For two years or more I had when I died I would die all together. I about about twenty tons of hay and 300 bushels PRICKLY ASH tanee. Mr.

McKinstry was married to aTth fn IZ 1 Te 1 about $7,000 with Miss Jennie Price of Turon on February 7U1 "nan small insurance. It is supposed incendi- began hearing your medicine. I mail routes will bo established. out of this town beginning April 1. Charles Nels-w anger and William Metzler will be the carriers.

5. last, and the two visited in Topeka rr aries caused the fire. ua)a io t-iw u-w uau oi one-half th9 amount, and in one week I felt A Medicine for Old People. Rev. Geo.

Gst, Greenwich, Kas, p3t 83 years of are, jet he tar: "I am enjoying excellent health for a man of my age, due cut-rely to tbe refuvea atiag; ialucQces of Dr. MiWs Keniae. It bnnr titcp and rest when nothisr else will, and frres strength and vital, ity even to owt of my old age" 1 am an old soldier." writes Mr. Geo. Watson, of Newton, la, "and I have been great auSerer from neTOcsBe-, vertigo a4 syiaal trouble.

He spent consiitrabte moory ior medicine and doctors, bet with little benefit. I was so bad my mind showed igxs of weak ness. I began talcinrDr.M Hes Nerriae, and I katrw it tared my life" M.u.- Nervine Saved me from the Insane sty lumf" Mn. A. Heifser, of Jenco SpnagH Mo, writes.

"I was so aerr-fms that 1 could scarcely coatiol Bry-self, could not sleep or rest, wotild even forget the names of mr wn ehildm at tiroes. I comntaceduiagDr. iLles Nervine sad it feelpsd me from the rst, aai mfw I tm perfectly welL Sold by all Oruggts on OusraittM. Dr. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, Ind.

BITTERS fsr inrflnrtSas, Co tlpatlan. so much better I walked four blocks and Pensions for Zansans. "Washington, D. March ia Pensions shortly afterward. Mr.

McKinstry was the guest of Mrs. Anna Welghtman during the holidays. About two weeks ago he became ill at his home in Hutchinson, but not until near the last was his death did a little housework. I was not bleed for: Kansans have been granted as KUmtf Troubles. ing then; ln three weeks I was well.

God XT CORES, bless you putting such a wonderful follows k.wvk I A. 1.t.. Jl slighty kidney disorder which at times was quite annoying. There was not much back ache, but the kidney secretions were dis- i--t-vm. weninsura.

men ueveiopea I ici TVnn. i meaicine wixnia tne reacn or surrerinri oi ma inuesa, ww.iae W.llrril.A US- Tntin Tf men'sna women, snail never cease to cause. recommend rour medicine or be without Stonebraker, Sallna, SS; George M. Gor- WHEN YOU WANT GOOD WORK QUICK PHONE 153 oraereo, too irequent in action and at accompanied by I dropped into It: also I used your Pyramid Pills. Sal-1, Emporia, $12; Avln A.

Brown, Mer- Rowley Snow's drug store and procured a COMING TO THE THEATERS. lie A- Hearndon." Testimony like Jacob Bunse. Chase, S3; Oba box of Doan's Kidney Pills. Its use WHY WAIT should be more convinclne than aU claims 1 D'ah B. Slusser.

VaUey FJls, Benja-, Anna Eva Pay returns to tho Crawford I an(j assertions, and should leave no I rain Williams. Caldwell, J10; Joshua Shri- quickly cured me and left no unpleasant after effects. I am glad to recommend Cntil mom cmamacT Tm- tonight and wtU remain until Saturday, doubt tn the mind of the reader as to the I ver, Towanda, James M. Brown. Fort dera It Imperatlv for yon to Ladies will bo free tonight.

merit of the remedy. Pvramld PD Cum Scott. JS; Mexican war, John P. Price, Buch a reliable remedy to other" For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.

have UUBh? Ha rm-awrtiikt mipssst i tailed now sad yon will Is sold by drugelsts for flftv cents a track-1 dead, MHford, $12. There Is only one dramatic offering at aM or will be mailed bv the makers to I Original widows, etc. Edna T. Davis, -Forter-Mllburn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States.

prepared tor anytblag that Topeka Laundry Co. the Crawford this week "Sag Harbor, any address neon receiot of orte. "Write I Horton, minors of Edwin E. Main. may nap pen.

Remember the name, Doan's and take 'on Thursday night. This is James A. I Prramid Drue Mrshaii for I Leavenworth. S12: Mexican war, Martha E. i MISSOURI tk KA MS AS TELEPHOKE CO, Telephone 999.

auDBtuute, Jllearns's best play. their book on rau and enr of rllen. 1 Price. Milford. SS.


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