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The Morning Herald du lieu suivant : Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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PAGE 6-UNIONTOWN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1913 THE MORNING IfEHALD-THE EVENING STANDARD Friends Of Library Hard Working Group With their dues and the various projects Friends of the Library this year has been able io buy tor the library a reader printer and a slide projector and screen. "There are so many things we want to do," Mrs. Ross added. "We would hope to have a book mobile, be able to deliver books to shut-ins. We would like to serve lunches followed by hook reviews and many, many other things." There are now 177 members In Friends of the Library.

The executive cabinet is composed of: president, Mrs. Vincent T. Ross; vice president, Mrs. Sidney Barasch; secretary, Mrs. Leon Hunter; treasurer, Mrs.

Silas Mansfield; lihrary board, Mrs. Rohert Godard and Mrs. Samuel Feigus member at large, Mrs. Altha Nabors. Their motto is "Bring the community to the library and take the library to the Friends cf the library are diligetilly working to achieve this.

Invitations have been placed in (lie mail for a dessert buffet, which Friends of the Library will have Thursday at the library. Addressing them recently were, sealed, from left, Mrs. Leon Hunter, Mrs. Milton Margolis, Mrs. Sidney Barasch.

Standing: Mrs. Silas Mansfield and Mrs. Edward P. Monguhan. Friends of the Library is an active group made up of civic-minded persons throughout the community, persons who have a sincere interest ir.

seeing the Uniontown Public Library grow The group recently placed invitations in the mail for a dessert buffet which will take place at the library on Thursday. The event is primarily being held to expand membership in Friends of the Library. For those who attend there will be a treat in store as Hie ladies plan to bring their special delicacies to be served during the evening. Friends of the Library has a right to be proud of the acheivements this year. First of all there were the children's programs held at the library during the summer months.

The library is hoping in the near future to acquire the Lovelace marionettes (or young people. The library now has such bright aid cheerful quarters for the youngsters it is no wonder children are prompted to visit the lihrary more often. "You can credit the library staff for having helped in this area," Mrs. Vincciil T. Ross, president, said.

Another project undertaken by the Friends of the Library were the film festivals. Five of them were presented on various afternoons. To aid with older persons, transportation was offered with a bus stopping at the Fayette Bank White Swan Apis, nnd Mt. Vernon Towers. Of course Marshall Manor is just across the slreel from the library which affords its tenants easy access Persons enjoyed the films and refreshments which followed.

"We are hoping to expand this Mrs. Ross added. "The films arc not just geared for older persons. They are for everyone. We have decided next year we will have films shown during the afternoon and evening." Probably the most successful project, the one the group was so happy with, was the book fair, held at the Uninntown Mall.

It brought in the most amount of money for future projects. "We sold used books, which were in very good condition, at a very low cost," Mrs. Ross said. "College students were delighted with the language hooks and parents were interested in books for their children. We called it "Recycled Reading Another project undertaken by the group, which is probably not as familiar with persons is thai of lhe Great Books program.

To dale there are about 20 members in this group. They meet every other Wednesday nighf at the library and discuss great hooks. There is a moderator and a co moderator. "ft is such an informative yet easy way of discussing great books," Mrs. Edward P.

Monaghan, a member, said." We have paper back editions which are distributed to the interested persons. They arc asked to read so many pages and at the next session these pages are informally discussed among us." The newly organized Friends of the Library will be four years old next April. "Friends of the Library actually is not new," Mrs. Ross informed me. "It goes back to the Elizabethan period in England.

The first Friends of the Library in the United Stales was related to the Harvard Library. Now there are Friends of the Library in every state of the Union; in fact, last spring we attended a seminar at North Hills in Pittsburgh for slate-wide Friends of lhe Library." A project the busy group undertook lucre the film festivals. Five, of them were presented tut various afternoons and proved lo be successful. Persons attending the films were, also guests for refreshments winch followed. The Friends of the Library hope lo add films lo be.

shown in lhe evening. Prom left, Mrs. Vincent T. Itoss, president: Mrs. Sim met Feigus, Mrs.

Hussell liar ton and Mrs. Altha B. Nabors. Herald-Standard Photos by John Polink) One of the projects undertaken by Friends of the Library this year were (he children's programs held at the library during the summer months. From left, Adelaide Tiltow, one of the' guest speakers who used as her topic, Mrs.

Alfred Carotla and Sue ilensel, a member of the library staff..

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