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The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 13

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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TIIH MOIlMNf; 111711.1), USIO.VTOttS. M'JIVESDA Jtll.V 21, -rqe i CLASSIFIED DISPLAY hi.i hern revised to Father Faces Trial Milk, Besf Food Buy, S0O.0SO. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED Willi one Ihinl of Ihe cil; parking meters estimated to tie For Murder of Son operative, council approved Ihe Heavyweights Bid' For' Louis' Crown; NEW YOfiK, July 27 (Af-)-i The shopworn heavyweight crop; jockeyed for position today In thej Newest Figures Show IOMOBII F6 FJH 92-Repairiho Smvici Stations WATKlt WELLS 3'KST HOLES SHOT HOLES C. K. Fearer John llozincc Phones Unionlown 3614 or3839-J-13 Lemont Kurnsco, Pa.

UNnPIBCOATlNO. All malm purchase of pails to repair 10G now stored In Ihe Hall, Cost lltIK, July 27--(AJ)-RaIph PLYMOUTH 1MB LH-Luse oouoe: Mt rlne blue, radio ii nr-sv-r: inw mileiRf Line fit Enany Mot Sflles. Milk Is Hie outstanding food buy rs Prevrntj rul vitiation. Mo- aaahed. atone Co.

Gull prod-E. Mnln Frlle. Prions HUB of pml.s, si-ton! in lo James niacin per cenl; 3 per cent. Suair, Hfi Ccolspiinc streel, vdio today as latest, covernment flsures show freili milk delivered at the doorstep almost 40 iioiiXs below cully completed a course in rte-ior-an race tor Joe Louis' II tli lloge, charged with whip, ping fatally his has been found kuic and must1 face, trial for murder, Disiriil At-1 torney Damimi McLaughlin said today. 93 -WANlto-AuTOMOIlVf J'hcic is no waste in milk as fry drop can be used, A quart mclcr rcp.iir.

would approximate 1011 nns fieadie Mills' upset Vlfr; PACKAiiD IP-ll Cluh rouue; of milk is equal in energy value to per meter. nory over (jus Lesncvich. Mayor Sillier pressed for pur I one day the entire situation! 0 aveiaee "all loods index fig-e, now at a new record peak, Retail index figures of the U. S. approximately any one of the following: One pound lean beef, report from Dr.

Robert V. Is clnsc of 200 additional meters for I changed. Where Lesnevich once- AITCOS-Ott thit eslis With cash price LUMBER TRUCK MIXED CONCRETE Estimates Cheerfully Given Chas. F. Eggers Co.

81) fiVftleSt. I'lionoiflOl rael, superintendent of Warren Department of I.ahor show that eCKs, pounds tomatoes, 6 pounds the key to Ihe situation, installation oi Streets east Sate llospllal, said psychiatric out ol your used car when you sell ii Klnj Ka Motori Rl Unlonlnwn Phr-m BUI. Open evenlui. smee iBW the all loons aver Ifcerc was only wild confusion on; Church and South Gallatin avenue, ilreet. Meters cur- Phone 61 spinach.

13 small orange, 3 broil crs, 7 bananas, 5 pounds raw cab hage. tests at the Institution showed Huge "sane and responsible for has gone up 114.3, per cent homedeliveird mltk is ii and Kay cite rently in use flACTOIIS I ERB lire based by his acls," McLaughlin Added. only Cfl2 im com, the smallest (W7 when 400 u'erc the cily i Milk Is an essential food, more A) DMINUM COACHES li-ngth. Borne wltti till CARS WANTED Cood cleat) used i any malto or model. To world- lr; delivery oi th new Ford.

Get price before you aell. Sweeney I'he tcsls were ordered by judge rceiilngc ineveasc of an; Billion R. I.anb after the 23 year- jor food group. easily obtainable In the U. S.

than in any other nlec In the world. In Russia It lakes an hour and 18 min Installed. Kcery McAmbley, Major Sillier 's sec re I a ry, told counril that surveys conducted recently esti showers. All new, 7 donra. Sleep 4-6.

3 models ti, chooji from. All lor lifetime $1,105 mid tlji. C.isb. Trade. Terms.

West Trailer Ssies, Rome il. 3 miles north of si Phillips. old Iceman's sanity questioned If consumers analyze the all sides. Sol Sfrariss. acting promoter of Ihe Twentieth Century Sporting, club, once inwardly sure he would; he able to lure Louis from retirement for a September dale with Lesncvkh, was left with empty bonds.

Ho had no 1-auis. Now he had no Lesnevith. Telephone talis to various spots on the globe were Strauss' first; moves Inward up an clim-i following the "belt thrashing of milk in (lie diet, the basic fact ules of work for a man to earn AUTO LOANS ItlJ'J Model! and Up 'iVlicliicr Is Paid Far or Nal Equitable Credit Co. 7 Court Si Unlonlown, Ph. 171 ALSO OPEN FVEN1NGS loath May 20.

mate the useful life of parking CARS SOUGHT -I pay hlh tliat a quarl of milk supplies the price of a quart of milk TRAU-rort-HcbUllt BrotUvfiy trsctor and iJ ton Rodger ivjw Brj semitrailer. Phone oi or 5ST2-H 2 16 pounds of the best food is he can gel II. In Hits country the melcrs between 10 and 15 years, placing Uninntown's in lljc cale gory of requiring replacement. confiiineil, says Die Milk Industry average pay for 10 minutes work FAST SPENDING EXCEED CITY'S buys a quart of inilk. TRAILER lit ton trailer with electric I or sm-a.

CARS WANTED-We pay I ry Marie I'nsslhln Dollar Broken Down Council passed "Sr-endthrtll Thumb" Sis, Foundation. Milk provides larger percent-ape of ihe daiW nutritive venuive-mints than any other food, supply one-half of the family's nulrillve The milk which 1 tic dairy farm tion tournament, consisting of 10-roundcrs at the V'ankee: TRAILER Ml, 31 3 rofim Zlm. mer TrUlfr Prke HM5. phone ConncllsTlllc stin-M. or Inq 163 N.

I'lll Connellsville. er sells (n the milk company an Ihe wages paid to labor by th company together take more lha Stadium, Sept. 22. To date nobody had been sianed. I PEAK INCOME'1 (Continued From Page One I individual cily departments, Hie rirficit can nol be altrihuied to any single office or branch of the municipal goveriimcnt.

nEl'RlGERATOTlS Kclvinalor wilh (he new lull lendh door. See it's smn saving lealnrc before ynu buy. SERV1CK RADIO electiuc co. Bfl W. Main SI.

PhDne 2145 needs at one-fourth of the cost of TRAIL 1 rUllnn. Hesr, 15 HlElvind Eward Charles, ranking light' 80 per cent Df the milk dollar on a national average. The milk dis nut homing the. purchase of sufficient land lo provide an access alley Ironi E. C.

operator nf a foundry on Miller avenue. Under (he terms nl the agreement, llirj cily will pay Ihe percentage of Ihe cost price to liich as computed by the percentage of area required to provide an adequate alleyway, The purchase would be com TRAiLFri fuaed ftlth InrRe slr.e bed: n'i'ft. lona: cood tires and condition heavyweight contender from Cincinnati, figured in Strauss' plans. Jake Minlz, Charles" manager, was AKER CHAMP ION 4TO waned. Buyer paylnj uiernhim price Write S.T.U Bo 1551, Untonlonn.

Pa tributor Is paying record Council, by flgieclng to elimi R. Laraway, Marltleyabiiri-, PA. Fl-one a nioderale-prici' food haslet suggested by the U. S. Bureau of tin man Nutrition.

No Waste At All A quart of milk four glasses-supplies approximately these per centages of the daily nutritive re nuiremenls of an average man 94-PUBLIC nate emergency overtime for patrolmen, will save an estimated 52,000 of Ihe $51,040 appropriated Trucks Fob Sa summoned lo a conference later in the week. It Is likely he will be offered a dale with Ie Savold or Jersey Joe Walcolt. A Walcott-Joe liaksi pairing might he the. other' to pay the salaries of Hie city's IB P.ROriKWA 1M7; dlllon: o'llnll 11 H5IM SJild with nl prices (0 Ihe farmers and paying labor the highest wage in the history of the industry. And the price paid to the dairy farmer Is set by government order in impot-lant markets with resulting influ-encc on other areas.

Willi less than cents remaining out of the sales Hollar, ihe milk distributor must pav or de- pleted in tire event Itich erects building on bis property which would block access in nn existing calcium 100 per cenl; riboflavin ten ELECTRIC RANGES Five Nationally Famous Makes FROM $229.95 also New Automatic Gas Ranges SERVICE RADIO ELECTRIC CO. 69 W. Main St. rhonc 2345 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ansfer of fun if car-utgh, would ledum Ihe (vitamin G) B2 per cent; phosph Chevrolet umi Strauss has hopes of luring Mills- C3 Payette St alley, parallel lo Mill per cent- pralcni 4il per operating ilrficil of Ed Phone 1700. and now reached by a crossing 'iu; Hiiinm A ni-r lo America for an overweight scrap, probably with Savold or fu el- the iv inin (vitamin Bl) 22 per mi ward Sutler's office In At llii present rale spending in Hie Mayoi depm tmcnt, wbirli in Baksi who holds a knockout win tracks and Coal hick Bun, The 22 per cent; vitamin per ivery and plant equipment, fuel.

with special body nOIXit l'a-1 or the new light heavyweight bottles, cans, cases, caps, repairs. king. Baksi, big as all outdoors, once again is reported to be sweat insurance, laxes and many nther items. Any profit to lie applied on Jrge Conservation Fhour H2S- ing himself into shape in some, sylvan dell. He is supposed to he the investment must come 01 NEW WASHERS REDUCED! And we mean reduced.

Stop in ond see Ihem ot KALAMAZOO SALES SERVICE 109W. MAIN ST. Rt mat portion 01 ihe itollar. This 3, Smithfleld hooked for Hailcton, late in August, Of Tractor Fuels Because uniform distribution of cluiies opcrallon ol the pnlice lie-1 liarluicnl, t' Inn-e ovei extended his office liuilgct by $4,730 at the I end oi Ihe year. I II (TIM scil Cost Cm mil increases in niaikcl prices of gasoline and nil have been blamed Ior increased city owned motor equipment operational co.sls.

Itider said $1,289 has been expended lo date for fual amounts (0 less than one-third of cent a quart on the national avc railroad has signilled its inleil-lion of abolishing the crossing. king Ordinance Council also adopted on third and rinnl reading, an ordinance prohibiting sninkiug or using of inflammables in business places employing 25 people or able to accommodate more than JOO customers at one lime. The ordinance provides a penalty of not less (ban $2 and not more than S3 fine or a maximum of three days in jail. motor. 1350, supites becomes more and more w.

rmiu miiK companies earn icss per dollar of sales than most Babe Culnan, American representative oi Ted Broadrlbb who, manages Mills, echoes the challenge Trom England, "We want Culnan will advise. Broadribb lo dirfieiill as demand approaches produclive capacity of manufac other Industries. All manufaetnr ing shows per cent return on tlx turing plants, some localities may rhont 6M. 1NTEH NATIONAL 19)6 UlctUD. Needs TRUCKS FOR SALE FEDERAL 1945, Dump truck, Model 29 M.

plate, First class condition, Price S2750. DIAMOND 1A47 dump truck. Model 4Q4-H, plate, 5 speed transmission, Price S2750. CHEVROLET 1940, Cab DVCr engine, Long wheclbase, U-plalc. Price S450, DIAMOND 1042 dump truck.

Model 4fl4-H, plate; 4 inch motor. Price si 590. BRYSON MOTORS experience al least temporary sborlagcs of motor fuels this sum sales dollar; milk distribution, less than 1,4 per cent. Also approved by council was a resolution callinj; lor the repair skip any elimination tournament and wait for Louis, if he should -decide lo come hack. Louis peatcdly insists he never will-change his mind about his retire'- incnt.

In view of the possibility of ianrl re paving of 2,500 lect of SEARS CATALOG VALUES 53-eup cftlfee hoi Inr for from a total appropriation nl Jl.liOO with the expeclnlinn that the police department would require an additional $1,000 Inr fuel lo huish the year. Besides added cost of nil and gasoline, T'olice Chief Alfred W. Davis, said bis patrolmen wri-e driving more miles on squad car duly than bad previously been Ihe Final Rites Held For Film Producer hiullnj Job. Gall W)-rt. a shortage supplies should be con-server! as much as possible.

Much fuel ran be wasled in the faulty operation of farm Iraetors, Idling motors, poorly adjusted carhurc-lion and ignition systems, and high speed opeiatinn of tractors eat up YANKS lilt AW SWITZEtt LAND" South ML Vernon avenue, extending from West Main street, at a tolal cost of SI 4.O00. Garbage collodion refunds approved by council included the following; John Ccllicr, 200 West -Tires 8S-AU-ro CONVF.P.TTF1LE TOPS LONDON, July 27 (AP) ThV; avorerl American fcam drew; HOLLYWOOD, July 27-(AP)-The Hollywood whicii passed him by paused briefly loday tn honor fuel that could he used in actual Switzerland loday as its first opponent in the Olympic 231 E. FAYETTE ST. PhDne 5990 crop production. Main street.

Dr. Francis Larkin, 47 lias! Berkeley streel, S7; and Anthony Benzie, 238 uavin wark tirlflith in dealii. Mayor Sillier said that "if II citizens Df Uniontown want pnlice prole din they'll have pav for it" roiirnamenl. These wasteful practices ad 11 ab The 73-ycar-oI(l producer of Morgan town street 'Birth of a Nation" ay bejins Friday morning and 23 (Minis entered will play a of a host of silent slnrs was hon.l jiicnit or parties 'J'raining panties. Siiej 1 lo 4, for 35c Crib heels.

Shes 3fivS4 Boys' shirts and briefs. Sizes fi to IB, 2 ior 6Be Craflsman 'A inch electric drill iU.60 Eleclric hand saws S94.5D Steel filing cabinet. 2 drawer Were S24 25. Now SIB 95 Crinkle coltan ocdspreads, total of SH games, bclorc a champion is ciowned August 13. mer Miner Pa! ly reduce the efficiency of the' tractor at the same lime they re-' duce (he short luel supply and cost the tractor owner unnecessary expense.

Rich fuel mixtures and laully motor timing cut dawn the amount of work which the rrlltron, S25.00. Hurt at Work urcd at rites in Hollywood Masonic Temple. But traffic on busy Hotly, wood Boulevard was interrupted only slightly and a crowd of only 400 gathered outside disappointed by the absence nf moiicrn-dav Possibility that another $1,000 would be transferred lo the police department, and earmarked for repair and maintenance nf equipment arose when it was disclosed thai $1. 5D1 has already heen spent of a yearly appropriation of Sl.tiOO. Office supplies, including forms, purrbascd by inc police depart A 02-ycar-old Mew Salem, I "74" DeLUXe leaders Y-DAVIDSON 19(1 snoo ml.

ITOC. 29 W. man was admitted to Uniontown movie luminaries. Hospital at 'A0 yesterday i ing alter he was injured whi work. Griffith, out of the movies ex tractor will do on a given amount of fuel, and also shorten Ihe trou'j'e free service life of the machine.

Agricultural engineers estimate lhat a 10 per cent saving in the amount of tractor fuel could he made by correct adjustment of ment during the first six months cept ior brief advisory contacts for two decades, was stricken fatally have cost 54B while the appropr FINE RESIDENCE On one of the city's best streets. Nine large, comfortable rooms, 2 Vi. baths, hot water beat with stoker, bross water fully weather tripped. Could easily be made into 3 large apnrtmenls, each an separate flcor. Ail within easy walking distance of down town, and priced at less than one-third o( replacement cost.

For appointment tn- inspect 'this property PHONE 804 Ior the en I ire year as est? last week- in me Hotel suite where he lived alone. WHIZZER MOTORS-Makei your 011 a I 00. Saltier point Hospital attendants reported Ihe condition of Tito Dehlasis as "good." They said the victim suffered Ihe injuries while nt. work in Ihe Palmer mine of the H. C.

Kriek Coke, company. PREVUE OF SEARS FALL WINTER CATALOG NOW ON DISPLAY Buying by mail is easy, safe, quick, thrifty, convenient. carhurelors and spark plugs, and ed out tliat buying in bulk, enough RUNS IS.VTTEn IS oy sniming oft Ihe motor whi the tractor will be idle even a few minutes. onr.i;? ipplies lo lasl for four years, iduccd the unit cosl. In Mavor Sutler's nflicc il was ilimaled an additional $775 will necessary lo continue operation SERVICE STa Expecf 8,000 through December 31.

Cost of Falls Down Steps In Connellsville A South Connellsville woman was admitted to the Connellsville Hospital last night in "critical" At VFWPknk Sec MILLIE MOSER SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. CATALOG ORDER DESK P110NE 195 communications alone Ior the first sit months of Ihe year has totaled Steel Price, Probe. Is Kentuckian's Aim WASHINGTON, July 27 (AP) A Congressional investigation into the boost in the price of steel was proposed today by Hep. Spcnce of Kentucky, senior Democrat on the House hanking committee. The Kcntuckian suggested thai heads of steel companies be called before the banking committee, to explain the price rise "in view of Eight thousand persons art AUTO VSPECTIOK-DoTi-t waltl lie: vour car Inspected enrlr while oarts aro atallabli.

Gus'l Auto Repair, 3Ci Main St Phnn tji REBUILT TBAKEMISSION3 in stock Also iranamlsslons repaired. Solssct Auto Wreckers Fhon-i 1474 Connells-vllle, near Anchor Hortlng Gl 4 ol a $125 appropriation. Lasl ar's telephone bill totaled fice equipment cosling .,100. ha! condition after she fell down steps pected (o attend the Augusl 22 outing of the Veterans of Foreign at her home, Hospital atlendanls said Mrs. been purchased from a total fund nais at anauy 1'ark.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL BUYS IN USED TRUCKS of CLASSIFIED DISPLAY i uuit-iais win ne pres nine lb it drill y.r pr-rln Etta Shumaker. 72, suffered a laceration of the scalp. ent aiong wnn uie slate auxili District commander Joseph of expenditures must occur if the prnius airea-iv Heme isovadi is general chairman of the affair; Charles Wingrove, Kverson, is co chairman; Miss Mary O'Hare, Everson, is in SHI rUKS FACE CUTS Lindsay Noble Brownsville, wa; Mid-Atlantic repoiled hy the steel companies in the first halt al 10-18. city is to balance its hooks at Ihe end of the year. Rider said the cily tax collections can reasonably! he expecfed to approximate flfl per cent this year.

Last year's collections, he added, totaled 8SHj per cent. charge of the auxiliary; M. K. marie the nrnposal after II. S.

treated at Brownsville Hospita last night for lacerations ol tb face, sustained when he stepped ii heads the, Uniontown pro Steel reported today a net profit of S32.5B5,677-or 53.02 a common USED CARS TRUCKS CHEVROLET 1947, 1'leetlinc, 4 door sedan, radio heater, low mileage. CHEVROLET 1841, special deluxe, i door sedan, radio it heater. CHEVROLET 1935 coupe. FORD 1935, Ion stake truck. NEW INSPECTIONS COFFMAN MOTORS NEW SALEM, PA.

PHONE 2101 gram committee; Charles Caronis front of a car, hospital attendants Of a total estimated velum of chairman in Rroivnsville; and reported. for the second three months his year. Scolt llendrickson, chairman in YESTERDAY'S RESULTS UNIONTOWN at Eric Vaiulcrgrifl Johnstown 6. Flullcr 3: Youngstowri 2. New Caslle Oil City 0.

INTERNATIONAL "Late 1947, dump model K. B. S--7, two speed, low mileage, A-l condition. INTERNATIONAL 1940, Cabin chassis, model D. two speed, completely overhauled.

DIAMOND 1946-47, model 509-S, two speed, 5 speed transmission, 15 ft. stake body. DIAMOND 1941, cabin chassis, model 509-H, two speed, new motor. INTERNATIONAL icllsyille. 5187,000 in real cslato axes, Rider said 5150,000 has been collected to date; 57.000 returned of an estimated $15,000 on prior year's RETURNS HOME LEGAL NOTICES Mrs.

J. B. Gosnell returned to taxes; $27? on an estimated SLOBO West Homestead, alter visiting he penalty payments; $2,203 of sister, Mrs. Edith Hankins, Lincoln an estimated Sli.OM in estimated street. occupational (axes; SH.000 of an estimated $17,000 in juke box and Jhqwmuch7 Vandf-rgrilt UN I ONI OWN Eric pinball mrichinc licenses; and 45 32 Dunbar Is Scene Of Water Battle Included among local firemen's summer activities is a water battle scheduled for tonight al Dunbar.

The parade schedule released yesterday for the reniaining summer mouths includes: Kair-chancc, Thursday, July 29; West-over, W. Va August McDonald, August. Monesspn, August 12; and California, September IB. 517,000 of an estimated $105,000 mercantile and 1 the omce or Emll B. John laxes.

The later however are pay- Oil Cily Ynuiigslown New Castle I com ran pun us I X'f blc in the fall. A surplus is expected from gar Thr rlshl Is rrsrrver or all riitipasals. the untooi. jifiiuin 23 Colonial Legion Game Called Off The Colonial Legion (cam, of the Big Ten Baseball League, has postponed its game scheduled for today because of a death in one of the player's families. The team will resume play Thursday.

Aoto and Penweul Loam KEYSTONE MOTOR CO. bagc collections, ttidcr said. Al (he time the budget was adopted it was estimated the collection of 1 WOO IS.JO 37.18 I fj GAMES TON1CHT UNION TOWN at Vandcrgrift. Johnstown at Eric. Butler at New Castle.

Oil City at Ynungslown. COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN CLOSE KSCAn: Long, IB, Pennsville. garbage collection fees would to tal $86,000. On Ihe basis of current fitturcs however, with NOTICE TO BIDDERS Cle Tin Bnsrd ol Dlnctcrs ait Sflioo'. It) DflD I 61 -Eft I Z9.1Q I M) Atlkil Liiir I BET CJItH TOPAT Toawtllo.

952 collected to date, the previ- lucky mechanic as evidenced by his escape from curious injury-yesterday afternoon when an auto ttd School he war, repairing fell and struck Big Ten Itta-IMS. islrl cpjlI ht lh( 6 ft or Piitshursli sram. or him. The youth was treated al Con nclisville Hospital for contusion! and abrasions of 1hc hip. tsCh bid la to be Iwrnsl ol IU nilnr mtn-s I hlch i aid Is tic RESULTS NORTH Terry Colonial 3.

i. Kohens Hopwc-nd 0. and reject anr or all coil ot EDDY SERVICES Funeral services were held ye lir hsnfis orrv Tawnshlo Monday, Aubiisi 2. IDS! Thr Hoard tcrday for Mrs. Emma Makinson Eddy.

65. in the Greensboro Bap-1 1 si church. Mrs, Eddy, a widow of Hr. A. L.

Eddy, died Sunday in a Parkershnrg. W. hospital. She is survived by three sons and three daughters srrvfs inf rifhl to rtjrc! inr snrt scwrjor. iiisTnrcT nr rnp-rtv TCHVN 5H IP Jflhn J.

V.n. Pre Fl w. EuUfrrrorf. 5scrHrT. Bo, 511 Slur tuiLctUin.

r-J. IS Machinery Equipment of the former Pittsburgh Brewing Company plant, N. Beeson Uniontown. Representative ot plant Monday through Saturday from 9-5. Following Items (or sale: Ice Machines Steel Tanks, 5 to 10 thousand aol.

Motors Boilers, 150 to 200 H. P. Stacks Engines Compressors Stokers Various sizes Pipes ond Fittings Groin Elevator Other miscellaneous items usually found in a brewery BEING SOLD IN SEPARATE LOTS Kovalchick Salvage Corporation N. BEESON AVE. PHONT 6139 UNIONTOWN i i NOTICE TO The F-ourd or Dirt 1946 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Black, Fully Equipped ONLY $1650.00 "IT'S EASY TO DEAL" KING KAR MOTORS RotJte 40, 1 Mile West of Uniontown PHONE 681 WEATHER FORECAST Extended forecast foT (he period Tuesday, July 21 through Sunday, August I.

IVeslern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Weil Virginia! Temperature will average near normal In south portion and two or three degrees Siclnw- liormal in north portion; cooler Thursday nnd in horlhwcst poilion on Wednesday, becoming warmer late Fri-day or Saturday; total rainfall one hair tn three quarters incli, Showers Wednesday and again ihrmt Saturday. rv.iirt.-t cr North trr.lor. Toihshlfl lll ttctlrt fealsi comoetltlTt bids en tti( rollo-vla: 1. The furnlsMns sad drllTfn Inin li-ir irmi; nf trier rr mlt. Tdn ccl ot eojii qnslIlT, jJ loBirj 1st Irsst nut I'M).

mlna and locmlon. I. The fiimlahlni and Installstlon Of new 3t-rear Bond roof on the aw aenoc-i. S. TTi't (urnSahiTiii and Insislliuon cosl burnlm ot an oil oumlnc rurnsff of JOS B.

tr. ptr Hr, SpecHlcatlon inrt infornnilnn ror Ihe abdie may lie urn ity tsllini Ihe oHIce or Superi-liinc PtIo-cIdkI. All kids mull 1e lr. the har.rti Secretary on jt Hetor Vtnndiv. (i.lMES TODAY SOUTH l.cglon at Smock.

Crknlil I at rerty. 4 IN tj HI Joltt Van Zwlentn, 7, jets fitted for wooden shoes by her Talher who makes them al I.ekkfrVcrk, Holland. Such thoei irt In dtrnnd became of leather ahorUit. I south CollUr at HoewMil. rals Cljib at Msitla, K.

O. Broeis. Pistdsr.t..

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