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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 6

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Page Six NAUGATUCK DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1944 Reports To Dewey On Russia rrrsiilriit. nf tin 1 U. S. nf ComimTiv Kric A. JuhiiNOll (left) Is Nlimvn in Albany, X.

with Ov. Thomas K. CO! 1 prrsi- drnthil fiiiulidiitiv They tniuY relations with KIIN- xiii. juM rrtiirni'il fnmi a six-wrrUs visit tn tlio Soviet Union, whi-rr In- with IVrink-r Stalin. (Intrrnaliiiliiil) On The Air Today m.

Matinee Vvi'iC --Nt-ws CrarnttliliLC and Albert WKAl-'-WTIC- Wife p. m. with Gambiiiig Norman Show Dallaa 11, m. WKAb'-VVTIC- r.orftixo Jonea riei'iifd WOK--t''ull p. in.

Young WUUler Abroad llayrtifjnd Scott Show WJK Sea Humid 1 1. in. When LI Girl Marries WAI3C- and Dunn Unole IHiu atul the I'M- rates MI. and Dad WKAK-WTK; -r-ovo Learn WJZ- DU-k Tiv-icy Melody ricviiu Cartiy- in. Tom Mix Show WABC- Sisttrs Just Plain Bill Armjtroti- in.

KCSI. iii.iina WA Wilderness Road WI'IC- l-'i'init 1 'axu l''ari'cll WATrt-WOJi Sup-jrnuin p. in. News; Prayer News 11:13 p. tn.

wAr.c.'-iN>ws WliAI-' Serenade WATIi- Music for Dining WT1C- r-rof. Kchfnkei- W.iy.- JJarrigari I it. in. WOi: -News WICAt'' TllU McilHl ij WAKC- Jeri Snllavaii, Sony's Wiiusc VV'urV of Week WHO Spurts Screiuidc 11:15 in. wor; i.

infix -World Totlay Lowell Thomas, p. rii. Music Shop liy SMALL grins 1 and tfirn poattricn to carry CAKI-JS. Los An-? ha pan tx reduced among iiuiil carrlcrti annoyed by dogs! I CITY BAKERY! 171 Maple Street Love a Mystery of Ihe Lost -l-'ultiMi Lawis. Jr.

7:15 p. in. of the World Ted Stoelo p. m. Yours VVKAl' 11 for Boys AT P.

ru 1'Uvyiiies Mtilody Hour UIH! Jesters 7:45 m. W.KAF—Nou-s Man U'JSJ--Don't Believe It Price Control, liationing p. in. World Go By I'' 1 Presents Town p. in.

and Abncr U'OIH Cai'tL 1 p. in. Date with Judy of Roniance Wit com-t ita p. in. Theater Show WOli Liabi-iel -Jury Trials p.

m. Eand Doctor Figiits AtiH-rican Koruni at War in. W.VI'R O. Swinj," Greenwood Show p. in.

W.IX.--'['.>d Mitlotie Discs; News p. in. Bleaks Hiklcgardc Show WOR -Symphonc'ttc; Yourself Co p. m. ALL 1.1:15 p.

in. Stern Orch. Weather Program 11 m. WTIO ravfLiia' by Night Castle Orch. Gray Orch.

11 in. Siiltirtos Amigos: J. Smith 3eclcnor Orch. Midnight Off News; Buffalo Presents Unassisted Triple Play Was Made By Walt Carlisle Dodgers Win; Browns Keep Lead As Yanks Also Win The sports page gcles Times was on July 20Ui, 1911. Tllcre was just one story on the page that day.

Thu 'story covered five full columns of type. The other two columns on the page carried advertisements. Sports Editor Harry Williams hud decided that no other sports story deserved lo be pub- shod that day. hero of l.hat talc was Wall Carlisle, Ihe center fielder of the old Vernon Tigers of the Pacfic Coast league. Carlisle for an oil- company now.

He went Into that business afler going up to the big tihc Boston Red and retiring in 1923. Few people remember Walt as a Jig leaguer. But if you look baseball's record you'll find very good reason why Pacific oast league fans re mom be him. On July 19th, 1911, Wall made a play lhat no oilier oulfieldcr- in baseball could pull pff before or since. Carlisle was oul in center field or tho Vernon Tigers as they ilayed Ihe Los Angeles Angels in -Angeles thai day.

-It an 'xci-ling ball came into Hie sixth inning all tied titio Los Angeles gave the Vcr- pitcher a wo It out. They cheered Ihj home team on, and they let the Vernon moundsman know just what kind of weak- armed chump they thought -lie was. Maybe Hie hoots of the crowd unsettled the Vernon pitcher or perhaps lie was weakening anyway. But when Charley Moore stepped, up tho plate to open th-j Angeles' half of Ihe sixth, Uie lutrtcr-' cor.lrol lefl ilim for a moment. Moore watched Ihe pitch come was an inside ball, and he drew he rouldn'l got back far enough.

The ball plunked inlo -Moore's die. And he trotted down to first base. Then George Mclxger came up. On first base Mooix' watched the pitcher carefully, and lie was away with the first pilch. Whir.

Lhc dust seliiiHl around second base Viuuru was clean steal. Metv.ger saw that tho pitcher was wild. He laid his bat back on his shouldar and waited. Four bails wont by and Metxger trotted down to first. The Angels had men on firs! and and nobody out yet.

1 P.oy Ailtun cajnc up to the plats. rtoy had orders lo to wait. And he picked out a good ono and blooped Ihe ball out inlo short center fieid. It was one of those balls' tha.t generally fall safe lor.two ba'scs. one of those cheap hits just too far out for the second just a little too short fur the con- lurficldor.

Moore left second like a thunderbolt zooming after a Jap Zuro, and Mctxger tore away from firm. Aiken headed for first, and oul in cenler Wall Carlisle dashad in af- ler the ball. Carlisle apparently had no more chance of catching lhal blooper than, he had of swimming the Pacific. But lie did catch it. He flaw in to make a ihrilling one-handed catch lhat carried him head-ovcr- hccls and landed him buck on of the Los An- I Manager Jimmy JDylccs oC tho strange sight Chicago W-hlto Sox signed a new l.wo-V'-ar mint rant last but the New York Yankees spoiled his- c-clnhnition.

The Yankhj trounced the White Sox, 11 to 5, in a night game in Chicago by pounding three While Sox pitchers for l(i hits. Behind that a Ernie Bon'ham chalked up Ihe win for Iho Yankees. Ernie was no puzxlc lo t.hc Dykesmen he gave up len hits he had enough lo win over Buck Ross. The clim-bing Cleveland Indian's moved to within 'half a. of the third place Boston Red Sox as the Tri-ho slugged out a JO to 1 decision over Iho Washington Son- alors nt Cleveland wit.h J2d' Klieman beating Early Wynn.

The Red Sox lost their game to the league-leading Browns at St. Louis taking.a 6 to 3 decision from O'Ncil. at Detroit a fine pitching duel wont to the Tigers, I to 0, as pin- ny Trout of the Tigers and. Buck NBWMOJII of the Philadelphia Ath- Iclics botli turned in four-hitters. In Ihe Naliohal league, liTe Brooklyn Dodgurs broke Ihclr five game losing streak when they scored nine limes in tho seventh' inning to defeat (The Pittsburgh Pirates, 12 to 7.

Rip Scwall was the victim of that outburst, and- Charley Fuclis go', credit for the Dodgers' victory. Al New York Ihe Gianls staged a laic rally ot Ihoir They four runs in Ih2 eighth to 'bout Ihe Chicago Cubs, 5 lo 3, with Rube Fijcher winning over Claude Passcau. The league leading Si Louis Cardinals kept rolling witli 7 to 1 viclory over th2 Boston Braves at Boston. Ted Wilks hung ono on Jim Tobin. in lhat game.

The Cincinnati-Philadelphia game at Philadelphia woo postponed. WORKHORSE By Jack Sorcls Locals In Hot Pennant Fight; Second Place Behind Tod This That IJ.V 'DUKK Editor) Joe Hevws A Uof OF- CAJSS- ABOUT So ASIEKfCAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Delimit Philadelphia. 0. Cleveland 10, Washington SI. Louis 6, Boston D.

'New York 11, Chicago' C. The Standing W. L. Pet. C2 -11 .559 17 4.1 44 .5.11 .4771 .407 ,433 -15 -16 -in 42 -IS 39 51 St.

Louis iN'ew York Boston Cleveland Detroit Chicago Washing! on Philadelphia Todiiy'n New York at Cleveland (night) Borowy (12-5) vs. Gromalt (3-1). Boston at (3-7) I vs. Gentry (5 10). Washington at inc (7-1) vs.

Diet-rich (10-S). Philadelphia at St. Louis (night) (S-0) Holling'jworth (5-C). Cal Hubbard Played Football In His Day MK.N'iS C'iirnl in (Tux IVmnpl, K.vpi'i't WATCH vt KKI'AIUING William Schpcro ST. TOUR JILLS IN A JEEP" NOW SHOWING AT POLI THEATER In October four young cult from Hollywood on one ot tin; greatest arlvfiHurcs of livos ont-jrtaining at military camps overseas.

They were Kay the svelte. Carole Landis glamorous. Martha P.ny::— the madcap, and Ihe port, as excitingly contrasting a quarlcle as any soldier ever dreamed of. They wore flown lo ISnglancl. where tliey jlagcd their show the length of l.he little island.

Enroutc, they entertained In Bermuda, and Ireland. While tlicy were in England. Ihe invasion of Is'orlh -Africa became an accomplished feat and ilisy promptly added this fox-hole circuit lo Ihclr trip. Today the screen ticiti of their adventures, romantic anil Cenlury Fox's A Jeep," now sliow- 'his feet By this time runner from second, iiad turned third and was headed home. And the runner from first was on his way to third.

Carlisle raced to second base. He touched Iho bag to Moore, and ho thought he had retired both runners. But Umpire George Hildobrand quickly ruled that Carlisle must get the ball lo first lo retire runner from first. So Wait Carlisle climbed back on his bicycle and raced to first. Carlisle won that touched the inches ahead of tho onrushing runner, -ft was a triple play tho first and only unassisted iriplo play by an outfielder in ihc history of or- baseball.

NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 7, Boston 1, Cincinnati-Philadelphia (rain). Brooklyn Pittsbiigrh 7. New York 5, Chicago 3. TIic SUuidlng St.

Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh New York Philadelphia Chicago W. L. Pet. 01 2-1 '18 38 '10 37 -12 40 35-17 .177 HEAVY TURKISH TOWELS T.arno balh townl.s of quick- fkiffy cotton t.r-rry. Firm.

lonK wpitrinK wi-tivo. Clioose from solid pastels, colored borders or pialdw. WASH CLOTHS G. C. MURPHY CO.

CHURCH ST. NAUGATUCK, CONN. ing at Locw Poll theater is bcinsr enlhusiaslically acclaimed, as one of the most cxdlins film events of the year. The picLurc features Kay Francis, Carolo Land Is, Martha It-'tyo, and Alitzi Mayfair, with Jimmy Dor.ioy and his orciicstra, John Harvey. Pliil Silvers, and in- ti-oduco; Dick Haymus, radio's sensational singing star.

Alice Faye, Belly Grable, Ciirmcn Miranda and Georea who acts as Master of Ceremonies, appear as gucsl stars When, the four actresses re- turnucl to Hollywood each guvc an accounl of her aclivllies lo stcn- raphcrs. Tho a i H. I was turned over to Froma 'Sand and Fred Noble, who write ,1 story from it. The moulding of tile screen play was entrusted to Robert Ellis and Helen. Lofjan, writers of lop musicals, who were aidud by laugh provoker Snaj; Werrio.

Respon- sibi'iiLy for bringing the pirturc to the screen was put into l.he of Irving Starr who had produced "Hainan." which was the talk of all films. Ha explained that "Four- Jills In A Jcop" would present the type of cnlcrtainmelnl. Hollywood sondi lo our figliling men in Ihe framework of Ihe four actresses' trip. There would be be little stress laid on the of I he quartette. This feature starts with a bang finishes the same way, it's one exciting moment'from start to It's one musical you will long remember, not only for its wonderful tunes, bul.

for its laughs and 1 exciting action, 'Rosin 36 51 Brooklyn 36 51 Today's Games, Pit'siibrgh at.New er (S-0) Vs. Bartlcron (1-0). Chicago at (1-1) vs. Warren (0-1). Cincinnoli a I.

vs. Cardoni (0-4). St. Louis al Philadelphia (night. (C-6) vs.

Gei'hcauscr (C 9) or Barretl (C-ll). You may remember that shot of a football player dial ran in a motion- picture magazine back in 1936: That's a long time ago. but if you saw thai picture you would not' be likely lo t'orgtft it. It wa.s Ihc: picture of a big guy huddled on l.he hnni'h. His sock? hung down, his hcadguard swung from his hand, his jaw was thrust out, and- be had the biggest you ever jaw.

That was Cal Hubbard. 2.7-0 pound Cal. Hubbard, at the of tho football trail after IS grinding yc.irs. Cal turned to baseball umpiring in the off seasons, and he's been an American league ump i-ince 193G. Bul the stories of CuI's days college 'and professional rootbitll make his baseball aclvcn- lures seem tame.

One of tile of those taiov is about, tho time Cal tried to play center in an exhibition game agamst' tilt Chicago B-jars. Cal was with the Green Bay Packers joined Ken Strong on team 1 at Memphis that playing exhibitions; agaiiiKt national football league clubs. Cal was a tacklo by trade, but they asked him to play center, so he moved over to the cenlor spot. He'd never played that posi- llon, and didn't know anything about, it. What nlad-i tilings worse was the fact that had to George of the belt pivot, men in the business.

Cal decided' there was only one way to get through game. He would pass tho ball back and forward to Ihrow ilis arms around Traflon. That strategy worked well Ken Strong hammered down the fieirl to I.he Bcar.s' five yard line. Then Strong called for tho ball ahead again the loolod. Hubbiird's team was penalised ,15 yards for holding.

Ca) chargod up to nfficia! and asked why he had called holding after ignoring il all Ihe way down the field. The referee ynifl poliloly: "Oh, I'm tnrry, Mr. Huhbard, but -Yr. Trafton just, mentioned it minute ago." So Cn.l Hu'bburd's new way of playing center died young. U.

S. Football League To Operate After War Philadelphifi, July There will be a new major professional football league as soon as the war is over. Plans have been drawn for th3 loaguo to start operating next year if possible. According lo the present plan, the win extend from Boston to Honolulu and all teams will M'avci by plane. The orfra.nj/.aiion will be known as the "United States Football league." So far tile HIastnrn division includes five franchiso cities the Western h.ilf has been set up in a like manner.

The plan's rail fur one more franchise in each division. The Eastern cities are Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Pittsburgh and the Western cities are Akron, Cin'cinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and Honolulu. WORSE THAN' HANGING Haverhill Corner. N.

H. (UP) oneself hanged appears to have been a long process in these parts back in tho ISGO's. Records at the old jail hoirse show that at on hanging the sermon that preceded it lasted two hours. Seventeen expounded the text, ihrce were addressed to the criminal, to the audience. Count of the- greatest, horses who over being retired.

The bangtail with the fleet feet six starts I 91 and wasn't out of the money in u. single one of his 23 lifelime- The Count ran into trouble and got kicked tlic of Iho Wood Memorial last year. The wound didn't appear to be much because he won the race cosily. However, it was njccsjary to pack Ihe cut with sulpha drugs and n.uup tho Count inactive a few days before shipping him to Louisville for tho Kentucky Derby. When Count Fleet got Ken- lucky he slopped, out and won iliu Derby with ease.

After he went on lo lake ihc Frankness, t.hc Withers and ihe Belmon'. slakes. Thai gave llie big- five crown. Jn ihe Bulrcont Count Fleet Kvon Iho easiest race of bis life as he whipped to Ihc post 20 lengths ahead of the field. Bui that vary race his downfall because- during ihc running of Iho Eclmont.

tho Count. his ankle and rc'isivcd. an injury thai iias never healed. For l.he past few weeks it hao been jiruiiy evident lhal the Count was inrouarii as n. racer for several reasons.

In Ihe first place he was supposed lo be ready to run in winter meetings. Then trainer Dor. Cameron said that the Count would be back in the spring, but he still couldn't run ai thai lime so Cam- oron said Count Fleet would make his comeback in lha summer. Now Cameron says thai the Count will be shipped to Mrs. John I-lcrtx' farm in Kentucky sometime noxt week.

There he will bo used al stud. So maybe in a few years great might see one of his sons or daughters step out and take over his laurels as one of ihc greatest of all race horses. Two Upsets Pulled Local! Up Fourth To Second Spot The frame between U. S. Rubber rind tonight wa.s postponed, Brownie Karaban, acting gw of the local ten, this morning T.h« game will be played off I near future.

The lake ove put up terrific battle in the three climbing up ond place from fourth, Last 100.1:3 --ire fighting hard to ver first place, and hav-. Rubco lost a game by forfeit, S3 L- might have been won, and would have put a tie for first place Tool. The league has about another monih to go, four games arc for Rubco, including tonight's. The locals are assured a jpot i- the playoffs at the end th" competition, if they win only one more game. IIECOKD ry BANK Printing of the country's all-purpose ration books required ST.000 sounds of ink, 7.000 pounds of paste, and about 500,000 pounds of materials.

Madison, Wis. AJI high of in. has been recorded by mutual savings hanks trust company banks under pervi.sion of Vhc Wisconsin banking commission in The ures, released by Robert K. Henry, commissioner of banking, indicate an increase of sir.K Dec. 31, 19-iS, and an increase S239.20G.C23 since Dec.

31, Electrical Supplies Lighting- Equipment IJOMIi WITH BOMBS Victor Columbia Dccca Jlccords SWAN ELECTRIC CO. 15 CHURCH TKL. OT "Ca'aiog planning Your Future Call or plionc PnQT JUNIOR 1 USJ-coLLKCE 24 CKXTHAL AVKNUE On WAK IO AN "f'Bbndif WA On I.OA no VMS NOW SHOWING CLARENCE BROWN'S CLIFFS of DOVER" STAtfffNC IRENE DUNNE ALAN MARSHAL Piciust in Celluloid' Colnr Cartoon Movietone News 2 HITS 2 ON ONE ALCAZAR TODAY WED. THURS 4 BIG STARS Ann Shurliliiii Dennis Morgan Carson Irene Mutmlng in "SHINE ON, HARVEST MOON" Fctitnrcttu Tank Force Also New.srcel I'll I DAY- "EVB 0V ST. "i.VIIIliS OF TODAY THURS.

Also COMEDY CA11TOOX SI'OKT 1S12JCL i LEISURELY Mirrors Artificial PainlinKS 'Spun Glass Pictures and picture- framing CLYNE GLASS SHOP 29 Harrison Wntcrbury YOUR SHOP Tomlinson Nciiry Conn. STOETi; CLOSED AT.T- DAY ISAC1T- SfONDAY DURrXG JULY AND AUGUST Poultry Fence Wire Garbage Cans Incinerators Inner Pails for Underground Garbage Receivers NAUCATUCK HARDWARE XJSABY BUILDING Tel. 5212 What Stars Wlict Fun" What Century Tea: Bj'r with Kay FRANCIS-Carcle LANDIS Martha RAYE-Mitzt MAYFAIR Jimmy DORSEY BAND-Dick HAYMES MIRANDA. CEO Picture la Ytoit. "ROGER PRESTON FOSTER VICTOR McLAGLEN I.OIS ANDREWS BEAUTY or 40 Twrvra I GKKATKR SKUVICE from your clothes when they ari; cleaned regularly by our expert worliiiioi).


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