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The Graphic from Nashville, North Carolina • Page 8

The Graphici
Nashville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.4 i t'. i Vi. 1 if on 1 The of Teapot I ume I dune more than a decade of 'i if a ml at l.uhbuL Give ijli nt 43 to 47 por It'O lha. B. Taylor, KuuU 8, A l.u(J yi14 Apply i Af of Pted propaganda to weaken eonfl.

Carot! rire In covfrnment, and yet it is doubtful if the values disposed of to job: Hon. Fred P. Latham, Jt Pl haven, and at present chuinimn of the Stat Agricultural Bofkly, accompanied by Mr. Byron Ford, of Rakish, were vLtitori in Nsshvillo for a short while on Tuesday afternoon. Mr.

Latham is a candidate for tbe office of Commissioner of Agriculture and throughout North Carolina, aapacially in Eastern North Carolina, has hosts of friends who will giva him their hearty and loyal Uonths, 1.00, 1 Graphic Traierst Dobcny aa tha result of auppoaedly corrupt influence on public, ofllciuU represent a tithe of the value of the M. VT. IJJJCES. EJlwr and Pub. monopoly the House of Representa tive recently -voted to bestow on Henry Ford in the lease of Muscle 1 department has been busily making oucrections lu our g( changing ad-dreuies 1 1 uUcribers and endeavoring to i' at every pornou.n ho has subacri! thia papor getnf his or 1 as icond-clas rttr Jnrv ft, ri, at the I'ost O.iice Shoals for the term of a hundred N.

Cvndor tie Act of support i years. Xuarta Sru, i Teapot Dome is an oil reserve upon Death Claims Child Of 1 Mr. nd Mrs. Paul Batchelor. which the Navy might or might not KATE3 Aavtati.

have called in time to It may her pap, ich week. Whtanver the mails ai our office we very naturally suj they reach' ydu each week. If yoa fail to receiva your paper ju drop us a card giving or may sot, have been depleted by 11 contract, par The sympathy of hosts of friends mDUi contract, per inch86e drainage into other fields owned by independent operators, the excuse 5iaie insertion goes out to Mr, and Mrs. Paul Batch" lor in their bereavement I oa not eount of tb death of their, little your name and address plainly writ tS: No ditplay adrartiicment inserted ten thenmn and, if you have recent-' given for its leasing. But there is nothing debatable about the fact that lor leas Uiaa 1.JU par wea i.

i. i- ly chanc-d your address, be sur and give the old as well aa your new ad is was disposed of in a corner, tinder Lumi Mrly morning after i 1. Transient rata of 40a par Inch will dress, v. iih this information hefnr mgiuy susp.u. uu -in m.

days. The romains ia cbrg4 tor internment lUMUL 1 .4 mceresui ua ana vo I of thi hta, on, were interred in the II! 0 us an investigation can be made and OUt OH MS axpioivaaonj such corrections as ara necessary will for a Jong time as the A. ,1 A A v' ft. for a Jong Dome will rank 11 Iteadln Koties legal advwrtiaa-, menu, carda of thanhe and notice of complete expression of venality in A. Upchorch, pastor of Nashville TUrtainirenU where admission la ne giad, made.

A Vord To FostaiasUr. Postmasters will also confer, a favor en us and at the same Ume politics. Baptist Church. cuaifaa. ive par on aato, lnaeruoa.

In the cast of Muscle Shoals and tha proposal to tun it over to Mr. lighten their labors by reporting any Uarmtr In National Wife) of Capt J. H. Thorpe) ift would bo far greater ma I incorrectly addressed paper comna- Control Of ETuctIonI assos vrver i no tvrver. tha anything tha- Dohenys eould into their office.

The Graphic will Scoree of friends throughout Nash gladly co-operate with them, in any have hoped to realise from Teapot Dome. The proposed lease would Praaldant Butler, of Colombia Uni-ritl a recent addreM. in Phlla- and adiafainr counties deenlv svm 1 i (i manner possible. When subscribers make complaint at not receiving Tha take the greatest water power In the pathixe Capt Jthn h. Thorpe, HERE'S the sort of Lumber good homes sra made of.

We can supply you with all kinds of woods In alt grades of finishessand deliver it when and where you want it. We're able to do this through direct connections with the Southern Appaiaciuana ana put it of vHu Mount, in the death Graphic, call their attention to these dejphla -wok identically tea aama ffaund that tha Manufacturers cord rtpeaUdly taken in opposing under the control of one man, to do his mo8t wife, who passed with as he and his heirs please for a inU) ,,4 beyond on last Friday suggestions. If delivery cannot be mad to the party addressed, use one tha creation of an executive depart- full century. It would endow the I mornlng after viahng attained the 01 tbe cards provided for that pur ate' of at wMch avaa advocated 7 by President largest mills. Ford family with a natural resource mature age eightyne years.

pose and the instructions given there which is in tha second decade of its BuSHm her vanarable husband the la fcfe first tnessag-e. in on will be carried out by our mailing mi development and the potentialities deceased survived by one son, OUR Connections ia all other materials afford the rv 1 Wa pointed eat from time to tina lanta bmmV an avolam VaVMllt "MerriM which baffle the imagination to ca- Thorpe, th whom she redded The Publisher. promptest delivery, while our large warehouses are filled talogue. or conceive. It would use iMi two and-chlldren, R.

Y. Thope, in concentrating in bareau-eontrolled -Ill It the watera of navlgawe rivers in me of chapel HiU. and Miss Charlotte lathoda inaugurated in Washington i tha entire educational in Ureal of control of Government in the Thorpe, also of Rocky Mount. Many with materials for ill average 'repairs" and our truck delivery service makes us as close Wyour" creation of a private monopoly unaer other relatives survive. tha country, completely destroying; all eelf -reliance and Initiative and plac Government sanction such as the The funeral services were held telephone.

ing the entire scholastic activities of countrw has. never, dreamed, it 1 Saturday afternoon and interment would divert from North ta the tmmay burial ground Tennessee, and Alabama waters of Hoekv Mount, a larsra crowd of the country, at first in public acbooli A PLEASURE TO QUOTE YOU AT ANY TIME but later la all institution of learn MARBLE AND GRANIT MONUMENTS FOR LESS" Rocky Mount Marble Works ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ing, tjinder the control of Washing- streams sorely needed to augment I 1 friends, and relatives their supply of hydro-electric power Mng pr-nt rCv. J.

W. Kinche- dozier mm. co. ton. It ia bad enough to have the Gen to the dlscretionaryemployment.ofji,,, ptor of the Baptist Church I III i an individual.

Ana to po uus conducted the JIOCKY MOUNTa.N. eral' Education Board With its doing ita utmost to control would grant special exempuon Mr. Ford from the provisions of the Phone 1383- S. Washington St. Vt DOZIER N.

B. DOZIER ederal water rower cv, wwvui LTVE STOCK! Before buying a limits the life of water power 0rmui- or vour farmlnir oner- to fifty years and maices it certain tttj0M be sure and call on J. G. Hen Clean I and Repair that the power developed ahall be ry. Route 3, Nashville, N.

C. I have WW STU MWUIM JUV WHOM through college and universities, bat it would be everi worse if to thia nation aheuld be added a department af education with 1100,000,009 a year at ita command to influence the nation'a educational work. Commenting on this proposition and unfortunately bnt few papers bare seemed to realise its serious distributed equitably to the public on terms and for rates regulated by A several head of good mules wheh can be bought at a bargain. Also A- Typewriter governmental authority. iav a good horse for sale.

In effect, the lease of Teapot Uome :4 and the proposed letting of Muscle 1ST i Cash Register Nice assortment of Fresh Fish, Shoals are on all-fours. 1 Fresh Meats, Sausage, Eggs and all In principle, the difference is that rnnnlra PnJnM mi. J. 1T one rested on a corrupt consider- Abernethy'a, South Railroad Street ation, tne movement xor uu Talklno; Machine PaulFC Lincke other founded oh a widespread ad- of Candidacr. miration for Mr.

Ford, assiduously cultivated by an immense business I 1 hereby announce myself a candi- ill- -i-' Nashviil: n.c organization loyal to ita master and date for the nomination as a member inspired to an unquestioning faith 1 0f the house of representatives from ness- -Dn Butler says that it "makes an abvious appeal to professional vanity and pride of educators," and it may be added that this professional vanity and pride ef educators ia one -of the danger of the country; and to thia he adds: 1 "In particular it 1st vital, if the American school system is to survive, that the Federal Government keep ita 1 hands off the school. Imagine our diverse and diversifled population, living under widely varying conditions, all brought to heel in their schools ai 'the 'people of Prussia once the authority and edicts-of a central office at the national capi- taL I Bhould regard any such devet- ouuient ss marking the teirinninir of in his purpose ana power 10 oesww iMash county suoject 10 me acuon 01 blessings which he himself has nevei 1 the Democratic primary June 7th. asV 5 Jf prominsed. Natural aa auch propa-1 F. S.

SPRUHX, Jr. ean da and ita result may be, ita as sumption that an individual, who j0 the Votors of Nash County. Fcrm Paragraphs however highly endowed and moti. In announcing my candidacy for rated has only a brief expectancy of im mmf i re-nomination for the office of Coun life, can be Safely trusted with a I great public property through three ty Treasurer, I wish to thank the people generally -for the confidence generations is as dangerous as fan- Diversified farming is a straight course to success. I reposed in me by electing me to the responsible office which I now hold.

In, the result, the difference be I have tried to perform the duties Cultivators if fith tima and labor, and considering this they cost 'but very little more. Come in and let us show you the advantage of using one. tween what has been done and what the end of the America which our fathers knew and of American school system in our gener-' ation has been brought up." Jlef erring to the propocal of the national Government to appropriate The best fertilizer 13 tie least ex-; pensive. VI- is proposed to do with the public's of the office in a satisfactory manner and on account-of my former right and property stops at the value of the. gift, fraudulent in one case experience, I hope to make you a more capable' officer in the future Smaller acreage to the, horse in- 1 e.t.

'h. and unthinking in the other, sures a larger profit. Choosing the Rfcht Plow And there is every indication that than I have in the past if I am again nominated and 1100,000,000 annually, to aid state school work, Dr. Butler said that he regarded this as "distincly harmful from whatever point of view it be easv nere aa selecting the right piece of wood to build a dv ick fire. Henry Ford stands to get many times as much for nothing as the Thanking you in advance for 1 The surest method against boll-weevil ravage is free, and may be sumned up iln two words HARD WOIiK.

I examined," i i p1; 1 Dohenys procured for a corrupt con support which I trust you will give me in the coming primary, I beg to mere, matter -of SyracuseTwo Horse Plows, Lyn hburg, Champion, V. S. Special, Stonewall and Climax One Hon 3 Plows. A complete line of Castings always In stock. I sideration, the amount fef which is remain, We already have the Government controlling too many lines of work and of thinking as ft now does, bnt yet to be determined.

1 Very eincorely, JNO. N. TAYLOR. success of a crop depends larg- upon cultivation. Use mod-, em nplements.

i i if to the domination of beaureau-cratic methods now prevailing there Fiddlers' Convention. At EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! Sandy Cross School. should be added a complete. control i ytwuMJuvoiiiyji woi." I Mandly'p Five Tooth, and Side. Harrows or one of ourSO Tooth Section and of course oui prices on all implements are the very lowest, considering quality.

The undersigned having qualified An enjoyable affair is) looked for as executor of the Lost Will and Tes of educationand this would eventu- ally be the result Of the plan com-. tnenended by President Coolidge of the establishment' of a Department tament of J. B. Jeffreys, deceased, ward to on Friday evening of this It. is cheaper; to raise your own uff than to buy what the other raises.

He sets the price. Great fortunes have been made ising poultry, i Why not try it on .11 scale. week when an old time "Fiddlers' late of Nash County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given to All persons having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to present them to the Convention" will be staged in the Fertiliser Distributor. school house at Sandy Cross, and great preparations are being made for the 'Xkh''S'-r-Zi' undersigned on or before tn 1st day of April, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All nersons indebted to said estate will of Education with $100,000,000 at its command no public school tacher in the country would feel free to take any position contrary to that advocated by the De- partment of Education.

From that department would be Issued bulletins of every kind day after day, flood The world owes a living to every but it is sometimes mighty hard For an even of utilizer we' sell and recomn end the f--ICAY C.t GANT IT "re 80 constructed the guano can't clog in the r.iachine. ma coll Nashville And Vicinity please make immediate settlement. ling. This April 1st, Dr. Crawford.

TV N. Jeffreys, Ex'r. W. G. who a few ing every public school in the land 1 i A 1 VALUABLE FARMING LANDS Economy, in God governs the cotton yield, we ol the acreage.

What's the use king the biggest crop in history i get nothing for it. FOR SALE! days ago arrived in Nashville and casts his lot among the people of It isn't always the highest priced wagon that gives the best end that we f'l By virtue of a decree of the Supsr- Nash has been made to feel his wel come to the city and is rapidly mak ior Court of Nash County, made in the anpciul nrocedine therein pend jr.lial ti wiui auvice as wnat teacn ana how to teach it; and the result would be a complete destruction of all individualism in public school education, find thnt would eventually lead, to a similar destruction in colleges and universities. i' Why so many of ouf people are uality Is the true rices Grow quality. ing friends and drawing unto him ing entitle'! J. Farnk Proctor, Execu in self is nice He has opened tor of G.

i. Ueceasea, vs. ec al- 3 1 Mrs. Sue I'roctor Et Als, 1 will on 1 ex it norse wa. 1 1 in stock.

offices at the Nashville Drug where his services will be available tJi two i school, i 1 -ed. Mnnd.v. Mav 5. 1924. xperience is the jver forget the le: Yo in front of the court house door in North Carolina, sell at at all hours.

captivated by schemes such as this for dpfWying the power of our edu- public auction for cash, the following described lands: valry among neihbois to grow crops, insures the progress of jinmunity. Fcncin' htlp One tract of land situate on tne north siilv of the road known aa tne Ci? wl t' Ftoney Creek road, leading from iickv Jlount to Nashville and bound in it order from the National iicii o'-t cf the 1, more our people 13 loe.z ta JVafili-" 3 in 'sil Lock n't i ty i consider li Lit tl tl.roi Cc imls' ioner Morgan cJs Fair DurLaia Lady. The announcement of the marriiie of Mr. Milard F. Morgan, prominent citizen of Bailey, and m-n or of the oard of Commission .3 of CovK'y, irre 1 in Durham, 1 tO heuJ.

nre ed on tho north and west by the land of Mrs. Wrillie I'roctor; on est by the land of 1 fn the south by lan I to J. i I'roctor i the l.v,;t i of G. I. di-ct; If i i.

iind 14 3 snte I'M 1 I..

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