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Fayetteville Semi-Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 3

Fayetteville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TJ-r t---' ii.4-. at '-V at r- vair--. FAYETTEyitaLR GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. PceedinK8 to vv- it- In the Senatei on Friday, the select committee onialt reported a resolntioalreqsting the Gavr. removed from Wilmington to some interior all the salt notheVr which passed its several readings ieoiMe, ''mSi iD ttyir, of Williamson, late iff iU WV reading.

uiZ MD8flblli Dd re80luw were read and re-terrea. Bv Mr. Sandnra a r.t.i...: tra sTAte iXiT muthorW by thV Governor of the of Nowh rvW oo'opanx of Cavalry tor the defence rwfen tha i'Jnotici to aa men between the ages of 18 and 60 that, they have opportunity Of joining this eompanv for home defend orfjoinj as eonscripts into the Confederate army i- oooyeffSO will be paid to all who enlist in this comBany. Apply ia period or address CoL Exchaf O-761116 fSIS Exchange Bladen county, N. C.

Deo 5, 1862 ge untcuKSTAwcBs AxTSB UASSS. Borne months ago when Corn rose to a dollar a cotton cloth to 25 cents a yard, theJWihnSngton Journal was exceeding ly exercisea aoout high prices, extortion, and would iisien to no reason why they were high.f We endeavored to explain to it, that cottoii goods high because SootbenTpeople' never would buy them from Southern factories whilst any others could be had, and that consequently there had been no inducement to establish a sufficient number of factories to fill the home demand when the Northern supply was cut off; that they were high beoanse, there beiBg not enough. to supply the demand, people who wanted them Atne and offered more than the makers asked. We urged, that the proprietors bad never before -made any money, and were liable at any day to have their factories burnt over their heads by the enemy, or to lose all by a break-down of mschmery; or if they survived the war, that tbe avowed policy of the South was to discountenance a id destroy them i But the Journal would listen to none of these Ty sons. We then expressed a wish that Wilmington had some manufactories of its own, for if it bad, we should' have a different story from the Journal.

And sure enough we do. Wilmington has now engaged in manufacturing to an extent heretofore unheard of in North Carolina or in the South. Almost, every man, woman and child is either a proprietor or an operative in its Salt factories; And the-, profits are ten-fold greater than any cotton or woolen factory ever made upon an equal investment 'of capital or labor. Well, exactly the effect we anticipated has been produced on" the Journal. It has come to ou way of thinking and rea soning, as we will show by copying its artiole on Salt, as follpws: "Extortion.

Salt. agreatWal said, and most of it said honestly no doubt, about're straining extortion and speculation in the necessaries of life, and especially in salt. Salt seems to be the stalking-horse, the favorite hobby of all those who co for regulating prices by law. "In ordinary times a bushel of sack salt is estimated to enough to cure a thousand pounds of meat. Making an reasonable allowance for the difference in weight and other respects between sack salt and Sound salt, a bush el of the latter will cure between six and seven hundred pounds, at a cost of three cents a pound with salt at $20 a bushel, and between four and five cents a pound with salt at $30 a bushel.

That salt could be largely economised we have no doubt we know it. We have seen it tried. It will thus appear that although salt is high-very high too high, its high price cannt aooount for ail, or even for any considerable proportion of the rise the price of bacon. "But the attempt to reduce the price of salt must result in failure, while the supply xif that article ia inadequate to meet the demand while the volume of currency far exceeds a healthy standard, and is constantly increasing, and above all, while the works erected for salt production are exposed to the attacks of the enemy. As the thing stands now, salt-making is a lottery.

Money may be made, and made rapidly; but on the other hand, the whole investment may be swept off before any return is realized by the parties engaged, who have the chances of war and of peace both against them. Tbe enemy may shelltheir works. The enemy may attack Wilmington and capture it. Where then would be the salt-woris! Or on the other band peaoe may be somehow brought about, and salt be poured in at prices which would render competition ridiculous. are offering no plea for the extravagant prices asked for salt, but we are giving reasons why we think any attempt at artificial restriction of "prices must prove a failure, and we are pointing to some of the elements at work to bring about Buch failure to wit: Inadequate supply; Inflated currency, and finally the insecure and constantly exposed position of the works on the sea-coast.

If the feeling of insecurity was removed, it would ZO far towards remnvinir annthsv nf tk. fT tne high price of salt we mean the inadequate sun- nli, llkL. 1 a a f.jr. n-uougn many nave taxen all tbe riBks of the Salt business, and hav trnnn inln it an.1 money, yet very many have been kept out of it by a cuuBiuemioD or me nsKs involved. "But high price or low price, salt is a necessity, and whether the people of North Carolina.

at any price, depends now upon whether the Cape Fear' and the adjacent sounds and seacoast can be successfully' defended. With a certainty of protection, the region thus referred to can make salt enough not only for the State, but as much more to spare. Let it be seized, and thnoa whn ku fnnnii i indeed, have double reason for being afflicted. -ine great interests involved we donotmean merely or even principally the interest of the salt-makers, but the great interests of the Bait-consumers, the interests of tbe State and the1 Confederate 8tates all call ror protection to the Cape Fear River, the town of and the adiaoent Sounds, nnw fa, greatest salt-producing region along our Atlantic coast. U7 I.

ic give me enemy no lniormation when we say this, for we are assured that thv knnw all We do not invite attack, for that we believe to be de termine? on. ne ask for a fair chance of defending the place when attacked." Now there is a change of tone, indeed! Some-months ago the cotton and woolen factories were "the stalking-horse," even of the Journal itself. "The attempt to re duce the price of salt must result in failure," unless the salt-makers will follow the example of the factory ownei-s, be content with 76 per cent, profit instead of 2000 per and reduce their price to $2 a bnhel. The factories have voluntarily resolved to sell tlieir sheetings at 30 cents a yard instead of 60. Voluntarily we say, for there is not one of them that could not let their conscript workmen eo into the arm or hire sub stitutes for them, and make more money by tbe partial orkmg of their mills than they did before the reduc tion.

Diaths or Soldises. At Kinston. on the 13th Nov. of typhoid fever, Daniel Buie, of Bladen Private Co. oth Keg aged about 25 years.

In Petersburg. on tha 2.Mh of Dntnhar IRA? Barnabas P. Hay worth, of the' army, in his 22d year. At Middletown, 20th of brain fever, Moses F. Eizell, of Co.

30th. Reg. Near Prury's Bluff. 13th David Eller. Or derly Sergeant of Co 63d Reg't, from Wilkes Co.

Skqttjesteation Sals. At "Savannah, on the 2d inst, a sale of stocks of alien enemies was made, producing the sum of $500,200. Upwards of 4000 shares of Macon and Western railroad stock were, sold, at from $111 to $145 a JtU 8everal communications unavoidably deferred." We have forwarded the one niompd to Gen. Whiting at Wilmington. FOR THE OBSERVER.

The Cntiiherl iFTnnnl fft.1 Asanffiatinn wwaf ati11ww aA- knowledges the receipt of the following contributions: At A CI rt iMro a. ouumaa 9M; OXTB VI I UOldStOn $Zb; Mrs Joseph Hollingsworth Miss Mary Newby Mrs Ceeilia Newbv $1: Mr T) A Vf rlftafl Hf Gee Mrs A ted man 3 blankets; Miss Sarah Calhoun 1 woolen counterpane; Miss A Colvin 2 pillows and slins: Mrs Gn1Mr.Naill aanV 1 nillnw an1 slip; Mrs Geo Barber 11 yds sheeting, 2 shirts; Mrs Alex Smith 1 pillow and slips; Miss Flora McPber son prs woolen socks; Mrs 8 blankets Hawlev 6 oarnet a AoknowledgmenU are also-due to Mrs Flora McLeod far ktnfl ma.i (r, "'uce ia ouuing, ana to Uol A Member ton for special favors. 0 THE OBSERVER. The Juvenile Knitting Society returna thanks for the following donations: Mrs Flack A Master Johnny Black Master Willy Cook 26 els' Mis Virginia Waddill 1 pr socks, Miss Nannie Hatchell I pr, Miss Marion Banks 1 nr. Mi F.n.n i ur, 1S8 Maorffie Stranira 1 nr Miaa Mara R1U.V 1 tannie Black 1 prr Miss Lena Leete 6 lbs wool; Master pr 01 018 0WB knitting; one bale thread from Cross Creek Factory.

Tha next meeting will be held at the uaual time, the residence of Alex. Johnson, jr. of at TOR THE OBSERVER. The Young Ladies' nittinir nnrli tk. lowing-contributions: Mr Jas Kyle E.J Hale ivi innj amsuaie prs socks; Miss A Colvin 1 socks.

1 or eloves: Miss T. iv aw a aw owwaoj luioo Doroas Cowanl pr socks; Mrs. Alex Smith a donation We-would alsooommend the patriotic liberality which mU ,4 uma Miwinu uii uiiniat ljicc Mam UO tO SUDplV weekly with one bundle of vara m-atia 3 The next meeting of the Society will be held at Hliilim nf Ua D.II Iw, 4.. 1 1. i the av vf hi AitviHH WVUIU) there have been several tJisouselons of interest and the Friday wa the fim of Palai -1 occsrren id the It wa on Mr.

iiViI unvernor to strp the arrets Li mcer nnoer preieBCr of enrryiiiB ont the owrlpt Act. Mewr. Fowle. GrUsom. MeAd.

AmU. Phenherd. oDeiof Mr- fow ei without doubt P1 'nnt in exceu, laclu that dehril-t which necearr for i (ood legislative on thfl MAJn PPre.i (. the fir time VtSI. The ormer has a fine voice, excellent m.nneri and J1HJ and aMtf at the me time A nHM fiery' thJ! ofhelnf a good knI- BOoU Mr.

Ami. i tell 2 former Legislatures. Halj" Mr- Perlon Prints in a few day I do not think it will pau at I have hend niueh The Idea to raise 5,000 or lo.OO as may be needed, out of exempts. FOR TH1 ORS15RV1PH Messrs. J.

Hale A Sonn: For tha i niciucui or others please publish the following list of contribu Uonk from the 8oWiers Aid Society, Richmond county H- i N. T. BOWDEN. D. PflTTWIJ UttU't MilU.Mr Hotnnr J.

8 pr of socks, 2 prs'of pants; Mrs Brookshirp 2 prs Sooks. 1 nr of shoes: Mrs Austin hl.ti.,. it-- a viauci. 1119 a Powell 6 prs socks, 2 blankets; Mrs Dr Patterson 19 prs socks, 3. prs pants.

2 prs elivesi Mr. Jno Ledlietter 12 prs socks, 4 linsy blankets, .1 pr pants; Mrs Byrd 2 prs socks, 4 prs suspenders, $25 Cash; Mrs Elizabeth 1 Ml, atfnbaek 14 prs socks, 3 prs drawers. 2 shirs, 1 blanket, 11 pr pants, 3 blankets to the 14th Reg't; Mrs Chisbolm 1 blanket: Mrs Martha I.ocrran.1 9 I' DUVCOj Mrs Vm Parsons 1 nr socks: Mrs Jas Rohinann 7 of sobks, 3 blankets, Lpr drawers; Miss Jennie Robin-Vpr sock8i MiBS Virginia Legrand 1 pr socks; Mrs fclizspeth Little 12 prs socks, 1 blanket, 3 carpet comfort; Mrs W. P. 8tanback 3 prs Bocks 2 prs gloves, 2 blankets, cash $9 10; Mrs Dan'I McRae I pr socki shirts, 1 pr gloves, 2 prs drawers;" Mrs Jno Littld 3 prs socks, 2 prs of drawers, 4 blankets, cash $16 50; Mrs Little 3 nrs socka.

2 hUnlrata Miss Lizzie Little 3 prs socks: Miss Salli Litil 9. socksl Mrs Bowden 2 pre jeans pants, 8 blankets, 1 pr sojiks; Mrs Joshua Chapel 2 prs pants, 4 prs socks; Miss Hudson 1 shirt, 1 comforter; Mrs A Mclntire 1 pr sof ks; Mrs John Aldred 1 pr socks; Miss Aldred 1 pr sojeks; Mrs Aldred 1 pr socks: Mra TUatinV shirtJ Mrs Bowden 1 pr pants, cash S5i Mra A Baldwin 1 pr shoes; Col Dockery cash $25; Ledbetter (a wounded soldier) cash $25; nampton Legrand cash $25; Capel $10; Dr Hadley $10; I A Dumas $25; Jas Howell Jas Pemberton $25; Bjroughs $5. The Society also purchased cloth and made 17 comforts, nantn liMvwa desigl to do more. MARRIED, hatham county. Oct.

9th. bv Z. A. Boroucha. Esq.

J- W. ELLIS to Miss L. J. WELCH. elver's Depot, Deo.

4th. by Rev. Stephen Gil- J. and Mrs ANN J. FOTJSHEE.

all of Chatham. In Chatham county, on the 25th bv Z. A. Bo- roughk Dr. C.

PHILLIPS to Miss SARAH A. Me MAN US. Biblioal Recorder and State Journal please copy. In Pittsvlvania Co. on tha 9.r,th nf Nn.mkA.

at the! residence of tha hriHa'a farha Bnni'D t' ATKINSON, of Richmond N. 'to Miss ELIZA COLKJS, daughter of Jacob T. Coles, Esq. OIKD. At Pittaborouzh.

at the residence of Mr. FrHari.k Davis on Monday last, Miss CAROLINE D. W1NSLOW, second daughter of the late Eon. Warren Winslew, Her remaihs were brought to this place for interment in the ay eueviue cemetery. In this county, on 28th Oct.

last, af diptheria, MARTHA ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth A. McKetham aired 13 veara 11 month's ami 20 dais. She leaves father, mother, hrmhara U1J ten toj mourn her untimely death, but their loss is her everlasting gain.f She was a kind and loving chilt. and truly sensible of her approaching dissolution for arai days rirevious, and spoke of it with calmness and com posure and retained her mental faculties fully up to her last, breath. She spoke of Heaven and her enjoyments with Uod and hia Angela, and she would meet her brother aid sister there to praise God forevermora, and her last bj-eath was in praise' to God as well as could be She often repeated those words: Here Lord I give myself away, that's all thai I can do.

jo he is gone, the one we so dearly loved, To sing and shine with angels bright; Phe will not on earth to us return, ut we hope with her to meet in Heaven. Com. in mis vicinity, on Saturday last. FRANK. ADDISON.

son of Jas. R. and Mary McDuffie, aged 6 years and 3 montns; At Wilminaton on Friday last. EDWARD P. HALT.

aged 7 years. In thpa county, on 1st Mr NATHAN WHEEL-ER agfd 78 years 7 months and 14 days. He leaves a wife and 8 children and many friends and relatives to mourn jus loss. He died in the full triumphs of the Christian faith, having been a member of the Baptist Church about 34 years. iiibutal Kecorder please copy.

iThe Farmers' and Planters' 1 tor Ifctut i.a.l 1 Alnianai Dec. i ri Jb. HAlil. B. MIIM MULES WAITI21.

THE undersigned wishes to purchase TEN Good Mules. Application to be made at the Commissary Depart- inua. v. tiuuu. Cam.

s. Raleigh, N. Nov. 84-U1 pniVERS WAITJE1. RlVEtU lor STATE TEAMS "WANTED to haul Cornjat Tarboro', N.

for this Department. TU103. D. HOG'i, Capt. Com.

Department. Raleigh, N. Dec 1. Jii-tJl OItlAICt: 1I2PARTJIET, 1Ul iuh. C.

Dec. 4. 18J2. I bAU Tl 1 CIJ I ariah In imnhii. I.

Rill rn.i... 1. At L. (ill, Deparjtmenu Persons having large or small quan- unes will please apply to me. lliUa.

D. UOJG, Capt. C. S. In charge of Ordnance.

leather at Auction. A WEDNESDAY next, the lUth mv Auction Store i snail sell at Auction a lot of SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. JOHN H. COOK, Auot'r. 1862.

It Deo'r 6. Manufactured Tobacco at Auction. 0 Wednesday the lOLh aoali aaii at n. ki at Auction, fifteen boxes of aunrior 1URED TOBACCO. Also, a Saddle, Bridie and Mar- JOHN H.

COOK, Auot'r. It tingale. Dec'r 1862. FOIt SAJLE, 25 CASKS NEW RICE. 5 bbls.

Light Brown-Sugar. 10 prime Apple Brandy. 2 Scuppernong Wine. 48 bags Salt on consignment. For sals by H.

Fayetteville, Dec. 8, 1862. McMillan. 84i2tpd BY a young Lady, a situation in a sohool, family, or in the Preparatory department of a College; the latter" preferred, to teach the usual English Branches; has an experience of two yars. Refers as to ability, Revr 8.

M. Frost, President Wayne Female College. Applicants will please address Box 78 a i Deo. 8. 84-3tpd FUSE.

2000 br 3000 feet Fuse for blasting, PEMBERTON For sale by SLOAN. It Dec. 8, 1862. To the Citizens of Cumberland and adjoining Counties: I HAVE been advertised as a deserter from Co. 80th Reg't, and I take this method of informing those who have seen the advertisement that it is false I volunteered in August 1861 for 12 months, and in June last I was wounded in the battle at Gaines' Mill, and received an unlimited furlough owing to the time I volunteered for being so near out, and my wound not being healed by that time, I hare not returned and I am fres from the service until the 45 year bid Conscripts are taken ih.

if I do not volunteer before that time: 84-2tpd ALFRED BLACK FINE PIGS FO li SALE. THE undersigned wishesjto sell a lot of fine Pi of an improved breed. One or the same stock weighed at the age" pt nineteen and twenty-one days, five hundred and fifty pounds. i'J Aooraas, JtWtttlaliyilhl U. TT.

H. BAILY. ltpd -4 InC 8erg'i At oH i i I "LATEST WAR NEWS. Fran Fredericksbura. Richmond.

Dec 6. P)V8pn- Rers rep, it that a skirmish Occurred on Wednesday be- in'k V-h enemy's cavalry, and a detachment" of lUth Virgmia cavalry, Col. J. Lucius Davis, in which some fifty the enemy, with their horses and equipments, were captured. This occurred near Port RoyaL Dispatch.

aSTZV Dec On Tuesday night last CoL R. L. T. Beale. commanding 9th Virginia cavalry, sent a detachment of 41 men under Mai Waller, across the Rappahannock to moreland county, where they surprised and captured the Federal pickets on post at that point.

They then proceeded to the farm of Dr. Tom Taylor, about three miles from Leedstown, where the picket camp of the enemy existed This camp they dashed into and surprised, capturing the whole camp, consisting of 48 men including a Captain and Lieutenant and two non-commissioned officers, with their sabres, carbines and pistols. They also captured 51 cavalry horses, with all their equipments, and as much sugar and coffee as the men could bring off conveniently Dispatch. I Winchester Reoccupied by Uhe Yankees. Ricbkobd, Dec.

6. Winchester is again in the possession of the Federal forces. Since the evacuation of the Valley by Gen. Jackson, the only force left was a cavalry brigade, nder command of Gen. Jones.

On Wednesday last, this force fell back to Strasburg, and on the same uy me enemy occupied Winchester. It is possible that they wll how attempt the reconstruction of the Baltimore and Ohio, and Winchester and Potomac Railroads. lb. From Suffolk. PxmBBvna, Dee.

6. A deserter came into our lines a day or two sinoe, and reached here yesterday afternoon. He gives it as his opinion that there are but 15,000 soldiers now in. and around Suffolk. He says that an attempt to cross the river at or near franklin will certainly be made at an early day, i i i and that the material for pontoon bridges reached Suf- folk last Friday.

Express. Skirmish near Franklin. PxTEnsBtrao, Deo. 6 Our forces were out on a foraging expedition, and consisted of Major Griffin's Battalion of Mounted Rangers, from Georgia, and, one gun of Capt. Wright's Rockett Battery.

The Yankees received information of the movements of the Confederates, and succeeded in ambushing them. After a severe fight of one -hour our forces retired, with the loss of between 30 and 35 wounded and prisoners, and the gun. We lost five horses, and captured six. The loss of the Yankees could not be ascertained, as they held the field after the engagement. The section of Wright's Rockett Battery captured was one of the pieces taken from the Yankees in the fight below Richmond, and this Battery is said to be the only one of its kind on the Continent.

lb. From Tennessee. Ch attahoooa, Dec'r 6. General Johnston, we have been informed, will leave this morning for to see how matters are progressing in front. On Thursday Wharton's Brigade engaged in a series of brilliant skirmishes in the vicinity of Mill Creek, about eight miles from Nashville, in which one hundred of the enemy were killed.

There was extensive skirmishing on Friday and Saturday also, by the same forces. Our troops still ocqupy Mill Creek. Rebel. Northern Items. From the latest Northern papers we learn that the President's message does not give much satisfaction.

According to the New York Herald the radicSf abolition journals arc srctly discontented with its position on the slavery question. The proceedings of Congress had already been marked with much interest. In the Senate, Mr. Powell, of Kentucky, had moved a resolution of inquiry into the arbitrary urrest of citizens of that State by the military authorities of the Government, and declaring all such arrests usurpations of the power delegated by the people to the President, and palpable violations ef the Constitution of the United States. Mr.

Richardson affered a similar resolution in relation to the arrest and confinement of citizens of Illinois, which was tabled. A portion of Geo. Banks's command left New York on the 2d; on a large fleet of transports for the South. Its precise destination was kept secret. Hon.

Ely Thayer, the great abolitionist, has been appointed Military Governor of Florida. There bad been another arrival from Europe. The cotton market was dull deolined Id. a 2d. on the weelf.

The quotations were: Fair Orleans 26d; Mobile 25d; Uplands 24i: Middling Orlaana 911- Mirl- dli Mohllf "'Id- Mi.l, Hi, TTnl.n.l. IW1 Bridge Burner Captured. Ltkchbcko, Dec'r 5. Twenty-two bridge burners arrived here this evening on the Western train, who were arrested in Georgia, charged with being engaged ih burning bridges, They will leave for Richmond to-morrow. Another Lton tn the Path "No.

606." A letter has been received in the Confederate Stales, dated on board the Retribution, (-No Nov. 23d. That vessel is already on the "deep blue sea," under the command of Captain ernon U. Locke. Richmond Dispatch, Gth.

The Enemy's visit a Ven. Bragfs A letter from Natchez, dated 18th, says: Mrs. Bragg, wife of General B. Bragg, and her mother, Mrs. Ellis, have separately been burnt out by the Aboliuonisia, and are ou their way to this place.

Their plantations are- on me lerre, near leuntnm aj-twnaiiilrofihe CincinnnO Enquirer that of the victim. l. acmieu uy mereaerai ben. MOeil lor his bntcherv In Mi.ri nu uau a wue sua several cnildren ilpivniUm gemer up aauy iatr lor their support. A young man kuowine V.

I 1 9 tote mr ine nnnand and imhcr, was accepted, east mi aa tu tea a-aa were shot. The Cincinnati imner. with ruore ia.ienxnisvni-a wo tain i uiuiaeii 10 aiceil a. a subs tnan we should have looked tor Iroiu that uu.rier, says "the his tory ut tbat atrocious murder would not be c.ioiolete without iha 1 relation of ibis incident ot heroic selt-sacritice: neither would the infamy ot McNeil be ful.y understood and appreciated without its recital. One of the reiirotttbes of the Administration i.

that Me- 1 eil was allowed to rrmtin a day in service, after tbi. inhuman affair had been brought to iu notice." From the sama source we learn that at tbe late Fremont celebration in rt Louis. AlcAtil wa. present, and that during the occasion he proposed tn drink with a brother officer. The result of the invitation wa.

a marked one. The officer invited by McNeil to drink recoiled from the otler a. If in contact with dishonor, and denounced him as a murderer, and until for the society of an officer of tha American army. Wtldon Raiiromd The report of the Preslden and lireciors show a total year', receipts of 35 The working expenses have beea 13 Remainder Interest and premium paid 1'hree div idend. 666,464 22 343,901 $208,130 78 Balance $398,323 44 In addition to the dividends made, the board ha declared another dividend of II per cent, payable on tbe 1st of January.

Tne following officer, were elected without opposition: President. S. U. Wallace. Director, (on the part of the individual P.

K. Dickinson, A. J. De KoBset, K. Planner, J.

D. Bellamy, E. P. Hall, R. R.

Rridgers, E. Kidder. Director, on the prt of the State. VV.W. Brickie, of Halifax Co, G.

W. Collier, of nsyne vm.j. right, ot ilminpton. Tbe salary of the President was increased to $3,000, and additions uiadUi the salaries of other Wilmington Jour 5l FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. Dec 8.

REVIEW OF Bacon 50 to 55. THE MARKET. Lard 35. -On foot Beef 8 to 20 at retail. Beeswax 60.

Butter 75 to $1. Chickens 40 to 50. Copperas $2 at retail. Cotton 20 cts. Cotton Yarn $3 to $5 per bunch.

Eggs 35 per dozen. 1 Flaxseed $2 per bushel. Flour Family 27 50, super 26 50. Grain Corn J2. Wheat 4 50.

Rye 8 60 to $4. Oats, qone in market. Peas 2. Hides Green 50, dry $1. Iron Swedes 30 to 35.

Leather Sole 53 per lb Upper 3 60. Liquors Corn Whiskey $9 to $10. Appla Brandy. 58 to 10. Peach Brandy 8 to 10.

Molasses N. O. $3 per gallon by the bbL 1 Nails Very light stock on hand. Onions $3 to $4 per bushel, Pork 17 to 25! Potatoes Irish 2 to Sweet $1 to 1 60. Rice 8 to 8 by the cask.

8ugar retailing at 75 to $1 Salt Sound 45 to 50 cts. per lb. Fayetteville Sheetings. 30 cts. per yard by tha bale, 33 cents by the piece.

Osnaburg 35 to 60 Spirits Turpentine 40 to 60 cts. per gallon. Tallow 55. Wooll 50 to 1 75. Corrected by Pbkbmtoh Sioia." WILMINGTON MARKET, DEC.

8. Beef cattle la to 18 cts. par en foot. Bacon 65 to 60. Batter 75 to Jl per lb.

Corn 2 per bushel by small quantity. Copperas $3 to $4 per lb: Egg fift to 75. Flour superfine $28 a 3,. family 30 to 35 per bbL -Lard 40 to 45. Poultry fowls 75 to 9 1 25.

turkeys $2 60 to $3, each. Potatoes eweet Pork 25 to 30. Pea Nuts $3 to $5. Salt sood made 4520 per 'bus. Sheeting 65 to 60 cts per yard for.

Tallow 70 to 75. Wood 10 to $10 60 for ash nd pine $12 per cord for Yarn $5 50 per bunch A17T PANS FORALEa' 5BOILE1V IKU.i xargo sue, ioc Eagle Works, Esystteville, by r1 D. ANDERSON, Deo. 8. M-tf a va 1 1 V.

MyPAY KTEXDC, DECEMBER 8, 1862. r.i Lncots' Missagi The Richmond papers publish in full the message of Lioooln to the yankee Congress Tbich met on The propriety of such a publication, considering the oharacter of ton oh of its matter, mtj well be questioned. It ia proper to state, however, briefly, De proposes an amendment of tha Constitn lion of the United States, to authorise the purchase of the sieves of every State that may assent thereto before the year 1900. dollars eaoh, payable in bonds of the V. S.

Said slaves 10 be colonized in Hay-tL or some other foreign country, or in some part of the P. or to be left where they are. This is the substanoe of scheme whioh' he urges at great length, and as if he really believed that it would TBiisuo ir -w eua ana resiore iue Southern States to the old defunct and despised Union. We can ecarcciy euppose mat be is sincere In tbe ex-preesion of such a belief. But whether he is or not, no-thisg oould be further from the mind of any true sensible Southern man than to entertain such a proposition for moment.

In the first place, norelianoe whatever oould be placed on any constitution, or amendment to a joDstitution, of a people who have openly and palpably violated the most important provision of a constitution 1 tlresdv existing and as binding as any one could be. Secondly, the Southern people will never oonsent to buy i tai pay for fheir own slaves, as they would have to do i. Mat nAt4 if tha hftrMfn oK mil ti A 1 .1 tions perforaaed. Thirdly, they will not consent that their yankee enemies shall legislate them out of their property, Fourthly, the two raoes, both free, cannot eUt together. And finally, the South pan never content to live in union with a people who have treated them so vilely and barbarously as these fiendish yankees hats done wherever they have had the power While at peaoe, they swindled the South in a quiet way.

At war, they rob, and burn, and destroy, and murder detenoeless men and insult unprotected women. May leaven preserve as from association or bargain with the swindling, savage race. Ihs proposition is madeoubtless, hot with any ex pktaUon that the South will assent to it, but for effect moot the Democrats at the North nt v. a uivu AJUlUpQ. Lincoln admits that "the occasion is piled high with difficulty.

He does not once allhde to any idea, of eesquering a peace, nor to any of the events of the war. Htto any prospects for the future, exoept by the above uompromise," as be calls it which may be called buying a peace, and taking care to pay for it out of his en-uny's money more than his own. As to foreign nations, ttft following passage shows he has been negotiating with some of them, and ailed in his object because of "temporary reverses" which befell hi armies: In the month of June last there were some grounds lo expect that the maritime powers which, at the Deponing of our domestic difficulties, so unwisely and unnecessarily, as we think, recognised the insurgents a belligerent, would soon recede-from that position, I hich has proved only less injurious to themselves than to ur own country. But the temporary reverses which afterwards befell tbe national arms, and whioh were wggerated by our owa disloyal citizens abroad, have kuheuo delayed that act of simple justice." Tie report of the Adjutant General, which accompa-jiee lit message, shows that there are about 600,000 Kldicrt in the field, and over 100,000 in the hospitals. Ai to finance, Lincoln states the expenditures of the year ending the 30th of June last as $474,744,778 16.

They have since been, with a larger and more expen-tne army, and a depreciated currency, at least 000,000 more, to say nothing of the vast amount of unpaid claims. It is beyond' question, therefore, that the yankee debt is now at least. $1,000,000,000. The receipts in the Treasury, apart from loans, amounted to $51,841,710 76. So that the whole year's receipts are 1 sot enough to pay the interest on the public debt.

PioscMPTioa. Some of the State papers are very inch troubled about tha "proscription" of the -State Treasurer, Mr. Courts, whe was'a candidate for re-election sod was defeated. If any one of these papers will turn back to itsfiles seme years ago and copy any complaint it then made against the "proscription" of Chas. LHinton, and the election of Mr.

Courts in his place-why thta we will have some slight reason we have tone now to believe that it is the public good, and not party spirit, that dictates its present If it right then to "turn out a faithful and experienced ffioer, to pat in an inexperienced one, how is it wrong sow to turn out a faithful and experienced one to put in i gentleman of as much financial ability and industry Md integrity as are possessed we do not hesitate to it of Jonathan Worth by any man in the State for ourselves, we do not like proscription, we do' tsink that none of the State-House officers, with whom (is these times whioh have maue the State government taat importance) the' Governor has necessarily so uch to do, should te bitter opponents of the Governor, Mr Courts is said to be. With the elections made by the Legislature we have had nothing to do though we think the selections admirable but we do not see the omm(v for the howl that is raised because the Legislature hag thought that seme few offices might be filled from that large elass which has been so ruthlessly pro? cribed. We think that this opinion is unbiassed by Spirit. As evidence thereof, it may not be imprd-P' to state, that of the three persons whom we have had occasion to recommend to Gov. Vance for high positions, two have been life-long political opponents.

Mail IxxtoraAB.xTiM, We regret to learn that our Thursday's issues do not reaoh Hay wood and Big Swamp reasonable tim. Tha Carthage on Mondays, and reaches its destination iTery retalni-lv nn a ti. i i MOTujr. jjui we re compelled LO ehd the Thursday's issue via Raleigh, and that ought Kach Ha7 wood on Friday, but gets there on the folding-Wednesday. We beg the attention of the Post-r at Raleigh to the matter.

If he will open the al from Fayetteville on Friday morning when it ar-T. the Haywood and other packages may be deseed forthwith, without lying in his office several r. the B5g SwniS package we hop to apply a thfown" mureaays, "via JSUiaV- UFranXTr to -ents Uke lhree "dfour da' tnp- This is as nnacoounUble as it is provoking. HoBSTT -WORTHW Of IamTHi.t. ni Inos.

8. Memory, of Columbus county, was unfortunate ousmess, and paid such a proportion of his debts as means enabled, receiving discharges in full from his Mitors in this town. A fewdays ago came here pajaup all the old balanoes which he had then been to pay. The matter had aitoirihr 1 11V1U recollection of some at least of his creditors butnot I "OBI his own. for ha f.Ul lh k.

U-4 um aw jirgiiugg -w win ror the past sixteen years for the payment of "ueoit. Such an instance of integrity is always "tnendable. but iaiw th. gr mn MVOV UMil9 VW UOU OM BJ men avail themselves of stay lawa to avoid the 01 JUBt debts that are not out of date and have Men compromised. 1lnoTioas W.4 earn that Lieut Johsg MoEellar ucceedm- tn g.

oi me company or Ran- Wo68d? CUnt7, D0W in 001 Regiment 1L Cook succeeds to A- McfJT Jaa: D- Je 2dL.eutenantcy. there hav'e been fraud, 7h.T"e"?ulnn? wh.eth. 4k. u- I oi me railroads, in ahe shipment of produce. By Mr.

Rama, Vni amena tbe militia bill. Bv Mr V-pavine ministers of th. a lon ak.ii 4 ror aay tbey erBMr'L0 AssemblJ witn me committee on Agriculture enquire into the A Bills Dassed 8d raarlin i 6' x.Biaoiigaing me oth rKiH.m fi i Railroad; authoriz ng Chatham and Onslow to levy a road tax. -tniaUon bill, with amendTients, to which 8enate dissented. In the Commons nr.

nujr, jur. nortn rrom the Financial committee reported a Ux kill which imnos Sal VtZm a two--fiftn of one per cent upon all Keal state and alavaa 4 qtpEft I wu uiuer nanas to De 7. and mchanics at $700. County Courts xr Prr 0f from tax in certain cases. Monev dnA.

nr in uu uepoeu; nousenoia Hilt lt0Bh.en exceeding $200-in value; all horses and mules kept for sale, are all subject to an ad ovir twoflha of percen4Jall incomes over $1000 one per cent; slave- traders one-half of one welry. watches. Ac. (inn no ant. vm, iiKwure oarriairea over tha ali, Kr ten oents on each irallnn imnnt is.

zl cent; retailers spintous Uauora. fift. o011! decents from one to three per cent, ao. so. -r Mr.

Person from hi vu ujiuwii nuttirs reported back hill a vi oikuiiiui( a otaio reserTe. with rpnnhitinn turn vruavaa BUdUUI lam LIJO UUTerll- or to accept volunteers, and empowers him tovajse 5000 TO jcarn, De tendered to the Confederate States, but to serve within the State A bounty of $60 to be given and the Governor to appoint all the officers. JustioeS Of the Pouna an.l Pki.i..... one editor for eaoh in v.i I a vaovunuir; Sr3 taf UfJ. re any officerB ow 45 in the militia regiments, u4ucw uuuer mat age are not exempt.

The term of enlistment three veara nr tha war. tha fin.0. v. MU UCfeT- mg the powe to dismiss or recall them when necessary. Mr.

Cnwloa a mink I. utl fcuo lumiary committee, could not aeree with th' rannrf riMAlaat against the bill Mr. Grissom also differed from the majority and gave notice that, he would present a minority report. iud urn wae-maue me order for Tuesday next. A bill concerning nublio Bat ml wax iut ha time.

Itauthoriaes the Colonels of militia to call out all cititons from 18 in fin f1m Wn Ivtsvla AM aa Jala -w us asmsvao tut Cftuu county; with Captain and Lieutenants similar to militia organization, and under the same laws. Officers and men to be paid 50 cents for every day upon duty, i a irouiuuon aumoruing tbe vernor to arrange with the railroads fnr tha trana nnriattAn aall ka1AH inir to the' State and fmm Wi1mi'nAi. the interior, passed its 2d and 3d readings. mr. kuss introduced a resolution authorizing the Governor to direct the salt ftflmmiBfllAnBFI aatiaa flair to soldiers' families at 10 cents per pound, before other vimcus re supptiea.

A message was received from the Governor in answer to Mr. Alford's resolution, stating the arrest of citizens uuirueraie omoers ine streets ofKaleigh, was not authorised by him. Mr. Fowle offered a raanlnl queating the Oorernor, in pnreuaace of the agreement made with the Con fader afAwarnmsilit i aa utariAM a 1VIMIVU the enforcement of the Conscript act, to require the offi- soiuiers oi me uontederate government to desist from makins arrests of onr nlilcBna and w. refuse, authorizing and directing him to arrest said vwi uv viuire.

Mr; Fowle asked w-w wa Mawtv avuva lUIUIVUr ate passage of the resolution. Upon which there was consiaeraoie aeeate. It appears that Confederate officers have been making numerous arreets in Raleigh of Supposed OOnSOrintS. Ananir nlhara Mr the Commons was arrested three times in one day. On muiiuu air.

norm, ine matter was referred to a se-leot committee in hopes of action that would reoeive universal assent. Messrs. Shepherd, Worth, Person, MeAden and Waddell, committee. Subsequently. Mr.

WaddelL from th ported a substitute. It requested the Governor to re quest, the proper officer to desist from arresting our VatjIaVCUB. Messrs. FonU. Mann On MAT.

A Till If aITaip AitnAaaJ awvaaa. aauv tllWikltl VIIUSCU tHI substitute. Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Worth tion.

The resolution was rejected yeas 82, nays 42. After debate Mr. Fowle'a ninimn a. a authorizing the Governor to take all such proceedings a. a tf4.AM ucom ucencarjr auu ofi caicuiaiea lo put an end to such arrests.

The resolution unanimously passed its second and third readings. Mr. Waddell moved a committee of three be appointed to inquire into tbe facts of the arrest of Mr. Haden aJ iL a uu iu urmg mose concerned merein Derore the House to answer for it. Adopted.

Mr. Worth resigned his seat to take effect on 22d of Dejember, and a writ was- ordered for an eleotion in rvauaoipn county on Z4th pr December, The bill authorizing tha pUminn nf the Literary Fund, passed its second reading. It authorizes the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to elect a Treasurer for two with a ceeding $1000, and giving $100,000 security. a.

uui concerning woraing ue roads was taken up. After some debate a substitute offered Me was accepted. It authorizes the Justices of the County Courts to regulate the ages of those persons required to Work the COUntV roads: thus amender! If noaaad 1 second reading. coaaasspoHDSHcs thx iatitiiviui oBssavia. i Ralkiqh, Dec'r 6.

In the House, to day, quite a number of billa were passed, under a suspension of the rules, through thair 2d and 3d readings, viz: A bill to alter time of holding the County Courts of Meokleoburg county; a bill to in-corporate the 8 wift Island Gold Mining Company; a bill to renew the charter of the Richmond Manufacturing Company; a bilLto incorporate the Beattiesville Female Seminary in Davidson county. And the following bills which have passed the Senate, and to-day passed their 2d and 3d readings, and therefore now only need ratifi cation to maxe mem laws: A bill to amend the charter of tbe Lizzarddale Copper Company; a bill to amend the law in relation to sheriffs' bonds allows the County Court to make the bond $50,000 if they think proper; a bill to provide a supply of powder in the different counties fit the State provides that an amount.of ball, shot and powder shall be left with the Colonels "of the differ ent regiments in each county of the State; a bill te amend ordinance of the Convention entitled an ordi nance to make some provision for wives and families of deceased soldiers allows those who died before twelve months were out to receive, the bounty; a bill to amend 33d and 38th sees, of 102d chap, of Rev. Code allows County Court to increase jailer's and county surveyor's fees, A resolution of thanks te our citizens for their liberality. Mr. McNeill introduced a bill in reference to the Common Schools Referred to Committee on Education.

The Senate has refused to concur in the amendments of the House to the anti-distillation bill, and the House to-day, to recede; hence there will have ft be a committee of conference. The only difficulty is that one House wishes to be a little more strict than the A message was received from the Governor transmit ting some documents relating to. the desired seizure of railroad iron belonging to the Char. R. Railroad by the Confederate Government.

Said iron being under mortgage to the State, the matter is brought before tha Legislature. Referred to a select committee A bill to alter time of holding the Superior Courts ia tbe 6th Judicial Circuit was passed its 2d and 3d Mr. Fowle introduced a bill to strengthen the laws lnvforoe fot tl protection of personal liberty, h-. 8neral impression among the well-informed --k a Government at Richmond could have the Rod fi.iehed, they would de- r. ki i 'l" a a f.anit Lexington," ae intro- th Mr intro.ced a bill to amend tlie KeVlSed Caide aa biU to provide a Mounted PoUce Guard tte sKSSt -Mr Fowla a resolution concerning the arrest of citi-sens by Confederate officers was referred to -a select vvuiiuti vcD ui which your (senator is one.

An engrossed bill from the House to authorize a maZ junij ui uie i.aeisiraies ot vnauiam to lav a tax iworaingxpaasy passed. a reading and is SolhJog sjhhj of tntcYMt HO, V- 1 a. -r a. a a SAL.T. rjlIIE undersigned' will distribute Rockfish District's Salt, now tn hand, at Rve.k J.

portion of County Salt now tn hand. Village, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th Inst. McDOUGALD, Com. for Rockfish Dist. Pec.

8, 1862. SHOE OEEL ACADEHIT. TNear Queensdale P. 0., Robeson Conntf, J. thU Institution will commencs Dec'r Bthl862.

The trustees have secured the services of James Patterson, whose reputation as a teacher is extensively known. The rates of tuition per session of five months are as frllows: For Spelling, Reading and Arithmetic $8, for English $10, for Latin, Greek, Algebra, IcTg joara can De Baa in the neighborhood, convenient to the school-house, at $15 per month. As to health, morality and Intelligence, the neighborhood will compare favorably with any in the Bute Dec'r 2, 1862 83-ltw2pd To the Public. mriE snbserihr hin. nMMh.a" v- t.

vuawuvow jjAwuuuu nam -1 the franchise of the corporation known as the Fav- etteville and Albemarle Plank Road Company, hereby gives notice that no tolls will be charged on the road between Little Mountain Creek and Drowning Creek until the bridges are repaired nor between Big Bock- nsh and Puppy Creek The bridges will be repaired in as early a time as practicable. S. Hi CHRISTIAN. Dec. 1, 1862.

83-3tpd Wagons wanted. THE undersigned, Salt Commissioners for the county of Cumberland, wish to employ from one to twenty-five Wagons to haul Salt from Saltville. Va for which they vnUpay twelve, dollars per of 100 lbs. and allow the wagons to tafce one-tenth of the 8alt at the Works al $1 50 per bushel on their own account Wagons from any part of the State will be employed on Application to us, by letter or otherwise P. P.


ORRELL. Fayetteville Dec 1. 83 2t JOHM H. COOK, Auctioneer, j- Mary's Garden Property at Anclion. ON Thursday the 18th at the House in the town of Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction, my MARY'S GARDEN PROPERTY.

There is 68 acres of Land, a Dwelling House containing six rooms, all with, fire places, and all the necessary out-buildings for tha accommodation of a family. A fine lot of young Fruit Trees and choice Grape Vines are on the It will afford me pleasure to show the croterty to any persons desirous of purchasing. GEORGE W. LAWRENCE. Dec 3, 1862.

83-ts House Eot at Auction. WILL be sold at Auction, on the 18th of this month, a very comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, near the Arsenal, containing four rooms all lathed and plastered. There is a very good Kitchen on the. lot and a Spring very convenient. For further particulars apply to E.

F. Moore. JNO. H. COOK, Auctfr.

Dec'r 4, 1862. 83ta An Excellent Cook, Washer and Ironer at Auction. ON Thursday the 18th inst, at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction, NEGRO WOMAN in the prime of life, clear of any incumbrance and a first rate COOK, WASHER, IRONER and WEAVER. Persons desiring further information can have it on application to JOHN H. COOK, Auot'r.

Dec. 3, 1862 83-3t 611 in rim nn. nom amn ALiaa vi? I dliUilDlij lk.Ali LdldlLi, BY virtue of a Decree of the County Court of Cumberland, at December Term, 1862,. will be sold on the 1st January, 1863, at the Market House in the town, of Fayetteville, that valuable Tract of improvements thereon, known as Holly Spring, the late residence of James Baker, dee'd. The said Tract ef Land contains 230 acres, upon which is a good Dwelling House, Kitchen, Barn and Stables, Ac, and in addition one of the finest Springs in tbe county.

-The said residence is about 2 miles from the Market House, oq the north prong of Cross Creek, and on the Fayetteville and Western Rail Road; and has open land enough, under fenee, for a 1 or 2 horse crop, together with a Meadow, containing several acres aa good as any in this section. The sid tract ef land adjoins the lands of Joshua Carmon, the Snmmer residence of Win. Molntyre and that of the late John D. Eccles. Esq.

one desi rous of viewing the premises, can do so upon applica- tion to either of, the subscribers or to Jno. W. Baker, either of whom will take pleasure in exhibiting the nMmtiM I. I f.wuDw,-Mu uj iiuuicr luiuruiuiuii xa JclCr- ence thereto. Terms at sale.

WM. HUSKE, Commissioner. C. E. LEETE, Auct'r.

Dec 4. 83-its Sequestration Sale of 45,000 Acrea of Valuable. Jj District of Florida, will be sold to tha highest bid- Hod ATI til aa Dnklla CAM.aa. I T7TJI ntTTT T- A Ill Virtue of a Daeraa frnm tha nialri.t Cnnrt tu i uuuu utJUtllX ta a VX A JaiOt OB' WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11th, 1863, at 11 o'clock, A.

many valuable and desirable tracts of Land, seme of which are situated in Sa wan-nee County, some in Levy, several in Marion, and an. in Alanhna Pnn rt. an4 a11 AM convenient distance of the Railroads. All persons desiring places in the richest and most convenient section of the State can be accommodated; for not only do these many tracts (in all comprising over 45,000 acres) embrace every grade of Land, from the very richest Orange Groves, and other unsurpassed Hammocks well adapted to the culture of Sugar and 8ea Island Cottons as also the best of well-timbered Pine Lands, equally as good for down, to tha poor Sand Hills, in which ever-healthy and, delightful residences can be had, edhvenient, not only to the richer lands, but to a never-failing abundant supply offish, wild fowl and gams. Thus not only do these Lands embrace every grade of quality, but they will be sold in bodies varying from 40 acres to 1000, by' which every one can be suited.

To those wishing- to remove further south to tha most desirable portion of our country, where, aa many (if not more) of the eomferts and luxuries of life can be most easily obtained and where a livintr can tta" more easily had than in any other country, this ia their opportunity. To capitalists wishing to invest their surplus funds in something permanent and of increasing value now is your tune; such another you will not again have. Terms of sale, CASH, in Confederate Notes Bonds, payable as soon as the sales are confirmed by the Court. '-V'. i a- For further information, numbers of the Lands to be offered, address the subscriber at Gainesville, E.

or James Banks, Esq District Attorney, Lake City. R. W. B. HODGSON, Receiver.

-KoTX. Parties from a distance leaving Savannah, by Gulf Road on Monday morning, will reach Lake City at 2 o'clock, P. Tuesday, in. for sale next Gainesville, Fla. Nov.

27, 84t THE subscriber having bean appointed Administrator of the late James Butler, a December Term of Cumberland County Court, hereby gives notioe to all persons Indebted to the Estate to make payment, and to alLhating claims to be to present them in due time, THOS. W. DEVA5E, Adm'r. Deo. 1,1862 Further JVotice.

AV Mondav the 22d of thin mnnlr. will nail on six months credit, Cora, Fodder, Peas, Horse, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, llousehold and Kitchen rormture, I at the lata residence of James Butler," dee'd. I will also I i An! tha arrmam mr ri I av ut name time ana puscr, uw I tent the land for li months. i THOS. W.

DBVANE. Adm'r. I Dsn. lt 1882. 8Muw3tp4.

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