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Weekly Independent from Elko, Nevada • 3

Elko, Nevada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEEKLY INPKFKiNDUNT. FRIDAY JAN 1U03 FROM SATURDAY'S DUI.V Salmauundi. Tnufer is spending a few dnyn'at 1'ixleyn. Run llaukius arrived from Kunoille I liint night. Kugeuo Howell lias U-eu iwlmilU'il i tho bar.

Andrew in here fron: Pleasant valley Unlay. M. C. Cuty KU8 an at rival fnnii Rynilon lant 1 1 i 1 1 1 li. Initios frimi I tin I A eaiue in enter day.

Mre. Ham from Decth ie spending a few days in Klko. Hunt) in iu town, lie oxpeemj to no out the rnnnli tomorrow. Flick of Oakland in assisting Keyner wi-h Inu ear pouter work, II. Spenee anil wife of Mountain aro registered at the Depot Hotel 'I'lie hand iueetn for practice every Tuesday niglit at Hal) at 8 o'clock A hit; load of piles went th rough )i? afternoon for the Ogdcii Kucin cut-otT.

Mr. new house ou MwBouri Flat is ahoui completed ami will booh lie occupied Mr. Ilenneii and Mr. Thomas Hrennen came in today froai Lamoille on husiHem. Mr.

(ieorge Russell left on No. last night for I tut tie Mountain. He oxpectn to he gone a week. Itotli the district Reboot and the high school will begin regular work Monilny at 'J o'clock. A Into discovery near Reno ih a mine of petrified clam.

Specimens have been writ to the University for sis. Hickory Farm is the name of of a play that will he given hy the dramatic talent on the South Fork January I'he newly elected County oflicera will be eworu iu at the meeting of the County coiniuisHiouere Monday morning. Mre. McKinley spoilt a ijuiet now year early in the morning visiting the tomb of her husband ami lateral 7 dined with Judge Da v. The residence of J.

A. Mcllnde is about completed. It ia a house of the most modern plan and one of the prettiest in Klko. Dave Ogelvio of South Fork aud A of Ruby Valley came in on the (stage last night, They will Spend a fewdays iu Klko. Hop Sing has ilisp ised of his interests in the water his interest lieing purchased by W.

Smith who bus full control of the plant. A 75 yard fool race took place ou Commercial street at II o'clock today between llabo Mayer and W. T. Boyle. Ilabe came in ahead about one foot.

At least was bet on the race. The new Hoard of Kegonts will consist of J. X. Kvens. W.

Itooher, and Richard Kirman. Thoy will take olllce lint Monday. Superintendent II. M. Yerington presontod all tho employees of the A T.

railroad company with a Christmas lift of frt per month rnise in wages. Ronifaco Kehrlein the engraver and silver smith at Unreins has been spending a few weeks iu Sail Francisco lie expects to return in a few days. Rend over the business locals every day. You will tind something that will interest you. A telegram wm received last night from Dr.

.1. I'l. Stublw President of the State University that by order of the regents the Univcrsilj will open January Willi. I'he I (). tl.T.

Hall at South Fork is licing line I and papered. This will add greatly to the appearance of the llnll. That is just such a hall an Klko is in need of. Mm. Spurgeon formerly of Klko and now residing tn Sacramento is expected in Klko hi few days.

She will spend the rest of tlio winter with her pnrentn Mr. and Mm. I'liloy. Tlio editor of the I niif.I'knokn will remain in Reno until Tuesday morning. This week he attends the old Hoard of Regents.

The now Hoard will lie stil tiled Monday. Kurcltn has been short of coul during the past woek. As the weather has been cold and tlio supply of wood very low it litis caused some little inconvenience to the people there. The meeting for tiie purpow of organizing class fer llihto study will meet in the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening at o'clock. instead of Tuesday evening as previously isl Tlio I Kumar Sunday school mined 17.150 for 'la rial time exercisen thin yenr wan i-pont for presents and for candied and oranges.

That exceeds llio amounts rained by the two Hmidny schools of Klko combined. A. K. Richardson of Dulutli in here locating oil lands. He in nt oping at tlio old Rocky Mountain well.

While riding over the hills on New Yenrn evo lie fell from the horse and hurt his foot hut in able lie nround town todny. Mr. Joo Carroll Lb visiting in Battle Mountain. Oil litiB been id ruck nt Boulder Colorado ut 2U01I feet. tun.atoly the Rocky Mountain Oil oorn pany is prepared to go tliot depth.

BotilJcr it will be remembered in at an altitude equal to that of Elko. Mr. Frank llutlor baa been asfisting S. It- Hunt for tbo past two weeks was unfortunate enough to have a small piece of steel lodge in his For severre days bes has been unable to work but is at his post of duty today. Rev, Mr.

Robiueon, lately from California, a Presbyterian Missionary has been workiug lately iu the eastern part of the State, lie several days iu WinuetnuLva and if now cr gaged in the work at Eureka. Garrecht A Harbison will lie ready for work Monday morning. O. Mease! ly will be their town agent. Orders and work should be left re.

They will receive prompt attention I'ttronize home industry. It was before a great conoourse of people, half a milli.Mi, tlmt new dit; Lord Cruzoti proclaimed liritains King, the Hmperor of India, l'here were 40,000 soldiers in the asseuiblage. President Harper of the University of liiengo has announced his policy for the uming term, there will be separate classes for the two sexes. So far ns possible there will Ihj separato instruction upon the basis of extending equal i privileges to both sexes. I Since the ninligmint diphtheria out break in Reno there have been live deaths the last one occuriug on the night of January 1st.

Three new cases are reported. These houses however art all under tpiurautiue. Dr. I'hotua thinks tlint Iiip worst is over. I'ho Shakeapere Club of Elko at present has about fifteen members.

Thoy meet weekly at the homes of the members and spend the time in a critical study of Shnkeeperi'S plays. At present they are studying Richard III. The meeting yesterday was held at Mrs. Shcldous. llie Chinumau known iu Elko bv the name of Levi haa severed his connection with the Elko water Co.

and will leave for China in a few days. He has been in this country for twenty-three yonrs. For the past six years he lias been in Elko in the employ of the water company. Here's a late story aoeut Christian Science. A Boston mother said to hsr little daughter: "If you had my faith, darling, yon wonld have no The child replied: "Will, mother, if you had my toothache you wouldn't have any faith." Boston Herald.

Over in Lander County woman is suing her husband for divorce because when naked by a friend if liis living expenses were heavy, he replied: "No; I use my wife'a temper for a furnace; her chilly moods for a refrigerator; her company manners for sugar, and thon wo Imvo tongue all the yonr round, bo you seo my expenses are very light." S. Brown will take the oath of office Monday morning to become District Judge of the Fourth Judicial District The wishes him a most successful term of ollice. We are sure that this district has a Judge that it win justly be proud of and one who will dispense justice to the best of his ability. Judge Talbot leaves for Carson to night and will take the oath of ollice as Supreme Judge of the State of Nevada otiday morning. The best wishes of the people of Elko go with Judge Tallmt He has made many friends bore and will have a cherished place in hearts of the residents of Elko County.

He will return again to Elko before taking up his pormnuent residence in Carson. Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 mil of North Fork are spending a few wooks with John Abel beforo going to Salt Lake City for a few weeks trip. Tlioy have purchased four lots of J.

A. McHride and are preparing to build a beautiful reeidtnee there. The foundation is being Inid and the carpenters will work at once. Mr. Stewart has the contract for the work.

I'ho District Court has been trying llio case of Mrs. W. A. Froitos vh. C.

M. The ease wan being heard thin nflemoon an we wont to press. In I ho Froitaa divorce ease a band of sheep wan awarded to Mm. Freit as by Judge Talbot snd now Mr. Frega presents a claim (or the sheep, A number of wilnessce were heard today and it won supposed that decUinn will be reached beforo thin evening.

FROM MONDAY'S DAILY. Clyde Sclionerd apont Sunday (n Elko. (Nonstable McAdams is around town today. Jim Belt is hauling ice to day for Joe Harris. James Iblli I came in from Lamoille last night.

Mbert Fiuck of Wells is registered at the Depot Hotel. Will Wunthorn wan aworn iu as Dep. illy ShorilT today! Moore loft by stage for Hold Creek tliiA morning. Mr. and Mra.

Strooter have gone out to Lamoille for a few days. Mr. Lang in driving the Springs stage. Georgo 1 loll oatiit- in frotu North Fork Inst night. Dean Durham bud J.

T. Hasaet spent Saturday iu Elko. t'lie Silver State has been enlarged to a eix page paper. Heii Armstrong cauie down from Deetb last night. J.

R. liuuter led tbe C. 10. meeting at the hospital yesterday. Mrs.

Joe Carrol) returned from Rattle Mountain Saturday night. 'Hie District School opeueil today with the regular attendance, William Smiley and eon are in town today from Starr Valley. Lou Rrndloy expects to put up a dwelling iu Klko in the Spring. Judge Brown ia having hia library moved to tbe Courthouse today. Charles Henderson in having some improvements made in his luw oflice.

Mr. Whatcn from Opliu was in Klko on business Saturday and Sunday. Mitiu Kdc cauie back from Reno last night and ia at her post of duty today. Me-ars. and Snyder are here to attend tl.e Hoar' of Com mission ere.

The Reno public yibools are closed on account of the diptheria epidemic. Mr. Snyder arrived on the train last nifiht and left for Tuscarora tliw morning. P. Sheridan and P.

Henry from Fort llullcck are registered at the Commercial. Stieelinn returned to Goiconda last night lo to her school dutiee. Mirvs rettime I la night froiu San Jose where sSi' her Christmas vacation. Judge Talbot left for Carson City yesterday morning. He took the oath of office today.

J. I. Liudaay and J. K. llryant drove in from Lamoille Saturday evening.

Tliev went out today. G. M. Gardner':) condi 'ion is nbout the same as at last report. No change has lieen uotice.l.

Mr. Abel returned from the Toll House. Humboldt where he spent the vacation with parents. About all the jurymen have returned home things are ra' her quiet about the Court house. Charles Reinken brought his folks in last night from Latnoille where they have been spending the holidays.

i. L. Archer of Salt Lake who lias charge of the power plant of Tuscarora. left on the stage thia morning. The Elko Steam Laundry wagou is around biwn today collecting laundry It in a neat little wagon and a credit to the town.

Mm. M. C. Gardner will t-pend some time in Klko with hereon Dr. Gardner.

She arrived from Carson Cityi this morning. Wick Johnson has beec engaged in Carlin during the past mouth building a new jail there. Ho returned to Klko thin morning. Mrs. Henderson Green ami daughter Florence arrived from Salt Lako last night: Tliny expect to make their future home in Klko.

Claude Schoer came iu from Clover Valley tliia morning on lijn way to Reno, ilo will stop off few days before ho goce back to school. Mrs. Joe Harris's mother. Mm. J.

S. Rright was an arrival from Carsuii this morning. She will spend several weeks with her daughter. Harry lirown is back at Messerlys again. Roth he and Mr.

Messerly are at work every day making cigars to meet the increased demand. Mr. Rigsby will take the oath of oflice today. He na commissioner several years ago and severnl faithfully and sal isfiictorily iu that capacity Dr. Millppaugh of Little Fulls Minnesota has been iu town a few days looking over the oil fields.

He left for Angeles last night Mm. Kradlcy and family returned from Dcoth evening. Lou Rradley left for Reno today and will be joined by Mrs. Hradley later. To ii i Hunter returned from California this morning.

He hns been gone for about two weeks. In about two weeks more he will leave for Cnreon to be present at the meeting of tha legislature. Mint' Mattio McMulliu after spending a few weeks vacation in Klko went buck to Wells Saturday night to take up her school work again. There wan full attendance at ho High School thin morning. Many of the High school students havo been spending their vacation in the country.

uo stu wo enrolled thin morning. Mr. G. K. McMiillcn.

Jatnt-s McM illicit. Miss Trixley I'lmmpsoii, Mr. Frank Smiley mid Mint Flora Green. Governor Sparks mis inaugurated in Carson Cily this morning. The Hoard of -gents in honor of the occasion postponed tlx ir meeting until tonight.

It is now authoritatively slated that I'rofcMior limy will widest tho election of Ring tin the grounds that foity Fusion ballots were thrown out arliitrairly in Iteno. A great many Klko people were out to the Hot Springs tctderday and inauy of the in visited the new laundry plant. Kvcrytlung out at the laundry like clock work. lias been around town he past f0tt. Dr.

Stubba ami tbe members of tho Hoard of Regents woot to Carson City tuts moraine to witness the ceremony of inauguration. A special train waa run from Reno, special rates being ofjered by II. M. Yerington on the V. A T.

Tbe ice men nil busy today put jng up ice. Mr. says he is inches thick. The condition for cutting, hauling and packing are the most favorable. The loe is in excellent condition and is much than it was last yenr.

The foundation for the H.hsoi, ton Co. new ware house lia? already been laid. 150.000 bricks are the ground. Two car loads of bricks are being unloaded every day. The work will be continued in the spring.

Mr. Elmore received 30.000 bricks last night. Mr. J. Owens was an arrival last night from San Francisco.

He ia a mining enginoerand expert and is here to look over the oil fields an, I wbat the indications are. Mr. Owen will make a thorough investigation of the oountry. He went out with Mr. Davis tljia uftornoou, A decision haa been rendered in the case of Mm W.

A. Freitaa vs. C. tregn Mr. Frega presented a claim for the sheop but the case was decided in favor of the plaintiff.

Mrs. Freitas is to receive half the sheep and John Mcr arlano was appointed to tb Bheep. lis .11 Jfc Williams lUsRolved their law partnership by mutual consent at 'ginning of the Otto T. Williams retains the oflice in his dwell, nig home opposite the Court house. Marion 8.

Wilson will reopen an oflice Klko immediately after rhe Legulature adjourns and prior to Uie time he can be reached by letter at Carson City. One of chief industries is represeiited by U.e and quantitle? of Heh are sold at very low rates, particularly during summer. One way in which these an; utilized is by means of an 1 1) vent, on quickly dries and pulverizes the of fre.l, fish Tho resulting product, called fish flour is easy to I ransjairt one place to another an.l has Ure. at nutritive valuo. A new and profitable branch of industry might established America utilizing fish in this way.

1 vrrnor A telegram from the editor of the this afteruoou states that Governor Sparks and Lieuteoant lm took office at i-o clock today in tbo Supreme Court room at the Capitol Carton in the presence of great assemblage of people who gathered to witness the solemn and impressive cere mon ice. In a very eloquent address the Governor Governor with well chosen words outline, his policy and stated that the oath of office would be his guide. brief address to the oceassiou after which they "cepturn in tho governor's office. Trouble hi Countable McCoy received a telegram yesterday to go to Kyndon for William charged with assault arid battery petty larceny. 11, 0 case was brought this afternoon and wn8 lined FltOM TUESDAY'S DAiuY.

Snlmaflundi. Twenty inch ico ia being cut at Kly. Constable McCoy left for Tuscarora this afternoon on official huHucss, The New Year has brought no improvement in tho arrival ami departure of Slraughter is agent for the Klko Steam Laundry. jtrders and work with him. Yesterday's (lazotte reports another death in Kono from tho diphthoria.

Tho victim wan a little Italian child. Congress convened yesterday after tho holiday recem. Tho IIouso adjourned after a short session owing to tho lack of a quorum. The Commissioners are in session today drawing the jury list for MK)3. Tlioy will probably conclude their business this afternoon.

"Habit" Mayer left for San Francisoo this afternoon. Ho intends to remain in the city if he can 11 rid a situation that suits linn. Judge llawley is in Carson holding term of the U. S. District Court.

1 1 is health is very much improved, but ho does not seem to be very strong. Governor has appointed Kiley Davis as Ins private secretary. Mr. Davis is thoroughly competent to fill the position and a more courteous gentleman cannot found in the Slato. Garreelit Harbison report their steam laundry starting olT with a list of customers which they hope to increase by good work and fair treatment.

'Hie people of Klko should supj. orl this enterprise. See their ad. A now creamery has been started up in Smith Valley, Tho separation is of a thousand pounds capacity and can handle the milk from several hundred head of cows. Nevada has a number of creameries of largo capacity in the western pnrt of tbe State.

We need a few in Klko county. It would moan the establishment of a industry. Tukiug the United States us a lml- I the census that one p-ivon in every forty tins telephone. San Kruuciaou leads the world in rbe generality of telephone use; there oue in twelve ban a telephone. Of every oue hundred thols which strike Miine soldier, forty -three will lodge in the legs, thirty-three will lodge in the arms.

twenty-two strike lietween neck hii. I waist, 0110 in the neck, and eleven (-hots mime part of the soldier's head. It is stated that another rich strike has been made uear Tonopah. A ledtre almost a toot wide that oat for over a thousand feet has been located by Hurry Mead. Tho sveruRO assay went a ton.

great muuy of Wuahoe county's representative citixeus went to Carson to see Governor Sparks tuko the oath of office. They represented all shades of political opinion and their presence at the Capital showed the high esteen. in which Governor Sparks is held by his neighbors The annual report of the Commissioner of Education, just submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, tliown that the grand total of pupils in schools, elementary, secondary and higher, both public and private, in the United States for the year ended June 30, 1901, was an increase of 278,52) pupils the previous year. The Silver State has learned from reliable sonrceB 'hat strong etTort will made during the routing sessi in of the to the Slate capital from Carson to Reno. This will entail upon the taxpayers of Nevada an enormous exiwnses without, so we believe.

any accruing tienetits to the Stute at large Silver On our return this morning we found an article on the hook siziug up Saturday's foot race, written by eouieoue, unknown to this writer, who clnitued to lie no the inside. As the article is not signed, it will sleep in the waste busket From what the editor heard in Reno about the race and from what he has learned niuoe his return, he is of the opiuiou tlmt the merits or demerits of the race will not bear too much publicity. PROM WEDNESDAY'S DAILY Salmagundi. Everything is progressing favorably at the oil well. Reports from North Fork say there is very little snow in the mountains in that section.

Internal Rcveuuo Collector Hlukesleo ia in town looking after Hie interests of Uncle Sam. Tliore are tifty two prisoners in the States Prison at present, seven of whom are up for life. Mre. Booher is considerably under the weather today. She hopes to be all right in a day or two.

The liouatiza suys the money transactions of the Tonopah postoffice amounted to over 311,000 last month. Mr. J. Owens, a Texas oil mnn, who lins boon looking over the Elko oil tields the last few days, left for the Bast this morning. Judge Talbot cauie up from Carson this morning.

Ho will remain hero until he gets his business affairs straightened out. Tlio doctors say that never before in tbo history of Reno wna there so much sickness as at the present time. Throat and lung trouble are the principal troubles. Sheriff Carrk reports seventeen prisoners in the county jail. A number of these are boarded at the expense of the United States and several are waiting the action of the next grand jury.

George Russell went to Winuemuoca this afternoon as a witness beforo the Grand Jury in a cattle stealing ease. Ho will stop at his Battle Mountain ranch on his return. Isaac Griswold cane down from Starr valley yesterday afternoon and still remains in town. Ho tliiuks thore is more snow in the Ruby mountains now than there was last year at this time. Wm.

Dietrich, while digging holes for telephone poles at Empire, put in two blasts. Ono failed to go off till ho got up to see what the matter was, He was badly cut in the face by flying rocks and gravel and may save his sight. A labor union has been organized at Empire. As the new union takes in the employee of tho V. A railroad from Mound House to Carson, tho union has boon natnod the Lyou-Oruisby County Labor Union.

Tbo now Hoard of Regonte of tho State University organized Monday evening by the election of J. N. Evans an chairman and Go or go If. Taylor as secretary. Tlio present Hoard is composed of J.

N. Brans, Richard Kirman and W. W. Hoohnr. Throe personj lost tiioir lives a fourth was fatally injured in a tire at the Hotel Somerset, Chicago, at an early hour yeeterday.

William Clomotir, a porter in the hotel, was arrested by tlio police and will be held pending an investigation of the lire. Attorney Ifendernoti has had his olTlco tlxed up in lirst-i lass shape. Gardner tV Hon put in a new front that lets in more light nnd makce the office the cosiest in town, Mr. Henderson lias purchased Judge Talbot's library and now thoroughly equipped to attend to all business in the legal line. Levi Strauss Co's copper riveted overalls Randall Frank ige, Clay Lmgford iiuil Perry Boyd, who were charged with the murder of sheepherder Inst full in Humboldl county, nna who were discharged (it the preliminary examination, be 'in re-arrested on charge of assault with intent to Uill one Pierre Ltstelle.

The men were all taken to in iiem ucca Monday and lodged in jail. John CiivaiiMUxh, a Piute Indian, committed suicide in Winneimiccn Monday night by shooting himself, Tlio cause of his suicide in said to liuve tieeu a curtain lectiuo -hat ho received from his life partner tiecauee he went home drunU. The commissioners. finished their business this forenoon and adjonrued to tneot the lirat Monday iu February. A list of citizens was drawn to uct as jurors during the veur.

The list and proceedings of the lioard will be pub liehed rs soon we are able to get them. Commissioner Weathers is chairma of the ue.v board. FROM THURSDAY'S Salmayundi. Mrs. Boo her is better today.

Assemblyman Wilson will leave for Reno tonight. A Michigan man who advertised for wife received nineteen replies from husbiuds offering him theirs. Walter Stotiel and Mr. Pen rod came in from tlio north yesterday. Doth nre looking as if they were at peace with the world.

Mr. Penrod predicts that the winter is over because the ground squirrels are coming out of their holes. It is now in order for Ilam McCain to mnke another prediction. Herbert Burdett, representing the Colorado State Realty Association, is in town getting information of the Elko oil ttelds. He gave the Indepknokkt office a pleasant call this afternoon.

Hrad Waller came iu from Mahoney's yesterday and will take his father to Elko tomorrow for modical treatment. We regret to be called upon to report that Mr. Waller's condition is no better. Times-Review. Brook line, is the richest city in America, but there are uioro millionaires iu Uniontown, tbuu in any other town of its size, leaving out health resorts.

"In fact," says a traveler from that place, "millionaires are so common there that they cut no more ice than the uverage citizens." Professor Edmond O'Neill of tho University of California writes the editor of the I dkkn dent that ho will visit Elko shortly to study the deposits of shale. Ho states that ho is very much interested in toe study of petroleum and thinks that tho shale may throw some light upou its origin. Tlio Pennsylvania railroad tnnuel into New York City, which is to coat will bo 12 miles long and will extend from to Long Island City. It will pass under the Hudson and East rivers, and Manhattan island. Tlio tunnels will be 18 font inches in diameter inside, and each will contaiu ono track.

They will have a depth of feot under tho Hudson and fcot under tho East river. Electric motors will used for tho hauling of trains. Work must begin within threo months ami end within livo years. FRIDAY'S Salmagundi. It began snowing this af'eruooti and the indications seem good for a biij storm.

ftd. Martin killed mountain lion aud two cubs iu tho Bruueau country a few days ago. Th? lion wns over six feet long. Assemblyman Wilson left for Reno last night. Ho will return at the end of tho tension of the legislature aud open a law ofllce iu tho rooms adjoining Mrs.

Lung's millinncry store. fudge Mnck catno up from Reno thin morning. Ho and Mr. Fnrrington Imve boon 0 ployed to defend J. A.

Traylor, tho White Pino county mine mnuagor whorefused to be runout of the country. l'lio grand jury made no report on the alleged murder of the broker, who killed himself in his offlco in the early eighties, nr. ll.iTC was no evidence tii the murder theory. Report. The eases of the Lnko and pah Mining Company against tho pah Mining Company, are still being heard in tho United Stnteo before Judge Hawlcy and are likely to Inst a eouploof works longer.

Messrs. Williams and ilickcraoti linve taken all the casing out of the oil well and are now reaming out the hole pre. pnratory to fishing for the lost bit, When thoy complete this work and get the well cleaned out, tlio chances will lie very favorable for recovering the bit. Friends of Governor Sadler state upon the authority of the Ex-Governor himself, that he ia still in the tight for the appointment of Warden of the State prison, and ia in to win. In other words he will be in the contest at the finish.

Carson News The coal situation in Toledo Ohio, reached the poiut where physicians are required by dealers before they will uell eveo tou of coal. Tho certificate must show that there ia illMetis iu tho house of the would-be purchaser and that coal ia necessary aa a safeguard foi the patient. Countable Lewis brought James Murray from Deetb last night to serve fonr mouths iu jail for stealing ease of merchandise from the railroad company. Murray wna discharged from the jail on the- '2nd of December after serving a aix months' sentence for slashing a man in Elko with a knife. lie ia a tough citizen.

Herbert Hurduti, representative of The Colorado State Realty Association, visited the oil well and coal mine yesterday afternoon. He told the reporter last evening that the Biirface and formation of the Elko oil fields closely resembled those of the Florence fields iu Colorado. Mr. Burdett was very favorably im pressed with the Elko fields. He left for Reno last night.

From now on the freight trains from Sucraiuento to Truck ee and from Truckee to Sacramento will have three brakemeu and a conductor, instead of two lirakemen aud a "onduutor. The freight trains going ami coming over the "hill1" bo are large that two brakemeu handle them only with difficulty. This new rule will require the employment of about twenty-live extra men. The Director of Mints estimates the production of gold for the year just passed at 880,853,070, and increase of Tho silver yield is placed af 831,010,025. a gain of over three million Colorado heads the list with something over 6even million in gold and nine million in e'lver.

California has seventeen million in gold. Nevada has 83,514 .000 iu gold and 82.120,000 in silver. The Klondyke output was fourteen million and one half. Two of Bodie's dead game sports engaged in poker game with two of Bridgeport's dead drunk tin horn men a few nights ago. The deadgamers of Bodie thought it a snap, which in reality it was for the furmers.

After a very short while tho Bodie sports were down to a tight, while tho Bridgeportera ware Hush; that is, (hey had all the money while the wiie men from Bodie bad a patent deck with 31 cards and 8 aces? Bridgeport Chroniclo. Will of Conn Commissioner Blake, met with a serious injury last night. He had a bottle containing black powder and poured some on a paper md sprinkled it on a fire. In some way the powder in the bottle ignited and exploded the bottle in his hand inflioting an ugly wound Dr. Pickard was called and, assisted by Dr.

Sullivan put the young man under chloroform and dressed tho wound. They found his hand terribly lacerated and the fleeb literally torn away from the bone. The thumb was broken and tlio flesh under that member was blown away. It required forty stitohefl to draw the torn flesh Virginia Enterprise. Governor Sadler refused to approve the bond of Seorelnry of State Douglas as ex-ofllcio clerk of the Supreme Court on the ground that that ofllce ia a constitutional one, and tlioreforo not an ex-ollicio position.

It was pointed ont to tho Governor that he had approved tho bonds of the previous Socretary of Stato for tho same position. To this the Governor replied that ho had a different Attorney- General then. Mr. DonglitB was not worried over tho Governor's objection and filed lus bond with the Secretary of Slate. Tho Supremo Court passed upon tho point raised bj the Governor several years ago and that the Secretary of Stato woo the exofllcio Clerk of tho Supromo Court.

too llDward, lho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease that ecieuoo has boon able to cure iu all its and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure known to the medicnl fraternity. Catarrh lieing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cute is taken infernally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho ''jmidatiou of (lie disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and (insisting nature in doing ifs work. The proprietors havoso much faith in its curative (lowers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any ease tliaf it fails to cure.

Send for inls. A'MffHi F. J. CHENEY A Toledo. O.

Sold by Druggists 7ftc. Mall's Family I'llls are lho liest. Seymour Jaoobs has received a new line of suspenders, neck ties, ofc. Call and see them..

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