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The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ted! THE MORNING HERALD, UNIONTOWN. PA. NESDAY, JULY 29, 199 Deaths School Busses Suffer as Grindstone Garage Is Wrecked i BIG FEUD RAGES i OVER CHOW DOG, PIG STY, POISON VIOLET E. HIBBS Miss Violet H. Hibhs died at a o'clock Tuesday afternoon, July 8S.

1936, 1n tin1 home of brothei -In la and sister. Mr. ami Mrs. W. T.

Mo. Clellan, 71 Union street. Miss IIiU'm was a daughter of the lain IJicy and Margaret Poundstone Hibhs and was born in North Union township October 10, lfijS. For the last 33 years eIid resided with the MeCl. linns.

At ihe nee of IS years she uni'cd with the Pre-byK tL.jl urcli of New Salem, inter trjiiinfi-i i Iter mem bet-ship to the Thin! Picsbylorur. church or Union a. ricsides her sister, Miss Hibhs is also survived by a nephew, Krrieit Hihlis. New Salem; a pi eat niece, Margaret Ilibbs. and a great lieph- liruesl ll-bhs, sill ril 2:30 o'cloclt Tbll the McClellsIl Oil Conn Plren.

T. D. I a ill uo la Oak WiTIW, July 28. A fetid over a chow dog, a i Re can, poison and an alleged pie, hut no tilgs to dale was raging yi-iteiihis- between Ursula Parrott. authoress of "Kx-Wifn" and oilier nest sellers, ami licr wealthy proniliieit neighbors, Mr.

and Mrs. Warwick. G. Rnxall MIks Piimitl whose husband Is Wlldbergh. illO.nlv.-sv theatrical lawyer hiiilt is a pig sly.

ronilllelc troughs, ir. fionl of Duxall's C'cloni il homo afliil- lie hail IhreateilC her dog unless tin? animr.l wis resl fiuia civi-i llONallv. gai haRt; re. ccplaclo. Parrott chow Is a anlnml," lloall declared.

"I that ir she didn't keep the dot; 'mm roaming over our ian-J. I'd lit lXlsci: ill the garbage caa. "She got la touch with tiie sinlo police and Serge-tni (Lnorge Schutiei't came over to sea ine," Iluiall continued. "Hut the trooper had to aerreo that I had a rle.h'. ta pui.non tlio dog It Miss Parrott keep Llie animal on her own premises.

This tlirea. weeks ago. "Sinco liien Miss Parrott has kept her 'fhow out of slht. Uut sho rotali-laterl hy building a pig sty on her lnnd, directly acruss tiie Wilton road fronv house, 1 know It is a pig sty because it has houghs. But I haven't seen any pigs yet." Miss ParroU and her slater, Lucy Towle.

insisted last night the euppnscil pig sly was huL -'a rorm of dog Iteu- Earlier, the novelist's secretary had explained: "The pig sty situation was all Just lhc result of talk at a dinner pally. Some- neighbor In Wilton sugge Lhat If she liad lo deal with a situation such as Miss Pariott found herself In, she'd build a pig sty In front of the. home of any one who threatened to poison, her dog. Anyway, this feud is ail very much exag corn Both Miss Parrott and Uoxall dented reports that an "armistice conference" filled Iji'i' Mr.ji'iiiy i 'oslo between a ear anil the side of the pH while ai wnrk in the Fooledale mine. He died at eTcloclr Tiles-day morning.

July 28, 1336, in Union-town Hospital. Tiie young man was working beside ills father wiien in-Jurcd. Surviving are his parents, Mr. unit Mrs. poler Zev, elonsky, and the fol-hnving brothers and slaters; Mrs.

Helen Swankosliv. Freeland, Mi 5. llo Subul. New Yorl: Anna. Mary.

Walter. Joseph. Andrew and TeltT, all ai hohie; and Stella Zoivclonsky, of New York City Funeral will be an noniieeu later. MINNIE MORELAND Mies Minnie Mnretaml. for niBov years a teaeher In Dunbar and Men-alien townships, cleil Monday afternoon at five o'clock at her home la Dunbar township, She was a member of a family coining lu Fayette eounty shortly after the revolutionary Surviving are a brother, Jnhri.

and a 'Sister, Miss larirs Morelaud at home, and second sister, Mrn. T. A Trowbridge, at Solomon Springs, Funeral services will be conducted at the home Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. Friends tu requested to omit flowors. had been arrauRed to he held in Ilia ofTlm of Miss l'arrott's Bridgeport lawyer, Harold V.

Harris, lloxall. incidentally, also own? a dog, which ha knons strictly on Ids own property, Miss rarroit, tOKiiiorarlly at' least, la boarding her chuw at uelKhborins Eiiick and tile garage swept away tike chaff at Grindstone by winds or hurricane force Rlx selinnl busses and Civil Engineer Fatally Injured Washington Shaft Struck By Lightning WASHINGTON, July 28. A llght ulng holt hit the Washington Monument during thD height of an electrical Btoim here last night and put out Henry Williams of Smock Succumbs to Injuries In Uniontown Hospital; Other Victims Improving GRAFTON, V. V.I., July Robert i'. n'j ch year old civil engineer aiding in the relocation of aalllmore anil Ohio railroad tracks near tiie Tynans Valley river dam, was struck this afternoon by a falling timber anil dlod tonight.

He was a graduate of Dnrlmuuth anil came from Portsmouth, N. H. A widow and Hires children survive. (Continued from Pugs Oua) the red beacon llgtits w.liicli mark the shaft for Incoming planes. Black Legionnaire thto most of were blown out and a portion of tho JOBLESS ARMY" SENDS CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS (Continued from Page One) torn loose.

The company starts Had Bullets In Car UN1TEO STATES STEEL SETS DIVIDEND AT (Continued from Page One) For the first hair of the year Income amounted to $10,236,727 enmuar-ed with a doriclt ot (2,036,291 In the first all months of 1935, at Dflarth and Phillips were alaa danl- ged but to a lcsnar dngrno. Ooil- tractora vrere on the Job early yas- vanla tent telegrarua to 10 cities asking for Immediate reinforcements tor erday lllshinK temporary repairs. Crews wern busy throughout tin Woman and Son Cloudburst Victims DECKLE V. va. July 2S.

(AP) A seven-foot wall or water rushing down rroro Prliicowlck mountain after a cloudburst swept Mrs. Frank Stockman ami her rour-year-old Hon to their ileath at Lllybrook, a uiinliig. town near here, late today. The lll-ysar-otd wuinati i torn loose from the grasp or her husband as he sought to lead lier to safety above the rising waters of Stone Coal creek. Neighbors said log struck Stockman, causing him to falter.

The bodies were recovered. Film Extra Found With Throat Cut HOLLYWOOD, 28. day claurltii; tho debris from thn In a faw of las outlying; districts. The force of local Wsit Tenn rape irmeu was auimetited by 10 orews trom the PltlsburBh district all working almost continuously through Tuea-day in an effort Lo coniplete connections sa generally diflruplod hy tho F.101 m. In the Masontnwn, Fnlrchance, i-ralthCeld and Point Marlon districts damage was only slight and ail necea-iniy repairs have been reported coui-piete and normal service rosnined.

ODonoliavlUe was slowly hut surely itt dlloh battle." I 'e are digging In until the Htht on," the telegram said "While highways, which In various reUon- Arier payment of preferred dlvl-ads for thn hair year Ihoro was car-id a surplus of tn the yractlcally closed. This work was being rushed as men armed wild first half of last, year a deficit was the leaders soURhl reinforcements for their 'army' they also struggled with cliniipori tnair way tnmugii in WPA Air Marking Program Launched In conjunction with a statement made recently hy Pennsylvania Progress Administrator Kdwarti N. Jones to tiie effect tliat alunnrkliif; projects were being launched IhroiiBhout the slate, or already under way, Lycll Hiittei more, district WPA dlrerlor. said thai work In nearliig ornilel1oii In Union ton, Fairchamv ami Murjnlown in urged to surplus amounting to the noblain of providing those now iitiitn trens wivluh Idockod traffic luucs. 539,104.

Profit for llm common slock DF3TROIT, 2H. (AP) Discovery of ISO. rounds of ammunition in an automobile belonging lo a Fllack Legion rial accused of killing negro, added Impetus to multiple In-vustiitatluu tin- oli it tetior- IStB. I'ollco said a repjlring ml automobile, damageil In-a sirool car Clash, foimtl the bullnU. Charles five ilcfendini urged wil kidnnii-Ing and nlurdcrlnii Silas Colninaii, ri-yoarold Detroit negro, whose linily In a swamp near Plcknoy, for tlio hirlt was euiiul to 42 cents a A man at Run duTln -re with food.

David Leaser, president of the Works' Allltnes, said the H.000 allotted had a harrow the. helRlit of alol In his auto alter allowing or full dividend norm. He requirements on iho preferred slock. hy flovernor Earle from federal funds for the purpote was almost oihaUBtad. Ho asld that nnough money waa left dlo when the wind plckod Up one lie steel giuvisres and deaosltad nop bla I'jr.

'i'liu machine etiulpped villi a Htoel turret ti and tn.i driver was not inning up atorui dauiagti with niatty tlm places damiiKBd awalllrig lu-rancn Inapnclloo. U'r-rk of repairs began almost Im odislely Monday night follow-In rtorm and yesterday the West mn Power Company had returned reivice eicept. a Tew Hirent. iiphta. -II Tnlepiione linemon also were on a lob and only a few phones aUII Jured.

to furnish each marcher with Iwo sandwlclien and a cut: of e.orfoo for Jlnner and breakfast Wednesday niorlllujE. Ho nald he hopnd to make some arrangement with Qovornur i'arle lo tioiltiiiuo TDOil orderB. Only a skeleton crowd romained to Ic llm HUNDREDS ATTEND FIRE EN'S A A (Continued from Page One) mon's parade which Hives every Indication of bolnp; one of Ihe largest toJ f-t colorTuI ever attempted by tho McClelliuidtowu fireman. On Thursday nlht llcure will bo a a iv as extra player, ey said inili Dorothy Jay, 2fi. fll First Canoe Ride Ends in Death of tho ilpiila hy the high -vim: a also rciiuivi-cl tlio raof off Urn barn.

night In thn Ronnte gallery and the rotunda nf the capltol. Most of them remained out of commission Ihji Light. Merchants wore busily enraged 1 1 I 1 1 to Ihe tii'lv. replacing nlnto glass window's hlown meniliei-H of tlm Nuw Saloul Veil by tlio stoim while the Capstan tatra ami the flrn lighting foice or tho rated slie liad liecn slillli. irer Ibrnnl had been cut.

Tlio rle Incllves said ID-hull butcher knifi-fuiuld tci anolhir room uf her lioust wiiere the body -en discovered, up rarendy was the weapon. Deiectlvo Lleulenani il. n. Bunllrk icportccl he had p.sUnnod Frank litllln, ,19, an nciiualnta lice Mlsr and tllfil I e.dii r.V Glass Com puny although not mater tally affected liy the storm atartod repairs lo the roof nf one of Its tanks r.lrr.n.0..ol Cui l.nin!:aoy, F'rldaj illKht's oulstandlllB feature will be a Mull puiodo In whlcl everyone owning a dog or pet of an) doscripEloii Is not only Invited but wel come to participate. II Hopkins, chiet or tho McClel lah'llown conipany, Is fyeneral chair man 1n charge of arrangements.

HURT PLAYING MUSH8ALL with the woman bat denied slaying went to the Imniotiae Farm a how nuildlnga whore cola are provided. While the crowd In thn SenaLe gallery ahrlekod and hunted, committee or Renatot'H and liGiuesnnLalives made another futllo effort to iiEraa un a proposal to Issue worth or notes based on future tatoo. The meeting broke tip Willi the general situation unchanged. Onvernor Unrln and Ihe "New Deal" leaders stood firm In their demand that before relief money Is provided through, notes, the Republican majority inuat enact Ihe lax" moasure pro posed by Hie Administration. Republicans held Just nH firmly Tor iha note proposal, Insisting thu levenuo question CDuld ho taken up latnr.

OLASSPOTtT. July 2S. AP) An Irt year old runner state champion high nchool violhiiHt canoeing with a rompanion on the Mnuongnliela river for tho Its limp, was drowned tonight. IJenJamin Porretto, 18, tho victim, was graduated Inst month trom Clairton High school. His friends said he won the violin title In 1831.

James Curry, 17, who wns with Por-retlo, aald waves Trom a passing steam or overlurnod their canoe near Iho Pittsburgh nnd Ijikn Eiin round house, about tour miles south of filch liad been blown off. nccnasltiiL na a partial aliutdown. Accurate cgllmalofl of the loss au'-eied In the Vough City wore sllll Hissing and It was nni eipneteil th-i caa won ill bo definitely known until till insiiraiico inspections liad heou mule. LOCAL MAN IS SfiHlOUSLY HURT Jnmos Firestone, IB, or Uladl, was Monday ovening'a high wind playod IN MOTOR WRECK receiving treatment at Iho Utiloul fuvorltoH. 11 swept over the Daw place sky sirr liospltal taat nlglit for contusions of ion Ilrivlng I'ark, homo of Fayette Jnunly Falra for yean, leveling tlm I Continued Page Oao.) Atnu5 Willi icpoits Of "oivil.

ti lie coi'uity'ii utility servlctB dlnruptcil liy storm are reports of iiddiiiomil harrowljig ejiperiencos nnd luoiieiiy lunuiBo. fine of the moal badly damaROd iruidcaci rciioried was that of Martin tjanlen at Lambert. Horo tliu wind blew down a largo chimney Humiinir the lirlckH craahlr.n through tho rout Into Ihreo rooms on the second flour of the sight-room hnuso ilamaylni! iurjiltm-e and flx-tmes In all liiroe hoyond repair. Tho loss here is estimated by tiie ownei at between JbOCi anrl Clardeu Is To llrownsvllln city and private electric service lias been reestablish cd unil telephone, service in the busi ncHH district ro constructed. Thnn are still a number of private lines, however, lhat are still "temporarily cut nf order." Oatnage to tlio gov-crunionl lock at Brownsville, rausod s.iien thn wind blow river steamer against one of the giant Kates, ha been repaired and regular service reestablished.

Unofficial estimates oT dniunge In the ilrnwiisvlllc cllslllc: ic wuie as hlKll as $250 JQO This amount, local police say. la "conservative." in Uniontown all tolephcinn service In the business ilstrici lias boon repaired but fnaic private lines, lllci: lu iirownfivllle. arc unaers-h-ealilf largo and heavily constructed grarirt- tlio aixlomcn. Ho wib injured pitying mushball and was removed tlio hospital for observation and Iroui meiit. His condition la nol serioui.

ings in towns. It will he concluded as a stalev.Me project about October 1. This par: of WPA's plan to make tiie entire nation a map legible from the elands, iiutteriuore concludeil. hine to leave the hlrh in Idle the Ahlhausei car vBs paTtly LEGION STAG PICNIC I and wrecking two other build-nrnnagn was estimated at $10, IT tl-e lliway on he same side of IS SET FOR SUNDAY The home of Asnembiyma-i he JOarl. -J Ni detail Of illO Cochran In Dawson was HiRhway 1'alrol invcstlfrated al aa wore a largo number of ued from Pace One) (Co REMOVED TO HOSPITAL John 16, of Republic, was admitted to the niowiisvllle General Hospital last night for Irealiuont ot burns of the hnek nnd right side or the cheat.

Ho was burned nhnut 11 days ago when ha want lo slenp with a clgaret In his hand. When lie failed to respond lo treatment bla removal Lo the hospital was advised. W. Snyilep Of CnnuriCC homos while tho cross on cil Hoarl Church la Dawaou FOOT INJURED James Itiisscll. 9, of Lemont Furnace, suffered an Injury to his toot last Friday when It became cauEht lu the cog wheel of a motorcycle.

lie was removed lo -he Uniontown Hospital yesterday for treatment. jj placed In JJnlontown jiollca latlotl la-st uiKht pendliiK a hearing contests to determine the homeliest blcv-n down. person present iter followiiifj ail anloinuhi I This latter contest is open to the to houses and two barns at rial- .1 1 (Hi fluilli r.l ttif SlIIDck wroilfl wcro dntnagod. Tlio recontly Silbaugh Concrele Burial Vault Co, Nothing Better Made A HOfnc Product quire About Thtm and niciwiioii rnacliine illleff- nmplcteil harn at tho William Am- field and no nnn Is barred. Anticlpat lug plenty of competition, however.

Judges of the ovent will hngln their task with the "oponlng gun" at 11 dly ilnick a roncrcle al.ulmcnt as lie driver turned onto Itiiutr; SI from ni-i-rg farm was dnmollshcd- it i us lhan a year ago that the barn lie Smock road, TIn rhilul o'clock, the winner to be announced ial been struck by lightning and all of the Slate Highway I'atrol lato In the afternoon. MONTH END tcr.tioyed and the new strnc modern in every respect, had AiiKininhlU-i ilrii in by Jam TLcketH are already on sale nnd may bo obtained trom members of Post cd- al iho downtown i i cully been completed. A barn on i iy City aiid Uehlasla of iilontov Officials of the Wi-si r. n-i tioi.ipany tho r'rank Htnckler farm wnn un looted as were Ihe homes of hills a-tirth iJiinn and Harry Strlcklor. islon o.t Koi.

i- Fairground leport re eslablishnieiit nt all si last nli-lii 20 o'clock. FLOWERS FOfl EVEHY OCCASION Barton's FLOWER SHOP hhlaslH 'Si later urn-sled liy th ilate HiKhv-ay J'nol. Vrninpr was truvciK north on the linkway while IJeblasIs was driving ii'iOhb the route frun: tiie west side ruo an alleyway lie drove directly front of Vuunjc. Ihe left front of 'ALfJOL' CROitUlGNOLE "EVON" CROQUKJNOLE A Hotter Wave at a fn 1A Bummer 8p- MA Ran. UtOO Value.

Kuagct I'rice nuagei ri mM Ileforc You Start Sewing Phone 2S0O. Sewing Machine Department and lei our service man oil and adjust your machine any make for Bring your hcmttltchlng to Mitt Kermeil She doet It beautifully at 10c the yard. Wriffht-Metzler Co. of Uniontown madt our vacation possible "My wife anil I both needed a rest but we didn't htvt the rtah. Then friend Bent ui to yDU- Ydu lotned us enough to Ufce Ilia vacation wo needed and now we repay a anitU amount each month." Are you doing without a vacation because you ifon't have cathf If you are, we'll help you.

See us today, roonr up 10 IM-S month, la rfy te.kBMr PERSONAL at to FINANCE COMPANY "SINCE 1896" HIGH GRADE Elite beauty salon MONUMENTS BOQY IN RESERVOIR ALTOONA, July body of nu uindectlflfld man win found ludav In the city reservoir, His rlothmg lay on Ihe hank. Jp.vcsiigatora Bald gold cliarm, round In tlio nian'n pockel, hole the name of Lymau Miahler, Lancaster, Cor. Main St. and Beeson Blvd. MARSH ALLS Moroantown Bt.

0U or Wrtti Over Sally's Drew Shop Phone 2t moor ma.

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