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The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

City's Stores Ready for Invasion of Dollar Day Bargain Hunters Today The Morning Herald UNIONTOWN UNITED FOR PROGRESS AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION LAST WEEK, 10,184 twenty pages VOLUME 24. NO. 20 UNIONTOWN, FAYETTE COUNTY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 BANDITS FAIL TO GET LOOT IN BANK HOLDUP UNIONTOWN MEN SPEAKERS FftR Seven Persons Injured in Three Auto Accidents NERVOUS YOUNG MEN FAIL IN GREENSBURGJOB Scoop Up $500 Leave It Behint After Customer Leaves; Miss Thousands; Police Searching ONLY WOMAN IN ROOM New Records Loom for Sales, Saving, Economy Stores Crowded With People Yesterday Inspecting Bargain Day Offerings Available For the First Time Today Extra Salespeople Employed in Anticipation of Heavy Ruying Ads Tell Great Story of Economy A report from the merchants mid business men sponsoring Dollar Days nt 1930. Indicate a ftiuoun! of Interest In this event. All iluv Wednesday choppers visited I lie.

various stores who nro pal ttrinatinK and p.iipnlv tinned the merchandlso which Is promised tor today. Local Man Has Fractured Ai JURY GIVEN HURST CASE TO DECIDE DAMAGEAMOUNT Defendant Testifies; Action Filed Against S. M. Carroll in Auto Accident; Foreclose Mortgage NO VOTING MACHINES A Jury retired aL 5 o'clock Wednesday evening to decide the amount of damages, If any, due to the surviving members of Hie Clyde Hurst family who were deprived of support of the family head when Mr. Hursl was kill ed last August 6th.

on the National 1'lko near llraddock's Crave, when the car in which ho was riding upsel The defendnnl in the case Is hs friend Charles li. lvlcher, who drove the car l(li whom the family ou-enema at the time. The final testimony for dP plain-tiff fixed his earning capacity at J2(K a month, he receiving that salary to gelher uitti a Ibird Interest In the business ol the Hursl llnrdwaio Supply Company, which bud stores in Cnionlown and Scnttdnle hi the time M- UllUIJtlU Ull VETS BANQUET Dr. S. A.

Bait, and George H. Suntlerman on List at V. F. W. Fete in Yough City Saturday EXPECT HIGH OFFICIALS An elaborate and interesting pro glum litis been arranged by flic committee on arrangements for the annual dinner of the Waller lirown Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

L'onncllsvillc, lo be held In the post rooms. North Pittsburgh street, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. The occasion Is the llOtb anniversary of the outbreak of the Philippine Insurrection, February ISflil. Among the notabh-s. who have sit nifted their intention of intending and who will participate in Ho- grain nre: Robert Woodsiile.

of Pitts burgh, past conmiundet In lilef Aaron It. Gardner, of Williamspiu t. senior vice commander of the Depart ment of Pennsylvania of the V. Representative c. A Kendall, oil Knox lllak tary of Connellsville Hoard ol Judge C.

I). Copeland. tire. Hun .1 Hi II, Dawson; H. Biiieliiiiu, of Pittsburgh, past department commander-.

Major Iv I. Hnltz, Uniontown; H. Suuderinan I'nioulowii, past coinmnuder of the William McKlnley Post, of Pitts (Continued on Page Xineteen) note aclivily In I'nionlnwn yesterday which Is good Indication that Doi lav Days of IPSO--today anil tomonow will break all records for siivIiir and economy. Every slore that is in this event announce llmt till airnnne-incuts havo been to handle a capacity crowd. Kxlra salespeople hnve been employed and met Imndtso arniiiKed so that it can In qiilcldy and thoroughly.

The mtirchnnls who are pnrtlclpnl and lcr; One Car Upsets; 2 Others Crash FOUR STAY IN HOSPITALS Seven were injured, one seriously, in three automobile accidents last night. All were removed to in, i i but three later returned home. The injured; Dan Knight, GO, 12 Maurice sueet, rnloutown, fractured right arm ami right leg. lacerations of the bead. Condition fair.

In I'nlon-tnwn Hospital. Herbert Cioniery. Cufontown rt. II 2. lacerated face and right knee.

Condition good. In Cnion-town Hospital Mrs. Hortlia Martin, 45, Dunbar, lacerated forehead. Condition good. In Unlontown Hospital.

Thomas Martin, Phyliss and Evelyn Martin. Dunbar, slight injuries. Returned home. Mils Kliia. 34, Foocedate.

injuries to left shoulder and back. Condition good. In Brownsville General Hospital. MeKnight was injured early last nicht when be is said to have (Continued on Page Twelve) iSH" FULLER TO GET D. S.

C. AT IMiuis Complete for Presentation at Gallatin Gardens This Evening at O'Clock l'CRLK IS Ill u'linl (iives prom I of I he most colorful, ceremonies of Its kind Uulonlown, Set genu! vei staged in Sinllb "Ish" I'uUor, will tonlghl be tiwin Dlsllngulshnd Service Cross War department. Tho ceremony will be in tl (Continued on 1'nge Mile Dawes' Kin Scores A nephew of Charles G. Dawes, r.r.bassatlor to Great Britain, is the youngest person in the United States to pass the examination for national bank examiner. He is Carlos B.

Dawes, above, of Chi. cago, son of Uenian Dawes, oil magnate. CaseJiefore Alderman THREE MEN FACE BLACKMAIL AND EXTORTION TRIAL Constable and Aides Held for Court Under Serious Charges; Hearing at Alderman Allen's RESULT TWO LIQUOR RAIDS Following a hearing before Alder man Alien VVdnesilav afternoon J1'' A Hall'- hill and l'rauk alias: Frank Smith, were bound over to com I on 'wo informations charging iheio with blackmail and conspiring to ex REPOSSESSED! 2 HIGH CLASS STANDARn il I ELECTRIC RADIOS WILL GO ON 1 SALE TODAY AT PRICES County Detective's Car Taken While Hurricane Lashes Republic A Store Robbed $100 Groceries III. led by the signs displayed In their windows announcing that pan of the Dollar Day I they are a program. Dollar Das llie 11.

'raid ran MiKf i I V. where the bargains may be lo atcd and the nature of them. () uoss men and tuereliniita tuwn m-o taking part In thi ami the committee in cburge promises the erratest array of values ever arranged for any such occasion. The public Is urged lo shop early and to (Continued on Vagi. Nineteen) Authorities Believe Thieves Used Track to Cart Supplies Away; Cut Glass in Door CENTS CASH TAKEN Culling tits gin's from one of ihe double doors In the from of the A.

.4 1'. Company slow In Hcpuhlir. some time Tuoiduy night, thieves entered and stoln about fltltl worth of groceries and fif, cenls In cash, according to Manager Masliiiiko. This robbery Is one of the boldest (Conl limed on I'age Nineteen i CHICKEN AND BISCUIT SUPPER (liven by the Men's tinmen Class of the New Salem Ih-cshylet inn church, Tbursdny, Jan. Hours r.

tn Tlckrls -Adv. Lackey Class ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT Y. M. C. A.

Fridav. Jan. 31, 8 P. M. EVERY MEMBER PRESENT.

LUNCH Advertisement South Union Alumni BASKETBALL TONITE SOUTH BROWNSVILLE'S Five Horsemen SOUTH UNION GYM. PRELIMINARY 7:30 (Advertisement! BAKElS 9 FT COAL To nt bin; 100 dumped; llo Bbovelod. f.ess than iO bushel add l-2o. Phone 3090 or 2543. BAKER COAL CO.

(Advertisenioni) USED TIRlSALE (SO) used tiros, nil ultses, Ooodyoar, Fliestono. Ooodrlcb. Inquire 4f) So. llallntln Gulf Negro Girl Killed as Wind Rips MERCURY TAKES TUMBLE ORLANDO, Jan. high wind storm of hurricane entire tivough the town of Lake Weir, is miles south of Ocala.

in Marion comity today, killing a negro girl and demolishing numlior of houses, according to roports liiougbt here tonight by motorists. As far as eould lie aseeiltilued no white persons were hurt. MOW OHLKAN'S, Jan. 2P. A storm of iicar hnrtlctine proportions that ripped out of tile Oulf of Mexico near tho Florida const todav, whipped through Mississippi, Ala-tl'oiiliiiued on I'age Nineteen) Nell O'Neil Shoes 35 W.

Main St. pairs Cell Shoes. Erf NOTICE! GREENS URG. Jan. 29.

I wo bandits, who gave every evidence of being novices todav attempted to rob the Community Savings and Loan Company Bank in tlio heart of business district but fled without taking a cent Toniirhf they were at large. The men wore completely unnerved hy 'In' appearance of a man inquiring for direction to tho office of a doctor and tney tied out tho door leavh: be hind mo in cash, that thev had scooped together on tlio conn I or. Mrs. Alice Banglinian, an employe of tiie bank was alono In the im.tiw Hon. The manager, E.

E. Lyon was out to lunch. She said the bandit'- but one gun between them nnd that one of them shoved it through the grating with the order that sin- throw up her hands. When she obeved she immediately was ordered to put them down again by ouo of tlio men, vlin apparently reared the passers by along oecoiui sueet, might see her ttiroueth xh" Intlou The couipelled llaugbnmn men on Page Nineteen) Coast States CAR HITS WAGON, MAN IS BRUISED N. G.

Kern of Now Salem Severely Shaken Up nnd Cut in Accident; No Arrests Made While a wagon along ihe main thoroughfare in New Saloni Wednesday about 2 p. N. (1. Kern, of Now Salem was knocked from the wagon to the brick pavement, sustaining severe braises to Ills left side. The accident was caused when mi automobile, said by police, to have been driven by r.

Dohbei teiu, lm-licit, struck Kern's wagon. -N a ests were made. Panel Curtains nigii In initit'K copy t'anel I'urliilus wore ntlver-tlsed as a Dollar Hay special We regret that this Item Is umivailablo BUT. if you are looking for some real DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS, besides the numerous ones offered In yesterday's hune advertisement, see Montgomery Ward Co. 33 35 Morgantown St.

Phone 3340 'THOR' I WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF "THOR" ELECTRIC WASHERS i MENTS IF DESIRED. COR. BROADWAY AND PETER ST IU. MARKET 'hone iii FORT RESIGNS AS SECRETARY Republican National Committee Executive Hands in Resignation; Hoovers Campaign Chief WASHINGTON. Jan.

ip. Ki-Piesonlntlvo Franklin Fort of New Jersey, tonight resigned as of Die National Foil wns nianngrr of I be pro convention campaign of Mr. Hoover for I'residenl. He became secretary of the coniniltlee after the Kansas 27 RADIOS! WE ARE GOING TO DISPOSE OF 27 HIGH CLASS ALL ELECTRIC RA-OIOS AT PRICES THAT WILL MAKE THEM MOVE FAST. MOST OF THESE SETS ARE LIKE NEW.


(Adverllsolnelll $30 WATOH GIVEN AWAY With Sixth Annual Doll.ii Package Sale Dollar Days, Jan. 30 31 Every Package Contains An Article $1.00 to $20.00 Value Hunt's Jewelry Store JEWELER OPTOMETRIST Unlontown, Pa. I HEARD OF. SOME OF THEM WERE i REPOSSESSED AND SOME OF THEM ARE TRADEO IN SETS. ALL THEM LOOK LIKE NEW.

TIME PAYMENT IF DESIRED. SUNKEN DIVER MAY BE ALIVE Two Fellow Workers Attempt ing to Hring Quehec Man ft Surface of Ice Covered Uivei Quebec, Jan. 25. Two expert divers who llie Isolated vlllace of mri 'ate today bv airplane to ulKht donned nndemnier toRRcrv' ami descended to the bottom of St Law rence river in an attempt to rescue Peter Trims, imprisoned bv sn.u-i-ed equipment since Monday. The divers, Cjuesel Moreney and l.ouls llegln.

braving strong currents, which It was thought would prevent lliolr iiltompts at rescue at least um II tomorrow morning, decided that further delay on their pnrt might fius Irate removing Trens alive Meanwhile relatives In Deitmark were kept in touch with llie rescue work by cable. Hlvlore Aux Outnrdes' only means of communtcallon with the outside world is by airplane. There Is no telegraph. SPECIAL FOR DOLLAR DAYS Radio Loud Speaker Regular Price Special cjrt Qff Price i Off for your old Iron on the New-Hot Point Super Automatic Iron. West Penn Electric Shop 42 N.


BROADWAY AND PETER (Advertisement) 9 Ft Lumpy Coal from Nixon Shaft. Haul and No shilo. lie bn dellveied. I'liono GUSEMAN HALL COAL CO. (Advertisement) FOR RENT II loom brick house nt 70 K.

t'liurch Si. All modern convenictu-es. 1'ossea-Blon Feb. 1. Phono 810-W.

Adv. RICHMAN CLOTHES NEW 8PRINQ SAMPLES ALL WOOL 22.o0 8UIT6 TUXEDOS TOPCOATS FUprntd by 8am Bernon, 69 W. Main 2nd Floor. Phono 3197. Open Evening.

Unlontown, Pa. "dance by llroiuilo Club, at Hall, lnn. SOtli. FealnrlnK Jan Oa net' Pennies. 8:90 to 38.

Kvorybody He Prosecutes A. A. JJowning's Machine Laier Found in Hen l)inond Street; Contained Gas Homo, Cuffs LOOKING FOR CULPRIT An automobile, a large sedan, own ed by county detective A. A. Downing, together iviili a pair of haudcufls.

a Ktis gun niul a latrtr flashlight, were stolon Wetlncsday nfternoou about 4 o'clock and found abandoned about four hours later, in Bvn I.ouioud street. It is the belief of local jiolice thai the thief or thieves lost their "nerve" after taking the car and believing thev would be unable to get out of Union town through the cordon of officers that was thrown aboul (lie city almo-i (Contiuued on Pago Nineteen I Chicken le Dinner 'Dollar Day Specials" ins. ircsh mackerel I fresh blue pike. Baltimore Fish Market V. F.

S. C. of awaidiPS llie Hi- ine.ttied Service (hoss to our Fast Commaiulei. Smitli "Ish" Fuller. D.

E. CUNNINGHAM, Commander (Advertisement) Gallatin Auto Supply lias Some $1 llargalns. I.ook A I Our Window, South tlalbuin Ave. (Advertisement) For Sale or Rent Itnsb (iariiKe. ivier Hear lintel Tillow.

rossesslou Ii trtedialely. In-ipilre Hell, en Itusli. West Paul Hotel. (Advertisement) RADIO SPECIALS All Kinds llmlio Tubes $170 00 Macuovov Dynamic Speaker SII.VOO. 72 K.

Main St. (Advertlsniuout) HAIRCUTS 35c THE WHITE STAR BARBER SHOP Corner Main and Pittsburgh Stroot6 Knurs 8 to 8. I.nler on Salurdiiy ANDREW STEFAN1K, Prop. (Adverllseuiotit) Dance Tonight Diownsvlllo Junction Hull. Johnny tioclt niul iris Hollywood Niio Club 0ich8tr.


COR. BROADWAY AND PETER ST. (Advertisement) AUTO bv in Also nr.Milnr llntiit and l-'itvette Hi. Adv C. TIRE CO.

Special Values DOLLAR DAY 2 rolls Olco. lbs. Ooniar Nnt I lbs. Pork Chops 5 lbs. Liver 1 I Us.

ti FAYETTE SALES CO. 5 Rear McCrory Five Ten Store NOTICE American Legion f.u'nyette I'i IH-d the presentation ol omiade Smiili -Isir Ihiidens, Thurs ADJUTANT (Advertlsemenl) I'dU S.VU'J Oil ftllNT- -House ai store tOKelhei. All convonluuces the bouse. Located nt Now Stilet cck Church far Slop. SALVATORE NATALE Piione 85 P.

O. Box 158 (Advert Isemout) Cards Tonight At K. C. Home Second of a sories of weekly pnrtlos will bo Iiold nt the Knlghta of Columbus Home this evening. Knights of Columbus nnd friends cordially ln-rltod.

Assoasmout fifty cents per person. Prltes --Adv. s. 3 -fell a I HAGAN'S MARKET 5 DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS I Ll.s. Otir Own Pure Pork SAl'SAOK.

Loose or Still fed, 1 .00 5 5 Lbs. FUKSH OROl'ND UKF.l Sl.llli SWIFT PKKMUFM HOX HA CON IU. IISp HKOOKPtKLI) HU'lTKU. 2-lb. roll Mr 2 For Your Protection The Service of the Yeo Rotary NIGHT DEPOSITORY Arcade Entrance This convcniciico is ofToied to those of our customers who (eel tho need of protection for thoir funds nflev hanking hours.


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