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The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 16

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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The recovery of ilve bodl at iv CREEK COMPANY PLANS MADE Br AmtaM PiW PITTSBURGH. Not. 13 VUIUbm JMaja D. W. Benderaoo tims of the sinking steamer Vtstrta by Coast duard reaaelg waa reported by radio tonight to the Navy depart- DUBOIS MAN HURT AS CAR UPSETS Max Nickerson Suffers Broken Right Legf and Bruises NEW YORK, NOV.

1. PASSES AWAY IN SAN FRANCISCO JfcyajUe BooatT, nittlnt ts criminal CMnobaV wia rapajne today Woman's Club To Aid CLASS NINE Members of Class Nino of iho Hat-woods Baptist church held their monthly buslncsu and Boclal meeting Mail Sale in the BrownsvUles luoui. bj vice-Aamirat Taylor on board the battleship Wyoming, one of the rescuing crafl. Tho Coast Guard Teasel. Tucker recovered the body of a nsgro and the Coast Guard destroy, er Manning plcfcod up four bodlefs.

NEW YORK, Kov. 13. The lUdlD Marine Corporation to- at tho home of Mr. and Mri. Albert Rldilnebnfer.

The meeting in charge of tha prealdent, aflbert Mar Union town friends wro notliled Monday of the death. in San of David J. Berry. 61. well known foi In Wall Btrist the flrat etfip tn larger combination of coal companies.

I tin. The Scripture lef ion -was read or Plaiu lor the annual Christina Max Nlckereon. ea years, ot Mr. Lt Nlckereon, Seal gale campaign In the nronraf Jme O. Robinson.

At the conclusion of the business meeting, on oyiter Westmoreland and Fayalte e.oun nigcE reporien receipt ot a metssaKo Tnttx-Traer Company recently bought Illinois ntrio mine At (he time of his death. BITUMINOUS COAL aaffered a fractured right leg and body bruise Tuesday erenlng about 7 o'clock when the automobile ihrough its Tuekerton, N. station rulls nm rrom inanaBgmns wovem-ber 29. until ChrUtmaa. urere dli- mppor wnn aeryed-'by tne otaas.

coal properties. that the French tanker Myitam which i 7r' wa.9 ot lho "Nn-had renorted refle.nlnr pnri.ttn.-i, nf i Industrial Hevlew" of San Fiiui- CBEsed yesterday by a committee of Among fhoes in attendance were th the Wotnaa'o Club of Brownavflle and I Rv. Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Blaka and In which he and cftWJij William Brown, alao of Dubois ere riding, up thej steamer Vestris tils moi-nlns had V- He founded the Miaa Marraret Willour. Held seer, amidren, Kstner, uonaia ana nnnene as ids start In the Jonmallstla MEETING CALLED aoueu to me list Dy picking more. set in tne Faircnaoce-Bmittmcio roatt. Mckereon wis removed to the Unton- Mr.

and Mrs, Jamoa Robinson, and children, John Carroll and Zona Huth; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Martin and chil G. OP. WOMEN OPEN MEETING tnwn Hospital vhara his condition was lsitorled as good.

Broun, aside from a. dren, Hay, Paul, Earl anil Tjeria Fays; Mr. and Mrs. Hoy filsley and daugh Operators From 50 Pro fow bruises was not injured. The two young rtlen wern hitch hlk lag to.

Charleston, VI. Va. Ill Union ter, Lola; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mar N'OnF-OLlf, Nov.

13. A radiogram tho Wyorolni? picked up here thia afternoon said that five women passengers of the ill-fated Vestris wero found floating in life preservers. tin and children, Lester, Ieroy, Herman and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. El- town they were picked un by tho ducing Fields in Cleveland tary of the Payette County Tubercu-loals Society.

Tb now method ot the county aoclely will, he utilized In (Wiling the seala tbjs year. They vrill be mailed to a list subscribers and no personal solicitation will be made. The Woman's Club of BrownHVlllal has sponsored tho seal solo in that community for several years ami this year will endeavor to surpass previous sales records. The committee which will handlo the sole Is com-prised of Airs. Qoorsra J.

Troth, chairman; Mrs. D. P. Paul, Mm. Itobort Herrou, Mrs.

D. D. Watkins and Mra, W. C. Hormell.

iltiver ot. an avilODjoljllo which msr Clifton and son, 1'aut; Mr, and Mrs. EmerEon Martin and son, Don The mCBSnge follows: "Wo picked up five women uafiaen- i.stored In the nftmo ot Jolm w. Lecfc- PAimcvlvaitio rnnnril of smituiieid. i1 ennsy.vama iouncn CLEVELAND.

Nov. 13 pera floating in llfo preservers nnd ald; Mr, ana Mrs. Clayton Carson and F.DU, Harlan; Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hld-lingbater and nloce, Marietta Cook. On one of the straightaways he- AUQreSSed I5y lien world and later the Groenstiurjr "Staj- the (JrcensbuTB "Mornlne Review," Ibn "Morning Herald" of Uniontown.

an I the "National Ijibor Journal" or Plit. hurgti. He. was the son of'the late Mr. and Mrs.

John L. Harry and I--su: lived by his widow and one ton, S. Harry, ot Wilkinsburg. Among the brothers and slslers who atirvlvo are Hubert M. Berry of the Fayette Publlshlns: Cotnpanv, Uniontown; Vernon C.

lierry, San Cisco; George Herry ot the '-I'ri-bune Rovlow" of Gieensburg; Mrs. Morritl Thayer nnd Mrs. H. R. ilari-K and Mrs.

Math Neymuy-or and Mrs, William Farrow, belli 'U Chicago. Mr. Horry figured prominently In professional sports many years arn lie was mnnaKer of tho wnrid chain-plon professional football team of l-ii nryli. whloli 1 i i l- Bituminous coal operators from fifty eral Martin proaucing r.citiB so states ore gatn driver Is said to have lost control. The untoinoblle ran Into ft field and lliou.

oring hero for tho eleventh annual meeting of the National Coal Assocla tnreo men of crew in same manner but one waa holding rin in hatch cover. The American Shipper, the-MjTlam and tbo Derliu picked up five, two and one boatloads rnspeetivelv, so all llfebn.T- uhk-h net wv aro lor with one raft still In doubt." (unfed turllo tour, or flvo times but Tho elxtli annual convention of tho dually landed upright. 1 Pennsylvania Council of Republican. The automobile wis lunlly unmnKcil Women opened Tuesday aCtornoon in tlon, which will open November 14 am) couilnuea through tho sixteenth. Tho three-day program deals extensively with marketing problems of the in tlic wrerlf the ballroom of Ihe Penn-Harris Hotslj Sorptatvt Wrent of tho Stale High-: Mnrrlsburfc- Mm Cha Hea Chick, a vy Patrol In tnvesllgaUng the case.

rf organisation and 1 Mrs. Klla C. Adams are attending I from thin rltv. Mi-a left In llnie industry. Mine, antcly, taxation, re search and government relations, with special reforence to proposals before FLEET ON HAND A list for iha mail sale was mads: and graded by the' committee, yesterday.

The liBt comprises residents In both Brownavllla and South The committee will have entiro charge, of all publicity in dislrltt, the posting of posters Hud other pub' liclty mailer and (lie seal sale hootiia which are to be established, Tha booths will he operation on iliren Saturil tys during December IS and 22 and probably -will remain open tha' Itut week before- Christmas. I to attend Iho meeting of the board of LEBO-GARBER Tho marilnge of Miss Lucy Garner, daughter of Mrs. Anna Garher ot Up-pcimitidlctown, and Daniel son or Joseph Iebo of llopwood, took place Saturday afternoon, November 1.0, 132S, at the homo of tho bride's niotlier. The Itev, J. J.

Bradley of Fairmont, W. offic-laied. A wedding dinner was served at o'clock, after which music for dancing was rurulshed by the Kurla Harmony BoyB' Orcheslra. Following a tour of the Nt ring-land Ktatas, Mr. and Mrs.

Lobo will be at homo with tho bride's mother. Attending the wedding were the bridegroom's father, Joseph Lebo. and iho Itov. J. V.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlehsel and Andrew I.elio ar.d DEATH dlroctorK held Tuesday morning in th in and pn- WASHINGTON, Nov. The fleet of eight Coast. Guard luxcciillve Manelon.

This mretlug was uped lho sola whlnh waa rushed to the wrecked steamer Vestris was ordered lain to-1 1 1 day by Coast Quurd headrjunrtei to followed by a luncheon at Uie man CLARENCE E. PRATT I aloti at which Mrs. II. Talnull Brown Cltucnco Trnlt, aged GO years. 1 was' Hostess.

Last night nt 3C nf Houao 02, Wynn, veto Instantly o'clock the annual banituet wa held Killed allernoon, November in the hRllroom olTtlio Penn-Harrli M31H1 by anil rnnilmio i I rr i nrnli tor Burvivm-s and bodies. The fleei is eomposc-d or the Uarls, 9 haw. Works, 'fucker, Modoc, MannlriK. Mnsdontln Aeiiusnet. 13, caught under a alate Tonight Iho members ot the council fall in tho Davis tJnnl company will be guests of Qovemor lusher and the u.

s. Congress for regulatory legislation, will be discussed. T. W. Harris, Wilmington, purchasing agent for the du Pont Interests and vice-president of, tho National Aseoelatlcn of Purchasing Agonis, will present tho -viewpoint of the purchasing agent with relation to tho bituminous Industry, This will ho followed by an address by V.

W. Shlb-ley, vlnepreRlileut ot the -Hanker Trust Company. New York Shib-ley will deal with merchandising and deflnu the. bankers' viewpoint, Tho growth of the trade practice movement in several lines of iradc Mud Industry, promoted by'tho Federal Trade Commission, will he the snhiect for one session of the mccfiiig. Tho cost of maintaining pe nt Illgu House.

He Is survived by hia daughtci', Mrs. Brown, at tho Bx- wlrlow and two children, Samuel anil ecutlvo Mansion. Tbo convention -will HOOVER IJEAD 977,231 IN STATE By Associated IVess. PJJIJjADELPIIJA, Kov. Funher retunis received today In a niece of the bridegroom.

Miss Helen BOLTS COUNTY PRISON CAilP Hobert W.tuliingioii. eolored of who was uit reccully re-nmved to the Fnyclle County pridoii camp, yesterday escapeil am) at a km hour last night had not been caupht Washington was found Eullty ut lar V. AsiilNGTON, Nov. IS. Di'tty nutli- I cIoeo tonioirosv at noon.

funeral urranBemonta will an-I warburlon. meal all of Hopwood; tho briiies mother, Mrs. Oarber; brothers-in-law sisters and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank U.

Gosnell and daughter. Betty il luler dent, Is In clinrKe of tho regular bos-Minis hy per vote for lTeslrtent gave Herbert l.ondau movie theater iJons of proinlnrneri In Etato and na- The Nay deparlment tonight or-' derod the liutlleshlp Wyoming to re main In tlio virlnlty of the dlbastev of the stenmshln Veslrfa and to continue lho search for survivors and bodies. Tho order was issued following message from Vfce-Admtral Taylor on hoard tho Wyoming -which paid thai -l 1 1 ceny of an automobile. Ho was M'lH tily redheaded girls as usher- reports lihI hns en Ba gird 0 of them. al, dIl- Hoover a plurality of 997,231.

Figures I of Utiluntown; Mr. and from S.i-IP districts out of 8 751 gave 'James Weir ot Pittsburgh. Mr. and Hoover a total of and Smith Mi's- Milton Pierce and children, Jean-3, 013.554. Tin- 12' mtssluedlsd-ieiH uelte a)u! of -Lemont; Miss Group conferences IipI'I at (ht ot (ho EeiiiMni scsalonp.

The Garber and Mlfi Tinse Harberf to the Fayette County Jail hy Abh-i man I'red ilDU ot Conn 1 1 Is vl lie. WMlfl dinner wa beinE served the prlEouers who were workiu.e, or the rond yesterday. Washiuctnu mad- li- Ills time wa.s to have tenlln) i.ap,n-ll will in- uuilliu'l in a paper by A. Taylor. Pitt-burgh eportR from vessels in the a iota I of 2V i in i.d ihe nf Jllniiij; and T.enrn Mt'thsinicu) Dentistry Short Day and XlKhl Coiirnes Pittsburgh Mechanicnl Dental School Blackstone Plltsburcli, Atlantic 0353 Engineers.

Tho list of speakers In- 10. C. Mnhmi, of Knoxville, of Pittsburgh. Friends v-ho wtio eiit wero the Mlssfs Irene Good and Agnes Kuvtiuet l.eir.enl Mr i.nrl Michael Horn ci Laurel 11111. SHAKESPEARE CLUB Mrs.

Frank O'Neal was hostess last night iu members ot the Shakespeare Club who held their Fcsaion at her home in Council 1 acliool or polltlca to he held hltcr-noon will he uf special lnternat to many women. The general topic is "Structure ot federal and StiUo Oov-prinuenl Showing: Passage. Tlirougti Congress and tlio Ijeglshv-tur" Mrs. Hniinnli Durham, who Htiuko in thin city during the. recent i iimpalm), will lie in chnrso and Ihere will he several --peakers, Mrs.

S. M. R. O'Hrtiii, dupmy (lUnvnoy-EonerRl, who Tenn of the Southern Coke Company; 1. Ilohison, tllei eland, reslilenl of the Yough-loghv-ny lc (Jhlo Company.

Hnliili BARE LEGS IN STYLE 'NEW VOUK leather tanners aro preparing tliolr new linea for shoes of sun-tan Bhades, believing Chat next summer will witness a wide gain in the popularity of li.nn legs. Pink shades are barred, because of Hie feminine fad for auu tanned a.ln. Hence sunburn boiga, I.ido sand r.uti other ilght browns aro favored. (odtlard. t'leveland, prnUteiiL of Anicflrau 'i'rnde Assoclnllon Kx- street, J.

3. Humes opuneil the inert- sllor in this rltv L'r. Slugh r. CITY TREASURER IS RECOVERING lleeoi iioin severe vblrli lie i-ufiered on November 7. A E.

Baily. clly Ireasurer. is; cspeifii be up and urouud his, home Icilay. The unending physician has ptvoi. Mr.

Haily pernilrti.ion tn gel up Uui li-will remain at home for several da -until sulheiemly recv. -nut praim leaving- the lioiiio, roUtlv repurtci niri iilni; nf the Tin Itigton, P. ni-'innger of tile Trr.i!e LOTUS Gray Hair Treatment Although the ndmiial's r.iessjgt-rerotiiineiided abandonmeii! of th seat-eh because of the ronah sea, lh(i high wind and llie coming of dark-Aetii, Uie Navy deparlment decided that tie battleship more eapaW." of eundiutlng rescue ellorts in the; ea tlan liiiliter lt.iTi,. WASHINGTON. Kov.

Nns-y om in nni rations here tonight received a uirpsae from ihe Navy raillo stntlor Norfolk. which that lite steamship n. Kings bury had pr.sjrd Ihe schooner Anna .1. Hiennfto: at latiiudo north, land Hide west, anil ihat tho schooner was. flying signals dii-irefcs and asked for food and provi- Association Department, her of fommerre; Wiuir Ham ..1 )M New A in, Till, sir-nl Coast Cotiinny; Oli Mouu'r, Philadelphia, president of lho HI Onega Coal fi.

Coke Company; It A. Hlover, vtre-prealdent of tho Knox CoiisoJldnted Coal Company; and J. P. Williams, Pittsburgh, inc. Introducing Mrs.

F. 1). Uilaner leader. The club begun tie stiidy ot "Henry IV," Mrs. LnHarrpr gave st Uriet inlruiliiKiiosi of llie play and the synopsis throughout ih rrogr.iiu.

She sketched the position of IV, tbo supposed hero, and railed linen members to read fi cerpls illustrating lier remarks or continuing the Etory. Tile baekgrounil was thus completed for iho presentation ot tho paper piesenled by Mis. TjIiIo Irvin on "The Iteal Hero." The same plan of nludy was cunied nut far Hie Intrnducilon of a paper concerning- "Gallant Harry This paper was written hy Miss Helena Williams but read by Mrs POPULAR TOURS TO WASHINGTON luesiileui of ttis Hoppers Coul Sure Lasting i''1'' VKE TRlh PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Company. Aiudiik Hie presiding otH-cers will be I), A. Thomas, Birmingham, president of ihe Montevalio Coal 31 in lug Company; D.

Hren-nan, liawFou. Now Mexico, manager of HAltlUSUtTHO. Nov. I'cnnsj Is ih-jtlon to (he niupalpil fund of TtrjiUhiivan Nii-llonal committee was In of General Kilward Martin. IU-public an, ii to ehainnan anil slate- treasurer-elcet.

In epeakliiE today hetorn the annual meeting hero of the Pennsylvania I'mmril of Hepublirnn Women said: "Cntiaeivallvely our contribution to I lio nalleunl euinmlueo wns $750,000. And tlial's a low llgure." He spoke eonmiendlngly of tho ef-furls lit (lie women in Hie stain In Ihe reeenl raiuiaipn. I'leaJlng for support jot the I'loslileii! eleil when lm (nkes ofllce he ronilnned, "We a.s a state I must follow lonp villi Hoover ojkI Iila fle in ihe $33.30 Phelps lloJun tTorporation; M. J. Bracken, prrMnrni nC thi.i AtRyie Coal rv P.

M. Pnyder, Mount Hope, W. president ot ihe U. Sniokelofs Coal ouipnuy, ntul Heml.T null Peale, New i I'lly, Uniontown to visit your won Idem of Peale, Peacock and )ii-rr. O'Neal.

The dialog between Prince Hal and Hotspur as rend by J. J. IJiuues and O. Campbell. The study closed with a cenrral discussion of the two chor- O.

Rclimin read "The Raven." Mr. Sclmrid recently gave several rendingf nn the radio from Rrle which some ot the memhers heard and for which they oompllmentei him last night. Music for The program consisted of two songs by H. G. "Tbo Bottom of tho Deep Blue Capital at Joy coat, MALTAN KNIGHTS MARK BIRTHDAY IAt another o.ul in denuded a warn-hnr ngalnsl a raid on thtS Treasurs" l'J the i.egislalurr! In view ot iho es-.

Ilmatei unexpended Etir- )dus i1 the end of llie present Men nluni. "If we are not extremely care ful we will Imvo ppeuilinB orgy It: the state to set rid or that money k.iv ed 1 lirounlt Inisalliy durltiR the pres cut tsvo yeitva." SC nul delsillB the All-Ex-Tour may purchase redneeil trip i-allruail tickets at fare or good 1C faea" by A. J. -Lamb and Goodnight, 1 Fay. Harold Webb the accom I i Ipanlment.

Announcement as to the I place nf the next meeting to bo I in ad later. Lafayette Comniandery Celebrates Silver Anniversary Maltan liiiiphts fi.mi in an fin i in Weslern Pennsylvania and Northern 'lritiiiln Wed Inst nlfrht in the Fraternal Honni BALTIMORE OHIO LONE LIFE uni limed fi-oln Page One) COAL HEATERS which he wasi ellnBlu fur his life told APPLES NATIONAL APPLE WEEK Three weeks ngo re offered you Grimes Golden at wholesale price. You responded so generously that our sales far exceeded expectation's. We now oiTei you STAYMAN WINE-SAPS at $1.70 BUSHEL delivered your home. Large size juicy red apple from Ihe biggest and besl Maryland orchards.

Every apple hand picked from sprayed trees. We otl'er 5 carloads at this price. PUT YOim ORDER IN EARLY. POTATOES PRICE ggc RU. DELIVERED This is for a '2 1 1 bushel sack and price applies on purchases of one sack or over.

These arc Michigan potatoes of the finest quality anil we guarantee them to be entirely satisfactory. Guard Against "Flu" With Musterole to assist In the i eiein'iitlon nf liie i Iwenty filih nnlvernry of the infri-liillnn cf laTaveUM I'oiiiniaude: Xo. I 33. KulRhls of Malta, of Ibis city. Past f'cuimuinler Janiey A.

Kenneily whs in chaTRe of the- program which opened wltti llie rinsing ol "Hlesl. He the Tie." 'H Iter. A. F. Haines.

jai noatinr. past a roll oti which a woman and she must have been Jreneh ed for the naves were running hlfih Fat with two children. Search was be gun for them but sic, report of them being found came in. A messape to the Assariated Press from Cnptuin VonThalen of the ner-lln told how Curl Schmidt. third class from Chicago, wss aaved after hours In the waler sua lalned only by a life- preserver in the tossiuB saves.

The navy ordered the dirlfilble Ios Auceles to fly 1o tlic scene to oBTer what asststanea r-h: Just Rub Away Danger Infiuenza. (his clt J. T. Siirlnwn- niiRbt. This order, however, later ment you ret those naming nchesrubonGOod old U5tcre.e.

nuteinjanded when rescue ships reported all lifeboats had been account for and Uttlo hone remained foi Musterole relieves the conuM- el Kiir.lced 1 In- ir.r;i.l rl- coined He iioiuhers and Jlv. Sembover Is past anineiiui coin-niHiMfr, Ibt highest oiilee of tlie or-naiil-Hllon Addressee were given hy Fliuer Jarobs of rittabnrnh, srand warder, and by Charles Schmidt, Erand commander fur Feunsvh aula, Mr, Hrhmidt wan iutunluced by Wil-liBin Doeff, grand prolale. wlui prrt-facod hi HUrOductlnn with a shoil 1alk. Both Mr. Srhnildt and Mr.

Doerr are from PltlsbiUEli. Music for (lie propratn included a panophone solo by Harold Calon with Miss 1'lr-Flnta rtorner at Iho piano and soloc 1 a male nuartct comprised of IT. yntiel, Arthur Wilson, Floyd Sen man end I fairy VanSwemlnsen. members of tho ship's company who 1 had not been picked up. timandslimulatMcircttlation.

It has ell the rfood qualities of the old Mus- 129 MISSING ointment penetrate a I lie paten, I hen a sontliinjc cooling sensation and relief. Ilnve Musterole handy or use It may prevent serious illness. TtMothm: rVIuiUralei.alM in tor for NORFOLK. Y.a la I Foiuinanriei- C. F.

Howell, chief of I Mart Mr the Norfolk CoiLst tluanl ill-ivlelon. after summlnE up reports from arlnus ahlps engaged in plrklnp up tsurvlirors from, tho sunken sleamor Vealrls, Ftated loniftht that there aro i U'! irsons nnarrotiDteJ for. bible and imall children. Aik for Calldna't MattrroW. Jar.

Tube, i His nxaiCH were based on revised I'flllmaiM ilie number Df persons mm UNION SUPPLY CO- Smock Glone Soil 28 (Smgck) Lclth Store B1I H6J Uniontown) Continental Store Bell (Uniontown) Fjlrchanc Store Bell 126 (Falrohance) York Run Stors Boll 171-J (Fairer me) Shoaf Etaro Bail 13J-H-13 (Falrohaniie) New Sittm Stsre Bell 64-J (Navv Selem) Stora Pall G24-fM (Uniontown) -Filbart Store Ball (New Bal.m) Feit4Jle Store. -Ball 0 (Mew 8lam) Lament Slo? Bali t22 JUAlonloAO) I phu ed iruii! ai Slf. I Commander Howell raid ihat his reorta ahowed that all of tho Vestris' I llfo boats and ll( rafts, ewept onft iind been aciounied for. Bttltr thmn a mutfarj platttr GENERAL BOOTH REPORTED, DYING; Hy I.OXDON, Nov. (Wednesdnj) (ieuernl llrninwell lloolh, aerordinK to soino or lho mniiilm; pu(ier.

Is sink- I Ins fnst, The head of the Sulvallon Army has I aulfeihm trom nervous prostration and his- condition lute lusl waa said In lie very crave. None Better Cash or Credit pOXEB AMONG SUaVlVORS KV -YOiiK. Xc-v 1.1. Hurry lay. or Chaileivl l'a, heavyis elRht boxer.

Is safe nhuiiid ilin rei'irue ship Myvlnnt, hound for New Voik with snr-xlvois of lho Minkcii le -si Vesitls. radio from ihe Mi nam inndo known today. Plflylw.j oilier i. fiuni the $50.00, $65.00, $95.00, $100.00 and $110.00 GILM0RE RH0ADES CO. Sixty-two stolen In (en rountlrn 9t Pa.

rear, soucr Wlnic lit i i i oiwSw.

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