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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas • 9

Fort Worth, Texas
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$1:: a 310SDAY AUGUST 18 MO loND 1Y WI 10SIA17 AUGUST 18 MO Ii I SHOW Walid5 By Robert FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM LEGITIMATE DRAMA'S GREATEST NEED IS PUBLICITY SAYS AGENT NINE I 7 I FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM NINE SHOW WO E-U 71: 157' if-4 DRAMA'S GREATEST I By Robert i 116g: NEED IS PUBLICITY SAYS AGENT 1 1 ig ISY41J7-2 Ar-z A a Ae I 9 4107P 0 OUP IN RETAIL MOO PRICES LAGGING OUP 1 I rti 1000 JUL IN RETAIL rit nnInrn Itirint War Drama "All quiet on the Front" 'presented by Vniversal at tht Palace front Erich Iklaria nernarque's nove1 adapted by Mzzwell Anderson screen play by George Abbott continuity by Del Andrea's directed by Lewis Milestone produced by Carl Laemmle Jr Cast: Katczinsky Louis Wolheorn Katczinsky Louis Wolheorn Grim Wit I )ra ma Paul Balmier Lewis Ayres Sergeant Himmelstross John Wrav Tjaden slim Summerville Mueller Russell Gleason Albert Kropp William Bakewell Ler Scott Kolk itehn Walter Brown Rogers Kimmerich Iten Alexander Peter Owen Davis Jr Mrs Balmier Berl Mercer Estate Gas Ranges Special! Regular $60 Value 9 ar2 50 A This stove has a 16-inch fresh air oven with Thermistol oven control Three-fourths white enamel Is very durably constructed of the best quality materials Scientifically constructed to insure combustion of all the gas and even distribution of heat Buy on our Convenient Budget Payment Plan 1 Alt 6474COWAITel AW 1 1 cy- 14 1 aitelnraMil I I 1 I itti14 5- I i A 'i? Estate Gas Rd tiges Special! -I 111 1-T1r--- 1 1 -r ----f-r-nr------- T------ Regular $60 Value CH1-o '1 '-5-- ---4-- I i i i 411 i' 1 Jr" I 'I li 11 --'4 50 9 4 ba- al 114- I 1 it I' 78 I ft5: 1 k--N f44 t- t-'A 1 -4e3t I ot i 1 -4t-- or' A 1-4 -KW: -7-- ---'----'-74- This stove has a 16-inch fresh air oven with Thermistol i Ipt Arli-1-5tt --4 1 i oven control Three-fourths White enamel Is very dur- 1 1444'' 47' l''''''1k4 14 i 4 ably Constructed of the best quality materials Scientif- I '''''tk' 1 if tWttl 1 1M --'30 :1 -f' fr 1 ti ically constructed to insure combustion of all the gas and I 1 i even distribution of heat Buy on our Convenient Budget 1 u----- --r 0--t If- Payment Plan A i i I 7 ic-z4---- I I ni ----t- I i Rewedies for the legitimate theater's condition are i en in a recent issue of "The Quill" the official paper of the Press Agents of Ameriva Inc by Ralph Kettering a member of the organization Road shows are failures for one reason he points out because they are not properly advertised Ilis article in part follows: ADELPIII THEATER if you will the little village of Chicago on Aug 13 and you can visualize the prologue to the drama as we find it this 'Summer The treaty with the Pottawatomies bad just been signed and white folks were coming into the little village from Mackinaw Elk Rapids and Traverse Bay Gen ea ptist Bea ubien as president of the village council decided that the inhabitants must have a theater Ile knew the value 4f a for culture and for develop-lag a city He sent to the new city of St Louis which was five days by coach for sup-Porters of the drama but it was not until )et 17 1S37 that his dreant was realized with the opening of the Theater "The Idiot Witness" or "A Tale of illood" a three-act melodrama was the opening attraction The population writs 3279 souls My sole reason for annoying you with this information is that not since 1s37 has Chicago found itself so destitue of drama here we are nearly a century later with npward of 4- 00010 inhabitants and to our great "shame we find but one legitimate theater open If broadway managers had -hearkened to the demand for a sales organization Dail 111ted the wisdom of suggestions from George 'IL Cohan John Golden A II Woods and Other pro Itehled he in ieS for legitiate the a- ter's condition re ven a gi in a recent issue of "The Quill" the official Pa- twr of the l'ress Agents of i by 1p ah Kettering Atnerea Inc tbtft(t not shows are failures ior one reason he erly at'lvert ist41 Ills arti111elo In part follows: A14'111 THEATER if you will the lit- village of Chicago on A ug 13 tl and you cau visualize the pro- to logue the drama as we find it this sumnter ere The treaty with th the Pottawatomies ad just been sign and ehite folks coming into little villag fro Mat kinaw Elk Rapids and Traverse Bay Ceti Jean Baptiste Bettubien as president of the village council de- eided that the inhabitants must have hetr Ile kne ae the alue a a for culture and for develop- in a 1 3 He sent to the new city of St ook Inch was five days by eoach for sup- porton of the drnma but it was not until Oc 17 1 7 th S3 at his dr eam was realized with the opening of the Theater "The Idiot Wit- (Meets who have made our paper their ntouthpiece this city might not be treated like an orphan child Gosh' What profits have been lost to some of the best offerings of the past season by failure to use common sales sense Attractions that might have been running yet had to take to an uncertain road or possibly the store house after a few anemic weeks because the 40()omtal inhabitants and the 200000 weekly visitors to Chicago never heard of them The big producer selects a play hires a handful of aetors and then places a nervous young man in solitary confinement behind bars in a narrow cell called a box office and expect" him to sell 11100 tickets a day through his little window It cant be Mith the press agent laid off to save a half salary As Charles Collins says in "The Tribune" the managers "cling to outmoded forms of advertising called 'showmanship' which are founded on the theory that Barnum was still making a racket of a cultural art The theater is our heart's blood-- our very existence yet what are we going to do? What are the tens of thousands of idle actors authors stage hands press agents and other artisans of the theater going to do? What is that matinee hero going to do who is said to be running an elevator here in a loop skyscraper? (live the press agent sales organization of 14! theater a trade marked product which they call book and sell on the road Establish a promotion bureau and send a corps of publicity men pver the country to a waken support in every neglected sl'iow-hungly center And most important of all bring to business the science of salesmanship by employing- two maybe three experienced dependable press agents (Meet's who ha ve ad tu paper their nionthpiece this city ntight not be treated like an orphan child Gosh' What profits have been lost to some of the best offerings of the 1111aasyte setie17not running fnai bunse1 tt7t7ilint sales sense Attractions that might to an uncertain road ttr possibly the store house after a few a nelille weeks because the 4000000 inhabitants and the oiXt(4S) weekly visitors to Chicago never heard of them The big producer selects a plity hir a handful ndful of tor a ites nd then places a nervou young man in soli- tary confinement behind bars in a nar- row cell called a box Office an ex- peets hi to sell 1taat tickets a ay through his little wthdow It can be with the press agent laid off to save a half salary As Charles Collins says in 'The Trib oune the man agers "cling to out moiled forms of alti are ivertistiminng called howmahip ns' whi ded on 's th theory di la Barnum wa still making a racket of a cultural art The theater is our heart's our very existene et what are we going to do? What tire the tens of thousands of idle actors authors stage Erich Maria Remarque fatuous German author who uTote the stirring novel "All Quiet on the AVestern Front" which will be seen all this week as a picture at the Palace Erich 31aria Remarque famous erman author aho wrote the stir- 1141111111177 I 1 1 20 Rolls Toilet Paper 20 rolls of Blue Ribbon white $1 crepe toilet paper crepe toilet paper 20 Rolls 20 rolls of Blue crepe toilet par Refrigerator Sets 50c I Parcel Po44 S125 0 Parcel I --or- It I I i ---t- These are of green glass and conserve valuable refrigerator space By mail 60c mail 60c Cups and Saucers Decorated cups and 75c saucers 6 for Parcel Post 90e Cups au Decorated cups saucers 6 for Parcel etutelz Li 101 II IL Parcel 9 cel Post 0e -L-- II t1P nation cause all wars as if there is no such thing as fighting juAly f4n- a principle This Nation would not be a nation today if such cynicism had been abroad on July 4 1776 But to get back to the picture There are some satisfying performances by Louis Wolheim Ayres John Wray Slim Summerville 3-1 Ild a group of young actors nost of whom loohed and acted notch alike There is not much characterization in the picture This is another reason why it is not a masterpiece Many times it seetns like a news reel actually taken at the front durfng 1917 It is this photographic detail which limits it as a work of art 1 i KING OF SIAM WILL VISIT JAPAN AND TOKIO Aug CO1111111111 leation from the Jana IIPSe minister at liankok to the foreign office here Monday said Praja King of Siam was planning to visit Japan en route to the United States (luring the Spring of lft31 King Praja is going to America incognito for eye treatment The Queen Mi 1 acemnpany hint Watch Your Weight With Health-O-Meter Scale $1095 Knife Auto Ice Box Automobile Ice $275 boxes priced l'arcel Post $370 Aluminum Pitchers Two-quart size aluminum water pitchers 39c each Part-el Post -15c I I i i I I Watch Your Weight With Auto Ice Box $275 4---- boxes priced Automobile Ice rarcel Post $350 --ir' Health-O-Meter l'---: Aluminum Pitchers it Two-quart size aluminum Scale $1095 water pitchers 39c Pareel Post 4--c 1 Knife I I Arnie The writer has not read the popular book upon which "All Quiet on the Western Front" is based so this review will confine itself to what reached me as a member of the cinema audience only When a picture arrives with the amount of advance publieity and praise this film did one is inclined to expect a masterpiece Tho picture however is not a masterpiece Far from it Take all the war movies you ever saw in the silent days add battle sounds and place the actors in the German army instead of the American French or English anti there is "All Quiet on the Western Front" This picture offers more actual war horrors and less story and suspense than most of the other films on the same subject Physical aspects of the World War are pictured with grim realism The production sets out to show how a generation of German youths was destroyed hy the war althongh not all killed As a matter of fact nearly all the leading characters actually did meet death Rats mud raids bursting shells yells of frantic amen hand to hand aetnal scenes of battle are shown in detail better than in any Previous war picture I have seen Yet many Slues (luring the performance I found myself thinking about the way the actors were getting the effects instead of the effects themselves It seems to me that the mechanics of the drama were too much in view many times 'The highest eype of screen art is the kind that conceals the technical means by which the story is told If "All Quiet on the Western Front" had been the first war pie-tune I ever had seen I probably would have been thrilled It never got me as "The Big Parade" did "Journey's End" and "The Dawn Patrol" both worked me up to an emotional state far above this current picture "Journeys End" for instance pictured the souls and minds of men more mmecessfully than "All Quiet on the 'Western Front" which spends so much time on the physical side of the struggle "The Dawn Patrol" offered a sweep of action and heroism of character entirely lacking in the picture now at the Palace To be perfectly truthful I was ready to leave when the picture was about three-fourths over When Berl Mercer as the mother began getting sentimental over her son returned from the front I eould not help but say to myself "The producers certainly are leaving nothing out of this production that would arouse pathos" Undoubtedly the purpose of the producer was to present the monotony anti so-called futility of war In this he succeeded admirably The picture will not stir you because the characters are borne along with the current of war and do their jobs with no sense of the heroic There has been much belitting of war in pictures and books during the last several This oni of thought reaches its climax in "All Quiet on the Western Front" The shown by American troops at the front their enthusiasm and belief that they were figlug for a just cause rarely are shown in screen plays Ever since "What Price Glory?" made a hit on Broadway it has been the fashion to look upon all war in a cynical light as if such a thing as patriotism never can exist again as if a few wealthy men in each FIRE PREVENTION WORK IN DENTON IS INSPECTED 1)EN1'ox Atir 1 1 )eWeese State Fire Insurance Commissioner spent Saturday in Denton where be inspected improvements recently made in Denton for the pur11(Wt Of preventin fires and to secure a reduction in the insurance key rate DeWeese was honor gust at a luncheon for the fire prevention council and city officials The city recently has erected two new fire stabions added six paid firemen bought a new fire engine Mid Chemical engine and laid larger mains on several streets The key rate has already been reduced from 3f to 31 cents and a further reduction is expected SHOUSE IS CHARGED WITH HOOVER SLANDER WA Sill Nt TON A it IS A charge that Jonett Shouse chairman of the Democratic national executive committee has attempted to "slander and malign" President Hoover was made in a statement Sunday night by Representative lVoial 'of Indiana chairman of the Republican congressional committee Wood said criticism and misrepresentation "are about the cheapest things in which political spokesmen can indulge" adding that Shouse has become a past master at the art" "The plain truth is" be asserted "that Shouse and his cohorts have one purpose only to asail to slander and to malign the President of the United States and to attempt to block his every effort to carry forward the great tasks to which he has set his hand" Wood charged that Shouse's state-talents have -been crowded with inaccuracies and bald emisstatements showing that he either has failed to inform himself of the facts or chosen to ignore them in the hope of gaining some temporary partisan aavantage" YOUTH KILLED WHEN I I HOUSTON WOMAN HELD FOR SHOOTING HUSBAND lIOUSTON Aug Maxine Jones was held in jail here charged with assault to murder in connection with the shooting Of her husband W1' Jones 31 taxi driver who was near death in a hospital Jones was shot Saturday after an argument vith assault to murder in connection vith the shooting of her husband Jones 31 taxi driver who was tear death lit a hospital Jones was shot Saturday after an trgument Sharpener oricupener CL Folding Camp Table Regular $250 Foldinz Table Regular S-150 $250 OWing 3 ob HAIR WELL GROOMED Your hair will alwaw appear well groomed if dresqed regularly with LA-EMI-STRAIT Hair OreSSing Keeps the hair In place Makes It soft Brings back natural glove and lustre Ze and 50e at druggists 110-R0-Co We Co St Louis I Instant Freeze To make sherbets and ice cream instantly See demonstration on the Fifth Floor Regular $1250 $750 value special Parcel Post $8 20c Parcel Post A regular 50e value in ior dusting mop-Complete with handle Parcel Post 35e Express Collect Dust Mop in a super25c FFoorr IN re771r (- Combination Offer One mountain cake pan one deep pie pan and one shallow pie pan the I three for Parcel Post 5110 I xY' 7 i 0' 0 20c ii 1 1-7-i' A to Jot HAIR WELL GRO OMED Parcel Post 4 4 -l Express Collect I 4 i4-- Your hair will always appear well 7- groomed if dressod regularly with Al LA-EP4-STRAIT Instant Freeze Dust Mop Hair OreSSing Combination Offer eep pia hair In place Makes It To make sherbets and ice Nm ill softkiringback natural glove and cream instantly See demon- A regular 50c value in a super- One mountain cake pan one tustre zse and 50e at druggists 10-Ro-Co BOP Co St Louis Mo stration on the Fifth Floor ior dusting mop deep pie pan and one Regular $1250 25 value Parcel Post 35e t5 0 Complete with shallow pie pan the SI i 4 -ii special Parcel I handle three for Parcel Post 5110 I i 1 S'lri Floor '4 ling 1 I i 1 i 1 BY WILLIAM HARD imyright 1910 by The Star-Telegram) 'WASHINGTON Aug bureau of labor statisties of the United States Department of Labor anAssad Monday that on July 15 the retail prices of food to the ultimate onsumer had gone down two and a haf per cent in it month This WaS ectraSted by political observers here with the statement of the Department a agriculture to the effect that in the same month the prices of farm' redacts as received by the farmer 4a4I vae down 10 per cent This gap between a 10 per cent drop for the Ismer awl only a 21at' per cent droP the ultimate consumer led to relived talk here of alleged profiteering en the route from tho farmer to the consumer as a result of the drouth so general convinciim evidence however of any such profiteering bas come to the notiee of the federal authorities Officials of the Bureau of agricultural Economics of the Department of Agriculture stated that there is always a -lag" hetween a drop in wholesale prices and the ensuing drop at the counters of retail stores They said that the -lag" at this time did sot seem exceptionally slow although recent years in consequence of modem stable price retail methods the taaeehas been somewhat slower than it used to be No UndueAdances The Bureau of Agricultural Economics continues to state that its own surve Of retail prices in the leading markets of the country discloses no undue advances made in priees by retail market operators It points out that at this time of year there are savoys' some small advances in certain commodities in consequence of the shift front early truck products grown in the South to later products of the same varieties grown in the North Aside front this customary onsonal slight upward trend in such items the Bureau of Agricultural Ecos monies notes no retail price changes of general statistical consequence It holds that eases of profiteering do not approaeh the proportions of a national problem but are local and sporadic and must be checked by action of the authorities of States and cities At the White House it was similarly stated that no instances of criminal conspiracies for the advancing of priees in consequence of the popular apprehensions caused by the drouth had been reported to the Federal Government either by prisate citizens or by its OWn investigating agents and that accordingly the Department of Justice had found no opportunity for calling into operation the anti-trust penal provisions of the Sherman law and the Clayton law The department it was pointed out eau deal with price advance conspiracies set in motion by trades but it can not deal in any way with spontaneous individual price advances made by retail merchants in response to excessive panicky buying by housewives and other eustomers In the opinion of the federal authorities there continues to be no justification for any such buying Comments in Conflict The federal reports made Monday on the declines of prices of farm products and of foods from June 15 to July 15 eovered the first month of the operation of the new tariff law and drew forth conflicting comments from political party leaders Republian leaders held that the deelines would have been greater had it not been for the restraining influence of the tariff duties Democratic leathers held that the influence of the new law was toward exeessively high prices but that the general errors of statesmanship by the administration had countered this influence and had made it possible for a business depression to occur and for prices to sink to a level excessively low Both parties watched with interest the small Upward movements of prices recorded by Private agencies during the week's suhsequent to the period covered by the Government reports and prepared themselves for appropriate political explanationa ThO private agencies stated Monday that this week begins with the wholesale prices of all commodities totaled and averaged together at a level approximately 1 per cent higher than a week ago Some federal authorities in this rise only a Seasonal or otherwise transit try phewanenon Others see in it the idea that the bottom of the recession' hasm been reach-NI and that prices are getting bil- They hold that the dron'ths is ilao sound economic excuse for higher prices but that the psychological fe fear of supposed shortages a bout to be caused by the drouth mar have turned the tide of prices upward and that the drouth may accordingly though Without justification mark the be stinair of the end of further price depression ICE CREAM FIRM TO PLACE OFFICES HERE Gateral offices of the ave-A-eart 1-OrDoerrAtion a firm manufacturing ma 7 rn confection will be moved 'tido Washinsto to Fort ita'onratzber soon Johnson industrial the a rt orth 4 7hamber of Commerce thritliol hose fforts th unnliato ains brought here announced morning 4Ih piteL here Dairy Products cm Texas oere will ht distributors: for visiana and Arkansas ter- itua'tie melachmson said and the a ate- etiinnrs for making and wrap- PiLa th funufaec Pith" lm'hablY will be ured nere he stated Pratt Troy- of pada 'la is rPident of HIP eonnanv and 1-14 (it MP company and is now COOKE CHILDREN WILL BE VACCINATED FREE GAINESVILLE Aug 1S--Efforts to make -immunization against smallpox and diphtheria free to every child of school age in Cooke County will be made by the Cooke County Public Health Board It WftS proposed at a meeting Saturday to ask for comroulsory vaccination but the plan met with opposi- tion and it was decided to make immunization optional with the parents with the serum to be furnished by the county and city Immunization will be stressed prior to the opening of the schools of the county by Parent-Teacher Associations and health officials i Why dOircuy attxrunci? with malaria chills fever? Take Lax-ana(doublestrength) Marked improvement in 2 days Costs less per dose does mom per dose For sale at all druo stores WAY 0irzzg atutrunci? with malaria chills fever? Take Lax-ana(doublestrength) Marked improvement in 2 days Costs less per dose does mom per dose For sale at all drue stores BLOWOUT UPSETS CAR PORT ARTHUR Aug Robert Greer 15 son of Mr and Mrs Greer of Pear Ridge died Sunday morning from a compound fracture Of the skull sustained at oclock Sunday morning in rear Ridge when a tire blew out and his car turned over BASEMEN' STORE lirli A l'ff 771 711 Ar Ilik 7- 171- C'f "VT Ael 7-1 T-77 11A13- At 14111 Ae34 (DOUBLE STRENGTH) BEST FOR TUESDAY I n) TUESDAY BIG (II SAL BIG It (t) SALE A 127811 WOMEN GIRLS ON FASCIST PARTY ROLL ROME Aug order sheet of the Fascist party said Monday that 1040508 men were enrolled in the party as of July 31 The list includes 106756 women and 416SO Fascist university students Young Fascist rl numbered 21- $55 and Fascist university professors The ortTer sheet adds that 150000 children were cared for in the party's vacation colony this Summer s-ri 44 ''''''4' 0 1 i Li Beach First Aid Stations Report 1 1 1 1 1 deo Ten Special Items Representing Savings From 25 to 5070 and Greater -These items are proof of our alertness to special purchases and our pleasant connections at the manufacturers which enable us to consistently sell quality merchandise for the home and every member of the family -at lower-than-elsewhere prices I I I ATTRACTIONS TODAY I I I I Quiet on the I I Western Front" I I Majestic "Rain or Shine" I I with Lie Cook and vaudeville I I Us Be Gay" I I with Norma Shearer and Marie I 0 Dressler I I Hollywood "Hell's Island" I I with Jack Holt Dorothy Sebas- I I tian and' Ralph Graves I I Rogers in "So I This Is London" and Laurel and I I Hardy comedy I I Barthelmess I I in "Son of the Gods" I I Lake Casino I SeeSS 2 AMERICANS HELD IN RUSSIA FOR ASSAULT STALINGRAD Rusia Aug Two Americans named Lewis and Brown Monday stood charged with attacking an American negro worker and will he tried in a Soviet court next Tuesday Lewis a memlwr of the Communist Youth League was charged also with attacking a Russian girl lie was held in jail while Brown was allowed to go free until his trial Both accused are mechanics at a new tractor plant $3 Blue Bedspreads Made of Rayon Women's Chiffon Hose Full Fashioned 1 Chief Lifeguard McMonigie treating a sunburn case at First Aid Statioa 1 xott: 044 ro- 2 '547r 4' OAt tooy rtt I Irsi-it I 4k0r6 'i 4 A Al4Pi 1 1 6 4 4 ::::::5:: -1 971A W'''' 1 '10- -) 1 07MR4 IZi' -4'' -''-nle40-lit --'fii ''--i A Chief Lifeguard -I" McMonigie treating a -if lotj mourn case at xust tt to Aad5cation $198 77c Sizes 80x105 Only 100 of these genuine Bates first quality rayon bedspreads These are finished with scalloped edges and have attractive jacquarded designs Bought at a low price from a large wholesale house on account of having blue color only at a low price from a large ge wholesale house on account of having blue color I2- on Slight Irregulars of Values A great purchase of 200 dozen the imperfections are so slight you can hardly detect them Pure silk semi-chiffon weight with colored picot tops and French heels with cradle foot All shades Arranged on several tables for convenient selection We have sold thousands of pairs at $135 All sizes 1 le Ii ti 11 A 'IL 4A-1 It- 1 I tt FIJA-U to LAJ I- a CI LAU French heels with cradle foot All shades Arranged on several tables for convenient selection We have sold thou- sands of pairs at $135 All sizes -I1 tt i kt-ro tlip--- a A ie-ft 1 4 1 4o ti'4' ---14 --jf) 4 it to '1' 11 3--- 4r 11: -----4 1 iN 71911u zr -i0171tit trkfl 0 liatf I I 17 1 1131 1) e---'---' -a Soothing cooling Noxzema ends pain instantly doesn't stain clothes' zema between St Louis and bet A nt II Chicago 9) fli-1 REA 14 01-6 IF 0 to-41- I 4 The Wabash morning train from St Louis to Chicago now operates on a fast 63' hour schedule "Ch ietzgo Specia199 rOok NYIsf 1 l'Amo Nruc -t- -fr 1 Woinen's 59c Union Suits Forty dozen just received from the mills slight seconds of our regular Monarch unions Summer weight fine knitted tubular tops with built-up shoulders and shell knee 25c Size 3 6 to 41 for 10c 1212c Turkish Towels A fortunate purchase niade us realize a big sayings on 2400 of these towels and we are passing it on to you Fine bleached Turkish towels with striped centers size 6c zpecial each Sale Single Blankets Only 100 single -blankets in tan or grey colors with novelty striped ends and sheel finished edges Size 643E76 fine for many household uses While this small quantity 49 lasts eaeh 6 Barber Towels These are first quality and are made of standard bleached crash finished with iiPinmed A edges Plain white with colored striped 11C ends Size 157(15 a real value 6 for Sale of 25c Cretonne 2500 yards just received from the mills for this special sale Conservative or bright colors in Ilrge and medium designs of floral and figured (lZsigns 34 to 30 inches wide in pieces from 10 to 20 yards in length 10C The yard $129 Feather Pillows A large wholesale house going out of business enabled us to realize a big savings on these pillows for our customers Made of standard blue and white stripe tick filled with sterilized lin 'feathers Sixe 2127 While this quantity lasts special 45c Bleached Sheeting First quality Radio Brand bleached sheeting full bolts fine finish first quality and full 9-4 wide Formerly'sold at 45e the yard Special while tme case lasts at 26c the yard Westchester Sheets Seamless large size sheets SlzfOl full bleached and finished with colored poke swelled ends While 1'4) last in this value giving sale each 4 i 1 1 I 1 4- 1 i Sale of' 25c Cretonne ate Wonz' en's 59c Union Suits 2500 yards just received from the mills for this special sale Conservative or bright colors in I Forty dozen just receivIed from the mills slight Itirge and medium designs of floral and figured i seconds of our regular Monarch unions Summer dZIsigns 34 to 30 inches wide in pieces In 1 weight fine knitted tubular tops with from 10 to 20 yards in length IC i built-tip shoulders and shell knee The yard -7 i 1 Size 30 to 41 for IOC 1212c Turkish Towels $129 Feather Pillows A large wholesale house going out of business en- I A fortunate purchase niade us realize a big say- aided us to realize a big savings on these pillows lugs on 2400 of these towels and we are passing for our customers- Made of standard blue and 1 it on to you Fine bleached Turkish white stripe tick filled with sterilized lin i towels with striped centers size 6c t'enthers Sixe 21-x27 While this aC i each quantity lasts special Sale Single Blankets 45c Bleached Sheeting 4 7 Only 100 single -blankets in tan or grey colors First quality Radio 'Irani bleached sheeting full with novelty striped ends and sheel finished edges bolts fine finish first quality and full 9-4 i es Size 643E76 fine for many household Formerly'sold at 4e the yard I uses While this small quantity 49 Special while one case lasts at 26c lasts each the yard i i 6 Barber Towels Westchester Sheets i'! These are first quality and are made of standard Seamless large size sheets Slx90 full bleached I- bleached crash finished with iiPinined A and finished with colored poke stitclled 5n edges Plain white with colored striped 11C ends While 1St last in this value i ends Size 157(15 a real value fi for giving sale each I "lc A Ci: so WHEN FIRST AID STATIONS and Lifeguards at America's biggest beaches use Noxzema exclusively you can rest assured that it's the best thing Out for sunburn John McMonigle director of lifeguards Coney Island says "For going on thirty years I've been a lifeguard or director of lifeguards In all that time I never found a thoroughly satisfactory sunburn remedy till I tried Noxzema "This is the fifth season we've been using it in our First Aid Station here at Coney It cools and soothes and relieves the soreness and burning almost instantly And you'd hardly believe bow quickly it will heal even a bad burn" Beach authorities at many other leading resorts like Atlantic City Asbury Park and Long Beach have also found Noxzema the most effective remedy for sunburn Don't suffer a jar today at any drug or department store "Banner Blue Limited" NOT STAIN Apply Nottems freely before putting on dainty summer clothes It is positively cannot 3oll or stairL DT STAIN Notzema freely before putting inty summet It is positively cannot stairL The Train of Trains Li- St Louis Union Station 8-47 am Wallace pm Ar Chicago-47th Street 305 pm Ar pm No change in other fast Wabash trains from Any ticket agent will make reservations and sell tickets over the Wabash Ask the undersigned for lowest fares and travel information Brook Act' Dixtrict Pagsenger 1207 Kirby Building Dallam l'bone 7-353 lir 31g ln Fort Worth Malone 1110 of Pensacola is first vi'e presith'llr and Thomas Brinier former 12rsitiont wino resigned to take over of the 4ib01 1111111r '0)tporation i4 Aeond vice president I'r Ross Fort Worth is secrraty-trewsurer IhIrdiers of the direetorate include William NI 'Williams former commisner of internal revenue I'll 1) (law- president of the flaati Stores of Florida -Maj Ileatirik Fort BileY Kan Xaftell anti ii 4 'renshaw of Ala anti Will (or- ''a Patont attorney NVashington firm is now in a i ntaininz an '1(o in the Electric Ititildinz Johnt'-'0 said but with the removal of gen1411 offices (e will occupy a In-ger hitt from St- Louis to CHICAGO Lv St noon Ar Chicago 6:35 pm NOXZEMA CREAM tbf te irder gets ode ASIR HAIL EVAY WA He AL FEEL IT 1' Store) II 1 11 i S-tor0 I I Il Ok.

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