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The News-Herald from Morganton, North Carolina • Page 5

The News-Heraldi
Morganton, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ERVIN, Pres. With no thought that the bright L. S. COBURN, Sec. News-Herald is sent red wool which her young finger's and crude knitting needles fashioned into socks would ever come into the CONVAVESCENTS BUILD UP ON FEPTO-MANGAN Increases the Supply of Rich; Red lo Restores Strength and Tigor.

PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND IT. Nte: hscribers who hare paid in nly10. At the expiration tn Uvnce: th subscriber is noti hands of the President of the United States, Beulah Hawkins, a bright package, but no one suspected the idea she had in wind. It happened that she expected to go to Washington goon thereafter and it had occurred her that such work as that of o-year-old Beulah might be inspiring and helpful to President Wilson, as typifying tke in which all, young and old, wWa putting forth evejry effort to win tha war. Delayed in the trip and still feirthor delays 'time nromptly renewed the Reaiy loan (iuaranti Co.

(Over Burke Drug Co.) MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA nf continued Subscribers Wer, nt wish to mi a single do Pot TVu wtch their labal rell to watch their labal their tim 1M. bth JVS iU 6. nublisher. Send all subA kt Check or Money Order Sold in Liquid and Tabkt Fern; The Name "Glide's Guide to Genuine Pep to-Mangan A serious illness, such as Influenza or other infectious disease always leaves the body with low vitality, reltwirMS all communications to address occurring laker, it a oaly lecanfcly that 3iss Ta si. tke socks to "Red Buck," WasiiEjton of the Chariots Gbbffar, and wrote him Vkat though hor otiLaal yxrpo.B9 Uad not taiii carxiad out, tLa red sockS nii'lat ywt tula a siui of cheer to tho sick Ttwir color, she representative nttie county girl, five years old, has furnished a bit of brightness for the sick room at the White House and is now the proud possessor of a letter from no less personage than Mrs.

Woodrow Wilson, herself. This is how it came about: During: the war when everybody was doing everything possible to help win the war and when every woman felt the call to provide comforts of sorao kind or other for the soldiers overseas Mrs. Hughson, beloved worker among the mountain women and an intense patriot, organized among the women of section around Enola an auxiliary of the Red Cross, b.ovrn as the Grace Hospital Auxiliary. Perhaps the work that these women NEWS BREVITIES lack of strength, and impoverishes health. or Americanism, of th.3 rod-blooded Toe McDowell, of Happy vuitine relatives here.

ijruae jrepto-Mangan aias con type that exists the puro We buy and sell stocks in localin-dustries. If you have stocks to sell in any Burke County Corporation, or wish to buy stock in any such company let us here from you. We have excellent facilities for supplying your needs. REALTY LOAN GUARANTY CO. glo-Saxons of this mountain valescents to a quick recovery, for it creates a srenerous supply of rich.

jtion. T. Clark is spending this Mrs. Wilson's latters to Tate Tin Charlotte on business. and to little siven below: The While House, Washington.

famiHe Simmons has gone to did was as novel war work as ittanta. Ga. accept a position. an Janaarv 17 th. 1920.

be boasted anywhere. The sheen in My Dear Miss Tate: May I not thank you most warmly for your lsttar which Mr. Bryant forwarded to inc. 1 am enclosing a their own mountain pastures furnished the woo! which' the women themselves sheared, carded and spun Rca- Estate Stocks 1 Lccns I red blood and restores the body to its normal, healthy condition. That's why physicians recommend Pepto-Mangan, for they know that it 'imparts to the blood the material so needed by weak, run-down systems.

Pale, sallow, thin, "easily-exhausted and women find that Pepto-Man-! pn builds them up wonderfully. A ow supply of rich, red blcod is crer which' in turn imparts the glow of health to the cheeks, increases the appetite, the eyes sparkle, the entire system takes a new lease on life. Fepto-Mangan is obtainable in liquid or tablet form, whichever proves 1 most convenient. Both forms possess identical medicinal qualities. M0w I bookkeeper for Lazarus Moore and Mr.

Harold cnt several days this week ViM on business. a Frno-t Clark left Wednesday uvhinctcn, D- C.f to accept a with the government. Prn.n on Monday, January 26, to Vnl Mrs. Jas. A.

Harbison, a Ir- vnn- Maclntvre. A- -t. 1 1 I II WE TREAD OLD TlRES i W. Donnan has returned in Asheville after a vis- i 4 Mv Mav. 1 i There is but one genuine Pepto- it to her ki-iic1 Coco Walton of Kannapohs, her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. 1 on near Mcrganton. and that is Gude s. Ask vour druggist for "Gude's" and look for the name "Gude's" on the If it is not there, it is not i i'epto-Mangan. D.

Mills, of Statesviilc, Ml-5 vral clays last weei. ntru cis oT Fens Duckworth. t47 r.orjre Tavbr and children, GUERNSEY CATTLE FOR SALE are here on a visu iu vr Milk cattle, and one -v5 year old registered Guernsey Buil. All in excellent condition. Can i bo seen at Mr.

C. Phillips', 'near rump house, 2Vz miles from Mor- Vlo'-icd ihempson, ci ivnox-vi'i'p spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johr. TV.

v.iiT.on. THREE GENERATIONS AT WORK reply for littb and I srt to February 14thf wirtxin. jru Vv Tv-ill be sold on that date at public auc-nicture of the conditions under wnicn TTr. lion. F.

O.WALTON these socks were made. As I wrote We have purchased for immediate delivery from Charlotte a complete equipment for the reclamation of of worn tires. With this equipment, we shall be able to retread worn casings, put in a complete section where a blow out has taken place and vulcanize tubes. Experience has shown that the owner may expect about four thousand miles service from a retreaded casing. Instead of throwing away that casing with a worn tread or blowout, bring it to us for inspection.

If it can be repaired we shall tell you so. If it can not be repaired we shall tell you so. The price for reclamation will be reasonable in comparison with the added mileage- OXFORD MACHINE SHOP GARAGE Inc. DR. ALFRED W.

DULA 1 Mr. Bryant, red is probably symbolical of the good American blood which will make Beulah and other little citizens of this country unite in forming a real America. Faithfully yours, EDITH BOLLING WILSON. TO SEE BETTER SEE DULA into thread for the socks they knitted to send to their soldier lads. In ad-, dition to their knitting they "pieced" quilts, made comfort bags, etc.

At the time Grace Hospital Auxiliary was so active in war work little Beulah Hawkins was not even old enough to go to school. With her mother, grandmother and neighbor women busy she, of course, child-like and girl-like, had to learn to knit. Broom straws furnished needles for the knitting lessons and in a short time her first sock was "put on" regular needles, and the difficulties of heel turning successfully overcome. Roots of a mountain herb had dyed the wool her grandmother had spun and the brilliant scarlet of her material deliehted the little worker and Mr Goodwin, who has been with the' Southern Power Co. here for several months, has returned to his home in Greenwood, S.

C. Vi Helen Sumner, of- Salisbury, WV the guest of Mrs. A C. Avery, jr, for the week-end. Miss Sumner was a former teacher here.

Mrs. J. R. Wortman, of Greencas-tle Pa spent last week here visiting her Hter, Mrs. Thomas Lowdermilk, and mother.

Mrs. Eliza Garrison. Mr" W. F. Powell, of Asheville, is wndine the week with her mother, Mr R.L- Patton.

Miss Mabel Pat-ton is keeping house for her in Asheville. Mr John Williams spent several days this week in Winston-Salem visiting his son, Mr. Walter Williams, and daughter, Miss Wilhelmina Wil S-' 7 Yeax a Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclusively MRTM BLOCKS LEtiQIR. H.

C. If yon got It from DtTJLA. It's All Sight. WATCH PAPX FOR DATES. The White House, Washington.

January 17th, 1920. My Dear Little Girl: The President has asked me to thank you most warmly for sending him the socks and to tell you that it is always a pleasure to him to bo remembered by his little friends, particularly now that ho is not well. Faithfully yours, EDITH BOLLING WILSON. kept her busily engaged until the LENSES GROUND DUPLICATED LENOIR, N. C.

BOX 591, CHARLOTTE, N. C. The News-Herald reaches the people of Eurke county. Wise merchants use it as an advertising medium. finished pair of socks was ready ior Mr.

Huglison's inspection. JLiuie Beulah was very happy wnen ner work praised, and still more delighted when her socks were the center of a display of the Grace Hos Beulah is the daughter ox Mv. and Mrs. Terrell Hawkins, who live near Enola. She is shown in the picture beside her mother and her grandmother stands by the spinning wheel.

She is a great-granddaugh lie pital Auxiliary work in one 01 tne show windows in Morganton. When nacking time came Miss Sue Tate requested that she be allowed to send Beulah's socks in a separate liams. Rev. F. A.

Bower went to Asheville Sunday to preach for Dr. W. F. Powell at the First Baptist church. Dr.

Powell, who has been ill, is rapidly regaining his health. Mrs. T. R. Glass and children have returned from an extended visit to relatives in Fort Worth, Texas.

She was accompanied home by her brother, Mr. Robert McBurnett. J. B. Riddle spent Saturday night in Greensboro attending the concert of Galli Curci.

She was accompanied by her- daughter, Miss Georgia Riddle, of Salem College. ter of "Uncle" Brit Hawkins known throughout this section. J)ONT GET' TOO CLOSE AND 1 1 VOW LET ME HO LI? UMME; YOU'VE POPPED you've popped wvr TO THE FJRE. 1 I I LjTtMZ BUDE TMES ALREAVy T'Mes ALRSAVr POP COW, BUTTER OV MV CARPE.T BOTTER OH GOVERNMT AREA NAMED PAGE WANTS PEOPLE TO TALK BOONE NATIONAL FOREST ToThe News-Herald: Your paper has in times past lib- Located in Parts of Several Dif- ZESsX 2rf ferent Counties Contains has lately published from 150,000 Acres of Land. Lirre to time articles regarding the The Boone purchase area, contain- attempts of Mr.

Palmer and the De-ing 60 000 acres, actually acquired by partment of Justice to discover the the government forestry service and 1 causes of the high cost of living and SOCIAL The Papyrus Book Club met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. A. Leslie. discourage profiteering.

located on the hearwaters of Wilson Mrs. James Claywell was hostess Well CLJ llVOtVJ A newspaper is printed to carry news, and the consumers of the coun- to the Saturday Afternoon book creeK ami oum 1 .11 I I 1 HI I'lJUIlLiCO. UliU w. 'j cll coumauijr tiiuou mvou xiit-j. Mitchell purchase area of more than on nnn oo onfnnllv np.nuired.

locat- i csted in the absolute truth about the ed' in McDowell, Yancey' and Bun- causes of high prices and in the find-combe counties, have been consolidat- irigs of those who are investigating ed and proclaimed by President Wilson these causes. as the Boone national forest. More There is a meeting scheduled for than 300,000 acres of land are includ- xialeigh early in February when ed in the area specified by the procla- speakers from Washington will dis- mo hnt almost nail 01 ims wcoc The North Carolina Merchants' amount is still owned by individuals. Club at her home on Avery avenue, last Saturday afternoon. Misses Annie Lou Clark and Ava Kallman were joint hostesses at a delightful Leap Year party at the former's home Thursday evening, to a larse number of the younger set.

For the best suggestion on "How to get a husband," Miss Bessie Anderson was awarded the prize, a box of candy. Ice cream, cake and salted nuts were served. The ladies of Grace Episcopal church gave a silver tea yesterday at the home of Mrs. Sidney Gaither, in aid of the church piano fund. There was an exceptionally large attendance and all spent a very enjoyable time.

The invitations and arrangements vere in the hands of Mrs. Will Davis and Miss May Mills. The pro A. 1 mm wmmm Association has announced that they intend being in Raleigh in full force; the public in general club women, labor representatives and salaried men are perhaps as milch interested as the merchants and Department of and we expect a large attendance. Any publicity which you may feel The name Boone national iorest has been given this large boundary because it was over these native forests that the great hunter, Daniel Boone, roamed for a number of years.

The reserve almost skirts the EDore trail highway in Watauga county. To frrasp the idea of the great block of the state involved in the new Ai v'w 1 if rr 4 1 1 at i 1 uji au 1 ij 1 vjt 3 r.ble to give editorially or by other "pace to this subject which Mr. Bryan ceeds nriTirf tn a little overina national reserve, one should taKe tne map and trace the boundary lines, 537.00. has just declared is important enough to be the chief issue of the coming presidential election, will be a public spirited service and a news item that somewhat as louows: resiiiiu the north at ShulFs mills, running oast of BIoTOg skirting the the. rn.vir.2 at the head of should interest all.

THE CALL OF THE MOUNTAINS We cannot help seeing a connection between the drawing of Table Kock nd Hawk's Bill which "Pat" has fur which Is the famous rock from which Enclosed herewith is a paragraph the resort takes its name; in siice wfcich we would like published under southeast to near ateron on um, whatever caption you deem effective, nished for our cartoon this week wnn tho hAnr "For the Ben- I Tjcnoir-BIowm mnw. and assure you that your cooperation efit of those Awav from Home," and the lino rns soutmvest by in the fight against the high cost of the fact that last week Robert (P. L. Collettsvillc, table ock, aowa living is as much a patriotic service Patton. Jr went to Raleigh with an Catawba river to Old Fort; thence as your hearty liberality in giving us west practically along the railroad by space during the life of the food ad id that he would probably accept a Black Mountain to Swannanoa; then ministration and we earnestly solicit P-siHcn tWp.

He staved three days north around by Beach, tfarnarasyiiie, ths cooperation. Pensacola and Burnsville; then in a HENRY A. PAGE, HomeiPleasures generally northeast direction from pair price Commissioner, Raleigh UP TO THE PUBLIC. The Department of Justice under Mr. Palmer is making further effort or was it just two?) before home-acWjws and the call of the mountains the best of him and he came luck home.

We can imagine that it was as he was speeding back mountains that out of pity those who for one reason or other are delayed in getting back (they come back sooner or later), he connived thy idea of picturing for them the beautiful outlines of these favorite mountains as a balm for their tonfring for home. at the publicity that is the due of the consumer. Speakers from Wash Micaville to Pmeola, L.myine ana Shull's mills, the beginning. This large tract, now under Federal supervision, that is the land actually acquired by the government, contains the famous Mount Mitchell, including the peak. While this countain is known of the world over, there are several other famous peaks included in the new reserve, among them being regions around Blowing Rock, Craggy-mountain, Table Rock, Ball Knob, nMHfather and Grandmother moun ington are to visit Raleigh in early February and a meeting is to be held on February 10th, at 8 o'clock in the 2 The popcorn popper is just another one of the innumerable LITTLE THINGS to be found at our store that add so much to the comfort, convenience and pleas- ure of the home.

Why not make a list right now of the many little hardware comforts and necessities that would add to the pleasure of your home? And then tie a string aroundjyour finger and start for store. "Nuff it NOW. MORGANTON HARDWARE CO. House of Representatives. The members of the North Caro lina merchants' association expect to be in Raleierh in full force.

Is the consumer interested, and are the waere earner and the salaried man ADVERTISING RESULTS If there is anyone who has thought lM those little "Special Noties" in The News-Herald are not read, that P.erson should have been in this office lnce last Thursday. The paper was "ardly out before inquiries began to come by telephone, letter, and in person about the ad "Davenport for sale, Price $5." Since that time at least nfty have been told that the daven-Prt was sold Friday morning. If you have something to sell, put an tractive price to it, advertise and yu will surely get results. tains and the Greybeard mountains. The Asheville watershed comes inside the The forest as now established includes many thousand acres of privately owned land, but the rules and regulations of the secretary of agriculture naturally apply only to those lands actually acquired by the United States.

As rapidly as other lands are purchased by the government through the forestry service they will become part of the national forest. really eager to hold up their end of the question? Business interests, women's organizations, labor and farming interests, women's clubs, fair price committees, chamber of commerce, are being invited to send representatives to this meeting. "More Eggs" Mlakes Hens Lay. For sale by "KIBLER DRUG COMPANY. The News-Herald's Want Ads Bring Results.

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