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Custer County Republican from Broken Bow, Nebraska • Page 10

Broken Bow, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Harrv Orcllard. I This Is the man who COflfcss to the outrage by which ex.Governor Stul1ln el'g of tdaho met his death. It Wlls all a result of Ia confes lo'n that and Pettibone the officials of the Western Miners' Federa tlon were-nrrested charged with conspiracy In connectlon wlth the murder. t-iaywood 10 now on trial.

I 7C' TfIE PRESIDENT HAS -FUN. TAKES INFORMAl. JAUNT IN COUNTRY WITH FAIRBANKS Plays'B'all with Boys and Tell Wife of Farmer Thomas Her Butter. milk Is Finest He'd Eve" Tnsted Ateron Vlco 'President Fnlrbanks on "fenco nnd drm hutl l'mltlc Roosovclt llopped nbouti iF 1er Frant T1iom. as' baclcynrd his coat and hat't rr and 111s olcCVL'fl rolled up nnd battCll out 'halls for the awe-ntricleQn chlhlron of t1w fnrmer.

Thc 1. when -Thoma5 had almost run theh' le cIT coasln his 1rlves the presIdent the 'Unlled Stales climbed up on itl'3 fence esldo the vlco IH'cldent Ead he'd bnUr time and jolnClI hlm'ln iother stns of li'nrUl Thomas' bill. GROOM OQK TIME TO SHAVE. f'ormer LI Crime While I hGal'i Was Walt an They Eloped Cleveland he wan com. ljIelled to lenvo his uri toot D.

i 8norman Tweedy of the sldo lost the girl on whoso finsor be hnd placed diamond ring. Ills fil1lceQ Blanche Dewey whoso fluddeJ1 dlsnpHcarango caused whIosllrc311 nlnrm nnd brought her fa. thO to the verge of Insanlt over her safety wruto to er father from Buf. fulo nnl stated that she had become the wlCe of Claude McRowc. "Plea-se me mother she 'note tons I could nol help runnIng 1 married the man ot my choice and wc are coming home to se you In about three weeks.

TweC ly the forsaken called nt the DeweJ. homo and when prlscd of the news wus overcome.11en he could control hlmse he statcd that thIs was ho second time a girl to whom he had' given a dlnmond promise of marrlago had' run away nn left hIm Miss 3wey dlsappeMcd to" It nn happened becaus Twe 'nceded a shave and told th girl to'jwnlt on Superior. nvenue hQ walJ.ed to the public sQuare where she'met McRowo whom sh had not seen In' five years. Arter a mom entia chat they Iecldol1 to got marl'led and went to the UnioD station and toole a trnln for DuUnio they were mnrrled dovelope wo five years aso was ensnge to Miss Dewey but.

she jUted hiD al1a. t1saJlllCared I HYp'noUst to Reclalm Bums. lrt en 'c mdl lat'm matrlculnted nt the Howory rulsslor the oth r.nlght whore Dr G. A. Gayel lias orgnnl7ed wmt he tennQ I "psychic cHnlc for the studY of Uu Imbconsclous SOUllC Several puplll endeavored to "sUtt'ho tea her for I nickel sn'III the deslrc to purchase slntes and Iionclls.

DI" I.ou 11 Ilhllnnthroplst nnd sup'porl Cf of. the missIon hf "O'1U110yed Dr Cu to' test his 11 rccln.lmlng gentlemen WhOBO nmbrosll nllllcUtcs have outgrown their Dr Gn 'er will notify the class" who 1 110 Is 1'01ltlr to turn on the current Test Stamp.vendlng Machine. Washington. Postmdljtor Genera Meyer has decided to have IJxhaijstVI teuta made lIoveml tYlletl of 'nutb at n1liy.ondh1g mncJ nefnd cd (0 rQ ne and five cent lloce for the lsQ'of ono and I1vo cen nnQ'Ioita 'lIs 'rho 110a1 lIuf IJ Len 1.lo other dny 1)'lIovol1' 11 411Y meas thnt Jl1ot' lI lcnoo 'otlt1io. bll IllIQuid 1J0 utilized whenever It wa loq lhlnfofd C'I inul 'r.

9l hI' i' t' i''J. oil 'f" 'w. term Ilk. And when ho hnnded back I the glaRs Pl'euldent 'Roosevelt mnde' Mrs. 'rhomas the liroudest woman In the state of Ohio by Aaylng i'Thnt's the best thIng I've tnsted'in ears.

ThJ.q Isn't a fairy story. It's posl. tlvo fact. This Is how It happoned. Arter leavIng Canton the olher dny where ho hnd attended the funoml of Mrs Hlnl 'trcsldent Roosevelt lenrned that his have to 110 oYOI'-at Alron for four hours he.

fore onilectlolls c'o 1i1 ho 11111110 for I lndlannpolls. The prosldent did not I I relish the pl'OSllect of tdclelng his heels arollnd Akron for fOllr' hours' 'nnd hall hl5 1II'Ivnto car drOPIJed about two mllcs" outsldo of the clt I I where Iho country roads thol' abollt lootwd cool and l11vlthl i I 'flHm with Fnlrhanks who nn. Ucllmtoll a quiet Htroll nnd notln more the 11l'ciIcnt startcd orf along lllu inost of Iho roads Ono secret crvl nlnn trnllCll bohlnd. The llresldont who hnd "oen cramped In a rar nil l1a set pretty lively Jlaoo for the lengthy lcQ prosldont nnd before the Imd g6110 muoh moro thnn mlle Mr li'alrbllnks wns hot thirst nnd gasping. Just about then the Carmhouso of Frnnle 'l'homas hove In sight and the preAld'l1t set bilt for It across country Thomns was working on Imystaclc but ho throw down his rntco mighty qnlc1 when the llroRlllont Introduced rJ olC the vlco proal ont and himself have a glass or ml11t Thom.

nA Is a Hopllbllcan They coult have aU the milk am ovorythfng' In the farmhouso. After they had one of the farmer's buttermilk the prpnldont prQwled out Intq.Jho yard whjro the children of the farmer were playIng I.mll Th boys vero' scared whlto when they know W)10 wns who wanted to talto a hand In the ame. From Frank'a the president and Mr Fnh'bnnks went over to the farm. house or tJavld Thomas ro ho nstccd Mrs. Thomns how many chll.

dren she had. i "EIght the womnn modestly ra- 11IIed "Ah ho exclnlmed on.I return to WashIngton I shall have to tell Mrs Roosovett that I 'havo found one woman who hns a hugoI' family than hors. The president then dropped In to visit Mrs Rose Hansen wh could not lIeak English and ho bad to talk Gorman Then ho dropped In on 'John Wuch. tel' That. proud old farm or that tr ho had nly known that' Mr- Roosevelt volt was comlne ho would have had Wuchtor prepare a spring chick.

8UPP r. The prsldcnt's ld ho was btlghty miss that.w EMARKABLE VI'rALITY OF CAT. Stood' Current of 13,200 lectric Volta for-Three Weeks 'd a cat has nina' avos was demonstrnted when a black ellno was talcen out at a brick conduit the power station of the PhtIadeh Jhla Rapid Transit company nUer be- ng subjected for three weeks to a constant shock 13,200 volts of clee- trlcU Although 1,000 ots will kill the average mnn 13,000 votls and ever dId not Injure the cnt morc than slnslng his oars nnd feet just a lIttlo. DurIng Ing th three weeks ho ha nothing to ent or drlnle. The cM got into the conduit through a small door thnt had boon lert opon.

'rho. mechnnlsm ot the conIult Is In op ratlon day and nlsht. The other nl ht It was dotermlned to get the ani- flat. The power was shut oU for the trolley cars being fed from Clnotb station unUl the feline was 'fhfcat. ofcourse was.

yer 'eak but was jul ly when given some nourishment. -t I Chief Heir to nt" Smith. George Gr nt Miuion nephew of James Henry Smith' who recently died 'suddenly Itf Japan while a we.dlng tour around the world found himself possessed of $12,000,000 when the will his uncle was read. Mr Mason has been followlnn th railroad business since his graduation from Yale In 1888 and for the last years has becn division superintendent of the St. Pnul nt Aberdeen U.

Dies Stealin Timeviece. a Pickpocket Busy While Prayers Are Uttered for His Soul's Safety. Dr Clintlwl I bishop of Derry and Raphoe in a 11 speech at the synod of the Irish Protestant stant church referred to the story era a pickpocket hnvlng been fou11ll dend I with the watch of the clorsymntt' 1O .1 had corne to' nlton him Ih hi hand. 1'ho clers'mal1 In whose oXIlorlenco litl str ngo Inchont CCl'rI'C11 vaSt the late Rev Whitc cnlllllain ot lho Snvo nnd chaplalu to the slleakor of the British housoof JuU10ns rolgn of SllealtOr Drnnd. WhUo was aroused In the smnll hours Jf the mor 11ilg' from is by sick call whol1eal'ly In hls nlnls.

try he wns II. curnto In a Drlghton par- hlb fl was 'summdn'e 'to a bad quar- Q.iI iiUf- tor of the town and WtlS led to the 1I lde mnn who was rnpldl slnltlng amhl sIrroundlngs destlt and IlI1ImlQr. The man away while Mr Whlto waipftorlng. 9 his be haIr nnd Mr Wb on r.lslng from htr Imccs dlscQvcrod to hlB astonlshwonl thnt Jlhs watch hnd been mov Jll fron his 'pockot and wns held tlshtly In tlu lQt ho dcall' man Will for Mustache. Parl ho walters' union c1almlnl that em)110ro'i'9.

11 uo kept ulUdr thQ 1Jllel' pI' iile hiIil wnl ors tl wQ mustncn a. prpys ot should not lI1 Cor. breakages Is Qrlb1t rzlnl fili9lhUtrJkt1 Gr'ld Prrx 'w okvl1e "tri rnrls'sea son ,111 bo at Its 9lsbt" .1. I' I ALL NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES FROM PAPERS ANb PRESS DISPATCHES A CONDENSATION OF DOINGS Matters of a Week as Portrayed by the PreS8 Locally and Tel. egraphlcally.

Norfolle has bolm mntdng war on thb dandelion ptant. Omaha has put on "slght'Beelng cars" that maleo two trips day. Exeter Is about to vote for a city water system and 11 Gronter xoter. Falrbury had "clean.up day when everybody worleed cven father 1'ho Cass county Sundny school n. venUon will be hold in Elmwood Juno 13 and 1'4.

Death 1s announced of 1'own. ley projrIotor of the St. James hotel at Stella. I All Indications pblnt to a success. Jul G.

A. distrIct rounlon Ilt Nohgh July 2 to 6" inclusive. Good speale' era are beIng provided. John Parsley nt Lincoln was Ee11l. enced to ono nr at hard labor lathe Bta.t llcnritcnUary for rObbhig John Mumma of $25 T.I Langdon hns ed Dodge and Saunders counties for damnges as the rcsult the nccldontal death bls baby by fn1llng o'rr a bridge.

David City will mnko a largo amount. of Improvements this yenr. Tbo con. trnct 'for about forty cement street rosatngs will bo let In a few days The MissourI Pacific local freight from Weeping Water went throuSh a brldgo four miles east of Easlo and thirteen loaded freIght cnrs dropped Into the creole The fortieth annual state Sundny school convention Is to' bo held In la tlnga from June 18 to 20 in the I Dalltlst church with 1,000 or 1,800 persons In nttendance. Augustus F.

Schoenberg of Philadelphia delphia Pa" committed sulcldo at Chad ron Ho left a note requesting that word bo sent to Benjamin Ulth- ens his fostel' father. The Donrd of Educatloll of the Val. loy public school has added the tweIrth" grnd to the high schQol course for the coming 'ear so there w111 be no sraduatlng class this year. Hlgslns thc murderer- the Cop- plo couple Is still In jail at Omaha. II1s examination w111 not take pla for some time 'et It being unsafe to taIe him to Thurston county.

Meta Dn recelvcd the Inter. state schotarship as he best student at the grnl1uatlng class ot the high school at. Yore. This entitles her to enter nn college i the state. free of charse.

The farms and orchards of Wasb. Ington cOllnt bow HUle effect or the cold tate sprIng and frosts. AIreadr there are man fleds of corn which ahow a good stand aud small grain Is doing well. 1'hero is a strong on 'r otto organize a Young Chrlstlnn nssoclnUon In Hebron. Since the clos.

Ing of the saloon A and pool-halls the need of some pla of amusement for the young men Is urgent Mrs. M. V. Sls who lives near nurchard was severely bitten by a vIcious dog both of her wrists being hndly bitten through She managed to hold the animal err at arm'8 length thus warding err other Injuries. The Nebraska letter carriers select.

cd Lincoln as their Ilace of conven. tlon next year. They elected the fol. lowing omcers President C.V. loy Fremont vlco president A.

Waal Lincoln secretary Charles' New. ton of Omaha treasurer. Leonard Reedor or Deatrlce the boy who wns thrown from a horse several weolts ngo has regnlned con. sclousness nnd' the physicians now boHeve ho will recover It Is ono of the most remarltnblo cases ever re. corded thor In mcdlcnl c1rcl The school district at Ne mnn Grove voted a bond Issue 16,000.

A sreat c.rtort was made to get a full vQto ant an nutornobUo and double carrlago being pressed Into service. The result was that the bonds carried by a vote of 238 to 48. The two travoHng men's associations tions the UnitedCommor lni 'frav. elers and Travolers' Protective MSo- of Dodge county presented Hon. J.

H. Knowles with a tesUmonlll a. toleen qf their eateem for'hrs ser. vices In llUshlng the 2-cent a mile faro bill nnd the 2.cent a mile mlleago 'boole Some excllement was Qccaalonea I1.t at the funeral of Ida Ma Piny tor when It was discovered that her husband who accompanied the remains from Llncotn the smallpox. 1)1' Dras1t a ml'mber of the State Doaril of HealUl was noU.

tied nnd Plnylor and his children were talten bncle to Lincoln nnd placed In the pest house. Recolvlng the messase over the wire hlch Instructed tho'shorlff to lnco him under arrest R. Cross nHns J. nle lI rmon nlsht operator far the Pacific' at' Auburn snve the sheriff sll and has com' Iltotely disappeared Prosldont A O. Thol11as of the Kear noy State Normnl says thnt appHca.

lions for entrnnco to the summer nor mal are pourlng Into his 011lco Al rendy nrc over 400 nplclaUom on file (11'0 thaa the re ullu" Btudentf I who w111 romaln and tnke the Bum mer. course A OTH SUSPECT ARRESTED. Officers of' Red Willow County Take No Chances nnd Hold Him. I101dregc-Another man SUsleetcd ot having committed the assnull on Mrs. Claude Spaulding ulna miles from McCook wns arrested by Sheriff Gustus ncar Phel11s Centel' nnd lOdged In the county Jail.

'rho prisoner will be taleon to the Spalding homo and Spalding glvon an oportunlty to IdenUfy him Should she slatc that ho-Is the guilty part.y the prlsoner'A shrltt will bo a short Qno nnd his chan for a 'ln1 qullo out of the question Mrs. SP.auldlng regal nod conscl9us ness two or three days ago and ftom what she has said about the cnse 11. In thought that 'tho gut1ty mnn IA 'tlJlInod Smith and formerly t're. sided nr Elwood. Whether the Ihan nrresled Is 'SmlU Is not tmown as' ho hIlS not stiLted his name YQt.

WlUt ho hns 1Ioen doing recently Is not Imown and this maltes the case .111 p'elll In a there unfavorable light. 110 refused to state what ho lUd be on doing ccnUy and where i ho cnmo fl'om. Concornlng Elwood' he seemed to have some hazy Id as staUng he thought he had en through the town 1111t hnd never HveU there He nlso guessed It was soinl where nlong the HlghUne betw en here and Cheyenne. 1'ho prisoner Is not atall vicIous In IlPllearanco but 1m. presses ono mor as a eglcctod cbnp' or as woutd say "a Hal crnzy sheep horder.

Mrs. Spautdlng is now reported ns Improving' every day and getting IlI.9ng nicety. Ou first awaleenlngfrom. her unconscious' condition 'Vednesday her fir1lt words were "Is my l1 tlo slrl hurt TO SAVE BARKER'S LttE. to Be ac to.

Determine Sanity of Prisoner. Hamer 'of Kenrney will soon inaIco an npplIcatf to the strict court or Lancaster county for jury trIal to tormhlo the sanlty of Dnrlcer the 'Vebster county mur. 'dorer whoso roprleve exprlse Juno 15 Governor Sheldon has refused to extend tl10 ropr and has lelt the state to bo gene till Juno 8. 'fho 'law provh es that tr the warden of the penitentiary belloves a prisoner condemned to death Is Insane he may applY to the dlstdct court for a trial of UI0 question n11d if tho. jury finds the man Insano.

the death senten shall not bo Imposed. 'ardcn Dee- mer said on ThurslJny that he would not maKe this application Judge Hamer a conference with him and received no Judge Ham. er will therefore act on his own mQ-t tloi and mnle the application setting up' that Barker Is Insane. The den said nearh' two 'ears ago that he belloved 13arlwr'Vns -Insane but ho 'fefused to sign 'a sworn that effect and.Hamet. made an apJll.

cation nIleglng that the wa den was prevented from nlg SO by Governor MlcleJ. It Is understood thn Ward. en Eeemer has been Instructell ify his snperiors 'to maIm the appl catlon It he belleyes DariceI' insane. 'l'hls will make a different state of facts Which Hamor will have to confront when he goes Into' court In his errot'ts to save Dtrler's life. Acting Governor Hope- woIl may drawn Into the case duro Ing Governor Sheldon's absence.

Laborcrs In Demnnd Herman-'j'he scarclt.y of labor at this place Is something. surprising. there Is a tramp hits wn the farmer Is rlg on his trail. are doz- Qns of farmers who want hands and want them bad bntnre unable to get anyone who Is willIng to work. crowell company hnd car of coal 'to unload and the car has been on the sldotrack for our dnys nnd they wote unable to get anyone to touch It un.

tIl that time when they got ab ut half dczen sman boys to worle nt 'it. Two trnmps started the jab b'ut worleed the manngor for their anll sldppod. State Debt Dccreases. State Auditor Searle's seml.annual report to the governor that the Interest-bearing debt of the stnto was $1,916,671.31 December 1 1906 and that it was $1,183,644.82 June I a decrease of $783,051.29. While this statement Includes al1 of tl10 Inci.

dental 13Xjenses of to leglslnture and many appropriations made by that body last winter thel'o are many lmlJdlngs yet to construct at statl ox. pense nnd as the tnx coIlectlon will be IISht during the summer the debt may 'Increase during tllO next fey months. Automobile Reglsteratlons An omclnl register of the automo- blJes' In Nebraska conalnlng the of flcral number the name of the owner 'the make and the horsepower capo. city of tho.mnclllne Is helng prepared by SeC1'etar of State Junlcln. Thes6 lists will be Bold to manufacturers and agents ot nutomoblJo compnnles at $1 nch.

I' Paid br ska $501.50 I On a capital stocle or $1.000,000 IQ I 'Otis Elevator compnny Incorporated under the laws of illinois Imld a tee of to the a.tate of NobraJlm for the IlrlvlJoge at domostlc Incorpor. Atlon. No Reprieve for Barker Governor Sheldon refused to grnnt a roprlove to Harleer sentenced I I to hang Juno 15 Judge Hamor made I a plea for Dnrlcer alleslnK omotlonal Dnrlce'r leliled his brat hlt and nenr Red Cloud 1 VERSE WORTH READING A Woman's Wa I er tovers dorM her" they asked and Implored her To glvo them 11 look or 11 smile Like IIttio dogs trotted to tdsks Bhe nlloted And begging tor notice the whllo. They Cetched nnd they currIed they 110dged nl1 1 they pn'rrled When snubs tor' rewnrd did sha give They took It nil meekly gnve In to weakly i Just asklng pormlsslon to Hve. Their worship she scouted tholr love lightly flouted And treated theJ11 all wi th.

disdain She met vows wHh nughlng lnrts' nngulsh with chaffing And tool as just tribute their aln. Thal they" did adore her tho. more seemed to bore her Sno said they were Idiots 1111 So little she prized them thl1t she soon I. despls thom li10r being the slaves of her tk'all. At Inst 11 wbOer whd sc 1od to i I I putsuo l1e'r IIo ordered her just o.t Ws WIU 1.

Asserted. his power" 1I11.Id ho would "Ill. loW" her I His ot nlTection to 1111. v' They sll1rcd In I1n111zemont see her nbn ement For meekly she gave him hIs wliy Just Collowed the taster when he' would bo musler And promised-with joy-to "obey -Josh 'VInIc. I A Fallacy.

There once was n. mal1 who suld "LICo would be great It I didn't have nothln' to do I'd 'rIse up In the mornln away alter eight An' I'd lent the whole bless dny throuh. I'd be jes' as tree I1S the birds In the all' I'd laugh with the river "that's gltJ mln' so fnlr. 1. An' I'd keep mult1n' trcnds as I'fwont hero an there It I dIdn't have nothln' to0.

'Ho wolco no sunshiny to ftnd' Thut he didn't have nothln' to do And he said. "What a bUssf l'rellot to 'tho mind SGcl1" n. slorl us' prospect vIew I I In n.lsur.QlY 'ivay I will ow venture -An' soelc ns I' carelessl st.rollln' I1bout" r. Some pleasant companion-I'll find one- no doubt Who hasn't nothln' got to do" Dut all at his trlonds that ho callell on I ha tound Had somothln partlc'lar to do. Though they.

ald lS they saw hiln' jos' loaftn" around "Dy ginger I I wish I wns youl' Anlltho birds hadn'l no tlm to An' the rIver was rushing atong to th bay An' they aU seemed to say "Don't delt1.y on your way tIt you havent SQt to dol" -Washington Star. Y- -A Child's Lnughter. I One thing yet th re Is thl1t none HearIng ere If.s chime done Knows not wcll the sweetcst ono / Heard of man bencath the sun Hoped In "hcaven hereafter Soft and strong anll ull and 1Igl1t Very Bound at very light I Heard trom mornln'g's hight I When the soul of all 'delight 'FHls n. chlld'l cl ar 1IlUgJlt 'J Golden bells at welcome rolled Never rtl1 such notes nor tolll' 'Hours s' HIQ In tones DO bold As the radiant mouth ot gold Hero that rings forth heaven. It the golden crested wren Were n.

nightingale wh then Somethltg seen and heard men MIght bo hJ.lf ns sweet as when Laughs n. child of sevcn. -A. C. Swinburne.

Remembrance I am you blossoms -nlght. I denr Fragrant the rainbow In hue May you find their veh'oty'petals i rJalm tor the sorrow and rue. The -lilies I'm bringing to-night dear So trail so tender nnd fair I bring for remembrance the roses. Dlood-rcd. are to wear In your hall' "I nm bringing you blossoms to-night" denr From the old.fashloned garden you Icnew Where each flower dew laden and sleamlng Seemell glad tor the loving of you.

The roses I'm brInging to-night dear Hold In their petals a hcart IThe lilies I bring are for mom'rles I Sacrell-so place them apart. -Milwaulco Sentinel Secrets HE. Sweethearr bend your pretty ell.d Dend It low bend It low I've secret my heart said You should know you should lenow Lift your bonn eyes of blue Hold your 'breath until I'm through I Hero's the secret-It Is truelove I -love you SHE. Ohl the secret 'OU have told Unto mc. unto me Ever new and yet so old.

You'll agree 'o 11 agree Is so swcet because Il's true Dut- have 11 secret too And-oh. well I will tell you That- lenew -'rhe Bohemian. Said Uncle Jim. SaId Uncle Jim. "When I was young They had much dllTerent ways Such curious changes weren't rung On some straightforward phrase They didn't tall of brainstorms thcn Nor of Ilementlas queer Nor paranoia.

whIch made men In dutlcs persevere. r- JJ "Tho egomaniac was unlmown Except In doctors' boojts The alienists hall not yet shown The world with solemn loolcs Just how the scientifIc tongue Could courteou I exprcss The things which passed when I was I young For pluln durn.to01lshn s. -Washlnrlon Star. The Retort. Old BIrch who taught the "ll1are school Wedded a l11uld of homespun habIt lie wus as Ijtubborn us a mule And she us pla'tul as a rabbit Poor Cate had scarce become a 'wlte.

Dofore her husband Boughtto malce ber The plnlc of country polished lifo And prim und formal us a Quaker. Ono day the tutor went abroall An simple Kale sadlY missed hIm he returned behind her lord She shyly stole nnd tondly Idssod him Tht huslJILm's anger rose and red And white his face alternate grew "Less 'aml" IClIte'sl bed. trQedom I ami sllld 0 dear I I didn't know 'twaa roul" aeorlo Pope Morrl.e.

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