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The Daily Review from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 4

The Daily Reviewi
Wilmington, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TTAT1TTTR JJEWS. Female School. Tl SPEER's THE SAMPSON vCOUXTT C05YE5TION. CAB0L13A Port-0r ape Wisie Used in th prlsci! nicn EzceUenf for Ladies and Weakl Persons and tte Iced. 7 4' Speer's Fori Grape Fours Years Old.

rpms CELEBRATED-NATIVE WlHl made from the juice otthe Oporto Grape raised in thii country, lu invalnaH Tonic and: SlreDstteniBg Prcx-erlo are unsurpassed by any ther native -Tfice, Being the pure juice of the grape, produce! under Mr. Speer own personal Bcpcryition its purity, and genuineness are guarsr.t' The youngest child may partake cf its pe r. ous qualities, and the weakest invalid a use it to advantage. It is particnlnrlv i fieial to the aged and debilitated, and' nijV to the various ailments that afflict the wmkf'r sex. It is, in every respect, AWINE TO vs RELIED ON.i SPEEE'S P.

herry, The P. J. SHERRY ia a Wine of SDPK. RIOR CHARACTER, and partakea c.l tb-golden qualities of the grape from which ii is made. For Purity, richness, Flavor izi MEDICINAL it wU found unexcelled; SPEEE'S P.

Brandy, r- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in ilt Country, being far superior for medical jar-poses, IT 18 AfPURE dhtillation from the n-nrs and contains valuable medicinal It has a delicate flavor, similar to that or the grapes from which it ia distilled, ta in great favor among first-claes fatniliest "See that the signature of Alfred fc'peer, Pas'saio, N. is over the cork of each bc4t tie. For sale by W. H. GREEN, J.

C. MDS03 Druggists, and P. BRIDOKKB tC) je26-tf The Outlook. IN'. A TEAR OR TWO there will bn to lawyers, doctors, clergymen, or amT.

Lallroad men, editors and politicisns aro rci what they nted to be. When a man csn carry ajear's phvsic in his vest pocket, wlat's the use of a Doctor? Our harbor wilihooa be better uefended by electric Latteries it an cannon' and there will be no soldiers. have no time for speeches. 7h? liackfl do the collecting, and soon lawyers will te scarce as lamp lighters or hen's teeih, tA people MUrtT EAT, and so there will sItvj be groceries. P.

IBridgefi-s 20, 22, 24, 26 28 Front St WilmingtoD, N. 0., are only one of the ninety. About 02 via thousand of a'l the people you.eeo sell hu-key, Molasses, Dried and Chipped lietf, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Oin, Sugar, Hpices, i-'c lasses and Cofiee, for a livic; eometLis? eat and to wear; while the rert are feind clothed out of the profits of. tte Wfcclfea' and Retail Grocery Bueiness, in whicilic now Celebrated Establishment of Li Briders 20, 22, 26, and 23 North Front 4 1 C. holds the leading part.

We unders tac 1 ttl appreciate the reac-ecs of our success in btiid-lug up this trade, and they are briefly tbsee We keep the btst goods I We sell fcr least profit 1 We give credit to these bo secure us from loss. We keep a fresh ci. and-we have luck in our invectmentf, iile and purchases. -We consult no opinion oltr than that of our customers. nVe keep ptcd ia all matters connected with Oroceriti Orooery sales, and above all sell oi)t tX proper moment.

Keep no stock over for ibe next season, and have no useless fxrcieci This enables us to divide profits with our patrons and to keep prices down. We" I done more to make groceries cheap in Vf- mington than all tne other stores coabired. We are in no ring or clique, sxd no body or corporation, hence it i tfcftl business is always brisk with us, coming to town invariably etqire fcr the Immense Establishment of P. 1. BRiDGEBS 00, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Front Street WILMINGTON, N.

C. sept 6 shell OyateiB 75 of Wilmington, has opened a nair-working establishment here. Uar two military companies are trying to Ret ready for the King's Mountain celebration next month. Newbemian: Mr Samuel A Hilton bae just returned from the lorth with the necessary machinery and fixtures for the erection of a broom factory, which he proposes to put in operation ae soon as a suitable structure can be ereoted. Baleigh Visitor A wbite man named man William Jfarser, uu whose name i rot known Gret- have Pitt fhoTiharirA of "being the as KJ 'i fi Brvan Urmea.

They baye been coiifine(f in jail to await an oTominfttion. Greensboro Patriot: Forty cars loaded with iroa f-r the track of the Western North Carolina Railroad will pais.througb Greensboro to-morrow. Robinson a had to eive tbree exhibitions Winaton on Saturday last beginning -f iftndnck. It ia said that not lesf than ten thousand people were present at the several exnmit one. j.

ff thn ha ance oi iuo debt one on the Colored vuieu, was taken up ye6terday. '( Vember lour it years ago tne ocdi wb which baa been paid save $203 pay which donations were solicited and contributions taken up yesterday. raised amounted to $252 up to last night. Eobesonian "1 Miss Kate McArthur, a residing in St Paul's young iay left her home last aucaay in state of mental aberration and has not since been heard from. In addition to the other appointments published in this paper, Maj Dowd, candidate for Congress from this Dis trict, and Mr David A Covington, Pro-eideutial Elector, will addrees their lellowcitlzans at Shoe Heel on tne first day of October, acd at this place on the Becond of October.

lion Fowls will also address tho people; at Shoe Heel on the 8th cf October. Kaleigh Eews and Observer: Cotton receipts yesterday 356 bales. There are now 531 pupils enrolled at tha white graded fccbool. Chief Justice Smith, of the Sapremo Court, is ill and has been so for several The Baptist3 of Nash held their big August meeting at the Falls cf Tar liiver last Sunday. R2V Gold presided.

It was estimated that between 6.000 and 8.0U0 people were present. A telegram was received yesterday announcing the faoi that Marshal Frederick Douglas has accepted the invitation, and will be on hand to deliver the annual oration at the colored fair on Thursday, the 30th inst. Charlotte Observer: A postal card from Catawba Springs says Dr Elliott, the proprietor, fell a few days ago and broke his arm. Kev Lse, a well-known minister oi tne iuemoaibi Episoopal church, pastor of tho chcrch at Shalby, died Sunday evening, after an illnesslof aboutfifteen days. At the election in Mt Ulla and Scotch Irish townships, Rowan county, Saturday, to determine the question cf voting 6,000 each to aid the con-atruction of the Worth Carolina Midland Railroad, the proposition was defeted on a failure to receive a majority of the qualified vote, though the vote actually cast for it was three to one.

Goldsboro Messenger Yesterday, the Baptist church, which has been closed for repairs, was reopened for service. There is to be a grand Democratio mass mesticg and flag raising at Pollocksville on Saturday, 25th of September. Mr Boykin, of Sampson county, last week left a fine stalk of jute at our office, that measured 12 feet. Mr Boykin has an aore of it that will average same height, and looks exceedingly prom- iaing. The Democrats of John- Bton oounty, on Saturday last, nomi nated a most exoellent ticket.

For the Senate Harper, Col Ii Waddell having declined. For the House Joyner and Ellington. A revival is now in progress in Snow Hill, conducted by Rev iCall, pastor of Snow Hill Circuit of the Church. Up to this time several souls have been converted, somof whom have nnited with the church. Judge Merrimon has consented to address the people of Wayne county daring the month of October, time to be fixed shortly.

Judge Fowle has also consented to speak here at an early day, and Senator Ransom will probably make an appointment here. Strofuious swellings, carbuncles and boils, blotches, pimples and eruptions, enlarged glands, iuternal torpid liver, and general clogged condition of tha system, all yield in due time to nature's sovereign remedy Dr. Pierce's Goldaa Medical Discovery. Sold around the world by druggists and chemists. Foreign trade supplied from London branch.

World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. R. V. Pierce. M.

D. President. West Blub Mouhd, March 1879 Dr.R. V. Ptebce; Dear Sir: Having suffered many weary months from liver complaint without relief, I was last summer induced to try your Golden Medical Discovery and Pel.

lets. At the time I was scarcely able to walk. Owing to their effect I commenced to Improve rapidly and am now as well and strong as ever. I thank you from the depths of my heart for the good they have done me, and wish you alljsuccess. Yours truly, Mss.

S.Stagxxk. The Chicago Times fays: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 fcighly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians, stiresons. bv men of literary and scholars BMLY WO, BDITOB AND PUBLISHEB Ij published Every LiternoorL (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage paid One 00 Six Months. 2 50 Thiee Months 'r.

1 25 One Month. 50 Tho paper willbe delivered, by carriers, free of charge, in any 'part of the city at the tbore 'rates, or 13 cents per week. The Daily Rbvixw is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing subscrip tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable medi um for advertising- THE WILM1T0H JOURNAL. 0 OSH. T.

i Jm pabliahed EVERY FRIDAY. At the followingratea One 1 00 Three SO Tnx WiLKfaoTCnr oussull circn tes largely in the adjoining eonn-ties as wall aa in the Western por I tions of the State and presents unequalled facilities to merchants for irfng known whatthey have for A Splendid Ticket dominated by the Sampson Democracy. The Democratic nominating convention of Sampson caunty convened in th ronrt house at Clinton on Sept. 16, 1S80, and was duly organized by the election of Boykin, chairman, ana I Royal and ilnggins, secretaries, A committee consisting of one from each township was appointed by the chair on resolutions. the absence oi tne committee, the convention was ably and eloquently addressed by Robinson.

Alderman, A Cooper, Hines and Carroll, in stirring and patriotio speeches. Tho committee submitted the fol lowing resolutions, all of which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, list. That we hereby ratify and endorse the nominations of the Cincinnati convention, the Raleigh convention and the nomination of our Congressional convention, and pledge the nominees our most cordial sup port. 2d. That we re-fiirm our confidence in and adherence to tho principles of the constitution, which ere the princi ples of democracy.

3d. That it is dangerous and eub versive of the Democratic party tp aid or ecconrage any independent' can didato. 4th. That all votes in this conven tion be by ballot, and that two-thirds of -all the vote3 cast shail be necessary to a choice. 5tb.

That each township be en titled to firo votes as heretofore in the democratic conventions of the county. 6th. That we pledge ourselves to support tho nominees of this conven tion. After a spirited and enthusiastic oaiioting, tne jionowmg named gens tlemen wero nominated amid the plaudits of their fellow citizans: For Senate John A. Oates.

For House E. T. Loykin, and D. O- Culbreth. ForShewlf B.

Hill. For Register of Deeds Joe Robi son. lor Treasurer A. B. Chestnutt.

For Coronor Isaac Hobbs, For Surveyor TLBass, Tho labors of the convention being over the nominees camo forward, and in short, neat speeches, accepted their honors. That sterling democrat and gentle man, Dr Murphy, being called for camo forward and' addressed convention in a true, eloquent and patriotic speech that thrilled all with stronger devotion to the grand prin ciples of democracy. On motion, the Goldsboro Messen ger is requested to publish these proceedings, and the Wilmington papers, the Warsaw Brief Mention, and the. lvaleigh Observer be request ed to copy. The convention, satisfied with its work and in the greatest harmony, ad journed to meet the enemy on the 2d of JNovembar, wuh a bold and united front.

Boykin, Ohm'n, Royal, HUGQIN3, Secretaries. List of Vessels Over, 100 tons in Port Sept. 16th, 1880. BARKS. Ger Herman Wolf, 507 torn, Permier, Teschaa Westermacn 13r Falcon, 303 tons, Burt, Barker Co Br iiueliza, 297 tons, Nicholas, in helow.

Sp Tepita, in below. BRIGS. Br Gem, 281 tons, Dakin, A Sprunt Son SCHOONERS. Am San Juan, 250 tons, Dodge, Northrop Cummi Am Etta Barter, 273 tons, Barter, Barker Uo Am Mary Bea, 158 tons, Chadwick, Harriss Howell ISHEB TO CALL THE ATTENTION of Teachers aid Parents to his complete stock of School Books and School Stationery Those wanting to buj will find it to their ad-Vintage to call or correspond with him. aJ3anday School BooxsHymnBookfBibies' Prayer Boota, and Reward' In variety.

sept 6 YATES1 BOOK STORE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, i WILMINGTONN.CV Large ample Rooas Jfor Commercial Travelers. rpHE PROPBIEtOK harin thoroughly renovated this House and It entire prepared la the tjv3ng public all the oonrenieaelMjof, a FIBaT- CLASS HOTEL. It is located the.Tary centre of tho business part of the city, being convenient to the principal business houses Postoflee, Oustoa Houe City Hall and OouTtHouse. p3-L Fint-Clasa Bar and Billiard Saloon connected with thls HoteLL' BATES $2PEK DAT.

oat 2i MB. J. H. BITES, Neweppr Advert i ng Areat, 41 Park Haw, (Times Baildag) Hew York, is authorised to contract for ad vertisements in the Dailt Esvirtv andWib xasxea Jouuxl at our lywest niter Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York. Bond.

Steamer Euzabetn, is bee, smunviue. Master. Steamer Passport, uarper, smxuxviu. Master. Steamer Murehiaon, Uarrason, rayeiie vllle, Williams Murchlson.

Br Darqucnune nawuora, www more, Williams Aiurcnison, Nor barque rey. nenaerson, Amsieraaai Helde Co. OL EARED. 8 Learner Elizabeth, Blsbee, 8mlthvllle, Master. steamer Murcaison.

uarrasoa. jrayetie- yllle, Williams Murcbiaon. lir brie uem, vvaaace, uranton, aic. Sprunt Son. Exports, roaaiax.

Granton Br brig Gem 2,528 bbla rosin COMHBCIAL HEWO WILMINGTON MARKET 8EPTBXBBK 224 M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 2iz cents bid. Later we hear of sales casks at these figures. KOSIN Quoted firm at. fl 15 bid tor strained and 11 20 for Good Strained.

Later we hear of sales 500 bbla Strained at SI and 1.000 bbla of Good Strained at 1 23. TAR Quoted firm at $2 10 per bbl of 230 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted Iflrm at 82 10 for Soft and Virgin, COTTON Quoted dull and lower to sell. Later sales of 100 bales on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. The followinglare the official quoitatons Gents Good Low Middling Good BAII.T aaoairxs i it 383 bales Bpirits Turpentine 1J5efS! vL it Orude WEEKLY STATEMENT or rrocxi oh huhd sursMBia 30, 1830 Cotton 8pirita 1,908 1,908 7.8SI 168 8,013 Total Ro3in.ahoru......

1,388 Total. m1 Tar ashore nM Crude Total. 930 rti aiosiFTS roa thi wisk hdihs sbft. 20 COttOOH.MM....HM..HmMMNW.UMM..M 2,914 Spirits Tar 6S 1,410 Bxroari roa tsi wbbx sbpt, 20. Demestiie COttOn.M...M.............M...M.M..M.M.M 2,400 17 i 691 206 m.

Foreign. 2,769 ROSUleeeee TaTfitlKHIMttMIIIIMtM Prom Foreign Portsi BARKS. Nor A Schwergnard, 429 tons, Ev-ersen, at Barrow, Sept Nor Abraham Skalle, S99 tons, Greg, ertsen, sailed from Marseilles, Aug 1. Nor Amaranth, 350 tons, Torgesen, Bailed from Antwerp, Aug 14. Ger Amalia Hedivig, 329 tons, Gebm, at Gloucester, Sept 2.

Ger Atlantic, 39S tons, Schering, sailed from Rotterdam, Sept 3. Ger Carl Max, 294 tons, Beyer, sailed from Belfast, Aug 28. Cato, 403 tons, Kroger, sailed from Liverpool, Sept 8. Nor Chatham, 307 tons, Horn, tailed from Liverpool, Aug 7. 1 Ger Claudia, S58 tons, Kruger, at Glou cester, Sept 2.

Dan Elene, 495 tons, Dahl, Ger Erna, 582 tons, Yoss, sailed from Hamburg, Amg 22. Nor Flid, 350 tons, Keilsen, sailed from Rotterdam, Aug 10. Nor Forsete, 345 tons, Kundsen, sailed from Nazaire, Aug 25. Nor Frey, 381 tons, Halvorsen, sailed from Amsterdam, July 24. Dan Galeon, 313 tons, Kalsbroii, Nor Belene, 305 tons, Daal, sailed from Wilhelmshaven, Sept 9.

Nor Hjemmet, 394 tons, Ingemiindsen, sailed from Stavanger, Aug 13. Nor Jubinal, 352 tons, Jensen, sailed from Liverpool, Sept Nor Kundsvig, 371 tons, Evensen, sailed from Bremen, Aug 23. Swed Magnur Huss, 532 tons, Ljulin, sailed from London, Aug 15. Nor Mindora.291 at Gloucester, Aug 25. Nor Neptune, 428 tons, Toblasen, sailed from Shields, Aug 20 via Madeira.

Nor tons, Petersen, sailed from Cardiff, Aug 10 via Bermuda. Nor Falykarp, 498 tons, Olsen, sailed from Grimstad, Sept 1. BRIGS. Nor Dolen, 362 tons, Dellrichsen, Liverpool, Aug SO. Nor tons, Sorensen, sailed from Hull.

Sent 13. Signal, 312 tons, Williams, sailed froml Tramore, 221 tons, Marrice, sailed from Bristol, Aug 18. Winberry Oysters. THE rlHEST or the niaou. Uy th Dozen, Qaart or Gallon, at JOHif sptl6 OARSOLL'S, XIarketst 129,072 2,053 2,052 930 HISSES BUBE JAMES, PRINCIPALS.


The course of indirection will be ic and thorough, each pupil receiving indirid ual attention. The training of tocho child-ren, a speoialttj. Free hand drawing. Calisthenics and Vocal Maiio without extra charge. Pupils, for the above Schools of Music, Painting, or Fictareque Drawing, outside of the school, will bo accommodsted with eonreniont hours, VThere a class of fifteen or twenty is formed fur, instruction ia the arts, a liberal deduction in price will be made.

A limited number of pupils can be accommodated with hoard in the family of one of the Principals. For terms and further particulars see Principal. SRt 1 1 CLYDE'S or AND Wilmington. Steamship Line. THE STEAMED REGULATOR, DOANE, WILL SAIL JBOU HEW YORK OS SATURDAY, Sept.

25. ra Bhlppera can rely upon theTprompl ailing of Steamerg as adrertised. a( tor Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, Wilmington, O.

THEO. G. EGEB, Freight Agent, -New York. WM. P.

CLYDE 35 Broadway, ITew York. sept 23 For Rent. T1 HE COMMODIOUS STORE. No. 3, Granite Bow.

Possession given immediately or on October 1st, as pre ferred, Apply to aaSl R. B. JEWETT. For Rent. GOOD STORE for country Market street, between Seo- ond and Third.

Alio Rooms. Apply to THE MoKOYB, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. sept 18-tf 8tar copy LANE'S ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL GEN. JAS. LANE, Principal.

JJ00M8 JSEXT TO St. John'i Church. The first session begins Monday, Oct. 4th. Circnlars at Bookstores after to-day.

sept 16.2w Bird Food, HATE JUST RECEIVED a fresh sopply of prepared Mocking and Canary Bird Food, also a fine assortment of Toilet Soape. Toilet Powder and Waters' Extracts, Ac. All for sate low at J. "HARDIN'S, Apothecary, smt 18 ew Market. Removal.

1HAYE REMOVED from my old stand on Front street to the convenient and commodious Store on Market street, recently occupied by Capt. Coney, and next East of Lip-pitt corner, where I will be prepared this rail to offer the hacdsoaest stock ot goods in my line ever brought to Wilmington. JNO. M. ROBINSON, MP Hatter Marteook-S OUR NEXT PRESIDENT Crayon Portraits Life Size Of onr next Freiident and Vice President, GeiT S.

HAKCOCKi Hon. I B. ENGLBH3! poa neavy Plated Card 8tock, sent on receipt of 60c, and your address, (Two copies bO THEHANCOK PUBLISH1NQ PLAISTOW, N. H. Them of OTery honest citizen of The Hew Bill of lading JpOR THE BAIL ROADS.

Also, Carolina Central Railroad Receipts, Yessel Bills of Lading, Chattel Mortgage, Inspector's Certificates, Magistrate's Blanks, Ac, Printed at lowest rates at .8. WABROCK'H, Job Offion1 (OSca la BerlewtBoIldlsg) "31 ly distinction, and by Individuals Tn al be walks of life. Full MeUl and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaiteb, Psice.

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