Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas • 44
- Publication:
- Fort Worth Star-Telegrami
- Location:
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 44
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SUNDAY FEEIRUARY 1920 EIGHT FORT WORTH STARTELEGRAM POULTRY AN PET STOCK AUTOMOBI LES AUTOMornIES AUTOMOBILk73 OIL LANDS LEASES STOCKS OIL LANDS LEASES STOCKS OIL LANDS LEASES STOCKS CAREFUL BUYERS CAREFUL BUYERS CAREFUL BUYERS YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE 1 OIL STOCKS: WE WILL BUY 6000 3nvaders ac of Texas 10 Swenaondale IOU General Oil LO Great Southern 75 Royal Stevens ATTENTION Join tis for $100 for an undivided Interest In the ground floor of this valuable syndicate Sx separate leases in six separate counties 199 acres surroundt-d by 40 drilling wells Approximately $2000000 being 'pent In drilling around our holdings Tillman Archer Jack Comanche Mills and ban saba Counties As the wella go down our leases go up in "Ira Big excitement now prevails surrounding our holdings Leases ceiling at big prices An opportunity for big and quick returns Our interest holders in Syndicates 2 and 3 have made big profits on their investment They bought early in advance of development you can do the same You become an owner of an undivided interest in these six separate leases No stock for sale no promotion or wildcat scheme A square deal is our motto Prominent business men have invested in this syndicate Few Interests remaining open come in on this at once This may mean fortune to you Write phone or wire for full particulars MUTUAL LEASING SYNDICATE OF TEXAS Licensed 1111-119 Oil Operators Building Lamar 6401 Port Worth Texas I This bulletin of oil teases le offered for I the consideration of discriminating buyers Every lease is RIGIIT in everything that pertains to oil and gas leases 1 There may be other leases in the same i counties offered in these columns at a low- I er price but you are asked to consider date 1 of leases rental and location in county sa suggest that you get our DESCRIPTION I LIST which goes into DETAIL on every i lease we offer I We are the oldest established strictly oil lease house in Texas We have sold over 1500a00 acres of Texas oil and gas leases and can stand back of every lease sold out 1 of this office 1 CADILLAC 5-passenger 1914 model oleo- 1 tux firs' cies run- to know that Dr HOW trio lights and starter a bargain Ping order at a sacrifice aleo have any Poultry Panacea will help you get Winter Allen 6-passenger electric lights and part of Oakland from lute up to engine at eggs It makes hens healthy active and starter cheap THE following used cars are all ex- macrifice 304 South Florence industrious Remember it's the blvoy happy Dodge nedan 1919 model excellent good values and are in singing hen that lays Panatea gives wire wheels and cord tires good mechanical condition: LOOK hetes a laying disposition Duet Dr Hess Dodge 6-paskienger 1918 model good oon-At tette bunch and you wont have to Instant Louse Kilier into the feathers and dition and good tires One Chevrolet 499 light delivery go any further for these cars are priced put it in the dust bath occasionally to keep 1-ton Maxwell truck 11119 model good One Chevrolet 490 roadster under actual value your poultry free from lice For coup USO condition One Chevrolet 490 touring leIT Paige sedan Dr Herr' koup Remedy All IsZew and used Ford cars and trucks One Ford touring 1917 liudeon sedaru Sold by all aealers in poultry suppliee i Cash or terms One Ford light delivery 191S Dodge sedan -------e SHAW GARAGE 1919 Hudson opeedster FINE Red cockerels cheap 2719 Ave 1115 Commerce St- Lamar 2185-111311 All our used cars are good cars 4917 Marmon touring car Polytechnic We make terms 19IS Buick roadster 1913 Buck touring car WILL sell Angora billy goat for 5 Call 124 INSTANT SERVICE BECK AUTO CO 1917 Bieck touring car i Locust et 490 Majestic let door south of us i 1917 Ituick little four On all makes of cars Overland Service 1 1918 Saxon six WIRE-HAIRED Fox terrier puppies for station large crew of expert mechanics i 1917 Chevrolet touring car sale 5 beauties 3 females 2 males wired You'll like our treatment i 1917 Dort touring car by Sabine Bachelor winner at Kansas City COVINGTON-SHEPARD MOTOR CO 1917 Maxwell speedster Dallas and San Antenio one of the beet 1632 Main at 20th REMEMBER west Of the Miseissippi darn Collarette of i when better used cars are sold we will Cherts Beet female at 1919 The ANNOUNCEMENT 'moll pups are fine specimens and healthy Pries We find a buyer for your Car at your PARENT GARAGE 150 each Sabine Bachelor at stud fee $15 price 1009 Commerce St Lamar 1115 Freasier A morican Kennel Club 1 RENT-A-FORD COMPANY Ask for Mr Lilley Judge 322 Cotton Exchange bldg NO COMMISSIONS Ride While You Pay I We have two good lots which we Pay $10 for a contract which entitles your Just received a carload of rew Ford ears will trade for a standard make car CHOICE Anchona eggs $2 per netting car to two weeks floor space rental on our With starters and will sell them for caele or Knapp Arlington Texas selling floor on terms It will pay dealers to see us for ABBOTT and Bird formerly 1300 satisfactory sates Since Feb 18 1919 prices On carload shipments with Beck Auto Co have opened a first- FOR Buff Leghorn eggs for We are trying bard to sell 1800 cars the 1207-2 COMMERCE class repair ahoy at 107 So Main St two hatching' Call at 1125 Henderson and see first year we are In business blocks south of depot We specialize on these beautiful birds Phone It 6617 WHITSEL AUTO MARKET Chevrolet cars lith to 14th on Commerce St 132 WORTH AUTO CO few White or Buff Leghorn laying Lamar E' 02 NO COMMISSIONS Pay $10 for a contract which entitles Test car to two weeks floor space rental on our selling floor 1300 satisfactory eatee Wince Feb 11 1919 We are trying bard to sell 1800 cars the first year we are in business WHXTBEL AUTO MARKET Iltb to 14th on Commerce St t31 AT MARKET" WE WILL SELL I 600 Bradley at 60a 1000 at S2e SOO Duke of Dublin at 60o SOO Little Motor Kar at 1135 200 Bull Bayou-Homer at 6160 25 Texas Eagle at 61460 It the lease le not right--WE MAKE IT RIGHT" or money back cheerfully I OFFERED "SUBJECT" SAN SABA COUNTY 8400 ACRES This tract Is in the southeastern part of the county close to the Colorado River and of the tract in thu Pennsylvania formation We will have a report in a fevr days by an eminent geologist who has been over the ground There 13 considerable drift STEELE COMPANY Investment Brokers 715 Dan Waggoner Building Phone Lamar 1764 AND GAS TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY 106 3rd St Fort Worth 1 I 1919 FORD touring car Starter block and is lots of extras Heat ley Arlington FOR hares and Flemish 1 Texas Giants also bitches 15::6 Amy 1684 MOSS 1 FOR SALE-4 93x4 new casings guaranted CLIFF BLOOD IN AMERICA TODAY FOR SALE 6000 miles Call 417 Wheeler St- Fort Hudson Snper Six speedster frown boar I Worth Texas I For sale: A few choice pups 21e moot six vhite wire wheele new Firestone cord old also two registered black and tan brood tires 920 spot light seat covers etc like FOR SALE-1919 Ford run only 5000 matrons one open the other bred At Stud new and in perfect condition 92260 I I miles all good tires Price 9460 McBride Seibold Hotel 'Texas Blue Jerry wonderful son of cele- Ford 6-passenger like new perfect con- it firsts arid brated Pike Peak winner of ail ition $650 cash or terms better In recent San Antonio Kennel Show Fee 915 AMERICAN-SAXON MOTOR CO FOR SALE in advance us 1013 Commerce St Phone 6091 225 San Marcos Texas old also two registered black and tan brood niatrons one open the other bred At Stud FOR SALE-1919 Ford run only 5000 Texas Blue Jerry" wonderful son of celemiles all good tires Price $450 McBride trated Pikes Peak Swiveller winner of ail Seibold Hotel firsts and better In recent San Antonio Kennel Show Pee $15 in advance Buz FOR SALE an Marcos Texas ing in Burnett and Lampasas Counties right 1 across the Colorado River from this tract i FOR ZALE 4 a 1 soiling It in tracts of from 19 40 SO 160 320 and 640 acres upward at prices from 1 $150 to $250 per acre depending on size 1 One Ho luddssnoltio b711-ep six I One Chalmers six 1917 One Chandler 1917 a ng9eirgsuper We have subdivided this creage and are 11 ItIT -THE BEST BET of tract and location These leases are for One Essex driven only 5000 miles five years and are dated In January Rental NEW $100 The above cars are in good shape and 50c (Send for blue print ad geological re- you can get 40-acre state lease In triangle offer exoeptionally good opportunities rcron COUNTY port) I about 10 111049 from two drillings and one i FAIN-BLNDER MOTOR Co i location two more contracted to soon begin IRIS Commerce St TEXAS I In same township with this lease Very at- LLANO COUNTY 18395 ACRES tractive to tipecuta tors 34 7-passenger touring car good This land is located in the aoutheastern BLACKSHEAR las new four good cord tires five wheels i riot Buys Forty Acres: $20 cash part of the county about 12 or 14 miles 1413 Main Fort Worth Texas insured will sell for cash at bargain tor balance $2000 Every west of Marble Falls The latest report from 1 demonstration and price call 1400 after 6 30 Days Marble Fails Indicates that considerable SHALLOW production for sale In Corsicana o'clock evening drilling will be done by home people at that i oll field A Lewis Corsicana Texas point all of which looks good for Llano 1 TRAIE---ilave you good car to trade for Sit- --I County acreage These leases are new STEPHENS COUNTY form oil lease surrounded by drilling wells Good five-passenger Ford 1917 model Call 6537 POR White Persian kittens Rosedal 3383 DO YOU WANT E3d? i MIITTTIOtt 7-passenger 1917 In first-claire RED Carneaux pigeons fine 'took working condition $3 pair Lamar 3412 Rt 1 box 2104 One-half ton truck a barfain Roe it MIA LAY One-half ton truck a bargain See It 1500 Several other cara FOR S-hite Orpington hens and Two vacant lots to trade for car cockrel Morris-Kellerstrass etrain Chreet PARRENT GARAGE Cockerel a pure white and has markings of 1009-11 Commerce St a show bird Also eight pure bred dark Lamar 985 Baxred Rock hens 959 Galveston ave FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO South Main and Daggett Sta Lamar 1482 USED CARS Franklin touring car 1tust like new Franklin 2-passenger roadster $1750 Franklin 4-passenger roadster $1850 Franklin sedan 42850 Franklin touring car $1880 Chevrolet 490 t525 Winton six 7-passenger 8325 Franklin touring car $1850 Chevrolet 490 525 Winton six 7-pass enger 8328 One $2250 Une One One One One One One One One 'irRILLETIS WILL SOON Br 00iNG DOWN five years form $8 and are in tracts as 50-acre lease '2 miles northwest of Crystal where geologists preslict future elf field IN moTHER EARTH AFTER LIQUM follows: 2M acres 1753 acres 6269 acres Falls I-year drilling clause price $260- Ad- Give price model and condition of car Ad- i GOLD THIS IS STILL A "WILDiAT 5434 acres The rental is 10c per acre and dress Box 723 dress XYZ Star-Tegram TERRITORY BUT IF THE DRILLERS our price 25c (Please note 10c per acre 1IT POR A Pil EN 0 NI EN A rental new leases) WISE COUNTY INCREASE IN PRICE OF YOUR FORTY-1 1000-acre lease just west of Pella 700-acre i DOUBLE Mileage Tire Co Is now ready for ACRE LEASE THE TIME TO BUY IS IN lease near Carey Well Several other small its customers In new quarters at 101 Corn-'ADVANCE OF THE DRILL OH AND GAS I 'TERRELL COUNTY 32320 ACRES CAN tracts Sam Colwell Bridgeport- i merce southeast corner Courthouse Square LEASES ARE THE SAFE AND SANE SIDE DIVIDE TO SUIT First-class stock of reliable new tires and i OF THE OIL GAME LEASES ALAS CO Price 60c rental 25c 5 years form BS DRILLING CONTRACT 'tubes also rebuilt and used tires Call and UP IN PRICE AS THE DRILL GOES certificate of tine In tracts as follows: 1220 TEXHOMA FIELD see us UP IN PRICE AS THE DRILL (kP certificate of in tracts as follows: L220 I cert TEXHOMA FIELD where geologists prodict future oil field Give price model and condition of car Address XYZ IF YOU are in need of new or used tires caA and see us- If it in first-class vulcanising you need will be glad to see you Doublu leaxe Tire Co southeast corner Courthousa NEW Franklin wanted Will give dividend CUSTOMS hatching Allison Lamar I paying stock in oil company operating re- 1314 finery and filling stations Box 237 FOR eight four passenger i Fort Worth Texas i TWO portable chicken houses 4) 12x14 1917 model new paint new top new seat A DANDY 5-passenger 4ao-Chrvrolet chea t'''door cypress hovers ono coal Colony 600 and the 12x18 brooding house 2 In- covers motor Just Ilk" new owner leaving city and must be sold at once Car must Easy terms If desired 3309 Jennings chicks capacity Torn Barrow English White be seen to be appreciated Call Lamar 1505 I Leghorns 200 strain eggs per setting 6160 FOR Ford roadsters at the farm few cockerels 200 strain Whit FOR 6-passenger Harroun car Modern Garage 855 Orpington coeks Black Minorca cocks I I I take Ford as part payment Lamar honey at a bargain French Poultry 6801 i LOST AN'll FOUND eew Farm 4 box 219 Lamar 3350 i -c- Capt George Holland a email FOR Ford roadsters i '-''N'-----Y red Modern Garage pocketbook containing some valuable THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red cook- 858 erels $250 to 65 637 papers retnrn same to Doc Holland 10101-i FOR SALE-1920 Ford roadster etarter Main St phone Lamar 6646 and receive FOR Red Rabbits call Lee tires liob Phone 1800 reward 3366 am DOWN YOU CANNOT DELAY ON THIS AS PRICES IN ECTOR COUNTY WIL acres 6100 acres 21000 acres east central i We have 100 acres to offer for a well SOON BE RAISED WE FOR A LIMITED part of county new leases Good certificate Located about 2 7-10 miles southeast of the TIME OFFER FORTY-ACRE TRACTS AT CT title with each lease (Much oil develop- Texhoma wells on the Daniels Closer to the 3250 PER ACRE $2000 CASH AND 22001 ment work in sight here) Bonus of $15 per acre PER MONTH ANY ONE OF THESE and bond for 1500-foot test standard toils TRACTS IS EQUALLY DESIRABLE WiTi LASALLE COUNTY 15000 ACRES CAN- Phone Lamar 654S ask for Mr Horne or RESERVE THE RIGHT TO RETURN -AP I NOT DIVIDE address Room 2 Alaska Bldg Fort Worth PLICATION AND MONEY IF THE ACRE- i Price 50e rental 25c 5 years form 33 ab- AGE IS ABSORBED HURRY YOUI1 stract of title lease 3 months old north- LARGE IMPROVED RANCH CHECK OR BANK DRAFT east corner of county partially in McMul- 41000 acres well situated In New Mexico len at Zeila Station (Checkerboard with running water not leased 2650 per acre on Empire Gas and Field Company) terms This Is a great bargain LARGE IMPROVED RANCH 41000 acres well situated in New Mexico running water not leased $660 per acre or terms This is a great bargain a i ''The Bert Bet" WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? See ua Mat We pay more COVINGTON-SIIEPPARD MOTOR CO Phone Pros 1632 Main at 20t1i Open Day and Night TEXAS-LONGHORN LEAST COMPANY CONCHO COUNTY 2307 ACRES CAM DIVIDE Price $150 rental Si 5 years form liS abstract of title new leases west centra part of county about 3 miles east CC Eola in 526 921 640 and 320 acre tracts Tho latest report is that the Simms and Sinclair interests Intend to drill just east el this tract (This is fast coming Ion land watch tilt price of Concho go up soon) Box 67 Stockyards Station Port Worth Texas WE MANTZFACTLIErat party tor any make auto Rebore cylinders and tit oversze pistons Steel face put on fly wheeis and trout tor starter Model 4S0 Chevrolet fly wheels carried In stot't Fort Worth Mechanical Co 1406-41 Commerce St Fhone Lamar WO PRESIDIO COUNTY 16ano ACRES CAN NOT DIVIDE Price 25e rental 10c 5 years form S8 abstract of title northwest part of county checkerboard block 3 in Dennison and Pao Ry sun patented land (This Is a fine tract for an organizing oil company AND GAS TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY 106 3rtt Pt Fort Worth BUY DIRECT FROM 30x314 ricristtld 81095 80x3 driving tread $92o Giusfanteed 4000 miles Mall orders wth 81 deposit filled Dealers wrtte for wholesale prices Edw Trostman Tire Factory 213 Commerce Fort Wrth 1- 1160 ACRES in Mobley Cennty 9 miles from well that has showing of oil Will sell all or part at $10 per acre Felix Club Port Worth VAL VERDE couNTT 3200 ACRES CAN DIVIDE 640 ACRES UPWARDS Price 65c new 5-year lease form 88 rental 25c Certificate of title furnished Out of a big farm tract title known to be perfect Located In west central part of county not far from drilling operations (Friends this is mighty goad stuff) CI-1E Al' casings for sa1e-30'3a 660 Oxi tie ME) ROGERS 'TIRE CO Fourteenth and Commerce REAL HONEST VALUES I LOST-Diamond ring Saturday morning- We have four Overlands :350 up One Liberal reward if returned to 2222 West EGGS FOR SALE-They are high class brand-new light 4 sedan 11750 Terms to Rosedale Rhode I Reds Lamar Red Lamar 1 935 or 702 suit on will trade Covington-Shepperd I Motor Co 1632 North Main at 20th LOST-Between Stripling's and 203 West POULTRY AND PET STOCK Open Sunday i Belknap par nose glass ea ee in Head Veatch i I Single-comb Rhode Island Red eggel and one ease Cali A A Warren Prospect 101 cockerel 1603 Harrington ave FORD 5-passenger Kelmey streamline body I Reward 552 practically new with new tires Cali Rose- 1 FOR SALE-Rhode Island Red eggs for mit Ave sable colored Pekineee male dog dale 293 or see car all day Sunday or after STRAYED OR STOLEN-From 1424 Surtr- hatching $150 setting 2607 nt week daye at 916 South Henderson It Abernathy Suitable reward will be paid for return I or Information Lamar 3591 FOR SALE-Full bleod Buff Orpington cockerels at a sacrifice Call 6606 NEW COLUMBIA 6 sport Triode) 4-passen- ANCoNA eggs from Texas best 15 4 $3 er trade for equity in borne or clear va- LOST-Small black leather instrument case cant lot Fort Worth or Dallas Address Call Lamar 343 per 15 James Angel Lillian Texas 0 Schlock care Westbrook or 325 Car- I FOUND-Bar pin Call 1201 Weatherbee 1 on St San Antonio Texas FOR SALE-L'egbewn ccckereLB Pr'" IrlatP 4 ners laying strain 4169 FORDS I LOST-Brown fur belt Finder please re- New or need cash or term We buy and turn to Miss Forrestinea Keys 900 West' ANCONA eggs for setting La 6521 sell all make cars We 10111Z1 money on au- I Weatherford St and receive rewartL I RABBITS for sale Rufus red' and Bei- tomobiles SHAW GARAGE LOST on Central Ave car gray leather I glans 44f8 Lamar 2185-1636 nia purse ngraved ar on front leindet please return to caahler et Twentieth St FORCED TO SELL DORT FOR SALE-Good motor and Urea I Drug Stora My entire stack of registered Carneaux bargain at 2250 tern a banded and working (guaranteed) pigeons Thee birds are extra large reg- or money refunded Will sell in 6-10-25 COVINGTON-SHEPPA-RD MOTOR CO I LOST-Brown Jersey oovr bream tip on one 15ftered Main at 20th i horn leather strap with chain around neck 1632 Roeedale 2191 or 50 pair lots first come first served must FOR SALE-Ford sedan with starter In I I be void in 20 days as I am unable to get perfect running order Phone 1019 i LOST---Saturday morning between wygst I help to care for them 4th and Houston Street bank book on Fort FORT SQUAB FARM OLD STORAGE batteries repaired Lamer i Worth Natl containing somet checks and i (1 block north Stop 6 Interurban) 7021 1 currency Bearing name Petroleum Prod- ucts Co Liberal reward for return to GOLDEN Wyndote eggs :2 per setting- FOR SALE cheap 5 passenger Buick new I Petroleum Products Co 307 West 4th St 1217 tires 6765 I LOST-Cameo pin on East Weatherford or FOR SALE-Rhode Island Red eggs for set! FOR SALE-One new For speedstter new Belknap Finder please call Lamar 4603 tine' Lamar 1124 tree and new paint A-1 mechanical shape Reward i $600 Anderson Lee 206 Weatherford: 1 FOR SALE-Belgian hares and Flemish LOST-A brooch set with pearl and a sdiall giants also hutchee- 1925 Amy 1694 r0N-r throw your old battery away We diamond In center valued as keepsake--i-- ill buy it Lamar 7021 1 Liberal reward 4376 i SINGLE-COMB White Leghorns-Eifteen a breeder and exhibitor of high-class I HAVE an old model 6 cylinder Franklin LOST-Steel beaded purse poseibly on Uni- exhibition prat heavy-laying Leghorn win-touring car in excellent condition Has verity car Sunday Please Phone Rosedale ning first prizes at Dallas Waco and many etarter and electric lights If you want a 2244 other shows Eggs 12 for 15 postpaid car for service economy and comfort buy Ga i Gilbert Ladonia Texas for 2600 A rare bargain John Mc- STOLEN-Female Spitz has cellar An- Bride 604 West First St Lamar 1915 7 ewers to name of Trixie Reward 3ir FOR SALE-Fine thoroughbred Barred Ply IL Gracey 1116 Hawthorne Phone mouth Rock cockerels 161 Galveston Ave STORAGE batteries honestly guaranteed Rosedale 5449 i Lamar 7021 S-o-n111AL FOB SALM-1919 -Minya six in good condition cheap -A Steinberg Strip BrigJenkins Mrs Co or 26 24 May St I MASON COUNTY 7000 acres Can divide 1000 acres upward Price 26c new 5-year louse 25c rental form SS -certificate of title (25c an acre oil leases are getting scarce) TO the buyer who In In th market for a good used ear Used Car Department FAIN-BENDER MOTOR CO 905-907-909 Commerce St LEASES IN WILB ARO Ft COUNTY We hAve maintained a scout this Yield for several months and are in close touch with development We can give eo you accurate reliableinformation in re- gard to producing wells drilling wells and last but not least the dry holes The fact that the largest producing companies buy through us is convincing proof that cur prices and locations are right and that our delivery service I satisfactory We will be glad to submit quotations BERG-KELLY COMPANY 11 Wheat Building Lamar 7294 JOSEPH JOHNSTON 106 Vet 3rd St Fort Worth STOP JUST ONE MINUTE PLEASE FOR WE HAVE A PROPOi--ITION THAT 1N-ILL PLEASE THE MOST CRITICAL INVESTOR It's in leases in Eastern New Mexico located in Eddy Lea Chaves Roosevelt and Lincoln Counties This acreage is offered to you in blocks of 40 acres and up at $3 per Send ua a check for one of thee blocks and reap the rewards that thousands have done ANDERSON COMPANY Phones Lamar 2282 and Rosedale 2374 16 214 Oil and Gas Bldg Fort Worth Texas FOR SALE BARGAIN NEW LUMBER FOR 112 FOOT DERRICK CALL MacDONALD Court Hotel City AND GAS TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY 106 3rd St Fort Worth CORYELL COUNTY LEASES 100 to 2000 acres within 3 to 4 miles Strickland well on black lime ready to shoot $3 per acre Act quick 5sr) acres 4 miles O'Day well $15 Address 734 Star-Telegram 1 WANTED TO BUY 60 Fords and any first-class car of good make PARRENTS GARAGE Ask for Mr 'Alley 2009 Commerce UPTON COUNTY 1920 acres Can divide Price 35c lease dated Jan 1 1929 5 years fcrm 88 rental 25c certificate of title sections 2 10 14 and 39 block 39 andsection 24 block 40 all in Hy Co tract (A good safe bet for higher prices) WINXLER COUNTY 3849 acres can divide to suit New lease 5 years form Si 25c rental certificate of title price 35c (Winkler County adjoins Eddy County in New Mexico in which considerable oil developments are promised) 6-PASSENGER Franklin 6600 6-pa5senget Studebaker $375 Both motors just overhauled 205 Main St Lamar 3002 PIAVE acreage A field right in present activity Want party or parties to heln isyndicate or promote for drilling Address 1138 Star-Telegram 'FOR roadster in good condition at bait price Terme la 1094 Liberty Garage 1- AND GAS 'TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY 106 3rd St Fort Worth NEW Ford car for rent with or without driver week day rate $5 Rent-a-Ford Co 1207 Commerce St Phone 1 3100 aW TERRELL COUNTY 4160 acres: cannot Five year lease form 88 10c rental Certificate of title: price 50c Quick sale This land Is located near the Brewster County line (You know this Is a cheap lease) AlcMITLLEN couNTT 5000 acres Can divide in two tracts 2500 each price 8150 per acre This will be a new lease made to the buyer for five years on form 88 50c rental and good certificate of title Land is miles northwest of Tilden which makes it about the same distance west of the Crowther oil tields (shallow oil here sure as shooting and perhaps a gusher) ronD 1919 touring $62500 $17600 cash balance $3700 per month Ford 1917 touring $415000 $10000 cash balance 63500 per month Ford 1917 roadster 635000 $10000 ettall balance $2500 per month Lexington Minute Man Six run less tha( 5000 miles runs fine $107500 cash balance 65000 per month Seneca 1918 touring new top $47500 620000 Ca311 La lance 63500 per month ALLEN WILCONON 208 Commerce Lamar 500 WILL GROW ot --It you Invest In Eastern New Mexico oil Imams FOR SALE--2 yellow double-headed talk- i WANTED TO 1ENT trig parrots Good singers Apply 1004 Hum- FORD new 1920 Ford trucks' esewe0wwse I boldt St will demon demonstrate Anderson Lee 206 i WANTD TO RENT i NVeatherford 1 If you have knything to rent house CASH in on high-priced eggs Jim Boor- apartment furnished or unfurnished phone lands Laying Tonic will increase egg pro- FORD TRUCK-9 foot body good condition us We rent them free for you Phone duction or cost nothing Peed 4a hens for Box 304 Dallas Lamar 7159 one cent Renfro 's Drug Stores I BOOKER nooKEn INSIST on a real guaranteed battery We 213-215 Crowdus I31dg 1 FOR Yellow Persian Sit-give you one Columbia Service Station 1 Corner Main and Eleventh Streets tens 1204 Travis Ave Jennings and 13th Lamar 7021 Phone us! 1 WANTED-1 large room for light house- FOR bronze Turkey tome I keeping for couple with year old baby i Mrs McNaughton Route No 2 Box 1 Furnished or partly furnished C1016 in LSA Fort 1Vorth Texas Ford Touring Car i References 1657 I Chevrol tt out-Inc Ole 1 1 OR Poothe dog's Call Pres Maxwell Touring Car i WANTED TO six months or pect 1134 Oakland Touring Car year cottage or small two-story house in Maxwell 114 ton Truck first class neighborhood on South Side FOR Island Red eggs for sot-Jeffery 114 ton Truck' Guarantee uarantee agatnst any danage to prop- ring It 90 and others Terms erty and furnish references Hard- I wicke attorney at Gulf Production Co 1 WILL SELL the balance of my White Kings THE WRIGHT CO Office phone 3554 Residence 6622 at a sacrifice Telephone Lamar 6933- i WE 1-TAVE on hand for sale three gooe4 used Dodge Drothers touring cars Cash ort terms 1 COOKE-BOYD MOTOR CO Lamar 1016 2n0 Throckmorton St We control over 100000 acresin Eddy Lea Roosevelt Chaves arid Lincoln Counties We are now offering this acreage to the public in blocks of 40 acres or more at $2 per acre with 5-year state lease Rental 16 2-3c per acre payable annually No questions as to title BUY and WI Fords Dodges and Buick M'altr Westmoreland 4th and Commerce Streets Marlow Garage tjt r1 YV want tirms to nandie blocks of capital i5Mtle of company haying 3800 acres 3 wells low capital good commission Write Edward Ryan fiscal Box 687 Cameron Texas FOR touring car 1919 model All late Improvements 6 wire wheels Vir tires and in splendid condition cost $3125 owner left with us for sale at IVillTSEL AUTO MARKET 13th lo 14th on Commerce St 322 We maintain scouts In the New Mexico field at all times and gladly give you any Information you may want WHAT have you to sell? Lease owners gct In touch with me and make the price right Felix Ury Elks Club Port Worth JEFF DAVIS COUNTY 1354 acres Can divide Price 40c 10-year lease 10c rental form SS abstract for examination This land Is In block 10 Ry Co survey Close to Reeves County line (Have you noticed what's going on in Reeves County now a days?) GILLESPIE COUNTY 3040 acres Can divide Price 35c or 40c If taken in small lots 5 )ears rental 25c f07111 certificate of title land located In the central eastern part of the county and can divide In tracts as follows: 1283 acres 1011 acres 160 acres 325 acres and 316 acres (This acreage not far from oil well locations) cOMAL COUNTY 2400 acres cannot divide Price 35c This Is a December 1919 lease made for ten years form 88 15c rental and the land i3 splendidly located as ta oil developments Good certiricate of title (Don't overlook this ten year lease) crtocKETT COUNTY 840 acres 5-year lease 350 rental land located In southwest part of the county on the river 5 Miles from Ludlow and Caunon well 1 Price 85c and mighty cheap we will say Also the west half of other section close to above same price also 840 acres in same county 8 miles from Benenurn Tress drilling rig An Oct 11 1919 lease rental 25c Price 75c 600-4 Commerce St and eggs Tel Lamar 6868 and 6663 i WANTED To rent ilitht houselteeping TOP PRICES paid for poultry room prefer being out trt the suburbs ref- Lamar 216 1414 Throckmorton St- I erences exchanged Address 746 Star-Tele- 7 ROG Re gram WILBARGER clone to Doans and close to Harrold for sale GREGG HILL Austin Texan WILL he lady and boy who took grip from the northbound Katy on the night of the Stu Zit the depot please return the same to Klein 8r Full hares Garage at 207 Commerce Thousands have made a fortune off of oil leaaes and if you want In on thia fast going acreage AND GAS TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY Mt 3rd St Fort Worth WRITE WIRE OR SEE 4 FOR one 1920 Essex roadster Run 100e miles also one 1920 BuLck roadster for sale cheap Car same aa new 506 Commerce St Iron A coupe firlq-class obspe Terms if desired $700 Call 871 BUFF Orpington egg Lamar 6373 to rent on South Side Lamar 4162 ONE 1819 Chevrolet "490" New leather tor) i wILL give 625 bonuts for 6 or 6-room house moNE1 ass-515tcover and new paint Car in A-I shape i 4 To 10A14 i rent a 4 or 6-room cottag BUILDING 1012111 on first mortgage Selig- One 1917 Chevrolet 6460 I from some one with a conscience 'who be- man Foster Co General Insurance bl4 One isis Baby five passenger Car Heves in living and let live permanent ten- Texas State Building Phone 179 In A-I shape Must sell at once Will make ant 6 yrs in last place Adults only Box easy terms ii 795 Star-Telegram WANT $507 Private loans to salaried fur- niture owners Try our easy payment and Monroe Chummy new top now pain! 'RESIDENCE 6 mottle modern garage pre- rebate plan Welfare Loan Co 1413L2 Main car In A-I shape 6450 ter Pant front and furnished South or West Sti section only lease for at least one year conANDFmscrq i sidered Address Postoffice box 792 UNLIMITED amount to 101111 on faring 1 208 EWeatherford ranches and improved city No WANTED-4-room unfurnished modern unnecessary delays Write for application FOR sALE-1919 Olds "8" in A-1 share i house on South or Southeast Side reason- IC Mann Co Gxlveston Texas good rubber and good paint job Can make able Barr 197 terms Anderson Lee 206 Weatherford I MONET TO LOAN farms and ranches close in 7 or 8 arena I Per cent and upward notes purchased: WANTED-1000 storage batteries to repalr 26S8 make your arrangements now Ball or recharge Lamar 7021 We will come Invertinent Co Lamar 6601 4131-2 Ma a for them also have new ones Jenningl rent house for year can give st Fort Worth and 13th good references Phone Rosedale 6414 I "ea year can give st Fort Worth a-n-11 13th good references Phone Rosedale 6414 1 ANDERSON COMPANY Phones Lamar 22S2 and Rosedale 2374 214011 and Gas Bldg Fort Worth TOritti3 1 PAIGE ear 1919 model for $1150 'Whittlers Garage BLANCO COUNTY 2000 acres New 10- year 10c rental leans scattered In small tracts 138 acres upward Mighty cheap at 45c (Drilling promised for Blanco Co sure enough) WHAT HAVE Tor TO OFFER IN LEASES? Want structurally located block of several thousand acre Must have geological report Will drill one or more wells Trrom As 409 Main St A CLASSY Buick roadster A-1 condition will take another car as part payment can be sr en at 214 East Third Street come and see it drive it around the block 10 ACRE on AND GAS LEASER We are subdividing oil and gas lease in over 50 selected Texas counties 0 I ONE 490 Chevrolet In A-1 running order I Tires likt neW and new battery $200 cash 1 WANTED-2-room furnished house Address I Just as much care is taken with these Rosedale 5851 1 i I OIL STOCK 110-acre leases as would be given a $100- easy payments: confidential Cash Credit Will sell or trade for diamond stock in i 000 lease and many of them may some day SEEDS AND PLANTS FOR SALE-Chummy Chandler with Darby! paired fused electrically with nickel ale Co Room 315 Texas State Bank Bldg all company which offers to guarantee I be worth that amount top bumpers and spare tire 6000 miles toy APICAROELS CYJITDFEERCTSIVEr 723 Star-Telegram no heating or enlarging of bore same WANTED-Unfurnished 5 or 6-room house money back and ten per cent intereet if i HAN-KE'S blackland prolific tomato makes 1096 Liberty Garage platons fit We also weld broken auto parts must be modern and right price no chll- WE alAKE LOANS on automobiles Illi they do not get a Producing well out of i This Is an attractive offer for small and abundance delicious tomatoes on black all kind of broken machinery Prompt dren permanent 7002 Commerce 2185 1636 1 the three to be drilled First well on sand large buyers and we are selling them mixed or sandy soil Package 25c PARTY leaving city offera for the next few aattention to 7 0 Box 237 Fort Worth Texas "Beat the Band" Henke Austin Texas 1 box 10 Welding days Chevrolet 490 car in good shape: for Co WANTED 3134 Ft Wortk WANTED to rent at once 4 or 15-roonit tin- 6 AND 8 per cent money on land and city I fe 6350 Also good Jersey cow 646 furnished house Phone 6282 real estate rate depenePrig on security Gray ARCHER COUNTY SEND FOR FULL LIST I HAVE a limited stupply of good depend- AUTO AND TRACTOR RADIATORS RE- f1 -1e-acre tracts le than 2 miles north of 40-ACE OrL AND GAS LEASES able cotton seed for planting For full par- 3500 EQUITY in 1920 Maxwell car ran I00 I PAIRED AND REBUILT complete line of WANTED TO RENT Investment Co 417 Fort Worth NationaL the Burk-Archer well drilling Price $30 1 We will be READY to deliver 4-acre ticulars and prices write IL Whitmore i miles cash or trade on home Phone La- carried In stock Prompt attention i ill rent your hotte free of eharg LOANS to working people Eclipse Co 00n If the Durk-Archer make an acre Might be worth 35 good Islam Countie 000 an acre I tracts In many Texas New Mexico and Lou- Inside of 10 days TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENCY send for List Lockhart Texas mar 420 3 I to out cf town ehpments Fort Worth Call ue and we will be glad to serve you 10104 Houston St 1 I i tVehling Co O'ROURKE REALTY Co etc etc 25 ArSTIN dewberry and 25 McDonald FOR SALE-Forel 1917 model perfect eon- I 111141 loth 593 th St MONEY for salaried De li eple and oters nos I blackberry Well rooted plants sent post- dition new tires seat eovera shock ab- tneir own names ceeap rates easy pay- 106 ard St Fort Worth paid for $1 Lattimore Jacksonville sorbers etc $475 cash Parker 1639 PARTS FOR GRANT SIX- PINANciAL ments eonfideetial Hall Co Re3Tla 111 I IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Worth St it 6929 Complete stock Grant Six parts carried in Moore Bitse cOTTtIr Tntb and Main See 9 1 WILBARGER COUNTY Al! our leases are on standard commerclal Panas: service station maintained for Grant HAN -7E a you 32000 cash available If so HA vE PLENTY a P- MoNIC I I oil and gas lease form 88 which is par- ISIELBANE cotton 'see4 carload or email A REAL FORD i cars only II Connell Sons 2105-7 Corn a can make you a proposition that will bring moan on first-ciass Fort Worth propainr wanted: To get in touch with a corn- ticularly fair with buyers orders $2 per bushel Cash accom- New Reliey-Springfield tires' quiet motor 1 fierce St Dallas Texas good returns Address Box 770 Star-Tele- Farm loans pany desiring to drill a well in Northwest-1 pany small orders References Snyder Nat a good looker Come out Sunday and drive gram INVESTORS ern Wilharger County 3000 acres derrick TITLES Bank or First State Bank Jones any- It home tle0 or more cash balance to cult al on Nfir 8 TO Ovendor liO 011We agb000udt 9 $4110r010ty----- eexmt ez-1 MOUTGAGE Co built and equipped well drilled to 160 feet We do not handle a lease unlese we feel der Texas CO I NGTON-SHEPPAR la MOTOR Co 1919 Buick stx I-passenger 81600 a7-11 Burton Bldg Lamar 4104- trastig Bet 150 feet $7000 worth of casing assured that the title is good Everything 1 i 632 Main at 20th I 1919 Cadlac 7-passenger model 57 on ground water well dug A company I must be right or THE aleGEE TOMATO mteees 1200 bushels i 83750 pBox 6 i amount per acre Cu cn land B1- equipped to complete this well can get a per acre and I only have the pure seed NEARLY new Scripps-Booth roadster for i 1919 Cadillac 4-passenger model 67' Fort Worth I moat favorable offer on some of the best WE MAKE IT RIGHT Please write for full information sale Perfect condition Price right Phone l' 63610 REPAYRING sall acreage In this county i McGee Fan Marcos Texas 1077 191 Stutz Bear Cat roadster 82200 es I BANKING AND OTHER e--- 1917 Hudsurt 'speedster 32000 BICYCLES PROK EN stoe parts made rood as nOW AddrWit Mr Horne Room 2 Alaska Bldg COTTON SEED FOR SALE DRIVERLESS FORDS Packard Twin Six Chummy eeseeeseeeweeaeeeeeseeseeseseeeeeeesseweasaa er phone 6548 for Interview TEXAS CONSOLIDATED SALES AGENcy Have car of good planting seed for Immo- New cars with starters 2125 per hour 2 worm drive one-ton Ford trucks DID YOU see the colored part of bicycle Ft Worth Welding Co 413 ThrockMOrtOn- 106 3rd Street date shipment Price $175 per bushel good week days :5 per day Can arrange terms pictures in this paper last Sunday? We percN0111APII repairing done by expert 4 BELL County leases for sate: rear several Fort Worth Texas Phone Lamar 1495 sound "selected seed Address Brown Ad- srrA11- oArz NoE HERMAN RAAT3 GARAGE Pell bleYeles- A Massie SuPplY Co 111 who kr)w Low The Phonograph Shop 203 wells now drilling 11 Spohn Troy Texan Carlton Larne Manager ge anl8 Tahoka lexaa 111) St I 1aular 14 trim 344i St a Last lOtla Street Alain Ste 125.
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