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Fort Worth Record-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas • 8

Fort Worth, Texas
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1918 FORT WORTH RECORD THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 12 8 SPANISH INFLUENZA In France A Story of an All-American Hyphen And Why the "Smiths" Are Brothers Jealousy It la all simple enough when you get inside Information as to how It happens that II Blair-Smith la the brother The Kaiser's Shadow rma: i i SKY home iv 1 ERH i No secret that is repeated is safe from the Hun Spies NOW PLAYING most gigantic corporations in the world Hyphen fur I istrsiraer In the army there are many thou- aanda Of Smiths but the General Smiths are a scarcity In the American Telephone it Telegraph company's general offices are a few Smiths Blair-Smlth's neighbors are name-! Smith His associates are Smiths and Strange Malady Which Gavej of General William Smith commander of the 36th Division the Texas and Oklahoma fighting machine now "over there" Blair-Smith is comptroller Germany Trouble Discovered in United States and general auditor for the American Telephone Telegraph company and la In Port Worth as a witness in the telephone rate hearing Blair-Smith and General William WILL RUIN ANY HOME It nearly rfuined Shirley It nearly ruined Shirley otherwise NOW PLAYING DOROTHY DALTON Smith started life together back yonder a number of business bosses in Ml little old section up -here In New Y'ork are Smiths so Just for convenience and so as to get his mail for really tvM treat Ills mail In a personal way ho slapped a hyphen there between the Blair and the Smith He nays this la the way It happened dial his name is Blair-Smith Blalr-Smlth a modest man admits that he and the general are only two put of a family of eight boys 'you know my wife claims to be in the Tennessee mo intalns maybe It nas Nashville under ihe same roof and of the same parentage When they quit playing on-ole-cat on the town lots and started out for the game of life Blair became a bookkeeper aid an accountant Ills brother William when a youngster was generally the about a half Texan" said the man accounts "Her grandfather was old leader of the kid tin-can militia brl-gad and he landed In West Point Commodore Dallas the very man whom lAtteclatet Prl WASHINGTON Sept 1 1 Spanish In-flucnxa the strange prostrating malady which recently ravaged the German pplny kod later spread Into France and England with n-h discomfiting effects OS til civil population has been brought to some of the American Atlantic coast cities officials here fear but they are awaiting further lnveatl gatlon ami development before forming definite opinions tn the opinion of officials the strange infection has been brought over by persons returning on American transports There is little means of combating the disease except by absolute quarantine and that obviously is impossible at this time because it would require Interruption of intercourse between communities as drastic as was lesorted to in the dreaded day of yellow fever in the Precautionary measures are considered the best weapons to combat the Pallas was named lor" This is Mr Smiths first visit to Now William is a major general and Blair is the directing head of the accounting department of one of the Texas sV HA 17 fm Rail of the SSOth Infantry nephew of Glnsburg of 1216 West Broadway Is fighting now on the western front In Prance according to word received in Fort Worth Wednesday CARilMG FDR HOME SAMUELS ADDRESSES FOLKS IMPERATIVE EORT WORTH AD CLUB LEAPS FROlVi AUTO CRUSHED Blf TRAIN Fort Worth Relief Association Aims to Help the Poor and Gieen Speaks on "New Draft and Essential Industries" and Has Large Audience Relieve Suffering Parker County Farmer Instant JillllJUllUiftev ly Killed at Grade Crossing on North Main Street The Hun Within ptochie) Hi- Griffith Studio uritta Dorothy Gish as tlif Piitriotic 'nrl tn(i Oeorge Pawjet1 Mir Unal (ii'nnnn American who says: "I was born in Germany but I am an Amen can citizen America is my country and I believe in her principles of Liberty and De mocracy" iiVr is the JffmkfA spy play liuit the sfieat war has pro-dnped a drwM of toose human interest in which a most de lijfhtt'ul love itorv is wovi ii malady and as the disease is a new one to American physicians the government possibly ay take the menace in hand by issuing country-wide warnings and general nstructlons on how-to avoid the Infection if possible and how best to meet it If it be contracted 8panish influenia although shortlived and of practically no permanent serious results is a most distressing ailment which prostrates the sufferer for a few days during which he suffer the acme of discomfort 5000 MACHINISTS CONTINUE ON STRIKE IGNORING LEADER Usmcialed rri HRIIXJEPOHT Conn Sept Five thousand striking union machinists from Bridgeport munitions plants at a meeting late today listened to the reading of the message from William Johnston president of the International Association of Machinists calling on the men to return to work within forty-eight hours ami then voted unanimously to continue the strike No one questions the Importance of the varioua win the-war campaigns of the recent past and of the future but the Fort Worth Relief association Insists that the needs of the unfortunates within her gates must not be forgotten or ignored Last year the association hung back from asking the public for funds because It didn't want to get in the way of other important calls It assumed however that all its aub-senbers would keep up their support without solicitation In thla It was disappointed Only 150 held up Its work during the year and the Income wae inadequate The other day the association had only 15 in hand at the very moment when a tuberculosis case presented itself requiring aid A campaign for f'0t)0 will be undertaken next Tuesday and Wednesday with a large executive committee of business men in charge under the Sidney a Somiiela chairman of the district exemption board spoke before Ihe Fort Worth Ad club at luncheon In the Metropolitan hotel Wednesday on "The New Draft and Kssential Industrie His fame as a public speaker In addition to the general interest In hia subject drew the largest attendance the Ad club has had at its luncheon In many a day William Monnlg Jr president of th-club preaided Routine business was disposed of very quickly and Mr Samuels was introduced He protested that he was not In good form to make an address but he held the undivided attention of his audience from first to last Srlet-tlw HrrUrr UNT Mr Samuels gave a running review of the selective service law in actual operation pointing out wherein it had been improved by practical experience A drrna that wil please because of its human interest appeal ably han died by a popular star Hie STRAND MAIN NEAR SEVENTH While hurrying to the bedside of his father who la la a critical condition at the Harris sanitarium Garland Long 3: a farmer whose home was at Sa-bathany Parker county was struck by a freight train at the Frisco crossing on North Main street at 1:40 Wednesday afternoon and instantly killed His body was cut in two and his legs terribly mangled Long was driving south on North Main street in ai automobile belonging to County Tax Collector I Smith of Parker county which was being driven by Smith A string of box cars was being slowly backed eastward according to witnesses Smith's car was mov Ing slowly but the view of the occupants was obstructed by the North Port Worth Ice company's plant Two who were on the first car of the string ytled at the occupants of the automobile Long accord- chairmanship of Hagley and explaining the manner of classify What kind of relief does this associa ing registrants and the perfecting an I ADMISSION PRICES LiOVer Fluor M'h ta 4 IOr Balconv 27 tax 3 30c Children 10c tax 1c lie DALLAS CITIZEN BUYS $50000 LIBERTY LOANS: BUYS FIRST BONDS SOLD Special to Tb- Record PALLAS Sept The first subscription lo the fourth Liberty loan was made today hen a well known Dallas man went to the federal reserve bank and asked that he be privileged to buy $21000 worth of bonds for himself and 125000 worth for his wife His name Was withheld at his request Plana for the drive have been com-Dieted it la announced Officials charge are confident that the district prosecution of appeals from local to diatrict boards The district board in Fort Worth of which he is chairman i tion give? All kinds according to the need During the paat ten month 357 families have been aided embracing nearly 3100 persons of whom almost half were children The care of the children is always uppermost in the ingt to witnesses sprang from the auto mobile almost directly under the wheel? of the approaching car His body was taken tc Spelman's minds of the workers Tuberculosis! cases numbered not less than 10 while SOLDIER FILES PROTEST maternity cases were Hi and the care of young children 453 more Vielts to families numhered 1815 Thia is chief- ly the service rendered by a salaried 0 social worker Office interviews num Ffcawe lsmar lf MATIXFM attM MIIIT Sj3 bered 1100 The problems that come before the association are as bewildering ae a Scotch plaid For Instance a few: 851 nursing rases In tn months: unem MAIN AT TENTH ployed person 95: insufficient wage 140 old age 15: Insanity 13: stranded travelers 45 The visiting nurses give Futuristic Revue PrearMitd ty Countess De Leonardl to the poor in their homes as far as is PROMINENT INSURANCE MAN IS FOUND DEAD IN R00MAT RESIDENCE Special to The Record DALLAS Sept 11 Louis Linxmeyer vice president and actuary of the Southland Life Insurance company one of the beet known insurance men in the Southwest was found dead this nftrnoon In bad at his home 4327 Junius street Heart failure Is supposed to have been the cause Mrs Linxmeyer and a daughter survive They are now in New York and have been telegraphed Pending their arrival funeral plana will not be made possible what they would get in a hospital If the latter could accommodate them all PHILLIPS EGYPT There Is no Fort Worth Institution has the largest territory to cover of any in the I'nited statea he said the district being larger t'tan the New England states and larger than several small European countries Referring to the "work or fight" order In itB application to essential In-dustriea Mr Samtiela said that busl-nesa interests must not be unduly-alarmed by Implied threats of the labor board to Indue-t men into the army who were not engaged in industries designated by the war department as essential Men could be inducted Into the army he said only by the local draft boards and even In that Instance the war department had hedged the authority with safeguards providing that hearings should be given in each protest and the utmost lattitude show In determining the classification of each man I o-Oaerallnn of l-'mployera Mr Samuels explained that the government does ask the co-operation of all employers of labor in occupations not classed as essential industries and if they are able to spare men working for them without damage to their business and such men can be used in necessary war work the employers are asked to come forward voluntarily an offer them to the government In concluding his remark-! Mr Sam-tiels referred In glowing terms to the necessity of unboning the government and the pride each person should take in doing what he could to help win th-war Hia hearers -applauded 'ilm to the echo and then all stood up and applauded some more Coming on the eve of registration day for the 18 to 45 men of the nation Mr Samuels gave his hearers a fund of information many of them wanted very much to know Kramer Morton The Original 'Two Black lots" which performs such a varied social aervice on so large a scale and the people of Fort Worth must not let It fall II HOI STO HTItlI TODAl for want of funds BELIEVE HAg1r KILLED 1 CONSTANCE TALMADGE Shrapnel Dodgers "A Nlsrht In Billet" AGAINST BUYING TAGS To the Editor of The Record: FORT WORTH Sept The inclosed is a transcription of a letter received by us this day The justice of the protest is I believe apparent to all who will give the matter serious consideration I suspect that this solicitation was made thoughtlessly by the worker The cause back of the campaign is a worthy one as the correspondent observea else It would not have had the sanction of the Chamber of Commerce but war camp community service feels so earnestly about caring for the best Interests of the soldiera while In the city that we are constrained to hand you this letter that attention may be drawn to the situation to prevent a recurrence of the cause of complaint Sincerely yours STANLEY For War Camp Community Service FORT WORTH Sept Secretary War Camp Community Service Dear Sir: Will you permit me to voice my protest against the solicitation of soldiers to purchase tags in the campaign held in Fort Worth last Saturday? I was approached and 1 know of several of my comrades who were asked to purchase tags Of course we bought But the- embarrassment in which the average soldier is placed when asked to subscribe to these campaigns will be apparent following these explanation The soldiers' pay is vary small 130 a month after he has paid his insurance and with his allotment to the folks back heme deducted there Is not very much left for his personal expenses in fact the dollars of most of ua could be distributed along the fingers of one hand and then some of the digits would have to be slighted this must carry ua for the month But when a worker in a good cause approaches and the I cause back of the campaign Saturday was a laudable one and asked that we be tagged It la very difficult to refuse especially in the light of all that hae been done and is belna done foe hv AND FOUR OTHER BIG TIME ACTS "Sauce for the Goose' BAND CONCERT i "mini tiinfla II in RATI! I In Tllf: ill MHBH or ntOOl FIGHTING REVOLUTIONISTS George Hager 31 years old of the United States marines formerly cashier here for the Southweatern Telegraph Telephone company was killed while chasing revolutionists In the mountains of Santo Domingo according to belief of relatives and friends This belief Is based on a letter received by hla uncle Hager written Aug Jl saying he would leave the next day with a party of marines to chaae bandits tn twe mountains and a telegram received from Washington Tuesday saying that he had died Sept 5 Hager's old home was in Nashville Tenn whera he enlisted three months ago UNIVERSITY' LOST SEVENTEENTH STAR WHEN CPEAT0N DIED ATHLETIC DIRECTOR NAMES NEW SCHEDULE Special to The Record DALLAS Sept Wedge athletic director and secretary-treasurer of the Air Service Baseball league announced a new- schedule today It follows ept 14 Aviation Repair vs Camp Pick at Dallas Barron Field vs Love Fleas? at Dallas Carruthor Field vs Hicks Field at Fori Worth ept Carruthers Field vs Love Field at Fort Worth Field vs Aviation Repair at Dallas Hicks Field a Camp Dik at Dallas Sept Hlks Field vs Love Field at Dallas Carruthers Field vs Aviation Kepalr at Dallas Hicks Field vs Camp Dick al Fort Worth Oct Carruthers Field Vi Barron Field at Fort Worth Aviation Repair vs Hicks Field at Dallas Love Field vs Camp Diclt at Dallas Oct II Aviation Kepair vs Love Field at Dallas Camp Dick was Carruthers field at Dallas: Hlcka Field vs Barron Field at Fort Worth Oct II Camp Dick vs Aviation Repair at Dallas: Love Field vs Barron Field at Dallas Carruthers Field vs Hick Field at Fort Worth NEGRO CONFESSES TO Qmtnm days he would xnon have had tbe oney spent If he had not landed In Jail lie was dressed in new clothing He said he took a long ride In a taxirali Monday night In the direction of Arlington GAINESVILLE SCHOOL BOY LANDS NINE HUNS BURGLARIZING OFFICE Ady Rogers alias Ped Kogers 17-yoar-olil negro was arrested by City Detectives Snow and James Wednesday morning at 1008 Louisiana uvenu charged with tbe burglary of lh- i ry tal re ompany's safe which own r-cl Sunday morning at which time 1376 In checks and currency was taken Al-ihMMk nnlv fa or the stolen moriev the good people of Fort Worth But it The municipal band will play at Pur-nett Memorial park Thursday night commeiH ilea at 8 o'clock The program March-'ThP Whip" Holzman "Sons-is of the Nation" grand medley Lumpe Walt -'First fove" Holzman 1'opular Hltsi la) "Sweet F-it tie- Buttercup" Paley (bl "Where the Cherry blossoms Kail" Donaldson Heleclloris from "The Prince of To- nlitht" Howard Populnr 1 1 1 isa mi "flood Mornms Mr Zip Zip Zip" Lloyd Ibl "lions Boy" Walker Intermlnxlon March her City" Kchols Favorlle Son-ars la) "Oloha Oe" (Farewell Thee) Kawelo (b) "My Oriole Sue" Davis 'Tom Brown's Saxophone Waltx" Ilrown lr Vlulll lllinms Mrs Mollte Williams a pioneer citizen of Fort Worth died Sept at Cleburne where she had been making her home with her daughter Mrs Fannie Oates Mrs Williams was an industrious highly Christian woman whose death will be deeply mourned by her many relatives and friends She leaves two daughters Miss Ada Williams a teacher In Fort Worth schools and Mrs Fannie Gates of Cletjiirne was in the negro possession when he Speels! to The Record Al'HTIN Sept 11 death of Lieutenant IeRoy Creaton on the field of ba'tle in France makes the eeventeenth star on the I'nlverslly of Texaa flag that has turned to gold The service flag of the university holds l0 stars though there are now 2noo university men In the service fcAMTARV PKHIMt RKMtNS 4 IMI H- HM DALLAS Sept Ben Linskle for manv years superintendent of the anitary system of Dallas has resigned and will go to Mussel Shoals Ala where he will work for the government OAINKSVIIJK Sept Word was received here today from France regarding an exploit of George Morgan graduate of the ilainesvllle High school class of 1314 rec iting a daring act of thl limns soldo i 'in the battlefields of Ihe Marin Young Morgan and some infantrymen were cut off by an enemy barrage and had to fight their ay out In the engagement Morgan killed nine Hermans wllh his automatic pistol and perhaps an equal number with his rfle Is the sonof Morgan for many years a citizen of ilainesvllle but now residing In Iienmon I' Robertson funeral director t0l-14 10th St All details looked alter Advertisement was arrested he contesseo in na in committed th" offense and told the of-ficera of having generously divided the Swag among bis father mother and grandfather and keeping large sun for himself Win the negro was arrested the officers found the llin in currency In his shoe He had carefully wrapped the bills tround hla foot before putting on his sock and -hoe The negro said be had been having a fine time sine- Sunday and at the rate be had been guinir for Ihe past three eu Commander Taliaferro Field means ior some of us abstinence from Ihe amusements offered ua and In eaeaa walk back to camp unfit the amount paid for lags has been made up Respectfully submitted CORPORAL RCSS Supply Company 51th Field Artillary Camp Bowie 100 AFFIDAVITS READ INjITNEY HEARING AUSTIN Sent Thla was the fifth day of the hearing of the Dallaa jitney Iniunction case before Diatrict Judge 'ieorae Calhoun The Introduction of testimony which was begun yesterday has not been concluded Examination of witnesses foi the city of Dallas was finished tj afternoon whereupon the state Immediately entered upon the ex amlnatton of witnesses in behalf of the petitioners for an Iniunction to restrain the city of Dallaa from enforcing the jitney ordinance nnsaed i Quality flowers Lamar 2700 Drumro iced Floral Co Advertisement Pinkard I (KUIl Dela- Meyer "Stockyard Blues" "Mltnourl Waltz" (by requM i "Ilke Washinerton frossed Ihi ware" National Anthem mERtl Of iiki TI wr KKIJIJM IMMK DALLAS Sept II Funeral services for Lieutenant Walter ft Keeling who was killed yesterday at Carruther? fieM Fort Worth will be held Thursday at the Church of the Incarnation Burial will follow In Oakwood OVii at a 'w ows ER I BY3RS MEAT SO DALLAS' 01 TV WILL PTOSIS II 27tMI QI'BKN alius Ills Public" drams fesiur Msrtte? House tit llste" sts rrtng I'eurt THE SHOW FI LL OF I'E SONGS AND DANCES DALLAS Sept Plana for the agistratlon in Dallas county are corn-lete It (s expected rnlly 270OA men fill register Mneie iy onlicslrs "sauce for tiie iVsott" comedy-dream leaturttii t'ounUiKe Talmule in iv rltic noi reported Uu- lis MtM Uimhlwi XT BAKU 'Oreeti Bjrea" drama leaturiag Dallas I'ublli Schools Open testimony is to lie offered tomorrow Both the state and tiie defendant had read into ihe record a number of affidavits bv Drilla rltuens these af fiduvits numbering close to a hundred Those offered by the defense were from citizens who expressed themselves as being in support of the ordinance as a means of protecting 'hem from accidents and alto a volution to some extent of the social evil while those read by counsel for the state took the view that the ordtnunca was unreasonable and prohibitory PALESTINE HAS CANTEEN BOOTH AT I GN DEPOT PALESTINE fcepi a JUST SEE It's Up to YOU Guy Voyer John Henry HI'PIMRn HOt'lU ISVKMTfGATK HOI TON lltMWK I I II jtht lialtoti iult a Eld 3cfi cartoon Music Ml While troin 12 to I lltl to I lo HI ni nll'IMUKiAII The Hun W'lllllll" tcll I tt tlrltYlta tii an all lar east ratks Newn current exenta IfSsK by iiie oriniii-uHHiiN '-Daughter angele" drto "'III- Wral 1'alae Step" "uiuedy Msatc -e I'ruinlnenl II union Man Dies HOISTON Sept 11 Andral Vann prominent In Ity affairs died unexpectedly at his home I ly7 Tuam avenue at 15:30 Wednesday ifternoon 4 i Henator a reso-court of Inia for 4IOK till kVhKt Major Theodore Macaulay the new ommandlng officer at Taliaferro field niered the flying gtme aa a civilian otig before the war In Europe broke Tin: I sical CO CCESS OF the SEASON STAR PLAYERS 27 1 SHOWS 3 Ml have fc wftt tn ent 27- BEAUTIFUL 3 4--SKOWS SUNDAY-4 Judge Vann had been 111 since Saturday but was able to leave his bed Wednesday morning At 1230 Wsttnea) dsy he talked over MM telephone to a law client left the phone plunged forward and wafl dead when members of the family rushed to his side Heart disease caused hia death ABIES fcasMMHarH of toa l'ofMt aw Says No nana pi I itt: Double Stmt Ox a ou jut and Immediately offered his services to the government when they were 11 fot tune senior ii-Itfvet4r in the aviation section signal rpi and last December was commis-itoned a major In the air service He tlao holds the rating of Junior military later mu sill Writ tod llemroy SsstfNI.

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