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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas • 12

Fort Worth, Texas
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I P-A-GEt TWELTH 'I Cool Here le the breezy' kind that lets tha cool air filter through-- V- Vassar Superior Rockinehafr Goodknit and others $125 to $5 suit A Augusl Main at Seventh St IF-40 jr 'WO Tarr ST1AEZ 11 Young Men's 'TUESDA7 7 1 1 1 OP I le" 1 -7-- I i I 'E17 UN! It 7 tstg 11A-Gre TWEINH F'OR91" vvolfarTHE sTIAIptun'T'EL 4 "IF: -G A IIRtiff TUSDA 1 i I- cA-te--) IFVP-- l' Men's 1 Youn 3 Lige16- C001 II I -1 I 171- kind that lets thil 1 1 cool air filter i 1 A i Vassar i 25 to $5 Superior $1 1 11 i Rockinchafr suit I 4 1101thneit breea7 I (fli- 11- it and others A Augusl 1 11 Main at Seventh St i ti I 1 Ilk- I 0 1 I 1 0 1 t' i 1 I 1 7 I 4 i I I I 1 1 4 e-fl of 1 Julothes for Constant Service NV A ii) 4-- Y- 1 -1 ---P time when clotbng 14tze e4 ir --r 111 Th ere was a suitable for recreation was not suited to 1 usi 4 44 ness 1 1 Now however tile taaorng put nto our lightweight summer clothes i 1 and the exceptional fabriics used 11 their makeup lifts them out of the 4 )- commonplace to a usefulness for all ---J 1 3 you wish to ite well dressed Cravenetted Molialirt Aeroporest Eqxle WeaveS- No-Wate Keep Cool Pongees Shantung- Piquet Palm Beach i $1000 to $3500 kg 'd tt Le Li 4 X'A: '2 I JIJclothes for Constant Service pjf1 -4 V'''' V- 1 4cxr I ere was a time when clottung i ib -'-'t' A suitable for recreation was not suited ted An 1 'N ness d) -----eame 0 busi 44 summer clothes i 1 I Nowt hOWeVeri tile tatailoring put 0 into our li htwei ht 1 and the exceptional a ries I used 61 I A th eir makeup lifts themwolu5ht ofto hi: ''l qk commonplace to a usefulness for a A you ttA all 1- ique aim yeacns $1000 to $3500 Ihere They are now at the Westbrook Mr Stevens who will be in charge of the bureau of markets is expected soon Miss Katherine Camp left Tuesday to join her parents in Oklahoma City Mr Allen Snoddy of Oklahoma is spending ten days with his sister Mrs Dave Tobin of St Louis avenue Miss Lenore Long arrived borne Monday from Washington where she studied in National Park Seminary Lieut Arthur Leh of the British army stationed at Camp Bowie spent the past week end with friends at Baird Mrs Morgan Bryan and Miss Dorothy Bryan are at the Hotel Marseilles New York By going to the foot of One Hundred and Third street they are able to watch the battleships in the Hudson river Cadet Alexander Hogg Powell son of Powell has returned to his home after a year's training at the Allen Military School of West Newton Mass He has made a splendid record in Allen's and expects to return in September Misses Sallie Kate Allen and Lucille Smith of Navasota are visiting their aunt Mrs Miller and their cousin Miss Etta Wood of Pol-srtechnic Mrs Miller and Miss Wood also have as their guests Mr and Mrs A Davis of Houston who are visiting their son Clyde Davis of Camp Bowie friends at here They are now at the Westbrook Air Stevens wo will be in charge of the bureau of markets Is expected soon Miss Katherine Camp left Tuesday to join her parents in Oklahoma City Mr Allen Snoddy of oklahoma City is spending ten days with his sis- ter Mrs Dave Tobin of St Louis ave- nue' Miss Lenore Long arrived home Mon- day from Washington where she in National Park Seminary studied Lieut Arthur Lech of the British army stationed at Camp Bowie spent the past week end wih Baimrd A organ Bryan and Miss Doro- thy Bryan are at the Hotel Alarseilles New York By going to the foot One Hundred and Third street they are oft able to watch the battleships in the Huison river Cadet Alexander Hogg Powell son of Powell has returned to his home aft er tary a year's training at the Allen Alili School of West Newton Mass: Military School of West Newton Mass! He has made a splendid record In Al- len's and expects to return in Septem- ber Sallie Kate Allen anel Lucille Bowie I 4 1 1 I 1 I I 1 i I I 1 1 71 Happenings The regular weekly dance at the Elks Club of the entertainment committee of the War Service Board will be given Wednesday evening Mrs Durwood McDonald will be hostess to the Thursday Literary Club Thursday morning at 10 o'clock-St- Anne's Guild of St Andrew's Episcopal Church will entertain in honor of the wives of officers and enlisted men of the Episcopal Church from 10 to 12 o'clock 'Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs Penniston 430 South Ballinger street Col and Mrs A BI nor will entertain at River Crest Thursday evening ing complimentary to the officers of the Hundred and Forty-second Infantry The Mary 'sham Keth chapter of the A will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday with Miss Ruth Kitchens-Maapea Mrs Kitchens of Polytechnic announces the marriage of her daughter Mabel Clair to Mr Summte Austin Moapes of Dallas June 1 in Cleburne Rev Claude Adams officiating After June 20 Mr and Mrs Moapes will be at home in Dallas It St st Announcement Mrs Van Zandt presided at a luncheon of beautiful appointments on Monday afternoon at which time the engagement of Miss Lucy Stephens daughter of Mr and Mrs I Stephens and Mr William Beall Smith son of Mrs Peter Smith was announced The wedding will be solemnized June 20 Happenings The regular weekly dance at the Elks Club of the entertainment committee of the War Service Board will be giv- en Wednesday evening Mrs Durwood AlcDonald will be host- ess to the Thursday Literary Club Thursday morning at 10 o'clock- St Anne's Guild of St Andrew's honor of the wives of officers and en- listed men of the Episcopal Church Eiscopal Church will entertain in from 10 to 1'2 o'clock Wednesday orn- trig at the home of Mrs Pennis- ton 430 South Ballinger street cot and Airs A Bleor will enter it at River Crest Thursday evening nain I complimentary to the officers of the Hundred and Forty-second Infan- try The Mary 'sham Keth chapter of the A will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday with Miss Ruth tWingfied It se st Kitchens-Meepee Kitchens-Moapes Mrs Kitchens of Polytechnte 'announces the marriage of her daugh- ter Mabel Clair to Mr Summte Austin Moapes of Dallas June 1 in Cleburne Monday afternoon at which time the ngagement of Miss Lucy tephn Ses daughter of Mr and Mrs Steph- ens and Mr William Beall Smith son of Mrs Peter Smith was announced1 The wedding will be solemnized June 20 LARGE PARTY OF MOTHERS WITH SONS IN FRANCE WILL HEAR LARGE PARTY OF MOTHERS WITH SONS IN FRANCE WILL HEAR UIN EN IN VII 14 11 Ed ti O'BRIEN LIST TOTALS 125 O'BRIEm LIST TOTALS 125 I 1 I i I a I FLOWERS 4 a 1 pi tLi 1 4 4 3 1 I 1 I I I I i I 1 1 Three Hundred and Thirty-seventh A Hargis Corporal Ellis One Hundred and Thirty-first Brown Luther Brown Engineers Sharpston: Walter machine shop unit 306 BHammill: Fred Ham-mill IL Collins Collins and Thirty-second Infantry Wallace Robert Hudson Wood James Wood Engineers Ray Sergeant Thane Ninety-first Aero Squadron Boardman William Jr One Hundred and Seventeenth Supply Train Dunnam Corporal Frank A Tucker IL Tucker section A Weir Weir Thirty-fifth Lawrence Lawrence Hundred and Seventeentth Brundage Lloyd Brundage Cavalry Berry son in Quarter-master's A Franklin Lee Franklin Supply Train McCord two song in Younger Vasie Evans Davis Jesse Davis No 10 Brown Luther Brown Engineers Shar story Walter machine shop unit 306 Hammill: Fred Haiti- IL For the Sweet Girl also the June occasions that demand the loveliest floweagg possible Order now DRUMAI SEED FLORAL Co 507 HOUSTON STREET Phone Lamar 2700 Night Phone Rosedale 374 v14 r77 '04 I oFiesro dons that a JSowneeet Graduate-- 'I 1 I floweing possible Order now I 1 I i 1 DRUAIAI SEED I I FLORAL CO 507 HOUSTON STREET Phone Lamar 2700 i i top I 1 diml ifo fJ 1 4to Op rodt -3- N--- I 4 l'' :1 1 1 citt 4 i I'itila-? -ki5y-111'4-1414' 4 -r1--e' -rs i '1' -fr- 1 l''' 4' 1 I '40c 4'- 1'111 11 P- 9 I Night Phone Rosedale 374 I 1 I cl- Allf It I si I III I 1 I ii 1 i A 1r zo 1-- 4 1 I i 7 I'" 1 I I (a 1 it 0 it Brightwell-Cannard Mr and Mrs A Brightwell of 715 West Magnolia avenue announce the marriage of their daughter Helen Vivian to Sergeant Charles Cannard One Hundred and Forty-third Infantry Saturday June 8 at at Wells-Stalling Mr and Mrs Wells of Hill announce marriage of their daughter Alannette to Walker Stallings June 7 at the First Presbyterian Church Rev A Holt officiating Mr and Mrs Stallings are at home at Hill bt bt Personals Mr and Mrs Couch and Miss Vivienne Couch left Tuesday for New York From there they will go to the various lake resorts before returning home Mrs John Stevens and daughter Miss Prances Stevens of Mississippi arrived Monday to make their home AUTO SERVICE To and From Mansfield and a ve Mansfield 1:30 Port -40m pt Schedule 1st and Mikan HAYS AUTO SERVJICE To and From Mansfield and VA ItTanatiplc1 1:30 IA 1 1 I 1 1 WASHER BROTHERS I i 1 11 loColl Gr Orig Pres AgeriltILMILIMMA gleraliVIEWOOVIIMMOILIMEN Lattaar 30X Maits at Eiglith MAL I Ii I 1 Economy Dress Sale uress afte 1 miw40110s4ok -00 SOLDIER WILL HIS LEG DISPITE TRANSFUSION Id ECEIVE ri 10 rIr you have a daughter any oy f5 1 age from 2 to 14 years you can buy a 01 Gingham Dress for her worth $100 -7 'fr i $119 $169 and up to $198 for 11 There are 25 dozen of these little Gingham Chambray and Percale Dresses in a variety of pretty styles and hi i in bright pretty colors of pink blue tan rose green I 1 and a number of clever combinations Practical Wash I Dresses values from $100 up to $198 special for this sale 790 II 011' pi '41 I 7 kli 41 kl! 1 pil bomlt AYPA AY tj at 0 oickt I t4 4 1 Ii 1 It 't I 1 the soldier in Company Hundred and Forty-second who was accidentally both legs Monday will despite the blood trans- it was said at the Tuesday 1111 an Indian Al! of his 10 volunteered to give blood to' only five were of" Stamps will help tc 4 world safe for democracy more today I 4bio ti 1 0 sti 1 t4 i 1 0111 I 4 44 4 tH: kg 1I 01 11 robe 53075 A shipment of Hartman Wardrobe Trunks We will offer these Trunks at a great reduction This list is only a few of as the many: 3 fi 1 $8500 Iiartman Ward- ilV robe 7 3 75 ''1 1 0 '47 i -11 1 --7' cV-1 i 2' $4000 Hartman $3500 Hartman Ward ki 'k robe $2775 NN We have the most complete line of Wardrobe Trunks in Fort Worth which will be on special sale all this week --A- A shipment of Hartman Wardrobe Trunks- iii 1 oDairyt' iiiii We will offer these Trunks at a great 1 reduction et This list is only a few of MI ti 1 Ward- i SI th8e5 an 0 vi 44P700atilitsJJ es v'' A a ri 1 1 1- 1 a kw $7375 It '1 liC'ilf' fl Y(- 11 S-I0 00 Hartman Ward- Lt -1------- -4''---kf----- 141 kk ai' 4tezzleeitg 1 :1 MEC teirt: idq S30-75 ---w- ''01 7 robe 1 1 -I-- ---t IW----- 1 11 0 A- $3500 Hartman Ward- 2 1 7-- robe :47 rici: Tip': $2 7 75 a ki A I4: We have the most complete line of Wardrobe Trunks 1 1-1! EJA Fort Worth which will be on special sale all this week 1 in ki III I 4'4 1 47-701 LI I adrytz arotbaegrTrueantks 1 I i ith :4 Received A large party of mothers with sons' Mc Peak TI In France will greet Pat O'Brien when seventh be lectures tonight at the Chamber of Mrs Evans Commerce first Infant' Up to Monday noon fifty-three moth- Mrs err bad rent in requests for seats Mon- ctA-lerngt a day afternoon's mail brought another Sharpston large batch and Tuesday morning as Mrs I many were received as all day Mon- mill Compe cliy When the list was closed at 9 Mrs Jest o'clock Tuesday morning tt showed a One Hundr total of 125 names Several cards were lantry received after 9 o'clock and it was Airs IV found impossible to care for these Bryan irnothers Mrs The mothers will be the guests of Ninetenth I The Star-Telegram at the lecture and Mrs A a special section will be reserved for Ray Ninety them Below are the mothers whose Airs Will names have not beri re- Boardman ported and the names of their sons In enteenth St service: Mrs Mrs Jackson Dunnam NIrs Newhall (Corp New- Mrs ball Hundred and Forty-seventh Aero Jr aviation squadron) to '44 el Mrs A Mrs A Baird (S Baird Ntne- fifth Engin( sett Aero squadron) Mrs MrA Le Brown Brown Jr One lit Ninth Infantry) Supply Trai Mrs Belle Nolen (Cie07ge Nolen Mrs Engineers) daze Third tips Evans Mrs Ethe Mrs Woodward (O Wood- master's Col ward naval aviator) Mrs Mrs A Morgan (Corp Mor- Fortieth Sul gas Battery Hundred and Twenty- Mrs A ninth Field Artillery) France Mrs Crouch Me Crouch Mrs Ilundred and Twenty-ninth Field Ar- Younger A tillery) Mrs Mrs Jones Jones Battery Mrs 'A Eighteenth Field Artillery) Ambulance Mrs Aubrey (Private Brit Au- Iprey Twenty-fourth Engineers) Mrs Sitchler (Jack Sitchler WOUNDI Ilundred and seventeenth Supply LOSE Mrs Hunsaker (Private Oscar viunsaken Hundred and Fourth In- BID lantry) Mrs Dora Terrell (Lieut Alex laTerreli Hundred and Fifty-first Field Dick Larno Mrs Hollis (Marley Hollis of the On 'Pftndred and Forty-sixth Field Artil- ond Infantr WY) Ishot throuel Mrs 'L Branson (Sergi lose one leg Branson Marines) fusion opera Mrs A Mosier (Sergt Edward ie base hospita 11oos Mrs) McDuff (Private Robert Larney is company vo' 1ScDuff Twenty-fifth Engineers) save him bu Mrs Ferguson (Lieut Orson Twenty-third Infantry) War Say! Mrs Thomas Norton (Leslie Norton make the Lk F) Mrs Turd (Lieut Hurd Buy one or A F) Mrs Dodson (Sam Dodson Three Hundred and First Remount A F) Mrs Rippy (Maurice Conrad iriPPY Hundred and Tenth Ammuni- Just tion Train) I 1 A Big Mrs AI Dodson (L A Dodson 1 naval forces) Bre Mrs Albert O'Neill (Vincent O'Neill i Fifty-eighth Infantry) Mrs Alice Gresham (George Gresham Eight Hundred and Ninth Ileld Artillery) 1 Mrs Fred Naugle (Keith Naugle on 1 battleship) Mrs Blanche Phillips (Capt Ilarry Phillips Engineers) Smooth Mrs Mittie Evans (Sergt Evans Second Supply Train A F) 1- baking Mrs Howard (Private Thos Howard Hundred and First Field I kind signal Battalion) Mrs Fussell (W Fussell Si Frederick) Mrs Nettie Bruce (Herbert Bruce Bakery 326) 1 Mrs Page (L Page Fourth If Ordero Engineers) Mrs IV McDonald (Corp A McDonald Hundred and Seventeenth Germ Supply Train) I Mrs George Baird (Corp Milton 'A Baird Ninth Infantry A Mrs Stewart (H Stewart 1 Fifty-first A C) Mrs James Boggs (Raymond a Pre 3N-olfe Ambulance Co No 2) Phore Mrs A Allen (Ben Allen Hundred and Tenth Engineers) Mrs A McGehee (Private Joseph AlcAlehee Second battalion Howit- Zer regiment) Mrs Banner: Private I Banner Thirty-ninth Infantry Mrs Mattis Crosby: Sidney Landrum Thirty-third Infantry Mrs Ross Private Ross I First Reserve Supply Train Mrs James Hix First Lieut Ivan Hix Mrs Duncan Frank Duncan Bakery 326 Mrs Brodky Private Joe Brodky A Mrs Burkett: Lieut Fred Burkett Three Hundred and Eighth Engineers Mrs I Brown: Sam Brown One trundred and Forty-seventh Aero Squadron Mrs Sarah Mann: Ben Mann Five Hundred and Thirteenth Engineers Mrs A Graves First Lieut Albert Graves Mrs Hugh Cochran Sergeant Alvin Cochran A Mrs Pick Arnold Pick Eighteenth Infantry Mrs Murrill Archie Lee Patrum Bakery 327 Mrs Cavender: Carl Cavender Ninth Field Signal Mrs Sills Roy Sills First Battalion Trench Artillery A Mrs Baird Raymond Baird Corona Mrs Card: Carlton Card CIA :11 1 A Mrs McPeak Sergeant McPeak Mrs Evans Infantry Mrs Twentieth Mrs Mary Sharpston Mrs Company Mrs Jeston One Hundred Mrs Bryan Mrs Ninetenth Mrs A Ray Mrs William Boardman Mrs Dunnam Mrs Jr aviation Mrs A Engineers Mrs Jr One Supply Train Mrs A Third Mrs Ethel Corps Mrs Fortieth Mrs A France Mrs Younger A Mrs Mrs Ambulance WOUNDED LOSE Dick LaTney of the One Infantry shot through lose one leg fusion operation base hospital Larney is company save him but War Savings make the Buy one or 5 Phores 11- II Just A Big Bread Smooth baking kinds If Ordered Comerce first Infantry rp to Monday noon fifty-three moth- Mrs Twentieth ere bad sent in requests for seats Mon- Mrs Mary day afternoon's mail brought another Sharpston large batch and Tuesday morning as Mrs many were received as all day Mon- mill Company A 11st Whon tha iat WAAL clociAd sr 9 r-- Shipment of Iron Stick Pans Dainty New Dresses for the Young Miss 6 to 14 Years of Age Beautiful and dainty are these little Summer Dresses for girls There are Organdies Voiles Linens Combinations and pretty models in Silk Gingham and are moderately priced at $248 $325 $398 $500 S095 $795 $898 and i $1025 Silk Frocks for Girls 6 to 14 Years Extra Special ONE-FOURTH OFF Just a limited number of Silk Frocks in this lot of Dresses of Silk Gingham Taffeta Foulard and Pongee in a variety of pretty colors Prices range from $1795 up to $2250 This sale extra special ONE-FOURTH OFT New Garden Smocks IP to'A i 1 ed 144 7: 11 SOUTH BROS TRUNK CO me am a woo I SOUIll fitROS TRIINIT roa I I 605 MAIN STREET Phone 4703 cast iron Ideal for cornbread and all of war breads Special Price 85 tbcd 604 Main Street 4 I f- 1 idr4 rg rs 01 01 kl i 4 Repairing Is No Side Line With Us from $398 to $500 Id 1 '211' -4 by Mail Add 13c for Postage 41111111- 4t I 4 I A Gernsbacher Bros Company Very attractive are these new Smocks made up in Voile Jap Crepe and Linen New round necks with Organdy roll of some contfasting colors These clever 1 I 0 little Smocks come in pink lavender Copen orchid and 1 0 white some of them are embroidered or smocked in 0 self or contrasting colors op i 14towviamtto 211aus-rowq1rrrit srrtreTs' Jtia USTON wpm timAmt srctrETS' orchid and smocked in AirelA pt 7t71'Q ki -0 tyl el 1ZI 1 Why Not Own a Home in Fort Worthli Finest Residence Section? I a number of high-class modern homes under construction that will soon be ready for sale If none of these suits I pill build for you according to your own plans Small cash payment balance on terms JOHN EtArAN Orr 306-7 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg Lamar 1637 Prompt Free Delivery Lamar 271 arid 191 VIENSZE2Cicirms Lollar Nol 6 Recommending re 0 MEm tg4 --mrt I I 777 ''-7711 Uk -): '''''kl 'ra6mlilib4Cue' I 1 opuommommutommorlit I I i' spotet EAT i I 't 11Ft40In!" GJ 4 :4 1 I I '--24 71' '''''1- I I i I 7-: 1- A a 4- Itizac r74-7m1r1-Yz-r4-777-zs Aq 1 74777f 1 I --cA Atg Pt' i -4' I i ve Youri: Ti a Acet 7 11? if I 1 Mr Ti Grossr Dear Sir: I bave used that bottle of that you sent tile and it has done me more good than everything I bave taken I haven't worked any since last fall but I am picking cotton now-I hope that God will bless Sand the man who makes it and sells it I am enclosing $500 for six bottles of Yours truly YOUNG Shaw 31i55 that It me good en I last St and )0 for iss THIS IS THE BUNGALOW AGE TI-II IQ TrIP DI I Mr A rytIr A Pr Did it ever occur to you why all good business men keep a checking account with a bank? It enables them to keep their funds in a more secure place than the office safe It gives them a better business standing It enables them to pay their bills by check being an indisputable receipt Individuals find a checking account very convenient and a source of saving Lay up for a rainy day and start a bank account We would be pleased to have you call at our office and see our bound album of plans and photographs of beautiful bungalows If you are figuring on building soon it will pay you to see these beautiful photos before selecting your new home We woull and see our beautiful bu: If you ar to see these nome National War Savings June 28th Sept 25 1916 1 itt- ec t- 4 41-1 0 Tr 1 '47: ----1- i '-k I V7 BUILD A 11031E first Naalon itll is guaranteed for one bottle to benefit any case of rheumatism pellagra blood liver or kidney disease or your dollar refunded and no questions asked Sold by all druggists Price $100 per bottle bOt or me re- asked OdO i i 1411 4 i i 41-1 A JOHN QUARLES CO Jo OF FORT WORTH COMMERCIAL SAVINGS QUALITY LUMBER Sts "I 1) f)t 01111111 GROSS Lamar 871 le I e51 Altai' ana ones mingmow" 1 i -3k -5 I Third and Jones Third and Box 17 Little flock Ark Ark enMENNWMi PCEMgMlninftmgsmergigmagmwMMImmimg etc i -xr (73- ie.

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