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Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 2

Fayetteville, North Carolina
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(i 'V; 'V. V' -i'l A' --J eyidetit from the hnWnn Hv Chantrv between the soils of particular tu --T A'r-T 1101 sent iV. -4 Lhime'dtie 4 ry fJ "ld all v' resulting inveij iu meei capcwtaiiuim oi tnase gen-in the vi- tlemeti of Boston, who have subscribed for its the earth, which we see actually Aitm th decamnnfiition of the roCKS j. I Washmtrton: Nov. 24 rocks -completion -as a piece ot sculpture it is said Wit ri shell eratutc From Professor Olmsted's Report on the Ge- CONCLCDING RElMAKKS.

Although I camiot pretend to have offered The- foTlQine article affords some color Said pi of coae to be bjr sterile; and over the those who have seen it even as a tolerable like. to the report that a movement is going -ward toclotheltieluberator with dictatorial flnv tiniirr mnrp tn.m a wmi- ui vnc wtuHfi powers. It. does not appear, however, to oe wjtrr his knowledge: 1 k'-l of Norjth Carolina the? Oceanto the mountains yet it is hoped and believed that siatomation similar to that which we observe lncrustingi A writer in tlie Boston Courier, from whose those rocks of the districts which are now ni communication we derive the above in forma-the progress of decomposition. The red tion, recommends; that the society ia that Innrl' hn thi lahd', of Orange cityi which hag caused the: statue! to be 4CRV RnnvnfMii nanrrs to the 29th OI nu enough has beep developed, to convince, men ie ield here presented to the more ricli anu ample than has are welL defined sections, corresponding with made, should endeavour to effect a sale of it rrintiohs.

the former co-' in burone. where the credit of the artiatnfi "fWnpj-allir bpn suonosed. I should feel inclin- ri devolved upon Bolivar, J. no part of the rcisrnty should be verin the great slate fprmation, and the lat-1 the excellence of his ork will probably en. Xlie father of his cou ntry: Tlrat the Iera-Kr Sf nerhaiis ho nart of the world, ier covenns cranue nuu 7 -T muuc tor.

bemer invested with dictatorial power, stored with a greater varietv of It will be keot in mind that tne ioregoing mat win suumeieenngsoi Americans better. l0Wesf- We hlv 4t or. Wchfe.NV Utile Cl-i sNj the theatre, rt" 'u iof therrc, .3.. Should take cWge of the destinies jr, I useful imneruiss nor, is ku xv. observations apply only to ta- secuon oi me uy ueanug me jiKeness oi uieir country's la stnto iu nrh wa hnvA rlnominaieu ine tirunuc ujiv c.

o. uuzcut. a rKepuoiicj inai nc miom. 7" Carolinadeficientincuriousand spieniiid pro- lumbian Convention to fix the Constitution dut.tiojls i Jt has however until recently been of the Republic: Tbat a copy of the forego- inressn Carolina contained inc resolutions should be transmrtted to nis -r, -r zl at.jfrv lr region, comprehending the midland counties, which lie betweesn the low country on the east John II. Eaton, was this day re-elected: a nhd fh Rhift Rid on the west.

The su-1 oenaior in me congress oi ine united States, Excellency: That all the departments of the MineIoi4hat her surfaCe was chiefly a Republic sliould be invited to follow thegx- nJj where the mineralogist would amnle of Guayaquil: and I hat, suntii His Avi Cl had perliciai covering of clav, sand and gravel, for six years from the 4th of March next. vhich stamps so peculiar I a feature on the The vote was 5 for E. 3 blanks 5 i mem- nut ov towards. he do 5 Excellency should arrive and take thf Iic- low country, is undoubtedly a deposit from Ibers absent. Nashville Ilepub.

Nov. 4. water. I as amons: the waves of the ocean. According-uayaniiil among the Various localities.

ot minerals tatorshin, the authorities ot i ciock, and tht 0 I As sreat misapprehension exists abroad Hogs. A Western friend informs us that ppmain the ame. and in the j-sjime h-siime 1 son in generap! I ') out iei uul respecting the Climate of North Carolina as upwards ot sixty thousand hogs had passsed hVrX state as before." enumerated in elementary or systematic works oo this science, we hardly ever find the name of North Carolina; and a distin she enter, jj -t as i men, respecting its Geology. The fact is, between up the valley of the gf eat Kenawha, the AtlanticlOcean and the summit of the Al- athe 5th of this month, mostly early ed to estin dest Fromltlie Boston Gazette. -re nought i 'i the counter ft; guished mineralogist of our own coontry re- Enq.

leghanv mountains, (which forms the western the eastern quarter of Virginia. liich. boundary of the State) there is found almost they rush to he. plted to a traveller, who was abfut to pass Shis three shillin'-H war-, and inquired kvhat materials he should very vicissitude of climate, from the heat of The Post Officei Thirty-six years ao meet wttli," that he would find nothing hen frica to the coldW Siberia. In regard to (1790) there were only seventy-five Of- ding an evening at ho useful hdok toinl The have conversedj with Mr.

Miller, who visited Greece about iwa yrars agOf under the patronage of the Greek Committee pf Boston; and tljr account he ives oT the destitute and condition of that oppressed people, is most 1 1 con fi st at enient p-jven in the some time past, of of any A --short residence in tht also a similar diversity prevails, ficesjin the whole of the United their salubrity W. at S't State was sufficient to convince the writer. indeed nothing is more common than to find number now (1826) exceeds six thousand would he laughed herdasher'sclerk. A that its mineralogy, so far from being devoid of interest, was peculiarly rich anil diversified: 'wo situations within a feiij miles of each o- five hundred; theexfent of the post roads was Mer, one of which being pear some slow then (less than tvvo thousand miles, they now i earn or stagnant water, is visited with pe- exceed ninety thousand. The total amount rom the-cash book J' and he was led to reflect on the reasons why must take a rn- "1 their privations and i hei wo -had been so generaJJy underrated.

Tliey he leather cans do thei, attacks of fever, while the other be-Iof postages did not exceed thirty-eight thou- litur niiino Itl-nlv Tl nr hil I frrillinfl. I ihnl flfkllnrs 'lhav firii mora liUnn suffered sevrelv durimr the sietre of Alisso-f Iear 'to him to be the fallowing! on some of the theatre salon.1 3 1. Lntil recently, no professed mineralo- 1 Up ti 4n rmniP as hoalthv as iwpIvp lmnrtro.1 AcA'Q alter vards, who iontrhi: and so -did those, Kist 'has ever resided in the Mate, and suchl 4 ut. arce, anc get home bj) 1 head, acht andablackeyct0J uin jjtti i ui mv. iiuiiui i ittuuu ui me mans ineii tuni auuui travellers as.

had any pretensions to the stci ence, have usually passed rapkllyMhrounh the' In the Nc'KNEjtY ol orth Carolina, there is two thousand dollars annually; they now not much to interest the traveller, except in cost nearly eight hundred thousand dollars; the mountainous districts.i The aspect of the and the compensation to Postmasters has ir- iiiw.uvju me next day. Jv. BaBhelors.ThQ wittv ffa otateand in tnrections parallel that ot oui. geological format ons, and therefore under on Lounger makes the middle section ufjlhe State, however, consist-(creased from eight thousand to nearly four escaped. Manyxhose death rather than be They deprecati-d above all o-ther evils, the falling into theha7ids of heir cruel and unfeeling: The--wants-of most of the inhabitants of the More; are extreme; and those captured are treate in a most brutal manner.

In Attica and Eto-lia, the people are in a mVt desiitine condition. But nothing- will induce them to Submit to their cruH oppressors. They circuniHtaiK-es much less favorable to obnei remarks on the nroiert for i hit ir (kn nt nni vnilips. Pitnpr im. hiinrlrpil tiunanrl fl.lloi-a hundred thousand vation than afforded by the opposite di lonal tax upon bachelors: 'Bachelors must be taed f- rection (Irom east to west) which would cross proved by fcultiyation or still mantled with its primitive forests, would afford interesting prospects were the country sufficiently clear the'stnita.

Ever since the year 1800, when Thomas Jefferson was elected President, the increase of Post Offices and Mail routes has been very great; the re were then less than ooe thousand post offices, only about twenty thou- the deuce of -u is, have the sufficient cash, credit or friend ed of its native growth to permit an unobstruc 2. But the face of the country every where eastward of the mountains, is marked bv this ted view of the landscape, lliit it is among exaction? The whole va-iVi are cntirelv devoted to free themselves from the Turkish yoke, or, to be sacrifice in do not death- it ir.m- pccmiaruv uuix ine rocKS are nor, fl niI.n,,tainwUrvii,Iinfl; M.i 1 I 1 4 1 but very re- of rf Iirpcinis. anfi ftaS it nnw. Rt sin h. is dnly the ppwer of the, infidel foe whichl ft 7 1 wasavw- vi tlPmllti rnnrestrri fin ft 1 iniii'in- 1mi1 querulousness.

Would it not have them publicly whianeda have cJoudsot the most; fantastic! shapes, is pre- of the war in 1815, the post offices ex 1 WW r'WJ1 6 ri' sent to regale the'lovefs of the romantic, and. been bore than doubled, ami so has the cr. 1 hVa rTr11? crS the where theeye may wander unconfined over tent of post rdads-ihere were only nice our "7 .,..0.11.. purebUme nature, uhalloyed by any thousand post offices Und only forty-elegance of its piuductions, is not surpassed gauce 01 11s ih not surpa admixture of the humble works e( art. -ti thousand miles of post roads probablv, bv a similar finniation efsew here) they dread.

i Air. Miller says that provisions would be as acceptable to them as men xr arms. Tbo they are not in regular disciplined armies, they unite and fight bravely when the enemy approaches; but that it is difficult to form and keep up a regular standing army. He thinks, if the Porte is otherwise as'mayjbe the case in a war with Rus-or the present difficulties with the Jan-saries, that the GTt eks will soon be able For some of the forcfj-oirur superc'stions I am in- and still see lewr ledges of rocks or precipices and would observe the surface to be so gener ally unobstructed, that he inichfffancy him- By thc Steam-Boat Potomac, wef recciv cd our usual supply of late Nortern papers debteu to I'rotessor Andrews. and those of Washington' and Alexandria A friend at under date of October self to be journeying over an alluvial district.

to Wednesday inclusive. From the' Na In the neighborhood! tif Salisbury and Char- 5, wiitesthe editors 'of the Mercantile as fol- lionaf Intelligencer of the latest date. i over from their sufTerih situation, I lotte, the surface is for the most part occupied lows :yGen.jLafayette is at present in this II learn that Mr. Rush, Secretary of the Trea free and I 1 i lV i-f i -i i surv, has autte ill for several davs Or, (as they continue to burns! India,) suppose we have an of bachelors? This lasrpj! agreeahCe'-to ancient single lid Since the last 29uvciFe'Jr! crease of 'bachelors in this cb excite the prehensions in the- bosoms of th number of those infatuated yc proportion to those aciinll? mortgaged, was ascertained taking th ce su to be sct, the quantity cf rotten lecioih. bo.

which is much myre-ih affect, -the. comfort of society lors wilt vAvu from entering' into the marrk: gre 'the goodness. of the time? Couragement of the; they should be numbered as. dogs. Mr.

Slocum's plan public treasury by picking tbj the strikes us asp, j'-enious. We pray that it the nfouzh; anil yet this whole region is based unions are intelligents'mah, and his 6p tied' to full crtxfit. He went Kincincss, ine oi ins aiiopieii country, i i 'g i I past with a severe bilious but is Permit me to express to you my mortification, v. to Greece i t-' somewnaroeiier. xvir.

secretary liar- "on gra i te, icn lies only lew feet below the Whence; Has! arisen this peculiarity in the face'of the'eouhtrv in thiV resionr Whence 1 7 than nine applications in a lew uays, naa oeen made bv Americans to tlie General for pecu- All 1 4- llil 1 1.1 1 1 I 5 tinues to -gam health. Mr. Secretary Glav -Honorable and disinteresteuviews-r will alvv ays bave'the satisfaction to -ct, that he labored and suffered! if of that much injured people. I i English New9. We' copythe following uiary assistance, anil he gave them all they i -ii is derived that deep deposit ofsands and clays, i ausun on visit, lowest roint, wnere reti ui forbid I should attempt to he has a son at the.

Military which have partially filled up tiie valleys, worn down the precipices, anq even covered Norfolk Beacon. close the hand of charity, but every Amer-can feeU an interest in whatever relates to Lafayette, and I hope some means: may be devised to ascertain iwho and 'what I they are, the hills, so as almost entirely! to 'conceal the rocks of thecounf The appearance i such paragraph from a late number of the London Traveller: A barber of Philadelphia who to the ag-e of 62' i 1. -t Mr. Jonathan Elliott, of Washinerton, as to suggest tne idea, mat alter the rocky tor mations wen; has in the pressj the first volume of a series of Debatt-s, Resolutions and other Prbceed- rt J. all completed, there came over who thus call forth the ever readyj depositing so lence of our Nation's1 Champion and Friend." ipion rrv'-Mit nirirt rlort it i in tin win nf the whole' a deluge of waters," dep Of waters, into immeciate operauun, uis in v.onvtiiuon, in tne states oi Mas nlerl and nuaere race ol tie' sachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Vir large a sediment as to conceal alimist entire-Ky the original face of nature.

A much more have had time to crawl off i 1 he rsew York papers mention a most mcfiil irri- mnf ii ll ginia and North on the adoption probable supposition however is, that this genial climate the historv ofmnhnrracv. rpU nf tbe federal constitution. It is expected i xt i il if i fh inac tne worK win extend to hve volumes. An Irishman had just arrived of Mr. Clinton'spolitical opponents collect- En st volume is to be pub- u.

lished.soon after the openinor of the next and' wandering about one u.m blanket in a window marked luctjici, ails "una uji ui uiumv; I ii- ii- j-'. I session ot Congress. lh tower, and marks the hours by cannon e-qual in souiul to those of forty-eight pouner. -Steam alone bteii employed in this machine. Unfortunately, in trying it, by the twelfth stroke, there was not a whole square of (glass in the town, lie was condemned to pay the damages, but not being he has been committed to provisionally.

We supect this, "high' clock "tower," is the one which stands somj wherebet wKn the city and Fair Mount, which the Phjla-delphians have always jmistaken for "a shot, tower, and which Gov. IShultz, on his fisit to Philadelphia, is, said to have thought an amazing high chimney for so small a house 1" We are glad to have it in our power to remark, moreover, from actual ohser-yation, thut if the twelfth stroke of the bar- perior blanket for half u-t ceeded in. procession to the house ofjthalt gentleman, whereV besides minor-outrages, they rVI Hr' offi i.i iy iviassacnuscits wale mson. the Hdstc-n uu1" me uuui me iniusc wuiiiviuience, .1 he lor ne was vet fond of the luxury of a fortable snooze. In sifperkufl covering has resulted front the decomposition of I the rncks themselves.

The principal difficulty which attends this supposition is, to account for the great depth of the covering, or to assign a sufficient reason why it should be so much deeper here than it is in uther countries, the same sorts of rocks are found, but remain for ages with out de-compositionJ The following arguments appear to me both to establish the truth of the supposition, and to account for the unusual extent to which the process of decomposition has proceeded. The rocks of this country east-wan 1 of the mountains, very generally exhib-it a strong tendency to decomposition. This ter! atter ter addressed the shopkeeper which they played the 'rouge's under the windows, arid dispersed. march' -I want to buy thaM io.rt be ore Bi- was instanuy monr tntions to tne. merous rauiii' t.

tP I me I a 1 tr 1 rt Axf ii r-v 1-iOt- a tice. -riasc vitiuiv Jiwrw vvv-tji oua i k. vi iiao ui city, it has. all been very promptly jre- Sir," savs he. seller.

'plarcd. We did not observe a broken win tact is observable not only in those rocks which conn pose the principal formations, bu dow in the whole Y. Com. Adv. i cn.

after tuWin also in many individual specimens. Thus we it appears that the balance in favor of the' earnings of the convicts, over and above the ordinary expenses of the prison, is 1 9 17 cents. f)f this amount, 1 -80, has been paid on account of two ne stone sheds and of the new prison, leaving a balance in favor of the Prison, of 37: The number of convicts, on the SOtli September, was 313, who "were thus employed: 105 stone-cutters, 2 lumpers, 35 cabinet-makers, 26 rush-makers," 6 whitesmiths and tinmen, 3 shoemakers, 1 copperplate-priht-er, 7 coopers, 10 weavers, 5 5 13 tailors, 8 oakum. pickers, 9 cooks, 10 washers and waiters, 3 barbers, 26 on the new prison, and 8 on the new stone sheds; 10 were in the hospital, and 2 confined in the cells; 50 of the convicts are black or coloured, and 56 are vyhite foreie-ners. of which 15 are Kno-lifch I- says rai-- under et and coolly put down rtftdlv taking Ins meet with many examples ot small masses ly juueaucm.

-i puutic fxaminaiion iaieiy took place in Londan of eight young persons, half of each sex, and of the same ihg oavthc surface which we should take for red ochre, but on breaking them we find with Uf 1 kfil Kuitvi imi 1 Ii licf tr years after two methods, one by the ordina-5 ry method of teaching, aslormerly adopted street, i ji mm HAim i a a a a a. ft a a a a a ctur thai nc uau new metnoci oi questions, wunoui answers. SI SHU fcrrfr lit question jj five was called the interrogative system, invented and introduced by Sir Richard Phillips! Thpi-p vm- iiUnnt sivtv schofilmstpra ntifl fa lJ-lv price nccrioe. Duringthe late sharply contested electioneering campaign, in ohe of the neighboring counties, a very active man was about stirring up his friends to go to the polls when at length he came across a broad featured descendant of, Wouter Van wilier, and desired to knowwhether he would support Mr.

Clinton. The jsubstan-tial yeoman replied, with more zeal than intelligence; "NoJdat I vont He hash make te tarn Titsh acix)ss tne varm, bay me a groat tin more den dat, py tiJntler un blitzen he Uht6n tampt Glintonian. 1 Black Hock Gazette. i Charleston November. 23.

The following singular case has been com-municated to us for publication. Thefacts, as stated, "niay be relied uponi On the 24th bf October, 1826, about IQ o'clock at night, a Negro Girl belonging to a gentleman of this city, aged about 20 years, of a robust constitution and apparently in perfect health, in consequence of strong excitement, caused from setting up with a black corpse, in company with a large assemblage of colored people, who were singing, 8cc. as is common with these! people on such occasions, fell into a lethargy; from hich she was not roused, notwithstanding the application of blisters, the shower bath of cold water, See. untii.the 31st same mqntiH when she awoke, but could not separate her upper jaw from the lower one, until she was electrified -which' was rish, 6 Scotch, and 4 French. Sif burn" myself up my i The following showrs the; various ageMo which animals will attain.

The cricket 10 tomer, er, and ,3. io All wouW itable. a -nUt an-j cons governesses present, and nearly two hundred heads of re pet tu'jle families. The books ued by each in thVir studies were arranged before them for reici ence; and then, of two hundred questions, in popular branches of knowledge, put to the four on the old system, they collectively answered but thirty-three correctly; while, of the same the four pupils under the new system, anslvt itd one hundred and fifty-si. correct in one of the liardest silicious stones, called greenstone.

Hornstone, another very hard mineral which abounds in this state, is usually fou nd inc rusted with a whitish coat, which has resulted from a decomposition of the and this process has in some instances proceeded, so far, that entire veins of horn-stone have passed into the state of fine white infusible claystone. On breaking the smalt masses of which these veins of clay are. composed, we may occasionally find pieces which exhibit in the centre a portion of the original Itornstone. The granite rocks of this country manifest, in most cases, the same tendency to decay. Wc may often see, in deep gullies, a shelly kind of granite, composed of grains loosely cohering, and exhibiting the work of decomposition still going on, even at the deptli of ten feet or more from the surface -and in all the western counties, whose geology we have examined, the granite' rocks, with a few exceptions, contain a large proportion of feldspar, which is constantly de-composi in to vv ite clay and dest lying he texture of the The abundant proportion of this substance will account for the de he wou pule, all the to retain his purcUasft ler warned never for sale at haf" ly, ad forty-four slight errors.

1 he ctirDiirtlitv rkf nPIV RVStHIYI VP i ll '11 -1 jv i -w. v. i y-vi one may, therefore, be considered as six to one, independmtly of the greater facility which it confers i i writing, spelling, and Cider PUnty 1 nieniy 1 grammar, which was made evident by the i i 'f i. -L ld his po-- ni; years, spider, sometimes, but seldom more than 1 year. Scorpion, Vs Hivef criyfish, 20.

Carp, 100 to 150. Crocodile, ldo. 100. Hen, lb. Lark, 18.

Sparrow hawk, 40. Gopset 50. Swan and iParrbtn ibi Rabbit, 9. Goat, 10. Sheep, 10.

Hog, 20. Iog 23 to 28. 1 8. Squirrel, 7. Wolf and Bear, 20.

Fox, 15. Lion, 60.1 Cow, Bull, 30. As Camel, 50 to 60. Elephant; 150 to 206: Old illy, a horse, aged 42 years, died lately iri Connecticut on a farm where he had been kept 38? years. His appearance to the last was that of a colt, and when standing he exhibhed no marks of old age.

He was probably the oldest horse in the United Slates. 'V Loiseaa's remedy for intemperance seesf to have been very' succesfully wed at New Orleans. Sixteen certificates have been published, testifying to the complete cure of twenty-persons. When, is Mons, Loiseau coming northward? Vere spontaneously given in writing by the company, and answered in writing, yet the ivn uc -su msi. wnen sue ate toocl tor the first tim since being in this situation; but her tongue being: cbntracted.

she could would co h3TC Hodge scratc cay of the granite rocks: anil the remarkable diffusion of iron, particularly in the state of pyrites, amonV most of the other rocts. esoe- answers to tne tnirty-inree questions em-ployed two hours and a half, and the one hundred and iifty-oue answers but three hours and five or less than a minute each. It seemed like inspiration, and cially those of the slate formation, will sug drew tortli peals of applause from the en- gest a reason tor the disintegration of these. That the superficial covering which conceals most of; the rocks of the middle sections not speak until the 2 istinst. when she spoke and said she felt quite well, and free from any kind of pain.

She was (bur weeks in this state, I During the first en tifp week, she was aleep, her pulse was good and natural, and her slumbers appeared xcatm and 'omfortablej but there was a Xotal suspension of all animal functions, except perspi-ration. .1 1 4 4 't comnanv icmKhui A Cherokee Chief has drawn Ronnr 11' Tl KViV York JUoiUrv 1 "1UU Ul uiemseives, and has a JSeW xyJ5r- i i not been transnnrterl frnm bc fe po-principle, a' and i.

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