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Daily Fort Worth Standard from Fort Worth, Texas • 4

Fort Worth, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SOJICTHISG OF A TIME RE31IXISCEXCE OF EARLY DAYS ANNOUNCEMENTS TIIE DAILY STAND Alt I) JOSEPH BROWN Tiie reilic Not the Texas Pacific nor the Sout! Pacific hut the Pacific Saloon Square and Weatherford street vv here 15-lmlI pool is all the rage There is a splendid table and Hie house is crowded nightly with lovers of the fieinating game 31r Alex Canto is the genial proprietor and Idr Whitten attends tiie bar where pure wines and liquors are dispensed It Exciting Sport in Aftempting'tHe Arrest of a Man on Horse Dark During: Wmcii effort otfierr i lioniav mine near losing' Ills Great Toe The Party Caught all the Snnie Mr Saunders came to the city accompanied by two or three friends all on horse hack 31 8 having a horse which he decked to dispose of The auctioneer next to Sneed Howard was instructed to sell the animal under limit as the report goes which however was not done bought the horse at less than the limit and the ov ner refused to recognize the sale as ronsumated Dissatisfaction was expressed by both parties and 31r baunde's went to the wagon yard wliere his saddD ftirse was got him and a six-shooter and returned determined to enforce his claim to the animal Ollker Thomas seeing the weapon cJled upon a bystander to assist in arresting the party The gentleman thus summoned caught hold of the bridle while Thomas attended to the rider The occupant of the saddle put spurs to his animal and dragged both Thomas and the gentleman assisting in the arrest some forty yards the horse in the meantime stepping on 31r Thoma's foot crushing ins great toe badly Mr Saunders made his escape At night however supposing he would return a clo-e watch was kept by ofiieers Tnomas and Taylor and yesterday morning a realization of their surniNe was had by finding Saunders at the 3li-souri Vfngon Yard lie discovered the ofiieers and broke and run scaling several fences am descending the bluff wnere he was intercepted and arrested by 3Ir Thomas who had made a circuit and ran in on him Saunders wu-held in 81(H) bond to appeaa before the 3rayor this morning vvhkli he gave and his trial will take place this morning At Random 3Iodern valentine: sot me down in thought profound This maxim vvi-e I drew: easier for you (o love a gal Than make a gal love Four WOiiTH 1KXAS FEBRUARY 21 Tilt HAILS Arrival ami departure of mails at Tort Worth: AKKIVES LEAVES Konhern Southern and Eastern mail bv rail via Dallas daily except Sunday la Western mail includes AN eaih- erford Juck'liro Gran-bury and all the western counties except Monday 3: Denton inail incliidiig llird-vilb arrives on Monday aud leaves Tuesday rM Cleburne arrives and leaves daily except Sunday 3: idecjuiir mad leaves and arrives except Sunday 6: PH Fort touch including Gran-burv oiiiam he stephcn-villc Camp ob-rado Ac arrives Wednesday and atuiiavs ami leaves Mon- ilavs and Thursdays PM Grapevine via Birdvifiel-nves 1 1 Lav and arrives Patureav 6: PM Or FICE HOCKS Delivery window open from a in till 5pm Munev order vv in low open from a till 12 ad from 1 till 4:30 Mumps sold fi omb a till fi Open oil Sunday from until 9 1 ALEXANDER patent feather and moss renovators at the Star tin-hop ul32-tf Money loaned on collateral short time Address postotlice box 31 rilS-l in See Gurley Co price list cm first page for hides and skins 10000 green and 5000 dry wanted n94-vvtf The Standard office will not be responsible for any bills made by any one connected with the ofiice unless by a written order uf)3-tf Millikkn Co A neat and comfortable residence for rent Apply to Pendleton Pitts Heard have received a car load of stoneware which they are offering' for sale cheap nl3S-t Gurley Co proprietors of the St Louis Hide Depot are now ready for receiving haling and forwarding Buffalo hides Aiso in want of 20000 skins for which full mr-prices will he paid nl2Vdtvvtf ft Williams and Co manufacturers and dealers in fine jewelry watches silver Died 3Iittie Jirves aged two years yesterday afternoon at four Tiie writer was pleased to meet 3Iessr Jno 3Ioore Ilamby William Sharkey and 3Iisses Sue Carlin and Kilty Berry all of Weatherford who came over as visitors to tiie city A faro table has he set up in Ithiea and any Cornell University student who plays on it will be expelled LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN TEN DOLLARS REWARD TWO MITks KrIONGtNG TO Ml! MIKE of Baker Fort Griffin I ost at Mary Creek liffpf miles west of itU place he mules are known to every lieighter on the road Beth lead Desciiptiov a line nude dark brown a sorrel branded I on lelt hip Botli mules recently sheared A reward of ten dollars vv ill he paid lor the delivery of tin animals at Ranch" on Creek Weatherford road: at the Vli -sonri Wagon Yard Fort Worth or to tiie staxoaku nl 4-dAu2w fast rr VIA THE Railway AND Mil feia sii Warsaw THREE TRAITS DAILY! as tNew Lmi innili Atniulic Kxprees ICx pres 5 a ill 4 10 Eve Dallas Jlannihul Keoktlk Arr liieago Sheldon1 Iafaiette! oiumbus' Pittsburg i New York vston Louisville nieinatti ndi If IL" will sind full name to this and plated ware clocks etc are uDo the Ttlle Wibution will receive atten- eole agents in this section for the celebrated Km' 11 to the ulations of a I newspaper to insert anonymous articles no eve glasses and spectacles I matter how meritorious tliev may he The material from which the lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optic I tl T1e wealhcr is cli more different now purposes and is pure hard and brilliant as was hkc it is not at the 1 1 present tune and not liable to become scratched llieyi i have been puzzling our brain over a bare just received a large stock of goods their line to which they call the attention of the public 113-tf 3Iessrs Gurley Co have received alarge stock of harness leather which they are offering to the trade at lowest market prices Messrs 3IorrD Davis fc Walker are in receipt of a very large stock ol sash doors I conundrum that would lie a good thing and not to hard to guess it is believed that we have it: If it take thirteen men and two small boys four days with two steers one white and a blind mule working eight hours per day to do anything that anybody else couldn't do in the same or more or less time how long will it take the authorities not to do anything vviili our streets? The iTluuieipnl Election FOR MAYOR We are authorized to announce the name of Mr A Newman as a candidate for 31 a or We are authorized tonmiounee tfie name of Bkaii as a candidate for Alayor of Worth at Hie coming election AYe are mil lionized to announce the name of lion Day for re-election to the office of 3Iayor of the city of Fort Worth l'OH ALDERMEN We are authorized to announce the name of I Smith a a candidate for Alderman of the Third Ward at the coming' election We are authorized to announce the name of Morrison a a candidate for Alderman ol the Third Ward at the ensuing election FOR CITY ATTORNEY We are authorized to announce the rame of Mr James Melton as a candidate for City Attorney We are authorized to announce the name of Vv' II Field as a oaiioidate fr rc-elec-tim to the oilire of City Attorney We are authorized and instructed to announce the name of Johnson as a candidate fur (lie ofiice of City Attorney at the ensuing municipal eleetiou CITY ASSESSOR AND COLLRCOR authorized to announce 31addox as a candidate for re-election to the ofiice cf Uitv Asesor and Collector at the coming election We are authorized to announce Swasky as a candidate for the office ot A-sesseor and Collector at the ensuing city election FOR CITY SECRETARY care authorized toaniiounro MoPoiv GAEL a a candidate lor te-eleetion to the office of City secretary at the ensiling tion We are authorized and instructed to announce the name of Mr Henry Miller as a candidate lor City Secretary of the city of Fort Worm at the ensiling election We are authorized and requested to announce the name of John SWayne as a candidate for City Secretary We are authorized to announce Col XV oi'NG as a candidate for the office of City Tieiifctii'er at the ensuing election FOR CITY TREASURER A have been rcqne-ipd to aurounoe the of as a eandiiiate for the office of Treasurer at the ensuing municipal election 'Ye are au'horizcd toannotmee the name of Loving as a candidate for re-election lo Hie office ol City Treasurer at the ootnirg election CITY 31 ARSIIAE autliorized to announce 3rr I Corn rniGHT as a candidate for re-election to office of C'ily 3Iarshal are authorized to announce the name of "Tiitk Collins as a candidate for City -Marshal 3Vc arc authorized and requested to announce the name of George Andrew as a candidate for City 3Iai shaH at the ensuing municipal election PATRONIZE K3r1E iNBISTRYSi DAW BIBS AT HIE Fort Worth Steam Candy Works All our candied a mimed purr and made of the be-t JSo colvuiu or deleterious substances ued in our hoiks I MATSON' VcRt KLVDHIX EAL3Y EASLEY HENDRICKS GEHERAL TfiANSFER AGENT3 Flo-ts and drays to transfer goods from the depot to any portion of the city running day or night subject to Orders given will receive pt and eneeiul attention nl'JC-tf "akes Oo Always have all sizes of the celebrated Crone A Metalic COFFINS AND CASKETS ALSO R0SK-W00D COFFINS FAKES Co They are dealer in furniture mattresses queensw are lookiiu'-gUises and bar iixtures Houston St Fort Worth no-tf PROFESSIONAL 0AI-D Having removed from Shreveport pi-rmanendy loean-t in Foit continue the practice of I-a I have intending to no For the Fort Worth Standard BY EVAN LAMBERT Fin sitting now at mv mother's grave And silently falls a tear As I think of the change that time hath made Since last my mother was here IIow oft in the days of ehlldhe 'd sweet "When petty griefs oppressed When cares bowed down my little lieart Were they soothed at a mother's breast IIovv oft at eve when the twilght fell Front tiie pining rays of light Have I knelt and heard iny mother pray That God would guide me right IIow sadly changed atn I since then 31 nature is reversed '31ong ell mankind of every dye 1 surely am the worst Among the sinners I am chief Yet sin 1 do not fear But grieve to know not as pure As when lm mother was here Live Oak Cottage Sunday Jan 11 1877 THE Suvr LOtTS HIDE DEPOT Messrs Gurley A Co ilic Iargest Hide Dealers In tiie North-west 3Iesrs Gurley Co corner of Taylor and Weatherford streets Lave crcclnd a splendid commodious hide depot wagon I yard and all the accessories for the successful carrying on of their extensive business ia the hide produce and cotton trade Complete apartments have been built for storage for cotton accommodations for sleek wagons and teamsters where they will be protected from the weather Buildings are also being put up for men with their families where all the comforts and privacy desired can be had In tiie main building where is conducted the business of the firm are contained the ofiice scales vat for preparing hides for shipment drying room etc The establishment is complete in every department and the arrangements provided for the care and convenience of team-ters protecting themselves and families from the inclemency of the weather should commend the proprietors to the consideration of the trade No expense has been spared to make of every feature a positive success House room beds stock shelter and everything required by tiie farmer and freighter is found here It is the only hide depot in the city the firm being the largest dealers in hides of all kinds as also cotton in Northwest Texas Buffalo freighters and farmers from tiie West give 31essrs Gurley Co corner Taylor and eatiierford streets a call hen you enter Fort Worth You will find every convenience at hand and the cleverest of gentle- 'Flic Trinity Not the Trinity river but the Trinity saloon corner and 3Iain street is the only saloon in lie eity where one or the other of the proprietors 31-jssrs Tvvombly can always lie found behind tiie liar 1 iiey have jU't re ed a fresh supply of imported ale and pm w-r of die rio-t celebrated brands Bass Co's pale ale and IJ A' Burke's porter while their California v' me made from the pure juice of the grape is the finest ever brought to tiie city When you want a beverage try the Trinity THE No 2" Houston st uH-lvv GLAKDRAFFLE ct tne TiVOL! HALL of a DIAMOND RING Valued at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS 55 Chances at $250 psr Chance n'-s-if Ilsive you Seen 4 lie Flsiee That is have you been to Orrick P-ros on the east of the square at the old Alex Canto 31 eat 31arket to ex-msne the line stock of meats game and poultry they keep-The maniu the inu-kei is conducted in the courteous and gentlemanly conduct of the proprietors recommend it and them to the public tor tueir patronage i 1 Pawed Through The sheriff of Gregg county Texcq arrived here yesterday with a man vvlmse name vve did not learn eii route for eatiierford where prisoner is to answer various and sundry charges for theft coin milted by him in Parker county He vva: lodged in oar county jail night and started for his destination tiiis nioruiu" and blinds They can fill any order no mat- i fieraou guessing it is entitled and will re ter how large it may be They have aUo a eeive a brand new returning board heavy stock of all kinds of lumber both yel- Mr Joe Kano has jti't oomph tod a low and white pine nl4t-tf splendid piece of vv urk for the Standard Call oil Sneed Howard and examine offi-e in the shape of a doable stand for the celebrated on exhibition at their store and also other goods just received uliti-Iw One of the eh? Beautiful weather we are having eases of type The stand is more tia' and better constructed than those received from the tv pe foundry It is a very creditable piece of work as is even thil: eDe made by 31r Kane stbsian-! men to deal vv ith 11 Wis a h'ttle grey mustang bitched to a I he new Comiijue on Houston street wagon along with a horse There was a man in the wagon before the business commenced I been reopened Fire have labored on tnat I i rt Vv lire companies night to see a full equipped company HOLES ALL GROCER Bagging Tie Tobacco and Cigars Corner of Houston nd First Streets IJ or tli Texas? The HERMAN KUSSATZ Warm Free Lunch EVERY DAY AT TEN THE FINEST OF LIQUORS AND CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON TAP A large Lunch stand just completed where ell the best and finest delicaeies are to lie hud all the tune I woik to please my ciistomcia CALL AND SEE ME Houston street next door to New Folk store ea-t side Furt ortli nlimtf LAFAYETTE RESTAURANT No I 7 Cor Main and First Streets FORT WORTH TEXAS 3Ieals at all 25 Cts Oysters and Fish always on hand EANTERY Proprietor HOFLE CO in GAS FIXTURES Illuminating Oils S0LINE AND PETROLEUM At the lowest CASH rates FOR WORTII GA 31 AIN 8TRFET -nI21dJfcvv-tf HENRY MILLER AGENT FOR TIIE v7 orld Ikesiovrned HOWE SEWING MACHINE CHICKKRLNG'S STECK'S AND 3ALMER PIANOS AND GEO WOOD'S AND PELOUBET PELTON CO ORGANS! Orric South Side of the Public Square FORT WORTH TEXAS Sfarhines and instruments are first ciaffl li every prtirular and warranted to give tnn lurviriuneuts of every descriptiou auui lied shorriMtiue FOUND AT LAST NEWMAN RILEY Contractors and Builders Shop on Main: street near the Postoffice FORT WORTH TEXAS Plans and specifications of cottages drelTiflgr and More Ironses Airni-bed and put up to order cither bricky stone vrood Woik executed with neatness ami dispatch Rest city reier ence Address box 50 Poetolbce or eti1ence Reikmip street ORRICK OKRICK THE ALEX CANTO MARXET 0URICK BIIOS East side square FORT WORTH TEXAS-Dealer Iu aft kinds of Fresh Butter Eggs Poultry Gams etc PatTonaae soiiolisA Company 3 under the misapprehen-'i ortli boaddl of two 3Vc were astonished last and well organized and at practice with ourolli-Don't but when we looked out the window he was er tuo gallant companies We could not on his way through the air over the court Iearn tlle Baines nor time of organization house head downward The next heave ofjmt are workers The little juvenile the equine Bogardtts planted a sack of po- I fighters of the lirey flame would not give tutors on top of the Standard office Then a time in practice even to be interrogated by swingle-tree left its moorings and cleaved a newspaper reporter space and brought up against eleven front to hiouro amt Indianapolis ami ineinnati 1 tii'ough Tickets to all points at am south at rates as low us 'he lowest Low rates quick tune ami first-class connections are last making the AY ROUTE Tke mo't popular in tiie VV'et lUr-Neml for Map-Fobler A I Gmi Manager II TovvnsexdG Ueona III VV Western Agin Burlington Iowa jfe- JAMES GARBUTT 5 ifMiefnrs i xy fe sa Proprietor Street FORT WORTH TEXAS This hou-e is very comfortably arranged and has the best rooms in the city The table supplied with the best the market affords Servants polite and attentive No pains witl be spared to ike guests comfortable nltii-tf KEMOV I Frni IIufTimn over bale roeei More Eutmuce oil Firt otieef liOSACJ-: KXE REAL ESTATE! AND GENERAL Land Agency Unimproved HaTidG TO BE IIAD In Various Parts of the State Also welt improved farms in Tarrant Wise and Denton counties We are ageuts lor the sale of valuable prqi i ty the city of fort wokti-i Buyers will eonsifft their interest bv call mg ou us and exa nining lists and prices 1Ui IIOSiCK KNEELANI) BOA MARKLEE ELLIS NICHOLS California and Texas Hank -OF- BOAZ MARKLEE CO South Side Public Square FORT WORTH TEXAS J-si eoneral Barl i-vg Bn-nni Sell exchange points P-I alien Inn paid niyl4 1 A Tlbll ALL JAUV1S VAN ZANDT SMITH Tiilball Van Zandt bankers Fort Worth Teiav GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS ACTED and Iruc08fis promptly WunlT York PRE30RIPTInNFRERr I- "'eakn-s or eii 1 AndniggiLf has1 the il'j rrss VV Sires-t vr A DAVItisov A 4 Bt SaMai- has Tiie Relmonico BI1 on the 22nd forget it Tor want of room the article is assigned the telegraph page The Standard tenders sincere sympathy to 31ajor J-rve- and wife in the their ltUleukiugliter Mittie 31r James Ileyvvood of the Ileyvvood Combination Din the city anging for the appearance of that company Reckless shofding is still indulged in iu all portion' of the city especially night The tractive should he abated The waters of the North Fork of the Trinity are presenting an appearance similar to that of Red Eivir iu the way of mud 31r Frank Tvvombly of the Tri nity Saloon Las the thanks of the Standard ofiice for a buncli of fine cigars sent up last night to the weary eye-drooping comps The house of Willingham Bros OS Houston street is doing a very large business in the wholesale grocery trade as well as tiie commission They are worthy men and deserve the liberal patronage bestowed upon them 3Ir Legate ha the Cou'ract for putting oil the extension to Evans Martin's store rocih on Houston street and will soon com- menee' the work This will make it the I largest and handsomest store room in tiie eity Therr stock vve understand will he the largest in the western country The regular meeting of the City Council tailed to get a quorum la-t right and the meeting of the Board was deierred until tonight when it is hoped by those interested that all the members will be present and the necessary bu -iness to be transacted be gone through vv ith The 31 Johnson Hook and Ladder Company accompanied by the members of the Panther Fire Company with their vo hose carriages were out ou a drill la-t night A large number of the boys were out and showed great skill in the manipulation of their separate parts The drill was had ait Evans' targe brick building corner Hotstu and First streets 1 31esrs Gurley Co comer of Taylor an Weatherford streets the largest hide deale in the have put up and shipped ar immense quantity of bufii-lo meat venison hams etc neatly wrapped and put up Uitq he citi sb'pment of 11 (XX) pounds left the Saturday for the East 31r O'Brien of Baker O'Brien Fori GrifSit called on the Standard yesterday Mr O'Brieu had the misfortune to lose tvv cf his mules which he is almost positive were stolen at Mary's creek midway tween this place and Weatherford A description of the animals will he found in this issue 31 O'Brien reports Griffin as never livlier The buffalo are moving vv et-ward The hunters are doing well 'Ye trust the gentleman will succeed in recover- leg hi fodmals a they are a serious lost to tim- death of i a teeth of which a small boy was proprietor The mustang had liis ovv way until he attempted to make a foot bail of the cranium of the nation- anl when he broke Lis hoof unjointed his hind leg at the knee srd fra -tured two columns of his spine Graid Hall and Supper A grand social ball and supper will be given on the opening of the Delmonico Restaurant No 13 and 15 Main street on the 22d iiist tiie anniversary of Washington birth bis ei tertainment is expected to be the most enjoyable ever given in Fort Worth No pains will be spared to make the guests comfortable A competent committee Will be appointed and the mo perfect order guaranteed Tickets 00 supper included nI43 t(j I'crxon a I AVe Lad tiie pleasure yesterday of meeting Prof Parks-- loader of the Germania Land new at Dallas He is heie prt pecting and contemplates if sufficient cneourage- lnclt Riven him by our citizens to in a short time give a raennisical entertainment and concert in Fort Worth lie is spoken of Parker asMsteu bv Professor Otten aim a- eis at 31iiler inuic store and can attest his ability as a gentleman of line musical talent We lnnl the pleasure yesterday of listening to some splendid music rer lered by Notlce to those Interested Tickets fur the grand Iklmenico Ball on the 22d for sale at 31 tx Elser rir Co's Houston street and the DtltnomYo Restaurant 31 street The dance will take place rt Evans' Hall t-hoifid the night be wa and muddy Lee hacks will he furnished td convey guests Jrom the hall to the Delmonico Restaurant vvheie supper will be serv ed nl-PAnl Found A little son of 3Ir Bartholomew while plaving in the rear of his father's iruttre-s shop on Houston Street yesterday evening a few doors below the Theatre'" picked up a leather pocket boi coinaining few dollars in money and several valuable papers among which a draft on urer of county From the contained in the Look it is evident that the owner is J'V right of Dallas He can ffet the hook and contents I calling and paying for this notice it 3fcxv Policeman 3Ir IL Taylor more familiarly know as I who Las been on the force foi some time as a special policeman was appointed a regular by 3Iarriiul Courtright vice 31r Crowder charged For Rent A small fondly can rent agtxal dwcllin in twenty minutes walk of Pnii: Rare chance -s Enquire at tlx- and vni office Found Two small keys ntained in lras chair Farty can get them hv calling at tins office A Medicine and Surgery AND SURGICAL DISEASES OF FEMALES Office over Tidbail VanZandt A Bunk Residence where Dr Ewing formerly lived JOSEPTI 3IOORE Me li al Faculty of St lautis New lain SMrp ourt iwtin 'V 31 JIADD0X Sale Livery Teed Stable Street between Second and Third Four WOISTII TEXAS Our stable Is large and conn table Have an abundance of the very best forage and good and attentive hostlers Passengers rum-ported to all points at very cusouable prices lilTGlIiS VXD HACKS For hire all the-time and paying for this notice I requent eonplaint is made to us from the 'Vest that the Standard fails to roach subscribers The paper is mailed regularlv from this office and where the fault rets vve are just now unable to tell but will look the matter up and have it remedied if possible.

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