The Fort Worth Record and Register from Fort Worth, Texas • 1
- Publication:
- The Fort Worth Record and Registeri
- Location:
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
1 i I Starting in Barn Flames Fanned by Fierce Gale Spread Rapidly Loss NEAELY MILLION Three Handsome Churches Among 'Rained Buildings TRU3PS C't123 EURNED AREA Foree and Doptitito AL-51 Patrol ttbtrict to Pretent Lootio4 and Vitittitt I iM11 THREE PAILIIT V-i ronT woRTE It IL L'wY APRIL -PAIti' ()NE adlts 13 Prompt in Sending A id to Striclim Siiter Cit FIPIE IS SPECIACHAll Thousand3 of Si zhtrs Crowd Every Point of Vantage RELIEF WORK IN2SUATED 11144 4 14r111-4 1444Ltilt 144-r the Ana 44tliktio W411441114 10 ILiJI Nt44I 414 Y4 444 1 4 vitt id- It" 01' It totem akHed 11r tk It AMP 1111111111116 "17' 4 IMINNIMINEEINP 4 11 Irrwk 1-faN1 LH t( Irr 14 (11111tN414 Iregro 1 '14' 7 erl'I'molit: I i st I 1 '2-- 71- I (11174f i 1 4-Ai 41 I I A '11 lk ID 14 s-4 fi 7 41 i'1' '1' kl 4 A eta )iii glitammgd 07t t74' '44 7t'i i AA" ''L di'1r-iN 4 41Alb Ir A '1 4'1-4112'110 A it OA data's' 441116 4 'ZtZ 147G1'117EIL 00MA miwirm0 emormoorammk 1owdoNetn onteammookomoormommoollono IIMOMAPOPCZWaillr'411CIPONIWINI''lliSONI i i i OLO X111 IN 0 111IltL'E I'111TS FOItT I'v'()Itc1'11 T1xks kIllill 1909 --1'A111' ()Nlt NO 171 1 1 rs rir rar rt 0 ii1f 1::: 2 EN ri 1n 3: fri1 ''''''''44 1l :) 44 I ti 1 'n 1 111 4cf' 41 la 4- 1 1' 1 t''' i t'''' 'c'' 4 1 4t I r' 1714'0714117 111 141: (ti -ri I ri "1 '44'4' frA A II I '14- 4 I 41 ilr 1: "'I' II It 1 7 I 11 I it 1' i ii- ii 4 lAr 11 I li i' 4 I I LI) 1 i v1 1) I t1 I -J i 4 "b' I 1 11c 'II '-t 4 i SEVEN :4 ai a 11-J's LI' '4' -Ns Jo 1 A 1 r- Ali I i I '118 1' 1 I I kj 7 lit' 111: IP: Ir" 1 A'''' l'flik A i fl I 1 1 3 1 I Ti ri 7 err 441 14 't'' 41 it i 7: 7 Trri1 I 1 NI iri 74 i kr 4 f- 4 i14 II 1 I lialk 1'17 'IA 171 lo ilb i i 444)11 a '-'''--4 ') ti'w' i 4 44 kA''' '41 (VI k'l 1 1 'II I 4 If 1 ic) 1 1 11 ht '1 N414 ti il A i Li" 1 1 I i 7 klIto ILI 4o 1) i1 Lit to 40 g4ai Ai I 1 I m-- ilr-'444 04410444 Starting in Barn Flames -i- -1--- s-': -f 111 As Il Prompt in Sending Fanned by Fierce Gale AiLl Spread Rapidly to Stritilf-n 1 CI ol s'- -i t'4 I -2' -4--- 4 flilE IS SPECTACULAR loss A Fil 11110 i 4 1 tri 0 Handsome Churches i f-- 4 i k'' p4t 1' 1- Tiotitt Of Si 01tFi-yrs crowd Among 'Rained Buildings Every Point of 11 a a r4 I A i i 4' 1 i- tc-''k-tia'P'141'''4t "1' 4'4'-ii tt 4 -'n 4 ''r 1 1 1' 1'' 44 4- ''''''''''''''4- 144 1 A 1 4 A 4 4 i14 1'0' J4 ') zi 1- 4 1 11: 4 '''1k LA 41g-4-1t- 1 4 A 1- i fi- ks -T i i -1 i Illt)3PS CliLID EU3NED AREA A :1 ORK IN i '1 It'''' RELIEF 3 '4 -1 1 4- t'4- 1' 5" '''''t''! '1!) i i 1 1 4i i Cgiur4111 it'' --It I 1 6 -4 r- I 00moo411 1 2 4- 4 L--4440 1'' 4tio -i 14- I t'' 4to'IN 44-'' IT 1 '''''4" '4 i 4 i'' I l'-'il'''It' p- 48 (- tt I 1 1 4 1 I 4 1 Pollee Fore attol Itovtattleg t''''414' Ar 1- t-4 444--4 I A A 1 11 4 1 1 solo4 4 toorono 4iloot Alo-r Aloe 1 01-- 0 -A A it 1 Patrol f46trict to l'reotent L'' 101 ti3O 11''' 1 Alia 11tii WO 111111r4114 IIAR)ti114 and atillalimn '''14i'''6''''''----N '4' to 0' 1 14: i I it411 44-41 4441 i i to TIJI 4 1 4 it i 4 010 1 4 1 4 a 8 '1'11 4 41 'i''''''r 1 $''''' tli: 44 44 I 4 l' 't" I 4444 4 i i3 i 4 0 oo 1 riit A 1' '-1 4''' 'r 1 if '''1 '4''''' i 'I' t'i 41 l''' I ti: 'I' 'I' 1: I 1 I 't ei lt al 11 '4 "444 'z -4 4 ot 17 Y' L'" to''f i 44' -4-''''--' 1'''4 'o- t'' 1 4 4 s' i to or to id- It 41' 11omo 4 t''' 1d 6 't 1 '4 -1 -4 4 94 4 1 1 1 i --t 44 41 rei 11 '-1 rtit 111- itnorf Ithirigt 84' 4i 4 4 i 1 Al- 'It' 4 'i' 'e' ''4- '4 c''' (:4 't1' I t' '-k i C' ''O stt 1 I ti))0 ttt 1 tt Pj tt -F A 11 1 tttt A kv: -tt tr fl iOO1 thO 40 O' 41 O4t I ov) 11o 4 I Or 1 otO it if '1' 1 1 i ''oi too) oo s' oo I i 41 AW 1 i or I i ee '0 1 ee et' 1 rieyi 11 11 i 1 Or ri 1 If I 1 )' 1 1 i tt i tt Pj1e e1 I ee! et le e' 1 I 'eek 11' 1 1 on i -1 ii I 4 ii 1 "A 1: 1 I il 't lf 4 'f 4 It i I 1 PIP i I 1 i i I it 1 I i f) I 1 I 1 i I ') I 1 li 1 471 i I I i VIEW OF CONFLAGRATION FROM miNieneolidev VIEW OF cnN FLA GRA TION FROA4 r-- I '''''''') oAAADAAmmAAA mAAAAAAvoefum000dsoivo' Twenty blocIss harmed valued at ''4- ll'ilAthill is the het loss in property or a flre that started early yesterday' afernoln in a baoti on the south side fanned Loy a nigh wind rapidly ate its wy to tile Tosas Pacific K-V rvaLion and wa olity Ftopiwa be- caase thore IV ttS MOrtl Don lttlieh to feed i 4 The itits is conservatively estimator! i' at SS005040 and the Ttxam l'acilit it' the heaviest 14r Its I lt '5 goeft votindhotikco ttas destroye and tto it ontained engines its loss 1 -01- vs pithy rtanaiely the firs: ortourped in She end thousand wile were at traelotl to the scone vorked like boas- BIRD5E-17E 1 crs to tornove tionishold goods from tim horning bowies only to have IL -7--- 'licked up by the flames in the street rs 0 dit of he spread of th flamts Inti reficuers bad to drop it alid and even' bui-ses Were flee fur their lives Raging in a zig- estiglt and had to be a bambino' in In sag emit se one moment the octoparit i st roo whits i he uorniitnts ed of a hom0 would count thitruseivo '5 1111itigh byways to saroty secure only to flriti that a freak i' 'When it was seen that the loos' de- the win had drivon the flames upon PiA rt Mc ti COO' Lot hi)rxe 0 NoL- it 11 them 7 1 the reat'7ation they iiad hp fire hoip wad stk tod I rum Da I a ot lost pireolons tion and etuld oill os- 1 and it vatne proinptly Tile Pallas Two ezylie with such effects as they could ple did yeomrtn service and wore in op -4rrail itt their baste To got out of the midst ot their liorolo efforts when word 1 track of the flames ea me that they must hurry twine to 11o lielplesos and fly-at-rival fire st-bhil haft broken oat there and I Here and the's littla knots of pee- whit Ihroutoned to do enormous dem- i- pe gathered rorttittiz Iy helplessly as age They got up their hese as last to (heir orfects hile others thee could end soamtered for in grifted here and tip re istorne laughing- Prri some hystori al and sirioken in wtieh had hvt's' rbousands gathered tG view the ron- aw by their yry littretti 0 t1 stav flagrstion The tiarlAct hued wit I tho l'ituld which was doing slioit loar- fol ht Time apd again little knots triple rows of sightseers while the Moto IIVNitititPlhotilfl rushed poll moll flown the a reople who had gotton eric of stroeos wtero the flames wore raglag their effects out fi' their loanes had lo and (1 fr 11 Ie Lin 13 tA that hundreds won not ton off a nd kird siotrw hystvriii and sirirken in hY their ioxy iin1)tfl oay thp fiend which waqi doing suidi ful toftVES Time anti again little knots who had gottf-h their efffola cult o' thr hornos had to get and flee frhm an fre w1611 r3udity of the spread of thQ flamessud evert iiorses and were: and ha1 to be shantionvi in IMi! si rvo atillo the otTmrithtti tilitnigh byways to safty it was $een that the partmcnt coirL1 Lot hope to cope Vi Itri the fire hclp wad abkod from and it earn promptly 'rite Dana pie did yeomrtn service aril wtre in th mfamt of their heroic effort a when word came that they tLust httrry home to the fire stchth had troken oat there and holt thrutened to do enormoue darn 14U25EYE 1 I 1 I I i 't ti A l'44aoty tdo 41 horned Vill Lied at lo'o'rI)Oint ta tho' no-t hi property 4 4ot a Cre thAt atttrted early yeaterday afternoon it) a ba" on the south stole 4-onti fanneol Py a itigit vcinoi rapidly 'ot l'a to the 1-L-XfAS Ita(iflO' and 44La only att)pin1 be- ca-14 re Vet t3 lit-ling rill it't1 upon 4 'Avilinh to toed 'no) loat4 la eonaervatively ol 11 F41 4 a -I i 1 41''-'' A i a I 1 4 BIRDSEYE I riltidity of the glireitd of tlif fiaints 1 Sud even 1orses and bug i were cillg1t and htt1 ti) be Eihantionv1 in tit i 1 NUMBER OF PERSONS KILLED NUMBER OF PEESONS SERIOUSLY INJURED NUMBER OF SQUARE BLOCKS Burr1Ea OVER NUMBER OF BUILDINGS TOTALLY DFSTROYED NUMB NUMB NUMB NUMB) 4 1:14 124 :00 4 001:111 01 de-1 i 40 wurlytER OF CIIIIRC1LEC-1 DESTROYED NUMBER OF HOSPITALS DESTROYED TOTAL LOSS ON 'BUILDINGS ONLY TOTAL LOSS ON PERSONAL AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECIS (ESTIMATED) TOTAL LOSS TO RAILROAD COMPANY LOSS OF ROUNDHOUSE DAMAGES TO LNGINES AN!) ROLLING STOCK NU r1 rt TOTAI fOTAI (ES TOTAL DA I()() VIADUCT 01 gsf 1 1010 I 0 I sith is si ttoi t'ttt I Pi' 1 i 1 1 rit 4 TA 1' 4 I I 4 1 1' 4 1 1 A 1 I 1 1 1 1 4 11 $1411' 1 4414 1 I la' I tt )rt 1 A 4 4 I AAA' ov In tt-n Lr 0 4 '1 1 for 4- Pa II 4 evv e4f 1-y 11 tidr I Cel'odt 0 7 A 1 110011001111101111110110 "1'0 1 I' t(' 1 rt 1' I Ist 1 I' r' 1 It i ts it It 4 A r1 i ti rivit i I''i i 4 VIADUCT '14 1 '1 i' i 41 it i i 1 ''''t' int I 1 hvY to I 1 tr' 1 I' 11 Ji 't I tst't" 1 I 111 1 tt I i tts 1 i p-t 1 1 I' t- 't 't 1' ''t 1 1 ''''t 't 11C 4 0 1 i i 1 i iVt i I i 1 i i 4 4' it Oi i 4 ''ri441 t1I ti I 1 111 is! 1 i 1' 1 I I 1 i 1 4t tittot orr I If F' ir it I 1 i I 'iiilti i' 4 fr I 1- 1 1-- 1 I- '0' A I ti I 1t I' I I '1 1 tt1tr r' 'i Art i i 1 I iit" A 1' 'I I 0 1 i 4" 4 It l'iro-If 0'01 I 0 'r tt 1' ttH' I i 1' 1 04 I i i H' i I 4' i I IMINOMMINSIflal60011100111110110 I i I i I 4 1" 1 1 I if 4 VIADUCT 1 i I fv 1 i ii i I I op it 441'4' 1 0 1 i A i oA AA A AA A AA A AAf A A A 4'14 LA N( fp" A "AAA 1A10 AAA off A AAA A 'A A AA Ai i 1 I A A AlAt AAA I 'A A i A A A A L' As A AAA fig AA p-t t11 A A'" A t'At' 1 1 I a oF Ii I 100 'f 1' i 1 At l'ekIVP'ol I 1P1014 444 )()4H) TOTAL COMPLETE LOSS DAMAGES TO OTHER PROPERTY TOTAL FIRE LOSS TO PEOPEPTY TO DAMAI 101i1E0O0d4111110 PROMINENT BUILDINGS-BROADWAY BAPTIST CH BBOADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SWEDISH LUTIII-RAN CI HI PCII NALIMP SANITATEXAS PACIFIC ROUNDHOUSE Pi( PRESB UUM New Ion Injured-Tom Gorman iirman engine No 1 WInte north side jut-man (icor Allen No 1 Luther Sinclair No 4 Oscar No 4 Robertson No 4 Jerry Robinson No 2 Charles Loarrniller 'Mike Cassidy (ivercorne by smoke Ir Allen Robinso burn( ta death is a trArncle The firernen and the tried t) Ott the ceoccdg back hut no oho paid any attention to them and tb tLrongp lourd lcere and tht ararrpettmz out of danger moment only to rie-in into it at Itoxt taro Ali the tlitin the flarnert iiairtod aloft by a rtertt wind almoht trateesed the cloltria thv Mng mg-Pp a or tiltPr lowering smoke whic1 hjrr rR $1101-iKii Wider trir toIrr) I Ivqn a pervrrsnevi tqfLWIlettVt CtUld turn upon its track and corno as it "vrliokfd sometiting upnn which it might tosil Then thore vias nit sdanding tho ordvr kftf the gqing of the but they at nite I it no 1-011 woman NA as trying to coomfort lorno hySlcrik1 "V-by" shp littrefl "we are in no dsrizer at fill fire'is two away" th h1 nd A Way thP WOMall 8 mt the Of trio wre $canisig r1rg for ircfr lives for the fire 'hal 100mnect PC054 Hocks and fi OW reAr It I gdirno time and 1II 4up4nts had to floe thnlogh north wmlosv (ir to wet sway They took nothing with th2m i 0 v11 i imisf is of tie bait thu liCtr11 with tits 0 tof I flt J11 4 ht hvit ntel li ir udt not re cerfrtat44 o-itr 0 whi stirrOlindng Siiette When the fire 'al hid eiaiiiin Md" 1" I 310 II 13 otor i I l'aFt area thre wet i-rt been rrri- I hY 1'i''''- ''i''Y '1 l'" FLAMES SWEEP EAST r-01 1 I bnmplest4 dr111d illaek ht whyr1 1 ACROSS MAIM STRE'ET i 9H I I the I TI''d" 1' L'' g't 4 h'ir hornos 1111 thpn hdr homes 1-141 bpol an4 then PC DP ail ill'? 1Y a ht 1 1 1)PfOre had brn furl or animi0on teamo on of doFolatfon and ridn night 110 iliirirq vk i tit 'I il iiii I iii(' ()-e A 1 t'atid lo flk -i'l 11 '1'' r111mt Ri1 1 0 1 I 11 311i'i acpi 1' k' I 1 Arr them -t 1---1 1vrii iA 1 Its- 1 I I 1fo 1 I' ittntotover 4 othrtpi noty'l iH g-Prir't 61j it flUrf1011 I I 1 i Fla Ug iri 1 tg1 'T x41 A 11 AL I i i k' I 1 4 ots1 7 1t tlfr 4 1 I- 1 1 4 I 1 I go lit1 by Ii I 7 Ti A 7 7 7 t- ''7 4 it I 1 ii (1 C1 r71r- 4 A 44 A i i Agtfi :44 A fr S4 1 '0 i' i 4 1 3' elm no 4 i tt 0 1 01 tosi itd) A 4 A '4 1 i A I 4 4 4 4 i 4 vcarririn l'AV rut 7SS and FRIEN LESS 4 IP' T1 117 1" 4111SS and FRIe Nt -LES) 111L iCIIILS CALL I shi 4 All those who can help the fire sufferers please phone 3003 immediately Any sum will be gladly accepted Also send bedding clothing cooking utensils etc Money or checks may be sent to Green City Hall manager United Charities Mayor Mi Harris authorizes The Record to say that the United Charities are operating in harmony with the city commission and he requests all contributions to be sent to Mr Green It is estimated that 300 families are in nred of relief and immediate responses are urged to the end that suffering may be averted The following subscriptions have been communicated to The Pecord The donoru are requeMed to send their chcteks to Mr Green: Swasey SI0000 Sam Davidson Mrs a 10000 Roy 250'tt Ti Record Company 10000 Ed Dillon 25 144 Captain PaIdock 5900 Mnihershcal 5(4 Any soyn to cht-ks Ilarris auTh the are TA 1 an4 the 1a9t Pen of thrm the woman notionfir PIN Paved from fi fly ot was to expiain that it wag ocr- tiP I OTrP'S fri vltim tha fire tainly a freaky fire that cut up that 1 had frm to way w-aa burned in t11-1 titiq Ind Una a Gale nicht grad lolly PC'ttlf'd the waste 11" Wfl wni11 wag a gal shitting oot earned Freat hurnIng liakrg for blot war riotirraillo awl I hAt airPad Of tile actual confligratkyt Lrat thP hrofe t110it of the there were at oie time ntna arparate: 1 f'" of the ft' '1n4 Ir 10-1 muoh a wird prfd I ith liar 34 a Yt111 rap(117- re ouni t6'f' wirn i a I hot a Pat 'PA anti r- th0 111t (1 Fura proprry :71 timp cielnc from trinket kr-1 '-n a 4 evry 110AI dror1 the te of tre 7cw OlgtrOr to orct vv to re ar! 1:1 onr7 hir1 eak there toA the sl tle 1 a not al en v-a Jai a Al rhi my I ti An a I a hi! 'I 'I' "I' 1 ''''e' ri'I 1 I t'k it)t 41 1101K YAI! DS CATC11 ITOM UNDII OUSE USE 1'110 L'OUID OUSE I I i i IA i I 4 1114 I iri 1 Wmr Wmr 11 '-''''''''1 1 II') 40 9 4 i i At 1 1 qtowiwolliM!" ark0e7 ipT VOn11J 7 No BkORAPIO--110014s---f gift to.
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