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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas • 1

Fort Worth, Texas
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1 1 I 1 II3REDDIT1011 Walfts1J'TFil LEG AM 13REDDmod OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF FORT WORTH VOL XXII NO 199 FORT WORTH TEXAS SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1906 Price 2c On Trains 5c AL SunJavs 1 t- 41 I ft -6 I I CLUB WOMEN SUPPORT SIDEWALK MOVEMENT CHICAGO CHOIR SINGER MURDERED BY YOUTH Body Found on Rubbish Pile I AGENT IS SECRETIVE AGENT IS SECRETIVE i Leading Members Declare the Need of Improvement The Associated Press has a correspondent in every city in the United States and all the large cities of foreign countries The Telegram as exclusive day member in Fort Worthc is therefore in close touch with all this vast territory I Austro- ungarian Representative Has a Tongue ry ANwiolfs try! Pre NEW ul Jan 13--AVhen the cause of 11raun special coinmissione" to Austro -1lungary t) I nvestigate emigration conditions against Lajos St of this city whose arrest Mr litrann had secured on a charge of criminal libel Dee came up hi police court yesterday it WaS devoted 211lef1y to tittempts on 013 part of attorneys for the defense to for-e 'tram to reveal the 'nature of his work as representative of the iron-Lig-ration burTan and of the secret report he has loade to President Itoosevelt cowerning his investigations iii Aust ria -If unga These questioned Erzcin absolutely refused to answer He exhibited a I in the court room from secretary Aletcalf iii whiel I he latter assured hittl that under no circainstances would the contents of Lis secret reoort be made public not even at the command of congress withli had called tnon Secretary Metcalf's department ffr the report PRINTERS SELECT RADLEY'S SUCCESSOR UNCLE sArd Is ON THE ALERT RY TAX APPEALS TO BE WARM CONTEST Attorneys for Different Roads and the state Making Great Preparation for the Cases perial to The Tettgram AUSTIN Texas Jan the elaborate preparations being- made by the state and the railroads in the apptal of the railroad tax eases this legal battle will prove one of the most historical events in Texas jurisprudence ttIrnuy General Davidson is receiving- copies of the assignments of error in these case and 'besides being voluminous they are quite numerous The of error in the case of the Texas anti Pak-ific railway alme number fifty-two and cover every authority ever mentioned on tax litigation The attorney general will answer every wie of them in regular order which Will in itself ktep the department busy for several weeks to come Every detail in these appeals is being covered and when these eases are submitt-d nothing Will have been left undone by either site to perfect the papers in the appeal is not unlikely that if the supreme court decides these eases against the railroads that an appeal Nvill be taken to the supreme court of the United which had been sent to the President by a woman In Springliehl Mo Mr Cortelyou at once cotmnunicated with Postmaster Wilcox in this city who detailed inspectors to investigtte the methods of the concern In addition to President James 0Beirne the literature issued by the company and the latest corporation directory give the following: officers of the Force of Life Chemical Company: James A Telford vice president: Arthur Williams treasurer and Frederick ir Wilson secretary The direetors are besides the above: Edwin Keeler William Acton Virgil Neal IL Bagley and James Pierce Mr Pierce was formerly superintendent of insurance of New York state The Brainy Trio Virgil Neal with Dr Hadley and Mrs Wilson It is said furnished the real brains of the concern Arthur IT Williams of the company and one of its directors is president of the Bankers Realty and Security Company a trustee of the Washington Savings Bank and a direetor of the Co-Operative Building Bank in this city He lives in Mount Vernon Frelerick It Wilson is superintendent of the United States Indian warehouse in this city Mr Reeler is said to be president of the Fairfield County National Bank lee president of the South Norwalk Trust Company and ex-lieutenant governor of the state of Connecticut -William Acton is described as president of the Norwalk Securities Corporation and late secretary-treasurer and general manager of the Norwalk Street Railway Company of Connecticut and Bagley is president of the Consolidated Hoof-Pad Company of New York Incorporated in Delaware The concern is a Delaware corporation organized in 1902 Its capital stock is given as $1000000 In the letter from the Springfield WOrlit to President Roosevelt there was inclosed one of the stock letters from the Force of Life concern It started off aS follows: "Thaumateurgic Panopathist!" 'By his mysterious control over disease and death Dr Wallace Hadley the eminent thaumateurgic paaopatitist if this city has made the human heart heat again in the body of a woman rescued from the grave As a result of his successful experiment he makes the startling statement lira no disease- should cause death He cleThas to have discovered the vital nineiple of life itself the dynamie for-e hit creates and maintains existenc Sfe IllS to have absolute control over human life and the diseit'ie3 that attack it" Sorry For the Horse Evidence upon which the complaints Ivere based was secured throuett correspondence of fictitious of these "Lucille Hoffman" wrote that she was a young girl of 22 and followed this nu xvith some information of an intimate nature Several letters that followed wer? printed circulars containing staple telviee received also it is allegel by a numher of other fictitions patient 'AIL) had written giving other ailment C1111- I ha she had net itriproved "Lucille Hoffman" was asked to send a sample of her blood par analysis The correspondent obtained seine blood from a horse which he Pat into a hottici and forvicnrdeI A conlite cf clays Inter be got a letter whieh heelared that the analysis 1iointe1 to physictil conilitions vhih lot recipiont made in sorry for the horse "Me Cure Alia Diseases" Among the most interesting documents that have fallen into the hand of the in is an allf1(1 personal letter from Dr Halley to a patient containing these ien-tences: cure disease I con: nit any and all maiallies I trutke hotilless NVen I unclasp the relnorsees fingers of death I stop the rusti with whielt Father Time hurries you to the The following stab-mont is made in a circular headed "Dr Wallace Ha 1- leys uersonal messazet "Do not he skeptical Have confidence in me Be snre as I am tl-rtt I can cure disetts "comp ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest' "Reverently I repeat the words and saerdly I will fulfill the trust put in me by the great healer I can say no 111'7re" CHAP OE IS SPLLING INFECTED HOG MEAT Lawton Butcher Arrested on Complaint Alleging Sale of Porker That Died of Cholera Epecial to The Telerr-am LAWTON Jan Sumner a butcher was arrested on complaint of QW Willigham charging him with selling the meat of a hog that had been infected with cholera His preliminary trial is set for Jan 17 -iirnner is the son of a wealthy cattleman of this section A horning pigeon five months old released on the Isle of Man with others in August llt03 did not return to Liverpool with the others and wa9 given up as lost Recently it returned in Alley Near Home IS STRANGLED BY WIRE Last Seen Alive at Florist's Shop Ordering Flowers for Friend's Funeral SOY CONFESSES TO WOMAN'S MURDER Or By Ass Pross 111 JAIL 1 1) re portea the finding Mrs 1111slvr's 11y it all- rinunc-1 1y has 01- fesstA to the murder Is-in dechlred 1i vt)rising it in a flw1 writtre the was for round v11-1) Mrs tt41 tier fessed the tnnrfer Is-in he was or-King Irt a shop a short tance fFoin witt-re the hod- -vas found tiii niornihi2: Mrs lie attieis-1 her it he declared 2-Al le 1Y Pill ton noik Ltor It 1)i112- dark at the tnne he then or the body- int the stahle yarl ati1 threw it the pite of rifuse lie it then t-rtrekl his fatlyrs hous a few feet listalit and remained there fill the evenhig sleeping soundly 1 liruinzil tho n1t This morning he out to the stahle yard ptetdirg to filpi the tody Or and rusled hack into the house ad reported the fa(-t to father Ivins is y-ars of 2g-- and A previolLAy Uor ntt a good reputak tion I se S'y A Argar M101 Pre44 CIIICAcirl Jan death with three EtrindA of fint- coprer Wiro ti Lod trs wife of a nwrabr of tbo Typotheta was fotml ()lay in an Riley In the roar (f 36S Deldon avetile A 1rze force of detevtivos v-ere iu orii on the mystery Prominent in Society 3 choir enger nl prounneht in society She hons: she tvas supplie1 Aith motley yesterday Airs Itoilistor loft her Lome at 426 yestordAy ThornIn! to ct thr' fline'ral of a tiftw 113-1 not been hy trivoloers of ber family tind last -night I lb police were askett to finl Jr tiollistor member of tb! firm of prilitors at 276 Alolion street art" 1A4-)ligs to tho Typothtto Airs years Aftfr sIi ovelere1 her days supplies from a goer slit thou vent to a florits to oriter flowers for the 1110 11tis if Airs: Emma Sa1ni1: 172 ivenuo whor the fanorfil vzs z(eries were at residern'e After loaviHy4- tho Airs 11o1- 111--1- A setr4-11 tanl to this Inorliin bo wAs fornH coneeI'01 urclr plie of rulhish liA i)f at avenu- into the fish of tile sho-v4--1 plWilv that lin st 1'1(411 711--re evidti'rs thitt agHnst 114-r A bruke ts :1 of If-le heal as if 'blow or a 1cly nte '11 Mr TioListet' N4: right ans! I scr- -r--i i- tio 411ythr-! fto holy throA Made Desecrate right fr111 1o of the of Airs lioirster shis bal a 41014r-t4 fit before slr- was Iter Totr v-as torn if 11 La! N-loh-utry ott ii t1-0 or her 5i1TA: trn ti" On 1r1 go11P i )111r arti-l-s ot Jewy li shc? vi or? nt Ilt tir of 14tvirg the house 1-n1 it is eviriert that 114- oho -1--1nr lr must IrIve b4en cornrtuHo1 411'sareo from the tThi? Lly fo7r41 an1 Cio 'barn yani L4r1 cli)-7 on th if Airs centry as it the Mling of Mrs Every offit or Wa3 on the cLse but off17ors fori71 to aImir they di1 not pos seSS t1)? to 1110 mur Cero--r or rr 7o-11 1 tlev know Nvhf-14- t) turn fo Tr: 1Toristtr vsITn sonal for ytrs 'beautiful voieo "tk-b1b was of extraorlinary quality ANOTHER FIRM GOES Cleveland erokorage House Falls to Open for auslness Epeeisi to The CLEVFLANI) ()111cl Eons Snydor 6- co f11101 to (Ten for AFsiLlunrffit If -ri is iI to be the cause BANKERS SELL INTEREST Tennessee flan Disposes of Stock in Lawton Institution EAwiql f- T1 Te7rgram LAW ON () 13--Fostcr Brown a eatitz7ist of (hattanooga Tinn wh) Las sincp the in6Utution of The and Planters' bank of ths its president bas sold his I he bank t) IL Rankin casld-r ansl A L1yd man- tiger of the Ice and Fuel FEDERATION PROPOSED Orgnnizations May Join to Give Greater Aid in Campaign Now Being Made Club women of Fort Worth have come to the support of the Sidewalk movement adding the final influence needed to the improvement of the city in this respect The movement urged by The Telegram has already been discussed formally In some of the organizations and is being received favorably by all Some of the expressions made by leading club women of the city are: Mrs A II McCarty Penelope Club am heartily in favor of any plan for the furthering of sidewalks in this city The members of the club are all in favor of the plan I Know and NVIII take up the matter and place it before them doing whatever I can to aid in getting more sidewalks for Fort Worth" Mrs Jaceard Euterpean Club have but the one opinion on tipa matter and I think everyone else has the same opinion We ought to have the sidewalks and we must have them" Airs Morton Euterpean Club all need sidewalks bad enougn and I do not see why anybody should not be in favor of having as many as possible as soon as possible" Mrs -W Connery president of the Euterpean 'am in favor of having the Sidewalks I think that every street in the city should have a good sidewalk as the past bail weather has plainly shown I endorse the movement heartily" Mrs II Al Kelso president of the Shakespeare most assuredly need sidewalks in this city I never saw another city where the sidewalks are so bad" Mrs 11 Harder Shakespeare Club feel like every other woman whe has to walk during the bad weather that the sidewalks are as bad as they can be" Mrs William Capps president Kini dergarten am surz that the association will be glad IA do all that it can to secure sidewalks There is nothing that we need more I think that the sidewalks should be put in as soon as possible and that street crossings should also be laid There is no improvement we need more especially from the churches from town and everywhere else' Mrs Cobb Kindergarten suppose that there is but one opinion regarding the matter I an sure that publia-: spirit and pride ought to be sufficient for anyone to put a sidewalk in front of his or her residenre Sidewalks are for our own pleasure and benefit and also for our friends and neighbors The women ef the city cannot walk to town or In fact walk anywhere after a period of ra iny wen theta" Airs Bomar Wednesday Club heartily approve of everything that will improve the streets and sidewalks" Airs Walter floss Wednesday Club am certainly in favor of sidewalks and they are an improvement that Fort -Worth greatly needs This 6 city has not kept pace with progress in the matter like other cities" Civic Federation Proposed Mrs Hudson first vice president '93 think that if the women of the city had a civic federation of all the clubs combined to take up sueh work as this they would have great deal of influence The clubs themselves have not taken up civic improvements and the (duns working by themselves could not accomplisn as nmeh as a federation We once had such a federation here and I think that T1OW is certainly the time for tha orfzanization of a new one" Mrs II Calloway '93 ant most dechledly in favor of sido walks It ie a good weak and I holm) that it Nvill he successful" Mrs Alike Smith '93 am most heartily in favor of sidewalks and we need them in front of every dwelling are a great necessity" Mrs iLroii Gooch '93 want to see sidewalks everywhere We have no sidewalk in front of our place now but as soon as the people on either side put them down we will promise to put ours down immediately Evaryboly ought to be compellef to lay sidewalka I VW take the mat ter up Monday with the club and see If the club (ein aid in the moveent" Mrs Logan Book Club V-tirth is badly in need or silewalks and I think something should be done" Airs Ed Burns Social Book Club-- "I am very much In favor of side- walks in all parts of the Miss Hay Saunders president MI-(lay Book eourse I think that all mfanbers of the Monday Book club are in favor of sidewalks It would he fine to be able to go to town witptot getting in the mud Here on the South side we cannot go anywhere without mud It is iirnost tin-possible to go a block away from home and to go to town la almost an impossibility" Mrs Sam Henderson Monday Book think that there is nothing that the people would appreciate better It Is a perfect disgrace the way the sidewalks are now" Miss Bernie Newlin Monday have never seen anything so disgraceful That a city as prosperous as Fort 'Worth has remained quiet sa long and allowed people to build sidewalks just when it pleased them seems strange" Club Considers Matter -Miss Anna Shelton president Sorosia club had the matter of sidewalks under discussion the rat week although there was no formal action taken on the matter The memhers are much in favor of any plan for the furthering of the sidewalk intara ests and if they decide that they can all in the matter by doing anything as a club I know they will most gladly do it We ought to have a civic federation but the trouble seems to be that there is no one who will take the time and pains necessary to carry such a matter through successfully" Mrs Williams Jr president MAN ARRESTED CHARGE THEFT Ed Jackson Taken Into cus tcdy in Dallas $18000 IN SECURITIES Canning Company President Says He Gave Jackson Papers for Safekeeping Ed Ar Jackson about 36 years old night clerk of the Mohawk hotel Fifteenth and Rusk streets Nvas arrested Saturday morning in Dallas charged with theft over $50 The arrest was based upon a warrant issued by Justice Terrell of this city upon complaint of Pt) Hee Officer Temes The arrest was effected by Officers Dodd and Temes front of the city hall In Dallas M'GRAW MAKES COMPLAINT McGraw president of the Kennedale Canning and Preserving Company of Kennedale Texas who is a guest at the Mohawk hotel is the complaining witness Jackson was brought back to Fort Worth Saturday afternoon and a charge of theft placed against his name on the police bkotter At the police station McGraw said he had given two envelopes containing valuables and secrities worth $18000 declared that Saturday morning both Jackson and the papers were gone from the hotel Ile notified the police by telephone and as a result Officer Temes swore out a warrant fOr JaCkS011 Of the valuables in the envelope -AteGraw says $250 WLIS7 ill cash the remainder being in stocks securities and checks Jackson Makes Statement Wiwn Jackson was arrested he had only $615 and all of the valuables reported lost with the exception of a note far $390 and the $250 in cash are said to have been in his possession Jackson states that he was innocent of any wronga14ing: that the papers and valuable given to him were in the enveinpes and that he had never even looked inside the envelopes to see what thy contained that he presumed they were papers relating to the Kennedale canning factory because he knew McGraw was of that concern If there was any money in either envelope he says he did not know It Says Note Was Negotiable at the police station declared that the missing $300 note was made out to the Kennedale Canning and Preserving Company and could have been negotiated Jackson is said to have been emPl4)y4 at the Mohawk hotel for several moilthS l'sleGraw says that he arrived here at 8:40 o'clock Friday night and that a portion of the cash he says is missig- belonged to friends in Kennedala? NEGRO APPOINTED REGISTER OF TREASURY President of Kansas Educational Institute Will Succeed Judson Lyons at Capital Py IANoviate4 preg WASHINGTON' Jan President has decided to appoint Prof 'W Vernon a negro president of the Educational Institute at Quindaro Kan register of the treasury to succeed Judson Lyons This is the highest position in the government service that lias been given to any negro Vernon is one-of the prominent nero ethicators of the oountry DISASTROUS FIRE OCCURS IN PANAMA Damage Estimated at Chief of Fumioation Arrested Fiier161 to The Tdcgram PANAMA Jan hundred thousand dollars is tile estimated damage done in yesterday's fire here Twenty-three tenements sevefl tore two ehurchPs an orphan asylum and three schools were burned The hief of the American detachment of fumigators was arrested on the charge of causing the fire by inal negligence HOTEL INTEREST SOLD Glancy Sells Metropole at Wazo to Booth and Wend ling kzpeetal to The Teteoram 'WACO Texas Jan 12--T Glany of Dallas and St Louis has sold his interests in the Metropole to Booth Wend ling the former of the Binkley at Sherman and the latter of Temple where he has been with Fred Harvey They take charge Feb 1 Thorpe who has been in charge of the Metronoh? and who is 4 a highly efficient hotel man has no immediate plans Because in one (lay of ten hours recently the almshouse barber at Bethnal Green London shared 230 men there is some talk of raising his wages John Spencer Elected President of Eight-Hour Committee at Waco Resolutions Passed Special to The Telegram WACO Texas Jan the session of the eight-hour committee of the Texas Typographical Unions this morniug- John It Spencer of Waco was elected uresidit of this committee to suoceed Rad ley who was killed at a tire in Dallas a few days ago Resolutions on the death of Mr Radley were passed The attendance at the meeting was good --alm HEAVY FIRE LOSS AT MART TEXAS Six Business Houses Go Up in Flames Eptvial to The Tc toram WACO Texas Jan 11--A disastrous fire at the town of Mart In the eastern portion of this county last night destroyed six business houses result-in a loss of $20000 partially insured The heaviest losers were: -Barnes dry goods Joe 'Hopson furniture Harris dry goods HAZING A TEXAS BOY IS CHARGE Midshipman Miller's Court martial Is Resumed By A sgoetell1 ANNAPOLIS Md Jan 13---Th? court-martial today took up the cas-! of Midshipman John Paul Miller of Lancaster Ky charged with hazing when it resumed its session The spf-cifications lacking the proper form which caused the postponement of the case yesterday had been corrected and the case proceeded Al Hier introdueed as eounsel Colonel Charles Lauchheimer IT and Theall of -Washington Colonel Lattchheimer is the author of a standard work on forms and proceedure in use by the -naval court-martials There are two charges against Miller hazing and encouraging or countenancing hazing- and eight specifications However there is only one incident as the basis for all the specifications It is alleged that 1i11er hazed Stanley Canine of Llano Texas: Henry Cooper Jr of Oxford Demott of Niles Mich and John Donalson of Pawnee Okla by compelling them to perform "No 16" too-ether Miller if he Is acquitted will graduate Feb 12 and is scholastic standing will not be below No 3 in a class of over 100 MERIWETHER ARRESTED ANNAPOLIS Md Jan Niloor Meriwether Jr of Louisiana who such notoriety by engaging in a fist fight with Midshipman James IL liranch in which the latter received fatal injuries has been placed under arrest on the charge of hazing The charge is slipporterl by six specifications alleging the hazing of several different fourth class men by requiring them to do difficult physical exercises Weather spotter Temperature at 2:30 in Saturday 57 degrees Wind south velocity 15 miles an hour 1arometer ing WEATHER FORECAST By Agsnriatcd PreNR NEW ORLEANS La Jan indications are: East Texas rain and warmer Sunday occasional rain East Texas rain and Nvarmer Sunday occasional rain light southerly winds on the coast rain and warmcr Sunday occasional rain Oklahoma and Indian Tonight rain and warmer Sunday rain or snow colder in Nve6t portion Fort Worth and vicinity may expect rain and warmer tonight and occasional rain Sunday 70r VV I 651 A 60 R55 11: 1 45' 4n1 MVAM "Force of Life" Company Officers Under Arrest CONSPIRACY CHARGED Rcosevelt Takes the Initiative Against Firm Which Proposed to Raise the Dead By Agkroift let! Presq NEW YORK Jan 13---General James O'Beirne for years more or less prominent in republican politics ill this city and who has held a number of offices under the 'United States government is given as president in the literature of the Force of Life Chemical Company the medical director of which Dr William Wallace Hadley and Assistant 'Medical Director Airs Laura AL Wilson were arrested yesterday by federal authorities and i held in $2500 bail each for examinalion a week from today General O'Beirne has been a special agent of the treasury department assistant comsissioner of immigration of the port of New York and a commissioner of charities in this city He became President of the concern in September last when Virgil Neal its allegeil organizer and first president resigned General O'Beirne was seen following ethearrests but his counsel refused to allow him to be interviewed Charge Is Conspiracy The prisoners are charged with conspiracy to obtain money under false pretenses by the use of the United States mails In the complaint lodged against I hem two ot her officials of the Force of Life Chemical Company are named jointly with them as parties to the conspiracy These two officials a re 110W out of the city Had Elaborate Offices The Force of Life Chemical Company for the last three or four years has maintained elaborate offices in this city At present the company is located at 2255 Broadway It has done an extensive mail business An official of the company toll the postal authotities that the coneern had not less than a million patients Investigation Lasted a Year The investigation bsiding to the arrest had covere1 a period of almost a year and has been managed jointly by the postollice authorities Assistant United States District Attorney Clarence Tiought-an Champe Andrews and John IL Cooper the two latter :1 counsel for the New York County 'Medical Society President Took Initiative The federal authorities started on the trail of the Force of Life concern on the personal initiative of President Roosevelt- Two Nvec-ks ago there is said to have been a migration of the most prominent Force of Lifers to Syracuse Business Alleged Legitimate When the two prisoners were arraigned before Commissioner Rblgeway Attorney John Vause appeared their counsel and furnished bonds to insure- their appearance at the examination Mr Vause said last night ths the Force Of Life company vi doing a perfectly legitimate business and that the two prisoners were only salaried employes of the 'concern who ti wha they ore told and had nothing whatever to do with its management Advertised to the Limit "In the glatr of a midnight light" one of the advertisements of the corn-patty reads 'bending over his crucible and retorts Dr William Wallace Hadley cried triumphantly: 'I have itl At last he had sueeeeded in making a rare chemical combinathm of concentrated extraets Nvhioh Might truly be cared 'liquid it was glimmering in its sheen of ruby rel while the retort Itself seemed to quiver and vibrate as if in the effort of restrain' lag the tremendous -dynamic force it held of Life "There was Lecithin the force of life the power that makes man live and think Without this subtle Essence in your system death would occur before you could read three of these lines With it In sufficient quantity you can combat any disease To discover and make the vital princile of life has been the dream of the chemist and the goal of the medical professor of all ages" For a whole year since this announcement was sent broadcast through the mails as preamble to a pamohlet issued by the Force of Life Chemical Company in whila extraordinary virtues were claimed for its preparations the United States authorities and the New York County Medical Society have been examining complaints against the company in an- effort to get evidence enough to make arrests Proposed to Raise Dead The power to raise the dead claimed it is allege by Dr Hadley first challenged the attention of the authorities a little less than a year ago Vk hen Postmaster General Cortelyou received a personal letter from President Roosevelt enclosing one of the Force of Life company's circulars TENNIS VS FOOTBALL Stanford Athletic Committee Offers Mild Game for Athletes Ey issociated Press ST AN RD UNVERSITY Cal Jan 13 The faculty athletic -rommittee yesterday made public its arillUal report to President David Starr Jordan on the condition of university athieticS On the subject of football reform the committee submits as its opinion the close formation in football should be abolished that the modern game had deteriorated from a sport to a busirass: that the gatn is exclusive since only men of heavy weight can participate and that the game is no longer in any sense a college sport since students do not organize volantcer teams to play for the love of the game Dealing with the game of baseball the committee declares "that baseball is on a distinetively lower level than any tither college sport both as regards the spirit of amateurism and of tourt-sy and fairness of play" Ia conOusion the faculty investigators comtnend tennis track Nvork and rowing to a more liberal participation by students as being helpful and manly sports --nrio INDIAN TO MARRY Famous Redskin Football Guard's Engagement Announced By A 1- iqted tlAlfLISLE Pa Jan 13---At a dinner party for I 110-! Carlisle I'M football players and ladies last evening given by Superintendent Mereer of the Carlisle school Miss Rose La Forge a 'Blackfoot Indian and a last yeaes graduate of Carlisle University now acting as assistant tutor announced engdgement to tlharles Dillon the guard On the Carlisle football eleven for the last few years The couple Will be the first to Ve an dab-orate ceremonial wedding at the Carisl They -will be married befe Itwa Indian Students and other guests hi the newly completed school auditorium on Jan 22 Dr George Norcross lately Presbyterian tnoderator of Pennsylvania Will OM Cate CORBETT EASY LOSER Herrera Knocks Out His Opponent in Fifth Round Sperif to hr TchAioto iS AN(ELES Ian Corbett (William IL nothwell of DFnver) Nvas knocked out in the fifth bY Aurelio Herrera of flakersfield Cal hefore the Pacific Athletic (Int in a very one-sided fight last night Near the end of the first round Cor'oett was Iteflr 1 ng put to the bad but recovered In the fourth Corbett and had the kid haking up hut in the fifth Herrera 11-gitn Avith apparent intentionknoeked the Denver paralzon down twice blocked nn attt--trpt by Corbett t--) ard selEt him to the mat for the final count NVith a heavy swing to the jaw 111 the flaht was over at the opening of the fight wa5z to to 9 in favor of the former champion tiiC wagA-s strangely ehanging to the same figures in Herrera's fa-4 toward 1 he no eallti PLEAS IN ABATEMENT Submitted by Greene and Gaynor to Bills of Indictment By SAVANNAH (In ahatement to imlhi-tratnts Nos 47t3 and 477 those found List November against cel tlaynor Nvere tollry the COI1V(-Ming of the Federal court The pleaA were set up that these biqs of indictment 111 not been legally returned and that the grand Jurors were drawn from rmong the rirlents of the southwestern dicision of the Southern district of Georg-in they were served in the etstern division JEROME WILL ACT Insurance Prosecution' to Begin Jan 23 by Grand Jury Spfrial tO Tir Tufrgrotn NEW -YORK Jan 13--It can be nutliorim iztated that Distriot Attorney Jerome stnrt criminal proceedings ngainst eerMin of tile life insurance officers or ex-officers soon No public rnove expeetel before Jan 23 when a special gran1 jury Will in' ani1 facts DAIVISITE A POSTOFFICE Cecil Lyons New Town Will Get Mails Hereafter speri tri The Te WASIIINGT0N Jan 13----A postoffice has been ordered established at Darnsite I1i ni ri county Texas Cecil Lyon of the Texas national committee and a man NV 110 owns a ranch rear Darnsite recommending its establishment CONDITION UNCHANGED Marshal Rested uietly Durin3 the Night 1folizted Pr' NEW YORK Jan Field who is ill with pneumonia rested quietly durii last night Thera has been apparently no change in tho patient's condition 1 1 I 1 7 Ir.

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