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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 1

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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join the Connecticut Scroll of Honor for Gen. Eisenhower by Buying an Extra War Bond WITH WAR BONOS No. 168 "A Progressive Newspaper 'For a Progressive Community'' WEATHER Showers Tonight Full Report On Page I ESTABLlSHEiTlSSif THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1944 Lease'd Wire Service of the United Press Price Three OenU More Local Men Enter The Armed Service jlew Group Now In The 8. Marines And U. Naval Division Opening Of Democratic National Convention I number of residents of th jeivrol towns under the jurisdlc tion ot Selective Ser Lioni-d, 14-A have entered tin- service, with the sev eni listed Li-luw now being in United Suites Marine Corps am the United Suites Navy, Hi-rlitTt Antlerson of Oxforc roiul.

NiiUKatuok is now at the Marino Truining Camp at Parris island us Is Allun I. Pardee ol i'! training at the Great Ukos Nnvul Training Station at Lakeis; Illinois are Edwin G. Baldwin Hundley street, and Frank A. of Wolcott. the -Vaval Training Station at Sampson Lake, N.

Hubert W. Bray of Durham, Julius P. Rftk of Oakville, Kenneth D. Nelson of Spencer street, David F. of Now Mivft.

forinerly of Cleveland, Ohio, Frank J. Plumb of Prospect, T. tiennnri of Wolcott. and the twin Ill-others, James and Frederick U. Zonino of Ward Two uthvr local youths, John A.

of Fiilrchild street and Rny- r.unil Wultcm of Cherry street, al- lltoiiKh under IS yeui-y of age, have enlisted in the Navy havp ulready left for active service. Former Peter Paul Employe Missing Word wn.H received from the IVnr Department hy Mrs. Th: dorp Valen, of -I Curtlss street, Miat forcitht'r. -Sgt. Anthony Shcr- wpn-sky, a native of Plttston, has missing in action since tn.

France. sergennt, in I.he army for live years, served with a modic-il unit, and was overseas for almos! two Prior to his enlistment In the Army, he wan employed at Peter Paul, Tnc. The missing soldier 'cveral before l-ho start of Ihc Invasion that he was in fine health. In nrltlition lo Mrs. Valen, he ras three other sisters.

Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Raymond Lore- sliln, and Miss Francos Sherwon- sky, and a brother, Victor, all of listen. Pa. Guam Invasion Hinted Of Soldier Is GUAM Kcnerul view was photographed i Stiidhim as tin- Democratic assomhlod for priiiiiiT of tlieir parly's national coriveiitiuii.

Jlnngtng from the balcony in tin- background are (iin-l raits of I he. fourteen Democratic presidents of the nation, from Jefferson to Koosovclt. (In- ternatiotml Soiindjihoto) local Sailor Ranks High In Graduating Class Attempt Made To Assassinate Hitler, Slightly Bruised By Exploding Bomb; Four Of His Staff Injured Seriously Sweden Reports That Army And Civilians Are Being- Purged London, July Hitler has been injured in, ar. at- on -his life, This infoniiat'ion comes from Moeckel, E. M.

3-o, sailor was graduated from school fit New London, recently with an average of 91.27. German ofL'icial D-N-J3 news In the agency. wus seventh highest 'P with the highest being 92 cunt, His new address Is Peter Moeckel, f-- M. 3-r. S.

S. Rlchcy E. 385, in can. of p. New York city, Hi- is tho son of Mr.

nnd Mrs, of Neiv Haven rotifl. Lost And Found Children In France Tho 'Lost and Pound' In clnssifii.a UK French Is not very picas- tint to read because It Is £is morbid us nn obituary page. It disclosed that due Jo thu havoc raised In France the Germans when they irst occupied that country in ui-' spring, mn ny fam- bfCunit' disunited the tnass evacuations. Parents who lost their children woame desperate. Hundreds ot them finally resorted to 'f'QKt and Found' In the 1 pages of what was 'if French newspa- enough many families were reunited the Want Ads.

thi ot ko nicest thing to have to advertise for i paper but. It only goes 10 show that thu Want Ads brlnj; results. -Call 2228 if you have something- to some-thing you want to or something you have The broadcast disprilch Hitler wo burned and bruiseO" in the nssas- -atlempt. Thu attempt Id to have heen made "-by an explosion," and Ihc chief or Hitler's General injured. Othor members of 'Hitler's staff 1 were nui't, of them seriously.

Among the injured- nre Lieutenant General Schundt. a. Col- Brandt n-nd a Coi-, onoi Hlot'gmann. "I-'antusHc reporls tire circulating' in Swollen Hitler is purjr- ing army nnd civilian persomiol or new efforts to bolster thc satellites." Hitler a'u-o had a. narrow escape from nssassinajtion shortly aflur Ihc start of the war.

On the night ot November- Sl.h, .1933, Hitler escaped by only 15 niimilns a. time- bomb explosion in a Munich beef cellar. Eight, peti-wis wore killed and UO ir.jurud in tile blnsl. A $200,000 reward was offered for the instigators, but they never were definitely identified. Laloly, Hitler seems lo have dropped from thc German scene to some He taken no public part tui field commander.

one IKLS made public specchc-s Ir. recent months. In -hia most recent -speech, 1-IHler admitted that t-he Allies were out- sirlpping the Reich in war production and ho said that Germany was 1 for its voiy life. Private E. F.

Doyle's Miss- ive. Dated The Day Befor, He Lost Life Private Ed ward, F. Doyle ot Highland avenue, ex-Waierburian and the fiusband of the formei Miss Emalene Sandstrom, wel Jtnown. J.ocal- resident, who was reported by the War dcpartmen Sunday as having 1 died of wounds in' France' on 29, mailed a letter to his wife dated June 28, and it.haa already arrived here. In the letter Private Doyle told of arriving, in France on D-Duy with the llrst assault troops and it seemed fantastic to him that auch PBIVATE EDWARD V.

DOYLE a' larfre could slip, into French such. a. small Activity Is Noted In The Building Field Interesting Facts Revealed In June Chamber of Commerce Business Survey Acini. Chester W. Niniltz's hcadquarterx Mtuting that sonic of UK; biggest U.

S. haltlcships have been hammering at Guam appear U) point to imminent invasion of the one-time C. garrison which was taken by the enemy In December, Here. Is a Kloxe-up of Cuani which, while not considered the most important move in our next Pacific naval venture, is part of it. Smull inset at left shows how Giuim links with Salpan, vital point In the croup which wan won only after a struggle.

(International) Naugatuck Postoffice Has Grown Tremendously In The Past 8 Years, Figures Show Circus Clown's Pig 1 Was Near Casualty On Piece Of Rubber Several works aRO vvhon several clowns from the Bros, and liarimm Halley circus visited the Li. S. Rubber Co. here on a lioiul drive, nf tile, fillisters, Felix I'. Adler, almost lost llir tiny II'IK that IN part of his act.

In tfoine from mie department tu another the piir, nn" held hy Mr. Ailler, SMapt'i'd up and swallowiul a sniull pii-cc of ruMicr that was mi tin- fluor. In order the piglet; koolud over and Ifju'o indication of soon ancestors. Mr. Icr ivas at a loss as what tii dti until John F.

foreman that tin: pitf turnod upside down, and tapped the hack, in an effort to dislodRc riililu-r. The. owner quickly fiillnwcd the siiBP'-stion anil aft.or a couple of Ilinly thumps, 1 sto the ruhhi-r popped hack nut, and the pitf'et quickly re- tnrnod to normal. In fact the pijr, lining a real trouper, wont richt on with Ills.part in the program which was otic of the host of Its kind ever presented locally. you think of Holiday Chillies.

It's Raphael's Nuiitfitiiuk'M Fashion Ci-nlcr. where Sl-yli; ''rice KO (mini In Three Accidents Occur In Boro In Last Two Days A small epidemic of accident: Ihc in its jn-ip. n.i three were ycporlcd to Stanley Rykowski. 13, of Hill ron.d. Union Cily, wa-s treated at St.

Mary's hospital- for large laccratioA' oC l.hc-lctt,lcg yes- Icrday. injury' resulted- when 1 youngster, ridiing a bicycle, struck mol.or vehicle in Union City, and- foil from his mount. Another lad, who was riding- on the har.cllo bars escaped injury. Henry Benson, 9 John street Ur.ion Ci'ty, an employe ot the Stale Highway department, suffered.sec- ond doTi'TB burns on arm and slighter on his right, when splnshod hy asphall. He was treated by Dr.

Fred Wcile, and taken t.o SI. Mary's Dav.i.d Di-nkc, Pond Hill road, received a possible fracture of-the when he was injured by EL truck while working at Joel Anderson's farm an Fi-eld street. Ho wns treated by Dr. V.

Duffy and inken to St. Mary's hospital, Drake a woodcutter by i.rade. STOLEN GAS COCPONS Son Of Former Boro Residents Missing: William Dooling of the Naval Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Doolfniis of Ansonia, former Naug.atuck rosidotits, rc- porlec! missing in action after a flight, over Kuropc in a Navy plane, it was rcporicd t'llis morning.

The flight In which he was listed as took about six j. who applied, il.bem against wceks ago. line station fuel allotment. July Charged with possessing illegal r.itioning- coupons allegedly worth $100,000, Ang-elo Lup'i- iiacci is a pra-f-ol-inc station proprlc- lice for Lupinacci is a gasoline ro'prlc- tor. According 1 to 'pol'lce and OfP-A officials, the coupons were 'stolen various parts of the country and apparently

-by Lupinacci Jrinking Fountains At Recreation Field Stripped Of Valves Haorld E. Cliittondcn, superintendent. of playgrounds, said today that twice wilnlni the last two weeks some unknown, destructive vandals have removed the control valves from the drinking 1 fountains at Recreation field. Both fountains, of which is at the clubhouse, and the other near the -tennis courts, arc minus valves. Mr.

Chlttenden said that no replacements for them wore available, and that, the driaiiking 1 waler situation al field can not be alleviated until the valves arc returned or a new conirol system set up. II. is presumed that l.hc vandal- sm was donxj by boys. Mv. tenden suKgosU whoever removed tile valves, which of jo value and which were- removed vit-h difficulty, shduld return them to Peicr J.

Foley at Recreation husband had died of wounds in i Field, If only oul- of common de- cans encountered, The soldier wrote that the land- ng-was very'wet and that the Americans lost all their belongings in ashore. He 'stated that.the units were thc beach long before tliey were under shell flr'e hat continued 'day and night. Private Doyle stated 'that the Americans became so tired under he constant lire and lack of rest hat they were really walking around in- sleep. The soldier stated that he was a rest camp'at thc time that he vrote the letter and had a hot and washed his hair. particularly had peace and uiot.

Ho stated that the French eople have few luxuries or essen- als. and that the Americans gave he children all the extra candy nd gum that they could spare. J-lc indicated that the French ap- arently did not fare too well un- er German occupation. Private oylc told his not to worry bout him but to pray for him and to trust in God for his safe return. Doyle received a letter from the Wai 1 department confirming the report by telegram that her Postal Business Now At $116,749.58 Has Increased MO Franco on, Juno, 29, but gave no (Continued on Page 2) coney.

Or they should n.t leave them at the playground where they can cosily be found. Voter's Oath Taken By 96 Naugatuck Residents Here 267 Sworn In Since Meet ing Of Voters' Board In May. At a session of the selectmen, registrars of voters, and thc. town cicrk last night, S3 new voters were sworn in. Of these, thirty-one were recently naturalized.

Sixteen servicemen, who sent in applications, were accepted in addition to four who were present at meeting. In addition, 34 women and -12 men also took the oath. In three -meetings in two months, 2G7.have been sworn in altogether, Raymond John, town clerk, said this morning. Many of the new voters besides newly however, are people who have taken up residence in Naugatuck in the past ear or so. Those.

sworn in last night were: Servicemen: Leyland E. Stevens, George Warner, Edwin G. aid win, Robert J. Grant, Richard iA. Hyde, Harold O.

Hoffman, Jessen, Harris Whltte- nore, Jeremiah H. iValter Yarrison Walter G. Cor- Continued on Page 2) worltors find that Jeff's delicious, hoalth- ul. foods to In top these hot, sticky Large Group At Columbian Rebekah Ceremonies Here With approximately 100 in attendance, Mlas Elsie Cope of Ansonia, district department president of District No. 8, made her olllcial visit to Columbian Rebekah lodge, No.

33, I. O. O. here last night. Mrs.

Emma Vagt, noble grand of the local organization presided, at the regular meeting; n.nd the ceremonial events that followed. During the meeting thc Obligation ceremony was exemplified by officers of Columbian Rebekah lodge. All present participated with' the officers attired in white evening gowns and carrying lighted candles, to present a very Impressive picture. Mrs, Lillina Johnson and Mrs. 3uise Vocgell, past, noble grands of Columbian Rebekah were the committee-for the event and the refreshment committee vas in charge of Mrs.

Josephine Montrose. Refreshments served, able decorations being bouquets if garden flowers. Guests were from Walerbury, Seymour, A-nsonia and WilHanisport, Pa. Postmaster F.rank T. Green, when inlecviewed by The News today indicated that the postal business alone-here -in thc post eight years liad increased from 291.6S in 1936' to; 116.749.53 fa 1944, with I.hc fiscal postoffjce year ending on June 30.

This is an increase of almost 100 per cc-Rii. in' l.he dollar vaJuc of just the sale of stamps and stamped envelopeui. Postmaster Green stated that in the figures for 1944 the local office has had the benefit of only a few of the recent increase in posta' rales. This increase will make a tremendous difference the figures for Naugaluck's postal business for 1945, the locaJ postoffiee head believes. For the quarter year of April, May ajid June, posljj business was as for the past several years: 1940, SS.359.SOr 1941, 1942, 1943, and.

1944, S11.1SS.1S. In the money in 1943, there were 15,231 orders issued for $291.743.36, and in 1944 there were 10,626 orders issued for 5140,715:65. Postmafitor Green.point- ed out that the mclhod of paying federal taxes has changed greal- ly in the past two years, file payroll withholding- pian paying: for many a worker's income lax as ha earns it and consequently there is no need for further payment at the end of l-hc period. This cuts down 'money ovder requiramcn-ts for in a workers, Postaiioster Green slated. The Naugatuck post oflice in 1943 cashed 2.5G4 money orders, for S57.947.14.

ninl in 19-14 cashed 2.57S money orders with a face value of $67,892.99. The monthly business survey of the Naugatuck Chamber of Commerce reveals that there was quite a bit of building activity in Naugatuck during the past month. Permits -were issued by Building Inspector Andrew C. Bentley for KX) in new construction, consisting- of eight one-family houses in various parts of the town with permit holders heine John Nixon. Matthew Karbowjcz and Walter Bcebe.

Mr. Nixon has permits for live new 5-room houses now in the process of construction on Nixon avenue. In addition the Eastern Malleable Iron Co. secured a. building permit for $20,500 covering.altera- tions to its olllce building on Bridge street.

The total in new building and alterations is $62,000, a not insignificant sum for a single Savings dcposjts for thc month are approximately $200,000 higher than for the month of May, approximately $1,300,000 higher than for June of 1943. The report is as 'follows: Telephones: June 4.S45; May 1944, June 1943, 4,714. Postal Receipts: June 1944, 1SS; May. June 1943, $8,644. Savi-ngs Deposits: June 1944, May 1944, June 1943, $9,260,872.

Gas Consumed: June 19-14, 8.680,500,cu..ft.; May 194-1, 9,123,500 cu. June. 1943. 8,391,200 cu. ft.

Electricity: June 1944, May 194-1, June 1943, 974,583. New Building John Nixon, Nixon avenue, rooms each, tS.OOO each. street, 6., rooms, "$5,500. MaXty Karbowicz, Spencer sti-eet, 6 rooms, $5,500. Walter Becbe, Watorbury road, 5 rooms, $5,500.

Easter.n, MaJIcable Iron Bridge street, alterations to office. $20,500. There were 24. real' eela.te 1 actions recoixled during June. LATE ATTACK OX LEIPZIG London, July than 1,200 Flying Fortresses and Liberators attacked the Leipzig- area of Germany today.

TELEPHONE LINKS "CDT Continued on Page Library Users Asked To Retain Present Cards All Naugatuck library users are being asked to retain their readers' cards for use, disregarding the expiration date, it was announced today by Miss Jessie F. DcShonp, librarian of thc Howard Whittemore Memorial library. With the introduction of the charging machine in the local library four years ago new. cards were issued on which a-metal-number plate was used. These cards dated to expire four years from the date of issue, but to save scarce materials and manpower the library has decided to continue all numbers now in use until after the war.

The librarian asks each borrower to disregard the expiration date on his card, not to lose it, and to- return the card to the library, if he should leave Naugatuck permanently. This notice applies to the Adult Library and thc Children's Library. London, July phone eominimlcallont. have cut Berlin and Sweden. The Stockholm corrCKnondrnt of a London neivftpuprr MiftRvstK that thc action may Indicate a possible upheaval tvithln newn which littler would want to (Hipprt'sK, The correspondent "rantUKtic are circulating In Sweden that Hitler In ntirKlnr army lend civil- Ian personnel or making new efforts to boliter the KatcllltON." SEAPLANES JAVA South Pacific, July A Tokyo dispatch of a German news agency says five American seaplanes attacked Madrua island today.

The base lies off the east coait ot Java. It is the first reported blow at -the little island. oOo GEN, PATTOX London, July German Trangcocean cy Miyn an army under American General George. 8. Fatten has.

gone Into action in Normandy. JAPS RETREAT Ceylon, July Japs in India's Manipur state are reported blowing up every bridge nnd road as they retreat steadily along; the Tiddim road. They are- withdrawing- below lalst important village on thc Imphal plain. On the Pallo enemy reported, to. have lost 400 dead In a futile attack started 10 days ago.

assault has since been paid for inimical mcntu, Metro Music Mart, 88 Church St. Tel..

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