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Fayetteville Semi-Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 2

Fayetteville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Immirrrntinn FnJh.n. off. The Superintendent It is not often that we come acros THE DANISH SOUND DUES. the SIK(E OP SEBASTOPOL. of statistics of the Department of State has far- tural punning than will be found in the proportioned to the urgency oILe1 individual extract from a Report of a The present situation of Denmark is the subject of an artielo in ConstitutionneL AfW narrating the cirenmstancel of the, denun nished the subjoined statement, made op from nffinial Custom House returns, exhibiting the vent ion.

It is to be understood that if- marine monsters, big fish, and "small frr1 ciation of the treaty by the United it of great aeep are assemoieu in conclave thf i- "in the ohair "The American Cabinet, far from asking for a "He opened the -Convention by did not wish to make a speech; hp 1 1'" as little room, and be no longer-than possiV' "(Here the Shark whispered to the-Sworp that it was not possible for the Whale tn diminution of the dues like other States, brings the question to a close by declaring that they will not pay an thing What will this pretense lead to? It aDDears difficult to believe that the rrm lit Jortlcomi nmmbmr Dr. RtnS Amtrta MeJtml Gttit. Br THE EDITOR. YELLOW FEVER IN NORFOLK. PORTSMOUTH AXD GOS PORT.

YA. SVUotn has "the pestilence that walked in darkness," fearfully raged in any portion of oar country, uia tb viVitatioa of the yellow few tbi Summer at Norfolk, V-, and its immediate vicinity. And never before ha the public sympathy been called forth to sach an extent in behalf of the tafiererm, alike in the North as in th Sj uth, illustrating the strength of the tie of brotherhood whkhindissolubly unite oar common country, tni presenting eutopic of public lecetolenet, and personal selfacrifke, highly LooomVi to the humanity of our profusion -t r. and to the America people. case, will be found to nave Deenjajiocjsaiui, cu early employed and Judiciously administered.

We cannot close this desultory article without expressing our dissect from the prognostications of certain alarmist, who hare sought to ereaU a public panic, by vague and unwarranted surmises that the yellow fever having reached Norfolk tbi year is travelling North, and mav be expeted to become epidemio in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, possibly oo the approach of warm weather next year. If the eonugionist of the' profession were reliable oracles, or ir in-portatioa were the source of yellow fever, such panic makers would doubtless see their prophecies verified. Bat the peaa. ol 'the summer, sad for very many years pant st New Vork, leave no jut ground for apprehension tbit our "heated term" of each season will be United 8tates ahould succeed iajhna regulating iiir ihn'r'nwn account a matter which interesU th mercantile narr of the whole world. Could hi was over eighty feet now.

opinion, he only wanted a chanee to spout: inf he considered him a regular old blower.) 4 "The Whale continued, and contended tl A writer thus coolly estimates the probable cost in human life of the capture Bebacto-pol: Our countrymen at home must eipect to bear of a severe loss of life. Certain authorities' who pretend to military prescience, reckon that the second stuck on the and the Rsdaa will oost the Allies at least thousand wen in killed, wounded, and missing; that the attack on the Quarantine battery, on the walled fort to ihe right of the Quarantine harbor, on the two new lateral batteries, lately erected by the enemy, will not be aueceiifal before the French have lot at least two thousand more; "and that the capture of the caacmaud and crenelated fort on Cape Alexander, and of another liko one on Cape Nicholas, at the entrance of the war harbor, and of a large and formidable battery on Cape Paul, all of which works are" on the southern side of Sebastopol. will necessitate the sacrifice of at least three thousand, making altogether 8,000 a moderate calculation. There are, moreover, certain other Russian batteries to be taken; there is the fleet to be destroyed, and "the town itself of Sebastopol to be entered. There is no likelihood that thivte Latterirics.

chief! uew. and the fleet the United States be freed from the sound dues while the other maritime nations continued to pay them, the trade of tbe Baltic would soon be closed to all but tho vessels of the Union, which would lampooned; not that he would pun upon the made of his fat, as he did not wish to i have an immense advantage over their competitors. Tho question of tbe sound does can evidently mv.i tbe numerous viUar of mortality of such a matter. He had been harpoon least. Men were sarcastic towards hinj, andrt shafts were sham and Dointed.

'Snnm'n i- 5 protracted to generate the yellow onlv be settled bv common agreement and by a 't t-stdemic, we Jtlcr alluding fever in this climate, now that our sewerage i sort of general Consrrese of all nations. Lnd of medical ineu. resident ia number of passengers arriviug at Boston, New York, Baltimore and New Orleans, by sea, from foreign countries during the first half of 1855, compared with the number arriving at the same ports during the first half of 1854: o. first quarter: Second quarter. Total.

PomTS- 1854.1865. 1854. 1855. 1854. 1855.

Boston 1,921 1,834 8,495 5,346 10,410 6,680 New York 29,028 19,517 119,81869,084 148,841 78,001 Philsd'a 1,130 574 6,108 4.119.7,244 4,693 Baltimore 399 1,213 4,020 1,911 4,419 3,124 N.Orleans 14,191 7,178,14,188 6,244 28,379 13,417 "Tolai 152,029 7fl704l 99,293 106,51 5 This certainly exhibits a wholesale falling off, but the primary causes of it, we apprehend, are apparent to all. The Russian war, it is well known has opened a ready market for all the floating population of and those countries to which we are ordinarily indebted for the largest contributions to oar population Ireland, Germany and France, have sent, and are now sending thousands and thousands of their people to the East, which, but for the war, would have, no doubt, found their way to the West. The machine than, thit is ready to kill or be killed, has risen in value, since the siege of Se bastopol. He ia in ready demand at fair prices. It is estimated that since the commencement of hostilities, no fewer than 250,000 men have been sent off to the Black Sea," alone.

Add 50,000 more, for the land and naval service, in other quarters, and, the 300,000 aggregate it gives us, satisfactorily accounts for the decrease of emigration to tbe United States. The bard time? of last, winter, with the unfavorable impressions created by the "soup dispensation" among the poor Irish laborers' and other foreigners here, have 1 on whom tb4 nU an! baxards The Constitutionnel then proceeds to examine what will be the probable effects of the United so extensive, and our oroton water is flawing in upon us with iu sanative fruits as preventive of disease. Our heath efficer will see to it that no vessel from infected ports pssses his station, which States persisting iu their determination not to come to some arrangement. It says: "If tbe United to tales persist in refusing tne kit mi 14 off. and nor Board of Health, if they payment of the duties and in declining all nego will be ailenced without a heavy loss on the side A ikiV Amr will no source of malaria tiation.

then either Denmark will let their ves or othca nuisance to remain unsbated. And with sels pass, in which case no other nation what ui (,,, low-whales had been very much cut up, anjj ceedingly tried. He had lately learned that! substitute for oil had been invented, which mj lessen the persecution of whales but he it was all gas. The Whale alluded to a hai which, had lately hit him; it had made am! impression on him, and, he feared, had affect him deeply. "Here his feelings overpowered him, and hes down (on the Shark) amidst a general blubfe "The Shark rose with some difficulty and' marked that the cf the Whale had o0s him; in fact, it was very striking.

Ili.sowns ation was far from pleasant. He was bj pr3 sion a lawyer, and, he flattered himself, onev the deep kind. But business was bad, and had been obliged to take in a few nunila Tt.l these precautions, so far as secondary causes are concerned, and the blessing of providence, we ever will consent to pay tbe toll, and Denmark will loose the brightest jewel of her crown and the most considerable part of ber revenue, which nave no reason to anticipate ine tuiwuuu ye low fever, or aov other epidemic, in tbi latitude would be equivalent to the loss of half her territory, or the Danish cruisers will stop the vessels For the law of epidemic is as immutable as any other law of nature, and without continuous and Lc diae fc't with trrmeoJous weijj. ihy were obliged to eipoae them-clvt iu the poisonous atmosphere from which their ptieuU cuU not be, or bad not been, removed; while their daily nightly labors prediped tb-m, by exhausting their own vitality, to b.voc easy victim to dicae and death. Hut they did not shrink from their duty, and several of them bave perihed, and among them a near relative of our own.

Dr. Thomas Coovable. of Norfolk, wh fell at hi post, as a member of the Board of Health, which augment-ed lb his labor and hi danger. Honr to bis memory and that of hi aavociite uartry to heroUm and fidelity. Nothing i more worthy of record and com-mcmnraiioo, than the protaptoeae of the rcsp-n to the call fr physicians, which the illness and death of ther own medical men, and the extent of the epidemic, rendered necessary.

Volunteers, physician and medical students, hastened from the Southern and Northern cities to the help of their brethren, ready to take the place of the protracted heat, and the cnminal neglect of san atorv measures, the occurrence of yellow fever in New York is, in our opinion, a physic! impos of the United States on their passage, and if not the forta will sink them. In that case there will be a war. We need not pause to explain all tbe consequences of such anevent, especially in the present state of Europe. Were such a contingency to be realized, it would be hardly possible sibility. say nothing in reference to tae theory of those who regard such calami: ies as the i iu' lately presented a -fine opening for a young 0l who fell overboard, but was hctbh afters 1 fro) tft ctr i a oi- a a t- i for diplomacy not to intervene, actively aad with sufficient influence, in a dispute in judicial visitation of Heaven, for the wickedness of cities, but we doubt whether Norfolk and its vicinity contain greater pinners than some other cities I wot of.

But we speak only of second which all commercial nations bave a serious in doubtless induced numbers of their countrymen to stay at borne, till matters on this side should mend a little, but after all, it is clearly seen that it is the Eastern War that has, in the main, swallowed up the Western Immigration. Jour, of Commerce. terest. In point of principle, diplomatisU would inevitably declare against the pretension of the causes, because our science knows nothing of bid den thinri. which belong to God alone.

of the Allies; and if the enemy be really resolved, as some of the prisoners declare, to contest every house, every inch of ground ia Sebastopol, and, in despair, to blow it up by means of mines, then tbe carnsge will be terrible. Say, however, that tbe Allies lose one thousand only in killed and wounded daring the taking of those batteries and of tbe town and the destruction of the fleet, that will make 9,000. Theu will begin, it may be presumed, the regular bombardment of the northern side. We know not what are the strength and number of the new forta and batteries on that side, but we do know well enough that tbe Telegraph batteries and numerous strand ones; that Fort Constantino (with ita 104 gun) and outworks that another fort opposite Fort Alexander; that two batteries opposite Fort Paul; and that the immense citadel, with iU four bastions and three advanced works, bsre to be bombarded, stormed, aad carried. If those defences give any thing like the trouble and occasion any thing like the loss experienced on the southern side, we may calculate that tbe Allies will have to sacrifice at least 5,000 more men.

That would make 14,000. "It must be expected, too, that the Russians will, so long as they can, maintain, as they are now maintaining, a large army in the field; will endeavor to keep, at least for a time, a position in the Crimea, even after the loss of Sebastopol. The Allies can scarcely hope to become sole masters of this peninsular without engaging in a pitched battle say in the direction of Perckop. To act down the loss of the former at 8,000 killed wounded and missing, would certainly not be an United States. Tbe latter say that the duties At the last meeting of the New York Acade he had more cases, he should leave the lawui open as a.

dentist. "The Sea-Serpent did not wish to intrude the Convention: he did not know whether properly belonged to the fish-tribe or not. i he asked was, not to be classed with the h. whom he considered to be a vt-ry slippery cia; acter. (Here the Eel was observed to violently.) Lately, hs was passing a ceru; species of the Eel, when, just happening tote; him, he had been so shocked that he hardly my of Medicine, very great interest was expressed it.

behalf of our brethren of the profession who levied by Denmark on American vessels in the Sound exclusively result from a treaty by which the United States had consented to this taiy but arc at present battling with the epidemic, and one member expressed his willingness to go on to THE TWO GREAT EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF GEN. PEAECE. The Charlottesville Jrfferwnian, emulous of the fame acquired by Gov. Steele, of New Hampshire, in recounting the magnificent inunificeuee of Pierce, in bestowing an entire cent upon a i their help, as others would be ready to do, oo any intimation from proper authority that further covered. medical assistance needed.

The Eel hastily arose, and said that he FALL FEVERS, A'D HOW TO AVOID THEM shocked he might say electrified at these marks. It was evident-to him that the Serpe; dying and the dead, if haply they might rescue the surriTors, and aid in staying the plague by their professional skill. And smong these volunteers, without stipulating for any fee or reward, were found men of the very front rank amoog their compeers both in knowledge and experience, some of whom were familiar with yellow feTer In all its phases, and who had themselves suffered from attacks of the disease. The sen ices of such acclimated and experienced men, at such a crisis, no money could adequately reward. Nor should we fail to honor the true ootility of soul which has prompted many young physician to hasten on from Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Rich mood, Charleston, New Orleans, for all these place have one or more represcnta-tjTts there, and some of these we learn are already numbered with the dead, baring fallen ia the laborious duties to which they bad devoted themselves in the cause of science and humanity.

A full history of this pestilence in Virginia will that now, this treaty having expired, Denmark has no right to continue to levy it. Denmark, however, maintains that ber right is universal; that the treaty concluded with the United States, like those concluded with other I'6wars, only regulated the exercise of this right; that the Danish Government has enjoyed it from time immemorial, and that, even were the origin of the right in question open to doubt, it now exists by prescription. This line of argument has some weight; and it would bare still more had not Denmark for so long a time taken undue advantage of her portion by exorbitantly increasing the sound dues, and arbitrarily modifying them, often even so as The season has come when fevers prevail. A fever taken in the fall, moreover, is more apt to be stubborn than one caught in the spring. Under crying ooy, narrates tae iouowing incident: i 11 Young America.

While President Pierce was stranding near the hotel at which he bad taken rooms; a little chap, of a few summers, finding his hat band unbuckled, went upto the President and accosted him, "fix my hat band, 1 1 1 T. 1 must get himself into a coil. As tor nis wan-'slippery he thanked Neptune didn't belong to such a scaly set as the Serpm "The Whale called the Eel to order, and tt Eel called the Whale an 'old ai; these circumstances, a few hints, without regard to autumnal fevers, may do good Most fevers are the result of carelessness. Of course, we speak of fever in its ordinary form, and not of it when epidemic The prevailing sir. wnatisyour name; saia tne jrresmeai.

DeBree 'Do you know 'Yes; you are the said Young America, "fix my bat The President fixed his hat band, exaggerated calculation. Thus, every thing coolly fever of the fall season is the intermittent, com considered; they may make up their minds for a to cause considerable inconvenience in commer-furthcr loss of some 22,000 troops, to which may arrangementa. It is thus that this Power monly known as the ague, in which the fever ran off tar a time, or intermits, making war for and then Young America went to his play, contented and happy that he, too, was the President's be added 1.500 more during the next three pnpmrt! a storm ana rendered every one i -'7. doubtless be forthcoming from some or the medi niMi. months the most unhealthy in the year bostue to a tax wbicb, bad it been established 'poor i was then summarily put out of the Conventioi Turtle said he was suffering from a slip indisposition.

He was walking on shore, he su a short time since, when he met a party of jol; young sailors. The result was, that he was flat on his back, and was unable tomoveforgcur time, and since then he had not felt so lively i usual. There was one thing to which he oui call theattention of the Convention; he.prife himself upon the purity of his political principle He was the Alderman's best friend. The Shin had lately insulted him by calling him a 'remit cal men who may sum re, until which I an access or cold, which, in severe cases, rise to time it I a ciiill thtt gjujgj tie whoie perjon. Xhi fever, rendered unfit for service by disease or illness: w11" more moderation and subject to Ies change, would undoubtedly have continued to be paid altogether 23,500.

As the donation of the cent secured one Presidential term, the "hat band," it is conjectured, will ensure another. The two together must prove invincible. As Gov. Steele's narrative may have become a without opposition. In relation to the official notice, which the Administration at Washington have given to Den EDITOR DREAMING ON WEDDINO CAKE.

A bachelor editor out west, who had received from the fair hand of a bride a piece of elegant mark of a termination of the treaty which exists wedding cake to dream on, thus gives the result between the two rovernments relative to the en of his experience: forcement of tbe Dues, the London Shipping does not become those at a distance to speak authoritatively as to it causes, the sources of its extension and fatality, its peculiar phases, or the comparative merit of the variety of treatment to which a resort has been had during the panic. Indeed there is good ground of apprehension that no good, but rather much evil, has resulted from much thst has been published in the newspapers already on all these topics. The speculations which allege importation a it only source, and contagion as the means of its propagation, are much to be deplored, as diverting attention from the local sources of malarious emanations, which msy be traced, discovered and removed, before another ''heated term" of Summer shall endanger once taken, i frequently not got nd of till the following spring, and often hangs about the victim for a longer time, continually recurring. A drink of iced lemonade, or a north-easterly wind, has been known to bring back this fever, long after the individual had supposed himself cured of it. Not unfrequently it is present when least suspected.

A nervous irritability, a alight disposition to chilliness, and a feeling of indescribable wretchedness, often attend persons, who are yet unable to tell what is the matter with them. They really suffer from intermittent fever. In fact, it prevails, under this low type, to a far greater degree than is generally imagined. Exposure to the night air at this season, siu We put it under the head of our pillow, shut holds the following language: our eyes sweetly a an infant, blesed with an easy "Regarding the differencet between the United conscience, soon snoreu proaigiousiy. ine goa states and Denmark as a neutral party, and with oi areams genuy toucuea us, ana io; iu iancy we every desire to take the part of tbe weak against little rusty on Democratic memories, we republish it.

His Excellency was urging Pierce's superior fitness for the Presidency over all competitors. He broke forth as follows: "Sir," said Govenor Steele, "I have known the whole career of General Pierce from the day he first took his scat in- this hall. I have admired his exploits in Congress and in Mexico. But I have an incident in my mind, which I will relate, which, in my humble judgment, exhibits the character of the man in a more illustrious light than all his efforts in the forum or the field: "It was something more than twenty years ago, (General Pierco was then somewhat younger than he is now) he was travelling through one were married: rver was a little editor so bsppy. the strong, we are bound to confess that, in our It was my love, 'dearest, ringing in opinion, the course taken by the Cabinet at old Hard "Here the Shark interrupted bim by ash; 'Is not that your case? "The Turtle replied, that he 'should say nothisi more at present, but should have something lay before the next replied tbe Shark, few eggs "The Porpoise undertook to speak, but speedily silenced.

Tbe expression oftheGonvei tion was, that he was 'a "The 'Small Fry' were text called upon Oysters, Lobsters, and others. The Oyster open his case, "which was a hard one. He was alway-in trouble a perpetual stew or broil. His haS-brother, Clam, was a disgrace to the family always in liquor, and generally considered i Some of his family were indolent, an: our ears every moment: vju: tnat tne dream nad ashington is justifiable and correct. The tri tend to en toe public health.

they I ting in damp rooms, or remaining with wet clothes gender a false confidence in quarantine regulations, oo. are toe most ordinary examples or tbe care- a all prove, arJ not reliable. The temperature of I C.t, the atmo-phere in New York and. Philadelphia 1 TbV 10 tbe COQ.0t7' I( in suburban broken off here. But no, some evil genius put into the head of our ducky to hare pudding for dinner just to please ber lord.

In a hungry dream we sat down to dinner. Well, the pudding moment arrived, and a huge slice almost obscured from slight the plate before us. "My said we fondly, 'did you make bute exacted by Denmark, not only on American shipping, but on all, is arbitrary in tbe extreme, and no sufficient reason has ever been shown why it was originally imposed. The United States having tried ineffectually, for ten or twelve years to release the commerce of America from so unjust an impost by fair offers of compromise, and having found that the Danish Government would listen to no reasonable terms, cannot now be ac- and Baltimore, during the past Summer, has not been hih enough to develop the cottages, are particularly liable to intermittent, for they sit out in the moon light, without their heads being covered, just as they would in and the consequence is a fit of of the western towns of this and as he entered the principal village, he beheld three boys eating candy. At a brief distance he beheld another boy sitting alone, and that boy was not poison, and to thi our exemption ia'due, far more spent most of their time in There hi 'Yes, love, ain't it nice! eating, but he was crying.

treneral -Jfierce, feei hiiiaiI nf TYinmarV hir mrnrit nrl nnri the chills. Other, forgetting that country houses are damper than city ones, neglect to make fire morning and evening, a thins: almost indisoen- been some rakes among them, who had cres: 'Glorious the best bread pudding I ever tasted nw k- fr Hin herself nf interested in so strange a circumstance, in mv Ii i i Tf I inquired into the case, and ascertained that he sable for health, for though farmers do not do uuntcu wuicu Biui no rum uu uci liuuiiucitu. m.i i was crying because nc bad no money to buy Plnm pudding, ducky, auggested nr wife. Duea were not in their original imposi great disturbance. "There was one of his neighbors, he said would not call any names, for he scorned scandal who was very surly and crabbed.

He was a one ded nobody approved of his motioni than to tbe vigilance tf health officers; and so of many other place, which else might have been viMted. In Richmond, a large member of cases have appeared; every one of whom were recently from the icfected place; but not a single instance has occurred in that city in which the fever was contract from the. case. One ha occurred in the New York hospital, and another in Williams-burjrh, both from Norfolk, having received the -here, aad reached here before tb- dis-i candy. No sooner had he learned tbe fact in the ng no, dearest, bread pudding.

I always was Ucn arbitrary, and in their retention illiberal, case, than, with that noble generosity which fond of 'em. the notice given by the United States might be has ever distinguished Pierce through his whole tuis im uctiun lory sii in ueir aitcnens wnere there are such fires, and therefore do not feel the need of it. Physician attribute these fevers to the miasm in the atmosphere, caused by the decay of vegetable matter in damp localities. In-termittents always prevail most where, after heavy "snarp all si rn- looked upon as what the lawyers while her lips slightly curled with contempt. Dr4Ctice: but.

as the case stands, and in life, he puts his hand in his pocket, DKEW FORTH 77 ncvrn I 1. 7 i i I uaiu uim iuc icsii boon, auvdutac ux ill 111 utw A CENT, bought a stick of candy and gave- tt to 3 t. I A I7n a LarTt Ha TQTVitfn 1 1 tt rati pan Koitrirsrfl 'Certainly, mv dear reckon I ve had enonzh fu- maJ. -wA unnsurT. and mere local the boy.

ALTHOUGH THE BOY WAS A TOTAL at the Sherwood House to know bread restrictions shackle and impede commerce, sharp rams in June ana July, toe sun comes out bot in t.T biiea itseir. oo one STRANQEB TO GENERAL PIERCE!" "The Codfish, who had been visiting a 'school the Shad, much net-tied at what he had hear: v. I 1 mm my love, by aU ahonld be the word. Husband this is really too bad plum pud- statement said to be in the protest of the i 4 -U6US oep.cmoer. uve near a tract or ror no fact' The Shortest Way.

Some twelve years ago, the aristocratic Salmon, who got into a row wii ater, i not tnererore than ti.t th- with yel-! Uoi buned nnr renorl ia h. V. ai "healthy to reside ding is twice a bard to mate as oreaa puaaing, ana rh Government, to the effect that America Napoleon (Indiana) was celebrated for two things, a York State Trout, who called him a Norths near a half drained l.nJ- 11- .1 o. fc.v-. seldom contributed more man ozvu a year to- 0ne for the carousine oroDensities of its citizens.

ish with Southern tr nc rles: and the Fhiti i I ir-razato tbe malr. BCoW VmP ciwiwi. tuwuzu i inn nm nuaainir. sari ana mr Dreur Uak.j t. mii.

i -i i i. i. vrr not invariably, are eiempt. a. wooa or uul I r- wro uwuuu vwo, uia-i ana me oiuer ior inc ereai uuuiuer oi cross roaus wno new into a tremendous passion wife's brow flashed with excitement.

shelu-nng a house from the wind that blow from ulc, ui vjiia jc upuu icotu.ui iuc i jQ jjg vicinity, it appears tnat an eastern coi- 100a pan in tne proceedings oi tne Convention. United States amount to more than 5100,000 an- lector had stopped at Dayton to spend the night "But so it was, A last, as the erudite Dogberj a noxioo locality, frequently protect the inmates iii-v, lurrci jrc, uevkU.r-VI IMC OieTClop- tLv -iac in peos who Lave, been cap- -u l-i epidemic, after their removal to t.d distant places, deserves the severest 'My love, my sweet, my dear love, exclaimed we sooth i of ly, 'do not get angry, I'm sure it's verv rood, if it is bread pudding. nuauy. rrom ao-o ioto vuey axerageu i and gain some information respecting bis future I nas it, tnat 'the whole dissembly disappears 1107.467 a vear. and for the five vears endinir I AAiiica HnMn ha ooaninr ha mart Konnm I fffnA riir? or nnfnritKofnntnn am a '2'- irom taxing tne disease.

Care, in avoiding an intermittent, is the more necessary, because the fever sometimes, though i I wui aui a un v- uiul umvb. wvvuiuv i vvv uuiy uvvnivuobduuuit' All AwLCIllUv reprt illusion You mean, low wretch, fiercely replied my i 7 18-8 they amounted to Danish Uanx qaainted with an old drover, who appeared well turbance made by a 'jolly)ld Sole' and 'a lott nx dollars. I posted as to the geography of the country, "Harper's Magazine. wife in a higher tone, 'you know it and the collector thought he might as well in not ofico, runs into severe types. Next in danger to intermittent is tbe remittent, to which the fever subsides for a while, but afterward return with its old violence.

Tbe ordinary biliou fever quire in regard to the best route to different points to which he was destined. is oi tbi character. Tbe continued fevers are "I wish to go to Greenfield;" said the collector, "now which way will be my shortest way? UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE 'Then, ma'am, it is so meanly put together, and so badly burned, that the devil himself' wouldn't know if I tell you, madam, most dis-1 tinctly and emphatically, and I will not be con-! tradicted, that it is bread pudding, and the meanest kind at 'It is plum shrieked my wife, as she hurled a glass of claret in my face, the glass itself tapping tbe claret from my Bread rasped we, pluck to the "Well, sir," said the drover, "you had better the moat dangerous of alL When yellow fever prevails epidemically, fevers of less virulence, and of all types, rage in the same region, attacking those who escape the pestilence; and some physicians -say that they also exist, to a greater go to Napoleon and take the road leading nearly FRO 31 FATETTEriLLB Tia OWEXSYILIE. CLIXTOS, and SPEl.VG YALE to WARSAW. H.

C. norm. The traveller noted it down. W11 ir if winKot tn trr. tr Distance 49 miles; running daily except degree than a sua, for a year or two preceding the miiuu.iuuiui 3Aeu tue collector, eve- i 1 o'clock A.

in trme in MimM mith thm r. .1 i 1 1 vi" ing tne arover cioueiy ana tninJcmg he was being ug jNortn or south. nnosea on. i xvevurnior. tesTe warsaw uauv fexcent KAturasy JUDGE NOT.

Jnarn hot-, the workings of his brain Aad of his heart thou canst not see; What looks to taj dim eyes a stain, la God's pure light may onlj be A scar, brought from some well-won field, Where thoa wouldst nlj faint and yield. The look, the air, that frets thy sight. May be a token, that below The soul has dosed in dead'y light With some infernal fiery foe, Whose glance would scorch the smiling grace. And east thee shuddering on thy face! The fall thou darest to despise May be tho slackened angel's hand Has suffered it, that he may rise And take a firmer, surer stand; Or, trusting less to earthly things, May henceforth learn to use his wings And judge none lost; bat waitand see 1 With hopeful pity, not disdain; The depth of the abyss may be The measure of the height of pain, And love and glory that may raise -Thi soul to God in after days! Household Words. "Goto Napoleon and take the road north-west." VT of Cars 80m 0Pth and Soatkl1 The Collector looked at his note book: everv VXlfJ-uJ?" Quarantine therefore, against the person hailing from infected places, whether sick or well, is a barbarous as well as useless imposition, fur which ignorance is the bais, and any pecuniary forfeiture or fee extorted from such persons, by ofEcu! or otherwise, merits the penalties against obtaining money under false pretences.

Such legal restrictions against tsrU coming from infected places, on which yellow fever ha appeared, or from the holds of which when opened, the poison-oca malaria may contaminate, oar atmosphere, are very proper, for all such vessels should be subjected to quarantine; and this a'oue afford tte coly national pretest for the continuance of the system. No lea to be deplored have been tbe incidental effort, made through the public press, to create the impression that the malady so fatal in Norfolk, Jtc, is not the yellow fever, but some other and more fatal pestilence, as the African fever, the plague, 4c. From reliable source and data we take it upon ourselve to say that the epidemic in Virginia ia neither more nor leas than yellow Jterr, and differs in no respect ia its phases, or mortality, from that fever a it prevails in New Orleans and other cities at the Suuth, during tbe Summer months. The tardy removal of the inhabitants from the infected district msy have augumented its mortality, especially among the physician and public ofSccra whose duties kept them nightly exposed tothe poison; but we fear from the lone of certain publication we bave seen, that tbe want of success iu treating the malady may bave partly arisen epidemic, thus giving warning of its approach. But this opinion is not universally held.

A cartful collection and analysis of facte, derived from tbe late experience of New Orleans, Savannah, and Norfolk, might, however, definitely determine thi question. Exhauation of tbe physical powers, either by excess, fatigue, or protracted grief, renders the individual peculiarly liable to fall fever. Tbe surest way to avoid them is to live moderately, eating nourishing food, taking daily exercise, and 1 1 ti a. m. wnicng rKUU uegau io leei rassengera going North or South, or coming to ft.

his mettle rise, and he turned once more tothe etteville from North or South, no detention and cert last, and grasping a roasted chicken by tho left leg. Plum rose above tho din, as I had a distinct perception of feeling two plates smash across my head. Bread pudding! we groaned in a rag a the chicken left our hand, and flying with swift wing across the table, landed in madam' bosom. 'Plum pudding! resounded the war cry from the enemy, as the gravy dish took us where we had been depositing the first part of our dinner, and a plate of beets landed upon our white vest. 'Bread pudding shouted we in defiance, dodging the soup tureen, and falling beneath its contents.

Plum yelled the amiable spouse, ai drover with, "Suppose my friend, I wanted to go fill. It connection both ways. All Passengers going Nf fc from Fayetteville will arrive at Warsaw in time for the cars going North and South, Alio uruvcr uever biuiieu out scratcueu HIS Passengers travelline this route will find old. en- cultivating cheerfulness of mind. An "ounce of head, and after a moment's hesitation, said, rienced and sober Drivers, fine Stock, and as fine ne Troy Coaches as on any route in the United States.

i "Well, my dear sir, I don know of any short er road you could take than to go to Napoleon." 7 mi ii V. FKEDERICK, Contractor, JNO. B. SOUTHERLAND, Sup't Warsaf ISAAC BOYKIN, Sup't Clinton. ROBERTS Sup't, FayetteTi-'' Warsaw, N.C.; July.

193m remember, is worth "always a pound of exmf'Pkiladeljthia Ledjer. Fusion in Maine. Don't crowd the Mourner t. Tbe Portland (Me.) Arjut tells the following good story: "A gentleman, not long ago, while passing through a town in thi State, saw a small father iuc ai Mytrr. j.uerc is an oia pro- I 11 fT 11 vero mat iei us "xaienesa is the aevil pillow' and well may it be so esteemed, for no head ever rested long upon it; but the lips of the evil spirit ST ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA- were at its ear, breathing falsehood and tempta- Chatham 'Comity- Superior Court of Lav, i The Georgetown.

S. Pee Dee ItlLPA. tt ill a ing of people in a meeting house, and inquired of 12th insl says: 1 tion. Ihe industrious man is seldom found Spring Term, 1855. Wa received from a frin U1U" cnme lor be nas no tlme to Ilsten to II is ordered by the Court, that the day set apart Hof all Stale cases Tn from "tbe expectant treatment" or the do-noth system of medical practice, so highly eulogi ief noticing our misfortune, she determined to keep us down by piling upon our head the dishes with no gentle, band.

Then in rapid succession followed the war cries. 'Plum pudding! she shrieked with every dish. Bread in smothered tones, came up from the pile in reply. Then it was 'plum pudding In rapid succession, the last cry growing feebler, till just as I can distinctly recollect, it had grown to a whisper. 'Plum pudding 1' resounded like thunder, followed by a tremendous crash, as my wife leaped upon the pile with her delicate feet, and commenced jumping up and down when thank Heaven, we awoke, and thus saved our life.

We shall never dream on wedding cake again that's the moral. 7" WiU -kwrnp at negro with the enjoyments honesty affords. It is the nged from Thursday to Monday of each succeed l' a '-7 JMt Enrin vicious idler, vexed to see the fortunes of h-a he iame; that publication of thi order Bramble and wife, and Leonard Walters, from industrious nehrhbor trrowinff whilfl inJ be made for three 8uccessi weeks in the North C- Lttmberton, N. arrived at Buck's lower mS St wE5k. IS lounging iina star, and Fayetteville Observer; commanding iower mm ana murmunne.

wno robs and mnrrWa a siore-aeeper near oy, wno was dead: remarking at tbe same that he guessed it was a poor person, as there appeared to be but few mourners. The tore-keeper laughingly replied "You were niter more mistaken in your life. Io thi town tbe poor man has as many mourners a the rich. Tbe gathering you see is oo funeral, but fusion wuus meeting." The Salt lake City people hare their trouble as well as others. Tbe United States soldier hare been playing the mischief with the hearts of for tne DarDOSe.

as theT said, of vit i F'i t. con oi oiate cases, I miT mi uuiawiui iniu. il in in marvir fhAmvht. ah iJptAtiniLnra luinnd nu. in TllUI k.

in tne neigUDornood, for their health. On Thnra-1 .6, a the certain letter writers tor tne press. We speak as a witness, rather than a a disputant, when we say, that familiarity with the yellow fever many years since in a Southern city, authorizes our conviction that oo form of "expectant ever designed, can adequately meet tbe infiammatory and congestive pathological state, which quickly uperrenea io well characterised yellow fever. When the epidemic is c-er. and the truth, comes out from reliable da evenin? about dark thev left.

I mgu wi uia i xrj nxt -i V' secas me wine-cup ana the eaminff-table. TZ r. oepiemoer i 10 o'clock, A. or their forfeiture will be record 25: Itthe sensual idlerwhose licentiou3ar 2 ed against them. opened to the voice of the tempter as often as his And all Officers havinir orecents to-eiecrfill ple3-- tracjc crosses tne path of youth, and innocence.

tne mormon girls. iJngham Young says they have corrupted the moral of the women, and he turn to said Court in behalf of thejSr govern then take due notice of the above cf selves accordingly. e'rfcierk of our said Court. Census of Boston. The total population of Boston has been ascertained to be 163,000.

It is estimated, however, that Boston business men uuvnouii wilu turce or lour men started in pursuit, and overtook them about 4 o'clock in the morning 33 miles ou their way back. Coming np to them they hid the boy in bashes and denied having biai, until they were told if they did. not call the boy they would flog them, when they produced the boy. They were taken to Horry jail, there to await their trial "wE temMj if they "to records of the dead. sTtli Witness, William Srfl MftnH of Maroh, A.

at office in PiUa" OUNTER. S. Miss (J handler's Elements of Character. A MISEIt'S EPITAPH. Here lies Old Thirty-three Per Cent! The more he got the more he lent; The more he lent the more he craved Good God, can such a soul he saved? of the Mormon xeoo.

mdi are caHed for, 17 Wm namt' and families numbering fifty thousand persons reside in the neighboring towns. fLANKS for sale at this Office.

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