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The Winfield Daily Free Press from Winfield, Kansas • Page 2

Winfield, Kansas
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TITK EVENING FREE TIIESS TIESPAV, Jl'LY 2fl, 1910 I i. TAUi THU i i 1 1 ii i 1 THE EVENING FREE PRESS POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ESTABLISHED 1889 EATON. Failed In Health "My mother died tlx years ago," writes Miss Ward, of Jerscyville, "and left me to care for'Tsij children. I had never been strong; and this, with the shod Mr. and Mrs-D.


FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for county attorney, subjoct to the acU-o of tbe Republican voters at tbe primary to be held August 2, IIP. C. S. BEEKMAN.

I am a candidate for the Republican nomination county attorney at the August primary. The threshing machine expects to oi ner aeain, was too mucn lor me. "I failed In health, I was tired all the time and hit not want to go anywhere, nor care for company. 1 had the headache all the time and such bearing-down pains. "A very dear friend advised me to take Cardui, as it had done her so much good, to 1 commenced to use it and now I am in good health, HALlll TKNNATi, be through here this week.

Miss Effle Foudray went to Cedar TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION vale Saturday to visit kindred. DAILY BY MAIL. Mrs. Mary Wilson and son, Robert, CARDU L. II.

WEBB. FOR PROBATE JUDGE. I nereby announce myself as candidate for the office of Probate Judge, subject to. the Republican Three Months 50c visited Devter relatives Thursday. Six Month $1-00 DAILY BY CARRIER.

Oi Week 10c Ome Month 45c Three Months, In advance. 25 Oie Year, In advance $5.00 One Year 2 00 Next Sunday at (he usual hours is Mail Subscriptions In Advance. primaries of August 2, 1910. ELLIS FINK. Altered at the Poetofflce at Wlnfleld, at Second-clase Mail Matter.

REGISTER OF IEKIS. We are authorized to announce the Bro. Smith's regular appointment here. This is very discouraging weather for the corn. This hoi, dry wind will do it much injury.

Ed Wl.son It convalescing and will soon be able to come out to the farm. name of E. W. Coulson as a candidate for tbe republican nomination 44 Tbe Woman's Tonic Women's pains art relieved or prevented and women's strength is quickly restored, by Cardui, the woman's tonic. You yourself know best if vou need it, or not If you do need it.

do not delay, but commence to use! It at once. Every di of delay, only lets you slide further down the lUIL I Don't wait, then, but begin to take Cardui today, for its use, no matter how prolonged, cannot harm you and will1 surely do you good. Writ tot Ladles' Advisory Dwt, ChatUnoota MedldM Cbittaaoott. Team, for Special Imtnutiom, and M-mt look. "Hmm Trtatmtat lor Women," tent free.

UNIONfMLABEL for Register of Deeds at the primary election en August 2. FOR COUNTY TREASURER We are authorized to announce the name of J. W. Stanforl as a Mr. and Mrs.

Jameson and Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Bruffefct were visitors at D. W.

Broffetts Sunday. candidate for re-nomination for the office of "ounty Treasurer on the In playing checkers always remember that a king moves either way. i The men who attack are never in the same class as winners with the men who wait. A West Ninth street citizen sat down on a varnished chair at noon today, and had to be chopped Ioofp with an ax. 'republican ticket at the primary Miss Velma Porter, of near visited relatives and friends here last week.

I Mrs. Ed Searle and daughter spent Harley David Yale, election to be held en the 2nd day of August. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of A. L.

Branson as a candidate for renomination for the office of sheriff of Cowley County on the Thursday night at the home of her father, J. F. Henderson. A Winfield man runs two refrigerators: One for food and one to keep his talking machine records from melting. It is not etiquette to call on anybody in Winfield on Sunday without at least thirty minutes warning over the telephone.

J. F. Henderson returned home son, Wednesday from Kansas City on tha Republican ticket at the primary to be held August 2, 1910. jsick list. He is able to be about (again.

Indian, When a man has to button up his wife's dress in the back, he realizes that she is not the willowy creature he once worshipped. x- Mrs. Clara Taylor was called to Winfield Wednesday by the death of her niece. The sorrowing ones have our sympathy. We are glad to know that Mrs.

J. C. Dulaney, whose serious illness To he inherently smart; to be industrious, and then to be proof FOlt REGISTER OF DEEDS We are authorized to announce the name of J. N-Day, of Grant township, as a candidate for register of deids of Cowley county, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at tie primar to be held August 2, 1910. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER We are authorized to announce the against being spoiled that is the great trinity of success.

Let the world take this and try to beat it. Harry of Win caused much uneasiness to her fami MOTORCYCLES CALL AND SEE OUR. LINE The Winfield Bicycle Spg. Goods Co. field, not only took his wholefamily on a country vacation this week, but ly and friends, is convalescing.

Mrs. Anna Hamilton and daugh he also took" the family cow along for the rural outing. -x name of M. L. Wortman, of Vernon township, for county commissioner of.

A Winfield citizen died in the middle of summer, and found himself In the bad place. "Can't do anything to you here," said the man with the the first district subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ters, Misses Meddle and Jean, and Mrs. Cramer and children, of Wichita, visited at the Kephart home the first of last week. Misses Lena Hanna and Julia horns; "I will have to sentence you to Arkansas City." primary to be held August 2, 1910. REGISTER OF DEEDS.

It is all in the incentive. A small boy living in West Winfield who has to be pounded every morning in order to get him out of bed, was up Knox left Friday for Mulvane, as delegates to attend a convention of At the earnest solicitation of friends I have become a candidate tbe Y. P. S. C.

E.j- which convened at 4 o'clock this morning to go fishing. for register of deeds and ask the sup- there Saturday, Sunday and Mon The extensive sale of post of Democratic voters at the pri day. "I can't see why on earth a woman persists in buttoning clothes on mary to be held August 2, 1910 Miss Helen Wilson went to Win field Thursday to spend a few days, the wrong side," stormed a Winfield man, as he struggled with the front r.f the new shirt his wife had just completed. "Well," snapped back the wife, "by what precedent does a man state which is the right or wrong side to button up clothes? Women wore clothes before man ever thought FRANK A. CHAPIN.

FOR CONGRESS. We are authorized to announce o5 Little Misses Ruby, Opal and Ma rine and Master Austin Dunlaney spent a part of last week at the of them. I guess Mrs. Eve was already arrayed in her hobble skirt gown that V. L.

Poison of Fredonia, is a candidate for the Democratic nomi Cranston home. of flK leaves, when Adam came in from hi's hunting trip and found her, nation for Representative in Con Mrs. Mayme Brown and sister, Miss 107 after the aipple eating episode." gress from the Third Congressionaal District of Kansas. Georgia Spitzer, were visitors at Win is owing to their perfect purity. field the 16th and 17th and attended Democratic votes are respectfully the Assembly.

While rthere Mrs. solicited at the primary election to The Free Press i3 in receipt of the following communication from a former society man in, Winfield. Dear note that you are well stocked on white waistcoats and are without a dress suit. About a year Brown became ill and was not able be held August 2nd, 1910. to return home last week.

ago I married and retired from society. My dress suit is now hanging In LOANS First Class Farm loans 6 per cent Int. no commission FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE. To the Republican voters In the the attic where moths are apf. to corrupt or thieves rbealt through and Mr.

and Mrs. Bugg and child of steal. White vests would be useful to me in my present state as I can Oklahoma, visited last week at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Elmer August primaries: I announce myself as a candidate for your renomination to the office of justice of the slip them on over my shirt to cover up the marks of the baby's ringers. Also City Loans.

Over Winfield Natl. Bank. E. O. Kyger UNDERTAKES and EMBALMER open day and night AmbulanceService 1016 MAIN St.

Haney. They also visited one day at the Hanna home. Mrs. Bugs: was It is possible that you and I might make some sort of a trade if you will peace of Winfield. Signed Emory communicate with, Fond Father Fuller Street.

formerly Miss Glen Waitkins and W. Earhart. fA. H. HAVENS lived here in an early day.

Somebody is shy a tombstone. A Winfield man yesterday told the The annual school meeting came following story: When he was a boy he and several other boys were Offce PhoDe 3 off Thursday. R. S. Wilson was lies.

seized with an ambition to be printers, a kind of attack, which often elected director to succeed Elmer Special Aileeitioi comes to innocent and unsuspecting youth. The boys "lifted" some type and various material from the different Winfield printing offices, se Don't risk even one tingle penny And I will tall sou why I im this. Williams. Vernon Brothers of near Winfield will teach the seven-months term of school beginning the first Office hears to 18; 1 to 6 Off'oe Phone Residence Phone IfrUJwoause every packs of Dr. hO curing enough for their purposes with one exception: they had no im GIVEN TO Pressing, Cleaning and Pepairing of Clothes wcueuM ui uueviuwcy free 1 ram.

Vo one need ritk even one ilnvle penny. posing stone. An imposing scone is a stone ground smooih on the top so Jut think what thla In th. mff.rfii. week in September.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Beswick and son Harold, returned to Winfield Slflkl See Ouk Line Of Garden City nte, nothing whatever that can be moved about cn it.

The bof couud dot get a etone In printing office, for the stent's several hundred pounds a piece. Fo risk, in leal health fin urn. For 30 full dart, an DR. P. W.

GIBSON Osteopathic Physicia (Successor to Dr. T. J. Floyd) Booms 8 to Fuller Bllr Wlnflei.i Hi, Graduate of American Sctiool Osteopa rksvllle. wiinoui HienooOTafinjie penny, you can dm either of my tt Aioujduoiie br.

Snoop Tailoring Co. Suit Samples J. F. GESNER Sunday after a short visit at the home The boys thought long and and finally it cured to. one of Kattorauve or vrr utaaf rMtt iimn tic Remedy.

of his Mrs. Knox. Their Then why take any chance whatever? Whv tmrcruute anvmedininwhaet Over Root's Shoe Store. Pho. 481 them to get a tomb stone in 'te Accordingly one daric night they slipped out to the 'emetery and stone- kj-owo i'in 'he mother, Mrs.

Beswick accompanied maker dare not back itjutt at I do bg thit remarkabU ofert 'them home for a few days visit and for medical monument trade as a "marker." The boys carried the marker to a bugy, And beside. Jamnoi Artofoa. la hi made Dt My "Mo and hauled it to town and for a year used it as a printer's imposing ShOAc'l Ratio: laverydrugMor fn the land. Th "We take fiaia. ADVERTISEMENT FOR FED MChanoe who vet Here.

ctone. So far as the boys ever knew rthe marker never was For twenty ears Dr. 8 hoop medldnei hart ERAL BUILDING SITES ROSCOE BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 thorough) ttandardlzad all ovar AmaHo. And havadtSilnUitM) hnnaat and hihhu More boys are born than girls, but fewer grow to maturity and were Ibl drunfett lrerVj ftrjoT villas every, where to artnTCTlns Vtfpirf renin. Then elected druiiWtl arcrsisArMrmlr fndlcln wttk it not for a Divine Providence there would be no boys who ever grew Koom 14, Poller Block.

Phone 4Sf the elek and Tne entire risk is riilne alone. F. A. Piper Painter and Decorator job madesatisfactory. Leave orders at Fridenburjfs Drug Store, or 1006, Main Street.

Treasury, Department Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C. June 29, Proposals are hereby solicited to beyond the age of twelve, and few who even attained that of com But write me tint for an order. 1 have an arect in almoet avrv entnmtiB. ttr but all drussisU are not authorised to granl fe tbe SO day tent.

So droD me a line, nil nd tbuteare aB iiianDOlntmenta and delava. be opened In the office of the super Room 2 and 3 Office Phnn 4r TVmley Block Res. Phone 8fJ- vising architect, Treasury Department Washington, D. C. at ten o'clock on Besides, you are free to eoniult me br letter at rou would your home pbyiidan.

Do to fraeli and fully if you deiire. My advice and the book below am yours and without cosu Perhaps word or two from me will clear nn anm iwrinua BR. 6E0R6IA B. SMITH ailment. I have helped thousand! upon thousands br oil i Graduate American 81 cool of OsteoiJatb mj private prescription or personal advtof an.

Besides, the honUs will onm nn turat and i Auguf 1, 1910, for the sale or donation to the United States of a corner lot, approximately 140x140 feet, centrally and conveniently located and suitable for a Federal building site at Winfield, Kansas. AUCTIONEER helpful Ideas to rou. They tell oi my SO yean experience at thp homes and in Hospi. tals. All phase I and rp.lipf are tnld at office here.

They UV ii ttlfar iAv1 "Inf-ide nerve" parative discretion. When a boy gets a nickle it goes immediately to his stomach. He lives on soda pop, ice cream cones, green apples, raw peanuts, bananas, pawpaws, green walnuts, anything except plain bread and butter. He gets into deep water when he is red hot, whether he can swim or not. He skips along the roofs to houses, perches on the smallest twigs of trees, runs in front of automobiles, hitches his bicycle to streetcars, dances cancans barefooted among boards filled with rusty nails, docs cicus stunts on cracked broomsticks hung from rotten cotton-wood trees ten feet from the ground.

He goes without an overcoat in winter, chasing from an overheated schoolhouse out into zero weather. In summer he runs races in the sun, clad in two garments only, with the thermometer registering 10 in the shade. He makes love to all the stray cranky dogs that cross his path, he seeKs out beetles, buss and snakes for companions. And yet he lives. And.

God bless him, with all his noise, his interference, his restlessness, his hair-raising feats, his interminable questions, he makes life worth living for the rest of us old fogies. Office Th6ne 71 Pa one7o CO L. S. L. KING no larger thay iillou VUbatT tut givei ta th Heart its imujise.

Hmr the hiinitWn. DR. THOb. H. CLOVER 1307 S.

Manning' Upon application tbe Postmc-'rj will supply prospective bidders with circular giving particulars as to quiements and instructions for pi Osteopathic -Physbuar "acta have their Inside or pow-pr nerve. Ho ihese organs surelyalter when thes controlim master nerveytSJiii to fall. How Dr. Shoop'i Restorative goA rtiset-f'x to these nerve, ind rebuilds, indhiUi Jd restore the loM lone and rowiyl calf you if it It within the power of tmfilrfft to do so. Mr best sflort is surely worth youj sii.ple request.

So writ towr while It is fresh Tiiiind. ton tomnm Ljve Stock Sales. to dateMethctl teed paation cf bids and data to acorn Rooms 14. 15, 16 Thompson Bloc exjer; pany same. Winfield Kans draduated three years coarse at CeD FRANKLIN MACVEAGII.

Secretary, eed. Guaranteed, bone 740. oever comes. Dr. Sboop.

Box 12. Racine. Wis WMca ok latU I scd Toot 1 On Dyspepsia Wo. 4 For Women So. 2 Cm the Heart No.

For Md On the ludnar No. bp Eiieumtlsast. tral College oi Kanta City Mo..

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