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Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 3

Fayetteville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mr. Help Speech. There ia no man who stands fathered a few rioe Straw-1 CONGRESS Extract of a Ltlter Ik Editor. higher in the House of Representative than Mr berriea as early as Sunday but the first we haye the lath, the bill to distribute tbes pro coeds of' "I learn from all quarters most flattering FAYETTEVILLE 28, the Publ Bel) of He has been a consistent sup- seen this season. io Lands among the State being' uu- assurances of success in our -1 think it Brandy, peach.

50 a 60 .4 uwv 48 a 50 Molasses, porter of Gen. Jackson but the refusal to transfer Ditto, apple, 45 a 05 (Nails, cut. FAYETTEV1XL.K: that support to Van Buren, and the warm support JMwraer tmd Suicide. The Northern pa- Sugar, brown', 12i THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1836. Lump, nejias given to judge Whiter naveorawn oown, pyf nave long," ana Upon tue whole very upon bim the, utmost rancor of the pack which dilating accounts of an occurrence 1.

a 1 a a -t- AMa if aetata, 7 Beeswax, i Coffee, Qottob, new 15 65m 70" 6r 22a23 14 a 15 15al6 85 a 90 uer Mr-Beaten, (Van.Bixren) made impossible we can be are certain Ir.8outb,;of th? Senator in Richmond and Robeson, and al-J; lU th0 0t.h BdJat' 1 ia tb composed of Bladen, Columbua th. Whl8 jBureh candidate. Our candidate is Col. Burney. made to nroiS, t-Wt-myta.

have been lhc cou thou Te of Columbus, 2iJ.E2?rf county he' formerly represented in the of tlw aarploa among the, i ep-isUtuep a They have all been defeated by th Van Buren ftatu- -Aalagli Begutcr Kcimblican lVhig Ticket Salt, JTobacco, leaf, 15 SlVGll fc- WHITE, for President. fOH TYt.EU,yr Vice-President 1 25 10 a 12 Corn, Candles, F. P. Flaxseed, Flour, Feathers, Bale Rope, 7 rhwm ork and another in Philadelphia. the special mark for their envenomed shaHa.

But meP in he can be harmed by attacks from such Ihe New York Tragedy was the murder sources as the Globe. of a "most beautiful and accomplished' fgr Mr. B. has recently made one of the most pow-' of ill fame, (who resided, with many others erful speeches ever bstened to in that hall. i.

of the mc character in a arjre four 8tory 1 25 34 a 36 WDeat, Whisker, Wool, 40 5a5 was a motion by Mr. Mercer te divide anibng the 11,0 orboro Froo Press, 00 far as wo have ob. Statea the sum of 23 fifll nnn raHrl erTedt the only Van Buren paper which has 18 a 20 Iron, I Hail Howl to the West. See the propo- cr numbers, to be oaid on tha Jnlv. Oetolr.

naa inriairnesaio Judge White's Ltt .1 January and April next. Mr. Speight (Van Buren) "Je.nTct moved th r. Columbia. On the other band, nearh vition couiaiueu me cuuiinuiiicauon 01 Dwtrict everv in another column.

iwmw au unmai s.iiiat rbj a consistency and corruption, make it peculiarly in-' man, of hitherto unblemished charac-terestinfr. We make a considerable extract respectable family, named Robin- JUlinton, Whig paper in the State has inserted Mr. Van Bu- tnendmont, and it was carried, 108 lo 75 1 ren's letter on the aame euhiect. althouorh it vxiuum). ren's letter on the aame euhiect, a Deposite Banks.

Mr I I "NVe acknowledge with gratitude, a steady i 1 4ay, and hope to toiiow it up by another in our 'son, a Ulerk in a fashionable store on Mai dozen tunes. By the doz -il' Ewing, of Ohio, Mid he the ia length nearly a il quarters the following the North Carolina Journal site Bank in Ohio to the nau receivea irom severs next. We hope none ot our readers wnl pass it by. den Lane. One of the New York Daners tMI very fiaiiusuiuc aitessioa iu our suu- I predicted that the Circular from the Deoos ccription list, during the whole course of liig Editors would not extend to Mr.

Van Buren Edilors wouW nol cxtend has fed the morbid appetite of a corrunt so other Banks in that State. WHOLESALE DRY GOOD St Alii) WARE Foot of liay eToniif, fa in vrTT.T.ty o. NEW AND DESIRABLE 7 THE Subscribers are now receiving" their Onniit1 nitont inn a the Winter and feDrins, but Darticulariy this measure of justice; and yet, unless wo are e-gregiously io error, the Editors of that print have ciety, by a minute description of the beau CIRCULAR. Cuxton Bank of Columbus. Aoril 1.

1836. within. the fast three or four weeks. We not even found room for Judgo White's uhort e. attribute this, less to any merit oi our own, much easier is it, to preach than prac- a aJm.Un piatle.

So tlie land offices, and the difficultv and expense of ice KueiSi converting it into funds receivable by the Treasury tan to the increased interest which the peo- gh Register. ty, the accomplishments, the wit, the literary character, and the misfortunes of the wretched girl. The keeper of this horrid den is called in that paper, the old and the following sentence will serve as a specimen of the morality as well as the style ZP" r.1!1:" Occurrence. nevr year is Bissex a ifi aaua iiiwii w-aa mr mm pie everj where feel in the politics and news of the day; but more especially to the nrowing popularity of our candidates. White, Tl vler and Dudley, "whose cause it is our They (the Whigs) would support Daniel Webster with a more determined z-al than almost any other man of their party, if they thought there was any prospect of his getting a voie in the South.

Their alternative support of White is a-vowedly not on the ground that he has mints, but for the purpose of trying to effect a division in the Republican Wrty, they will use the "foolish old raau" for a time and throw him by as worthless." North Carolina Journal. As one of the party, having quite as good op. portunitics of knowing its intentions as the Editors of the Journal, we pronounce the above to be totally unfounded a slander upon the motives of the Whig party, and an insult of the grossest nature to the gray hairs of a venerable and patriotic citizen. pi id to have cspoustd. The yew Mail Arrangement.

The Rich- transmitted,) will compel this in.t.tulioo in future nfT lorming amie mre to decline receiving through that channel the paper firai figure, sre the quantity of he two of all the banks ot the State, other ih.n the de each two figures combined make 9. lho four poite banks, that will not consent to redeem the LchJWO fif" combined make he paper received, by DRAFTS on New York, which figures added gelher Fhiladelphia, or Baltimore, thirty days from make 18- Such combination rarely occurs date, at far! Figure. One of the Boston police repoHers, Permit me to inquire whether it is the wish of 'in describing a complainant in court who had been your institution that your paper shall be received pretty essentially bunged up in an affray, says upon these torms? "His" macerated visage spoke for itself. There Instances occur daily, of istcrrf funds being WM not ft 8pol blff a on flAOtlG uui jmci onj a mai iiiiui iiiaii'fii lias been received from the Postmaster General, larger and more general assortment than ever bo-fore offered in this market, and which will in part consist ofthe following articles, vix: A.X WTENSn ASSOaTMKNT OF Fancy and Stute British) French, India and Domestic GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, Saddlery Hardware, general assortment,) Men's and Boys' black and drab Silk, Fur and Wool Hats, Fine and coarse Palm Leaf Hats, Men's and Boys' Shoes and Brogans, Women's and Misses' Morocco Leather. and Prunella Shoes, hat the new arrangement was to go into o- in which these accounts are written: "Beauty and innocence talent and accomplish ment, such as are seldom seen commingled together, gave up its existence when tlie fatal axe penetrated the alabaster forehead of Ellen Jewett." For the credit of the other papers of that city, we ought to mention that the "Herald" is the paper which gives these dUgusting details.

Robinson is in prison. The Philadelphia case was the attempted murder of another lady also beautiful antl accomplished, who, being separated from her husband, and an applicant for a divorce, was receiving attentions from two gentle men! one of whom, a lawyer nanu-d Brown. who has been thought worthy of servmg.his country in the fit-Id, on the Bench, in the Legislature, and in the Cabinet. And this is the aged man convenea. at a prom, uuo me puper or me local n.

loolce-tl as if he had fallen head foren most into a 0n 25tlvinst. The-Northern mail to arrive in Fayefteville at 10 o'clock at night, anil the Southern at 3 o'clock- in the whom the Editors of the North Carolina Journal banks, which iS paid into the land offices, and the 'boiled huckleberry pudding, ahd had permitted burden of converting tho paper again into Eastern contents to drv on Olid call a foolish old man." funds is thrown upon the institutions receiving the morning. Of the Virginia Elections, the Raleigh Standard King's Speech. -The Llyeipool corres public ileposiles. of the 21st says, MOf the Senators whose election has been heard from, we believe not one is a th You uro aware that we havo heretofore received Ipondent of the New York KveninStar tells a paper of all the bank, xf the Slate, without fo0Wjn Rtorv of VVnxiAM, ajld mditiori or discriminntion.

We reeret that condition or discriminntion. We reeret whig." How could they be, when the truth isfc ins taie peecn irum tne tnrorw: that up to the date of the Standard. not one of in a ht of jealousy, fired a iHtl at Ins mis When the Kins read his snecch in the the Senatorial "Elections had been beard from, in tress (-whose Irte was saved by the ball House of Lords; it whs very dark, and he full, or was complete. could, with difficulty, read it. lie made striking her corset bone,) and then immediately killed himself with another, pistol.

An attempt has been made in the Globe, and co Duplin County. t-Xc understand that he While whose proceedings we insert in another column, was composed of between two and thee hundred citizens, notwithstanding the inclemency of the This is indeed cheering, when we iolTfct that at the Presidential ejection in 183, only, eleven votes were givep ia Duplin, against Jackson and 'Van Buren. It how ailmitted 4y the Van Burert men thenist-Jves, be a close contest, aml for our own paft we -shall not be' at all surprised, fronvllie tenorfcour information any mistakes, and called to Lord Mel pied "with approbation into pther Van Buren pa- bourne, 'Melbourne, what word is At Scarcity of Money. Whilst money ex'rerm ly perof fqual want of character, to charge Mr. Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn and Tuscan Bonnets, Saddles and Bridles of all Cotton and Wool Card, French Baskets, Cur back and Gig Saddle Trees, Worsted, Cotton, IUdte and Rein Web Straining Webb, Halters' Trimmings, Dutch Uniting Cloihs.

Nos. 3 to 12, Morocco and Hog Skins, King's Cast Steel Axes, Jcc- Together with a great variety of other articles which makes their assortment as general aa is required for the Country Trade, and much more ast, he said loud enough to be heard by the rapid Halo ot ine public domain, and toe premium which it costs to convert such paper into the inn. diu'ii in which our remittances ure made, will not permit us to continue to do so. He pleased to let us hoar from you in reply, as' early as pr-ictic'ablo. In the mean time, we have directed the ceivers who deposite hnre, not to receive, after the' 29th instant, tho paper of any bmk of the Stnte, (other than the deposite banks,) unless liereafier instructed to that eftect by this institution.

Very repect fully, J. UELA FIELD, Jr. Cashier. Mr. Ewing offered a resolution on this subject, calling op the Secretary of the Treasury to inform tho Sonate whether this arbitrary course oftho De scarce at the and every kind of business is suffering in consequence, the Government has locked up in the vaulls of its pets; nearly thirty- reporters, 'Melbourne, why the 1 don thev bnns in candles? At last one wax ta-per was brought in; the King then told the two milbons of dollars In the city of New York where the pressure is most felt, the three arliament that a he had not, feared.

froin several Dudley, and thiJ been able to make himself intelligible, he Deposite Btnks have $11,037,767 44ofTrasury Deposites. Peter V. Daniel, of Richmond, a fifth rate law AVIiite licket carry tne county py a handsome majority in and. November must commence reading the speech de novo, which he did." yer, and first rate party hack, has been appointed, Wise aim other Southern members with countenancing Mr Slade, a Vermont member, in his efforts to deft atlhe bill for the admission of Arkansas into Jthe Union, because' it did not prohibit slavery. charge is utterly destitute of foundation.

No Southern member would dire to take iich a step and venture to show himself in the South agajn. Mr. Wise, in noticing this slander, in connection vith another, said: "He oftVred this xplanution, because the Globe attempted to con neci-its false, statement with another falsehood, to ivit. that there was an understanding bet ween him and the fjt-ntleman from Vermont, as to the presentation that gentleman of his memorial against die admission of Arkansas. Any and all intimations, by whomsoever made, that he, or, so far as he knew, any of his friends, had any understanding, tacit or expressed, with any gentleman, here posite uank was hi pursuance of instructions.

He general than can be found in any one House in rest X're a re. some noble spirits there, who are determined" that Ue people shall have light. POSTSCRIPT. by the Piesident and Senaie, Judge of the U. S.

for the Eastern District of Virginia. wanted to know, too, whether Ihe public money is withdrawn from Ohio for the purpose of pla To our very great surprise, not a word cing il in the pets in New Yofk and other large cities. He desired to know whether the Receivers has yet been heard from Gen. Scott, though the place, i heir present Stock has been laid in on the most advantageous terms, and is offered at WHOLESALE exclusively, and to which they would mvite the attention of Country Merchants, and the public generally. HALL 8t JOHNSON.

April 28, 1836. 85 tf We-navelhe Dleaaure-ot rayinsr belore our readi-rs the at Ruck tie left Fort Drane on the 25th March, and of Public Moneys had boen instructed net to receive the notes oftho other specie paying Banks in Ohio, unless they would agree to pay them in drafts on the Northern cities. He said ruch drafts Jng-lism which nominatfd the Hon. John Too- wehave Jacksonville dates to April 20th. mi-r ot this Uounty, as the caniiioate lor fclrctof on the White.

Ticket. Compare this Convention Charleston. April 25. Fbom Flomda. Tho schooner Motion, C.tptsin were worth from ono to two and a half per cent, ndvnncn, and this was the tax which the Deposite with that of the Van Buren oarty, held -in the or elsewhere, with regard to the introduction of I am mrw ecfcvuig, BY Steamer Henrietta, my Spring and Symrner supplies of GOODS, consisting io part of tlie Willie, arrived yesterday, from Jacksonville, (Flo.

left that place on Wednesday taut. these memorials were faUc, foully false Hi knew Bank levied upon its neighbors, un said that the same place -on fhe preceding day. At eve. rv county was represented, by Delegates appgint ctl at public meetings of people. The hum not that the gentleman from Vermont had anv me other B-mks in Ohio wore old institutions, of cx brings nothing new from the seat of war.

Ihet The accounts from Texas are so contradictory and imperfect as scarcely to be worth republishing; but in One particular they appear to concur, that Santa Anna has carried all before him, so fir. The statement, copied into our last, that Col. Fannin had cut his way through the Mexican army, and joined Gen. Houston, is not confirmed; but it is now asserted that he had an engagement with a superior force, which continued severtl hours, and as some accounts say, every man was killed in battle but others, that he finally surrendered, with 3 or 400of his men, under an express pledge of protection, and that the next morning, after being disarmed, they were dclibtrultly shot Only hree are said to have escaped. Much interest has been felt in the fate of this officer and his men, from the fact, that they were Georgians, having marched some months since from Macon, moriafof this kind to present.

He had opposed cellent standing, whilst the pet was a new Bank, impression at Jacksonville was, that Gen. ScoTl ber of DeleerateS present meeting was the presentation and reception of all abolition me nd nearly halt its stock owned out ot Mate. had arrived at Tampa Bay, without meeting the Indians. Mercury. morials from the commencement of the session publicly held in the Court House, in, presence, of Such, however, is the power conferred upon this He hoped that the Gh-be reporters wotdd note institution by the aid of the Treasury, that the VIRGINIA The Petersburg Intelligencer re 100 bags superior Rio Coffee, (high scented,) 20 hhds.

do New Crop Molasses, 10 do do Sugar, 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 500 lbs. Cotton Yarn, assorted, 500 lbs- Bar I -cud, 50 pair bright Trace Chains, Loaf Sugar, Tea, Rice. other tnks wern afraid lo como in collision with these remarks, in order tuat thr- Globe might re ceived this morningr contains the returns from 60 cord the evidence of its baseness in its own co it, and in forwarding the abovo Circular to Mr tnnny sprcjators it. wasanimaxeo me Dt-st ifcelnifT, and strongest of sircces9 Tin- Van Buren rfneeling w.a? composed of 8 1-gates, from only. three It was held in a pViyate room in a aUllruirh.the Court'djHimrdt the lumns." Ewing, had requested him not to let it be knovn Counties, which have elected 37 Wbigs, 37 Van Burenitea.

from wJiom he received it. The Banks, he said, 77te Special Election. Gov Spaight has drawn would be obliged lo refuse the demand ot the De down on 'himsrlf the lust indignation of the DIED, All of which wilt be sold low for Cash or on tim posits Bank, and their notes would then bo dis of a.Whig Lawyer, or the purpose of giving, the I the ust of the Coui House. Its members ar4 Mdh dgrville, and Columbus. Whether murdered or killed in battle, it seems.

to be certain that In Lincoln county, on tho 21stinst. IIUTCHINS punctual customers, who are invited to call or G. BURTON, Esq. Ex-G nvernor of this State. isend their orders.

to have made a precipitate retreat fn'ni liock-J credited, though they arc always ready to pay specie for lie wont on to show that the effect of this cxlraordinary requisition ofthe Bank would be, that the people who might want to pay for Fannin and his whole corps of 500 men have per islu-d. WrSteVn peopl for depriving the 12lh Congressional D'StrTct of a Representative for the remainder of this session. The Carolina Gazette, pub-fish; in the District, and both the Salisbury papers, speak in language not to be misunder- In Halifax, THOMAS BURGES, Esq. for many years an eminent Lawyer. OURKLL.

Brick How, foot of Hay Mount. 86tf The families of the Texians are flying from thr inplnm, uisspinleu ana -chagrined. Tht law 'the lund writing on the -Wall." heard sonje amusing anecdotes of-the Decision: but wedo not feci dispi'sed to pn-an our April 26, 1836 government land with other Bank notes, would tiHve to get thorn shaved, at the loss perhaps of 5 stood They tell the Governor, what no one can COMMERCIAL RECORD. neighborhood of the monster Santa Anna, who v. said to spare neither age nor sex.

but butchers in doubt, "that the utter hopelessness of electing on the $11)0. And he predicted, what ha already oppunents too far. Wf will nly, th refore, men- all who lull into his Hands. Several -oine to pass, that there would be a shaving shop vessels have arrived at Nc Orleans filled ith wo linn, tha.t we sfc mfrmed cnHdrable twrts were made to procure 'RuckT members" mf the very near to the Receiver's office. Newland, is the true reason for the postponement, and "hat he has violated the spirit of his sqle'mn obligations to support the Constitution by men and children.

Van Huren Convention fronv'he counties pf Gen. Houston was retreatinr, and the I exians The Gold Humbug. Mr. Benton has introduced a resolution declaring that "after in the his decision The Watchman cites some prece- son and Richmond- The people not hsving wnt had burned several of their towns, and destroyed ye ir 1836, nothing but gold and silver ought to be from ttiose counties, individuals who the plantations, to prevent their giving aid to the received in payment for the public Lands." This enemy dt is which strongly exnioit me impropriety oi the Governor's course. Two years ago, a special election was ordered in South Carolina to take place as late as the 3d of June.

The memb-r e-lected took his seat in the House sometime before would be an effectual mode of slopping the sale happened to be present, as Rucker happened in imore at the geat Humbug Caucus, were ap-phud lo to take seats inhe Cnvention and re The following extract of a letter from Texas, tho Lands ARRIVED, April 24th, Steamer Henrietta, with boat Post Boy in tow, with Goods for Hall Johnson, G. B.Atkins, F. Lain, John McArn, H. Peck, C. P.

Mallelt, C. Haigh, Yar-brough Ray, G. C. McNeill and Gardner St Mc-Ke than, of this place; and Nathan Hunt, Jr Hunt Lowrie, W. Welsh, J.

Wheeler, Holmes Bunting, Worli 8t Hadley, Joshua Stanly, Dusen-bery and McRorie, McRorie ami Dusenbery, Du-senberry Si Paine, Charles McDonald, A Docke-ry, M. Coffin, J. Cowles, G. Brown, P. Evans Co Siler Albright, J.

Johnson, Albright St Whitehead, J. Long, sen. Adams and Clemmons, of the interior. Also, on the 23d, steamer Clarendon, with boat Transport in tow, with Goods for Arch. Campbell, gives some interesting particular of the tall ol San SPRING GOODS.

VVTE have received, and are, now opening, our Spring Supply, which comprises a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, Leghorn and Tuscan BONNETS, Me as' silk, fur, wool and palm leaf HATS, Boys' silk and Leghorn ATS, Coiton and wool CARDS, Writing, letter and wrapping PAPER, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, 12 Hhd. Porto Rico SUGAR, 12 Bbls. Manilla Ditto, The General Appropriation Bill has passed the present those Counties. But alan! every applica Antonia: the session closed on the oO'h ot June On that House, and been twico rci.d in the Senate. occasion the vacancy occurred on the 1st day of Our force in tho Alamo at the tune of its being stormed, amounted to one hundred and eighty-sov- tion failed, and the CdTiventiftn was at last obHged to mtet with only tms eight faithful.

Wh'ie Elector Our Ticket will soon be full. rAjiril, and the Governor of South Carolina was The resolution of Mr Dromgoole, caUing upon the Secretary ofthe Treasury for a report relative en, every soul ot whom was put to death extend. 1 to Whitney connection with the Deposite Banks, much.censurel, by the Jarksnn party, tor not issuing the writ of election at once and fixing an earlier day than the' 3d of June The censure and the proposition of Mr. Wise to amend by ap pointing a committee to take testimony on oath Only si Districts remain to be ard from, and in one oi these (the Wilmington) the Elector was jJnubUess nominated on Momlay. Tlie following tfentk-racn compose the Ticket so far as beard from: I 1st District, ALFTtED Webb, of Itutherford- are not yet disposed of, and have only been once hefore the House during- the last week.

On that Stark foarce, James Mahoney, Neill Johnson, Wm. Mclntyre, Thx. Sandford T. Coch would have been just, but tor the tact which the (governor made known, that he did not receive the official -notice of the vacancy, on which alone ing mercy only to a femalo, tho wife of ono who nobly lost his lifts in tho engagement to tell the melancholy news. The Muxican fierce was six thousand, having bombarded the Alamo for two days without doing any execution, a tremendous effort waa made to take it by storm, which they succeedrd in doing alter a most inguinary engagement, lasting near an hour.

History, neither ancient nor modem, can give evidence of euch brave, ry and horoisin as whs evinced on the occasion. No ouarters were called for until every soul had 80 Bags Rio COFFEE, he was at liberty to act, until about a month after occurred. Still, when it did reach him, he im 2d Which we offer at a small advance for Country Produce or undoubted paper. NOTT STARR. Jpril 23, 1836.

86 6w. mediately ordered the election. Look at the occasion, Mr. Wise noticed an attack on him in the Globe, by Whitney, by reading from the Bank report of 1832, showing Whitney had perjured himself, and that he had sworn allegiance to Great Britain during the last war, whilst in Canada Mr Wise asked if it did not justify the suspicion that something is rotten in the Treasury, when such a man as this was connected with it, conduct of our Governor, and contrast it with the hove. The vacancy here occurred on the 29th 3d Olll 6tii rtti Col.

Andkrson Wilkes. Wm. J. Alexa er, Mecklenburg. Johjc Giles, of Rowan.

Hon Thomas Settle, Rockingham. Johx M. it on eii f. An, of Guilford Hon Jon-i D.Tqomeh. Cumberland.

CnARta's MiXU. of Wakr. Wm. W. CueRbt, of Bertie.

GROCERIES. March. The official notice of it doubtless reach- .1..... fl If aim ran, Jeremiah Kyle, and Peleg Pcarce, of Fayette-villc; and for Re vis Taylor, Fariah McNeill, Coble Patterson, and Peter Adams, of interior. Also, on the same day.

Steamer John Walker, with Dry Goods, Sugar. Coffee, Salt, Molasses, for Nolt Starr, WiKkings Be Wen, Joseph Baker, John Huske Son, William S. Latta, Hart Fuller, Charles T. Haigd. John M.

Dobbin, G. W. Ragland Peleg Pearce, Samuel T. Hawley, S. W.

Murloy, Yarbrough Ray, Sampson Boon, Barnum Beach, and R. W. King, of this place; and for Fall Franklin, Thomas McNeely, H. A. Bryson, D.

Bryson Evans, Horn Marsh Reeves, J. Newlin, Ford Ellis, perished savo seven, who on otsking quarters, and being told none could be give, again commenced the work of death, and the lust died as did the first, nl me-governor wmnn mur wji- take the long session of the last Congress as THE Subscribers would invite the attention of Country Merchants and the public generally. I and was attempted to be screened by the people's in i I airl. without yielding inch of ground he nrobable length of the preaent, there were lllll The Alamo was attacked at four different points; House? It is said in Washington tliat Whitney almost three mouths of the session remaining, and Lxk at the other So far as we have heard. the ontv persons nominated on the Van Buren and nearly every important measure, it is well known, is finally disposed of within the last week or two the walls being only about breast high, the enemy was onabled to scale them by means of scaling ladders, our force not boing sufficient to protect it at Johnson Ticket, are, Col.

Bowers, of Ahe, and realizes forty or fifty thousand dollars a year by his agencv. On motion of Mr. LEWIS WILLIAMS, Resolved, That the Committee of Claims be instructed to inquire into the. expediency of paying -k r-j-'ii the session. It may be sain that tne present Wm.

A. Morris, of Anson, and the latter as Wi1 staled in our last, nominated by onlv three out il all points i Charles 3. Williams, R. Jt. Fawcelt session Witl terminate earlier than that did.

What right have we to suppose so Is it hot notorious' -I he-ross ot tne enemy was great; oao ameu, ouo nhtiM jaPOi, Krider. Hinr-s tin five counties in the District We doubt wh- to their prevent Stock of GROCERIES, which will be found to comprise as general an assort ment as can be obtained in this Market, and to consist in part of the following articles, vizi 220 Hhds. Sugars and Molasses, 250 bags Rio Coffee, 25 do St. Domingo do, 25 tons Swedes and English Iron, Sheet, Band and Hoop Iron, Cast, German, Crawley, Shear, English and American Bliater Steel, 100 kegs Nails, the Claims of North Carolina for North Caro im.

lor hat theeeijs more business betore it than was ever mortally wounded, and many slightly. advances mane Henderson, Moore Haynes Thus the garrison which coat so much hard by that State dormg the late war; the cencee 7 thcr the Van Buren men have been able to rais meeting's in more than fifteen or twenty counties ngnline, naa ueen rciaKeu ireai cost iu i uxas, ui "it n.L 1 1 rr Governor had no reason to suppose, that because a resolution was before the Senate to adjourn on the 23d May, that therefore Whikt White meetings, with the addition this Andrew Lindsay. Jedediah Smith, John Murphcy, S. D. W.

H. Moore, J. F. Douthit Albert but much greater to the enemy, it is inucn lo be me miru Aiiuuor oi me i reasury ueparuuciu vetk of Duplin, number 38. regretted that our force in the garrison was not Congress would adjourn at that time.

The same B. Stith, Jesse Henshaw, Ilenshaw Pugh, T. Allen J. M. J.

Allen, William Murphey, North American Quarterly Magazine. Mrs. Fairfield, the wife of the Editor of this idea was held out in 1834. 1 ne UDserver oi jz- Columbus County. We learn that great efforts ve been made by certain Van Buren men, who flril 29 of that year contains a letter from one of greater thougn it was always supposed to Have beeneofficient to maintain the post.

Texas has to mourn tho losa of Wm. B. Travie (in command.) The celebrated Col. David Crockett, of Tennessee, reeard success more than truth, the end more than tnr mentbers- of Conirress, dated April -J4tn, in work, is now on a visit to the South, soliciting subscriptions for the work. We have seen it very highly praised.

urMrh an adjournment was anticipated "early in the means they take ta accomplish it, toconvinc uie good peple ol Columbus County, tnai me lone." and yet it did not take place until tne last "Whiles do not seriously mean tt press the claims Road Stocksjfyc.Kx a late sal of Uy of June Another case is cited bv the Watchman. When Reeves lay lor, fansh McJNeitl, John; row. ler, Coble Patterson, and J. Russoll, of interior. DEPARTED, on the 23d, steamer Clarendon, with Bacon, Lard, for Geo.

B. Alkina, Curtis Myrover. Also, on the same day, Clarendon Company's tow boat Eliza, with Cotton, Flour, T. Haigh, Stark Pearce, Wilrkinga Belden.Geo. McNeill, C.

J. Orrell, and S. W. Murley. Also, on the 26th, steamer John Walker, with Cotton, Flour, Lard, end Bacon, for Geo.

McNeill, Joseph Baker, Beverly Rose, and others. tf Judge- White, but only run him for the purpose s. I nr I a Gow Spaight was. elected to his present station oi Hiflmir the election oi uaniei weDSier a. more Stocks in Petersburg, the Petersburg Rail Road Co's Stock brought 8120 50; Greensville, and Roanoke Rail Road gll2; Raleigh lurinr the last session, thougone legislature ua was among the slain.

His conduct on the occasion was most heroic; having used his rifle as long aa. possible by loading and discharging, and the unemy crowding upon the walls, he turned the britch of his gun and demolished more than twen-ty of the enemy before he fell. The Mobile Clwoniclc of the 16th inst. says: On further conversation with some of the passengers by the Ten saw, we learn that the army of General Houston was believed to be nesr-y equal in number to ihe Mexican force, and palpable f4ehood was never propagated. Mr Wi bster stands not the smallest chance of elec not sit one month afterwards, an election was held, aud Gaston Rail Road 101; Matoac'a Man nd the new member took bis seat.

In everr view of the matter, it ia clear that jus Vmn. He will be run, so far as we know, only in tlie State of Massachusetts, and her Electoral vote ufacturing Co. 8115 25; Petersburg Manu tice to Ihe State, and especially to the people of tlie only one which be has any prospect of ob facturing Co. ally, lhese are cneenog tainina: Indeed, we are confident, that Massa 75 dozen Patent corn, urass ana German, Scvthe Blades, 25 do Frying Fans, -10O0 lbs. Bar Lead, 100 bags Shot, 50 kegs Dupont'a Powder, 12 boxes Lemon Simp, 10 baskets Sweet Oil, 10 Hhda.

Crockery, 100 dozeu Weeding Hoes, assorted sizes, 12 do Spades and Shovels, 30 boxes Tin Plate, 25 kegs White Lead in oil, 5 do Red do, 50 dozen Spirits Turpentine, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 50 boxes 8 10 and 10 12 Glass, Imperial and Gunpowder Teas, Train and Lamp Oils, Trace Chains, Anvils, Vises, Sole Leather, Mill and cut awa, Wagon and Cart Boxes, Together with a large and general assortment of Patent Medicines, Paints, Dye Stuffs, kc all of which will be sold at tbe lowest Market prices. HALL JOHNSON. Fsyettetille, April 28, 1836. 86-tf that District, who have. no representative to present their claims to Congress, or lo assert their An error occurs in the atlver- tisement of Malcom Buie, AdmV on the first page chus-tts would droD him: if either of the other prices.

was preparing for a general engagement. Rein Caiulidatea wpr area ntable to ler. His Tariff rights and interests, demanded a speedy election to fill the vacancy. of this Daper. Instead of Tuesday the 12th of May, it should be THURSDAY the 12lh.

principles, equally with those ofVan Buren, render him odioos to the Whigs of the" South. Let the people of Columbus not be deceived. The forcements were expeciea, ana daily arriving. 300 men -under Col. ust in, from Natchez, were on their way, and 1400 'to 1500.

from Kentucky and Tennessee, besides smaller parties from other vote of North Carolina will certainly be cast for CASKS for sale by that honest old patriot. Judge White, if the peo places. With any thing like an equality of force, there is little fear but that the Texiana will render a crood account of the' invader SO W. ple do not permit themselves to be decoyed tnio S. LATTA.

85-4w The Cheraw Gazette states that the Small Pox is disappearing from the infected district in Marl-boroughi S. C. that the whole number of cases has been about 50, deaths 7. The Gazette says that the efficiency of vaccination was fully and satisfactorily The disease has disappeared from the tieighbor-bood of Wilkesboroogb, N. Carolina.

The Knickerbocker. We have received the April number of the Knickerbocker, and have been highly amused and interested by its contents. It is, to our taste, decidedly the best of the exclusively American Magazines. It is published monthly by Wifey and Long, New York, at 85, per annum! The New York Evening Star says: A Sign. All tho abolition vun inXknncctieut, and they, number a'powerfaTvote, rallied 09 tbe Van Boren ticket.

-Let tha Sooth remember this. April 28, 1836. tne support of Van Buren. the intriguer, tne. aa A letter bas ocen receivea in moone, irom vocate of high Tariffs, and of Missouri restriction FayetteviUe independent JLight J.

Dorrinzton. dated March Mb, which states that th inkahitanta en i no xraMoa aoove aan eiiDe. Mntanzrij xjotnuantt: llrginia. Returns have been received had secured their, farauiet by placing them on the A TTEND a Regular Muster of your Corps st irom about hftv iq which thfc'par east of Trinttr. That tbe panic was over? every Great Bank Robbery The Merchants' Bank of man able to bear arms, waa rushing to join Hous I.

tbe Company Parade Ground, on Saturday afternoon next, SOth at 3 o'clock. A Court Martial wrU be held at tbe Court House, ties stand 32 White, 33 Van Tlie changes have been 10, of which the Whigs 1 was robbed on the 16th inst. of about $190,000. A reward of $10,000 ia ton. That Santa Anna had let tbe important hoar alio, and that the people had become confident that have gained 7.

and the administration 3 An invalarai dram drinker beinff told that the at 4 P. at which all delinqueoU are mjuirrd to appear, and render excuses, otherwise fines will they would be able shortly to expel the invader New Ono of the papers saya that cholera with which be attacked was incurable, from Texas. -For aeveral daya previous to the date being a clear gain of 4 members, or votes. What is better, we have trained TIE Subscriber found on the 5tb cf, March last, a new AXE, between this place and his residence in Sampson. The Owner is requested to come forward, prove property, and pay the price of advertiser.

MOSES XOXi JprilZi: lr. of the letter, nothinz had been heard ot the Max the Whig? of the City celebrated their triumph an lUuthinatinn, and that 'Tamma- still greater nronortion of vote's of the neo ean army; that Santa Anna had either retreated, or waa endeavoring to make a flank movement on be duly entered against them. By order of Maj. Goodwin S. W.

MtfRLEY, 0. S. prit 28th, 1836. 4 and tha) he would speedily te removea woria of pore spiriU, replied, Well, that's a comfort, at 11 events, for it's very difficult to get any ia this world." P1' In a few days the full returns will be itemed. i ny Hall itne van iiureu neau nuaucis; (looked rathef Houston, 1.

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