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Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 3

Fayetteville, North Carolina
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lias closed healthy, at an advance of id to A 1 I U-t. FORTH OftSKltYElL. p. on Ainencwi description, ii wsifrr Mr Ilalet Annexed you will find a statement of well, Principal of the Episcopal School all iffy It i Til Professor of Greek andRoman UX'AiJLjJj IfilJJl OfC. erature; Mr Davis, of West Point, ProlriHE jsi.k.k-L JlL f- -u es for Brazil.

Speculator hare taken 17, QUO Jerican and 250 Surat. Tb import is 2,649 urea. FAYETTEVIIiLto lessor of Mathematics, Professor. Nott JL conatantiv on fcanA. ana me saies are ni sn rcu oi me Election held, yesterday for Magistral of Policy and Tbvn Commissioner.

1 Although many means were resorted to by the Jackson-Van Burenitesto.sow discord ajiumg our ranks, tf "Vwe triumphed by respectable majorities. Their "Union Ticket," with the naroeof ur respectable representative "James Seawell." as Ma Jul, lOd to 13d, 20 stained do. 15d, 11,630 eds 8 Ad. to lOid, 5.750 New Orleans 8d to TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1835. ivas re-elected Professor of JLgic and The Presidency and two Profes-sorshipsrremafn vacant.

1, 8,010 Alabama, Btc BJd to lOd. A spirited verv animated demand has been experienced EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. cotton to-day, both from (he trade and specula- gistrate of Police, was too shallow an artifice not Raleish Jan. 4. 1835.

NUYCvdiikBv atitt Irons GRIST MILL SCREWS, Of all descriptions, warranted to be of good quality, and at a. reasonable price Order from the country will be iiiftctitalty attended to, and the sr-tides furnished aa CHEAP as they' can be procured any where. All kinds of Black and White Smiihin exe-cured with despatch, at my shop on Person Street Tlic sales amount to nearly 10,000 bales, at dvance of full id per lb. on the prices of yes-tty, about 6000 of whku hare been on specu io De understood. The selection of two gentlemen, known as firm and deckled Whig, was tpo paltry a bail to lure the friends of "the Constitution and 'lie Laws." We met them, and lie result nrovea la.

Deiow UDeny oint. another decided Whig victory. Whatwill the Editors of the Journal say now relative to die strength of parties hi this place -FOR THE OBSERVER. Jlntioch Bible Sotiely, Robeson Countyx North Carolina.t-On the 25th of December, 1834, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a respectable number of the persons belonging to, Antioch Congregation, assembled at the Church and proceeded to organize a Bible Society. The following persons were chosen its officers for the ensuing year: RANDAL CURRIE, President, JAMES SMITH, Vice Presidents.

peaking of the French news, which, with interesting news from England, will be This has been a week of unusual interest in the Legislature. "I In the faist place, the House of Commons having decided that there was a vacancy iw the office of Attorney. General, the incumbent, R. M. Suundfrt, without waiting for the acHion of the Senate, resigned his situation.

On Friday, R. JJmriel, a member of the House ut Commons from Halifax, and a zealous supporter "of the powers that be" was elected to fill the vacancy by a decided ARCH'D McLAUCIIUN. Fayetteville, Jan. 6, LI in the preceiling columns, the New REGULAR WHIG NOMINATION. mucble 111 a tar more agreeable manner, than iu i omoou diet drink.

1 Mwinir certificates, oatcf hundreds simi lar which migM be procured, arelgiren to show theetfeco lndianf- PanacesfA tbe UiAs comptaiftta therein roeDtioned; tbexluBU in the most BStisfacisry -tnaaaer tXt suptriority over the airujjs in common use. CASES OF RHEUMATISM. Charleston, Nov. 15, 183ll During tlie Ust winter and spring, I w-, attti'ct-ed vith a very fevere and distressing Itheumatism, occasioned by exposure in bad weather. 1 now.

tiikp great pleasure in stating, that aix bottles of the Indian's Panacea, restored ine to petfert health, and Ixonfidentlv recommend it to allsimL larly afflxted. JOHN FEIIGUsoN, King al Charleston, forth 71, 1S32H I wasseieed, about three years since it distressing RheomatrsrnVcawaed by raking a rvrte cold while under the inftoence of mercury, and which has disabled me fiora business nearly ever since. Dnnnff this period I have been a patient in the Marine Hospital, in this ty, upm-arda of 4 months, and nearly the same length of time in the 'laltimore Hospital, and tried almoatevery-rtn-tly, with little benefit. On V.brry last at that time scarcely able to move about upon crutches, 1 commenced the use of 1 he Indian's Panares. In one month I found self entirely Iree from pain, and sm now happy to stale that 1 myself perfect well, WM TUCKRU, 13 MarVetU.

CASES OF SCROFULOUS ULCEUS I New York, Sept. 10, American says: have examined John D. Ectles, M. P. The Indian panacea.

the extracts from Paris copied into the fTTOR the cure of Ithenmatism. Scmfula nr King's JL Eil, Gout, Scinatica or H'tp Gout, Incipient Wlish pa pern, and find no. reierence what- to our anairs as exercising any innu .1 I I 161 160 166 161 160 163 300 165 upon the choice or change of Ministers, majority over Gen! 1. Archd McLaucblin 2. William -Nott 5.

Thos. J.Xurtia 4. Lewis Brown .5. James H. Hooper 6.

Joshoa Carnion 7. James Millar a iiTTurii. 1 1 1 i ffitnriAMan cn seems nac iwuucu suitij ii um uie not naving commanded the entire oppoaitiou see immuable ufthe King, that however vote even. I understand- that at a Caucus i miht be changed, the system, which is of "the party" previoda'to the' election for system, should not be." all their measures are decided on ihconriavnt the successful candidate a rL lr OPPOSITION OR JACKSON. Thos.

N. Cameron, M. 1. 136 1. Sampson Boon 139 2.James Baker 130 present Lord High Chancellor of G.

I were nominated to ascertain their respective PETER McEACHIN, Rec. Secretary, GEORGE B. BROWN, Corres. Secretary, DANIEL McPHAUL, HECTOR BETHUNE, VVisitere. arch'd McNeill, An opportunity was then given to the persons present to subscribe and.

pay, which was done with a liberality worthy of the cause, and which, by the 'blessing of God, promises much business of importance was attended to, but we pass over it The Society adjourned fo meet'at the call of the Executive Committee. Closed with prayer. GEORGE B. BROWN, Cor. Sec'y Of the Antioch Bible Society.

ain (Lord li.vnanurst is a native oi ttos- strength, and the former out polled him Mas. He left Boston with his father sreatl v. i late Sir John Copley the day preceding Robert Potter, of notorious fame, has been battle of Lexington, which circumstance expelled from his seat in -the House of ed their family property from confiscation. Commons, by a vote of 62 to 52. for an un- 3.

Joseph A rey 4. John Campbell 5. John M. Strohg 6. Joshua Carmoa 7.

James Kyle 138 137 139 300 129 land below the Hancock estate on Be a- ceremonious removal of th dirveitM it street, now occupied by some of the seems from the renort of the r.iminirt. Whigs. kt splendid private residences in the U- Jhat he lost a considerable sum at cards with belonged to the Copley family. The an individual by the name of Cotton from Important to Readers and Publishers of Mr. Seawell has been prevented by his official duties, from orenarins his" Sd letrpr ow oi me late uarunier utreene, oi nos Anson, and after losinjrit, snatched the roll I is sister to Lord Lyndhursr.

a of bills frtfm the table where Coton had dis- in time for this He -will furnish it a a mercantile. piayea it, and made off with the amount, for publication in our next. laving drawn first a Pistol and then a Knife ii. FROM THE NORFOLK BEACON. The ground to make good his retreat.

I nderstand that was covered with The Far have more than once newspapers. a prosecution wassometime since instituted by the Proprietors of the New-York Daily Sentinel, against a subscriber for the amount of his subscription to that paper. 7'He pleaded that be had not ordered the paper, that it was sent him without his requesting it The Plaintiff recovered the amount claimed; for it was decided, that persons receiving a newspaper, with out ordering it to be discontinued, are liable in every instance for thes price of 1 Potter H3VS it ia nn flic. vrted to the necessity of a liberal system pelled bv the present Legislature. i this season.

nternal Improvements in Urginia and i I conratult vnn tK v-i In vish'inirnn rtv ma may rrroiv, mat in llie tall of SJt, was ei2ed with a swelling in my neck and face, uhw-li itterwaid ulcerated npd became lirge cl aitly ulcers my neck. After trying several I'hysicians to no advntge. I went to rhilndelphia, and pla--el myself under the enre of sir Si Beaeh, when, after repeated salivations to no effect, I was pronounced totally incirrable Afterwards I took twenty bottle warm's Panares and eight hot-ls ot Potter's C'atholicon, ith nn material benefit Despairing of hfe, which hud now become a ourthen to me. I returned to mv parents in New York in 1829, and gnve mvself up to a lingerirg 'leaMj Hearing ofthe great success of The In-dinn's Panacea, however, in easea similar to rjy own. I was pemuailcd to ry it, a 'at resort.

To my g-eaf surprise as well as swtivf Kjiion, I soon found myself rapidly recovering, and upon, taking seven bottles the ulcers healed andl became perfectly well in-lhe course two months, and have remained so ever sinre. I make this stntemf l't and Sish it to be published for the beVrlt-'pf those who are suffering under similar arrofuhni or syphilitic affections, that tbey may know, what has fured one whe has suffered rve'V thing but death, -nd who considers his life saved hv the above simp. Vf. HINMAN. Charleston.

July 12, 1831. I was afflicted four ears with an ulcer in the log, occasionally acrompani-l with eryUpe lous mflmatton and excessive pain in the leg und ancle ri I iirnlmn. in avArr turn amntrshAn Lii. i r- dancers, salt Knetim, syphilitic and Mercurial diseases, particularly Ulcers and painful affections of the bones. Ulcerated Throat $nd Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Ferer $ores, and Internal Abscesses; Fistulas, Piles.

Scald Head, Senrrey, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Blotches, and every variety of Cutaneous Affection; Chron-ic Catarrh, Headach, proceeding from an acrid hu-morjpainin the Stomach and Dyspepsia, proceed-iPK from vitiation! Affertions of the Lver, Chronic inflammation ofthe Kidneysr'aDd generaldebil-ity, caosed by a torpid action ofthe vessels of the skin. It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down ty injudicous treatment, or juvenile irregularities. In g-eneral terms, it is recommended in all those diseases which arises from impurities in the blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some ofthe above complaints may require some trifling assistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate; but for a genrral remedy or Purificator, to remove the cause, THE INDIAN'S PANACEA will generally be found sufficient. TOTHEPUBUC.

How true it is, that modern Physicians in their ambition to excel in their profession; to explore the vast field of science by Hie aid of chemistry, and seek out new remedial agents: in short lo arrive at perfection in their practice by means of irt alone, entirely overlook and ntglect, as beneaih their notice, the rich and bounteous stores of medicine, which the Almighty has cause to spring out of the earth in evrry clime! And how much more true it is, that while the American Physician looks to foreign countries for any of his most common and necessary articles perpetually changing as they are, at the dictate of fashion 'or folly, he is surrounded in his own country with an end less profusion of medical plants sufficient to answer any indication in disease, or to cure any curable disorder; and yet. he is ignorant of tUeir virtues, and they are suffered to "waste their heating on the desert air The effects of vegetable medicine upon the system are temporary those of minerals lasting The former exert their effects and pass off the latter, mercury in particular, act chemically upon the so lids, decomposing i he bones, and undermining the constitution by a slow and sure destruction. The congeniality, efficiency and sapett of vegetable remedies ver mineral, maw esuniMtt-d by contrasting tys ancient practieefwith the modern; or, to bring it more immediately under oor own observation, the Indian practice with that ofthe whites. Who, in America, has not known or heard of repeated instances whereirrime decrepid unpretending female Indian, by means of her simple remedies alone, has effected the most raDid and On jWri 0, an atiinsrmeni oi vexed queiitou uie 'Pesi now mar 'is remembered. Ir rvktfl'lsa nnfl aWa 1 4TS4k rhn raamifua if wst A 1 II a a and the of A de- people, develop resources ()f Convention.

The bill for taking the sense 1 level places the depth was 20 inches. country. Every moment the convictjon 0f the people on the subject, as yem are ap- rangement of the Northern mails is nines stronger that something should be priced, passed the Commons by two votes. 1 the effects. We have not received a one or mail uuueeu a tew uays since a coi i "li On batunlay, after devoting the whole day Worth ot Kichmond since Saturday last.

oi iweie'iaiunie in. nits vicinity ot to its consideration, the Senate pawed it bv J- 1 77 TT" to migrate to the ont vot m.iioriiv. Wr. MK.rtl One of the evils ol the mal-admimstration ivbern who Were about to learn Jhat the and R.irna. of th- iu iof ost ffice Department, coming home West and we regret irdlv.

The state knuuvnr the business of our town and several neurh 13 still moving westwa iumhm lam a- i 4i kings has so long remained without a fa mendments to the bill, which must nrcessa- i-enure of ruble change, that the merest accident be passed upon again by the lower, whu ueiween tnis place and i r. IT J'nd this gham. It CBBmhiii.s laiuici in ui rcN- and in the event ot a disagreement, fa com- is an lniDortant route, and ha hpnvtllrnrp a. a. mx a i I HIJIII11 Ut sr II 4 1 1 AJ I III rnniCil Imi iu leave iiis-iincieni nuuie, unci io seeK te distant west, a more nronitiotis abid- jutnt.

Several eminent Plnsirtans exert llinr Hihann will come again." But I hope for niequence enough to the best, and my hopes are stronger tjian 3 Suddtnl1 mv fears. Your Sector voted foMhe bill. TVTV" even a horse .1 I a a I I a place- A letter just received bv from falthy and highly intelligent planter of ih Carolina thus speaks: skill upen it, hut without permanent bet fit. In this s'ate five bottles ol the Iiwlian 1'anacea made perfect cure. MARGARET A.

WEST, Meeting. For sale by HIRAM ROBINSON, Agent, re, t. FHvettt-vin, North Carolina. but contrary to mv exnectation. the -t waJ From the Salisbury IVulchman.

CERTIFICATE. We certify, from the information we have received, and which we ouht to be relied on, that the Cotton crop in N. Carolina for 1834, has fallen below the average yearly production about one third. GEO. W.


Solisbury, Dec. 26, 1834. Nashvillf, Dec. 8, 1834. The steamboat Randolph, one of the largest of the Nashville cotton boats, has this day left the wharf for New Orleans.

Such a sight never frightened theifish in your northern waters. This Majestic boat with her eight boilers and stupendous machinery, was burdened with the trifling cargo of only thirty-six himdred bales of cotton, the freight for which to New Orleans, will be a-bout eleven thousand dollars. The voyage will probablv made in about ten davs. could not cany th mail, it is so targe.) romilu I aA Ku ...1 ..1 'bo l.i to Freshet on the R6anoke, and the in-ence which daily reaching me, of the great tianover senator voted against it. The bill appropriating 875,000 for 4 1 7iw.iwu WimuiH OI llie 8s wmcn aiienus me enterpnze ot my tnends iscpui vuitrut, seiui ir.e man lor tnose parunei.i, is, io senn comnletion of tl.P rnif.d wl.h K9a cquaiutancea who have gone South West, has i.nato rr'l towns, Irom Kayetteville to ClWraw, and wimiiini uic uuuse ui Linn- i i r.

eu mo lo leave the old JNortli State; and be-too, I find there is no hope of uny thing like rr merit likely to result from the measures of our lature" FINE Lithographic Prints, and Engravings, to be sold at Mr. Am on Kimball's store, on Ttiursdsy evening, Jan. 81 1835. at early candle light. They may be seen on Wednesday and Thurwtav Fayetteville, Jan.

6, 1835. mons, and I consider its ultimate fate as i- c' ik i fu dentified with the Convention bill. So tbat. nda in the large and The Legislature will adjourn sometime WeaUh? ik am' the present week, ami I hope I may 'f he dT1f Na'Sn-never -look upon its like a-ain." Legislatures, through South Ca- 1 rolma. Remonstrances againnt this gross 'hile we admit there is just ground of Sure against the Legislature of North lina, in common with all the Southern astonishing cures after the wholp Materia Medica of tha common practice, directed i' 'he most skil es, yet we say to our friend Hold on! day is breaking.

He has remained PRICES I UREtfT. ful manner, has faded' And ho has not been surprised at beholding the comparative ease and injustice, have, we understand, been forwarded from those Counties, and another will in a day or two be presented to the citizens of this place for signatures; aftr the receipt of uliich we hope it will be in the mgh the night, and will he fly the morn- Corrected evenr Tuesday Morning by a Committee. A letter from another correspondent states one of the amendments made by the Senate to the Convention Bill, a provision leaving the Borough Representation to the discretion of the pouvention. The writer ex- nrOCcAQ trtA at a s-t a -v It L.M a. a.

L. facility witn which tne Indian frees himself from ijn i il I1VMI sutir We conjure him we coniure all MERCHANDIZE. Quantity rated. From D. C.

To d. a think of leaving the old North State" rpi Dill- 1 ine KandOlpn is one hundred and eighty any disease, and at the almost total absence feet in length; breadth of beam 30 feet 4 chronic disease among them' Who has ever heard inches, besides the guards, which are very iofn w'h a constitution trokenand ruined wide: denth of lw.1,1 ton fAt by ill-treat mem And can a dobt exist, that this power of the Representative of this District nish the resolution forever. We point 11 I a -a a Beef, Fresh in Market, rtaw a prnowal n( 4Ka al fA. I. 1'ortsnioutn atia Kail Koad Brandy, Cogoiac, 4th prfj 4 75 60 50 i happy exe mption of the savarr from mnM nfih.

the bow in the heavens." That its com- TO 60 ills which the flesh of civilized pian is heir to, in chiefly owing toihe more genial and safe remedies The manufacture of sugar from beets, which Napoleon endeavored to introduce 12 will found a new act a to Carolina and iern Virginia there can be no as we ventured to predict long since. winch De This astonishing difference ncalfon of the infinite 18 25 14 generally into France, has grown latelv into in 8US8' a fairexemplii great importances Millions of pounds "of su-1 Lof and safe weans of cure ail Road will be the parent stem which the Boroughs will not support the bill with -t such a provision, and of clmrse that it not of the stage. not pass the House. We shajl deeply regret Congress. The interruption of the mails the failure of the bill for such a cause, though by the snow storm deprives us of regular in-we do think that the commerce of the State 'itelligence from Washington.

Up to the date should be represented in the Legislature by -of our last accounts, however, the proceed-individuals taken directly ftom the towns in ings were quite uninteresting. The time of which it is carried on. "it is a great inter-; the Houe is chieflv occupied with a bill fix-est, and will become more and more impor-jing the pay of Officers of the Navy, anil taut, and the necessity for its representation with a resolution in relation to the Maine more and mure annarent. We sinrerel Honmlnrv Onstinn. which God has created for the benefit of his child 12J gar are thus made.

The-principal cause of; 16 put torlh its branches in everv direc-The. meeting which. we publish below, heeiing omen of a bright result, anil Hi 15 SO 65 15 ren, over those which the pride iwl the art of man have invented. From a long residence amonj a portion ofthe aboriginal inhabitants of this county, and an inti tne extension ol this manufact ure is the discovery of the great benefits to agriculture connected with it. Afer the sugar has been brge our friends in Carolina, if they re- extracted, there remains sn nut ricious a nuln i acquaintance with the method of cure of that in two months, without the employment i practitioners, the hope that some satisfactory arrangement will 60 15 60 .50 50 50 Peach Apple Bacon i-Beeswax Bagging Coffee, prime 2d aixl 3d qua lit) Candles, Fayette Factory Cotton, new Corn, (new,) Copperas Flax Flaxseed, rough Flour, wiperfine Fiue Fish, Ht-rrhiga Mackerel, No.

3, Mullet, Feathers Gin, Holland Country Gi nger Glass, Americstn 81 10 10x12 1 Hides, green Ditto, dry Iron of other food, a orMt n.imW of 1JfDlA? AfACKa," acquired thetr own prosperity, il they have any tion for their ancient commonwealth, to ish the good work before them. FROM THE DENTON (N. GAZETTE. a numerous meeting of the citizens of Chow. ava.

wa Mr. Adams was. by appointment of the two Houses, to deliver a Eulogy on the character of Lafayette on Wednesday last. a knowledge of some of their nyist powerful and may be ted upon it. yet be made, and that the bill will finally pass.

Every consideration of State policy demands it Justice demands it Bait. Amer. 18 36 75 2 35 50 50 12 Jounty, held at Walton's Roads on Saturday The same writer says, We have before tavonte remedies. From these he selected fich as were most efficacious and appropriate, and af ter variousexpenments to test their principles and strength, he has combined them in the form here presented, ssthe most perfect a)il beneficial for the purpose for which it is recommended. The proprietor offers this preparation to the in pursuanoo af previous to take into deration the expediency of a RaU Rood from POSTSCttMPT.

the House resolutions expressive of the coo A letter from Washington saysi The Administration Committee on the Post Office affairs, finding, it would seem, that bad begun, and worse remain behind, have determined fo postpone making any report for Mon 10 S.aif0,k' Wm- wa. called to i unon which the Dublic domain of Ia. I I 1 a ITtlZ ceded totne General Govern- 1 il a i her from Edenton to Suffolk would coutribute v'- me purpose ot enabling the public, with the consciousness that he is placing withui its reach, a remedy capable of relieving EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. Raleigh, Monday night 8 o'clock. The Convention Bill nas finally passed, the House having concurred in all.

the a-raeudments of the Senate. Now something may be done for the State. uuiaiucu icavc io mination of no lv. and that of North l.u.1..a r. I'l.

P11 'or SSlOIJ Keen IJ -mmj i auu Uttlfll I 11, 5U I IllUSa till I a LtU I II LI I iBl 1 I 1 I suited. That our reDraaantativ th. n. 'i: L.u:.?r Lj 1 r. .2 common character is band ied forth bv the 33 25 10 SO 4 10 50 50 32 20 50 61 50 Lsembly of the State be instructed to 7ou fo, 'T 11 VT IS' Pubalterns.

All ia confesses (easurea which may be deemed necessary for ed' ProPrty of the Slate. hlevortment! the President. 75 75 lly wrong in the in person, hav- Indigo, Bengal Flotant icaiiiiuviis nci tuusiucicu vesieruav i instruction of such a road by individual con latelv nine there, to udmnmah fhan lb. gallon 8 do do lb do fprd lb do do lOOIbs bushel' lOOIbs lb hllahtl barrel do do do do lb gallon de lb 50 feet do lb do KX)lb lb cmk lb do do side lb 1001b gallon lb do 1000 bushel barrel gallosi barrel 1 keg do do do gallon do do 1001b lb -oSV 1001b do? lb bushel do lb do Ition. the House, without taking the question- wm vi gentry, either to stop their bickerings, and make out justification for their conduct, or they must prepare for dismissal.

many 01 nis am cied fellow beings, who are suf feeing under the various chronic and obstinate complaints to which it ia applicable. To such it will prove of incalculable value, a the means, arid in many cases the only means pf reheviuf tlteir sufferings, and restoring them once more to health and happiness. This is "not offered as a common remedy, that may perchance be equally good with many others, now in use, bnt as one which i capable of saving life in many extreme cases, when all the usual remedies fail. This it has done repeatedly 1 and this is the reputation it has obtained wherever it has been introduced. It is only about three years sineA-this preparation was first presented to the Dublic: but in tht Iohed, That we do earnestly recommend to The subject elicited quite an interesting le-ilow citizens of this and the adjoining coun- bate, in which the knowingones of thedom-o assemble in thair nrimarv caoacitv and triv i fclic expresaion oftheir opinions on this import- TV- CJXmD' 8 roP IS 25 3 00 33 20 2 00 45 (uojeci.

ainn ifuesiniii win icsi me olved. That the proceedings of this meetinsr purity of all. The Resolutions will doubt- Crackers. We have received a Communication calling' the attention of the Police lo the practice of firing Crackers about the streets and yards of the town, by boys and rned by the Chairman and Secretary, and sent less pass. le Edenton Gazette for publication "You will have learnt, ere this, the resig 18 SO 40 MARRIED, In Raleigh, on the 30th ultimo, by the Right Rev.

Bishop Ives, Mr. ALBERT G. HALL, of Wilmington, to Mis REBECCA HAYWOOD, second daughter ofthe late John Haywood, Esq. In this town, on Wednesday the 31st after a long and distressing illness, Mr. HUGH W.

Mc-LAURIN in the 21st year of his age. The deceased was a youpg man ofthe roost amis bio character and disposition, and one whose conduct gave the premises usefulness as a citizen. His remains were interred with military honours by the Fayetteville Independent Company of which he waa a member." Hia memory will Jong be cherished by his associates and friends, and deeply regretted bv all who were acquainted witb him. At Newborn, on the 21st ultimo, Mr. BETH C.

PEARSON, relict of the late Col. Rich-mond Pearson. 7 Iff III. luirhftna ll.A WM. H.

ELLIOTT, Chairman GARRETT, Secretary. nation of the Attorney General, in conse- men. quence of the vote6f the House against him. bf the writer to direct the notice of the pro 16 18 abort apace of tyne, some hundreds of persons might be found, who would solemnly declare' hat they believed that their lives were saved by it, and in roost cases after they had tried many and Lime, Lard Leather, 8kirting Sole Hridle Lead, Bar Logwood Molasses Naila, Cnt, assorted Wrought Shingles Oats Oil, Currier 'a Liuseed Pork Plaster, Paris Powder, Dopont'a Paiuts, While Lead Spaiiislt Brown Yellow Ochre Rum, Jamaica, England Rice Rays shot CM J'efrr. Vhn mn now trar i upon him without ueing better for the perhaps all the common remediea in vain Whn everit is Jcnowh It ia rapidly fortune- Into use.

and kpect without making sundry wise re this Affords the moat substantial and convincing gions (tor any reflections on this subject it be comparatively wise onea on thp v0-H 6 6 75 3 2 2 60 I 40 70, 43 3 $9 pruoi ui us mrms. The value of the Panacea is moat conspicuous in those long standing and obstinate syphilitic and scrofulous affections wh irtl tiv Afti, all nlhrr he is -about to take towards the goal of 100 it 7 00 2 25 2 50 3 71- 50 4 rf 4 io 9 fcverv nrst ol Jsnnv th ve at is an imaginary mile-stone on th 4 remedies, and particularly in tfcose cases where Hea 'Estate. ne maae ai ine oar oi tne Mouse, quite a learned and able defence, which as replied to by Mr. Craige, mover of the resolutions. The discussion upon the whole was conducted with decorum.

Mr. Craige, Ivow-ever, in noticing some allusions of the Attorney General in' reference to its beings a party movement, denied the charge, and took occasion to remark, that the assertion of a correspond en tj io the North Carolina Journal, stating the.resolutions to be the offspring of party spirit, was as false as it was infamous. What the remarks of the Journal's correspondent are, I do not know, not having seen them, ''We shall either adjourn on Saturday next, or the Monday following. ppike track of human life at once a rest- place for thought and meditation, ami 2J Sugar, Muscovado prirtt 25 SI 1 1 ting point for fresh exertion in the per-unce of our journey. The man who not at least propose to himself be bet-his year than he was the last, must be 2r very good or very bad indeed.

And to propose to be better, is something: uopmpn I 'Loaf and Lump Salt, Liverpool Turk's Wand, 8tc. 60 WILL be either sold or rented, (as the owner" may the direct) on Saturday next, the 10th at the Marfcet House, 12 o'clock, that valuable Plantation and Improvement, two miles below Fayetteville on tffie west aide of Cape Fear. The Improvements on that part which ia bounded by tb River, consists of a good veiling and Out House, and large Barn, two large fields of Land cleared and fenced, and an Apple. Orchard. The Land extends West up 1019 the Sand Hills, and has on it oear that boundary; a comfort-! able Summer House, located! on handsome spot, per authorities to the danger arising from this absurd custom, and to ask them, in the language of our correspondent, if there is not law of the Town, attaching a severe pen-Mty to this offence? Ami whether it is not their duty to see it enforced? The South College is about to be revived.

Gov. McDuffie, in his first lessage to the Legislature, says, An in-iifesUgation has resulted in a most thorough conviction, founded upon information derived from authentic sources in every quarter of the State, that the Faculty of the College have become so generally obnoxious to our fellow citizens on the score of the supposed religious heresies of some of them, and oi the relaxation of nioral and general disci-)line; and have so irredoveuibly lost the pub-io confidence as suitable persons to guard he and mould the opinions of the rising generation, as to render a radical reform and thorough reorganization of the Institution, a measure of indispensable necessity and the only practical means of reviving its prosperty, jna extending its usefulness i llie whole Faculty jiad, in onmpliance with a request from the Governor, resigned. nd ProfesspTjDew, of nd Mary College, has been elected Professor of political Economy and Hlstoryj Mr. Cogs thing else, it is ah acknowledgment of gaits, Fpsom Glauber r' SteehAswnean I i E. Wfstentd Jv German Saltpetre ieed to be so which is the first steo Mo 9 20 J5 103 amendment.

Rnr in fart in nrt. 14 J2 mercury haabeen so lavishly used as to cause dis tressing pains in fhe booea, nodes, mercurial ul cera, derangement of the digestive organs, fcc. These it completely removes, a yd in all cases: it entirety eradicates ibc disease and the effects of mercury, renovates the constitution, and leaves the patient sound and well. RheuawHama'and in ulcerated sore throat, its happy effects are not less apparent, giving almost immediate relief. Taken in prvper doaes, TajfUsiaf 'a Jpavacaa operate a an alteratrve-and detergeiitradiapho relic, diuretic and laxatirej an antispasmodic and anodyne; and ia stomachic and enuncnagogue.

Generally expressed, it increases all the secretiona and gives tdhe to the stomach, amLexcitei aiie'nr in the glands in a particular, roamw. iFram these printiples )s operatuan may be miderstood, a 1 'I 'his medicinehaa been foundh ghjy tiseiLl in many ambiguous, diseases not here specified, and it bas been used with wopderful success uan and faU vurificr' pVjhoae who are subject to com plaint a 6 the- chest, nd whoaa jconsttutioas, require ne fuch persons WU do, well tpj use two or three battles in sroall doses. When. ever a diet drink is eoflsidered cesaary, tuia-pa-nacca, taken in a small dose, wUl answer all its to one's self to do well, is in some sorti LTahow and near good water; The terms, if sold, will be verv accommodating; if rented, aa usual. The ao lo do 1001b tdoAi Tea, Imp.

1 Gunpowdei we ixsttively; for there is no such a point in human endeav- Ile Who is not wnnp tn.ihv. than ho wuuig ua.i contams ow acres or upwards. HENRY W. AYERiwS. Fayetteville, Jan.

5, 1 T8-Iw. 525 We have been indebted to the politeness of the Hon. Mr. Deberry, for numerous Public Documents since the commencement of the present session of Congress. The intelligence rom England and France, whicli will be found in our columns to-day, is highly inteTestiig, both politically and com mercial I r.

In consequence of the rise of cotton in Liverpool, the articlejrbse here from one to two cents. A lot of about 100 bales was sold at jeste; day, better! and he who is not 12 ,7 tiyson Leaf v. Manufactured Sv.iVKa Wheat WhUkey Wmea, Madeira, L. P. Sicily Madeira 4M bushelx) -VI An 4fJ barrels Mackerel, 1 741 do.

Irish Potatoes, i do worse, The very name of Jariua-from JAKVB-twd ciT.rooking-De. and after-indicMes the reflellive slie whendu exercised, cannot fail 4o to good Raleigh Register. 2 SO 1 Zs 230 lb. soft shell Almonds. WW 1 Tei.erhTtf:SH ust received and for sal by 0 'v N.

McKINNON, Fayettevilk, January 6, 1835. -lMw. Malaga Wool, do Jb 60 20 Ruction on Thursday at 15 G2. 16.

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