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The Goldsboro Star from Goldsboro, North Carolina • Page 3

Goldsboro, North Carolina
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pt a -r r1 1.1 0 A. B. 0 IS. OF the I. 0.

of G. S. and D. tf S. Trains leave Charlotte Depot at Wil IZ'-r Lk 0i Town.

E'i W. South Fork. J. P. Grobbs, Saloai Chapel.

Geo. D. Wise, Winston. W. U.

Goslen, Vienna. 'i D. Walker, Middle Fork. O. H.

Williard, "Abbott's Creek. Daring the absence of the com GODLEOIIO, j- i t' -r-n IiOOAZj rratu-a, 'There Is to be another machine shop built In Goldsboro soon.5 Unite'd States Cironit Court at Raleigh this week, Judge Bond and 8. Seymour will preside. Prof. E.

Burnett, of the Toniorial Bazaar, has just furnished his plaoe of business with oil paintings. 'A Kepublican of the 8rd Congressional District hat our ihanlts for communication In last week's Wjlmington Poit. There was qti'te ei -wrtin Goldsboro on Sun tLj i. ver the ar- restpf Mr. 1 rf The "Willi.

co this week hope the greatly redn 1 er editors will nii.1 i i miniatnrencs eit good year tor Jumbos irdless of is not a Edgecombe oountyt has indorsed L. Lenoir county indorsed, 0r Bubbs. 'Wilson county indorsed Hon. G. W.

Stanton. Halifax indorsod O'Hara. Warren will indorse O'Hara to-day. We are In receipt of 1, No. 2, of the Smithfleld JTeratf.

It is a six column paper and well gotten up. We wish its editors, Messrs. Lassiter, Booker and Smith much 'success in their new field of labor. We oheerfully place it 'upon our exohange list The South dose not grow enough provisions for home use, despite the ad vance made in that direction. So far this season she has drawn on the North for Wheat to the value of oorn, and Total, The Republicans of Goldsboro Town ship met at the town hall on June 3rd and.

elected the following delegates to the County Convention, which convenes on the 10th inst Hugh Humphrey, Isham Whitley and Nathan Boyett Alternates) -Hinton Suggs, Styhen Daniel and 'iSW a. lis Hon. L. W. Humphrey, of Wayne, re ceived the indorsement of Edgecombe county.

1 f-'v- Kt Hon. O. Hubbs was indorsed in Lenoir and Craven oounties. (.,, Hon! J. E.

O'Hara was indorsed by ao olamation in Halifax and Northampton counties. The Republican State Convention con venes June 14th, Congressional Convention of the 2nd Dlstriot, convenes July 19th. Jndioial Couvention, second Dlstriot meet in Tarboro June 12th, to nominate a Judge and Solioitor. Wayne County Convention convenes June 10th. Mra Thompkins, the aunt of Gen, Grant, who recently died in in West Vir.

ginia, had a son who serve in the Confed erate army under Lee, and first met his cousin when. Lea. surrendered at Appo-mattoi. This son sinoe thewar" has been one of the, devoted followers of Gen. Grant and was numbered the 309 at There will be.

anoutsion run from Goldsboro, via Wilmington, Charlotte, for the oehefft of the 'Good Samaritans, on the morning of the 18th of June, at 6 a. m. "Fare for the round trip to Char-vlotte and return will be $5.00. Any one desiring information on this subject should addres Morrisey or1 58; 2 Daniel, Goldsboro, N. r-- The grand 4th of July excursion, from Smithfleld to New-Berne, and return' hext day.

Prom Smithfleld, A $160 Golfisboro and Best's Station, LaGrange and Falling Greek, 75 Kinston, -60 Dover and Core Creek, 60 -The ain will 'leave ju ra. and Goldsboro at 8:15 a. m. Beturn- AD TiiAlNS, GOfSXt i i DatedrApIl 2nd, 1882, so. 48, Daily.

no 40 Daily Lv Arrlye Jtocky Ar tv Xarhoro 3 37 pm .....5 09 00 a ih 810 r' 114 8 25 p. 900 a. Ar 5 48 til, 7 44 p. Ar Goldsboro. 42 0 K7 Ar 7 BO ...904 Ar 9 55 10 55 TEAINS GOING NORTH.

HO 4T Dally, K0.43, Daily Lv Wilmlwrton 8 Cto am 5 3 pi 9 25 IU 1 45 iu 9 4 Hi 6 59 Arrive Burgaw Arrive Warsaw. 1 2(! 8 41 4S .10 .1123 Arrive Arrive WilHon Arrive Rocky Arrive 10 38 .8 mll' .9 00ain3Ci) ui. i 111. Leave 'latboro Arrive Weldon Traia no. 43 North will stop only at Uo'1 Point, Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, WU -Olive, Dudley, Goldsboro, Kocky Mount, Enfield and Halifax.

no. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson. Goldsboro and Mag-: nolla Train no- 47 makes cIooa AnnnenMnii at. Weldon for all point north daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday; via; Bav Line.

Train no. 43 runs dally and makes close connection for all points north via Rich mond and Washington. ri 1 AH trains run solid between Wilmington and. and. have Pullman Palace: -Sleepers attached.

i JOHNP. DIVlNEf, Gen5. 7 A. POPE. Genl Passenger Agent 1 GOTO WESB CENTER si For Pictures of all styles'.

Frames, for sale, i Prices as low as Uie times will allpw Prof. Moore's Liver, Kidney and Con sumption Pills; are guaranteed to oure any disorder arising from, a disordered state of the; vital or contracted by a malarious condition of the atmosphere. For sale by Exim, West Centre Street, Goldsboro, G. (J? d. C.

a week In your own (S outflta ftnODfree. No risk Everything new. Caul' tal not requrled. We will furuira you every. -thing.

Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boya and girls- matte great pay. rieaaer, uyoa want a ous- lness at which you can make great pay all- the time you work, write for particulars H. HALLETT Portland, Maine. To OoxlBumptlveei.

The advertiser haviiitr been Dermanentlv cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known, to his tellow-sunerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a eopy ot th rescrlptlon.used, (free ot charge) with the trectlons for nreuarinir and usina the same: which they will find a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, AsthmaJ Bronchitis, Parties wlshmg the Pre- 1 Bcnpuun, win piease auareBS, nev. is. A- Wilson. 194 Penn Wuliamsburs.

N. Y. PIMPLES- I I will mail (free) the recipe" for a sample Vegetable Balm thatf will remove TaJi, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaning the skin soft, clear and beautiful: also ith structlons for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth faoe. Address, inclosing So. stamp, Ben Vandelf 00.

liSBarclay N. Y. 1 'i i pi yti kv 'i i. i or A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will for the sake of Buffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for mgklng the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence, JOHN Bs QQDENy 42Cedar N.

T. OroldaborStr GOLDSBORO, 0, THE ADVOCATE' OF. EQUAL' 'I RIGHTS BEFORE THE LAW, AT THE BALLOT" BOX, AN. I i 1 IN THE PATRONAGE 0 i 1 i Gov rti xiut For alt Med Eegardles Of Color 1 LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT In Favor of a Free Ballot1 arid a 1 Believing it to be the duty or iiA united states Government to see that the children of -h---1 the whole country are I TEOHOVOHLT EDUCATED IT OPPOSES, AibNbpdLIES. Therefore the STAB will advocate a NATIONAL v.

Educational Law. a The STAR Willi Advocate no Man's Claims for office on Account of Color, but will reflect the the principles of the i i'A REPUBLICAN Price only $1.00 Six months 50; months, 30, cents. per vtfnnnm; cents three KAIL' mington 4.80 P. M. on the 19th, andar- rive at Charlotte at 7-45 next morning.

Tickets good for ono week. Fare for the round trip 3.00. a. Cv Green, Aug. Williams and J.

Holloway, iianagets. Peesidino Eldeb's Appointments Second Distbiot. Kenansville March 18th; Dnplin Roads, March 25tb Einston, April 1st; Newbern, April 8th; Goose Creek, April 11th; April 15th; Wilson April 22d; Warrenton, May 6 th; Eingwood, May 13th; Brinkleyville, May 20tn: Northampton, May 27th; Halifax, June 3d; Nashville, June lOlh; Riohland, June 17th. The brethren of the differ ent circuits, stations and missions, will please have all their reports ready, so that we oan proceed wlta the, business 0 the Quarterly Conference. 1 i J-if H.

JiPPS. P. E. Devotional services of the A. M.

Z. Church will be held as follows Preaohias at eleven o'clock a. and half-past seven-p, each Sabbath. Class meeting from half -past three to half-past four o'clock preaching may follow Preaohing eaoh Wednesday night at eight o'clock. Young people's prayer meeting each Thursday night at eight o'clock.

Leaders' meeting Tuesday night before the first Sunday in eaoh month. Choir meets Monday and Friday nights. Sabbath sohool nine a. to ten o'clock and forty minutes a. m.

Teachers' meeting each month, J. H. mattocks, Pastor. GOLDSBOEO rtOSMAL' SOtEOpii. The first session of the Golds- boro Normal School, for colored teachers, for the counties of Greene and Wayne, will begin on Taes-dayr the 13th inst.

at the Colored Graded School building, lrf this cityj and cotinae four' weeks." The following teaohern have been selected and the annexed programme arranged Prof. E. Smith, of the Golds boro Graded Sohool, Principal-- English Language, Calisthenics, Geography. Mrs. G.

T. Wassom heading, History, (N. Stevens, of the Golds- boro Graded School AnthomeMc, Orthography, Penmanship. Leotnreson School Government will tyjde.tvered. 4 A4ion vthe distinguished edu catofs etpecied' to' lecture during the term are Hon, K.

P. 'Brttle President af the State University; Rev. H. M. Tapperr President of Shaw University; Hon.

J. C. Scar- boro, State Superintendent Public Instruction; Prof. NJ R. JSoberts, of Shaw University, and Prof.

W. B. Harris, of St. Augustine Insti tute. It is expected that every colored teacher and person looking for ward to teach in the near future will be "iMMlMlr Ed.

T- Albbittoh, I Co. Supt. Greene. 0. B.

Atcock, Co. Supt. Wayne. FOESYTH COUNTY COJfVEN-' TION; Pnrsnant to general notice pre viously given, the Republicans of Forsyth county met in convention, at the oourt house in Winston, promptly at o'clock June 3d, 1882, to nominate delegates to the State Convention, to meet in iZaleigh June the 14th and to reorganize -the party in cbuntyv Judge Starbuck, Ohairmaa, who, upon palling, the convention to order, preface his re marks by reading the call issned by the State Executive Committee, with the rules referred to in the plan of organization for theGovern-ment of conventions. J.

W. Goslen acted ao temporary The convention was one of the largest ever held in the county, being a representative body in every respect. Upon a call of every precinct presented cre-dientials, except Richmond. From Lewisville precinct two'dele- gations presented credentials. The chnirman.

then appointed as committee on credentials, cue from each precinct, as follows: Ti Jno. P. Vest, Chairman. 0. P.

Pope, Broadbay L. H. Orutohfield, Bellow's Creek. p. 4.Stoltz.,Bethauia, 25 IV Keeps constantly on hand a 1 go assorment of BURIAL OASES OF ALL KINDSi F.

of A. Day's old stand. Cures epiltitio fits, Epam, ConvuHsoiiB, St. Vitus Dance. Virti'io, Hysterics, In snn- itv.

Annnlp.Tv. llheumatisra. This iuiiabie remedy will positively eradioate every epeoies of nervous derange .1 i UlUUh B1IU U1IYO LUCIU BWUV WUBUUO they came, never to return again. It utter ly destroys tne germs, or disease by neu tralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female weakness, General Debility, Leucorrhoea, or whites, painful Menstruation, Ulceration of the uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflammation of the Blad der, for wakefulness at night, there is no i better During the change of life no Female should be without it.

It quiets the nervous system and gives rest comfort and nature's sweet sleep V. SAAOKITAN NERVINE Cures Aloohallsm, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have evef befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die-annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he like it, but' for the pleasure of drinking and treating his; friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruia.

Like the Opium Eaters, he first uses the drag in smaU qunuues as a harmless tn tidote, The soothiog influence the drug takes strong hole npon its vlotira, leading him on to bis own destruction. The habits of Obium Eating and' Liquor Prinking are nieoisely what eating is to aliment veinees, as over-eating first influences the stomach, which redoubles Us oravinga until it paralyzes boih the stomach and appetite, So every drink of liquor or, dose of Opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fiers, until it consumes the vital foroe and then Like the glutton-bus tape-worm, it orles "Give, give, but never enough until 1 its own rapacity' devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in all suoh oases. It produces sleep quiets the nerves, builds up the ner- SSfSSmST 7 ''J SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures nervous Palpitation of Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, i Bcrofulo, syplis, diseases of the Kidneys and all dis eases of the urinary organs. Nervous de bility, caused by the indeoetioas of youth, Permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy.

To you. young, 'middle aged and old men, who are covering your sufferings as with a mautale by silenoe. look up, you oan be saved by timely efforts, and make ornamets to society, and jewels in the crown as your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflioted take Dr.

Riohmor d'fl Samaritan Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, ar rest premature decay, impart tone and energy to the whole system. Samaritan' Nervine- Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direot from us. Those- who wuh to obtain further evidenoes- of the onrative properities of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 3 cent Postage Stamp for a copy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hunderd or testimonials of oure from persons who have used the medioine, and also their piotures photo graphed after their restoration to perfect health. Address a J.1.

3tt0HM0ND ca World's Epileptio Institute, -w i Ma w.ass;om, i Attorney at Lan. Goldsboro, N. C. O. 584.

Protioe in all the courts of the state and ra the U. 8. Dlstriot oourt NEW GEOCEIiY. W. B.

BAKEK, Keeps on hand a very large assortment of of all kinds of GrtO 013X1.1130, and sells them at the very lowest figures. wui ana see ror yourself. Nov. U-ly. NO PATENT, NO PAY.

3PATKNT8 obtainedr for Mechanical Device, compounds, Designns, and labels. All preliminary examinations as to patentability of Inventions, free. Our Guide for Obtaining Patents is sent free everywhere. Address i itouls Bagger St 'SoUcitors' Of Patents," WASHINGTON, B. tt mittee J.

Lindsay Patterson and Ohas. Teague, were called npon to address the convention. Both gentlemen made pertinent4 and well timed speeches, which were well received by the, convention. John P. Vest, then re quested J.

Goslen. to take the chair, and proceeded to offer the following resolntions 1. That the Republicans' ol For- eyth county, in convention assem bled, it common with all good and patriotic citizens, do express their sincere ana heartteit regreta at tae nntlmnl-B lfi.t.h of onr J. President, James A. Garfield.

2. Tbat we reoognize in General Chester all Hie elements of character which the Chief Mag-Istrateof this nation should poa Bess, his exalted worth, his patri otism, bis unblemished character as a citizen, his-unalloyed devo tion to principal and friends de serve the highest encomiums; and we pledge our earnest support to his administration. That we re-affirm our devo tion to the principled of the grand, old, Union the perpetuation ot the liberty of the citizen, the peace and pros perity of the country depend, and tfa again cordially invite the co operation of all those who are op posed to the rule of Bourbon Be. mocracy to join us in onr effeorts to restore to the people the right of local government; election of magistrates, county commissioners and school committeemen. 4.

condemn the ap pointment of B. Everitc as collector of internal revenue in this district, his inordinate egotism, his disgusting arrogance and want of common politeness towards those with whom he cornea in contact uegervea cbubuib, auu, iu uur upiu ion, his pretended affiliation with the republican party was only for v. t.i i 1 viuiuo wuiuu was uuuiuu uiui uy uis former allies, the Democrats. We respectfully ask the President to remove him and appoint Dr. a.

i Wneeler, a true and tried re pubi6an, who' enjoys the respect and confidence of the people. (5 That the Secretary be request ed forward tbqi proceedings of Al. 2... ...1 luia convention co tne rresident and to the following named newspapers with a request that they publiBh i Goldsboro Stab; States-ville and! Union Republican,) The resolutions were 'adopted without a dissenting Vote. 1 West Center K9x oti W.

Edwards' Salt BAGS, BONES SCRAP IRON OLD BRASS, s- LEAD, a 'Vcopper, AND JUNK GENERALLY. I r- T3JHUnpm i PETERSON, Desires to Inform their friends and the pnb-He that they can be found, one door west of Express Offlce.wh re they keen constantly FRESH BEEP, MUTTON, 1 VEGETABLES, ETC. 7 which they, will be pleased to sell you at lowest cash prices. Respectfully, PAJBKEB PETERSON. Cherokee, Cure.

ii i 0f im.i.'i Ww JL.t -AA. The Very thlna. Bvery oottle sells snds. Itself. PrlcA 25 another.

It cents. To be had at all drtig stores. Ad- MRS. SUE NELSON. Uoiasboro.NiC I r.

1 ST? -ir ing, will leave behind? the mail on the mornrngof the Bth. Hons. J. O'Hara, I. B.

Abbott nd Col. Geo. T. Wassom will address the rh people oh that day. i Winstoh, June 4, '82, Editor Stat We eleoted Dr.

H. Wheeler and Hon. Limbook delegates to State Convention, and Jj Goolin and. Grubba Passed areso- lution condemning Geo. B.

Eveiett. Pro. ceedings harmonious. Every towhship was represented, v1 J. P.


8rd and 4th Keysville lJth and '12th Lea'ohville 17th and 18th Town Creek 24th and 25th MorriflvUle ,0 iVt 'V..

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