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Greensboro North State from Greensboro, North Carolina • Page 2

Greensboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ajrrespondence of the North State-l THE GREAT SSO XV STORfll. mail in thia Rff I little were in the hazard. The latter went to I the walL ar WW a a 9 THE NOJRTH STATE. Cannot something be done to prevent oar laborers from flocking from our eastern section to the Georgia pine-fields? The Elizabeth City Economist says there is universal complaint of the scarcity of field labor. The prospect of untitled fields is a gloomy outlook for that large class of men who are so often spoken of as the backbone and who sorely are the foundation block of i the political fabric the farmers.

Tbe fields are yet white with unpicked cotton, and seed-time is at band. Bib. Recorder. What a blessed right this is that the laborers now have of going to the Post Master General Howe Dead. On Easter Sanday at 2:20 P.

tbe Hon. Timothy. O. Howe died at tbe residence of bis nephew, CoL James H. Howe, jat Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Thw sad news caused a great shock in tb country, as it was not even known that the Post Master General was in ijl health. About three weeks aga, in good health and fine spirits he left Washington for Green Bay, Wisconsin, to attend to some private business. One mtmlm. mm HrCJ Canllaa. Ltschbueo, March 26.

A mow storm prevailed here; from early yesterday evening till this morning. It is till snowing west. of Lynchborg, and i he snow is increasing. The telegraph wires are down in several places. Pctebsbcbq, Va.t March 26.

A heavy enow storm baa been raging all day south of Weldon, N. At poinU along the Raleigh and Gaston railway tbe snow is teported tj have fallen to a depth of ten inches be Northern bound mail and passenger train from the south, three boors late, arrived here this afternoon, delayed by enow. Jay Gould and family passed through here this afternoon for New York from Jacksonville, Fla. Richmond, March 26. Telegrams received here from points along the Richmond and Danville railway uth of Cbarlott county, Va.t and the Piedmont Air Line railway through North Carolina state that a heavy snow storm prevailed last night and this morniug, the depth of snow ranging from 6 to 15 inches, Raleigh, N.C, March 26.

Tbe enow fall in this State yesterday and to-day is unprecedented. The snow at Henderson is said to be three feet deep. Telegraph lines are down from Greensboro north. At Kittrell a number of bouses have fallen under the weight of the snow. News from other points gives the depth of snow by actual measuremen as follows: Salem 8 inches; Greensboro 21 inches; HillsborolO inch Mid-dluburg 22 iuches; Durham 18 inches.

At Kittrells the roofs of' several houses were crushed by the great wtigljit of snow, while trees were bent and broken. The snow is very deep on the line of the Richmond and Danville Railroad between Gre nsboro and Danville. All the wires were down yesterday, and messages were sent through th Ra leigh office. The fall of snow at Wel-don was slight. None fell at Sanford; none at Goldsboro, but there was much, sleet; several inches at Wilmington; but 1 ttle at Clayton; heavy fall, depth not given, at Charlotte.

The streams are reported as rising very rapidly and floods are expected. In the Blue Ridge the snow appears to have fallen to a great depth. It may be said to be the greatest March snow storm ever known in this State. The storm at Greensboro began at noon on Sunday, and con tinued for 28 hours without intermis sion. Tlte North Caroliua Insane Asylum.

Uhe dividing line between the North Caroliua Insane Asjlum at Raleigh, and the Western North Carolina In sane Asylum at Morganton, runs from the Virginia line south with the Wes tern boundary lines of Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Montgomery and Richmond Counties to the South Caro lina hue. The following rules have been adopted by the Board of Directors of The North Carolina Insane Asylum: x. aii applications now on hie, to be re newed under the new Act of the General As sembly and recorded as received, stating name, date, bounty and what disposition is made of the same, and the correspondent of the appli cant notified. 2. All admissions to be in the interest of the Institution, merits of the case and the protection of Society.

o. Acme cases, with good prospects of cure, to be admitted promptly on application. xnaking room by discharge, if necessary, of some comparatively harmless and incurable case, from the same or some other County. 4. All other applications to be referred to the Board of Directors or Executive Com mittee, with such information pertaining to the same as may be of service to said Com mittee in deciding as to the admission of the case.

Such admissions to be regulated, as far as practicable, by the population, in such manner as to equalize the- benefits of the Institution among the various Counties. o. admission or rejection of an appli cant to be a matter of record in a Bpecial book. and signed by two or more members of said or Committee. Eugene Gbissom.

Superintendent. We have received from Mr. John C. Scarborough, State Superintendent of instruction, the Public School Jaw as amended by the last Legisla ture, a informs the County Super intendents that he will send them as early as possible tae amended law "with explanatory notes and my (his) construction of the provisions, with a circular letter to them of directions and suggestions as tp their duties and powers under tbe Mr. Scarbor ough siys, and we agree with him; "lhe amendatory act is a long sten back wards and is very discouraging to the true friends of public schools and popular education, but it cannot be undone now.

Iet -us, therefore, do the best possible under the cir cumstances and work wisely for a better system from future legislation. Let us stand to our guns until the justice and wisdom of our cause shall be recognized and acknowledged by alL" The last body were down on the children and the. sheep. And yet they are pronounced by their admirers to be an able and useful body. Star.

Sensible JUakp Bcters. A number of gentlemen who have recently come here from to buy land largely or grazing purposes have departed rom the usual custom of going half way acros-t the ponunent and determin ed to boy in Vinriuia. Americana might make money by taking a hint 1 iU. r7 uuui iuio. xu tun xasteru pta es are uunareds oi thousands of acres of ground not fit for much but crazinr.

ana as au are wucin a lew hours of the sea-coast they are near enough to great maraeis ana ports, to reduce cost of transportation to a trifle. But Ameri eans have a rage for going west. A ri cultural and mineral resources almrV.t without number are neglected in thm older States, that luck may be courted in the extreme interior. It is to be hoped, for the sake of the natives as well as themselves, that tbe razinrr company alluded to may succeed handsomely and teach our people that they are throwing away good chances in their ambition to "go Weat." tf. Y.Her Mr.

E. D. Oslin. of WrrnW I have found Brown's Imn rem 'J un true tonic and a sure cure for indigestion." Hon Fob DrnmrKAs-na t- i i drunken habiU be noT overco unS Parker 8 Ginger Tonic took tVoftliluston Letter. 7isHrsaTOX.

D. March 26, 18S3. M.mtwtratif Compress and senators are anxious to things "fixed still hovering around the depart nt cTottincr their friende into soft ices. Civil service is good enoagu -r ordinary mortals, but it cuts little fi uraif one these statesmen haTe a u.ur. i uu.w.

fnend to be broogni in out oi mo cui i. i- T. mm of eicfbt senatorial t-tbere. chairmen of committees Ut Congress, were appoiuiea iuir rk ons baa asked why so ieh familv talent should be wasted one committee, The same inquiry lh Knnsn suit whcfH -naiorial nr.cdani was followed members appointing their sons e'rks of committees of which thrj Ths men are latter lay patriots. They bad a part in incut btini? the which was hatched in i be last Congress and is now feather- itii out into full fledged civil servce.

How expensive this new fledging will yet be, time will telL The general aommisaion. the examiners in chief, the examiners, in sub districts, the renta, stationery, must all be paid tor by Uncle Sam. It is presumed hat the wisdom of the present and past ages will be ransacks in framing questions to be put to innocent aspi rants for places under tbe government, wno. if fortunate in solving these scientific conundrums, will be placed on waiting orders, ready to drop into tbe plaee of some one who due or resigns. Tha quettion of fitness, for the place has nothing to do in the matter.

rue appointee may be as little suited to the dace as a sauare plug to a round hole. The present system of examination and au appointment, with six months probation and psrma- uency. thereafter if found worthy. to be abandoned, In the future worth, modesty and merit may be discoonted by brazen stupidity and unfitness. Senator Edmunds, tbe now acting Vice-President, lately joined his fami ly at Aiken, S.

where they havu passed the winter, nd their programme for the summer includes a trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. Edmunds has tbe reputation of beinir a man of small means, but the fact is his income ranges irom to fiuu.uuu a year. Besides his salary as senator and a salary of $5,000 as consul for the Vermont central railroad, he ie consulted in nearly every important case brought to the supreme ceurt. or these opinions he receives sums varying from $5,000 to $10,000.

Re cently he went over to New York and made an argument in two cases. His fee in each case was $10,000. He succeeded to a great deal of" Matt Carpenter's lucrative business, and, it is said, received $100,000 in retainers from the cable companies shortly alter Carpenter's death. His watchfulness over lobby schemes in the senate makes him a terror to On the very day he took the chair ag President of tbe senate a bill came up in which a certain hardworking mem ber of the third house had a large in terest. When the clerk commenced to read tbe amendment which provided for the pavment of the claims, whiob.

if it had got through, would have net ted his claim attorney about 20,000, the President pro tempore said, "stop to the clerk. "What is that? The clerk will read it again. Tnat is clear- ly out of order' said the judge. "It is new legislation ana ne chair it out of The lobbyist was thunderstruck, and as soon as he could get control of his legs went out into the corridor and b. gan to curso EJ-I munds for everything he could think of." He was finally 'joined by other lobbyists, who agreed to see their man uext session and have Edmunds bounced.

It would be impossible, they said, to get anything that had money in it through the senate as loner as old Edmunds was in the chair and Cue rell on the floor, and they both ought to be in the lunatic asylum. Josius. yr 0.UUU -CVETUBUCAN X1ABM0NT IN New Bnn. auei it i. cM.lUt.

i v. ww.uwii mg Republicans of New York be held at Saratoga in June with a view of bringing about united action at the polls by Republicans when tbe State lection takes place in tbe fall. Care. it is asserted, will be taken lv present at the conference represents tives of every Republican faction, in oraer mat its conclusions may be sup i twikcu auBiniuu iue party as a whole. Some inquiry has alreadr been waue, it wouia appear, amon? the 1 ti publican btate Senators in regard to mm- I tne men of each faction in the several counties composing their districts, with tbe intention of issuing rri? luvuauons to inem to be present at tha conference.

It may be said that this effort of ex-Governor Cornell to bring uuut coacora among llepublicans is not an isoiatea one. or several weeks past Republican newspapers in the in- tenor of the State have been discus sing in a friendly spirit tbe methods by which party union mav- bs seenrd. Among tne republican members of tue legislature also the matter is becoming a leading subject of conversa tion. It is felt that tbe Republican party pas righting chance fall election. at the A.

Great Cat ilk Transaction. Per- tL nape we largest transaction in cattle ever made in this country was effected at Fort Worth Texae, last Saturday, mu saie oemg bead of futt rown cattle by tbe Ikards Harold to tbe Franklin Land Cattle of New York, composed of Charles G. Francklin, Frank G. Brown, presi dent of the Bassick mines, Colorado. uu, r.

uroom Son or Lexington. XT' A extensive breeders and importers of short horn cattle. The price paid eps private, out the figures are understood to be about $25 per head, wuicu wouia aecreirate abont 82.000.- uvu. Vira Ct .1 fire in bt. James Catholic Church.

I at New York, on Fridav morning cans- ea py tbe drapery about the repository I accidentally filing from a candle, cuua in SO.VUU aamasre. A home for arred and infirm Hehre vi I as the Richmond Dan villa SynT seem to be making money. ment shnwinc tha. dnrint? tha third l. ft" vr, ary has been published, from whij' appears that the earning of th rs ntiD I A during tbi period amounted Ikl i 0.

increase of fa 770 9i1r in i earnings of tbe correspond iqt I iponJmg 1882. Greenville road were $29,203. crease of $4,919 over the earuiVj.f tue corresponding week last )r. "jZ earnings of tbe Richmond lUilmad were $64,600, au lUcrnme. over the corresponding I.

Ml JW- Ths information out reassuring tuu, wuu iear4 HI A Sk ST A 108 esiaunsumeut ui lue i DeMORAUZIXO NeOBO VoTEBi examination of the twelve democrats charged with intim.d.E.l and preventing colored m-u fr voting at thelast congressional tion was concluded on SitunUyl at Columbia, S. C. The comuiiait. decided that the testimony waa sufficient to bold any of tbe dtfeoJ except Thomas A. McGill uo J.

Herron. The evidence show thk. these parties stationed I the Monticellj polling product, former being armed with a nails driven in it, and the latter with, large knife. Whenever a oolure attempted to approach the pulk Uill ana llerron earned aud him and brandished tbair ri. l.

t. .1 many ooiorea ineu from votm nntii fa CiCll I foP tri I Bad Record of a Bjcebox Orriciu. I -A senate committee uearjy twj jeal ago began an investigation mtj accounts of ex-State Treasurer Coorcj! ill, then governor, of Arkasan, bad 'served as treasurer for kix or tnree terms, lots commiitwe sn.r a year on tbe accounts, and rrporUlt deficit of $114,000. When the le ture met in Ja unary last thehousarv' fused to accept tbe report, saviug tu law required an investigation bn joint committee. Finally a uutcoa mittee was appointed, and the woni was begun anew.

On Saturday lul a final report was made, which charpi -a deficit, according to the fice of books, of $233,600.87. The differ! in the two reports causes much oa meuL The legislature auYjucuoJ Tef terday but ordered a suit brought; bi bring the matter at vuce mt4 tU courts. Rolling Easteb Eaas. Tue terrac i hillocks of the President's irruauds.t i long slopes of Mount Pleasant, ad iue uuis to tue nortueast oi tue csp tol were all filled with children vegrj day, cold as the day was, to roll attf eggs. It is pecularly an Amencao cat- torn.

Among American cities Wh i ington is the one where iUin jt i LM1. 1. 1L popular. In the President's where the largest crowd gated, soma thousands of clnllrrf uara AnwnrwA ilt. a Mt.

samblage was Democrat, andnotafeif quite big girls joined earnestly in tbif sport. All kinds of costumes vert; observed from velvets and silks to uij ana Dut little oi tnem, Uut toe rf" ged wore as happy as tbe the children had lots of fun. Tb will alo many of them have lots pneumonia and consumption. NaUo al Republican. A $520 Almanac.

At the sale of Dn David King's (of Newport, R. I library in NewYorkon almanac of the vear 1G8G. the. fir work of the printer of Pbilsj phia, W. Bradford, was sold for $52C The only other copy in existence the possession of George Brindlej, Hartford, Conn.

0T aiS hair, and beaaufji --jt uawrjr -t vntn emit i ker's Hair Balaam. THE GREAT 6EEMAS REMEDY i FOR PAIN. Relicva and cores IUIEU3IATISX, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACUE, TOOTBIO SOEE THROAT, qcissy, pyEiin SPBAISS, ore net. CoU, Bf FiyDBTBITES. DISSS, WCALM And all othrr bodily aod palm.

nrrr ceits BOfni Sold by DroeVg Dealers. Pirectiuf Isosoac6. TheCliarleiA.Vge!ff O. A- TOOILX MIDLAKD V. HAILWA1, 1 (ATLAS no AND MOUTH ABO LISA Titfi Taa Tabu 6.

to take enact Oct. 1 GOUT 3- EAST. ooiKo wr- Tnia A7. Exm kettadoail 8TATIOXS. 9 i A.U.; A.

11. Central Division. 9 Pin Level At Holt's MiU irlDC9too io: 12 ICoplnl' Ooidsbot-e. 4.4 IV, C. Division Si! 8 4 10 4 67 5 15 9 Beat's.

25 4 67 ar a' 555 12 36 6 Si 8 43? 42 8 211 6 11 sal 6 S3 ruling cmk. 6 6 Kin ton. 8 34 6 Om 7 15 8 uo xmm. 8 2.RlrnlMla 61 4 4 68j 8 871 4 4 A5i 7 WA 7 ia 7 99 8 40 8 6rt 82 161 18 Haveloclu. 65 Newport 10 07! 10 OS ia ia as mm 10 43) 3iorebead Depot Train Aft Mnnota wlfh Xnrth CaMkllllA tisin DO' a.

11 mm I I IT. JMl.l west, leaving QoUUboro at 1 p. aaa w-- miiurton a vtiaaatr bonmi south, leering cT Train 47 eonnecte with Korth Carolina trmin PJ latooldsboro at.J, a.m aect tca atasea at smitbfteid sad from ml 7, 64 4 08 4 ti 70 3 5a 3 .8 7l 3 49 81 1 3 05 3 2 80! 3 2 2 2 fSi 3 13 2 ej 1 47 1 8 loef 10 1 3 109 13 67r13 ex ia 20.13 ill mi I i EF SH i alt. xiowe was nrst menuonea mm a candidate for the senate in 1857. The other candidates were Hon.

J. H. Doolittle, Mr. M. M.

Jackon, subsequently appointed comul jjen-eral at Halifax by President Lincoln, and E. D. Holton, of Milwaukee, i At that time a very strong element in Wisconsin had begun to oppose the fugitive slave hiw 104 capture of a fugitive, his rescue from his captors by Sherman M. Booth and others, and a long lawsuit which followed, having brought the slavery question into almost as much prominence in Wisconsin as in the southern or border states. Judge Howe did not take -ground with the radical abolitionists, but sustained the decision of Judge Dixon, who had taken a very conservative position.

The public interest in this case had its influence on. the senatoral fight. Extreme abolition views were not by any means avowed by the majority of the party, and the candidates were required to subscribe to the doctrine of the state rights before they could receive assurances of support. This Judge Howe refused to do, and Doolittle, who had only come over from the democrats the year previous during the Buchanan- remont cam paign. was chosen.

In 1859 Mr. Howe was elected to the seat, his popularity at that time being so great that his election was secured without a caucus. In fact, he never was the candidate of a caucus, and never was at the capital of his state during a senatorial election in which he was a candidate ior re-eiecuon. C030CE3TS Or THE PRESS. Sevo York Times.

Whatever may be said of the deceased offl' cial as a public man. it will always be held true of him that he waa honest, pains-taking, and conscientious in the discharge of the du ties that were intrusted to him as jurist, legis lator, and executive officer. New York Herald. Mr. Howe entered the senate at a critical time.

Secession was rampant. Mr. Lincoln in his message' had set forth very clearly what his duty was to the country at large and what were the obligations of his oath. In the debate that followed the 'spokesmen of one party declared that the inaugural was war message, while the, other side declared it to be a peace message. Amid this distraction of opinion Mr.

Howe made his first speech. He told the southern gentlemen that whether the message meant peace or war depended upon themselves upon the course they should pursue. These were just the words needed to be said, and had marked effect. Next came the financial difficulties growing out of the failnre of the banks and the suspension of specie payments. The question now arose whether the government should make its notes legal tender.

Mr. Howe was on the finance committee. Its chairman was opposed to legal tender issues; others of the committee were opposed. Mr. Howe made a carefully prepared speech in support of legal tenders, and legal tenders became the standard currency of the country.

Mr. Howe was elected thrice to the United States Senate, and served altogether eighteen years. In 1865, at Milwaukee, he spoke as follows: "One year ago, when largo rebel armies were fighting on Southern fields for the defeat of our ticket, then I held up to you only the flag of the union, and I appealed to you to stand by the party which stood by it Then I asked you to sustain the union party because it would save the country. Now I ask you to stand by the union party because it has saved the country." This little speech was the key note of his loyalty. Stamps for Tobacco, Snuff ana cigars.

"Washington, March 25. The com missioner. of internal revenue has is 1al hqsu ins lonowiiig circular in regarig to tha issue of tobacco, snuff, and cigarette stamps: "Under the act- of March 3, 1883 the tax on all tobacco, snuff, cigars and 11 a a -a cigarettes manuiaciurea ana sold, or removed or consumption or sold on or after May 1, 1883, will be as follows, viz: On tobacco and snuff, 8 cents per pound; on cigars, and cigarettes weighing more than three pounds per tnoasand, per thousand, and on cigarettes weig ing more tban three pounds per thousand, 50 cents per thousand On receipt of this circular collectors will make requisition on this office for such tubacco, snuff, cigar and cigarette stamps as will be required for use in May. The requisitions should be plainly indorsed "Act of March 3, 1883." A supplf of stamps of the new series, sufficient to meet all de mandt, will probably be ready by June 1, and orders therefor may be made at any time subsequent to May 1. The new stamps will be denominated "Se ries of 1883, "and the words and the figures "Acl of March 3, 1883," will appear thereon.

At the close of business April 30 collectors will pack and forward to this office, by registered mail, "all to bacco, snuff, cigar and cigarette stamps remaining in their hands, other than those issued under the act of March 3. 1883. lull books of tobacco and snuff stamps should be placed in packages by tnemseives. A schedule of the con tents shonld be placed in each pack age. The etamps will ne counted an receipted ior at the earliest practica aaa ble date.

It is intended that all tobacco, snuff. cigar and cigarette stamps issued to collectors at the current rates of tax shall be finally accounted for in their reports on form 76 for April. The stamps returned as above directed wil; uci, luereiore, ue reported as in Al I transitu, but as "returned April 30, North Carolina Statistics. JNorth Carolina has 8 colleges. In the Preparatory department there are 1U teachers and 328 pupils: in the Col legiate dn artmeut there are 70 teach ers and pupils.

lhe income from productiv funds is $10,000. The in come in 1879. from tuition was $27,500. ine number of volumes H. branea is 29,543.

Value of grounds, buildings and apparatus i539.000. These are the figures ior 1879. There uua ueen some increase ail around since, we suppose. Number of miles of Railroad in North Carolina 1,499. In 1880, there was expended for Public Schools $352,882.

Of this sum teachers received $318,453. Tbe school population is 459,324. Number en rolled, 225,606. Average attendance 147,802. Average duration 54 days.

North Carolina is the filteeath in size, its population in June 1880, being Its population now is probably one million and a half. There ate 50.704 square miles and 32.450,560 acres. Star. W. H.

Fisher fell between tbe cars oa the "East "Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad on Thursday night, near Dallas, and was killed. Forest fires are rasing in tbe Ragged Mountains, north of Charlottes Colds yield to onions like marie but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a still better and by far more agreeable means of curing a Cold or Cough. Yon can bay a bottle for 25 cents at any drug store, and wears sure it will do the Work every time. GREENSBORO, N.

THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1883. fTnv. "North State" is esteiied AT the Post-Office in Geeessbobo, as sec- OSD CLASS MATTEB. The President baa designated Gen, Frank Hatton to act a Post-Master GeneraL Jerome Holt, the negro man who entered tbe bouee of Mr.

WV Terrell, near Gibsonville, abont one month since, and committed an assanlt on Mrs. Holt, was hanged on Friday last, at Graham. The Charlotte Observer and Journal have been consolidated by the sale of lb Observer to the Journal Publishing Company. The Journal-Observer is welcomed to oar exchange list. It pre sents the best appearance of any.

daily in tbe State. For all points between Greensboro and Charlotte it is equal to a home daiiy, for all late telegraphic and general news. There can be little doubt of- great prosperity for the Jour nal-Observer in a pecuniary point of view. A sub-committee of the executive committee of the National Union League met at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia on Saturday. he con ference was attended by represent a tive men in tbe Republican party, tbe object being to further a movement for securing unity of sentiment in the ranks of the party.

Gen. J. S. Neg ley, of Pittsburg, presided, and among tbe others present were Thomas (j Baker, of New York, secretary of the league; Greu. C.

F. Grosvener, of Ohio; C. F. Scott, of W. Wm.

A. Cook, of Washington, D. Donald Mc- Clain, of New York; A. M. Clapp, of Washington, D.

E. W. M. Mackey, of Carolina; W. P.

Canaday, of North Carolina; J. E. Bryant, of Geor gia, and Messrs. C. Boutelle and H.

Manley, of Maine, and a number of prominentliepublicans of Philadelphia. The question of holding meetings in the South to be addressed by North i em speakers was discussed, and it was decided to hold the first meeting at Atlanta, in the early fall. The Democratic legislature just ad journed was haunted during its entire session with the dread spectre of defeat in 1884. This dread accounts for the fact that a Democratic journal notes that "the session was devoid of any para mount interest." It gave form to all that was done and was the reason for what was not done. It was this that induced the provision in the reveuue act appro priating the price of the Western N.

Railroad for State general purposes and levying no State tax for 1884. It means we will bribe the people to vote for ns by relieving them of the State tax on the election year with money that should honestly be used to pay the State's repudiated debts. It was this spectre that caused the supplemental act crippling the act providing for a Governor's mansion. It was tbe same haunting ghost that defeated the Railroad Commission bill and also that to build a building for tbe use of the Supreme Court. The questiou never was what honor and dignity of the State require; or what will be of interest to the; welfare of the people, but.

only what will save the Democratic party from threatened defeat what will serve to re-elect us fair or foul. God has forgotten to be gracious to a State when he suffers such men to pnt it to shame. The legislature has passed a supplemental bill to that to Drovide a munsinn fnr- fha eraor, which so conflicts with it as to render diu useless. lial. Uhr.

Advocate. Just-like such legislature. Great effort has been made to "boost" up this legislature as of mere than average "make up." And yet its rtcord as gathered up by its friends proves it to be a poor mischievous thing without any backbone. The secret of this nugatory supplemental bill is that it was enacted so with a purpose. The original act called forth such proteets'from the Democratic tax-payers of the -tate that the friends of the measure became alarmed for their own re-election and the safety of their, party.

They did not have the courage to persist iu their work, nor the manhood to undo it straight out, and so crippled it for life. These are the men who have no sense of public dutyi who live only to worm themselves into public favor by the most Unmanly and cowardly means. We are opposed to the whole ma'ter. Give the Governor a generous salary; let him buy or rent his own house, and furnish it according to bis taste and notions of what is proper in a Governor. It is not tbe cost of a Governor's mansion that calls for "our protest.

It the fact that every four years it will have to be repaired and refurnished at great cost to the State. Every new administration will demand this; lor on its evacuation by the late incumbent the furniture will be so injured, out of style, broken or. else carried off, that nothing will be left' worthy of further service. Although it was a mean and cowardly thingJ-yhilaJt shows the ani- mna of outbroken down aristocfevi Jtl wear clad of this imrmW.JSt. Georgia pine-fields when they please to do so.

jWe thank God for the power tbe working man has to def. nd himself. All ibese men need is to know their rights and the proper manner of their use. As our working people rise in the scale of intelligence they will be able to care for themselves. There was a time when the laborers of North Carolina dared not go to tbe pine-fields of Georgia or the prairies of Kansas.

Did thev reallv venture to tr lor a home amid tbe snow and ice of Cana da blood-hounds were put upon their track and soon after subjugation by manacles and the lash they were com pelled to pick the cotton for a master. We, however, can answer the qoes tion of onr despairing cotemporary. Yes, something can be done to prevent this and all emigration of the laborers of North Carolina. Place North Carolina under Republican rule, as these laborers believe of riht it should be. County their votes fairly alter a free election when they have voted for the principles they hold and the men they prefer.

Give them county government. The Eastern North Carolinians demanded of the West that the laborer of the East be disfranchised. Now. be will not stay with you; he will go to tbe pine fields of Georgia and you may pick your own white cotton fields. Treat the laborer as a man; give him fair wages; pay him promptly; do pot cheat him and he will prefer to stay in North Carolina.

He loves -the old North State; is attached to her people, and would rather lay his body to rest by the graves oi his kindred. Give him with your own children and the children of the white man who labors in the western counties equal advantages of education. He must educate his children and they shall be free even if he must go to Kansas. Never again elect such an bitter Democratic legislature as the one just dispersed. Its main business has been to sneak away the rights of the laborer; to degrade him to a condition of ignorance and dependence little less than thai of slavery Have your courts of law, as you call them they are now courts of oppression and inequal ty; have your judges, lawyers and juries treat the laborer as be does the while man who does not labor.

White murderers rgb free; the black laborer who is charged with theft of a pig goes seven years to the penitentiary to build your railroads. His unrequited labor you rob him of and be will leave you and your courts. He will go; be should go and leave the farmers' cotton unpicked. If the farmer would have his cotton, picked lit him treat the laborer justly, or do it himself and put his own children in the field. He will go to the pine-fields unless you heed what we say8, Do this or you must be laborers yourselves.

Do this or you must sell your lands to those who will do it. If you do this then you will Dot need further advice in the matter. In the mean time treat the laborer as Christian mta shonld apd as Gmd requires. Fayetteville Railroad. Enterprises oi grea pith and moment are sometimes commenced very quietly, and their success is no less pronounced because little noise is made about them.

Not much has been said about the Fav- etteville and Winstom Railroad, yet work has been commenced upon it at High Point with flattering-prospects. The charter for this railroad was obtained about two years ago, and about a year ago tbe company was organized. At the annual meeting of stockholders held at High Point on Xhe 28th of Feb ruary last, Mr. W. H.

Snow was elect ed President, and under his efficient management the grading between High Point and the Deep River factories has been begun and will be vigorously pro secuted, Such men as John H. Ferree, of Randleman, are also concerned in the scheme, and the plans will be ar ried out on a business basis no sentimental or expensive complications being permitted fo get in the way. Men of capital and standing in the! north are stockholders and promoters the enterprise. The line of the railroad will be through a portion of the State whose business already is waiting for it. The new company starts out without debt or embarrassment of any sort It is designed to connect the Yadkin valley witn tbe pea-coast, through the richest part of North Crolina, where no at tempt has been heretofore made to con struct a great thoroughfare (except in the days before railroads, when the old Fayetteville Plank Road company was so well patronized.) This railroad takes the same general direction as the old plank road and retains many of the features of its charter.

We congratu late tbe people along the line, that they are to have an ontlet at last for tbe wealth of their soil, agricultural and mineral. week before his bad cold which death he contracted a settled on his lungs. In this condition he visited Col. Howe at Kenosha, Wisconsin, And while there his trouble developed into pneumonia which ended in death. Hisbnly dangb ter Mrs.

Col. Eaoch Totten, of Wash- i ingtoni D. reached bis bedside be fore his death, CoL Totten and his son and daughter, and also Judge Howe's only boo Frank H. Howe, went to Kenosha, but did not arrive there in time to see him alive. Tbns en led the 1 lifa of one of the ablest and purest men who have taken part in modeling aricl guiding the for tunes of our great republic during tbe oast carter of a century.

It was his destiny ti be associated with Lincoln, Stanton, Chase, Sumner, Morton, Tbad. Stevens, and many others of tbe civil heroes' in our history, who had to face secession and do and dare to save the life of this great nation. In early life Mr. 1 Howe left bis New England home and took up his abode in the wilds of the Territory of Wis consin. His name is honorably linked with every page of the history of that Territory and tbe young State which supplanted it.

United States there 'eighteen In 1861, he entered the Senate and remained years eighteen yearn the most eventful in our history. Du- I ring that time here more in dustrious, careful or able legislator in that illustrious body. His whole poli tical life was true! to great principles and the best interests of his country He was firm, yet conservative in his party action, and to this added a gen tleness of nature which made him. be all those had the honor and pleasure of his personal acquaint ance. Few men in public life possess such attractive qualities of manner and person as were found in Mr.

Howe. A Nation may well mourn the loss of such a man. The Washington Republican of Tues day says: 1 "The flags were at half-mast yesterday on all public buildings, and everywhere the post master general's death was mentioned with sorrow and regret At the Postoffice depart ment, which was early in the day draped in black, the news fell most heavily. Mr. Howe was known personally to many of the clerks.

and very much loved and respected. In every group about the city there were men who knew him personally. A residence oi twenty years in Washington, for the greater part of each year, had made for him as many friends as ever a public man enjoyed. In talking np his death, various matters of interest came np. The patriarchal Lauren son was remind ed, as he looked at the chair and desk heavily draped in that bat one other head of the department had I ever died in service-Aaron y.

of Tennessee, whose ueath occurred in 1859, 1 a few days after the death of John Marron, his third assistant. The fact was noted by another that three ex-postmas ter generals had died within the year pre- vious 10 wis aeaia juaynara, uenison, and Jewell. i The official order from the State department is as ioiiowa: DlPABTMEWT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, March 26. sir: it in my melancholy duty to Inform too that the Hon. Timothy O.

Howe, postmaster general, and lately a Senator of the United States, died yesterday at Kenosha. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. By reason of this afflicting event, the President directs mat tne executive departments of the eonmrnenL and the offl sea dependent thereon throughout the country, will be careful to manifest by aU customary and appropriate observances due honor to the memory of one so eminent in successive offices of public esteem and trust, and bo distinguished and respected aaa citizen. i To this end the President directs that the Pout, office department and its dependencies in this capital niim-i uo anpea in mourning ior period of thirty days: that the several executive detiartmenta ha closed on Wednesday next, the day of the funeral of me deceased, ana mat on all publio buildings of the government throughout the United States, the nation. al flag ahaU be draped In mourning, and displayed at I have the honor to be, sir.

your obedient servant, j- Filed k. T. The following order was also issued; fOSTOmoK SXFABTMXirr. WARTrnTow n. Mai ch 26, 1883.

It la my painful duty to announce to me omcers ana employes of this department the death of Timothy O. Howe. Postmaster aranerah which occurred at Kenosha, on the 25th Inst, about 3 p. m. By nis death the department loses a chief of emi nent ability, whoae superior fitness for the important position was recognized by every subordinate with nuvui wuug ill WUUH Timothy O.

Howe was a man with whom mil under whom it waa a pleasure as well as an honor to Berve. uy ms aeatn the country loses an able and honest statesmen, whoae nrivate nr waa annt. less and whose publio career was marked bv cool juuguioui uuiuiui services, justice to all, 1 an ability that commanded the admiration of his fellow-men. I The loss of such a man is the country's loss. In obedience to an exe utlve order the flag of this department will be displayed at half-mast for thirty day and the deparim.

nt wiU be closed on the twen-ty-eiguth it.stant, the -day appointed for the luneral. As a further mark of respect it is hereby ordered that the department be draped in mourning for a period of It is farther ordered that on the twenty-eighth in-tact the poe to Sices throughout the country closed between the hours of 2 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock p. I I i Fkamz Hattox, I Acting Postmaster "There is little in the publio or private life of the late Postmaster General Howe upon which the anecdotal writer can dwell," said one who knew him welL yesterday.

"He was an even-tempered, kindly man, and there was nothing of the pyrotechnic or theatrical in his composition, lie was one of the most genial and approachable oi men, although he had nothing of the hurrah boy, hale fellow style about him. He waa not a man one would slap on the back, tell a vulgar story to, or be bold with, although nobody likej good company better than Timothy HoVe. Men who did not know him well sometimes mistook his placidity of -temper for weakness, but they soon dropped him. He had more than ordinary nerve and decision of character, though he was not easilw stirred about and was not the sort of man to go gunning inch cannon, for squirrels with eight "He was staunch and true to hia fnVna and in forming hia friendships he made few mistakes. Whetf in the Senate he formed a warm attachment for Gen.

Grant and Senator Conkling, and he never let an opportumty go by of saying a good word for them, "Probably the! most notable period in his life was the campaign against James li Doc-little, in Wisconsin, in 1866, which followed hard upon and was in reality a part of his campaign against Andrew Johnson. Wisconsin was a doubtful State, and Doolittle, backed by the entire power of. the administration, made a bitter, relentless fight, but Howe met him on his own ground and won a famous victory. His own joJiiical life and that of Xtep..

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