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Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 1

Fayetteville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


HALE SOJIS, EDITORS AHD PROPRIETORS. v- ofthm. Clooe the begiaaiog vt the war ik hM enoirl la thU Uamlwl mttVm, aad hr acU fcfehArii? rc 1 is 011, ja, jr u. Oofmpoedenee ef the Richmond Pifpatch. aaroaro arm Wiunsoroa; tf.

Oct. 35, 1864. The appearance of yellow fever la this citv some FAY ETTE lilaE Ity of hoae eorfi la rvanlag the Uuckado, ai taabU to procar lozvfUe far tie lorptwia ar 04 tU, -ncrrn. wj a -rrvrauans are scarce aoa mr. rrvTMwane are Karc and mr.

j. At $10 00 per annum, paid in advanoe. Priu fer the SemtWeekly $15 00. A ver tiae'n. en ts inserted for $3.

per square of. 12 TDCRSPIT, NOTIXBKft 5, 1S64. as wvociauoa aa uen formed fat the arxrnoM af twe. weeke ago eaoeed cooaiderable alarm, which the experience ct the year 181 served to aorent. Arrearieg ia different parts of the town at the same upon a warm, sullrv dav.

it was feared it would eVaa (Ae -VartJL ILcSBOsa, Jevr 21 Jff York Balmora papers to Ua evet-Jg el Ua lst coatnin teifframj frya ChalUaooga. aatad Ua) 30U, which stabothat liood altatked Dooalar em Dsoisiess er rai Surtmsi Ootjit. At the late called Termf tie Sapreme Court a habeas corpus case of Wra. D. Johnson vs.

Tster MaUett was de cided in favor of Johasoa, and another, Wnu Dana-hue vs Thos. Wilson, nrolling offlcer for Wsyue xeunty, was decided in favor of Dunahoe. Johnson, arrested as a conscript, proved tbat he was one ef tbe Raleigh police, sad had besides, Ua charge of keepicgthe eity porape in order. Jodge Settle, in the -opinion of the Court saji: "It bow generallv. if aot uolTrsU v.VnoeJei tbt I plying poor wivh wovd dartag th wi-tr.

FaU PiymmlhX special daWd near spread with great rapidity; and the people were ad- viid to go into the country at 00 ce. Bat Ucss I "'J08- list, to Ue fouad is oar aewa. TxjrvoTjrtkin lost to ce.It is with fieep re-gTet that wo pSronicle the capture ot Plymouth, in our State, by the yankeea. Thia is a serious disav ter, and is the more lo be regretted because it is said to be owing to the surprise of a guard of 59 men, who linos or lees for the rst, and two dollar for each succeeding publication. SPECIAL NOTICE.

and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in ail were not realised. Tha wtathe tarrj sudden-1 wru-s iaoig wteagaaca er rs-cap. ua aighi ine 2Kb aad aaora-ag ot tha SOU. a4 aa boadoa.m4y rvpalaed aach tax. 4 necee af and TrIitaMl23prc-asriUkaaw laa rabea ara rouwaung from Docatar.

bat ir rvported have croaaod Ua Tonaeawao at Ua saemaa of Cypreaa Creak, ly rold, providentially, aad consequently ther were omy iponui.o cease ine oi aae. 1 he lateueea tare of Plymouth by the jaaeeee. Whoa wo heard uf Ue oo.aiig ef the troa-Uad Al-tx star la we were prepared bear of aa a nana pi oa the part of the yankees to frees py PlyavouU, thoogh our mf-TiaaUoa was aa rutea yrsurday. that advance, nor will the paper be sent te such' sub the ConHleral OnofreMi bare bo power to OftUtf rocrpti.Ti of 8tat uiBoara. It is aboil to sarfue rnoers soy that Beaare rwd TfaJ scribers tor a longer time than is paid for.

the sf aeon renders it highly improbable rt wxil become eplrteirlc. and the physici-ns are of opinion it baa aiccady had lis dsy. There have bee a Wa deotha alfa-lv reported, and two Clna mentiaaed th that J.I10 OTorornenl of the CoDfoderate StUs can right occupied an important point and were captured without giving tbe alarm. After the gHart deed of our troops under Gear Hoke in capturing tbe place from the yankees, it is too bad to lose it again ir sot- a Ua rebel amy, and that liood roars rts 1 man fores al aot more Uaa JiAi Such of our old subscribers a desire to take fully destroy the SUtee which crettail It; aad all the powers HQferrl on it must bo understood to have bea the paper on this system will please notify as MiiiTiui joornai aaya that partjoa eirea with the limitation that in ezecctinff them octbiog when mating remittances, Jan'y 1, 1858. hall doc to interfera with the iadepeadeat of Its poreie powers by each Stata.

caa guns of the' Albemarle were siUi e'owUve aad aoca-maaded tbe Gea. L. 6. Baker commanded tha garrUon la per. son, and tha pretractad resistaaca tha yaakees east giwa soma iadioatioo of a bloody flghl.

It woold 47ea that tnmad auly afver sikmg tha Alamaxie, proboblf at daLgat i'nday maraag. the ficet aacended tha river eomaeoced Ua at thatuoooga vport Ua af AUaaaa hf Sharsaar. lie port dcraddd, PsTSJusraa, Nov. 2 Tbe Liaoolsta majaftry La Pemsaj Iwuua ta 12 000. Laaeoia ts anil pre lanaUoa adoitusg Nevada uOo liua.

An eiectioa riot oxamd ta Paadclph oa the 11 hayw no rijht. therefor, to depriro a State of the MTvi mo-njig as a arfiJo awrfi. It Is supposed these cxvs were all ccntracteJ during the warm weather tw weeVB ago; for black frotU are fatal to tha Ls eaA aad we have already had two. I notice that the prospect of. an early attack, np-'va IrV.lxington is freely dlcuseed by paper; bu bx little about it ts known.

There is not even a to diStarb the asual quiet of tha stree. acd rjtif. ars are expressed aa to tha result of the firht. HiKUUCr. i The place will doubtless be made the base of pe-rations annoying to our State, and perhaps haviry serious influence upon affairs in Doubtless the government will take care, however, to guard ae far as possible against ees of any officor reoeanary to the action of iU gorcra-meat.

And th State ileeifisthe sole Jude as 'to the officara that are naoNaarv fjr that rmrpoaa." tack apoa Ue forts, and tnat tha luack waa oeati. in. wh-h oca man waa ktd and saacy senoaaly ia "ffi are not awara that the has -m mm a.a he aed riday, Saturday and laaday, for oar skspaUh Jired. a tw a'rcs were saaoe ha, ri. a ess ever set up a claim to the exerciaa of any power looon- a raboi raid ift tha fihtlaiel Urea aays.

ue SOU, Ua 4u -ary expecusg EaTiftiATiox. "We're fr the reader to the rery 1 elsteat wth Uds foodnmntl prioeirlQ of Bc tor Uoid 221. ra LivaTU-vaoilJ in their deaiandsfof ttSrloaare eintv On (he contrary, in all the acta which it Ha able aad interesting' lettrr of Gen. Lee to Geo. rJLCit.

aaa-Tg noci attack anavwing, moved dOwa V-mer agajvaad passed granting exemptions frooi conacriptiea, ithaa ax' preealy mestiooed, in me form or other. State ofiioars SOUTSIEim PUBLICATIONS. THE ELEMErJTABX SPELLING. BOOB, obtains 'about the (tmc as Webster's Sndiieg the additional advantage of hevia? all the voire! and soearaUly marked. A eopply always er 00.

THE FIKST DIXIE READER i sew Wok. taining c-bt reading leases a Soans sjtn. 75 et THE DIXIE PRIMER, Third Edition, Pictorial; sUA eontiwue to be immensely popular Prise (S2S per hundred) 50 Ha' I THE PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, Beooud Editien, in a rew nd pcpular book. It ia entirely Sncera and finely sdspted to coranwa 'soba'tn Price 2 OO i FIRST OX IN COMPOSITION bv Bracsoe. aecenoea aiiuo.e nver, aad oa Moaday mormts: ware ex tne port 01 umington.

which now appears to them tha readesvous of a dosen Taliahasaeee, about to make a raid opea tbe ocean, and. to use their own louoa oa the svank or near ue forta, ana then aasnad words, "a neat of pirates," ready swoop down d- I the attack which res oiled ia dsmoonung etf oar guns. on yankee commerce. Esreeia'ly along the coast. I thicg was tbea left Gen.

Baker hat to rat off 1 A'aw W. II. Payne. SOU Ala. and CoL G.

hi. Small. Loagvtraet's Oeava ral, nave bean mads Bngaoiart. A rnfroi tf I rt-jnTt Ko ir hulred and tTtf pnaonere were broaght to the city yeeUreey, aad toned eocaiortahla quarters ta ue Lihby jcta Ninety of Ua above aaavber were seat ta from tha VaUey by Geo. I ona i ivckawn4 Kxonwt SVet.

tum Hnvn, uiu ue town waa crejcuatea. where the manures and fiihiog interests es at aa being eauUeu to xeuipuon. i -These acts are enumerated; and in accordance with the latest of them, the Legislature has claimed the exemption of the Mayor and of Raleigh, declaring in the preamble to its resolutions that "Congress has no power ta conscript State ofieers." The opinion afflrms the nght ot the Legislature, to the exclusion of every other of the State government, to demand' those exemptions, for "the Legislative power is the supreme power ia tbe State." Grant in relation to thej placing of eighty Confederate prisoners at work on the Datch Gap canal, exposed to the fire or. our own batteries. Gen.

Grant does not answer the points of Gea. Lee. Perhaps it was none of his' business to do so if he could; but it is plain that he could not do so if it were his business. Gen. Lee's constitutional position is as impregnable as his military position.

-The jankee papers, without publishing the letters, represent our government as having withdrawn the negroes from work on in consequence of BuU tar's retaliation on these SO Confederates. It will be seen that this is one of; their customary fabrications. I A Wi J. K. Blake, oaeof Geo.

A. P. UUl's moat daring and en ansa, fal ecewta. had rather a tegular aad ladicrowi e-Jf aoture ecae -days ee. lie was ceptare4 by Ue enemy and east to Uiy Potal ae a spy.

FortaaaWly, he had his parooa to eeovo stake, and in Ue seaport cities of commercial tm-portaoee, Uo people are clamorous for a speedy attack; and it is not impossible Ueir importunities may be tt means ot bringing an Iron-dad fleet against ecr forts, under the redoubtable or Porter. ReUrned officers, it is said, report a large fleet gathering in Hampton Roads fr Ue avowed pur-nose of reuisx command of Wiiminrten harbor: bat Wake County UTcds sold at anctioa UstSstariaf far IU. Kuriyh CeMerwofive. "Amoag its vast power of legislation, which are unlimited and unrestricted except by the Constitution, is that A. is no ued extensively, and Is ths only bock ef the kiad publihd in tive ConfderoT.

Priae 8 00 YORK'S FNQLISH GRAMVAR, TJrd EfUlc-n is finely adapted to eomwoo soloola Price 3 90. JOHNSON'S COMMON SCHOOL by Prof L. JoMon of Trinity la a and Talable book, and will be followed by a kigk tekco! Aritktfstia. Prion MYRTLE LEAVES, by Be A Mtsgia. mo Edition, book, -ni aatlfal' Btory cf a "Soldier's Lore Prlw 2 00.

HISTORICAL SCRIPTURE QTJE8TlOSa, ie sold largely Itg ios ti stadsat maea valoable inforaia-llon of the nfsicrloal of tk "Bible P'ics 76 tie. SONGS OP LOVE aad L1B2RTY. eomrlled by wao and what he waa bea captured Several Uaiee before, ae did but loee hiaaeif poeeeeiiia, bt look-ad about him to ore whether he ooeia aot make good hie eocaio as a had done oa so many prevVoee aecaaioaa. Ho was aot long la diacovoriag a aowiy drafted man, whose appearaaeo showed ha we wail to do La Uo wertd, aad whwee mel sac holy viaago told aaaMakoahly ale dislike of Ue army, fclake made op to him and. ootenag Uto ooaversaUon, sow learned inal ho it is difiicalt to what they hope to ccotn-pLsh wiUout the aid of a laud forse.

Then Ue qaestkui arisee, from whence can tha force ob-UiaeaT It.woald seem, by his repeated calls for more traops, Uat Grant would not be Lktly to spare injjbl his veterans; Sheridan has all be eaa attend to in the Valley; Sherman seems to be sufficiently At Winder BofCtaL Bifhmoad. oa Ue ztih of OaLaf woaads received eeer bUchmjad. aboni throe woaks sew vieaa, whUo gaUaatly carryug Ue ocaors of his RfL UWXAiii U. UhXiLET, ekSett aoa of Rov.J.kC aasi Maria ard yrera. The faaeral wul take place at Ue sWptlst Charck.lhss Thareday) a.teraeuei at i a'cleck.

la Uo Laoaao Asyum, Kaiaih. Mrs. BAlAS A bLXTKH. ta Ue 34 '-a mmr of her age. daagator oi Sao lata Arcaibaud Caaeroa of Cwabriaad eoaaiy.

Thoeg a.T.ictad a aaeaUl dare agita tat, at Ussea, jot Uera were lucid iatarvaU whica she ahowed forth ttooa There is another yankee- outrage even mere infa-meus then this at Dutch Gap. Kreiy train that leaves Alexandria with supplies for Sheridan's army has the p'atforas of its I cars with Coo-federate citisene not even soldiers but son-combat tbe moat aaxtoas of Uviag Teakeee to rstara to ham." and wtUiag to rua ooaetdrrebls rUk to hU of aacvrtaining what officer, ia addition to those spoci fiod in the Coueiitutioa, are necessary tor the management of tha affaire of the Stata, and then oi a p. pointing the officers and prescribing their dutiea. The powers of the other two groat departments of government are vary different. To the judiciary ia aashraed the power of expounding the onaulutional laws, while the executive baa eolely tbo power to enioroo their faithful execution.

From this it elems to as. to follow as a logical aeqaenoo, that when it shown that oaoh State is the sole jade as to the officers that are necessary to the actios ot its government, its Lfgielatare, aad its Letrislataro aloao, is the orm by which its ioiv poryuee. uuii roauy wu aaa euoi aoel qcaJy cvev cocted a plaa. They afid bohlad a aotwo aad exchanged cUAheo, UUko trr mlrg Uo TaakWs aaoae aad ue ankoe BUks's Ue Yankee tntaadiagto godewa to Fortreas Monroe ae a prlaoaer of war, taao the oath of allecteoee, aad retora to Ua bosom of hie UoaUy aad pumpkin ielca. It occarrod to BUke thai he had roUee amused in North Georgia, aod-Ue yaakee forces ia Ue West quit inadequate to uke care of Gen.

Price. There remains Ue recruits, it ts true; but they can scarcely bo made ef active for this attack even it Farragut should hart the temerity make tha attempt. Carre at rr port, hewever, points out this place as the destination of the iron-dad fleet now assembling; and. until it eaa be definitely determined, we must make preparations to meet it. The poaiuoa of Ue Cape Fear defences readers Uem strong against aa attack by owing chieSy to Ueir proximity to Ue channel rough which tea.

ants, as a protection against Confederate attacks upon it. They talk of putting Confederate ladies upon these platforms! They might with equal propriety put ladies in front of their lines of battle; and we shall nat be at all surprised if they conclude te do so. The question of retaliation is a very delicate one. The yankees, invading our territory and having so many of our old men and women and children 'in their power, have greatly the advantage of us in so- lecting objects upon whom to exert their Itaent ia to. bo ascertained aad made koOwn.

It may wcll be that the Legialature eaa select and appoint Uto Uov. ernor as its ageat certify It deciaioa, but we aro unable to and among the powers gtvea to the federate government any authority to oonfer upon the Governor of the State the power to decide, aad then to certify his dechdon, aa to who aro the aeoeasay Stale otficera. Cities and towns, and especially the capital of a lovely qaeiitiea wateh caarectoriaed her former aad hap pier years, ttho dud of aorotxpaeUd ay drvpay. She freely apvke of djU-. aad seataed faHy to fcaed.

Freed treta a body ol eSerlag aho r4 aww hare a gtormed body, aad Uat salad wakoi had aoaa overaaadwwed aero wiU aww ahlae amid Uo aagau eat light la Baa ran. Jt rVeeoyUrUa pi ease copy. 5ear Srvtarfield. Rkhmoad euaaly. ca tbo S4lh af October 1SS4.

Uia LET 11 Mdaaur ef MargareS aad ieha VL Oibeoo, aged 14 years, ttf caoatha aad SS daya Taaa Uo oebjoct ef Uie notice Uere error fired aay oao more kreely aad eaoro Uaocefca Pans rai sst himSelf into a doddodly bad scrapo. eid ho to iumlf, "It I go Jo Ule man's oompaay aad try Vs palm tayoelf off as him, 1 wAl ceruialy bo detected, aad bruwtU kuagaoaepy. That woa't bngia to do. 1 wUl waik ap the road aod see if eaothing wont Ura up." 5o suuaer said taaa doao. tie bad walked bet a few haa Carolina Lady.

Contains a ccpoHr colleetioa cf gonfa and Ballads. Pric (per hnrdred 40) 75 eta. THE KCS. MORGAN SOSGBTE eompiled by Capt T. A.

B'snson, Is ore of the beet eolleetions ef songs end sentissntal ballads ever publieked. Prioe (per kiBdred $60)1 00. MCRVEN AND LINDA, a Ule of a scldir's lore, is rare aad raoy little bock. Prioe per hundred) 2 CASTWEXi'S LAW PRACTICE, Second EdiUon, eoDtains all the business fonns extensiTeiy ese4 Prioe 20 00 SHEET MrSIC, fall assortawnt cf lh in the 8cith, Prioe from 1 0 to 4 00. PTATIONERY of ell kiads, at moderate prieee.

FANCY ARTICLES feaeraily. Tke usual deduetioBg made to the Trade! Ja7 Those ordering goods to be sect per mail, mast remit 10 eztra oa ie dollar to pay postage. N. 6. Our TublioAtious are to be had at the principal Rook Stores throughout the eeuatry.

BRAN-yON eels mast pass to ontar Ue mouth ot Ue river. It is about thirty miles from Ue town of Wilmington to tha sea, Ue river navigable for large steamert, running Urosgh a level marshy country, well wooded 00 either shore. Seme eight miles below the town is the first bar, and beyond thia Ue stream is clear and deep until tha MKip' is reached. A long, low, narrow island stretches directly across Ua aaoaU of kid aad awuaL aho Urea aa oQeUawt Caagator, a lewtag propensities. Bat it is manifest that oar government cannot quietly saomlt to these outrages.

To do so wouid but iame new and more atrocious wrongs' It is dreadlul to think of it, but every act of the in- aietar. aad treUfal to a pvoreib; geaUe her tioa, mill aad agreaaUe ta her dryert easel, aad La her taaaaero, tav3eetre all er traOe of dred yart beSoro bo met a yankee, laouaud oa a horse aad leading two others. -vVhcr did yea get Uueo horear la-ttlred iUke ateraly. -Oot 'om ap the. road a bit," eatd Uo yankee; "Uey aro etray jrsea.

ho added apuiogiagiy iak pot ua hia mjb pereta furj isaa-acr. "Stray devtlaT ho cried, yoa know Uey aro aot tray boreem. If yoa doot gel dowa this taetaat, yva rogue, I report yoa to headaartar aad hare yoa aUA for a Uief." TlM yaakee jumped down Ve qukk as LUake took bis place, aad aAer eucoe, LxUe troabio la avoiilag thoeoeuiy pkketa. brwgttt tj of Uo Lor mo aahdy into our iiaea. What tMcame of Uo poor devil wua aha' was Uo dearest object of aU her smkWs care, Wag State, being very important prta of the organisation of a State, Legislature had poaer to exempt the petitioner as one necessary in the ad ministration of the Laws.

And he was acordijgly discharged. Chief Justice Pearson "concurred fully" in JaJge Battle decision, for these "1st What officers are necessary and proper for the adminUtratioa vf the Government, ia a matter confined to the wiadom of the Leglalature by the CunatiuiUoa of the Bute, except in rvepect to the otBoeo created or reo-ogniaed by that iatraiadt itaeit Whenever the ulature creaiea and rills an or auihorixes a oouaty Ua nver, leaving only two narrow inlets at either end ier the waters to join each ether. Those are here deooma.ed lUstero and Western bar, or Old and New inlet. Before Ue war, Ue Western ber waa alone used by vessels of any sjso, and Ue Rligh, K. a 17.

76tf Notice is hereby given that Ap as she was. Star aaJy caiu. ttbo leerea a large fcraU of friia is aad foiatly ooaaoikieia to saowra heir aafisaaiy deaU. Tbry SNrs thgort, sot tt thud ht ari as hope, aad ooaeeqaoaUy ahodd chefwiy oabmU to thia aad dUraaattba at UvtTs rTwvUeaco and beeoeao reeig. edtoUievuL Ucrtteg Uo laitor part of her tnssea aaa wao vteiud by a M'alr of Uo Vroapes aad aba weiJl hare also to hartiae her, and deairod kiat to ooJSeS haw lunous invaders looks more and more like a determination to banish all thoughts of mercy, and to exterminate old and young, male and female.

1. Uoieaxss will meet oa Monday next the 7th insL la reference to its cbief subject of cooaiderauoii the. taxes and finances the ftieamond Sentinel loots to'the recommendations of the Secretary ot the avian ho doUea It is tntpoaaials to aay. wUV be made for a rtavlicate tf a. ertifiote -loet er mislaid issued by W.

G. 0- 8. De -poeitary at FayetteTille daied March 15, 1831, No 490, eZaMoaiy aa a "preaumptioa of law" that each vtfioe te Dr J. H. Freeman, for Five Haadred Dollars, for 4 The lUleirh Standard Leiormi as Uat it "wras I aaae UUo ctsrch book.

wheUer lived srsX. United States Government made aa effort to dose the New inlet entirely ia order to force a larger volume of water through the other, to render il dseper aad capable of-tliag'over Ue bar veeaels of si ae and draught. Many years was Ua wore 00 hand, and many Uoasaads were spsot in aaoUag alnnoa ta lhsss UoehaoaeJ, avatoooof Which has ever been heard of since. It waa a futile channel deepened if aoyUiVg, and tbe project waa abandoned. This inlet is now considered the better of Ua two by blockade runners, alUough with rrhecA lifTJ: 2 Treasury as likely to carry with them ranch just per eeat.

Interest per aaaaa aader- aet 17th Feb'y Oct 12. I 76 Zipi neceosary aad proper, for, olberwiae, the fUg of cree-Uaq aaj oontiaaiwg a. olfka ia Imftilod to tko Legirflalare. "2d. The Governor, members of the Liila' ura.

Judg the whiu winged minsgar soatcoed her aptrtt finance, as he has the respect and confidence of the aau -now ooro uua ocaiuoa oar poamoo air aa Ua Obaerverr Why, 'j est aa moat ether statements this earth aad wafted to aagol chotre above la earth has loot aa oraaaeat aad heaves gaiaed a prtao. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION Oi tbd Gape Fear River from Sep. 1 1 8 6 4 If forced to part from Uoee wo leva, Sure to awet toeawrrvw. We oaUl a paag of sagdeh prove. a majority of steamers going to Nassau go out us country.

The Sentinel itself thinks that tne ways and means must be produced mainly by taxation, since not much can be expected from voluntary loans. Therefore, Congress must not be timid in laying 'taxes. To avoid subjugation, large taxes es and other unices of the State, are aot UsbU coeacry (km, by force and effect of the Coojtitatioa aad of our form of government, and stand in no need of exemption either by aa act of Cooreaa or the ccrtinaate and claim of the Governor, or an act ot tne Legislature. For the power to conscript it restricted by the condition that it dtea not include otfioes of the States, otherwlae, the hot eurr ia the Standard do Ucxung ia Ue one great essential. Readers of tha Observer ara with Ua views of Mr.

Stephens and with those of tha Stand, ard, and we dont think aay aaa of Uem has aver discovered Uat Mr. Stephens ia ta favor of "the Uahm as it waa, and Ua Const. UUon as it la." Many of Uem may dJTtr oa aaaUers of policy w.lh but we aad all baliave him a true Confederals. Tnough it denies being a rocooatrucuooiat. Ue Bet who aaa peiat Uo briay tears We abed whoa Uaa wo i must be laid; "but let them be laid discreetly, and in proportion to the ability to bear.

The present taxes are not equal in point of levy, or equal according to ability to bear. I Thia should be remedied. nt etc of tue crtjier would bo uuUU depead on the Wui of the crt(Ur 'So that part of th: act of Gzagrtu which enumerated among the perai exempted. -The of the Western oar. Along Ue whole extent of tha North Carolina coast, ue bays, inlets and harbors ara constantly ehangicg, tha sands shifting from place to place, filling up an entrance here aad deepening another Uere.

Above Uatteras swash there ia not an inlet, at ue present time, at all navigable, while no, loo gvr Uaa twenty years ago there were three or four. At this place there ts tie same enange.coo4tantly going on Ue channel moving aboit ftvn place to piece, aad Ue "Rip" filling in or deepening with astonishing rapidity. At Ue Eastern bar Ue channel runs osveral sum Urgi'liarea, ana eacn outer a'M racer at the Governors of toe repocUv SUtee may certify to Let it be applied according to a just and equal Te part perhaps for moo the, for yoara. To part per Lara forovar. Bat if oar soda ara fixed aright, A abewrtng hope to gives, Thoagh here oar proycU ead ta algal.

Well ssawt agta ia beavaa. Tea. if oar soda aro raUad above. Tie oweet whoa Uaa wo error, fgsee perUag ta a lUrioor'a lovo Wo part to snoot forovar. A 7 standaiSd, and tne people will bear a great deal with- nectary, ror proper aummiawauoo ue I irovernmenu act 17 Feby.

184, ouc 10, clause 2 -Is a out murmuring; for they will regard it as the price Standard does not deny uat Mr. Boyca'a Utur is to favor of reconstruction, aad Uat Ua Standard -cordially endorsed' Uat Is iter. Wa paobaa to-day a Letter of Mr. Stephana ia which ae ret usee to meet Geo. Saermaa to diacaas Us qaestioa of peace for lbs distinct reosoa Uat neiUer he nor (Joe.

Sherman have aay- auiriJy to do so.Taa Standard's cry for moo ins part has been ma' ter ot rapererozatiou. The o-fUato ot the uvert- or herein rqixed has no legal etf ct, aul the rseolutioa Alum, per bbL Apples, Bricks per Blue Stone, per bbi, Buggies, Barrels, empty, Do do Spts Turpenriac, Bacon, loose per ton, Do paoied (cask,) Bedsteads, Cider, per bbL Copperas per bbl, Carts, Orboys, Carriages and Coffee per bag, Coal per ton Do per hid, Chairs, sitting, Do small rockers, Do 4arge do, Cotton, per bale, Cement per bbL Demijohns, empty, Do filled, Fish aad Perk, per bbL Flour, per bbl, 1 Fluid, within arty or eixty yaras 01 ua snore ana close under Ue guns of Fort Fisoer and Fort Lamb, while 125 ce 7 60 60 00 25 00 40 00 00 5 00 60 00 16 00 7 60 10 0 15 00 26 00 26 00- 7 00 25 00 87 60 20 00 1 00 2 60 00 20 00 7 60 1 00 6 00 7 60 7 60 26 00 76 60 00 00 of freedom; and freedom is cheap at any price." We must increase th i demand for money by increasing the necessity for it igh taxation, properly dutributed, go far towards effecting this. Ken will need money, if not to buy luxuries ia Kagland, at leet to pay their taxes; and in order to get money, they will have to pro dace all they can, and will have to throw these products nnon tha market. We think our preaent tax bill errs of the legUiatore, whtca djmaods the exemption of State otnosrs, is ia effect a prompt by that body aaintt the right averted oa Ue part of Cjugrees to otS-oers of the SUtd by euuuieraing tuetn amoag ih per-oos whom iu iu Wisdom it is oeetned expedient to I In the other case, Danahoe was discharged oa hii pleathU he was a citisea of Maryland, from at Ue Western oar. Fort Caswell guards it equally weU.

Beside Usee main defences are several minor batteries Strang along Ua beach, located at points Uat, to an engineer's eye, seemed to bear most apoa the track ot vessels coming into Ue nver. There ts, also, dose by Fort Fuher, and on a point ot land between Ue "Rip and Ue bar, a large eartaworx or mound, erected oy CoL Lamb, (commander of Ue forts,) wlich monnte soma power lot guns." For several months this has been a terror to toe fleet outside, ta despite of authority. Tnere might be soma plausible pretext for this demand of Ua Standard if it could and anybody to negotiate with. Bat if any each person could oa foend-tf tha yaakee government wodd only coeoeol to aogofcate, Uere would be no need of Ua Standard's ulegiumate aeg-otiattocs, for Preaident Davis wooid tastaatly ooraaiiosioa proper mea to negotiate La a proper manner. roa tkb ouutu.

Die 1 af lyphaU favor, la at Fart Ealavsa, Uu di, priraae Stereo! Mwtla, aoa ef Asaas hLar-ua af Oladoa eoaaty. egad 21 years aad sssafht. a steal tor ef Oe eOin MOT Taoagh oat dowa Ua prime ef saaahood Uo wri-er has -rro runs to ao-uv Uat as has rot rvd mat aO warii af sarlh) ta share Ue reward of Uo vigkuooa. Be had bees a saoaa. ar af Ue Mioaitaary Befdat ehwrah for 7 years wad he ever adorned his proNod by elaoely she at itag ha rvqdTeavaia Bts roauLae asw root La Ua kwrytag fatally in so laying the taxes aa to relieve the great macs of producers from that neceaity for money wnich would 1 i.

which he had Bed to avoid Ue oppression to be so salutary in iu eueois. 1 ae tax iaiu ia ueTiei force upon those engaged in traffic It lmpoeee a pjr eentage on the amouut of sales, a percentage on protifo, and various levies that amoaot in the whole an euor-mous tax. This does not touch the producer, it is necessarily laid upon the goods sold, increasing prices already enormous, and. thus finally imoosing a grinding burden cu and has very properly kept uem at a respectful die-Unco. These guns have a plunging firs upon tne channel from Ua "Rip" to Ua bar and beyond; so it alaae at Bauuvilia, while his awsaarr lives taUa I roa tu oBsxnrxx- Metaa'sBajeaaa Isriaataar, OslXS.

1S44. Maorrs llUers; Fiaeeo aaahaa Us teitowlat Uat of of his ssstradao I he waa euojacted as a sympathizer with Ue South. He had never abandoned his latent! jo to return to Maryland when he could do so wit a safety. Us had served a tull term of 12 months in oar army, and was die charged in 166J at a Maryiander. He then remained undisturbed (ill April last, when ha was con-scribed, and being found undt for- held duty was assigned to light duty in the il M.

Department. The Chief Justice decided that he was an alien enemy who had not acquired a doav'ciie in NorU Carolina, the consumer, in addition to bis own proper ux. 1 axes lata upon producers and not upon their product eo much on thair ability to Droduce, that ia to say on tneir Grain, per busheL Grindstones per ton, Horses and Cattle, each, Hay aad Fodder, per bale, Hides, dry, Bo green. 10 00 2 00 will be extremely dixncult for even an iron-clad to enter the harbor until these gaoe are silenced. Bearing upon tha "Rip" ara several recently-constructed works, mounting very effective ordnance.

Upoa the Kastem "Rip od almost immediately ta the middle oi ue channel, is toe wreck of Ue iron dad' -Raleigh," wa'ch was lost bf a sudden chance ta Ue moving sandy bottom; for it was proven she was la Ua exact line passed Ue evening previous ia safety. capital and advantagea would have a diffurdnt and a happy effect. Production would be stimulated and salue become prompt. This rule should be applied not only to manufacturers, bnt equally to farmers, who constitute the largest claaa of producer. It is a remarkable fact, that Indian corn, which is produced on the fertile field iu aajoalitas ia ue 121 Mat frsos Ue tOu Bsaa so Uo 1 1 cf Osteber, laalasi vt Ce A aaXKfcTri-rai A CO, left haaf, teak; 0 sar Oerpl 0 sUbMsa, left haai, oevsra; (rrvaU Brd.

rigat haai, digh. Weoaiadi fgt AJlaa, right leg, flsah; private Qtm cat atda alight Kins 8gt fl Maaoa Waaaied: Bgt Leaaa OatUef, lift iag. ie. Weeadedi Li JO Hall, right era, wh; "rt Baiersia. Ufl area fijss; Corp! A Cmlm.

Uti loo and was therefor not liable to conscriptioa. Iron, Lead and Pig Iron, per ton. Liquors, per gallon, L'me, per cask, Do per bbl, Measurement Goods per foot, Nails per keg, Oih' Peanut per bbl, Do Linseed and Tanners, roa tu OaUjstTxn. At a adlri eaertag af Uaara Ladga, Hs SOT, hell atuatr srhUm Oot. I1U 1144, the FtsMahlo aai ware adryaeli Whervaa, It hao pUa-et aa AtVwe FrrrUasat to vvcr rao aorral uas af BeeUvraeel which hawe sslaag tie! acwoa uie Lodra aad ear irtiataol sa4 worthy Brathev AJroJ "aiUh.

who SUd al kls reef I rasa La Wsitov.lta. Oat lHh. Taersera, Rjodrvd. le'. That wti we Se with saoaknsss ta Ue jaotlearsas af A'aVeaty 04.

ws ieedy saeara the ljae imt osartrd Bmw, aal wo hare hryo UaS Uroagh the saevdes of ewr JIaveey FatVr, UaS What stay seoej to he war leas is to him eatrad gab), sad Ives ho aa a Srt aa I eaLaVg aaVer a Ua Br this it wiu oe seea tne cnnnnei is oiocult, even w. th Il t. a sight of our city, on. the same ground and in the same way as formerly, i this day selling at a greater, exaggeration otprice than tho calicoes imported from Europe, purchased there with specie, or iU equivalent, and brought in with all the expense and hazard of This morning's mall Donga a taird daemon, pronounced by Chief Jojtice rearoa, in the case of Easier vs. Brawly, being an appeal from a decision in favor of Ue petitioner Kealer, who, after bei'g conscribed as a Senior Reserve, under the act of uud; privata II Brew a.

laft leg, ttsa; Jaha LLgg-as, De Coal, Do Rosin, Paper per bundle. with skuiiui pnota; mm ik i ouy oeidoatoie; ana Ue proper deieaoee have been tree ted- These eeem quite adeqoate, and, I am fully of opinion, able toteaist any fleet Ua enemy can new bring against Uem. Bat an attack by water may not be expected aldd; for the fleet win undoubtedly co-operate wiU the blockade. The policy which produce such reeulu a. I Powder, per keg of, Feb'y 17, 1864, arrived at toe age of 60, and claixed his discharge aa Uat groial.wMch is granted.

The law provides, that "From aad after- Ue pauaa o( soma kind of land force: and have to look also to tbe land side of Ue works. Here, too, I believe, left sida. severe; Uariua, UU eead, SAgaL. Weuadad: Uiaa. alias, ngatsaeaUrr aad eras, fleeh; tnvale Jsha SherUl, ie.t arm uriutai: Taoavae Ud.

lr. foot, fltst; tlarvr, left area, aarht BWeossdod: rrivatss A Samaery, rtgU ana, severe; A BamfaU, iaA fost, fivah; Cody, hoed, fiesh; Jsa Farkrr. left log. fioaa. 1 Wosadd: OerylQrera Saiia, tag rrwotorod aat ajtrwtaiad; evirates flauth, leA Wg, sZghL; MoOiour, ahdoaMW.

sight -g EUUed; trl I Clsytoa. Wewaled: Crt a i ii rs a ii a a is wrong, 11 not, inaoeu monstrous, it neeas not oe replied that corn is scarce. So are caitcoea. But scarce, or not, there is enough of it: for nobody starves, and it can always bo had for money enough. It is not the scarcity that mainly make the price.

It ia becauae those who hold it have no seceasity to spare it, and no need for the money it will bring. Many, a man who has not a buhel to sell, would find many a bushel sell if tbe necessity to raise money was upon him." "Nor needs, any one complain of high taxes, eepocLdly those Deracns whose distruat of toe currency makes w-uvo mou oi proTiaioa hasbn made. If the plaa be 8 00 80 00. 1 00 10 00 6 00 76 600 2 00 26 00 26 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 20 00 7 60 7 60 6 00 8 60 2 60 10 00 100" 00 15 00 7 0 6.00 20 00 26 00 10 00 7 60 75 00 60 00 6 00 6 00 16 00 reie4d Ldgo shrvo, rvtr waie the Sspeai Oraad ArehUotof Ue Ualwrve press Ua. asd tau wkiah a3 goad aoosr aoso as last to gVa 4 aUaaaaa.

'Beedvod 21, That Ue araoy swetal qaaZa ties af ear issoaesd Brother, oaiearod him to so as a h'sOior aad osdwe4 hlsi as a wartay Maevs, Booolvod Si, TmI as a he-heal ho waa gas sad afosUaaata, as a father, tesdor aod seUag, so soLgV ajrdest suiee, rMiween ma rgca oi aevenieen ana any, suau una men at Lockwood oily to operate Caswell, and at Masonboro' sound against Fort Fisher, then wa most trust to oar Land, foroa to meet them. Of General Whiting'a force I know nothing. be ia Ue military service of toe Confederate States, ior Ue war." Tbe decision is, t. at persona arriving at Ua age WaUeee, right orsaW, arverr; prtairS ioa MarUa, Ufl thlga, fUsa; 1 A Msaor, right taot. Severe; A Cosh, rlget aakle, sovere.

DIBSSJLY. 8 ltd HOT. Rioe per cask. .1 Bosin per bbl, Salt per cask, Do per- bbL Do per bag 8 boskais, per bag 2 do, Shingles per BtillB aad fixtures, 8ugar per bbL to hhd, per hundred, Soap per box of 100 Its, Do per box lees 100, Bheeting per bale, -Spice and pepper per bag, Spirits Turpentine per bbl. Tallow and wax per bbl.

Wagons, Tiatl l)o Road, whVeld, eoh, TFhel b-jrws, r' Yarss per bale, or 17, at any tone afterthe usage of Ue Law, become Liable, and Uat Uose arriving at tha age of 50 prices so high. Tbey aay Confederate money ia value-(eea then they loee nothing by paying it into the Perhaps they will Lhu find that it Is at leant a good and desirable thing to pay taxes with." cease to be liable; whereby, as tha statistics show, and woold aay nothing if I did; Hat entire confidence ia here felt in his ability to hold tha position, and I bdieve ha will do it. There ia no man understands the groood better, for as a lieutenant ia the United States army he has enrreved it over rod over. And besides, he Is defending his owa home and his own Cple. "With a proper force at command, and I re no fears of Ue reidt it wv'l lapee Into a siege and bombardment of the forts, as at Charles toe, aa-til Ue rough winter weather drives tha anise worthy Ue service will gain greatly, for Ua proportion of her ad frtoad.

klaf, veerv aad tree, aad UaS ay hkS tag aad worth o(Usa Bssarvo 4A, Tea wa rxusd oar as sordid rym-paddoa Ue faoaUy tad relatives ef Ue So avast 4 aaA tea Ier to them oar si sears eosiateeae tovUaLr try i pars VeUoa. Baservod foh. Thai La farUav Ukra of isiiin ww wear Ua waad Badge of saoavalag far Ulrry soya. Basotved 6U, Thai Urrs roosHot est Che BeerouryS Beak nlir; Uo saoao ho seat sa Ua maaUy af kaeaad is i a eery ilaUag- Fukthxr. Statistics or Gsoaoia.

The Report of young mea arriving at 17 is about as fifteen to one old man arriving at 50. The reasoning in support of the decision seems to be coaciuaive. Hit X. O. tVoefe.

Arbmrf. Omt 19. Co A Wa4ai: rJgt das Hrwsoai saartaSy, sUee laal; (Wrp Jeaoe itwm a rarely ttWoaaaesi Aassal lags ampatatsd. OWeemdodi hUAwWr Ulgh, asrerec JSD Hanaivrs thigh, erreret A A Waddia ahoaUar, stvero Ue Taroadga kg. Mlasiag: faaAsra and ieh, Wraadad: Card Watr saavtaSy.

Dasae- Comptroller General Thweat, referred to in our last, shows the average value of land in the State to be $10 95; of 42; of Horses, $723; Mules, $685; Oxen per yoke, $485; Stock Cattle, $74; Hogs, $20; Sheep, $21 Goat, $9 70, Milch Cows, $142. Whole number of Tax Payers, 91,505, of whom there are persons owning property in value $1,000 aad under, 22,311: from $1,000 to $2,000, from iron monitors into some safer haven. Gra. Bragg is hare; but whether on a tour of inspection er to take temporary command, I hive aot tea ieared aad Fafrurri Oh rvos lfM- c. c.

ooix, 1 i J. 2 1IAK. fl rea aaoruHr; Bft OafarU lag, swvara. Mlaalsg; otoschij I Core 3 MIX, XI Baa roa tbo 6ra Divujox. Wuoaa Iloamat, IticuaoKD.

Va Oct. 37, 18S4. MesTs E. J. llale A Hoj: I dssireto acknowlfdge the rev'lpt this day of two lxia containing Uospitel tores and supp'Wo.

ooorfsting of rnndages, old Unen anj oottxi raga sblris and drawers pillows and pillow eeass. ww various dcteocee van. mtg, aaa, i w-i w.4, rwv yM tr.w-i Iive i. mil taa latlr'a akni I -Wple4j CSOl Upt SOW BaVWd watatad: A sovtrw, Pali- ri ug, orvwa It -dmv4 Geo. Brart will remain hare on til tha $2,000 to $3,000, from $3,000 to from $5,000 to $10,000, from $10,000 to ft20.00.

10.648: from $20,000 to $30,000. 4.7U0; aUaaUr: It 0 LaarUav 'All otbr freight? aot eaucat-rttei will bv cbti'ei la proportion to ibon atos. J. A. WORTH, Agt Cipe Fear f-i Boat Co.

3f OBSELL, jrtgtr 8 A. Str Carolina 14. 67 6t6t Slate ol Iortla Carolina, COONIY Court of "Pleas ad Quarter Se-sioHi of Sapoa scanty, An'seet Tersn "IT appearing i- the' tfeti Mn Wiiji-sn Tidh asUw-'catd. a dilsoa Chaiaaas CmamU F--Wamnded: Sg A a Jwee (eigA hvakaa aat sap taree'Sgt WtaU al gat; at FadTa hit. evw I arwaaaeaau-sf Os.

B. 44ih SC Stag, i af esmoaaetw hiasdf a CsaslUie for i turkey and tmfowi winis and brashes, vinegar, hoay, sag musttrd Hd Vilter, cg. Aen A. The bui-s hid evidetitly ueen oa the wv for a ling time, as Ue batter and eggs were badly spoiled, and the dried fmlt eatea up of ike llroee mj Coaaoaas ef the sg-tSi oer. Th-r ke acacif aav aewe ahjat t-wn evra rf load la Wen Toer mbi Ui be no far of loo v9j or of iha, ait 1 hr talk aW-j4 jno-CJtjihaUats rcrui-t y.

1 thoy Lxl a xon as the peo- Ct tr and de st this moment wm QraM'e amy tWdaiirat Uilr vary djorn. taUor, Vloc-a to tt itome Gaard, Kraris came, was round drown -2 a 4rcr two ago, Whlakry did it The rcit ta from $30,000 to $50,000, from $50,000 to $100,000, from $100,000 to $200,000, 829; from $200,000 to $300,000, 131; from $300,000 to $500,000, 36; over $500,000, 19. The State has expended in relief of soldiers' families contributed to 117.889 persons. IfPh-ha txgu M4 il Miawag: Camtadl, I CMtiua. W354 Capt A 2 Gflfrte ULrV.

aevora, aaa-vurvd; Btahdol: faoo. eovara. MisaiagiJaaB Srfder. Wsuaivi; rt A tXaakli arm, severe; gt Ivry 1 Oolastaa, n. a.

Oat by the worms-a tcrikiac uiastratioo of lbs spoody transportation and delivery practiced upon a good natored people by the Kdlro-dt and kUllroad agents La Uos war times. The other articlea were found to be La excellent keeping because not eaaily damaged aod Ue fair givers though unknown may rest inured that N. O. soldier raroiu stoned awa aaa ri. ar wv; uc, a cai1: ar Number of dogs in -the State 21,423.

Number of sheep killed by these dogs 31,046. Tue total debt of the SUte is $23,980,692, nine rfTftv i. i. .1 TorsSL 1 my irxa tat piae a proo i a rwtr ti ig the strecta lvr katkr abc tn t-j tic uchia sts. sevvrv; Fft caao-a a aau am severs Oorp Bhaw.

Lewdes ana, a vera; Jao Ury Lag. severe luea feet aevsrrv aatarri A-Weastoii Car4 B4 seek ervere; Wm Osa rLZTSZZT ws mm u. a owry ti RuXia'S ae-ost. will derive every possible benuM Xrom Ueir geoorous ana kind hearted donation. Fbaxz Fonxaa, Surgeon ta Charge.

millions of which has been created for war purpojes. Cxors is R-vxpoxth. A. letter from Asbeboro a oral Orm to i. Kir-g.

Nathan Kins, aad erila Sasai', uu AshforJ and Ch-iitahir 0. i-e hor-resi-eute: 1 be six weeks in tha FayeUeriiU Observer, notifying them that a petition hs been filed, in this ourt for the setUatneai the Eitau of WUflz-a, Ah-Iwd, deo'd, ia which they are heirs, and them to appear at Korember.Teria 1SB4, and aoswei er demur, or the case, will heard ex parte them. Witness, William C. Draughts. Clerk; of saidjtart.

tioa at eiSoe ta Clinton, Oct. 9th, 18S4. tj i WILLIAH DRAtJQHONaO O. qulst ot boU cav e-s. The lih tf n-f d-y ts Ly ao SMaao raod-iBjrs'tWit aul Hlt us Ucr being Ue prevaiiisg dial any The h.wpfmls are waft fiVed.

-Mlav Rnu IK. frnA rJ mttwm haiUu rad shoddr. sever; 2 ti wavs leg alixm ahl Wr Uiih. sllgkb; Leva aaxta. Misdagt BBC rrrrzz taaa says: Wawatadt 2 sfaora saodisr.

sevsm WaP" oavervd st ror ex airri a rxv AKEI11, made, rjll ooo'lno-s hrr rtd aad TatrioUo m'eMoS hare. tlas Wr. srvrro A West, m. TxICk. Total njiioot asaa.

assrs.w.-. -iea-ll Si asm 'Crops arehort ia my neighborhood, and all the men takaa to Ue array, and no wheat oowad, axeopc afsw 1 lsxSAbT a0s4 Psgh oi tboii exog," In Bladen county, 19 ih Oot, by Ua Rev. Oelia ShaW, I devoting her whole Uaao aad sttenUoej the eich aad toMjsaaiAk 1 tadi swhonvox ate oaAsiUan4Vemet hang ifo.

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