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Waukesha Plaindealer from Waukesha, Wisconsin • Page 2

Waukesha, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Wnrthlnijlo The l)c plain Dealer. nlirr 111. cilniis. xt, Novcmhor tin: On '1 ulay The IVoposci! Aoiraiimcm to tlm Con- tituttoii. We are glad to ties tin: MHwaufcee take decided ground njtmtl the absurd arid ridteitfousr Amendments to our State Constitution', to be voted on at the noodle mini, llul for Hie lull proceed.

I iiiiiiki.i,, nt Dam Oliiohll nf tin: County. -Dennium iVorl'iiiieton nod Ituilrolul 'For' two' 'weeks past, we have been endear-orine; to obtain from Dessiscs the candidate For Senator in the Northern District of Waaksshn Ccemv, in'or. ur cbfenco is Mimed with comipti.) Icnowlng less lug only from public neei which urn of record in Hie relerred to in iloep arljele, 'I'h- were convinced of il The gontktninn whose name standi at the head of thW article, came to this Ntate in IU leleotod to the in hut wo newborn hear nf his dhtin- A F. PRATT. IC.I; lor an.l I'ropi Statu of Now Voids i'h other Statu nlllcoru, 111 ft f.H!'lHl:Ulir.

whleh will atur In plueo of Win, Now Joi'soy elects Circuit, in iln inpL of (hnil'l. ion Argus, in election. No one can any lon'r say that the hostility to the Amendments leu nwmCfot hiHMi ll alfh ii li with it a Whig iV.Hsenibly, some UK1ISIIA, UTS. WEDNESDAY; OVeSjEER of his course in the las: winter. ih, mid Hie e.irrinii.lon ulh Ihe 1 1 ralld Jury, on the bill reducing the tax on Railroads.

11 f-i dUc Hi" Meliool Lund give portions of the sn' in lu CiiLitH I in. ml. and preneniineiu In tills ui'lii'le ihey luivo I Hi" causes lor llieir ludiof ihe proeeeiliiigs of Conn, lo Hie purlly of Hie Court by fuels mill instances, I-ihe answer pf -fill II, origin, and we may look cuutl dourly lor th-ir portunity mistlit have occurred (or a rejection by the people, hy i. very decided He jmooh to hav.i voted ma The Hkidind afiirms triUr. that if VIi- on nil iiucstiotis, ami made hi economy in the amount, an 1 greater permit- useful by iidm- on paper.

nency in tin tfutrtctcr of our State Ivo'lsla- ti.on... are the objects iougfct to Fi'nlinjr political life ploasant, air. W. thoy are by no means secured bv riie chan strain became a in Ib.U. and But neither from himself nor his i we a word, except too allusions to the subject by the Milwaukee JVss and Sentind The Plain.

Dealer sticks to the falsehood that Derinison was in favor of Railroad i i i'ro taxa lii'di', II (Jon. which will nee of (Inn, 0 respondent hay. tlm tinind il Iln' n.e eiilleinon to Hie 'hi-so nre the,. dy for IM jiidgmem a puhlie nowsniiue DEMOCRATIC NOMirfATICOiS First ni.strict-DA.MITv WELLS, Jr. second norr.

Third B. MAC for. SENATOR. Kiotk COSTIGA. First nislricl-rRENJAUTN F.

GOSS. Second ATI'S K. IMfOIDf'JT. Third BOm Fonrth --VICTOK iU.M J.I.ARD. We want necessary and proper laws again elected to the Asemhly thU limit hy VVi atorlesof the i 'ourl, upon Which diey I'imy am Ihe edimr was Hielr right upon this sub hw'Tp '''V' and' nil local matters should to die local, "te-hm of ices, and hy default 1 much -r tion; in toe last Legislature.

The Waukesli 7enfe- continues its open M-. the Rennh- I All pre of Una mid li or county bowls. The it. conolu-1 ,5 rot. sin olecls Conniy ollleor, 'u and a Lngi-latiivo which I.

S. Senator in place of hmnt! lay, Illlli, day of Novnnhi is inveU-i'd in mni'li hiring tie- iican ncrnioee in the Mintli Senate District. iV.h;ns else was to be expected from tii oriihle ifemloiuiin, who would nol prosiji III olllcn hv ndvihllig illegal told the (Irainl Hint, ijiero was no I Which uive tried, for three veara in sue impress the- tnat'er upon the home organ of Ilarstcov one the Balance. 1 These worthies understand perfectly well r.f Mature 1 1 an ih i (Poo i -m mdicl moo I out memliei's come un with the op 0 Tle'v Imvi) In: 0 history of purlins uu, en well nmpiiiinii'd wiihnll llni iiiienls in this Slate i Wlili 0' pdiliea! 1 oplnlnu of this Con In Hie (iiainl i try them, while tnevtl And I l. Mr; Costigan operation which carries, them tivr these ch-cumst mce-, we advise our read ers to vote against the or-.

pes--. 1 Now, if any -diini; could be said in doUoo votes in the Assembly last winter, on the Railroad tax bill, is. if WILLIAM R. WILLIAMS. I probable that the "Republican" pipers 1 would content theuiscives with utterin-such hun It.

CliMme I weak and silly statements as the abov Ll" "-'L I no aoe-ielni pro. poseil, in order to carry inroedfert th- Iheu. Sessions principle, are Pico Sections .1, end 11, of Articl Y. of the Constitution. fat is to par-v -dm! for the ballots upon this question, and the desire of the voter, with regard to each or all of the amendments, is to- h- expressed ballot.

As form our 'J' ''-ll Olhor hy the promi. neni. men ot Hie Hie enmities, iillaehllioiits. Hie alliances, the rupuires, Lhousaml ciiise thai control ihe nets of Ileiaiis mid parties, which Hioso out of Ihe eiin never know. Thoy knew lone line uf Ihin Court's political nnd nl iissociiillons Ih'ey knew this man 'J'cnuov, lie' liiiilignily of his heiirt, iho infamy ofh', life, an.l Hie coiinoellon that existed heiw i you, They know iho genllomen noainsi whom ihe indictment, was broughtwore their personal nnd political friends knew limy were out of the olli'i laid to Ihoir charge, In these things, someof short- it nt all likely that one of them would pass.

I the matter over by simply declaring our advocate uf doing sorvico nn "aid decamp" uf 3hmth during tin- rldini. loin h-ctnret nf th. inierahle Mr. K.nidi. Here ho la at home hi-ru ho the shining lights.

Wit hear no more of Mr. Wnrthingtnn nn-till the -rtrifo on tlm liu.r hill. in.ahe.entv scheu joined to is ways morn ilano'erons (Uan abilities for the rvvwt that tht latter, h.dng more are alway watched nod know while the former ms its -silent course i nmeen and mi-nnH-tei. Mr. WorthingtottV strong feeling', no doubt, led him to the fxlrenie of (ilirilinm on ihn auro: hut I hunlly think the inlmhiiantii of this district itrosiidiciently fanimeal to the wholn of that hill.

Yet wo lied linn acting and irnting with the idttt mni' hull, (mimes. Did ho r.wrnt I11-1 by his course on the hill The county of Waukesha, from it, tlon regard to Milwiwkitt the nr CUA'f lfe SAMUEL Hi BARSTOW. rr CUthhwi OU F.V McMAIION. WILLI aSi WEST. -RI CHARD HARD ELL.

I assertions and proof- 11 "falsehood," wl I the other turns awnv front the subioct to iuc.t. however, the ballet- will deohtlmw he a- lievt day. Thoy are iiisirue: lilies nbligaiions as X-ntiurl is nrmilly n'jo lit. state wiici senseless the State officers By no means. And the I longer standing, they sny flict that those papers are obliged to pursue eito-cr c.

'iOgative or cilirmative as Co all. We shall vote, and ur ymanm-ra! to tin: ioll-iwiug hulint. Agains: Amciulnunt to s.rtfon fmr. Against to Against A to Vv hope that tickets will he h- I Ihis Ihey Inivo nlle 111, ll WIISI! poo'licul III, ge IP two lile Aboiiln, this course, will be satisfactory to the people, that they ere totally unable to make out either a defence or a vindication of their can of while Hie they have hill, loop belie the polls in the State. with Ihe Ihejiidgin, didate- for Senator.

Tiieir dode is what the The La Crosse- Intttpmtent JirvuMknn alst: makes the following remarks on. the subject, which we commend to th- cu I i i a i ni i i a io Sheriir CI I A It lis. s. IIAWLEY. Register KRSK1.VH STAXSJll ItV.

Clerlcof the Con R.AVDALL. District Attorney E. IJIRLBDT. Treasurer II. X.

DAVIS. Clerk of the Hoard IIIKA.1I HATCH. Surveyor JOIIX O. RtTDBURGU. CorouerALBERT VEDDER.

of the New York nkoe i- special consideration of farm' lawyers, term a cognovit that Worthing-j ton did speak, and act, and vote on the bill I reducing the-tax on Railroads to one per i precisely as we have stated. tel it he remembered, that the "Repulili-Ici'n" Convention which nominated Mr. cnl to deiii l.g friends do and tax- t'tli Stat- muK nlway.t, prohahly, i-ootaic, re mil- of' Releeid Pun follv dor diile ol Sepi, HSlli; Dr. Jiiiiies )'. K'inard, 11 youiiir teullemnn end lun.

mil il. hllll lleen eyed thai ihe and williouL load of this hale, 'ho- at being not, only SF.ssrot.-s. Wo learn that sonto Mhor c. emey. Vet we lind Mr.

Worthing. liele.l without In nl Ihal under tie So. llll (' farmers ied here 11 few days 0 ns to hi worlhv of going v.te lo- the amend, ton voting to deprtvo this enmity of all li, me 3 Eofctett the taxes lt wilt only in- i tits arosuig fmm the taxation of railroads and I description, In perfect state of health and ly, Il, Is a most excel lent to 'cxnrciso' Whip's on, iliirin. Ihcdeclion, Stir 'mil up, at. the will take il kindly, no doiihtl that evft.

i he remedy is to elect isteaii of 1 emacoLiie and nnrtrrw T. AGAIlYST i Worthington for Senator, first called atten-THE PROPOSED -AME'VDME XTS TOition to ills course on the KaMroad tax bill' THE the Asscrnb.y. ft resolutions in- ELECTION, TEESDAY, NOV. T. finding him to use his best efforts to'pro icure a repeal of the.

law rednr.inr. Hint all Ihis had he Ilieuniai sessions wiil dove And ihey i done hv th. oftlil.sCoiirl iho Undue and unbounded corruption and ex. III travaeance. plank roads in county! In fan.

wo lind him considered hy the lobby ami the public Thl opinion of the capital, one of the men wltu were In do (ho on the hill, ami to cut oil' all debate on the hilt when it came hack from tin; Senate with the amendment attacEnnf. Mr. HVuthingtou may endeavor a tocvptam away his vote, in understand ho 1,.. They friends in fh? 0CCurrH(i tQ probably to will, do us ajevery one else.wbo read the resolutions, to id Jury Willi In- r. EIUK xs.

0 11 different towns an this coun favor by sending us the resull as soon" as possible'r Be sl right kind, too. i eh cp, Ihey had TO YOUR TKXTV, 1SK.UM.! Our old opponents: are in the tiehUnd nol a stone- witr be reft unturnmf hy them, to, accomplish their Yon ttml so lun fought them under different names, eanu.K a and send th 'jnate him. and then found it necessary to put kim under instructions We turned to the of toe Assembly's -s Ia-t l. WAI.Ifl'.l!. II cy of Wisconsin Ihey had vhethor TO THE POLLS shall ho lllled by a liqmMir is trying to hti! he will cinl the tnk he.

yond his power. The record of the flfj ,,,..,) (olrir are thej inimU (o md the whole 1 only in linding the hut made, a presenl meiit iinplicating Slate Ailiniiiisiralion, Hie l.egisln-vi -ii the clerks in the Slate otiices, roiigs nnd violations of law. There or authority for such a proceed- did so pr.i.-eed.' once ap- I typhoid. On (ho fourth day ol' III- lii', a red -pol appeared on (he side of tlm ciill'ofihe log, which was painful on pres. sure, ami what seemed extraordinary, It wns found that pressure at, other points nour this produced pain also, which remained peruui.

item, nll.i'1' the linger was removed, lie. pinil. a surgeon, was then consulted, who pro. nouiiced it a phlegmonous abscess, The lll'lli day he opened it; on Ihe sixth day, lie, weoi I land tarn--- I black, ami the patient was delirious, The distinguished surgeon, Velpoau, was then sent for, who tit once do. elclod Ihe case one of spontaneous gangrene, ami beyond all hope of cure.

Tin? patient remained delirious to the last, nnd died on ninlli day, Insist on baring both their arms and lines, and yet nru ready to go into hyiilorlo I-hey happen 1.0 catch sight of nyoLimg man in his What a eeiliilryl What a pe IMrhmm, We have si'i'i) countrvinen collnreil and ejocied from a II md diiur.u room lor appeiir. ing In their shirt-sleeyes, whlh) Indies wild mistake them now. Though over." their principles, and purpos same Chat they have always bt. Every true Democrat should go to the pollson Tuesday next, and take his ne'gh- ,.,0, snty at no mile of eoora-i -i -po pa-i 0 liie tlnil 'emocrafic Convention, was nomi'naeed great unanimity of and should pportecS in che same spirit. There are Raitrnad.

and raany of I'lank-Mad. All this property i at once taken oil" the sseiM trt meet roll, and exempts! from taxation, 1 on it. who ncverwouhj have been pbceil pt the nominal of crc per cent, on th. hero to our consent but. upon the whole, niiiiiy been charged will) oll'erisivs that ihey only escaped indict nl hey were not responsible for the had coinmilted ll was H.

to- who 1, we say without hesitation, that a better or stronger ticker was never before nominated remind us that they are taxed. are ii-wever. in nt.h-r hv if. our county. I hsrefore iC becomes every thrown otion us, the far The facts are as we then stated, and now repeat them.

When the hill authorizing an.l e'reetlng a tax of one per cent, on the earnings of Railroads, name back from the'Senate to the Assembly, Mr. Hobs; the Speaker Mr. Lees, of this county, and others, made various ana streu: eddrts so defeat it by ottering amendments anif by speaking against it. These amendments were lost by the votes of and others against them- When-Mr-Lees gofthe floor, and attempted to-speak 'against the bill and in favor of the amendment offered by the Speaker, for the purpose of killing the bill, Mr. Matts, a Whig, ami one of the "Jenny Lind Clique," moved the; previous question It was carried Messrs.

Worthington and Purple, of this county, voting in the and applying the gag to Loos. In this way, by the direct efforts of were enllng hIii-iirehnkeil! Democrat to lay aside his preferences or pre- an inmrint iiio. glo heiins with i Ihl stamn, wu was i irk, State 11s if laves were n-e bors with hie. Don't let It be after election, that any of on- candidates are heater, because their friends stayedtat home. Go early, and stay Male I.

that, your neighbors arp not deceived and -by the. enemy to vote a bogus tide! oRemember that the same and as Abolitionist, and: Wnigs. are now in the held, kp.ev. "ay a new name-They are now. ting for same; principles, alias the loaves and fishes," but under new colors.

You who have stood hv tfi'e ship" through all weather, trust wiii net forsake her now. She is sailing nnider the same solars, with the same old banner float: rip- in the breexe, with the name of good and true Democrats incribed on it Beware of split tickets I All.kinds of tickets-ace in circulation, dicaded "Democratic," for sweetening but if you examine them, v. hi will find the name bf-ai once offended nt our own niise wo Hill, down without coat, loiibled whether she had on a -nil inirior garment, At. nny cot tlio true principle, ot Dcnoeracv, ami ''f' say that the will of the ex- -eight only to pressed in Conventions and shad" ''f be sustained. i whm ttee Bol-ters.

Hut. Che mfc VW Mf' tbeDESEBTEItunanthem' Tlie. esi-ll its hoino Hoen! Ave. what ordinary pa. dnu'iil, thai Cayuga Chief, lowing favorable alio jgetic and high-pinto State

to be Democrats, when really their object is to distract am! divide our party, ami defeat, its candidates. Look in their faces, and you will recognize disappointed might well asrii what hi ifStt on this hill Dhl he constituent 'attwuK of Hie inth Set ri Viyrif.u and Tax-cwkk' rial I)i. has had i Mr. Worthington, the rrluciny the lax on Rail: the operation of this unjust law, the whesc political amoitlon has since -lis- legus candrd'ate now and. then smuggled in By By -ha County will -a -p laneed their moral worth, and left them Is.

What, riglil. Iiad ihi- Thoy had ho proof for at Ihe lii-oof could found aside from James iSoeri'tiiry nf Slnl" niiil the eonld know whether the tiled, and the money pj, Wortfitngtm -nt 'State loses from $15,000 to 20,000, this Abolitionism-, VV higism. Aatire American-1 at all, only kr on of their imer reap the fruits of their disappointments. ye. sere! him sgua p.

to aid am The lleio mill his Ahsoi'IiKiih, We have been allowed to tea the work with this title, to he Lued about the (Irsl of October, by one of our largo publishing house. )t lMU ling and tmrral.lvo of Bonnes nml winch oeenrred on our iiurilierm Irontler, pri'vhuiH to and during tin) strouirfo lor our National Independence, recounts Hie aeilvo part taken by a distinguished hero "I Ihal Htniggle, who, with his no.dale iiehieved brillhini, victories over Jlrltlsli arms, and includes hvulp-ihlo -dorlcal mntfr nevei' in.ioro published in i Iph, country, which -h niP, he pociised every AiilPrican Patriot, It gives the early history of tlm Old Hero of 1 '''ne. u'og-i, In held incursion lido Canada, his onpuuv iraiisporlatloii ism, Maine Latvian, -and all the other isms; in 'progress are completed, will AsotritEtt rvsow-iNVrttts-i NojicmekJ abet the ij-i of th-' day The men of hi, -We learn that on Saturday evening Int. own party his course in Convcn. I lose twice that sum.

Or, in other words, I line the that (I of the day, arei'combine'd to defeat your candidates. The Democrats-of this Coun ty were never stronger or more. united 'than at ties present time. All, then; that is necessary for them to do, is to go in solid columns to the property- holders, and mostly the farmers, i are compelled to pay out ofthefrown pockets j.the that the Railroad Companies would pay, and should be compelled to pay, J. H.

Waterman, che Republican candidatel turn at llarttatut. Tie' Milwaukee for the Assembly in Che Fir! was damn him with faht faint, duly initiated into the mysteries of the farmer in voting for Worthing. Know-Nothing-' organization, In- (hi. vil'. ton, you vote for fatiatici-m in the rankest iage.

Success to-him over Che left. degree. You nxe Know.o(hitigim 1 Veil vot- for yon vole to -fc-s-f as wr. etc rr.e.TF. r.a-ieailinc-mem-- 3 't, tain one who has vita! mpircd votm bers of the Republican parte, in ties viilaje, 1 1 the Polls, ahd the enemy that the "under that, uroyision of our State lares, have iddih ind legal form, required by law 'ailsl'actiiin of tlm aj slale'lien wiiii niH ireatmont by ed by himself, toiethor I'm llrpmp, Oid Guard." that has' secured the tr.

ofDemocratic principles in this County the dav ol" its organization, still iir P. tion which requires that all property shall -ejfo i equally taxed. Here in oountv, we nave two if 01 U' full of the Stale. The olhe eapo juil are openly bolting I 1-aee tie- iieaa of William, Democrats: Stand hy Your Regular Kailroads rinnln thro -1: r.jr limits. Those XomiuutioHs! first duty Democrats is tostahd "aVC lleaH' 81,000,000 of ually fiilso, and 1 which dicliue resentinent ch 'gislalure for In of public olllcei one.

Ami yet, i an abler pen than mine. His Democratic hixcd tint prineip-len areEwyoud a question, his abilities decided, his character above calumny. the reonlarlv rommntPd -f OXOOIf emmy. Ut course, will) nn appeal rn lo punish the e.riir that there i the fiice of ihis sun pride, viinit.y.und lo our sham success. One has already re hold upon ihe necks iff til state; he expires by liiuitiilin mly way lie ever wotild die.

an be tilled, and our comity wii -ea In lilling It, Our state sen representatives will have polen the "lection of nil, Setmtot mince for the Assembly, because he is not practical Temperance man. All trie nominees of that pty fof the Assembly in this county are Temperance, men, except Mr. Utirritt; consequently they bolt him. and support Rider Baldwin, of Vernon, for that ethic-. witn lacts and im.v.lotos, which render it a most hiilrllod and ion, hitorlcttl work, It will ho lound enturialnlng nnd in.

teresling to every lover of eaidy The noble achievementii of the heroes ol Unit day, their solf-sacrili, -o aiid deyollon to the greot cause of Homnii Rights ns thon cannot bo con-Hlderud without prolk ovon by tliose who have nmdo the selenco of governmetit study, ami who are laboring to inaugural.) Ihey behove will ho a bolter and more advanced social slat.) than that established lathers. Heme'liing more than Idol, party, and there never has been a time oo freighter obligations rested upon them 1 C- I eiih-, lioit (he eiiee the denuicriicy upon the subject of that Indlclnieiit, i dieted the State Oilieers. JM one pan say there is no law, and in another, them of its violation These respondents hud said that i sliing their hands A SUMMIT KARMKR. Siimnut, Oct. aMth.

E4. Phi You will notic in your next issue, tint John S. Baldwin i a. candidate for the Assembly lu this Din trict, and oblige MANY REPUBLICANS. Vernon, Oat.

3-t, ISiSt, disgrace of having they prefer to pay the nominal levied upon them under the present law, instead of that which they ought to pay, and they know very that what they do- not pay, will conte out of the pockets.of tbe.people. The influence of these Companies is brought to hoar against Cosimox, our candidate lor Senator, ami in favor of Mr. Worthirin--' ton, the Railroad Every vote they can procure for him will be brought out, and it is for you. the voters of the District, to say whether Mr. Worthington shall again be permitted to vote to exempt their "diipm mlnent leurnlng and profound phi.

Wa-shing men as r. Tnere is: ample, time between this and Tuesday next, to make every necessary etBrt for a full vole on that. day. Alt that iphy I I'Oqulrei meei tlio lllUclltlo it 13 necessary to do, is- to fee Chat every this respect, than at the pending election. All our nominations-have beeti hcr.est'v an I J'airly made, and not one oflthemlis in any way exceptionable or unwortby.

Jtkicil man who went onto a Dem.oc-.atic. Convention as a candidate for a nomination this Fail, has had every facility and afforded him to accomolisi his purpost and as but on-j! be nominated for each office, air those who permitted their names to be as candidates, bound 'themselves in honor, to abide by the choice of the Convention before which his claims were presented, and to give its nominee iiearty and efficient support at the Polls. hv ihi This Tut; Ilnilroad between Chicago and (In i.i. is now fully completed an.l doing i ivier business than any other road of tin ne length in the Union. It is Kill mile lie- re IDemoc.rat is at too poll.

We have a a-ge majority of Democrats in this County, and all Oct. an. I--IPP- of PUin Ih ih lli'lluii I Kver Hin that is wanting to ensure is to railv IV liie ip. was broughl into Court revolifonH of I' I-, elm. rneter, of that Indomltablo perseverance and courage which mark the bold nod hardy mountaineer of New of '78, will bo called Itndl'ed1 L'H Ul0lr bo well This work I In a largo lilmo, form of over 100 pages, wo iDidorstand tin) publlnh.

era design jl; in binding, with loll llt back and other embellishment, auj t0 Bt very low price of 1, 3ft, Messrs. Dayton DwVK S-ttt The pe.titicil prospects in this, long, and earned lust, month, section of tbe county look well. You may I though not then completed, A Imosl. tin ue leu ha- nol ho, pi thai, ud Ihe Court nnd ol criminals who property from taxation, or Mr. Cos- at the pollson and disciiarep tigan, who is pledged to the enactment of a duty which all owe to their country, and just gand! equal laws, imposing taxes VICTOR-V fs -won.

upon Corporations and individuals, shall re- The Mha- put even in. a i lor Democratic tire trade ami travel of Northern i and Minnesota, pass over it. Kxn.osiDs.The steam boiler of Hitch- for l.berict Attorney In this town ami a small majority for the whole ticket Mr. Wortldngtoti will rim behind his ticket, When this, is done, as it always mrihlf be presqnt you for years, in the the Albany explains in a. few candidate, words, the mcsilbm ,1 5-emite.

ifetween the none ami put lar oil the day ol )i wo My t0 Mos (. earl day after day we have asked and and we hnvo importuned this leonrl loi- trial. the result been such 'he sl umneptoi' these 1,10 was nuvcr intended bo tried llelween th- Coon ,1... cock ec Homing mill nt Waukegan, Wiisliliigton-Htroot, Diwton, nro tlm imbilnh- and the candidate of the choox ye blew up en Thursday, k.iling four men, an prominent candidates for Coventor, 111 Xew ers, nml lurn Hint thoy nro wanting United States. rtiloriiey ollerlng lo trv 1 I York, on the liquor question Loos oxtt fokBogcsTicsetscAI; kinds A friend from the interior, remarked the of ticket- .1 bi in rcul it on, a 1 1'.

0 ti fi letter on rn them will be headed Democratic." for do- iTemtteraace question, took exactly the right .0 i ground. Sac! Patljinder, ii i no iiistri was ready 'h Ihsn ci. Attoriiev olt'eriniT to iP li ie sure. His honied words am! "sugar-coated pills" took well lust year; but they didn't have the desired effect or, in other word-, they sickened tin; patients, instead of restoring them to health, ns advertised. The quiet farmers, who have looked on, and seen him change both his political and religious coats, tic the sake of popularity, wilt not suffer thiinnelves nyaili to he led iistimy by witwanlappenrnnces.

They know done by tree Democrats, tiieir triumph is certain, in a fair fight with ear opponents, defeat'! but a tcmpoiry injury or doss to the party; but when, defeat is brought upon it by the refusal of-indiyicuals to adhere to the. first condition of its organization, bv their refesat-to stand by the decision of the majority at the Primary Meetings and Conventions, and by their boiling the reptular nominations and sefipg themselves op as candidate the injury is permanent and nl- BUuitimi -l Pennsylvania, Mr, Wright vi i i ii M' W. had no doubt 1,10 '-crt- -bwormmcl Seymour for hpac. wounding live ulhers severely. Coon Some 35 aeres, two miles out of Madison, with no improvements, sold lust wook, for SI SO per acre.

pie M.uusos llan, Road Al a recent meeting of the Hoard of Directors the Road, neaps were taken for iho vip. ereus proseciuion of this impmpap.l romi ami for its speedy completion to this place. The statement made shows that the cuts are now oi good lirp atforrn, we am sure Ill resort to any moans, no matter bow'fou! or occompiish. it. See that none bet on- re -ular nominees arc on your ticket.

amount, of ddceit and hypocrlcy contained in thus mtts, tuA all the sugaring i to Alton, eight miles north of lU'loit, reparable. To pay off the man -who 'I'bey will tell you plausible stories about year, some one takes the. I '-his ami that candidate out beware of their one that can ho done noli not el the -to- I1" grading, bridging ami masonry 1 each me vi lingness lo proceed, hut hoi.l, idling some ihday-we hive und'are by the linmlilipsi 1,1 th" hind, and hv imlicid coniinoti at ihis light a prompt nnd spoedy iritil, Fm. v'" "l.l not oliP-en iriiih wo lile Umt any crime was Curl, agre-pj 11 pi-ii. tll.

bearing. Wo theh cnn.o into Court prepiiroil to argue Mop dennirrm- Court refused to hone (lv. wi'it time for and Ins to us, w0 iV. "Cftcsnsa editor of rhe Handy Hill (N. in aniiotiucing his removal from the otrico of Postmaster hen ihe Administration dtscorered that it could not buy him off front the supportof Che' Hard-Shell' ticket, says "Wo were thus released from any collection with Frank Pierce and Ids satinett.

Cabinet, am! imbly ask for a once more. as. ao -iiiuepeme-ut-' caniliilcte th- next uatturing tongues. i'oiut tnern to your mart of. those tried his -pills pi 1 year, nt il 1 i colors, and i you vote for me.

Vours, J. he opened to Magnolia on or alioiit the 1st. of themselves involved in the dealoosies and i not meoPip strifes ofa few selhsh -but-unirnpcrtaVrimii-i Ami DisMAttxhEOi-Workmoii nro isy at touring down the old rusidoiico of "Tr' it Ims boeomo dllaphhited and uiiHaro. Ills son, James H. Clay, will upon the samospot, and his mothorcon.

Untie to luakd it residence. Anhland ''Hy low minutes rido from tho city of J.o.v 'ton, and takes Its numo from tlio lnrtfo iiumbor ol nsh troos thorei tho grovmi uround ho house, twenty ncros ornioro. bolngiwar. ly all nun, NoMe.tAttiw.s.-Jncfcs.m Hadley, the Democratic cvuRdate for Senator from cat come is Tiduals. and disorganisation and die upon the partv.

onest and respectable men. from tlu'lico, daily utngos will be run to Madison, coming through in I lu or ll! hour, from Chicago, Madison ids mm; r.ovl Ilheisom has sold Lots .1 niulfl, Ward, 80 foot on Mil. waelt.pi river, for SftOOOO Jft.itoo cash, Mr. H. bought them seven y.

'ins ago, SdOOO th-lrh District pfiiwaul ee county. ine name oi -me now paper PuH county of dedbrson hy. Mr. But while, we stand together and .1 -a-. tn Watartowh, Jeff.

Co snow lei! to the denrt, r.f I 4. Norton, Iron the 7(h District icip.e ourdy. xr e. ff. B.

Joy, frnn, xvi HlM District, Kenosha Sunday, Oct. ancE-the boya foimd guwS lice oi or, ami uav: ug.mwu ooa eel, every an.i ii yeiivly rent, has more than wa-Ued the docMon of this Co r' t-j on worn, in IS37, these were lour loot under 11 Vs.vm.vf,,, i( 'J'JIJ-3 HU11NCHJI1K11 I thlj mothci ci'lm'wnihw ami nfter thl. day, Joseph Oshkosh, from the -d 1st District, Winn'ehigo county. sivauug too next nay.

i.m the samo-day snow fell at Lancaster ami Concord, N. The White Mountains were covered, am! were the Green' Mountains beyond Vt. (KT A Certain was refused, to sohmit the nrirnment, If the Come -inn firntic The award of dence in, xch ottxr- as Democrats, notctti) the flourishrng town 1:1 which lul i i i 1 cx i th ZtVtZWl and vriii have none We have the numbers crats of Jefferson. We welcomep such Ian set i 1 eaoh now or eiilkliig rtucl, hm L' ov setting oiwh is the only ope which Is In its'eiVeei. "ie, vises that the most eminent ftS ft, 30 ett, l.U'tu.

JOHN VMMK, Democrat' concludes an ur- Tfic Chicagi tfcle on the fin of the edit of the Mad- 1 ners hav lisp ur i i yield to it mail mm, Jiukeslm, On, g)j- mi wouiu iiocido nt, ij (onn, 'fids, too, was 'eAised us hy oom.t your Honor, were w-'ircni-'ed in nay, iho belief, Hint the enno was intended lo 'rii-l, ami that the Conn was guilty not only of the collusion by wln-di was found, hut, ho oppreicsien by which its trial was denied I Tlloso imnyiciions wo-re hol'oro tlieso the I'ublie or SintD 1'riuuitf has boon madu "EKi.ut Ilrwwd, for two years. What little competition was for it, proved him uni. Bm to do the work, as the' la requires, and to public I.rt',. "-'o -0 mm- opto tie. nidi, led I.OT.S AT AUCTION, We anefgigthem a cordial and undivided sup-j Axothek Reeubl! ison for contempt of Court, by dr daring: trust that the Press ofthe country wttt i we boon shown a ca 11,1 signed by a large ruction, which accompany each not, will, Holhmny, u.

two combing JlX ly emdiciito the most Invetonito of Ihese din-eases, and leavo the sulHua'r without Idem. to is mbly trie give -he aciary to understand that, it wrft aooe p. nor to the abrid-ro. lets croon, Whatever imiv have 'h i oivcm 'V Nl nol I vooiU w. ot 0 ft 1 bo used as a cam! 1 roeht of anv of its guaranteed ri -hts.

ii hT of te.aut- hip 'Arctic's' passen--ers. Stuiford, ln 1 i5.tWl) ic candidates tor Wisconsin: have since learned Wells. I roin oouoi oi iu prnsj. HttlttNU the three month omlip Oct. atn.tliri auiiuals were mghtprpil for foo, in New York city.

The nvornire is ITdi ft week, or nearly a imlhon a i-eiV to be a as i.oai lie uas couse.liei. lr f. 'a': 00 1 10 0 .,000 insurance for the hen- 'I1-' many pcelercod as ,0 loolings to- of man, 1 ,1,, that every judicial nc.i of ihis Conn another M.icr. A sure thing, and uu i ctet ot his faeofy. jint liefore going abroad, iil-atlon of ah.

mi rijo r'att (It.

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