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The Lincoln Courier from Lincolnton, North Carolina • Page 3

Lincolnton, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 3 ti 1 I 1 i I MiRtthT cZtV' in. C1lanjarinking on h.i train, neither does! Cull tv nnm im I county some time Showing the Most At- if We Undoubtedly he allow profanity. Ladies desir-j are tractive I Dry Goods, Wash Dress GpodS, Clothing, Shoes, ing-Goods Ever Displayed over our Counters. i Tbe prices are lower than one would expect considering tiwr quality of the fabrics, jThe most critical examination of our Clothing for Men Boys Cnildren; will be a pleasure to us and a satisfaction to eyery Oar hue of Fancy and Negligee Shirts ia the latest production for yoaa men and are priced from to .50 o. leas than yoa would be charged elsewhere.

We still hold the lead on 8HOE3 and are receiving daily additions Ui our already Urge 8 lock. When you come to town make onr Sto re your resting place, and ba tarol to take home wi'n yoo some of tbe many bargains we offer yoo. Don't Make a Single purchase Until you have Looked over Our. STOCK. line of i Hats, Furnish- Notions J' RESPECTFULLY, won OTSPEPsxa, bbowjpi Eooar an deslen kep per bottl.

a4a-mazk -roaatd red ca wrtssa- D. E. RHYNE, at tlie Laboratory Cotton Mills, OFFEHO TO TUB most handsome stock of goods that has ever been seen In Lincoln coun ty. An excellent line of Dress goods, from 5c to 75cta per Good nearly a yard wide only lOcts per yd. Hats for all classes, from the Gentleman to tbe Dnde.

ghoes to fit the most dainty; feet, pants and panta goods. Shirts from 25o to L25. Gran a-': lated and other white bagar, 201ba to thetLOO. Linen table cloths 75cts. It will pay you to come and eca me before you buy your supplies.

Beapectfully, D. E. RHYNE By virtue of a power vested In a Dy a deeu 01 Assignment xnaue oy tr A Beep Co. and dnly recorded la the Begistra's office of Lincoln Co. we will sell at the court bouse In ago, is the usual one -Liquor, i i i i --An icecream festival was'civ- en by tbe ladies of the Methodist church on Wednesday uiRht, on the lawn at the residence of Mr uumuDi neceipts not given.

We have received a reply, for puimcauon, to Silver Democrat? and had it arrived one day earlier it would have appeared in this is sue. It will appear next week. A ne trial of Baxter Shemwell at Lexington for the Killing of Dr Payne sr. continues with unabated interest. Our sjace is too limited to give an interesting account of the affair.

Prof. M. O. Carpenter, o1 Reynoldson, N. called to see us this week.

He is on a visit to his parents in tnis county. He is ac- compained by his wife, who is yet a bride. Hon. M. H.

Justice, of Ruth- erfordton and R. Rybrand, Esq. of Shelby, were in the city on Wednesday on professional busi ness before his Honor Judge W. A. Hoke.

Craton Getts who had a pre liminary hearing before his Honor Judge Hoke, on Wednesday, for the killing of Philip Akres, was admitted to bail in the sum of $2,000. Prof. Q. A. Crichet, of South- port, N.

was in town this week looking after a school. We do not know; whether he met with success or not. The contract for the work on the new Lutheran Church to oe ouut at tnis place is now ready to be let out. For informa tion call on or write to Rev. J.

F. Moser Mt. Holly, W. H. Lohr, J.

A. Robinson, R. D. Hauss, C. B.

C. Lincolnton, N. C. i Mrs. Katie Hoyle, aeed 96 years, died at the residence of her nephew L.

M. Dellinger at Cnerry- vine last Monaay. rne summon i ar pn waB unexpected, While sitting on a chair the messenger came and the lifeless body fell to the floor. Her remains were laid to rest at Bethpage cnurch in Lin coln donnty on Tuesday. She was the widow of the late John Hoyle.

H. S. Robinson Co. on ac- 1 count ot increase of business, find it necesary to increase their borders. Last year, they built a band- soma brick store room only one! storv hiffh.

Thev are now outtine I another on this This is a LINCOLN COUK1EK, LOCAL EEPABTMENT. fSSTABBETTE. jT Editor Proprietor. bHUBOfl DIRECTORY. pK8gTTiAir.

Bev. R. (Johnston viator, breaching Tery 2nd. and 4th ftjndayi XI A. it.

and 8 M. Way Sobool Twy Sunday 5 P. M. SerriU for young people every Wednesday i preaching ron Station on second uudayi 3 P. M.

i preaching at Laboratory Cotton Mill rerv Vt Sunday 11 a. m. and at Paper Mill Academy 8 ethodist Rf M. T. Steals, Pas- Preaching every 1st and 8d Sunday, and 7u, r.

at. TTTHiaA. Rev J. A Rudisill. Bethphage every lit -Sunday Trinity, every Sunday Daniel's every and and A buu4y- ilour 10 I xaiaAH.r-' Aitudiaill, Pastor CherrjTil1 1st and 3rd Sunday 10:30 a.

also at njgnt. Sunday School m. very aundaT Service at Mark's every 3d aad andS' at a Sunday cbooi every Sunday. I tutHEKAf Oaio "tod. Rev.

B. IL. beaten brger PMtor, (Lutheran Chapel, very 2nd Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 4th junday at 3 Jfibenerer, 2nd Sunday 3j 4th Sunday at 10:80 a laboratory Mills, on 2nd and 4th Sundays at 1 w- ethel lst aQ 3rd Sundays at Friday's School House, 1st end 8ra Sundays, 8 pm.

Baptist. Rev. D. M. Austin, Pastor.

Preaching every 3d Sundays at jll A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School avery Sunday at 3 P.

Prayer meeting very Thursday evening at 7:00. lEpiacoFAL- Rev. W.R. tor- Services every Sunday at 11 am, exi cept 2d Sundays at night, on 1st, 2nd and every other 4th Sunday; Holy Communion lit and 3rd Sundays catechising of child ren every 3rd Sunday in the M. All oorctiahy myitedto attend.

Seats HNOOLNTOfl, N. O.JULY 12 1895 AJS OFFEB. 1 All subscribers who will come tip and pay their Dack does on sub1 gcription at the rates of $1.25 and pay one dollar in addition, can get the Courier one year from date of flach payment. All who are up with subscriptions to date can get one yearn subscription by paying 1.00 in advance. This proposition is good only for cash.

H. F. Falls, of Fallston, called to see us tbe past week. S. C.

Beatie, of Grouse, made this office, a pleasant call on last Mrjpharlie Taylor is confined to his room by Bickness. Judge Hoke is improving and will soon be able to enter upon his work. Mrs. Georgianna.Hoke is hay- 'mg a new roof put upon her froht porch. Little Richard Lee who has (been quite sick for the past week or two is now convalescing, i Mr L.

L. Little and family Anson county. are at the Misses McDaniers Spring. Mr. Oliver Ramsaur, of Chair- i.

lotie, wno nas manv relatives in this locality, is extremely ill. The commissioners held abopt a three day's session this week for the purpose of levying taxes and hearing complaints of oyer assessments (fee. miss Mattie McLean wno lias ar a bean at Gastonia for some time, is now at home. Mrs. W.

Eudy, of Chester vho has been on a visit to her MotheT Mrs. Dr. Alexander, h'as returned to her home. i --Misses Jennie and Kate wjtt-iie, who have been in Charlotte for several months are now greet ing friends around home. 1 1 Miss Edith and little Miss Alice Childsof Columbia, 1 visiting at Judge Hoke's.

The parsonage recently purchas KUor the Methodists of Lincoln- ton curcuit is being painted. Misa Carol RutledffA. of Mt o-, tt01ly, is now in Lmcolnton Btudy- 8 Art under Miss Bettie V. Al exander. Don't forget the date of Ram- saurs'a Excursion, Julv 23rd, If you wish to make a pleasant trip the geashnrn fViio wnnr onninr.

I wwj AD JWMVA V'W 'inity. "MisS Eva WilVio nrhn fcoa bee AAMkJbW TV MV WW on a visit to her sister, Mrs. aynes of Charlotte, hna fhed to her home. "Little Miss Fannie Hope, aged Wiit 10 i Reedy of this place, de4 of pgesnon of the lungs i at her in LowrysvUle, C.S on last 7ay night. 5 cause of the Akers tliA v-i wuicn in Wling of Akers by Gettyi at I 'r isaiinitnd for lb CouRlKB every TlturiuUy moruiug by Uapt Grigs: I Cottuu J.

7 Wheat Corn Meal per bu. 4 60 .60 4 Floor, Bobr 100 Floor Patent Pork Bacon sides Baooo hams Beet Lard Tallow 2.75 6 8 lb mond. N. C. .9 4 9 5 15 to 20 10 to 18 10.

7 to 8 1 Chickens '1 Butter per lb Hooey Eggs Rags 2 i 5 1st 20 3 44 onpeeled Hides, dry Wool, washed Cabbage Apples, dried Peaches dried Peaches dried Apples green per bu. Sweet Potatoes 44 Peas Irish 41 Onions Onion sets "per bathel Blackberries dried, per lb Bees per 16 If You Wish to save Honey Now is your Tjme. We bought a nice line of La dies' Underwear eariy in the Spring, hoping it would prove to be a salable and profitable line of goods. But in this we have been disappointed. A3 it is our rule never to carry unsalable goods, we will offer the entire lot at a great sacrifice in order to close tnem out at once.

Ladies Drawers, formerly 60 now 45 tt 60 38 40 25 $1.00 80 75 60 1.20 1.00 95 60 75 60 40 75 35 tt 35 20 75 65 58 62 95 4k tt tf tc t( tt Gowns tt Skirts t. 44 73v tt tt tt tt 62 50 40 30 50 28 L'dsO'rs't Covers tt tt a Chemise 4 We also Have a Nice Line of Baby Dresses that we will Close out at the Reduction. RESPECTFULL Jenkins Bros. N. Ask to see the Lady salesman who will show these goods to you.

NOTIC I call your attention to my new line of ghoes just ree'd. Gibbs Imperial Plows. Iron Adjustable Shoe leasts. The Arrow Dixie Flow, best on the Best hay forx ever intraduce4. Improved Cotton HarrOWS-AI39, tW truest canvas and feather Raor gtrop.

offered to th tra.6, 24 Vicheja lu' length. A floe grade of Machine Oil which wiU not gum. EHERY WHET BOOKS THAT WILL LAST FOB YEARS. a superior oil can. Respectfully, F.

TOBBy The dude were obliterated from the earth and Ihe offensive partisan were not so rampant and i i Ve could discover that a man could be good even before he dies and Society were nob a matrimonial mart and The objectionable features could be eliminated and from the waltz Decent citizens would go to the primaries once in a while and Porterhouse steak were not so high and Rich men would not lie to the assessor and The peanut fiend were excluded I from theatre galleries and The collection box were not al- ways and associated with re lgion Sensationalism were not considered news by the daily papers and People would throw care to the winds and read the humorist and The suicide would not seek the nicest room in a hotel wherein to die and The pie "like mother used to make" were more numerous and The bad speller were not so anx ious to write letters and Girls who go to cooking i schools were not too tired to help mother get dinner when they come home and The word "genial" were not us ed so much and A few other things arranged This world would not be a bad place to live in. Mrs. J. H. Horsnyder, 152Pacifie Ave, Santa Cruz, writes: When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever.

On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends nrged me 'to use Ayera Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair aa one could wish being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard lonj and very full and heavy. I have recoi mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Garr, UffrRegina Harrisbtrrg, Pa.

"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satisfactory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that ia C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepar! P.

Ajr ft LowU. Msaa- AUTOHARPS $3.50, to $10, Ac oordeans 50 cents to $10, Banjos 91 to 15, Guitars $4.25 to $20, Vto lins $1 to $25. Mandolins $5Q to $0, Harps to $1.50, Qem Boiler Organs $5. Largest stock in toe State. Send me your orders.

Ad dress LOWE'S MUSIC HOUSE. Newton, N. O. Last Jane Dick Crawford brought his twelve montbsold child, suffer ing from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been weaned at four months old and bad always been sickly.

I gave it the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The kept growing i thinner until it weighed but little more, than when bora, or perhaps ten pounds. then starred the father to. giving Chamberlain's QoUc Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Before one hot tie of tbe 25 cent else had bean used a marked improvement was Been and its continued use cured the child. Its weakness and pony constitution disappeared and its lather and myself believe the child's life was saved by this remedy.

Marlow, 11 Dn Tamaroa, I1L For tale by Dr. Grouse, Druggist. ing to 'go nfted not hesitate a mo-j ment. You can secure I board at either cf the hotels at) Wilming ton at reduced rates. The rates at the Bonitz House are (only $1.00 per day.

The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Cnester and Lenoir Railroad Company will be held at Hickory, N. Cj, on Thursday the 18th of July at 1 o'clock p. m. Certificates stock will pass the Stockholders with their wives unmarried daughters and minor children to arid from the meeting. Certificates Jf stock are not transferable for passes, and fare will bo collected frpm persons holding such certificates who are not bonafide Stockholders.

Bv or der of the board cf Directors. J. J. McLurW Sec'y. -mm- tL Judge Holie.

We are fully convinced that Judge Hoke is occupying the posi tion in life that he is best fitted for. He is merciful an4 especially kind to those who are Sin trouble The scales of justice in his hands are always properly balanced, and his decisions are seldom, if ever, reversed by the higher courts. Lincoln and the town of Lincoln- ton; especially, should be proud of him. He is held in high esteem by all, but we fear that some of our people do not appreciate him as they should. Let us strew the flowers in bis pathway jwhile he is here to appreciate such an act.

Grin and Press for Sale. Our Brown Cotton) Gin and Standard Press is nowj offered for sale at a great bargain, Both are in excellent working 1 condition. Call on or address Jacob R. Warlick, 3t. N.

UTor Sale. One pair ponies, black, gentle, nice drivers. One set single harness, in good repair. good watch, jeweled movement, in good repair. Terms Cash, or good pa- per.

i W. S. Ramsaur, Lincolnton N. C- A horse kicked HS abater, of tbe Freemyer House, Middlebarg, on the knee which iaid him in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and iu two days was a Die to be around.

Mr Shater bos recommended it to many others and says it is excellent for any kiLd ot a bruue or sprain. This same reme- JSST S. by Dr Qron8e DrtllTgiet. Hood's Pills cure biliousness. IVotioe I The Lincoln County Farmers Alliance will convene with Cataw ba sub-Alliance at Fairfield church Saturday, July 27thJ nromptly a 1 i lihA V-1 1 tViof Qtron infT or At I 1 T7I Mn.WI,n I I Tf 1 -l Tu T-r, 7 distmguised citizen.

Delegates wiU please be prompt in order to tret through the business in time for the speaking. W. Graham, Pres. T. P.

Jenks, Secv IVotice Young men desiring to enter the North CarolinaCollege of Agncult- I TtTA And Mftfihftnic PloaSO mm-m apply to me immediately, or as I soon as possible. An examination will beheld the first Saturday in August (Aug. 3.) Lincoln county is entitled to one student at this college jpkee of tuition, which will be $30.00 less cost than to other students. Any one desiring io enter as county student must apply to the Board of County Commissioners for such appointment, The applicants mustjbe at least fifteen years old and be examined, on history, geography, arithmetic and English or grammar. The examination wil be c.on- ductec as the qther examinations.

and will be held atth.0 court house in Lincolnton. L. AenhtbTI Ca Machpelah, N. C. Or you mxm aU wonx oat, ntHlj good, far notb Mag.

eneruoeDUUv. 1 itt BMOW2PS XBOJT MITTJSSM It Wlu con yoo, claanse your Urar, and 5XT VALUABLE LAND SALE! By virtue of an order, this day made by tbe Superior Court of Lln coin county, In an action there pending, entitled 'W Hoover Admr. of Ifassagee vs Houser ec I will sell at public auction, at tbe court bouse door in Lincoln county, on Monday 1st day ot July 1895, at noon, the lands formerly owned by Massagee lying in Howards Creek township of Lincoln connty, adjoining the lands of Carpenter, Henry Houser and others, consisting ot three tracts, as now survered one tract being the reversionary interest after the dower, life estate of Mrs. Malinda Massagee, containing 58 acres, another tract containing 53 acres, and still another containing acres, all of which tract adjoin one another. This is a resell of said lands accordance with the order made in said action, and the sale will be begun at the advance bids made on said lands and now on file in said action Terms of sale cash, balance on six and i twelve months credit ou note bearing in.

terest, and title reserved until tbe purchase money is paid in full, with privilege to the parohaser oLpay ing all his option. This the 30th day of May 1895. Hoover Admr of HM Massagee 4t. Execution Sale of yaluable Lands! By virtue of an execution- to ma iixi from the Superior Court of Lincoln Comn- ty, entitled 4E. B.

Springs tb- F. T. Smith and Ii. F. Smith" commanding out or the goods and chattels of the defendants in i aid execution, to satisfy the same.

1 Dro- 1 ceeded to have the nomestead of said F.T I Smith laid off in accordance with law, 1 1 FePo.rtolwhi0Ll!,8aI?rerd.l coin 00,, to which reference is hereby made for a particular description of the lands herein alter mentioned. And an other execution having since said first one been Issued to me from the same Court, entitled Solomon Rudisill vbPT Smith" I now under and by rirtue of both said exe cutions, and in order to satisfy the same I have levied on, ana wiU sell at public auction, at the court house door, for cash, on Monday 1st day of JulyJSdS, all the land-of FT Smith in excess ot his homestead, consisting of two tracts in Lincoln county Catawba Springs Township- adjoining Smith's homestead, one tract on the east side ot said homestead, containing 60 acres the other tract on the west side ot said homestead, containing 30 acres A full plat and description ot said tracts can he had by calling on the undersigned. This tbe 35 th dav of May 1895. Rhodes Sh'ff of Linoola County. HISTORY OP THE LAfcJT LEG-I3LATTJRE.

Bay one. Only ten Cents. A neat, attractive pamphlet 160 pages, with ornamental cover, devoted to the. record of the last Legislature, the worst Legislature, save that of 1868, ever assembled in the State. This book gives its record plainly and truthfully.

It gives facts and names and ia thoroughly reliable. It has been prepared by some of the best Democratic writers in the 8tate, Fvery patriot, every citizen and every Democrat should have a copy Price 10 eta per copy, post paid. Lower prices by the hundren. It not on sale at Bookstore or drugstore, address TJZZELL, Printer and Binder, Baleigb, N. O.

Lincolnton tbe 1st Monday In July at noon. A large number of 7 notes and eoo'ts dne A Beep Sc Oaf and not collected by na. Also sons judgments taken in his favor by of sale CXsb. San ft Kisss. Assignees of A Beep Co- Execution Sale.

Si ii 1 4 -if 'i 1. 1. 4) North Carolina Lincoln county Superior Co art i- Thos Hoke Judgment for 919J27 -vs and interest, and fox PJ Holmes $28.00 costs- By virtue of an exeootion to ca directed by the Superior court cf Lincoln connty in the above eatl tied cause. I will, on the first 2Ions f. day in June 1895, at noon at tha)V: court house door of Lincoln county sell to the highest bidder at pabllo I auction for cash, tbe lands of Holmes upon.

which a Hen for work', and labor done is given by the jodg-mentin this cause; said property -being one two-story hoass, and the premises on which it Is sitoated in Lincolnton township, Lincoln conn ty, adjoining lands ot Hlnson. and Alex Carpenter, and In that part of Lincoln county known aa mriving iiriui0uu uo uioveiet uieu i can be rouna. we nave several other i good firms in town that would do much better were they in buildings that would show to greater advantage. A little boy 8 years of i ff FTonrv narnAntfir who lives near town, diea last Tnesday irom the effects of too much liouor. The Henrv Carpenter, the father, rf.

I UtWUKUV WWW liquor home with him. The little vL hA r.f if ftna Hrank an over-supply. In a little while he went into spasms and died. The editor of the Courier will speak at Lowesyille on next Tnes dav night, if nothing the subject of "Things in GeneraF We will expect to meet all of our subscribers who live in that locali ty on that Don't stay Unanaa trrrt rtWA na lirfltt 2 YV Ckjr yovu uow va -w tw mite. Come out and bring your and daughters with you wives Everybody is invited to come out We are not quite in as bad a fix iniregard to advertising as our friend Green of the Forest City Ledger, but we are sureot one fact, and that is that if the life a newspaper depended upon some merchants of this town, a burial would take place at once.

We have about half a dozen mer chants that have been reasonably liberal in their patronage and thesej merchants are the ones that are doing the business of the town, Jugt a few days longer and Captl W. p. fiamsanr will run his excursion train to the sea coasi. The fair for the round trip from Lincolnton and return is only $4.00. No one need fear to go on thuL trip.

Mr. f. Ramsaur does not allow any drunkeness or Freed man's. Tnis tbe 3rd day 01 MayW. OH Buodxs.

Sheriff of Linccln Conntv- Itch on human and hortea and all aal mals cared in 80 minutes by Wooliorda taintary Lotion. ThU never falls. Sole tar H. La wing Drngrlst Lincolnton. If see me before purchasing; ITS JUST SO.

v. i l- IF I ADVERTISED TILL, DOOMS- DAY SOME PEOPLE WOULDN'T COME TO SEE MY BIG LINE A of Furniture, gewing Macnines, Organs Qoninsand Qaskets: All goodsare sold 25 per cent cheaper than ever before, I can save you Money: Qome and VERY RESPECTFULLY. jl 1.

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