The Greensboro Patriot from Greensboro, North Carolina • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Greensboro Patrioti
- Location:
- Greensboro, North Carolina
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE ACTOTliJUIC 1014 PACSO LOCAL BTEWS UELL SOPPLEff UIIII FUIIDS DPLQ'S BMGAIfl COLOLIII VJo finery Vex UJzni tlio Cost Tec Id to Gzzl-vzp uDdg r-nnd': In-' Tr- "Ml 1 MM I Ml JvJiiiiw JaUlAn- ml Many of these in use in this county and arc the ones that give service and satisfaction 7ho Uallac VJccdcr breaks the crustarid let your crops erow. Tho Avery Harrow Smootlico tho EjzzzzS czzd Palucrizco it at the same time. Also have double and single stock plows, Globe Cultivators, Binder Twine in any quantity, Screen Doors at different prices, and the adjustable Window Screens. Perfection Oil Stoves, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, full line of seasonable hardware and the prices are right. Let us show you.
"We've got the goods and appreciate your patronage." FIGURES SHOW THAT THERE IS NO' -DANGER DEFICIT IN TREASURY FINANCES. Fbrtified with official figures from the treasury department, Democratic Leader Underwood Saturday-told the house of representatives would to.eJBS. deficit' jnraTernmen finances was a dream, based on wishes springing from political antagonism. In an analysis of the government's financial situation, Mr. Underwood announced that the total receipts of the government for the fiscal year ending June SO would aggregate 1733,000,000, leaving a surplus of hT3O.0OO.
000, and-that" with only a half year's operation: of the income tax that dldnot'-fhclude'JPaiiama ex penditures, estimated at 000. Next year, he declared, Pana ma expenditures virtually would pass away and canal receipts would pay running expenses. Mr. Underwood's speech was in support of the senate amendment to the legislative appropriation bill to increase the treasury fund for col lecting the income tax from to $1,500,000, wnlch the house finally agreed to. Mr.
Underwood explained the increase was for collect ing the income tax from persons and corporations trying to evade it. "For next year," he predicted, "we can be assured of collecting more than $100,000,000 from the income tax, even if no more proportionately is collected than was collected this year and more proportionately will be collected." Mr. Underwood said customs re ceipts were producing in the current year $22,000,000 more than the administration had expected. "There will be no falling off In the Income tax receipts next year," he said. "A large proportion of the income accrues and is payable in Jan uary and February, but the income tax became operative as to the for mal tax in March and as to the super-tax or additional tax not until the bill became a law in" October.
Probably one-half of the dividends and coupon Interest on bonds are payable on January and February of each year, and they are not included in this year's returns of the income tax; so it is fair to say that only half of the year has been available in which to collect the income tax. "I think the corporation tax this year will show an increase of about $4,000,000 or $5,000,000 over the last year of the Payne continued Mr. Underwood. Phones 458-457 MAP Mini fo) ill 0 rat TO a ESS l3Di mz- is Hal raa end Dcrff Sfcnd fcr 11:0 Gcod" JdlL Mr. Robert R.
King, Is spending few days at Wrightsville Beach. Misp Fred Foushee is visiting relatives and friends in Martinsville, Va. -Mrs. W. C.
Robinson and children have gone to Madison' to relatives, r-r. jS Kelly; Weiwrowerfi in hecitf Saturday. Mr. J. W.
Landreth and family are spending some time at Mt. Airy White Sulphur Springs. Mrs. B. E.
Jones ha3 returned from Mooresville, where she was called by the illness of her father. Mr. J. Giles Foushee spent the lat ter part of last week on a business- trip to his bid home in Moore county. Mayor Murphy and Commissioner R.
M. Rees went to Greenville, S. Friday on a business trip for the city. The summer school for colored teachers at the A. M.
College opens today and will continue for five weeks. rMrs. N. Weatherly has returned from New York, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. T.
Gilbert Pearson. Mrs, J. B. Webster and children have returned from a visit to Piedmont Springs and their old home in Madison. Mr.
Robert Scott, who is employed in Detroit, is in the city, on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott.
Dr. J. W. Long and Dr. C.
W. Banner have returned from Atlantic City, N. where they attended a medical convention. The annual picnic of the Greensboro lodge of Elks was held at Lind-ley park Friday afternoon and "night and proved to be a delightful affair. Mrs.
L. J. Brandt and children have gone to Ridgecrest to spend some time. They were accompanied by Mrs. Brandt's sister Mrs, Vena- ble, of Jamestown.
Will Houston, who escaped from the county work house about a week ago, was arrested In Danville, Friday and brought back to Greensboro by Policeman O'Briant. Rev. Dr. S. B.
Turrentine, presi dent of Greensboro College for Wo men, attended the Durham district Methodist conference, at Hillsboro, last week and made an address. Mr. Marx Nathan, of Wilmington, who resided in Greensboro several years ago as manager of the Grand opera house, was married in Atlanta last Wednesday to Miss Pearl Bowen. Mrs. E.
Tate returned home yesterday from Washington, where she spend several weeKS in a hospi tal for treatment under an aye specialist. She underwent two opera tions and is considerably improved. Her two daughters, Mrs. H. L.
Lee and Mrs. J. H. Walsh, were with her in Washington. Against Sunday Fisliing.
Application was made to a justice of the peace of this city a few days ago for warrants for several well known citizens of Greensboro who are alleged to have been indulging in the pastime of fishing in the Hamburg mill pond on Sundays recently, but in view of the fact that they were not accused of having fished with seines or nets, the magistrate did not feel inclined to take action. It appears that there is no law in North Carolina to- prohibit a person from fishing with a hook on the Sabbath, but when seines or nets are used the act is made a. misdemeanor. Fire in Randleman Cotton A portion of the Deep River cotton mill, at Randleman, was partially destroyed by fire Monday night. Half the building was completely destroyed and the remainder was damaged by fire and water.
One hundred and three looms recently installed were burned and many others were damaged. The loss is from $15,000 to $18,000, and is covered by insurance. The origin of fire is unknown. The watchman had made his regular round only a few minutes before the fire was detected. Anti-Typhoid Vaccination.
The county board of health has decided to give all citizens of the county who may desire it the benefit of free vaccination against typhoid fever during the month of July. Dr. W. M. Jones, the county health officer, will be in his office at the court house every Wednesday and Saturday during the month prepared to administer the treatment to all who may apply for Citrolax'.
Citrolax. First get the name down pat-then buy it of your druggist. Just the very best thing for constipation, sick headache sour stomach, lazy liver, sluggish constipated bowel3. The pleasantest, surest, nicest, laxative you ever used. Tastes good-like lemonade.
Acts promptly, without pain or nauses. Gives you the most satisfactory flushing you have ever had. Conyers Sykes. adv. A Ash for S.
Tm teanr reonl are ruled by the shortest route to the bargain end of a dollar. For that reason they tempt a clerk to slip them When You Ask for S. S. S. Do So With Emphasis.
They Will Understand. A single ftausage for a ham order. ITere Is where substitution pets a good start. When a clerk attempts to hand you a substitute for S. S.
S. he will tell you pretty story. S. S. "Just as Afirertlssmeats inserted under fceaCln at the rate of one cent a word drMch insertion.
Persona and nrms Trua tne paper wiu oe in vance. VANTED -I want to buy a few cej-dar posts. J. Dillon, phone'lT. WANTED I want to Wy fiftifc vcalycs and yearlings, between four imonths and a year and "a half old.
Calves must be weaned and in thrifty condition. If you have some for ale, write me, describing calf, giving age, price, and directions to get your house. P. O. Box No.
6, or gtbone No. 14, Greensboro, N. C. 0 tf 1 KDW ACETYLENE LIGHTING CIANT The only atfactory Ught-gfaj far country honw. When I bought for my own use I bought txee plant in order to get all fiia-cnta to agents.
I put one in aj home and sld one to the Coun- ry Club and have one on hand. 'Sfcia iB complete and the only; one 31 bve to offer. John A. Young, Greensboro, N. C.
11-tf NOTICE OF SALE. In pursuance to an order of court 'made in the proceedings of Southern Xife and Trust Company, guardian of John C. A. Hanner, vs. Maurine Wood-burn and others, I will offer for sale at the court house door in Greensboro, -N on MONDAY, JULY 30, 1914, 12 o'clock noon, the following described real property: Beginning at a stone on McCulloch "line, running east 47 poles to a stone, r-U.
C. Kirkman's corner; thence north "28 poles to a stone on east bank of a -creek; thence north 41 1-2 west 22 frpoles 20 links to a poplar; thence north 85 degrees west 17 poles to a -ketone; thence north 5 degrees east 22 "poles to a stone: thence south 68 decrees west 21 poles to a stone; thence -south 54 poles to a stone; thence south 67 degrees east 21 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 37.5 acres, save -and excepting, however, that parcel cut off from the above and described 3is iouows: Beginning at a stone, Woodburn's corner, niciiuc uuun ov coi 2 poles to a stone pile; thence north IS poles to a pile of stones; thence west 57 poles to an old field; thence souin a poies to iiie original siaiiuu; beginning, containing by estimation rh 1-2 acres. The said 5 1-2 acre tract thereinbefore described was allotted to XZJ iUVVUIlWll Alt UlViOlUll Ui' tllC lands of J. D. McCulloch for which "register of deeds office of Guilford county, leaving about 1-2 acres owned by the parties to this proceeding, i "fferms of sale Cash.
"This June 13, 1914. JTOHN C. KENNETT, Commissioner. LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the power --eonf erred in a certain mortgage deed rgxecuted by A.
M. Caddell and W. T. TVarner to J. A.
Wright on the 30th "day of May, 1913, and recorded in the register of deeds office of Guilford county, book 247, page 648, 1 A mm inu asaiKiieu 10 a. scnuiman on me aoiu uaj ui j.vj.y.1 i jit, uKiauu nav- -jng- been made in the payment of said iote thereby secured, both principal and interest, the undersigned on Saturday, July 11, 1014, i -'-at 12 o'clock at the court house -floor in the city of Greensboro, North -Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following de- -scribed land lying and being in GiU mer township, adjoining the lands of Xi. A. McLeod, Foster and others and Beginning at a stake 5 feet from ithe west side of the county road leading from Greensboro to Buffalo church and 8 feet south from Virginia avenue, running thence about west along the side of Virginia avenue-163 feet a stone 8 feet from Virginia ave-'ziue and 5 feet from South Carolina avenue, tnence about south along th "east side of South Carolina avenue 100 feet to a- stone, 5 feet from said -avenue, thence about east along the line of lot No. 153 151 feet to a stone on west side of county road, thence about north along county road ilOO feet tp a stone 5 feet from the county aroad, the beginning, being lots Nos.
151 and 152 in plat of McAdoo Heights. June 5, 1914 i A. SCHIFFMAN, Assignee. J. A.
WRIGHT, IL Wl MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power vested in the mortgagee by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed by J. B. Shaw iind wife, Juanita W. Shaw, on the 7th of January 1911, and recorded in oiiice oi regisier oi aeects oi ijuil-4ord county, N.
in book 225, page -298, the undersigned will expose at public auction, at the" court -house door in the city of Greensboro, K. on Monday, July 27, 1014, --at 12 o'clock noon, certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in the county of Guilford, state of North Carolina, in both Gilmer and Morehead -townships, and bourded as follows: First Tract Beginning at an iron stake on- the West side of Chestnut Mrs. F. C. Fields" southeast corner, same being feet South from a stone on corner of Hendrix and Chestnut streets thence Southwardly along She West margin of Chestnut street -97 1-2 feet to a stake, Miss Eme Lowe's -Northeast corner; thence Westwardly Miss Lowe's line, about 182 feet to a stake on the edge of bank of the the edge of said Southern Rail--way, 102 feet, more or less, to a stake Sr JVTr 171 1 1 si' lino- r.
Anf with Mrs. Fields' line, about 150 feet 3o Chestnut street, the point of beginning, subject to the right of way of Southern Railway. Second Tract Beginning at. a stake an the Northern margin of Guilford Avenue, which said stake is 50 feet West of the Western margin of Wild -Hose street, and running thence in a Northwardly direction parallel Avith the Western margin of Wild Rose street. 135 feet to a stake; thence in 51 uuecuon parallel witnniuil- Avenue, 50 feet to a staKe; thence in a Southern direction parallel with 135 feet to a stake in the Northern margin of Guilford Avenue; Whence in an Eastward direction with He Northern innreHn nf aowl 1 3 Avenue, 50 feet to the point of beginning, same being lot No.
8 in Block A of the property of j. T. J. Battle; known as "Cedars," plat of which is recorded in the offrce of register: of -eeds of Guilford county, in Plat Book 33. Third tract Beginning at an iron jstake on th west side of a new street called ilnvington street, which said stake isM08 feet southwardly from an 8ake on the south margin of Mcculloch street, anl running thence westwardly with Gibson's line, 141 feet 42 stak: thence Southwardly with he line of lot as deeded to Jno.
Britton and continuing a straight 92 feet to a stake, Millersham's corner; thence Estwardly with Millersham's line. to stake in Wilmington street; theuce Northwardly with Wil- 8treet 9JLfeet to the Point of f.inlnf' Bame belner lots Nos 1 and property purchased from eSSSaSySOn by S0 Real Estate- sale: Cash. i -TjK8 the 26th day of Jun 1914 SOUTHERN ReIiT ESTATE CO. xnortKagee. tag III i i i i i i i ii III 7 lb jvJIj Mill 221 South Elm Street 305 South Elm St Greensboro Up-to-Date Jewelry of Every Description.
An Elegant Assortment of Gsxa Adapted for Wedding ana Birthday Present. crsnfr our rsoli. DR. L. G.
COBLE DENTIST Rooms 346-348, Bcnbow A real Greensboro, X. C. Thone Ml Or W. P. Reaves, M.
D. rrsxtfes Limited to Eye. Ear. No sad Throat. Ofice and Infirmary McAdoo Bullitt.
Next to Fostoffice. Phone No. 30. CHARLES A. HINES ATTO Y-AT- LAV Ofice la Wright Building Worth Elm 8t.
Opposite Cc-r: Hr-n ELECTRIC BtTTF.RS 6 ffUnn 'to IU1 ui trn (5. above to is CT. ffi I L. A Li KJ (0 rerhapa he thinks he Is tellta lhe mtV. but he has one eye cm the cash remitter and t'other on the extra profit.
Insist upon S. S. S. It is your only safeguard against the cheap mineral stuff that ran be put up In any cellar by the apprentice. There is not a medicine for any purpose more carefully made than S.
S. S. It represents the highest type of medicine. Its medical properties are Just as essential to well balanced health. If the blood be sick, as are the nourishing elements of meats, grains, fats and sugars 5t our dally food.
S. S. S. Is prepared direct from nstira botanical material. Not a drop of drugs is added.
Hot a drop of minerals is used. This is one of the most important things to know and to remember when your blood needs attention. It Is the most effectlTe. the purest, the Julckest and most reliable medicine known or jDoisoned blood, rheumatism, catarrhal Infection, malaria, skin disease, old sores and all afflictions that show In the blood skin, joints and muscles. An interesting book on the blood Is mailed to those who write.
Get a bottle-of S. S. S. today. It Is the world's greatest medicine.
Insist upon the dealer handing you S. S. S. and don't let him orate about something that he can't adTertlse as free, from Iodide or potash and other destrnctvre mineral drugs. If you have trouble getting S.
S. S. write to The Specific X) Swift Atlanta, tor Ust Qt square deal stores. Watch Your Label and Don't Let Your Subscription Expire ml liver Mm III. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTO I A NOTICE OF LAND SALE.
Under and by virture of an order of the Superior court of Guilford county, made in the special proceeding Cora W. Anderson et al, heirs of Eunice N. Worth, deceased, ex parte, the same being No. 929 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1014, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Greensboro, N. offer for sale to the highest bdder for cash the following described real property lying and being in Guilford county, N.
and more particularly described as follows: FTRST TRACT In Friendship township, adjoining Guilford College lands and others, and beginning at the southeast corner of Guilford College lands on the north side of Greensboro road, and running thence northwardly with line of said college land 26 poles to a stone, southwest corner of Guilford College land, formerly Wm. Worth's land: and running thence eastwardly with Worth's line 13 poles to a stone on west margin of a new-street; thence running southwardly 26 poles to a stone on Greensboro road; thence westwardly with north margin oi." said road 13 poles to the point of beginning; containing 2 acres more or less and being the same land conveyed to Eunice N. Worth by Sallie White by deed recorded in book 136, page 75, of the register of deeds office. On this tract is situated the residence of the late Eunice N. Worth.
SECOND TRACT In Morehead township, and beginning at a stone or rock I'D feet east of a corner of the tract of land known as the John Russell place, and running thence east 28 -4 chains to a rock, widow Kirkman's corner; thence with her line 7 1-2 chains to a black oak; thence west with David Edward's line 28 3-4 chains to a stone; thence south 7 1-2 chains to the beginning, containing 1-2 acres, more or less; save and except, however, from this tract a parcel of land conveyed to Eunice N. orth to Walter Kirkman by deed recorded in book 134. page 530, of the register of deeds office, beginning at a stone iiv the public road leading from Cuilford College to Muir's chapel, running with Duke Paschal's north 2 1-2 degrees west 434 feet to a stone in Paschal line; thence east 2 1-2 degrees south 550 feet to a stone; thence south 2 1-2 degrees west 434 feet to a lSLeJn Wm- Harvey's line; thence with Harvey's line west 2 1-2 degrees north 550 feet to the beginning, 1-2 acres. more or less. TRkAFT In Morehead township, and being a one-ninth (l-9 undivided interest in a.
tract of land adjoining the lands of George Kind-ley, Daniel Worth and others, and -beginning at a willow oak tree in Kinder due north with Kindley's line 190 feet to a cluster of ash trees; thence west 450 feet to a stone or stake; thence south 190 feet near, a branch: thence back to the. beginning. 4o0 feet; containing 2 acres more or less, and being the same land conveyed to Eunice N. Worth et al by The Eagle Foundry Company by deed-recorded in book 120, page 788 of the register of deeds office. 6 TRACT A five-twentv-fourth (B-24) undivided interest ffi a tract of land in Sumner townshiD adjoining the lands of Millis.
Davfs lr-vin and others, containing 323 acres more or less, and commonly known as the "Beard Mine" tract, situate or Greensboro, and being the sam interest in said land conveyed I to said Eunice N. Worth by A. W. Graham, commissioner, by deed recorded In book 154. page 395 of th register of deeds office.
or the This 19th day of June. 1914. ROGER W. HARRISON. Commissioner.
IS We Ihisive (Ovlt alreadly complete Mime of Ihnardlwaire. fail to see ias airndl get ounr prices before bmyinig. Saloomon-C. H. Grantham, E.
P. Grantham, Cameron L. Tucker, Tom Gre; adldledl tine ory and w. L. Trotter.
11 TT TT T-i G2352G SOUTH ELT A.
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