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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 9

Parsons, Kansas
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MARCH 10, 1917. TT? the PAnsons dailyi eua PAGE NK3 i.ii nt-p Oft Ij C. BENNETT A WANT ADS listening. Then Kazan would take the leap, and she understood the distance she had to cover, fhe always overleaped, which was a fault. I another wav.

ami one that was desi iiftl to th'iii many times in the future, beenine of preater war Dontstopycairopenalr sports when winter comes Goto M0T0RI1IG? touvmj opportunities California ereJ vapidfy oath? Const i 2J srM 7 111 In her blindness Cray Wolf could no longer hunt with her mate. Hut aradnally' a new rodo of fcrew up between them, and through her blindness they' learned many "things that they had not known before. Hy early summer Gray Volf could travel with Kazan, if he did not move too swiftly. She. Wr If IC A By JAMES OLIVEH I SrM), li A cunwoon Modern links And nospit- awe countiy ewfcs rnvvt you beat pM 1 Srttvater fathiniivffcM L.

1J. SMITH passenger agent KANSAS. MO. ran at bis flank with her shoulder or muzzle touching him, and Kazan learned not to leap, but to trot. Very quickly he found that he must choose the easiest trails for Wolf's feet.

When they canio to a srkice to be briflged by a leap, he would muzzle Gray Wolf and whim and she would stand with ears alert 99 ir is ins $350 And a Ford fUCKY "13 We Invite You to Call and See Us at Exhibit 13 at the Motor Show Eat lest neat if you feel fiackaohy or have bladder trouble Take glare Of Salt. No man or troman who eats" larly can make a mistako by flushing tho kidneys occaaionfUly, eayg a well-known Authority. Meat forms urio acid which excites the kidneys, they becomo overworked from the get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poiaoua from the blood, then wo gt sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders como from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad falts from any pharmacy; take a t'lblespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine.

This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with liiliia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize tho acids' in urino so it no longer causes irritation, ending bladder weakness. Salts is ine.tptinBivo ami cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which everyone eliould take now and then to keep tlio kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby, avoidim serious kiduej complications. thing "on" hint. Hut alon-; with (his had side of famlv McTitggei possessed a coolness and courage which even his worst erremios could not but. admire, end certain mental ill linpleusani features dii' nel poi.iini.

Creen for lairs all wc for St. Lu. Id cen' or them at tho Store 1'. foclal a big iy State of Ohio, ity i Luens County, Frank J. Cheney mnl; oatii that tin I senior partner of the th ru Cheney ilein 1 the City of To.

twin, County nrn) Stitt" r.i'on nitit). ami thnt snld firm will pnv ruin or ONH lll'Nt'IlKIi IlordiAIW and every case of fMtirrh 1. eme.i by the use of HAf lft caTakuh cnnii. J. Pworn to tief-re In iy prt xenee, 'M; lay of i idceniber.

A. i 1880. (SeaP A ttr. Notary Piil.lte. TIali's Cntnv rli Is taken InlernnJIJr or.d nits dlieilly iifhin 1 1 nn.l Simeons surfnees of the syt-ni.

Hend for free. K. J. I'MKKET' CO Toleno, O. RoM bv all I rinjct.ti.

Tak. Italia Fimll-' I'll for cnntilpttlnn. You Tight-wad get your wife one of these nice tables, She has used the old goods-box long enough. No excuse, for our prices and terms will suit you. Doughman Fur.

Co. I 1121 Main St reel Hides Furs Salt We Buy Hides, Furs and Wool We Sell SaltGet Our Prices DoJarncdcIIidcCo. 1814-16 ffashlngtan Avenue rarm Loans Wearoin thotnarkot for farm loati.s at a low i a'e of interest. MostliiM ia,) options. Wfi puiirantoe to save yoo irmitoy.

Write or piionc our CXpf'HSO. LAY EWINO See Me Before Concerting Your Work The Newest Dcsijns and Ccst Workmanship at Most Moderate Prices Mffll it ri i a Hi. f. mum i 1 1 a mm mm USING Henry Bosch Company's WALL PAPERS Phone 2394 1331 Washington (First published in Iho Parsons Sun, the Mb day cf 1917.) -crco of Summons Ity I'tiblicutlon IX Tl 112 IMSTlikT COl'IlT OF' l-. HKTTH COI'NTV, KANSAS, SIT- T1NC, AT I'AHSOXS, KANSAS, W.

J. llobbs. Plaintiff. vs. John A.

Cumden, M. Camden, W. L. Camden, CerRon Duck and Duck, his given name is to plaintiff unknown, John Klein, Klein Robhlns. Kll'l Klein, l.ila Kdith KJem and Jeretuiah Ivleiu.

the unknown heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, trustees, and n.istn'iis ol v. am-den, deceased the unknown heirs, ocvinees, executors, adinlnlJitrators, Irustees. and asslijns of Ttmnessce 1'. f'aniden, deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, executors, adminis trators, trustees and hskIriis of Pa lona Camden Klcm, lereand, the unknown heirs of Mary Cumdeii Ceigen, Shelton Kb iu, the utiknown heirs, devisees, executors, udminls tratois, trustees and assiRim of Hhel ten Klein, deceased, if bo ho d-ud, and Wes Cole, Defendants. No.

The State of Kaunas to John A Caiudoi, II. M. Camden, W. i. Cuiii- lien, John Klein, Mela Klein Kol bins, Klla Klein, l.ila Klein.

Kdith 111, and Jereniliiii Kit 111, the un- known heirs, devisees, cxecuton' aiiniiniHtrators, trustees and 01 Camden, di'ceased, tlio I'll- known heirs, devisees, executors, adminislrators, triif.tcos und assigns of Teiniesse! Camden, (ieceased ralonn Camden Klein if sho be llv-liifi, and tho unknown heirs, devis- es, executors, ndniinistralors, trus- lees and assinns of I'ulona Camden Klein, deccused, if she be dead Mary Camden. Cornen i sjio be 1 i v-intf, and the unknown heirs, devis ees, executors, administrators, trus tees and assigns of Ifrlary Camden Ccrneu, deceased, If she be dead, Khelton Klein if he he livliiR, and the unknown heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, trustees and Jt-nitifis of Khelton Idem, deceased, be be dead. CltKKTINC: You, mid each of you, are here by notified that, you have been sued by tho plaintiff above named, who on Hi I'llh flay of January, 1917. tiled In the abov fill It led court and cause his petition apaiust you iid each of you, and that unless you atiiiwer said petition on or before tlio 2Ulh day of April, 1017. the same will be taken oh true against you, nnd each ol you, and a Judo; incut and decree of said court rend ered, ascertaining and determining Hie rights of tho plaintiff and each of the defendants in nnd to tho fol lowing real estate in Kabette coun ty, Kansas, tow it: Lot Four (1) and the Southeast Quarter nf the South west Quarter of Section Eighteen (IS), Township Thlrty-itwo 32l Range Klghteen (IS), and ordering tho said real estate to bo purtltion-e, among the plaintiff and defend- rnts Hccording to their respectlvu intiii csts, ag tho sanio may bo detei-i iincd by said court, and cau.iing said real estate to be partitioned, epp railed, and Hold, ns the court ilmll find necet.sary, equitable and jut, and apportioning the and costs, including attorneys' to be fixed by tho court, or direct ing the same to bo paid out of the proceeds of any nale of Bald premises that may bo ordered, and other equitable relief.

W. It. llobbs, Plaintiff. T. S.

alathlel, Ills attOrtiry. (Attest) Nib-s Moore, Clerk of the District Court. Hy Atiiile H. Arnold, Dcpuiy. Leaving Time The Union Traction Co.

PAIlMl.NS FIvVVJM.i: FOR SALE Five room bouse, at 2502 Crawford:" FOR SALE On monthly payment. Improved 10 A tract 1 telle west on interurban. T. M. Flynn.

$2250.00 Equity In smalt Cottota farm, well improved to exchange for Parsons proper'. or will sell theap. L. H. Cox, 2121' Washington.

On HALE- ISCllANEOUS FOR SALE Team, eight years old in weight 1 ,600, due jo foal In 'May from registered Itock; wagon and extra good heavy? wor it harness, nearly new. Inquire' 1330) Clark. FOR SALE 'Papers tieC in bundle for use under cprpets. FtvceDt a bundle at the Sun office. FOR SALE Household furniture, stoves and refrigerator, equal to now.

4 1 3 N. Eighteenth. Bell phone FOR SALE Hatching eggB-SUTe Wyandottes, White Orpingtons, S. C. White U'gborns by the Aetflag or incubator.

Greenwood Ponltrjr farm 220 32nd St. FOR SALE Fresh Mushroom. Bell Phone 871. 1 1 11 FOR SALE Inclosed auto truck la good condition. Address care Sun office.

FOR SALE Two horses, tWO'Hr- gons, one surrey, two sets of bar ness, saddle and bridle, two hora blankets, one cart. 1409 Partridge. FOR SALE Baby baggy, Washington. FOR SALE Jersey cow and twely Belgian rabbits. Longerger placa South Tenth and Grand.

OWN A HOME in the Ozarks, Jaat 30 miles south of Joplin, 5 to acres, improved or unlmproVed," Small payments. B. F. Weave, Ah derson, Mo. r- I SCI l.l KOI CLASSIFIED.

PAPER HANGING and plaster patching neatly done. AH work guaranteed. Bell 1437. 1 .11 i. a WASTEU-hoiiHo on modern.

-To rent Five roomed west side. Phone. 2231, E. M. Heeox will paint your house and hang your paper.

Phone Bell BREEDERS ATTENTION Rowdy Boy, Percheron; color, black; largo nnd handsome. Big Andy mammoth Jack, good size; brown with mealy points; very piuooth and extremely nice, Her4 are two strong breeders and shouKT do good service In the community. This pair will made the season oC 1917 on the J. E. West farm, miles North Twenty-first, Parson; mile south or M.

K. ft T. school house. Inspection Invited. Bltli pub Hshcd later.

Wm. N. Ross. 1X)ST Bog collar. Reward turn to Nusbaum's, for 1XST Baby's white sweater tatn.

bet wen S. 30 th and 28th St. on Main. Reward. 2916 Main.

KHillTKKN VKAR8 OF 8UODE19H Fl'L HXPKRIlSJitCE. CF. BEARD THE LEADING. Auctioneer MY Motto: "The High Dollar Mid Fair Tipntinent to Buyer and Seller." Have License for City Aurtloneerthjf llonm Telephone 2702 It 1 PARSONS, KANSAS TVPICWIUTERS. FOR r.I.E OR KENT" L.C.

Smith Typewrite. n. IL Buchanan, Salesman, Phone 1117. (First published is The Parson Dally Sun, Feb. 15, 1917.) Notice of Final Settlement And Claims for Compensation, Attorney's Fees, Etc.

STATE OF KANSAS County of Labette In the Probate Court In the Matter of the estate oi Ol W. C. Perry, Deceased: All creditors and other Interest ed in. said Estate are hereby' noti fied that at the next regular teria of the Probate Court tn and for aal4 County, to be begun at tbe Probate Judge's office In Oawego oft the 2nd Monday In the month ot March. A.

1917, 1 will apply to said Court for a full and final set tlement of said state. And I hereby give further notle that I have filed with said Court my claim for compensation a aueh. aad for necessary Attorney's Fee and other expenses necessarily Incurred in, the Administration of said Estate; and thai sail claim ts set for hearing In said court oa the 12th day of March. 1917. G.

D. PERRY, Administrator, Dated Feb. 10, 1117. One cent per wonl for the flwtt insertion, one halt cent per word fir ibseqiicnt Insertions, if paid in advance or at tlio Sun oflico within tliren days from time of in. Hertion.

If iieccssnry to Rend col lwtor all 10 cents to bill. 1 Miiiimnm rate first invtion' 1.1 cents, (wo Insertions 2. rcntft, tb n-! insertions cents. ItOO.MS IXIIl FOR R1CXT Ono furnished sleeping room; strictly modern; clone in. Hell KOR 11KNT One light housekeeping room for two.

completely furnished. 2211 Clark avenue. l'Olt RENT Furnished rooms Tor light housekeeping, also bleeping rooms; modern, 1703 Corning. Phones G41. FOR RENT nesirablo rcom.

Jlell S09. furnished KOR HUNT Strictly modern Bleeping rooms for gentlemen. Call Bell 19 14. 1718 Delmont. FOR for stairs.

RENT light Phone Two furnished housekeeping; 1G22. room down FOR 1 'ISN'T Ono large, front room downstairs; modem. 1721 Apple-ton. Hell phone 2320. FOR ItKNT Furniohed front rooms, suitablo for gentlemen.

1724 1-2 Main. FOR RUNT Furnished light house keeping rooms, modern, large garden. 1722 Stevens. Hell 807. FOR, RIO NT Two newly furnished frout rooms, modern.

1714 Crawford. For Rent A very desirablo room with hoard. 143' Broadway. Phono. 2017.

FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 1002 Clark. FOR RENT Two front light house keeping rocms. Phono 1759. KOR hKNT Business room, Main. E.

C. llolnhaugh. 1917 FOR RENT Fiirnlnhed close in, 1 Ti 1 8 Broadway. rooms, FOR RENT Rooms with hoard, (julro 1704 Ulrr. In- FOR RENT Sleeping rooms board.

2410 Washington. with IIOI SKS OH HUNT FOR RENT Five acre tract, well Improved; adjoining southwest city limits. Home phono 3312. K. 1 vnll.

FOR RENT Moueni five-room cot tage; large garden plot. Bell FOR RENT House, about five acres at ground, thro miles north of city; out buildings; well and cistern at door. School V4 mile from the K. O. Ellis, 1518 Washington.

Pell 594. KOR RENT -Fine five roomed mod ern boiii wit It buseinent. Good chicken yard. Inquire 1231 DIrr. FOR RENT Four room house, at Craw- Stevens.

Call ford. FOR RliNT- -Large barn. Inquire 1704 Itlrr. help WA.NTKB WANTED Two solicitors at once; residents preferred; on commls- f-ion. Apply at 201) South fVutrol to 7:0 p.

in. or Sunday a. ni. ANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State carh piico and doseiiptlon.

D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Bright young luun, be tween If! and 20, years of ago, to trade. Must have fair schooling and willing' to work.

In quire of T. E. Haines at Sun office, between and 8:45 Thursday a. WANTED Ladles to sell corsets, camisoles and accessories on a commission. Resident or road.

Phono Bell 2 13. Wanl'id A lady liookkeeper with some stenogoraphlc experience. Phono 73. POSITION WANTED MMHAMMMMNMN WANTED Place to work for room and board evenings and Saturday by young man attending Business College. Bell 219.

WANTED Mlddleaged woman to fill position of matron and nurse at Parsons Homo and Hospital. Inquire at 1C0.3 Cr.ind. WANTED Confinement nurse, five years' experience, would like po-fitlon. Rates reasonable. Edith Pell phone 2434.

HARDENS plowed Bell 1557. and harrowed. HU H.U-: ItKAIi KSTATli FOR SALE Modern five room brkk bouse with garage, barn cow and chicken lot; also cow. 2023 Main. Bell C87.

TvT yiiu help ccr to Kazan. Scent and, hcai-ins entiiely Jook the place of Karh ( developed tiling crnsei tiioro and more, and at tho time there developed between tlicie dumb lannufU'e hereby I A)f could i.iiprrs.': up what naff liy or sound. It became a cinicus of Kazan's alwavR to look at Cray Wolf wh'n they stopped to listen, or to the air. Arter the fiRht on the Run Itoik, Kazan h.ul taken, bis blind mate to a ilihl; dump of sprife and balsam in the river bottom, where tiny re mained until '-avly Kininner. Kvery lay lor Kazan went to the cabin whet" Joan and the baby and the map.

had been. Kor a Ions; lini" lie went hopefully, looking eu day oi to y.i'c some sicn i life, there. 1 1 1 1 1 tin door was nev(r ope'i. I boaids and faplitu's at the -win-' dowr; ri maineil. Never spiral of smoke rose from the clay I (biianey.

(iriiss and vines bevan to now in Mie patii. And fainU'r and i fainter prow scent which Kazan could still find about it the scent of man, of lie woman, the baby. One day he found a little baby moccasin under ne of the closed windows. It was old, and worn out, and blackened by snow and rain, but he lay down beside it, and remained there for a loni; time, while the baby Joan a thousand miles away ivas playing with the htrane toys of civ-liizntion.

Then he returned to Cray Wolf anioiin the spruce and balsam. The cabin was the ono place to which Cray Wolf would not follow him. At nil other times she was et his side. Now that she had become accustomed to blindness, she even accompanied him on his hunts, tinti he struck name, and besan the chase, Then fihe would wait for him. Ka azn usually hunted Uki big snow shoe rabbits.

But one nipht he ran down and killed a yount; doe. Th kill was too heavy to (Iran to Cray Wolf, so he returned to where, she was waiting for him and pulded her to tlie feast. In many ways they be came more and more inseparable as the summer lengthened, until at last through all the wilderness, their footprints wero always two hy two and neve rone by one. Then en mo the preat fire. Cray Wolf cailfiht the scent of it was still two days to the west.

The moon, drifting the west, became blood red. When it dropped behind tlio wilderness in tills manner, the Indians called it. the bleeding moon, and tho air was filled with omens. All the next day Cray Wolf wan nervous, and toward noon Kazan caught in tho air the warning that sho had sensed many hoini; ahead of him. Steadily the scent grew stronger, and hy tho middle? of the afternoon the sun was veiled by a film of smoke.

The flight of the wiW things from the triangle of forest bet wen tho junction of tho Pipestone and t'reo rivers would have begun then, but the wind shifted. It was a fatal chift. The fire was raging from th west and south. Then the wind swept rtraipht eastward, carry! nv. the smoke with It, and during this breathing spell all th wild countries to the South, and from the placer beds of the Saskatchewan and th Frazer.

From the far North, traveling by way of the Mackenzie and thTs l.iard, cat'e a smaller number of reasoned propsettors and adventurers from the Yukon men who knew what it meant to starve and freeze and die by inches. One of these late comers was Sandy McTrlgser. were several reasons why Sandy had left the Yu kon. Hi was "In bad" with the police who patrolled the country west of Dawson, and he was "broke." In pite of these facts lie was one of the best prospectors that ever fol-lowf'd the shores of the Klondike, llo had made discoveries running up to a million or two, and had promptly lost then; through and drink. He bad no conscience, and little fear.

Hiutality was the chief tiling written in his face. His undershot jaw, his wide eyes, low forehead and grizzly mop of red hair proclaimed him at. once as a man not to bo trusted beyond one's own virion or the reach or a bullet. It was suspected that he bad killed a couplo of men, and robbed others, but as yet the poil-e had failed to get any- I ii vt Published in the I'misoiis IailrNiin, March 0. UKC.ISTHATION' NOTM'K.

All per-totm entitled to veto at tho lal Flection to bo held Tuesday, April Ilrd, IV 1 7, are licretiy notified tl.ey must be registered as pro-bled by law. The registration hooka are now at the ofce or the f'ity f'lerk for that purpose. The Ixmks will closn at 10 o'clock p. m. or March From Hth to March both dales inclusive, tho books will be open at tlio noon hour and until 10 o'clock p.

tn. of each da for tho accommodation of those who desire to register. Persons who voted at the fall election in 1 9 1 fi, need not re-registcr unless they hava moved. P. W.

ITU YE, City Clerk Tff WffALEfOIl WORK TOMimQK It, Maxfer Carries Ford Pulls Cudahy Refining Company Standard Oil Company Crane Company Texas Company Libby, McNeill LiLby State of Wisconsin State of Illinois State of Ohio Wm. J. Moxley Company for We make a Ford used or new into a one-ton MAXFER Truck at the cost of $350 and a Ford. We do not change the Ford in any way. MAXFER uses the Ford axle and Ford bearings throughout.

When you see the Bell-Sprocket, it is a MAXFER. We will be glad to demonstrate to any merchant in the city. Call us on the phone and we will send a demon- strator to your door. MAXFER TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. S025SmtliWWiATeiia CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Just Why The Ford ul Dot cut off.

Milburn Hobson Max Wicker sham Mid-West Investment Co. Independence, Kansas :40, ,9:00, 10:20 :20, 3:40, 5:00, 6:20 10:20 A. M. 20, 11:40 P. 1-00, 7:40,.

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