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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 4

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 DAILY WOULD: rAXCOTVER C. CANADA. TTESTUY FFBRUAKY 7, 1699 WWWVvWWVWV rW ON MINING MATTERS I HARDWARE! HARDWARE! will be enhanced by its transition into the languages of the lluropean countries in whic Canada is seeking immigrant. and when the old man dies there may not lie even a remnant of the estate to divide anions the "hoys" who are already quarreling anions themselves as to the methods which should be adopted in running the place. Honest John Oostigan is wise in striking out for himself, while there is vet time.

We are now prepared to put up your Atlin orders in I one day's notice, putting strap wire on all cases and marking what each one contains. No charges for boxing. We clear them and put them through in bond, which saves you a lot of trouble. Sole agents for Dawson Bros. Grates, Giant Powder Company, and Majestic Ranges.

Mclennan, McFeely ltd. VANCOUVER, B. C. AND DAWSON CITY. N.

W. T. 122 Cordova St. and 127 to 132 Water Vancouver. INiMlrshed every lawful day by The World Printing and Publishing Ld.

J. C. McL.UlAN, Manager. Bff.ce: Corner Huiuer and Pendei Streets. IVIeiiai No 1U cr TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.

THE DAILY Delivered by Carrie ttKtK If: 'fcev 'fc. fc'fc. a''. a'i FLOWS NARHOWS HORSE DRILLS PUKFS ETC. Roller Bearing PHAETONS CARRIAGES CARTS WAGONS ETC.

farm Implements. lb Telephone 336. 'K 9. 9. E.

G. PRIOR LD.l (ESTABLISHEO 1859 1 Cox 333. 23, 25, 27 and 29 Hastings Street. n.4 .,4 cicsj GRirriN'S HAMS AND MM The product of our up to date factory, the only modern pork packing establishment in the West, are the highest grade of goods obtainable. All first class grocers handle them.

J. Y. GRIFFIN CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. t2l antl 123 Water Street, Vancouver, Dm Cm A HOOD M.VIOKH V.

Premier Hardy will have 11 of a majority during the present ssion of the Ontario Assembly. The House is eiun posed of 02 members, of whom will sit on the right of Mr. and 40 on the let't. ('limiting the Speaker the Liberal lii.iioiilv is The session does not promise ali.i'.iiii!.' stolt'iti', liut it i diltieult to tell what issues may be 'prung by the Wliilr.ewtes. The questions which in Xii tiieir serious allctitiott for the pat few years have been childi in the extreme and every Ilritisli elector must be familiar with the calf, with the sow, St.

and the piggery issue, and the rain I Ian. Ontario is in a progressive stale, as atte ted by the fact that uo less than even luiluay companies, are incorporation. Tiie business will be despatched as quickly as possible, as Premier Hardy is a hu tler. It is safe to as crt that the next time he appears before the people of the Keystone Province as it Premier they will acknowledge his valuable service bv returning him with a Urgt majority than he has at the present tune. Ye Liberalism at present has a stronghold in Canada.

Tiie Coloni Printing and Publishing of Victor have i u. a noisome colored calendar for The billies are huge and clear, and it will be mind both useful and ornamental. re is rumor abroad that Finance intends it tiring from the i bo net disL'ustisl. We are not i in i letiee of the motMb'e gentle but give the gossip for what it is nan worth Mr Wells, if the information supplied the prea is correct, has no right to the seat vacated by Mr. N'eilson but then Mr.

Martin can be depended un to railroad him through, li ght or wrong in he will go that's Mart.nisui. Xclsuii M.ner: There was a good dial of mystery in ronne. tion with the proclamation, announcing the date of the eleot.on. It was not posted until late on the evening of Wednesday, and in the meantime the date was kept a profound secret. Did the returning officer hope to bring oil the election without the people it? A cm rc pondciit asks where the quotation on Mr.

Miiloek's map stamp came from. As before stated in the columns it is from Lewis Morris' Song of F.mpire, in which the following lines occur: We love not war, but only peace, Yet never shall our Kngland'a power do cresset Let all men know It. Iaujland shall lie great! We a vaster Empire than has been! Ihe i jntcst in the Nelsuii riding of Koo tcnay is a hot one. There is one feature 1 II i which it largely partakes ot, ana tnat is the non of Dominion politics. On 'Mr.

Hume's committee are a considerable number of Conservatives, and on Mr. Fanvell's are a numU'r of prominent Liberals. If we are to judge from the tune of he newsvipers published in XcNon, the contest is to bo a clo. one. The XeNin Miner, in discussing the candidate now before the people of the Nelson division for their suffrages, of Hon.

J. Fred. Hume says: "Amiable and respectable, lieyond a doubt; but he is a man of negative qualities, and therefore ur.lit to represent interosts that require courage and determination to uphold them. Mr. Hume is too weik for a Minister; what lis more to the present pursise, he is too weak for a representative of Koo tenay.

That is issue enough for this or any election." The total bank clearings of the United States for the week ending Feb. 2nd are an increase of 38.4 per cent, over the corresponding week of last year. The clearances for Canada showing the increases over the same week lust year excepting in the eases of Victoria and ancouver where clearing houses were not established at this date last year are as follows: St. John, X. Vancouver.

lO.OIII.liiM 4:17 727.427 fll.i.412 3.0 20 22.4 H7 120 27.7 Totals 29,2311,121 10.4 Of the mass of immigration literature which has been issued from the Interior An Excellent Lot QUESNELLE MOUTH CARSBCO, D. C. All projected railroads fur Northern British Columbia point to Ques nelle Muuth as the CENTRE AND DISTRIBUTING DEPOT For the various mining camps in the great Gold Bearing District of Cariboo. The undersigned keeps a tine selected stock of the choicest goods pro at lowest living prices, consisting in part of Bacon, Hams, Butter, Beans and a General Line of Groceries, Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Mining, Prospecting and Hunting Outfits, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Flour Mill Feed, Lumber, Roughand Dressed, Cedar Shingles, Hay and Crain. JAFES REIDa Payable weekly, lu i.i Lull veal ly j.aiiy 16c.

..12.76 THE DAIL By Mall, Pottage Prepaid. y. arly. In advance KM ii.ilf any "5 quarterly 1 iieuuWy Tf.e nli rated ore for Canada, th fn.ted State and Newfoundland. To other countries ti rate 1 cent per four ounces lias to be Wed for postage.

THCSrMI WEEKLXPoalaoe Prepaid. For cue year. 4 espies, subscription to be n.ild In advance ffo it i'ln In tlie elty and to countries other than Canada, the Culted (Mates ntel Newfoundland, the rate of 1 I'cr in ounces lias to be t. ,1 i.te. ki.v for pout ace and suli.

rij liHii for one year. vt'K. far na possible, should Note, eviiren money T'ie ex or discount to tie paid bv the pub rices at whMi the Pally are now soot'lled, to be this hr.fter. n.

they fail ach iiat.on. tin can be traced. cr lln. th ApV' i kro.rri '11 sr. rates for either the edition will be made of len.i;.

aiion. by mall. The arcreeate circulation of the Daily and Twicc a Week Editions of The Worn la torrer than that of all the other newsweers on the Ma nlanJ of British Columbia comtinej. and more than double that of any other news larcrtuHlshcd In Canada. West of Winnipeg.

7, 1S'J9 A SMU10US PROBLEM. As we predicted pome days ago the TJnited Mates has unutlier war on its hand', the end of which may be seen at a pl'ti altii. 'ii. it is impossible to say at what eo of money and lives a consummation may be reached. The American forces will certainly win, but it is not eemi barbario savages nlotie that Uncle Sam's forces have to light.

The microscopic microbe of the Philippine jungles is a inu. more to be feared enemy. The Insurgents, being natives of the country, are almost immune to them diseases and if they nre supplied with ammunition could hold out for years among the jungles and interior mountains of the country. Admual Dewey lias taken a wi course in devoting his energies to cut off all sup plies if siblc. The army has been Riven orders, now that hostilities have keen precipitated by the Insurgents, to strike quickly and heavily and crush Agu.n iido and his follower at once, lest the r.

mg should become general throughout the Islands. The civilized world haa been thrown into a state of excitement fcy the deepatchej from the front and are now on the qui vive as to what the future has in ftore. The peace treaty at Washington had a narrow escape in pasting and had it not been from the grave nature of the despatches, just before the vole was taken, it would, in all probability lave been defeated. A narrow majority of three vote aaved the country frum what? It is easily teen that the people of the United States are now ubout evenly dividi for and against the new policy of evpansion, but on the 6th of ISi'D, it has been finally decided that the Americans are not to be coiitined to this continent alone, (ireat future responsibilities now ret oil Uncle din but it may be safely predicted that the nation will ri. to the occasion and manfully bear them.

It is clear that the Filipinos nre entirely unfit to govern themselves and the Americans will have the earnest sympathy and hearty co operation of Great liritain at least ill establishing law and order in the new possessions. Tiiis may be the wotk of a century, but it will surely come. Ixt every thing be done to Listen this mo desirable consummation. LBAYIN'G THE OLD HOME. The introduction of Federal politics into Provincial affairs in New Uruusw i.

is Oct meeting with the success the prophet cf the Conservative party, ex Finance Jlinistir Foster, predicted. Hon. John Costinan has thrown his influence in wTih Hon. Mr. Knimer.

on, the Liberal premier. The Toronto World, Conservative, in a cievtr cartoon depicts Honest John as having packed his belongings entitled Costi gan's Influence and is leaving the old home and is in the act of climbing the fence in the direction of Xew Brunswick Liberalism. Farmer Tupper, standing forlorn and sad in the background, views the departure of this, a cherish, an "ays: hn, I am soiry to tee you leaving the fid home, and I hope it isn't because we're now poor and can't afford you the comfort yon used to have." John says noC'ng but by his loon. doubOs. thinking a good It limy be interred tliat he fin is it more coru emal to live GREAT 0 IIKMXA NTS PLAIN CiiI.OltKl) MtCSs! (JOOliS.


KKMXAXTS Mii.i: COTTON. IIKMXANTS liKXIM, K'I'C. I'MXAXTS piti.xTs. 1 i.anni:i.i:tti:s, etc. IlKMXAXTS Iu all Iiepartments; no room to describe In detail, but may say that every remmtnt litis been marked at 11 price that ill appeal to everyone lu M'urch of bargains.

GORDON TrYSDALE 150 CorJova Street. of the mine ltave arrived at tlie point of sliipt'inii ore, liut want ol railway communication lias I'lecluilcil actual shipments. This, however, will be remedied tins year, as the au 1'acific will by lie i autumn lio liinnin trams, on route. The company has announced Hi intention ot' erectmi; a larije stuelter in tins district, of (Irecnwood, (Imnd folks) and lilies nre the I'linc. liii coe'tcs.

A eed 'iiany a s.ndi catcii are inttrested in this part of' the country. Slocan di trict, about Hl niilesj north of Kossland, is noted I or its iiver lc.ul resources. Accordini; to the last report of the liritish Minister ot ati output ot over tmw aver nnl 117 of silver per toll and per cent of lead. There is, I find, a puutal conviction in Kncliim! that sbver cannot be produced in I'anada at a profit. As a matter of fact, silvr lead mines) are la nit; juofitably worktsl the Sloiim district.

Ah an illuslralioii of tins, I may niciiuon that from one mine in this d. strut ll.oi") toiirt ore duiint: the Icflli 8 produced a net prolit, after payitiii all txpenscH, of per ton. As a result of this (li. inciimititH! on the pan of Ilritisli investors to put their money into silver lead mines in Ilritisli Columbia, a limit many of the properties of this district hive fallen into the of Americans, who r.Miisnu pretits. (hie or two Kmtlieh companies, however, have bought claims during the l1 lin.iithc, and, I ft in iilad to my, are doinn Well.

In the Vmir dis'iict, situated nbout miles east of Uosslarid, con.siderable Kiijtiish capital has) been invested, mid develoi uiet.t iti makimc itood prouresa. "Do you consider that there is a fair chance for Ktiilii capital in the t.vuntry? Von are aware, of course, that in view of the nature of of the companies floated ov.T here, the liriti public are in elineif to irlaiue askance at Ilritisli I olutn loan tniuitij; and development compan li 'I consider that the conditions of the country are well united for the operations nf finance nnd development Xo doubt some of the companies) floated over here may have lieen very uu desirabln, but 1 may say two or three of the very womt and Inmost concerns were promoted by London men, ko th it London, and not Hriti. Columbia, should be held responsible. There are many obvious advantnej 3 for the invi strueitt ot money in llntisli Columbian enterprisv i. The country is under the Ilritisli rlau, and Unlaws are well iidniinisten a fact which in invariably noted by Americans on arriving in the country as a striking contrast to the minimi districts) in tlie States.

The openiiiL'S for capital are innumerable. '1 he extent of the mineral resource is a yot unascertained. It was only last year that the Attyn placer deposits wero discovered in tlie nUreme northwest of the Province, and it in Ix lieved that this field will rival that of the Klondike, while there are lar. a rend yet uncNplorisl. Canadiaiw them siven recognize the value of the opportunities).

Quite recently Mr. (ioodtrham of Toronto, who is largely interested in tiie War Kaiile mine at land, purchased the adjoining property, known as) the Centre Stnr mine, for KHJ.iMJ cash, it is ls lievod that tin' ine is as as the War Iviule." A I'D 'IX a It YOL'XCr MAX. The little town of Huntingdon on the boundary line between Canada and Uncle Sam's domains, was all a couple of evenings ami. The occasion was a send on" to dailies Schcitield, formerly of Van couver hut lor several vears C. U.

airent at Huntingdon. Changes are being made at Huntingdon and in future one acerit will represent both the C. 1 II. and the S. I.

Mr. Seholicld has been to a much better position at Trail. The banouct was held at the Hun tingdon hotel, the chairman being F. W. Holdrick.

The u.d toasts were dtilv honored and among the speakers were J. I. l.outit, ot ancouver. K. alentine.

C. 1'. H. airent, Tacoma; Dr. Iitih, of the 'umas News; F.

C. ton. I'. agent at Whatcom, and Cant, S. I'.

Connor, I'. f. collector at Sumas. Mu ic wan iiipplied by Walworth's orchestra. At a suitable period in the proceeding the health of ''Our fluest" was uiven a rousing reception and Immediately follow ing the chairman, on behalf of Mr.

S. ho held's friends, presented him with a beautiful gold watch suitably engraved. Mr. Schotield made a feeling reply and assured them that if ever they "hit the trad for Trail he would give them a hearty welcome. Mr.

S. holield't many friends in Vancouver wil be to know that he is as popular an ever and ill join in wishing him in hn new position. He will leave fur Trail "me day tbia week. STKVK.sTOX'S jr.f;ISTR.TE. Editor World: For months correspon dence has appeared in your columns, as also in wveral of your eontempranes con e'riimg Jo eph PitTsun, Police Magistrate at Steveston.

Every ipiery a ked can be n.iveicd in the atiirinative; all facts stated are true to my own per unal til the exception of his tight with Mr. Pivon. From all I have heard from ie li ible men, and what 1 read fr.mi your Ebiirne corre pindents' notes. I am forced to believe, even this is true. It is a fitting culmination of a year and a half of misrule.

II iwever, all the correspondents, I think, are on the wrong track, as to who is to blame for his till holding a commission as J. P. for llichmond Miinii iisility. There is no need to waste valuable space in the columns of our news piper, ju a Thos. Kidd, M.

P. V. He might throw nome light on how Joseph Pierson re. eived, and still retaius, position as J. V.

G. V. W. Vancouver, Feb. 6, 1S20.

The merchants hip now building in An erican rhipvards for the Americnn merrhant marine are at the value of $li, To be entire. relieved of tbe aibwt and pains of rheuniirism means a great uefL and Hood a SarsapaxiUa doef It 'Hie Mailed asks the question, "Should we breed or import pure bred stock?" Large importations of this class of horses, cattle, sheep and swine are regularly made to Alberta and other parts of the Territories to improve native stock the large range. The (iazette is of the til it if this can be done prolit mly b. the farmers of Ontario there is no reason why there in not a splendid opening for the bleeding of lite bred stock on a L.ige male for distribution among the inches of the Territories by a home lit in. It is said that young male animal L'r 1 reeding purposes com maud considerably higher prices if bred on the range thin if imported, as they are mil.

better tittcd to nd tiie (Innate. The l.a.tte says that stockmen are awaiting the opportunity of (in f'U I aging this i lass of busunna as they might as well have the prolan at home as to send the money east. The same might be said of the Ilritisli Columbia farmers. Alth it will be found necessary to im ut new blood to some extent there is no reason why the farmers of the West should not be able to produce almost all the pure bred stock of the best qual.ty which the country requires. It cannot be denied that the city of Vancouver is in a very dangerous predicament at the resent tune.

Should a conflagration of any great extent be precipitated the supply of water would be totally inadequate to cope with tiie Haines and the people would be completely at the mercy of the devouring clement. It imw looks as if the cob! might last for some time and if the wa te of water continues the rescivoir might be emptied entirely. It has ii A fallen IS feet six nvh es and there are but six fiet left. The citizens should take individual action at once and see thit no more water than absolutely necc saiv is used until the reservoir is reiiiled. The allowing of taps run over night should be discontinue and those who still persist after having I due notice of the calamity they may preci pitate ou tiie city through waste of water should be severely dealt with.

Tho. who are persisting in this practice m.iy OS themselves the first to suiter should a tiie break out. We ask tor the safety of Vancouver that tiie c.iiAiis as a whole give the matter their serious attention as no one surely wishes a lepctitiou of the last (ire which swept the city out of existence. HON. KOIiKKT UKAVEX Approves the Kcvt cial High! lutioii of the A Provin H.

F. Kvan of Kos iand, to: warded to tiie Hon. Kobcrt Heaven, ot Victoria, a short tune since, a copy of the re passed by the Kights Association, to which that gentleman made tiie following reply: Victoria, dan. L'ti, IS'JO. Horace F.

F.vans, llos land, II. C. Dear Sir: 1 am in rcccpt of your letter of the in ciiclo ing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Provincial Kights association of Columbia. 1 am pleased to know that there is an oi ganuation winch is above party and is prepared to dcleiid tiie coii rights of the people of the Province. We obtained responsible government in the Province alter ears ot agitation, its opponents prognosticating failure.

I am con Viiuisl that if any member now in the Le.o latne Assembly had, whilst a candidate, advocated tlie legislation recently enacted, he never would have become a legislator. 1 have every conlideuce lint, as people realize the jeopardy to popuUr institutions, they will, when oppol tunity occurs, mark th' ir displeastne in a practical manner Yours faithfully, F.oilllKT IiKAVE.V. LIUIIL SUIT AT VICTORIA. The adjourned trial of the criminal suit, in. titutcl bv Mes.

rs. Turner and Pooiey W. C. N10I10I, of the Province, was commenced on Monday before hief Jrstiec M. oil and a juiy.

The article on which the suit was, based appearnl ill the Weekly Province of Dee. 11th, 1VJ7. Alter the reading of the indictment I'i. P. Davis, counsel for the accused, made the billowing admi ion for the purpose of saving time: 1) That the article complained of in the indiotmerit was published by defendant Xich'ol: 2I That the art'cle complained of Was published III Victoria; That the article complained of was published asset out in the indictment: 141 That the names, .1.

11. Turner and C. K. Poolev, in the article complained of, were the persons mentioned in the indictment; At time of publication, Mr. Pooiey Was Priwl.lctit of the Kxeelltive Cbllllcll and Mr.

Turner Premier, and both were members the legislative Assembly. Mr. Davis then stated that ihev would rely on the defence of justification and fair comment. fan tVlthart was called by the prosecii tiiii and was examined 11s to the relationship then existing between the Province Conipanv, Limited I. ability, and the Piovince Publishing Company.

Mr. Liricley after Ihe oin ning address for the defence, tendered the evidence taken by the jn London. Mr. Cssidy ubected to the admission of this on the ground that it had not been taken as directed hr tbe court. This obje.

tion be argued today bv the for U.tli dc who an' fHws: Chas. an.i Howrt 1IV, lor the rii W. H. rose. utM.n.

and H. P. Davis and similey for the defence. SKAGIAY A Dcabr Bought All the Supply and Reaped the litneiit of Advanced Price. kjguay i sulfiring all the torturm of an egg famine, and all because one dealer was shrewd enough to buy up all the ftm in town.

The open weather gave eclor to the belief that ranch eges would OB become plmtii'al; but it sraduillv dawned Uon the di'iurs. tliat the expe. I 1 product wotild not arrive. In thi condition an enterprising concludes! that he would corner the market. He sit out emis sarie to buy up nil the fs'i: in sitfht.

from dealer and cverylsndy else. Thee ag' iits cave it out that a carload was on the way from the Mouth, whnh raud the merchants to cell the entire s'mks. The neat day the inhabitants of Slcieuay had no vs. and there ensued a ramble that at once advanced the prire four cent a dozen. The man who cornered the market got his supply lor and is cents a dozen and sold them for and 32.

The Views of a Well known British Columbian Expressed Through the Columns or a Leading London Financial Journal He Deals Exhaustively With the Minlngr industry of the Kootenays. A few days ngo we published an article from the London dealing with mining matters in this Province. One of the b.sit posited men concerning Manitoba, the Territories, lbitish Columbia and its mining resources and Canada generally, iih many of our nadcirt are aware, is A. .1. McMillan, who for many yearn occupied the position of Immigration Agent for tbo Province of Manitoba.

That gentleman ha b.eii a resident of the Kootenays for the last three or four years, and has familiurizcd himself with the mining notircis of that country to such an extent that any utterance made by him concerning these can be accepted in being the views of a man thoroughly familiar with the topics which he in discussing. In thu London Times of the 10th of January, the following in terview with that giutl. i.ian is published, a porusal of which we oiiuiicnd to our reader As the large inetca in 'be output of init.iraU in liriti. Columbia, duiuig the past your is likely to ore ignition to the Piovoiceri, tile cf a rc. i di nt in one of the 1 W.

i milium litre wilt naturally be of interest to our nadir, lu old. theicf to eertrn the li! iniormation the ibi' a re a .1. ('' day w. itt.s! on Anthony .1, is now in London Mr. M.

Mdii 1' be recoil, vted, wiw the late ib I if. p. gelt new for tin) Manitoba Coy tiii'vit, bur resides at where he a clem bcr of the formed of the ol of Trade. On being in et nt our I'opieseina five's visit, he readily acceded to tlie re (tlll'st. fi "llosslanl.

a you ire no doubt aware, said Mr. McMillan, "is the principal mining centre in the Wo Kootcnay division of British Columbei Thore are nine mining siib di isioiio, but the greatest strides have been ni.ide in the Trad Cre district, the oliicial 1. liuntitinn for the Hosriland district, the Xel on diitrirt "ml the S'ocan di trict. To eive you an idea of the progress made by the industry. I nmv mention that during the pis, year the mine in th vicinity of Ib.s.j'and ship ed tons of eold and ore to the smelters, wh'eh yi.Vl.d about 2oo.t izs.

rf L'old. Accor.liiu to the I'ovei tit rtturn, ore returned apptexitnately 1 1 2 ozs. of gold, 11 littl silvir and about per (nil of co The output for IStW in more thin ibuibl, that of SOT. 11 ml so fur the duality of the ore improves with dupLh. The greatest depth attained is at present Tod feet.

The ores nre conveved from the mines! to the sr liters, of which there are three tribu tary to Kofland. These are at Trail, N'elson and Xorthport. The fre'ght of the otes and cost of treatment have btcn considerably reduced since .1 year ago, and are now only 7.50 jier ton, (iL'iitisrt "11. I Ins reduction enables large bodies of lower grade ores, of which there are millions of tons in the district, to be brmcht on the niifket. The new Crow's Nest.

Pass Kailwiv, built bv thr Canadian Pacific Keihvay. han helped to reduce the cost of fuel. In the district through whi. it runs there are imtuorv. posits of coal, and const rjueolV cheat" coke can t.c procured bv the smemrw.

yiar au'O coke was sn a ton: today it can be delivered at from il to s7. While on the stibieot of the tmitinent of nre, I may Pont ion that an r.nglisli comistnv tiiist just marled reduction worlcs for the treatment of low undo ores at Silica, about two mi'es itaut from Kosslmd." "What is the lowe srule of ore that can le treated at a "It is liebeved thnt within a short time ore yielding s'S or in value the e.piivalent of about or 0 dwts pit ton, will be profitably treated. The mining operations at Port land are at present principally confined to the 1 Mountain, towards the basv of which is the wed known I Koi mine. This mountain is practically nil slakil out. but the upper portion is litgely held small ownerB.

It has often occurred to nie tint an amaliranuition of thes. interc ts by a company would prove a profitable venture. The reef 1 town. Is the lwie, as far an has been provd, iv. .1 iiieline towards the interior of the moon tain; but there are abs) ct the exist.

nc of ores on the imin't, from which it mav be as ot'iicd that 'here is a laree body of miner als imd aiinli. "Is there any (ruth in tlie statement lint wood is eclting scarce in the neighborhood of llos "In the immediate vieinitv of the town the country has. certainly been denuded of tree, but there is abund mcp of timber within three or four radix of Hoss land enough for a good many yeari to come. There is also plenty of wnter and coal." "I presume that llos land isj growinj verv fist?" 'Yes; it lias now I.Onn inhabitants, n.l there is everv pros.s'rt tint it will eon tinuo to thrive. The town is situated about 1 feet above the level of the s.

Tt i served by two railways the f'anmlian Pacific and the flreat Northern Ka1lw.1v. Five of the fouling Canadian b.iril.rt have commenced biisines there, two branches having been opened in He femliBT last. The town i lit lu" elrs! tricity brought 4n miles acrnns Tie mnun tiins from the falls nf the Kootenay river. This enterprise is nominally Canadian coinrwnv. but the inital mploved bis been chiefly obtained from Kngland.

The sime convrcany also nuppiies power for 'tiing purposx'S. The Canadian Parifie is at pr.Tient engnged in building a line fbisssland to H'liindary Creek, and it i evf.ecled that this extension will be cirried on to Venticton. where the company runs a line of boats Okan.1g.1n, whi'h is connected by a branch with the rnm line ft icamous It is that mutually a line will lie run from Pentieton to lime on ihe nnin line, which will then ve lb lnnd a direct short to the Pacific The country, however, thromrh whhh tbi road would run is very ihrvtilt owing to the n'o'int iinoiis nature ot Dm laiiiH "What is being done in the other districts';" "In li.iundary diV.riot. which is about 7a nitle w.ast of there are im P'dfP deposits of 11 and copper. Some Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver.

hirb prevents digestion and permits food pi ferment and putrify in Hie st, much. Then follow dizziness, headache. Insomnia. rouMi5, and, if Did lifea, bilioui frt Fills Pill stmmltte tlw Mi'iriai h. si Tt.

iuu. lii l.y all tiruu ifit. UmUmj Ut Liutie wiUi Uwud fiitfc raoods Vancouver Opera House. Return of the favorite Comedian HARRY CORSON CLARKE Presenting Proa.lh ii rut's SulUcleuey Hilarious filial One big laugh from start to finish. An lvkurat comedy without a Haw.

Now In Its twenty ninth consecutive week at the Strainl Theatre, Loudon, Kiigliiiul. Prices 2uc. rsie. ml 11.00. Scuts ou sale at Atkins' Lirug Store.

Savoy Theatre 133 Cordova Street. rsltirX JACKSOX, Prop, and ciiaki.iis M.Mili;, ISusiness Malinger. J. TOWXSKMI Slave Manager. GKOIiGi; WALSH Leader of Orchestra.

Week Ciimmenclng MONDAY, February 6rh Trausceudeutal Success of our 'Unimpeachable Show. Engagement Kjtraordlnary of BABY RUTH The Unequalled Child Phenomenon. F'rsl Appear lin of AMY B0SHELL Initial Engagement of ORO. BELL AND ORO Knockabout Comedians. Positive Appeuranee the World fsined Tenor, SALVINI A rieclded Hit Scored by flora HAST.NCS AND HALL Still ou beck.

BAKER AND HOWARD Just Woke Up, JAMES TOWNSEND Our Opening Comedy, "REVENGED" Free concert every evening OWU LHAl.Lt..ljl. HA.S.D. Admission ONE CKXT A WORD 0 CKXT ONE CENT ONE CENT WORK wohli WOilD 'i 23 and 39 Cants TIIE PEOPLE'S MARKET Meat and Provisions always fresh and at prices that hurti uo man's pocket. CIIAS. S1IULTB, 326 Cordova St.

Telephone 476. TIIE BEST chocolate! For cooking purposes is made by the old established tirm of John P. Morr Halifax, Canada. The brands are Diamond, 1 4' and 6's. Navy, 2'a, 6 and 10 lb.

Cakes. Always ask for these brands. Good Advice. J. Herman, the Wurkiugiuan'a Jeweler, 2Z! Can all Street, has Just received a shipment of rolled guld watches, tiood timekeepers which nr.

being sold for $3.75 each. Chain Included. Other Jewelry equally us cheap. Cull and see fur yourselves the bar iCUUIS. J.

HERMAN, The Workwomen's Jeweller, 223 Carta, I Street, Vancouver, It. C. A Sure Thing. People are always after a sure thing. use auic oi kouu tjuaoiy you use WHITE STAR HEALTH COFFEY a bever.ise.

that Is a foe to ludlgcstiun 1 and a friend to comfort. i IhskiiC Kff Kf'T On the North side of Harwood Street, near Bute Street, with view cf English Bay. Price $1,050. BRITISH COLUMBIA ESTATES AGENCY J. n.

Local Manager. 614 nastlnga Street en. oi J.rr.mer on. when Provincial politic. are concerned, and if he is wise he wi remain under a Libera! roof for many years, as the Conservative homestead is likely to become llPAT.

ily encumbered for some time to mme: FOR SAI li ndy for iKvupation In two weeks rcijeiiee l.sate.l. fcxira. rjee of when sum required lu cash. FOR SALE e. l.t.'xiS feet Hngli.l, This can be bought very en h.

Lot on Nelson Street Florise. Lot and Immediate oecupation; Central Ead Fnm'shed hooot and i.f.,rtti;l department nothing promises to be more of results than the descriptive atlas of Western Canada, which has just been (brought out by the authority of the Mini ter, s.iys the Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto (iiobe. The atlas, in addition to much well written and up to date matter descriptive of the resources, el. mate, industrial and social conditions of Wi tern Canada, contains live maps illustrating Canada's position in the world and the geographical divisions within her bur lerj. To siak of the maps more particularly, the first is one of the world, showing the relative area of tlie Dominion and.

its accessibility to the countries of Kuroie and the far east. The second pre enta a general view of Canada and Newfoundland, as well as the northern portion of the United State in which tine imniigation branch is operating. The tnird map shows the electoral divisions, cities towns, railways and projected railways of Manitoba. The remaining two resent ail the geographical features of the Northwest Territories and British Columbia. There are elalorate marginal Oois for reference purposes.

The publication is a valuable one, and usefulness ONE CENT A WOIUl ONE CENT A WOltl) ONE CENT A WOltl! ONE CENT A VOlI ONE CENT A Wl( ONE CENT A Wnltll ONE CENT A WORK ONE CENT A WORD O.NI CENT A WOKO OXK CENT A WOKO ONE CENT A WORO ONE CEXT A WOltO ONE CENT A Wtimi ONE CENT A WOR! ONE CENT A WORD ONE CENT A WOH1) ONE CENT A WuUD t'sak your proprtica for promptness .1) dr. wiih LEIGH SPENCER. TaJmintoa Hotel. Hione222 I. 720.


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