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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 1

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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C. MONDAY, MARCH 8. 190. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRITISH I FIDS the Socialist press, such as ''Dollar Republic," and the papers cull thoe who took part iu the luncheon ut Sherry's, New York, "Dollar The Yorwaerts says 'that there profligacy in every banquet, scandalous waste in the Hower displays aud use as a texc the faot that seats lor the gala performance at tho Mdiropolitau opera house were sidling at 200 murks.

He furring 'to 'the banquet given by the New York Suats i6eitung to the press of the United States, iu honor Prince lionry, 'tlie paper says: "With us die press is just tolerated. The monarchy never appeared at a press festivity, or a meeiting of bourgeois. Our newspapers feel themselves extraordinarily flattered, if a minister in the flesh stumbles unawares Into one of thuir halls. Notwithstanding the unbridled and 'brultaliziiig use which the American press makes of its liberty, the Emperor's delegate nt tended the. press banquet given in his honor." Suoh, extreme opinions do not find a response in uny other political section, and are only mentioned here because they are the views of the aggressive minority.

The Agrarians Itreat die Priaee's visit somewhat coldly, perhaps, 'but they keep to the studied language of courtesy, in expressing siaiBf action at the warintn of nis reception, though thev seemingly distrust the permanency of 'the mutual good feeling. The Kladderadatsche's cartoon fills week represents Prince Henry shaking hands with I'nele Sam, before the capital, t'nele Sara him an immense peddler's pack, and 'the Imperial Chancellor, Count vim Buelow, dressed as a policeman, is pushing back a group ot Agrarian leaden, who are holding brick bats behind their backs, waiting tor a chance to throw them, and exclaiming: 'We have an old score to settle with Uncle Sam." The Tarili' Kill, pictured ss the setting sun, iu tthe background; is the Agrarians' grievance. murdering his mistress, is thought to have fired. The Union Loan Building, Torol to, was damaged by fire to the esteiit of iIiIh tnoriiiiig, the insurance approximating Caretaker Jas. Masters, with his wife and his ageil father, who were sleeping in the building, had narrow escapes.

Count Stefan Tissa and M. Radovski, both members of the House of Representatives, fought a duel with iwords to day in which M. Radovski was somewhat severely wounded iu the arm. The duel was the outcome of an eiehamre of vituperations in the Diet. Tho combatants refused to be reconciled after the fight.

An explosion to day wrecked the five story building at 210 2 Canal street, N. occupied by the Aste Iress Company. Half of the Canal street front of the structure was blown into the street and the interior was almost instantaneously mass of flames. Mrs. Kiirrauto received injuries which subsequently resulted fatally.

Henry W. Sliilliard and Elwood Qiiimby jumped from a five story window and are probably fatally injured. The financial loss i In the German Reichstag to day the Imperial Chancellor, Count Von Buelow, snid that Germany had only economic and not territorial interests in China and Corea auu would not inter fore in the quarrels of others. So far as Germany knows, the only effect ut the Augio JapaiK'se convention is to maintain the status quo. Therefore it did not prejudice Germany's interest and did not affect the Anglo German Yang Tse Valley agreement.

Germany only desired the open door. KELLY COMING HOME. A dcsimtch from Halifax announces that one of the uncuuver members of the South African Constabulary, A. E. Kelly, arrived their this morniug on the Allan liner Corinthian, presumably on his wav home after having beeu invalided to England.

WERE CAPSIZED IN THE INLET When your caterer requests you to take KILMARNOCK he aims to give you the best. When your shopkeeper recommends KILMARNOCK he is trying to, please you. When you desire a good, wholesome, sound. Old Scotch Whiskey, you should always take KILMARNOCK. It will not make your head ache as some Whiskies do.

In case and bulk, Wholesale only, PITtlER LASER IMPORTERS 305 and 307 Cordova Street West VANCOUVER, C. Telephone No. 1081 ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE IN TIN PLATES PIG UN, PIG LEAD COARSE SALT DAIRY SALT ROCK SALT EVANS, COLEHAN EVAN5 DIRECT IMPORTERS TELEPHONE 88 VANCOUVER. The Choice is not Large But the reduction in price is ENORMOUS on the few Toys, Photo Frames and Many Books Left from J. G.

Wood's stock at Incalculable Damage Wrought In the New England States and Adjacent Sections. LOSS OF 100 MILLIONS Bridges Swept Away, Mills Incapacitated, Plants, Destroyed Enor mous Waterfall of 216 Tons to thy; Acre Traffic Demoralized. New York. Mnr. 3.

Reports from New England States and adjacent aeey tions, as well as from down the At lautic coast, indicate no diminution of the serious character of the Hood. Uu preeedentedly high water ha wrought lnaloulable damage in New Hamps'iure, Vermont, and northeastern Massachusetts, while all along the Conneeticuc river, mills are closed and thousands ot people deprived of their means of live lihiod. In Vermont two bridges over the Win ooski ut are swept away, to1 replace which will require from Jil.OUtl to 'there is also heavy loss the railways in 'that locality. Near Rochester the flooded Geuese has buret the Lehigh Valley railway embankment near Mount Hope cemetery, tilling tho afreets of he city to a depth, of four feet and necessitating the re cue of the residents with aid of boats. At Paterson, N.

all the silk mills are closed and thousands of operatives are out of work. The East Jersey Water new and complete plant is a total wreck, the loss represented' 'ing upwardis or Jl.fHMI.IIUO. is rouutilv estimated that in the mill section the Hood will occasion loss equalling that by the recent tire, and there is nu insurance to iisist the losers. Trains on till the Tnilways Into Alhani ore being run as they cuu be, without regard .10 schedules. The Hudson and the Mohawk rivers are far above their usual high water murks, and on ulie New York Central even the famoii Montreal and Kuinre Stale Express have been abandoned for the present.

During the pant twenty four hours a ttal of L'll! tons of water to th acre has fallen over the Hudson watershed, nivording to the statistic of the weaUier bureau. Near Utica the track have been washed out iu inanv places aud for continued stroti'lies. ami It wiil he days before regular trudle can be resumed. The Connecticut river Is fur above itj highest previous murk ut Bellows Falls, and there is good reason that the worst has not been remrded. Happily tin re is no I'utaliti as yet.

alflioiigh the fi ii it in i ii I ilMiiuee nil necessarily exceed a hundred million uVU lars. HOTEL IMPROVEMENTS lil CANADA'S AlPS Canadian Pacific Invite Tenders for Building of Pretty Chalet at Emerald Lake. The Canadinn Pacific Railway Company are calling for tenders for an hold at Emerald Lake, it. a point si i miles from Field, in the very heart of the mountains. The new Mrumuiu will be completed by June 1.

It will be of two stories, and contain 20 bed rooms, dining and smoking rooms. The new house will be known as an annex ot the big Field hotel, and will be a source of great convenience to mountain climbers anil other tourists who after a sis or eight mile trninp do not care to return to Field for the night. Teuders for the new hotel will bu opened on Saturday. The big railroad company also Intend making extensive additions to the hotel at Banff, which will be separated from the present house by a tire proof corridor. 'I'he new structure will be about 100 by (JO, and contain upwards of 1(K rooms.

Last season the Banff hotel was crowded to its eapaeit.7 during th entire season, and withi the present proposed addition ithe traveling public will be amply aci ommodiitedi, for this will bit opened on March lu. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Matters Affecting Lawyers, Litigants and the Public Generally. Supreme Court Chambers this morn iug before Mr, Justice Irving: Bennett vs. Eburue.

To appoint ed mhustrator. Brenner et al. vs. Salmon. Application for examination of Judgment, Order made.

lu re legal professions act and Tayloe et al, review of taviation. Stands bit March 7. Yorkshire I oan Guarantee Co. vs. Fooka.

Stands till March 7. Grand Forks vs. V. and E. Railway and Navigation Comptuv, aud Yale Hotel vs.

same company. Applications for discovery. Order made. McRue vs. New England.

Te cxter time for return couiuissioa. Order made 15 days. Purkes vs. New Enghuut. Similar ap plication and judgment.

Sam Kee vs. Wurzburg, Albion Can nery directions to third party. Judg ment reserved. Maxwell ts. Garden.

To withdraw pe tition and payment. Order petition with drawn without costs, payment out to D. G. Macdonell, on consent filed. Malkin vs.

Patton. iStands to come up ou .1 hours notice. The foundry of tho Gladber Brass Manufacturing Company at Cleveland, has beeu burned, with loss of TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION tl'ASTBII YOtjN'U UKNTI.KMA culle' U' oil wishes employ nirnl snlury I'OinuilMSk'li: best uf Ict'el'sUceS Order in Council Appointing Chief Justice Gordon Hunter IS DENIED BY PRINCE Deputy Minister of Fisheries Re pudiates a Colonist Statement No New Mail Contract at Present With White Pass Line. Ottawa, March 3 (Special.) On tab iug his seat for the first time this session Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper at once ques tioued Premier Luurier as to whether the chief justiceship of British Columbia had been definitely filled. Sir Wilfrid re plied utlU'uiatively; the oidcr iu couucil appointing Gordon Huuter had been passed on Saturday aud had been signed by the Goveruor Jenerul to day.

A communication has beeu received from Prince Henry of Prussia to the effect that ne does not want any military reception when he visits Niagara Kalis on Wednesday. Accordingly the guard of hooior, and royal salute, will not take place. Hon. Mr. Sutherland answering Mr, Belland this morning said the statement attributed by the Colonist to Prof.

Prince, at the fisheries commission meeting at Victoria, reflecting upon the past minis ters of the depnrtmeut, was emphatically denied by the commissioner of fisheries. The Uoverumeut bill regarding tele phones and telegraphs to be laid before parliament this week will contain a clause that after two mouths' notice the Government may assume possession of the property of any company. Postmaster General Mulock says he does not contemplate any new mail contract for the present with the White Pass road He has allowed the Canadian Development company to transfer its contract to the railway company. Hon. Dr.

Carroll, solicitor general, was Introduced aud took his seut to day amid Liberal applause on his re election by acclnmnt ion. It is expected that June It, oorouatiou day, will be proclaimed a public holiduy iu the Dominion. STEAMER HATING 10 HAVE NEW NAME May Temporarily Replace Charmer Northern Spring Trade Promising. "Arrangements are being made to change the name of the Hating," Capt. Troup, manager of the P.

N. told a reporter to day, "but it is not yet decided what the new name will be. The boat will be ready in a couple of weeks or so, and will be better than ever. While there is a possibility of her going on the Victoria run for a day or two, to allow an overhauling of the Charmer, nothing has been definitely decided." Freight shipments to the north are now beginning to be made in large quantities Incident upon the opening of the fpring trnde, and the steamers direct from Vancouver will soon be on the route. The schedule has not yet been made out.

Lust year the Hating held her own in the competition from tne north, and this year will be in such a condition that nothing will be able to touch her among all the summers plying ou the Lynn canul route. On the last trip the Amur took up considerable live stock, and both the City or' Seattle and the Cottage City took up nnimals. It is expected that from this out. considerable stock will be shipped north to meet the demands In the northern cities fur fresh meat. General cargo of all kinds is also being transported, these being mostly the spring stocks of merchants of Dawson.

Mr. A. M. Fraser took up over five, tons of merchandise on llie Amur, which he will rush in over the Ice, that, he may be one of the first in with goods. THE VERY LATEST The Hudson's Bay Company's stutes at hhoal Lake, were bu' ned Sunday night.

Hon. S. N. Parent, premier of the province, has been re elected mayor of the city of Quebec. The endowment of Victoria Methodist College is now with more coming in a few months, assuring the fund uf half a million which the bourd baa aimed at.

Five lives were lost iu Marshall. N. during yesterday's snow storm. Two or three persons have perished in floods iu the same state. The property loss is placed at from fifty to seveniiy fivu thousand.

Opposition to the Wax Paper Tnnt, which now practically cofitrols a business of iO per annum. Js to b( centred in a new Chicago company chartered in South Dakota and witii capital of five millions. Washington has been informed that there has been a revolutionary outbreak in Colombia near the cnpital and severe fighting in the neighborhood) of Bogata, where, the government forces have driven the revolutionists into tho mountains with heavy loss. Six prisoners broke jail at Enston, Md Saturdav night and in attempting to re arrest them, Deputy Sheriff Thos. J.

Thompson was shot dead. Lewi Green, awaiting trial ou the charge of Active Delarey Attacked i Convoy Ten Miles from Klersdorp. IMPERIAL CASUALTIES 632 Boldly Charging Boers Stampeded Mules and Threw Escort Into Confusion British Fought Despe: ately for Two Hours. London, March 3 In a despatch from Pretoria dated to day, Lord Kitchener sends details of the disaster to the escor; ot the convoy of empty wagons at Von Dorip, southwest of Klerksdorf, Transvaal Colony. The British casualties in killed, wounded and men made prisoners, reaeb tho total of 032.

In addition, the Boers captured two tuns. Lieirt. Col. Anderson, who commanded the British force and who has returned to Kraaipan. Cape Colony, with nine of ficers and 245 men, reports that when his Advance guard was within ten miles of Klersdorp, during the morning of February 25 the Boers opened a heavy rifle fire nthe troops from the scrub.

The burghers were driven off and the convoy resumed Hs march, when a more determ led attack was made on the convoy's left flank, the Boers getting within a hundred yards and stampeding the mules harnessed to a number of wagons. The attackers were again driven off. At about 6:30 in the morning the rear guard was attacked by a strong force of Boers and simultaneously another body of Boers boldly charged the centre of the convoy and stampeded the mules in all directions, throwing the escort into confusion, during which the Boers charged and re charged, riding down the separat ed British units. The fighting lasted for two hours, dnr irg which the two Bririsn guns ami a pom pom almost exhausted their ammunition. A detachment of two hundred in fantry from Klerksdorp attempted to re inforce the British but were held in check bv the Boers.

Lient. Col. Anderson adds that the strength of the Boers was estimated lit Irom 1.2tlU to 2.700. Commandants De liireyv Kemps. Celliers, Ieninies, Wol innrans and Potgerier were all present.

Commandant Lemuies is said to have been killed. THOUSANDS DO H0N0RW POPE IE0 Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His Holiness' Coronation. Rome, March 3. The principal cere mony in the celebrations or tne fonti heal jubilee in honor or ttie Twemy fourth anniversary of the Popes cor onation, the hohline or tu rapai cnap el," was earned out In the Basilica of St. Paters this morning with extTsordin rr niiiiui.

in the oreseuee or tne I'Oti uir mid an assemblage estimated to have numbered fully persons. The "chapel was held la the oasinca to day for the first time since such ceremonies having heretofore oc curred in the Sistine chapel of the Vatican. Thirty cardinal, wimerous niehbishoos. the members of the fonn al court, the sihhiiiI foreign mission sent bv most countries, the members of tho diplomatic corns, and the ltonian nobility, all in magnificent veHtmcivts or uniforms, participated the ceremony and formed a striking spectacle. The Pontifical guards, wearing their gala uniform, were on duty on all sides'.

The Pome left his apartment and was home in the Sedia Oastatoria, preceed ed by the Pontifical count and surrounded by nobles, to tlie throne, amblst the neclumntions or the vast assembly, ardinal Vannutelli Intoned the ninss. the Pontifical choir chantedi the Te Oeuin and His Holiness pronounced the Papal Benediction, beyond which he did not punticipnte in th service. At 12:30 the Pone returned to the Vatican, receiving another ovation as he did so. ROYALLY ENTERTAINED. Prince Henry Spent Four Hours iu St.

Louis To day. St. Tnls. March 3 Prince Henry spent four hours in St. ouis to lav.

during whuti tune ne wa rovaiiy entertained. Mayor Wells presented him with a superb casket of sterling sil ver ornamented wirb milgnln ana trim mings of gold, containing th address presented earlier by wens. 10 his address tne rnurp repnniwr oner after which the party were driven lirough the residenti section of the citv. At 11 clock the train lert tor Chicago. SOCIALIST SARCASM.

Attitude of German Royalty Toward American andl Home Press Forcibly Contrasted. Berlin. March 3. The nqvelty of the itnutiou created by Prince Henry's visit to the United States and ithe enthusiasm of his welcome there, having begun to wear, the politicians and writ ers of the German press are now exam Ining the visit from class and party tamipoints. hat at nmt were eitner exnnnmve expression oi pleasure are replaced now by the reflections of au alvticnl minds, who explain why the visit Is a good tilling, or use it as politi cal material.

The Socialists revile everything about the trip, from their mibe hatred of rnvaiuy anui weiutn. They sneer r.t ithe "Demowacy for export," as they call Prince Henry's un tied ed bearing, ararming that royalty home is nover so amiable. ev allies fox United State besprinkle THE C. BOOK trn Pastry PORTLAND CEMENT FIRE BRICKS (Scotch) EIRE CLAY PLASTER OF PARIS BLACKSMITH COAL GRAIN BAGS 603 Hastings St. (FLm no other St.

West D. M. FKASKK. W. W.

BREHAUT. ERASER BREHAUT Builders and Manufacturers 670 SEYMOUR ST. Ask your Grocer for "CITY TRADE" 1 Every other phase of political opinion in Germany has nothing jbiil kind words for tie United Stales. THE LEGISLATURE RESUMES BUSINESS Seat Rearrangement Without Significance Race for the Eye of Clerk Fell. Victoria.

Mach 31. (Special.) When the House met this afternoon the chair formerly occupied by Mr. Brown was removed, Mr. McBride sitting half way down the opposition row. Mr.

Price Ellis moved that Mr. Poolev take the chair, and Messrs. Martin and McBride rose at the same time, and as the former caught the clerk's eye, his claim was recognized. Mr. McBride speaking to the meeting said it was customary for the leader of the opposition to second such a moc'on, and unusual for a member like the member for Vancouver to second ths nomination of one of his own party.

The motion then carried. Mr. Pooley thauked the members for the honor aud paid a tribute lu the late Speaker, Hon. Mr. Boitb.

ENGLISH AXE AND STOUT. Mr. Robertson's Manufactory Will Produce These Beverages. Following the amalgamation of the two breweries which have beeu ojierating in this city comes the transfer of the property at Cedar Cottage on the New Westminster road to a company of which M. Robertson is managing director.

J. Benson is secretary of the syndicate, and other local men are Interested. The establishment has been enlarged and improved, but in its operations it is not a direct competitor with the larger breweries. Mr. Robertson' manufactory will produce Englisa ale and stout.

EAYMOND FANCHES ARRESTED At Chicago on a Charge of Stealing Worth of Diamonds aud looO iu Gold. Chicago, March 3. RaymomV Fan ches. alias Loitbot, a Cuban machinist, was arrested here early this morning on telegraphic orders from, San Francisco, where foe is said to be wanted on a charge of stealing $10,000 of diamonds and in gold. The robbery was committed on January 24, th victim being Mrs.

E. O. Darling of San Fran cisco. Dinner Thin Evening Colonel Dudley. United States consul, ami Mrs.

Dudley will entertain Mr. Shimizii. Japanese consul, and family at dinner this evening at La Maison de la Mile. ONLY TEMPORARY. Stoppage At Van Andil Will Be Of Short Duration.

R. Allen, manager of the North western Copper Company, who came down by ilie Cassiur, says that the slop putfe ut Tmi Andii will only be temporary. Mr. E. Downs, president of the company, is on his way east aud on liis arrival there arrangements will be made for sending out the money to pay "11 all the company's indebtedness.

The company lias no intention of lianihuiing the mine, lie returned to van Anda on Miinioy as cm aivo it. ii. i.yuiix. proprietor of the au Anda hotel, who the largest creditor or ie stranded minus, sixty or tiiem having boaraeu with him. SURE SIGNS OF SERIOUS DISASTER Derelict Sealing Schooner Reported by Carmanah Sailing Vessel Escapes Collision.

Victoria, March 3. (Special. A Carmanah message dated 3 p.m. Sunday, reported what appeared to be a seuling schooner eight miles south. mainmast was gone and her hull level with the water, a complete wreck.

Something was lashed to the foremast which looked lilts a body. This morning the derelict was ten miles totith by enst; she had two new jibs, one stowed and the other iu the water. A sailing ship had a nano.v escape from running her down. 2 ana take WHOLESALE BY The Brackman Ker Milling Ltd, 2 Two Fishermen's Sunday Adventure Picked Up by Cottage City Just in Time. Two fishermen, whose boat had capsized and who had been iu the water at the Narrows fur two hours, were picked up by the Cottage City as she was going out shortly before (1 ti'dock last evening.

Yesterday utleiuoon Richard P. 'Cavalier, a hiioaii, and Jose Itailh, a Mexican, belonging to ('unn, who ale partners ill the ownership of a boat from which they fish, were coming down the Inlttt, when1 the smack was capsized by sudden wpiull. The boat went over in a trice uud I he limu found themselves iu the cold water. Oil rising to the surface. they managed to obtain hold of the upturned Uiat, and hung there until they Here sighted by the Cottage City.

The men were utmost exhausted. Bath had dropped off once or twice, but was caught by his com pauiuu ere he sank. As the rescuing boat drew near, bath, completely done by the cold, was almnt to slip off, but was fortunately saved. The bout took the uieu to the lighthouse at Brusictou Point and communication was had with the police station, from which Onlcer Charles Mulheru dcspatlied to attend to the exhuusled men. They were brought Into the city hospital last eveuiiiur.

and hevomt a severe chill were found to be suffering nut little, to day they are improved ti sucn a degree that they were able to leave the institution. An accident also occurred on board the Cottage City just after she left the wharf at Evanx. Coleman krmi Those on the dock who were washing the departing steamer saw a man fall overlioard. A boat wa lowered, and tue man was picked up. PERSONAL MENTION.

Capt. Troup went to Victoria this after uouu. J. M. Seymour, of Winnipeg, Is at the Lciauii.

Oeo. H. Wales and wife. Port Kells. came up irom me capiuu yesieruay.

Mrs. T. W. Hastings, wife of T. W.

Hast tngs, of hvana He Hastings, bus returned fn.iu a seven weeks visit to Xrleuds lu Million, A. Hmllh. of the Eastman Kodak Pom psiiy, lloduester, la hi the lie iu nu. lie is out to the coast, ou a spec'al business trip.

Campbell Bweeny eipects to leave shortly on a visit to lie will be uti sent about three months, uud Is gulug uu well earned Holiday. It. Marpole. general superintendent of the i wnu nis Two sous Hot una ltlehurd, and the Misses Sulsburv, sail on Mured ISiirh for They will speud about a week In the mountain city, and are expected to reach Vancouver during the third week lu April. C.

J. Colton Clayton, who 1s well kjiown In this ctty, where be resided some time ago, sua who bus since been engaged lu newspaper work In San Francisco, Is now in Vancouver, lie lias accepted a position with Mr. W. W. Muuteltus, the pluuo merchant, and will act us provincial and local tin feller.

Jauies Anderson, editor of the Hloillkaineen istar. hus received the appulutnjciit uf ueueral traffic supi rluteudut of tne Victoria Teriulmil railway, lu surccsslou to T. V. l'ulersou. Mr.

Anderson Is uue uf the best known nieu ou the lower Mainland and lu fhe city of Victoria. While editor of the eltor be bus made constant demand lu the inter eats of the people uf the JSlratlkameen for a direct rullwny to the coast, uud is fuuililur with conditions ss they iirevall In ull parts of the pruvluce. lu manner he Is engaging, uud at truffle manager will uiuLe a Kiu i egs. Mr. Audersuit will eultu upou tils Unties at ouce.

PURSE SNATCHER AGAIN IN EVIDENCE This Time He Added Violence to F.obbery No Description of Footpad, Miss tlall, who has an office In room S8 in the Fairfield block, reports when she was on her way home on Saturday evening, she was accosted at the junction of Granville mid Helmcken streets by a man who struck her on the hack and grabbed her shopping bag, which contained and some purchases. The footpad dashed off into the darkness. Miss Denolson has srr'ved from Toronto and Is ut the Leland Hotel. 8 he will be tend trimmer ut Miss Smith's uill lluery esuulisuineut ou Cordova street. jjj 36 Hasting See the "NERNST" Lamp First one Shown in Canada Greatest Invention of the Age HINTON ELECTRIC Ltd, 514 GRANVILLE STREET Cheapside fish Market Fresh Fruit and Game.

Agents for Allan's Ontario Cider. Tel. 581. Water t. i ROBERT WARD Ltd.

VANCOUVER, B. C. Wholesale Importers. MKMIIHMMHMIIIMimMHMMf Portland Cement, Gartcraig Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Curtis and Harvey's I Amberite Powders, Staffordshire and Norway Bar Iron, Scotch Pig Iron, Tin Plates, Pig Tin, Pig Lead. All the above lines now in stock, and w.

be pleased to quote as required. COS World. given..

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